Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 30, 1903, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Pacific would score in the first few
minutes of the play but a disastrous
May Hartly
re-entered fumble gave the pigskin to the visi­
Then the tide turned and
minutes of hardline buck­
Oilltert is now wearing a coat to
carried the ball over
his classes.
for a touch-down and kicked the
Miss Ames attended at Nordica’s
recital Saturday night.
Again Portland kicked off and
Misses Tongue, Cole snd Ames
Barrett ran the ball in fifteen yards.
visited in Hillsboro Saturday.
Philbrook and S week netted several
Miss Jessie Lancefield visited her good gains and then another dis­
sister Miss Georgia over Sunday. astrous fumble gave the ball to Co­
Miss Gertrude Eddy an ex-mem lumbia. With the use of the
her of ’05. visited Miss Scott F ri­ double-pass and some hard line
day last.
plunges the Cronan brothers and
Remember the McMinnville Col­ Captain Fredell took the ball stead­
lege— Pacific University game next ily down the checker-board and
Saturday. 1:30, College campus.
A 1 Cronan was sent over for anoth­
Con McNamer, one of the best er touch-down but failed in an at­
half-backs Pacific ever had was a tempt at goal. Columbia sent the
spectator at Saturday’s football ball over Pacific’s goal line on the
kick off and Philbrook punted into
Willard Wirtz expects to go to the center of the field. After sever­
California for a short visit soon. al more scrimmages time was called
Upon his return he will again join for the first half.
After some good sound advice
the sophs.
trom Coach McFadden, Pacific
Rasmussen says that the reason
kicked off and from then on the
he does not stay in Forest Grove
home team had the better of every
this year is that he enjoys the trip
play. Almost immediately Pacific
back and forth. Wonder why.
took the ball on downs and the
Watson Philbrook was somewhat back field trio tore through Colum-
injured in the Columbia game and bia<s line and carried the ball
m ay remain out of the McMinn- j around the end until philbrook
ville game but will be with the carried it over and downed it lie-
team against Corvallis.
hind the goal line. It was a touch
The Philomathean girls gave a
farce entitled “ A Business Meet­
ing’ ’ and now the mean boys are
inquiring it all the Philo business
meetings are not farces any way.
The captain of the second team
has announced that only those men
who get out regularly every night
for practic will get a chance to play
in the second team game Nov. 21.
There has been some talk of tak­
ing a large number of rooters on
the O. A . C. trip Nov. 7th.
there is anything that will encour­
age a team or a strange field it is
to be well backed from the side
lints. Everyone should should go
who can possibly make arrange­
N V rU U D A Y V I FO O T B A L L L A V E .
down and the crowd cheered but a
C. U. man had grabbed the ball
after it was downed and thrust it
back over the goal line. Hete the
referee came to the rescue ot the
visitors and announced that there
was no touch down although he
admitted that he had not seen the
play and in preference to the um­
pire’s word took that of the lines
man, who was a brother ot two
Columbia players. Columbia punt­
ed out and again Pacific brought
the pig skin down the field. Three
times Pacific fumbled and in two of
these the ball was knocked from
the runner’s hand— which
Murray of course failed to see.
Each time however P. U. recovered
the ball and it was carried over for
a touch down and held securely
in place for several minutes to give
to Portland ample time to examine
closely and ascertain that the ball
was down.
After the next kick off Pacific
held for downs and started for the
visitor»1 goal line but fumbled and
although Hall fell upon the ball it
was awarded to Columbia by the
official from Portland. After more
plays Pacific again took the ball on
and would undoubtedly
have scored within a very few
minutes bad not time been called.
The feature of the game was the
work of Pacific’s backs, Barrett
making several runs of from ten to
twenty yards and Philbrook and
Sweek plunging through the line
at will.
The line up:
c. u.
P. U.
Saturday’s gridiron struggle on
the local field will be recorded with
the season’s scores as Columbia
University 11, Pacific University 5
but this is wrong, honor to whom
honor is due, Mr. Murray 11, Paci­
fic 5. This is the score as it should
stand for without the help of the
most unfair decisions ever rendered
in a football game here Columbia
University’s team would have been
From the time that the <’ontes*
commenced till the close of the last
half there was a series of rank de-
disions with Pacific always on the
losing end.
When there was a
chance to award the ball to Port­
land after a fumble, Mr. Murray
was never in doubt for an instant
even when every one else could
Moore.................. L E K
clearly see that it was Pacific’s ball, Martin .............. L T K
1 ‘ urdin
............ L
when a Columbia player held in the Hav
Wiley ..................C
........ Hall
line this official was conveniently McCarthy...........K U L
. . .James
short-sighted; and finally when Monks ' ............ R T L
i rleason ......... R E L.
Pacific made as sure a touch down Cullen .............. ti B ......................Gilbert
as was ever made, the referee failed Fredell (c ).......... L H R ......... vc) Barnett
L. Cronan.......... R I 1 L
. Sweek
to see the play and allowed a Port­ A. Cronan
.Fulbaek Philbrook
M urray— Referee.
land man to carry the ball back
over the goal line after it had been
Head lineman—John Cronan.
The game was full of sensational!
plays flV.4 with fair officials would
T he field o f T h e N o » » Is the first agrl-
. .
| cu ltu ral cou n ty o f O regon. F irs t fo r clov er,
have been a l i n e enibltion O f the for on ion s, fo r grap es, and in d a ir y in g : it
ilso leads in d iversfied fa rm in g and is
sport. The field was perfect and fam ou s f o r fine horses, good ca ttle and
! d ood ed sheep and goats.
Its hay is being
the largest and most enthusiastic1 »ought, thousand s o f tons o f it. by the
govern m en t to feed ca v a lry horses In the
crowd of the season was on hand I P h ilip p in e s : its w ines took gold m edals
over C a lifo rn ia 's exh ibit at the C h ica go
to witness the contest.
W orld 's F a ir. Its prunes and hops get the
top p rices in the m arket, and sifgar beets,
In the first half the visitors play­ i flax, to b a cco , sw eet p otatoes, horse radish,
and mitfrfrrooms sh ow the v a rie ty o f its p ro-
ed the better ball
Time alter time , d uet ion. I ts IH.flOO p eop le liv e in «5 0 0
;:re*t m a jo rity ow n th e ir ow n hom es,
s ix
they charged through Pacific’.« lim. , w agon road s and tw o lines o f ra ilw a y con-
■- - r .
vv+’ h P ortla n d , m e tro p o li«
and gaiafcd by % Rouble pa«e around
.|fl< N orth w est, from 4 to 32
the eud.a extiumbm .hud gtk»;kittr.»
a’* ’
farm— t^lophon*■« and m5nv
oil and downed Pacific on the spot
•h ere :>* f>a 1
r o r . n P" ’***
If« pi
U .’s backs took the ball d o w n ^
field for about twenty yards with
Hot tamales at Pacific Restaurant
It looked as though Saturday night
apparent ease
Conducted by J. W. DARROW,
Press Corrcujsyndcnt yew York State
S iz e ,
G e n e r a l P lan a n d
m en t D escrib ed.
E q u ip ­
For Sale— A Bargain. — House aad
Building Moving outfit, all in good re­
pair. Jack screws, capstans, blocks
Department of tlie Interior,
and pulleys, ropes and cables, crow Land Offiice at Oregon City, Oregon,
bars and hand tools. This outfit will j October 17, HI03.
be sold at a bargain. Call or address
Notice is hereby given that the follow-
News Office. Forest Grove.
ing-named settler lias filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim and that said proof will lie
made before tlie Register and Receiver,
at Oregon City, Oregon, on December 5,
United States Land Office,
1903, viz: James T. Turk H. E. No.
Oregon City, Oregon,
1201!* for the Lots 9 an f 10. Sec. 2 NWJi
August 31, 1903.
NEf Sec. 11 , T. 3 N., R. 5 W.
Notice is hereby given that in com
He names the following witnesses to
pliance with the provisions of the act
prove his continuous residence upon and
of Congress of June 3. 187S, entitled
cultivation of said laud, viz: F. C. Rout-
“ An act for the sale of timber lands
ledge, of Kist, Oregon ; P. J. Lund, of
in the states of California. Oregon.
Timber, Oregon; Peter Bergerson, of
Nevada and Washington Territory,” Kift, Oregon ; William Roberts, of Kist,
as extended to all the Public Land j Oregon.
Algernon S. Dresser, Register.
States by act of August 4, 1S92, Knute
Westberg. of Portland, county of Mult­
nomah. State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement | Department of the Interior, Land Office
No. 6258, for the purchase of the WVi j at Oregon City, Oregon, October 17, 1903.
Notice is hereby given that the fol-
of J N
NWCi of Section No. 28, in Town-
ship No’ s N.. Range No. 4 W..‘ and”win 1,° " lnS-n» n>ed h itle r has filed notice of
[Special Correspondence.]
Since years of experience have de­
veloped the real home work of the
frail Be the up to date grange hall must
conform to the demands of such prog­
ress. l-'or years it bus been conceded
to be of benefit if the subordinate
grange had in its own name and con­
trol a place called "home.” Because
of the grange confining its membership
to those chiefly interested in agricul­
tural pursuits this home naturally lo­
cates itself out in the country. That
it may represent the grange to the
passerby the surrounding grounds
should be ample for sheds for horses,
with a good variety of trees and a
lawn to accommodate gatherings of
people as occasion may require. The
entire outside premises should be kept
» .c ,
X S f ' i f V . S S S : ." “ '.h T '. t .U
In an inviting condition.
As to tlie grange hull itself, the out­ sought is more valuable for Its stone proof will be made U*fore tlie Register
side design should be lu harmony with or timber than for agricultural pur-j and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon,
the uses for which it is built, and this poses, and to establish his claim to ¡JP Decemlier 5. I 9 O 3 , viz: James H.
suggests a harmonizing of both church said land before the register and re- s “ [.34 T R
* 5 . W. ‘ ^ L o t ^ a n d
and schoaUior.se architecture. To meet reiver of this office at Oregon City, *i of Sec. 3, T. 3 N., R 5 W.
all requirements the building should be Oregon, on Wednesday, the 18th day
Be names the following witnesses to
at least 24 liy GO feet on the ground, of November, 1903.
prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said land, viz: F. C.
witli eighteen foot posts on the sides.
He names as witnesses: Robert T Routledge, o Kist, Oregon ; P. J. Lund,
This will permit the lower part of the
building to be eight feet from floor to Simpson. Adam Simpson. Thomas J. of Timber, Oregon: Peter Bergerson, of
celling and leave nine foot sides for McFarland, M. Middaugh, all of Bux- j Kiet, Oregon; William Roberts, Kist,
tlie upper room, which, with an arched ton, Oregon.
celling from n system of collar joists,
Any and all person« claiming "ad­
will give a good effect. The lower part versely the above described lands are
A D M I N I S T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E .
of tTie hall should be divided to accom­ requested to file their claims in this
modate hallway, entrance, kitchen,
is hereby given that the un­
office on or before said 18th day of
stairway and a large assembly room,
dersigned has been duly, lawfully and
which is also suitable for a banquet
regularly appointed administrator of
hull, and, inasmuch ns children under
the estate of Peter Harper, deceased,
fourteen years of age must now be pro­
by the County Court of Washington
vided for, this room becomes a very
County, and State of Oregon, that all
proper place for them, and during the
lecturer’s hour they can sit with their
persons holding claims against said
parents in the grange. This large room
estate will present them to me, legally
below, being warm and light, is very In the Circuit Court of the State of certified to, at tne office of W. M.
Oregon, in and for Washington
convenient for ail members in xvhich
Langley & Son, my attorneys, at the
to bang tlieir wraps on book rails
City of Forest Grove, Washington
around the outer walls. Still further, John W. Barcroft, Plaintiff,
County, Oregon, within six months
this large lower room can be used for
from the first publication of this no­
all common entertainments, and espe­
Harriet N. Barcroft, Defendant.
cially is it suitable for this when it has
a platform or stage at one end. with
Witness my hand, this 30th day of
To Harriet N. Barcroft, Defendant September, 1903.
suitable scenery.
Above Named: —
The upper story of the building
should be divided into stair landing,
In the name of the State of Oregon, Administrator of the Estate of Peter
anteroom, property closet, a nursery you are hereby notified that the plain­
Harper, deceased.
and the grange ball proper. While the tiff herein has filed a complaint against
lower rooms should have naked floors,
you in the above entitled Court, and
tlie stairway and all floors above
should be carpeted and the grange hall you are hereby required to appear
should have flnished and decorated and answer said complaint on or be­
In the Circuit Court of the State of
walls and be as well furnished as tlie fore the last of the time prescribed 11 j Oregon for Washington County,
sitting room of a well to do farmer's by order of publication hereof, to-wlt:
clarence C. Coleman, plaintiff, vs.
home. Annexes for libraries and court On or before the 23rd day of October. , renp Bpllp Coleman, defendant
scenes should also be provided. Such 1903
To Irene Belle Coleman, defendant
a grange building will cost about $ 1,000
You are further notified that if you above named:
to $ 1 , 200 .
A grange contemplating tlie building fail to appear and answer the com­
In the name of the State of Oregon,
o f a hall or home of this kind can start plaint herein, or to plead thereto, the you are hereby noified that the above
plaintiff will cause your default to be named plaintiff has filed a complaint,
with tlie following subscription list:
"We, the undersigned members of entered and will apply to the Court
against you In the above entitled court,
---------- grange, agree to givp tlie above mentioned for the relief prayed
amounts of hand labor, team labor, for in the complaint herein, that is to and you are hereby required to appear
and answer said complaint on or be­
material and money set opposite our
say. for a decrep forever dissolving fore the last of the time prescribed
respective names for the purpose of
building a grange hall at such place the bonds of matrimony that now ex- bv order of publication hereof, to-wit:
and time and In accordance with such 1st between plaintiff and defendant, j 0n or before the 30th day of October,
and for such further relief as the
plans ns tlie grange may specify.”
Such a subscription will give a stnrt Court may deem equitable in the prem­
You are further notified that if you
which, in tlie hands of a good building ises.
fail to appear and answer the com
cominlttpp, run be made to go a long
The date of the first publication o. I plaint herein, or plead thereto, the
way toward s. curing the desired ob­
ject. It is generally necessary to lend defendant’s summons Is Friday, Sept. ! p)aintlff wln ,.ailBP your defaiIlt to b„
a few hundred dollars to finish and 11, 1803, and that of the iw t public*-1 entered anf, wl„ pray to thp court
furnish, all o f which can be paid off tion thereof is Friday, Oct. 23, 1903, above mentioned for the relief prayed
witli suppers and entertainments of and the said summons shall be pub-
for in the complaint herein, that is
various kinds.
lishlished on Friday of each week for j tf) gay for a decrM forevpr diggolvIng
It will lie noted that in planning the a period of six consecutive weeks be
bon(1g of matrImony that now pxist
rooms the children and babes art1- pro­
between the plaintiff and defendant.
vided for. This is to encourage the .ween said dates.
.. the
. . „ grange.
This "«■«*"""* 1* published by or and for a,)c„ further rellpf ag the court
mothers to _ go to
, Th#
children, woven into the lecturer’s hour ¡ler of Hon L - A. Rood, County Judge | may dppnl pquitab]e ln the premigeg.
programme, make the Ideal entsrtainr^of Washington County. Oregon, said
Thp dafp of , hp flrat>lbllcatlon of
me lit. Where tlie children are thus order having been made In chambers
defendant’s summons is Friday, Sep­
well cared for the parents will become gept. 10 . 1903
tember 18, 1903. and that of the last
publication thereof Is Friday, October
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
30, 1903. and the said summons shall
Im p ortan ce o f the G r a n fe .
Tlie system o f grange work Is so
broad and so varied and so excellent in
its conception that it appeals to the
practical common sense, good judgment
and interest of all law abiding rural
citizens, and it lias awaketw-d the well
wishes of all classes of peopfe tiirongb-
out our land. Its conception is grand,
its precepts pure, its teachings true, its
efforts higb, its motives noble, and its
plans are wise. Such an organization
cannot fail in its endeavor, and it will
attract the best and noblest to its sup­
port. The grange is a character build­
er. a borne maker, nn educator and a
It is very closely
s o c i a l benefactor.
connected with tlie home, the church
and tlie school, the four forming one
vast intellectual chain which brings us
the richest fruits of our land.—Michi­
gan Patron.
7* *nl nn« l.
he published on Friday of each week
for a period of six consecutive weeks
between said dates.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon !.. A. Rood, County Judge of
Washington County, Oregon, said
order having heen made In chambers
September 17. 1903.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Forest Grove, Oregon.
E X E C U T O R ’S N O T IC E .
Estate of Marion A. Baldwin, de­
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned. Abraham Baldwin, was on
the 15th day of September. 1903, duly,
lawfully, and regularly appointed ex­
ecutor of the estate of Marion A. Bald­
win. deceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Washington
That all persons holding claims
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
against the raid estate will present of an order made by the County Conn
them to me with the proper vouchers, September 21. 1903. i will sell for cash
at my r-fflir on Pacific Avenue In the In hand, at Forest Grove Oregon, at
private rale, from and after October
City of Forest Grove, Washington 24. 1993. all the real estate belonging
County. Oregon, within rix monlhs i to the estate of Asa Williams, de-
from the' fust puuuraiUoij ui Uii* u o , caftfvU. U> wit; The aouihweat one- « •
E. YV. YT9*t<rct*».
Jrtt«r from tm*
rp.v band ton» lit * da
Net# ifiVfjMfiber.
. <T, fr n ir K .r 1903.
....... .
■■ •^VATTSVi
■ — mm fillin'rn
m nmU hj laws «d TITs
grange. It seems from this that the A Baldwin, ««erased
grange has already reached around the
Attorneys for the Executor.
n il
, -ne- 4 west W illuuet'e
{ •orenuntv.
_ÇsVul a* Fore-t^fj^ve^
, b in * * *
., „
t t jj^
J Admln|gfratr1x of , br Rstate of Asa
Williams. Deceased,
IS 22 J. N Hoffman. Attorney for Adm'r’x.