Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 23, 1903, Image 1

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    81 W U T
8 V f I U T
A i,
Forest (¡trove, Washington County, Oregon, Oetoher 23, 1003.
Voi. 1
morning befone breakfast and imme.
Ernest, the 14 year old »on of John
diatilly after istli'ig n few buckwheat
L >hmanr, was severely injured one
day last week hy being kicked in the
Apple picking, potato digging and pane ikes and a cup of coffee he went
out to hi» old barn and began to tear
face by a horse.
pi iwing a1 e th • order of the day.
Rev. Mr. Clemo, the former M. E.
School c mm need Monday wiih it down, tint hs luck hud it lie has a
new one full of liay and witli room
pastor at Cornelius, will preach at this MDs Tht mas a- teacher,
for all of it is horses i nd cows.
place the ensuing year.
Mr. Ayi , , h e
milk hauler
Mr. Peter Vandehey, from Ver h l8 „ new boy ttt hi8 home,
hoort, spent several days of last week
Mr. K irt’s sister from near Tilia
visiting frienls and relatives at this
inook City is visiting here for a
Miss Lucy Davis lias gone to Port­
few days.
to work.
Mrs. Bunker will spend the winter
Mr. Davis and wife have moved
Mr. Chas Loudon, gave an enjoy­
at Vancouver, Wash.
Mrs. Wiu. King returned Saturday ,)ai‘k to ,lis l,*ace< formerly the ■ . J. able dance Friday evening.
last from several days visit at The lUtchey place.
Mr. John W. Connell is up in Eist-
Mr. McQraw is finishing his clover eru Oregon, buying horses,
Miss Belle MeCallen is at home bulling,
John Wright, from Canada, is visit
again, after spending the summer at
Mr> ( >|,rts< Chapman, of D-nls, ing his nephew, Thos. Connell.
came out for a couple of days for a
Albert Thomas is teaching the Gas
M>88 Rulh Owens is visiting with hunt.
ton school, it commenced last Mon­
her parents.
Mr. Kerts is having a well dug by day.
Mr. Thos. Muessen, who spent the j his barn,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mays, have
summer at this place, lias gone to
visiting friends in Portland this
Portland to work this winter.
/ /
4 t N r K It V11 1
Mrs H arris and son, of P ortlan d ,
are visiting w ith h er p arents, Mr.
an d Mrs. Sehiefflin.
B u tter lias gone u p live cents to-
day according to to d ay ’s paper, so
th a t th e patro n s can ex pect a still
h ig h e r price n e x t month.
, „
A R u etten o f Mt. A ngel w as a
visitor her.- S unday and Monday.
H e will probably start h is creamery
there n e x t M onday.
Several loads of fine cabbage
have come from A. R ev erm an ’s
place and sell for six ty cents a
dozen, w huch seems cheap for such
Mr. G orge liui.tz is improving his
Blake True, of Middleton, passfd
by putting on a fresh coat ol
| pe, pie around Bethany taking are through on the train a few days ago
advat.tageof the good weather to dig on his way to B iker City, where he
Mr. Hess, who lost his barn a few
potatoes. The crop is light in places contemplates working in a mine dur.
weeks ago. now has a uew one marly
ing the winter.
1 *0,i di*Ser8 Br‘* hard ,0 Ke'-
The first shipment of potatoes and
J )hn Berger is on (he sick list.
Mrs. W. W. Paine’s little I oy
onions to tie made troni this place
A farmers telephone to this place
in car lots, will be sent out ill a few Elmer is quite siek. Dr. Bailey Jr
Is talked of, to connect at the Mauz e
days by J, C. Smock. The potatoes is attending him.
place with the line just building there go to jCalifornis, aud the onions ^to
W. E. Thomas, came home feeling
Seattle. Prices paid, 60 aud 7óct. per badly last week, and is now suffer­
«A l.18 r itti ! k.
ew t. respectively.
ing with typhoid fever.
C. True, the Middleton prune man,
Mrs. Schuler’s mother, Mrs. Fox, is
OI Thursday of last week Dr
is loading a car of his produces at this visiting her. She will make her home
L irge was a Gales Creek visitor.
place. The Middleton facilities for in Ori gon in the future.
On Sunday Messrs, llaycock and handling freight being quite limited,
8. A. D. Meek, is having a new
Geiger were Gales Creek visitors.
most of their car shipments are
porcli built on his house. Clyde
Mr. Sam Wells has returned from j handled from here.
Lincoln is doing the work.
Eastern Oregon where lie spent the
A fine lot of office furniture has
Mr. T. II. Johnson, who cut his
just recently been received by L .S .
foot quite badly a few weeks ago,
School opened last Monday with M ’Connell, postmaster, for equipping
while slashing for W. VV. is slowly
thirty pupils in attendance and Chas. the rural mail office at this place.
The consignment consists of clmire,
Lilly as teacher.
Mrs Rice, L-ft Tuesday for the
desks, an 1 three large compartments
Frank Fletcher accompanied by
containing pigeon-holes tor distribut­ East to visit relatives and friends
his mother a id sister, Miss Eva,
ing the mails in. Alsm t one month in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Hhe
spent Sunday at the old homestead.
ago the government sent a nice sec­ will lie gone three months.
Ivor Jacobson is improving the tion of lock-t.oxes which were install­ niece from McMinnville will accom
looks of his dwelling hy adding a ed in the post-office. We can now pany her.
new porch and doing some inside boast of sn up-to-date office.
No. 23
Mrs Zdla Cilder. of Seattle, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Clau Je Greear.
Mr. Lo ds Strohroyer 'o k a load
J. W. llartrampf, recently from
of his brother-in-law's things to
Forest Grove, has bought of J. A . A l­
Portland, Saturday.
lison, for $050, his property on Third
Mr. J. Boos, while coming home and Grant streets, including a two-
with a load of chop feed, Saturday, story, seven room dwelling and barn.
lost two sacks just below Mr.
T. B. Perkins, who started I he first
Mann’s, on the Beaverdaui road.
ge eral merchandise store in a brick
Mrs. ii. Whitten has been visiting building and put on the first delivery
Mrs. Lyda Friday, and having a ver) wagon in Hillsboro, examples which
pleasant time.
have been followed until all the mer­
Miss Katie Boos went Saturday, chants now have their slocks in simi­
to visit tier sister, Miss Anna B os, lar safe quarters and afford the same
who is working below Greenville.
convenience to their customers, has
Mr. C. Lorenzs was hauling turn gone to Humboldt, Calif., where he
her from Lyda’s saw mill the othe has a good position as manager of a
day, when his team became frighten general merchandise store. His fam­
ed and ran away, hut did no damage ily will remain in Hillsboro for the
Mr. Bill Lyda will finish sawing, ! resent.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sheaver, of
tills wtek aud will begin tearing
down ids mill lo move to the new North Yakima, Wash, are visitors at
site near the Bellinger bridge, 3J the home of R. H. Greer of Hillsboro
Mr. Sheaver was on his way toDilley
miles fr< m Forest Grove,
and the old farm lo renew old acquan-
iutance and see the old place once
H. E . More and Wilheiu ina Van
CiR’.ujT C ourt
Der X mden were united in hoi)
matrimony, in the Catholic Church
Molly M Kendall on the 17lh of
at Verboort, Rev. L- Verhaag officiat­ October, Hied complaint in a suit for
a divorce from Thomas B Kendall.
Wednesday, Oct. 21st the wedding
of William
VanDei Velden ano
Anna Van Dyke took place at solemi
High Mass, the Rev. Father Verhoag
officiating and Die R ev. Fathei
O’Brien O. P. assisting as Deao»o aud’
Rev. Fattier Springer assisting a?
Subdeacon. The happy couple havi
the rare distinction of being ihi
first to he married at Solemn High
Noon at Verboort. Num>ri us gutsh
came to congratulate the newly mar
ried at (lie home of the bride and t<
spend the day.
M onday w as pay day for the
Last Tuesday, Father O’Brien O. I .
m outh of S eptem ber, a t th e C enter­
concluded a successful mission at
ville cream ery. T h e p atro n s re
Seghers. Thursday and Friday ol
ceived tw enty seven cents a pound
tliis week lie will go to the churcli
tor th e ir flutter, w hich is $ i . io for
South of Cornelius. Saturday he
one hund red p ounds of m ilk, te st­
will go to Buxti n to open a mission
in g four percent.
T h e skim m ed
there on Sundav.
m ilk, w hich is w orth from ten to
fifteen cents, w ould m ake th e ir re­
ceipt ; a dollar and fifteen cents,
which H five cents m ore th a n the
condensed m ilk lactory gave its
Mrs. Belle Woodard and her moth*
p at runs.
»r, Mrs. Robinson of Portland, are
Mrs. McEldowney and daughter,
Farmers are ail busw digging their of Forest Grove, and Miss Ida Hay.
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
UK A V tilt I ON
Crofts Mi is week .
potatoes this fine weather.
of Mt. Tabor, spi nt Sunday with J
D. llitilis and family.
Lilly «4 Co. are having their store
I» » u r n
The Di-1riet S. S. Convention held
__ T i
in this pine* Oct. 21st
while not painted Inside, also having a general in their onions this week,
Miss Mary Wills, who h is been
' J
very largely nttendel was very in cleaning up getting r.ady for their
jjr48j8 Kaufman of Yancouv- quite sick for the psst three weeks,
died, Tuesday, Oct. 2d, of consump­
1 ^
teresting and all there iiad a good fa" stock of goods.
er visi(e,| ¡„ Progress last week.
in m
tion, at the home of her grand m it Ii
/V 1
,im e'
The Rev- Mr’ , ‘*ul ()rr wh" WB8 10
Miss Minnie Doeneka of Portland
er Mrs, Moore.
The remains wi r
R >ad Supervisor Johnson, has se have preachrd at the old church on 8pe„t Sunday w ith Maude Mingle),
taken to Corvallis, Thursday morn
cured the rock crusher and now has Sunday last, had married a w ife and
James Butler has returned from
Mrs. W. I I . Beharrel anil son ing, for burial.
it in | lace ready to crush rock. Ii couldn’t come, Mr. MeRay, a fellow
North Yakima where he has been
Wesley visited in Progress list week.
will he well lor those who have sub- student, came and delivered an ex
Howard Hot. terlee is again able to employed during the summer*
., , work , to
. report . . to ih e super i-ellent sermon to a small but appre-
Mrs. McKay* spent a few days in tie around, after a severe illness ol
Miss Susie McKinnney returned
Portland last week visiting her two weeks.
visor and inform him when it will eiative audience.
Eistern Oregon last week.
Clarence Miller furnished ten thou-
be most convenient for them to work
The lack of cars still prevents the
Miss Emmons of Portland was a
Misses Anna and Sarah Ibigers farmers from shipping their hay.
Mr-. Pella McC ulcy is visiting
guest of Miss Blanch Huston the first
shingle mill iliime at Glcnwood. M of Portland spent Sunday with Mrs.
M r s . \V . I I . R o y d .
Geo. Douglas, of North Yamhill, of the week-
J . Hamblin, owner ot the m ill, will A . R. Fanno,
was seen in town Huoday.
Miss Flora Fulton is visiting with soon be ready for business.
M iss Morgan of Astoria visited Mis
Mr. Vaughn Beharrel made a Hy­ comes down this way quite ofterf6*
Elizabeth Milne on Saturday, return
her sister, Mrs. Eva Alexander.
Win. Lyda Sr. is having the old
ing trip out from Portland on his there seemingly is some cause frit
ed Sunday.
Messrs. Chas. Johnson and Bam '«HI repaired and put In shape for w heel la-t Wednesday evening.
these frequent visits.
The Native Daughters of Lucindi
Hoover have succeeded Mr. Fisher
Phily Porter has been helping hit
M r’ Henry Husiiage, wife and
Hill cabin gave a surprise party a
in the hu'cher business. Their many
daughter, Mabel from Tigarilville brother, A. M. Porter, in the »’ore, the home of Isiac Butler on Tuesda;
frit-nils wish ihem success in their
Walter Sargent is out of school spent Sunday with Mrs. George for a week or nmr -.
new utidci tak ing.
this week owing to a severe cold Blasser.
Carl Heidel, employed in Portland
which settled in his eyes.
Mr. S. If. Z m merman has taken
in Hillsboro witli hisfolk-
II ILLS! liti
Dr. J . E . Hall of Clalskaninc eamt |
up his aiHi ie in B averlon. He has
The dog belonging to John De
Mrs, E. L Abbott returned Wed­
purchased slock in ih i Beaverton out Monday to look at his timber i
Horne, bit one of the childien quite nesday, from a week’s visit in Pori
Milling Co and expec.s to tie ein- claim purchased from Brice Wilsoi. j School haa opened up, Mis» Lena
severely on the arm; the animal land.
ployed in the m ill.
of Glen wood, last winter- The Dr. i l'°y neM teacher.
was getting so cross that he had to
Mrs. John Miller, of Portland
expressed himself as well pleased
Mr. Frank Maitland has consider- tie killed.
spent Sunday in ilill-dioro, with he
with the investment.
i abl plowing done already,
i fci I ^ \ K 3111111
Mrs. (iaarde was in Garden Home, mother, Mrs. Susie Brown.
Ivan G lalley and Miss Belle Me-
Wm. Dunsnaoor has been thinking Friday.
Miss Myrtle Butter, of North Yak
Mrs. R M. Kyle ison the sick list. c , *reni ,wo of
Creek’s most 0f going East w ith with a carload of
. . . .
popular young jieople, were married
Always open — T h e P a r'fir R estau ­ raa, Wash., Is visiting at the horn
Me-srs I’srmley and Gsrrigu«, from
.Saturday evening at the residence
last Saturday
rant. next door W e rtz ’ ’ artier shop. • of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
Bilik*, pu**ed ihr >ugli Cedar Mill on
Isaac Butler.
of the bride’s uncle and aunt, M r.! Only two ring necks are left on
Die 13. h Inst n in n ile for Portland and Mrs. Carl Her. A supper and
Day amt night, we are ready to serve
«*» Mr. C. Ik Maey’i n
Loal— Between Hillsboro and Wee
with ppsince.
warm lunches at the Pacific Restau-
dance followed the wedding and a
,hp ,,lh*r " n “ nlD* *'
a heavy brown overcoat.
Mrs. V. P meroy relurnid Halur- <nnd time is reported. The young '“rge, likely to tm taken at any lime. rant.
Finder will be repaid for his trouhh
dsy Isst Ir >m a week’s visit at Urna people have the best wishes of the
The milk wagon will call at your on returning In Thus. Tucker, Hills
A very dcstrurtive notion strurk
* | boro, Oregon.
entire community.
Mr. William Clap-haw the other door. Leave orders at Bazaar.
as j k e
She alleges that (hey wtre marritd
on September 12, lt>80 at Callaway
Nebraska, hy M H Deems, Justice of
the Peace, that there were four child­
ren to said marriage. As a ground
for dlvoreoshe alleges that the de­
fendant drove her from their home
on the 14th of September and erueliy
treated her. She asks for the care
and custody of Nora Gertrude Ken-
nail and Archie Ramona Kendall,
and for about $400 worth of porsoual
property. Hollis 4 Hawks appear
as attorneys for plaintiff.
If you want something nobby call
anil see Westcott. lie will tell you all
about it.
Clark Hewitt et ux to John A
Kirkwood, 7,4H aos in A J Mas­
ter’s d ie.
Nancy I Banks et al to ET Turner,
1 ar in T 2 N, It 3 \V
Jno F Cars lens et ux to Montgom­
ery Turner, 1 ar in see 2j, T 2 N,
Jno I! Martin et ux to Frank I
Knight, 16 acs in sec 10,T 1 S, K
4 W
J II Lamlx-rt to Adam Engel, lots
10 and 12, Peachvale
3 ; o
Donald McKenzie et ux toW.I I.yth
N J of NJ of lot No 2, Block 10,,
Forest Grove.
rbo«\\ K e n to n to W oodruff W a rd ,
NV>'1 »I NE| n[ see 17, 1 1 N, It
3 W, 40 acres.
■lane A I’erkins to Nick Keiniitvr,
0 O. 8 I acs in T 1 8 ,1 W.Will.Mer. 1350
.1 B Kuhns et ux t o .las E Reeher,
Si of lot 2, block 15, Forest Grove
A Hiniimn to Chas Lllinuinn, lots
in Forest Grove 8 of block 35...
Sarah E Reeves to Tlios Tallman, 1
lot 3 in hlk 5 In Finney's mid to
.Insepli A Allison et ux to Jno W
llartrampf, lot 1 in hlk 10 in
Thorne's add to Hillsboro, also
150x33 ft adjacent
Nice clean lunrhce anil meals loc
anil up, at the Pacific flostaiirant.
The Pacific .States Telcpone and
Telegraph Co., are now busily en-
gaged in adding another wire to their
line down the Yamhill division.
The increase of business, they state,
lias necessitated the additional wire.
Have you seen those fancy dressers
at Roe * Buxton’s? New line Just ar­
Wm. Baxter, an oltl resident of
Scoggins Valley, died Wednesday
morning of heart disease caused hy
rheumatism ■ He was born In Hcot-
land 72 years ago and came to Wash
itrgton County in ’75.
The County pension Imanl, Drs.
Wood, Tamie-ie and Large examined
four applicants Wednesday lies ides
one from Portland.