Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 11, 1903, Image 1

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    'V M '
An Up-to-Date Country Newspaper--Republican in Politics.
V o l . 1.
The Held o f The New , Is the first agrl-
cultural county o f Oregon. First for clover,
for onions, for grapes, and In d airyin g: it
also leads In diversified farming and Is
famous for fine horses, good cuttle and
blooded sheep and goats. Its hay Is being
bought, thousands of tons of It, by the
government to feed cavalry horses in the
Philippines; its wines took gold medals
over California’s exhibit at the Chicago
World's Fair. I t » prunes and hops get the
top prices in the market, and sugar beets,
rtax, tobacco, sweet potatoes, horse ran
lsh, and mushrooms show the variety of
Its production.
Its 18.000 people live In
UoOO houses, o f which 2500 are on farms,
and the great m ajority own their own
homes. Sig wagon roads and two lines ef
railway connect the county with Cortland,
metropolis of the I ’acific Northwest, from
•» to 32 tailes distant, and here Is found
ready sale for Its products. Good schools,
«1 roads, a network of furm telephones
and many rural delivery routes affording
dully mail make Washington county a pros­
perous country region with all the con­
veniences of the city.
F o rest G r o v e , W a s h in g to -i - C o u n ty
Mr. Wm. Tucker returned from East­
ern Oregon with his wife, who has
been up there for her health. Mr.
Tucker says she is greatly improved.
----- C. L. Mitzel, who went up in East­
ern Oregon for his health, writes back
that his trip is doing him much good.
----- Daniel Bailey and family started
back to Ohio Tuesday. ----- A. M.
Moore, from Astoria, is a new citizen
of Beaverton, and will occupy Mr.
Mazzie's house in the eastern part of
town.----- Mr. Alexander is moving in­
to the house vacated by Mr. Bailey’s
family. Mr. Alexander has a wild cat
for a pet. ----- J. N. Fischer is still
confined to the house. ----- The buzz
of the wood saw in town reminds one
that winter is nearby; so get your
wood ready. ----- Lou Tulloc, Wm.
Walker and Mary W alker left for Ya-
quina Bay for an outing Wednesday.
----- Ben Patton and Ollie Whilam's
families went through here on their
way to Patton Valley to pick hops.
----- W. H. Boyd is hauling pears to
Portland. H e has quite a few to sell
this y e a r .----- The children, with din­
ner pails and books, are the order of
the day since St. Mary’s
opened last Tuesday. ----- Dr. Rob­
inson is putting an addition to his
b a rn .----- School begins here on the
28th, with Mr. Evenden, from McMinn­
ville, as principal, Miss Timms, of
Bertha, in the intermediate room, and
E&rl Fischer, of this place, in the pri­
mary. ----- Blanch Tulloc and Wm.
Tucker made up their minds that they
would “ follow suit after the others’
lead,” and go hop picking.
the rustic o n .----- Mrs. Emma Brooks
started for California last week. -----
Mr. Jesse Snyder, who has been run­
ning the gang-edger for Groner &
Rowell sawmill for the past
months, has started his new house.
Mr. C. R. Adams is doing the work.
----- Misses Minnie and Jennie Suth­
erland have gone to Portland to work
for the winter. ----- Mr. F. T. Sheels
has returned from the harvest fields
and is going to work for the mill com­
pany aga in .----- Taylor Bros, have giv­
en their house a new coat of paint,
A. Wedisking wielding the brush.-----
The G. & R. company,are going to pqt Telephone C oncert— Buggy and W agon
Collide— Hop F ield O uting — V isitors
In an electric plant this winter in their
and V is itin g .
sawmill. ----- Mr. Ernest Hanson has
E A S T O F G R E E N V IL L E .
Home, Sept. 9.— Mrs. M. E.
his hops all picked and Is busy bal­
ing. ----- Most of the young people of Spencer has been visiting a cousin,
H arv e s tin g W e ll Along — Slashing
Scholls are picking hops for Mr. W in­ Mrs. Laura Dittmer, of Portland
Burned— Baling and H aulin g H a y —
Heights. ----- Miss Sophia Shoemaker
ters. ----- Mr. Cyrus Brown has gone
Stock E x h ib it fo r State F a ir.
has two young ladies from Portland
to Woodbum to dry hops this year.
Blast o f Greenville, Sept. 10.— Most
staying with her during the hop pick-
----- C. H. Brooks and W. E. Prosser
o f the farmers feel quite safe with
are off to the mountains for a bear in gseason. They take a horse and
their crops. Some are through thresh­
hunt. Leave your orders for
ing, and those that are not, have their
meat at Adams' store. ----- Mrs. J. W.
grain well stacked. ----- Mr.
Ratcliffe is going to take a trip to
burned his slashing last week and it
The Dalles in a few days. ----- Mr.
made quite a fire, but added much to
J. S. Miller has moved back on his
the looks of the farm. ----- Dr. M. H.
farm. City life does not agree with
Parker purchased some fine oat hay
from J. B. McNew last week. -----
Mr. Reiling hauled his baled hay
to Forest Grove last week. ----- Mr.
M an y V is ito rs — B ear Disturbs
M r.
Louis Kuder. Mr. Potter and Mr. Clar­
Robinson's M ilk in g — Surveying fo r
ence Sinclair started hop picking in
E lectric P ow er L in e— School House
Yamhill county this week. ----- The
Im provem ents.
Speiring Bros, started threshing here
Button Valley, Sept. 9.— Mr. and
this week. ----- Mr. Brown has been
Mrs. Hatch, o f Goldendale, arrived
hauling hay for Mr. Hill, near Moun-
here Sunday afternoon, to be
taindale. the past few weeks. -----
guests o f Mrs. Hatch’s parents, Mr.
Deputy Recorder W illis Ireland, from
and Mrs. Joseph Bates. ----- Mrs. C.
Hillsboro, made a call at H. Vander-
H. Standbridge spent Monday and
zanden’s one day last week. ----- Mr.
Tuesday at the home of her daughter.
A. Chalmers left this week for Salem
Mrs. Rutherford. ----- Mrs. Roberts
with his cattle, to attend the State
and sister-in-law. Miss Roberts, spent
Tuesday in Forest Grove. ----- Mr.
Dan McLeod is pulling poles in the
hopyard near Gaston.— Rev. Mr. Put­
man, of Dilley, is visiting in Patton
Neighborhood Notes— Sum m er V is it­
Valiev this w e e k .----- Mr. L. C. W al­
ors R eturn to the C ity — Bicycle E x ­
ker and partv, from Forest Grove,
have been surveying for Mr. Haines
Hillside, Sept. 9.— Mr. and Mrs. Hen­
in this virlnitv for the I ee Falls elec­
ry Bamford are still visiting in Port­
tric power plant. ----- Mr. Fred Rob­
land. but are expected home Friday.
inson had a visitor the other night
----- Mrs. Frank Woods and daughter.
while he was milking his cow, but un­
Mabel, expect to return to Portland
like most visitors it came growling.
next Monday, after nearly
The cow was unwilling to make the
months on Hillside, enjoying country
stranger's acquaintance and didn't
life. ----- Misses Daisy and Lena Cur­
wait to be milked, but ran away. The
tis rode their wheels to town and
bear came right Into the door yard,
spent last evening with Mrs. Watkins
about forty yards from the house.
In Forest Grove.
Bears are quite numerous this year.
The neigbors vainly pursued bruin ail
the next day. ----- The Patton Valley
school house has improved in appear­
Busy Tim es— R ural M ail D e liv ery — ance since Mr. Patton commenced
E le c tric P la n t fo r G. A R. M ill— work on it.
O r e g o n , S e p t . 11, 1 9 0 3
buggy and drive about a mile to the near Middleton, Grandma Vincent, where she will attend the Ross Seral-
hop field which Mr. Detlef Sherner — — The hop picking is now well un- nary this winter. Her brother, Leon-
has rented.----- Mr. Chris Spamer, of der way with several yards having ard, accompanied her as far as Port-
Pc^dand, spent Sunday with George completed picking. Some yards paid lan d,----- Chas. Schneider and J. Bar-
Peterson. ----- Mr. and Mrs
John 50 cents a b o x .----- There is to be a ger were Hillsboro visitors Sunday.
Gavrde and family, o f Tigardvtlle, grand hop picking ball in the A. O. U. ----- Quite a number of our people are
sp-nt Sunday with Mr. Gaarde's sister, W. Hall next Saturday night. A big picking hops at John Buchanan's.-----
Mrs. Morgeson, of Garden Home, and time is expected. Remember the place From the amount of shooting we hear
called on Mrs. Gaarde’s mother and where you have a good time.----- Mrs. lately, it is evident that quite a few
brother as they were returning home. Justina Cooke and Miss Louise Brey- people are enjoying game out of sea­
— - Mrs. Herbert Turner’s little 5- man, o f Portland, were visiting friends son on their bill o f fare. It would
moaths-olrl daughter has the whooping and relatives over Sunday. ----- Mr. be well for the game warden, or some-
cough. Mrs. Turner lived in Garden Chester G. Hall and wife will return one vested with authority to punish
Home till the time of her marriage. to Portland shortly, where Mr. Hall those who are boldly violating the
will attend the medical college this game law, to make this locality a vis-
----- Quite a number along the tele­
i I t . ----- W e could almost hear the loug-
phone line were listening to Mr. John winter.
1 drawn sigh o f relief o f the farmers
Gaarde's graphaphone Sunday evening
who were fortunate
enough to get
and It sounded like more. ----- Miss
their grain threshed out, and the rest
Carrie Nicholson has been visiting her
parents for several days, and
her | A 12-inch Sunflow er— Long Bridge Re- Just wait patiently (? ) for the men
paired__ Game Law V io lated — Hop with the threshers, and promise them-
friend Mr. Okestrom stayed over Mon­
selves to not be compelled to call on
day. ----- Miss Sophia Shcemaker and
Fern Hill, Sept. 9.— Joe Cooper has them next year, as they think of mak-
her two young friends were out driv­
ing and met with an accident. Geo. gone to the Grove to enter the real Ing the old-fashioned flail do duty for
Peterson had stopped his horses to estate business. ----- Tim Barger has what grain they will raise, and raise
rest when the girls came along, and constructed a cider mill and now dis- more h a y .----- Mr. R. W. McNutt, of
In trying to pass the wheels caught, penses fresh cider to his many friends Cornelius, who has been furnishing us
the horse and shafts going on, but the ----- Mr. and M tb . J. Dixon attended with fresh bah quite often during the
rest of the buggy remaining. With church at the Grove Sunday.----- Mrs late summer, made his last trip our
the help of Mr. Peterson the rig was Wagner, of Forest Grove, visited her way Monday. ----- Mr. Aiten, an aged
last resident, has been quite ill for some
fixed up so that the girls could reach daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Barger,
A fire set in C. W. Hend-j tim e.----- Lawrence Dixon, hauled hay
rick’s slashing burned several hundred for Dr. C. E. Geiger the first of the
feet of new board fence belonging to week.
Archie Duncalf and his
j. D ixon.----- Hop picking began Aug, friend made a trip to town Wednes-
Mrs. Wm. Bennett and grand-
T w o M arriages— Public School Open 31 in Pollock's yard, and was finished day.
ing— Death of Mrs. V in c e n t — Hop on Monday, this week. The boss re - 1 son and daughters, Flora and Mrs.
ports a light crop.----- Since the News Clara Irmler, o f Portland, visited at
Picking Ball.
Sherwood, Sept. 9.— Married, at Mid­ mentioned last week a 9-inch sunflow- the Chapman home Wednesday,
dleton, Miss Mary Bristow and Mr. er as being in the prize-winning class, I
Jewett, last Sunday.----- Mr. William we might mention the fact that Mr. 1
Barber, son o f Rev. J. M. Baiber, of George Chapman has growing on his V is ito rs From Iowa W oodm en H a ll
Hood View, and Miss L ily Seely will farm quite a number o f heads that! — Im provem ents at W est Union
17 ( C em etery— Off for Canada— Cam pers
be united in the bonds of wedlock to- measure 12 Inches across, and
fo r W ilson River— N ew S aw m ill.
dv- ^.W e wish them a long and happy inches over. How is that for size?
Glencoe, Oregon, September 9.—
th it r .g h -life
- The puhljp M.r r’ha*>man also haa a natch of good
school of Sherwood will open the 28th
corn this year. —
far'. 8 .' Altm i*n*r- '« * * * * 1
has just disposed o f his crop
o f 1>an<l, Mr. and Mrs. Chapin, are visit*,
inst., with Mr. B'alting as chief wield-
peaches, which were of fine quality. lnK them from Atlantic, Iowa. They
er of the hazel, and Miss Lilian Briggs
Some needed repairs have recent-"111 shortly return to their home,
as primary wielder. ----- The school
way of San Francisco. ------ The
house is to be repainted inside and out, ly been made on the long bridge.------ ^
and to have a general cleaning, a thing The Pollock brothers are drying the carpenters have commenced on the
of which it has been need for some hops for the Porter yard. ------ Miss W. O W. Hall, and expect to have
time. ----- Died, Sept. 5, at her home Clara Dixon left Monday for Seattle, 11 finished by the 1st of October.
j J. W. Goodin, C, P, Berry and J. C.
Tlllls have built a new fence around
the West Union cemetery. — ■— Dr.
B. Sandford has been on the sick list,
suffering with heart trouble.
Threshing is about over in this vicin­
ity. and nearly everyone Is proparing
to go to the hop ygrds.------Mr. James
Gray, the shoe maker, has gone to
Canada for a visit with his children
for two or three months. He will stop
off for a few weeks at Salt Lake City
| to visit a nephew. ------ Mr. Eslle Mil­
ler returned from Eastern Oregon last
Monday, where he has been staying for
his health. He is much improved, and
says his brothers. Perry and Charley,
are a good deal better than they were.
------ Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Cornelius,
Fred and Eva Cornelius and Louis
I Boulby, of Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. W.
I E. Mays, Lucy Davis and Richard
Sandford, Jr., of this place, started
on a trip to Wilson river Monday. If
the weather continues good they may
1 go to Tillamook before returning.-----
, Clarence E. Mays returned from the
coast last week, very much Improved
In health. ----- J. W. Goodin Is build­
ing a sawmill up on the Sam Johnson
place for Crocker & Parker. ----- Miss
Lina Graham, of Portland, Is the guest
o f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodin.
Cold W e a th e r D rives In Hop P ickers
— Removed to Ohio— A Sick F am ­
ily— New
Resident — House
P a in t­
Bear H u n t— N ew Houses.
Sept. 9 — Three steam
threshers and a sawmill running In
the neighborhood make Scholls a
very busy place this week. ------ Grain
is turning out good this season, es­
pecially oats. Wheat is still a little
scarce around here this year.------The
new mail carrier from Sherwood is
delivering mail daily on the new free
delivery route from that place ------
Mr. Fowler, who has been living on
the old J. 8. Miller place, has gone
to work in Newberg for the winter.
and J. F. Miller Is looking after bis
harvest for him.
Mr. Wm. Crater
has his new house all up. and part of
M ill S hort of W a te r— Sick People Ben­
e fite d by Change of C lim ate— Mov­
ing— 8 t. M a ry ’s Academ y Opens—
Public School Teachers— V is ito rs to
the Seashore— Im provem ents.
9.— Livermore's
mill, west of town. Is having quite a
time getting water. Two or
wells have been sunk, one over one
hundred feet deep., and still they have
to haul water, two men and a team
being kept busy supplying the mill.
------ Several more went up the valley
from here hop picking Sunday ____
N o . 17
The last census credited Washington county with only part of an acre
on wMch 260 pounds of tobacco was p oduced, but a number of patches over
the county have demonstrated that It could be produced and three years
ago must have been an exceptional year if over a ton of the weed was not
raised. Burt Stewart, on Philip French’s farm near Thatcher, a dozen years
ago. raised enough tobacco for his own use and that of the neighborhood
from a quarter acre. Mr. J. T. Fletcher’s father, cn his Gales Creek farm,
planted once four different varieties of tobacco seed furnished by Senator
Mitchell and the early kind did very well. Mr. Townsend, near Centerville,
and several around Dilley have raise ) fair crops and John Weoll, of Gales
Creek, has been marketing fine tobacco for a number of years About the
frost line on the hillsides Is said to be especially adapted for tobacco rais­
ing and another season is likely to see this a considerable Industry.
Beaverton, Sept. 9.— People continue
to go to the hop yards. Some have
already returned on account of the
cold weather. ------ Daniel Bailey and
family left Tuesday morning for Ohio,
where they will reside In the future.
------Several members of J. N. Fisher’s
family, including J. N. Fisher himself,
are confined to the house by illness.
------ A. M. Moore, of Astoria, a son of
J. F Moore, of this place, has taken up
his residence In our city. ------ W. J.
Alexander will occupy the Coleman
house .lately vacated by D.
------ Ned Nelson Is Improving his resi­
dence by giving It a coat of paint.------
Mrs. J, M Hobart Is visiting with
J. M. McGee at Tlgardvllle. ------ L.
D Elston made a flying visit to Bea­
verton Tuesday evening.
A few gnod horses and several sec-
ond-hand buggies for sale at a bargaln.
or will trade Call at News offlee or
see Peter Peteraon.