Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 21, 1903, Image 1

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An U p -to -D a te Country Newspaper--Republican in P. litics.
F o r e s t G r o v e , W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y . O r e g o n , A u g . 21, 1 9 0 3 .
The field of The News is the first agri­
cultural county of Oregon. First for clover,
for onions, for grapes, and In d a iryin g ; it
also leads in diversified farming and Is
famous for fine horses, good cattle and
blooded sheep and goats. Its hay is being
bought, thousands of tons of it, by the
government to feed cavalry horses in ths
Philippines; its wines took gold medals
over California's exhibit at the Chicago
W orld’s Fair. Its prunes and hops get the
top prices in the murket, and sugar beets,
flax, tobacco, sweet potatoes, horse rau
ish, and mushrooms show the variety of
1 ta production.
Its 18,000 people live lu
3500 houses, of which 2500 are on farms,
and the great majority own their own
homes. Sig wagon roads and two lines sf
railway connect the county with Portland,
metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, froa.
4 to 32 miles distant, and here is found
ready sale for Its products. Good schools,
•d roads, a network of farm telephones
and many rural delivery routes affording
dally mail make Washington county a pros­
perous country region with all the con­
veniences of the city.
cox/re spouse hcs
He reports It very dusty all along the
roads.----- Mr. and Mrs. C. Matthiess
and Bertha Seidler, of Laurel; Mr. and
Mrs. Kieler and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Hergert and family; Mrs. Demming.
Miss Annie Liebno, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Liebno and Rev. L. Stuebe and wife
Gales Creek, Aug. 19.— Hay work 1 were guests o f H. Scheuermann Sun-
still goes on. The balers are reducing day afternoon.----- Mrs. M. Stuebe, wife
the size o f the stacks considerably and o i R « v - L Stuebe, left Tuesday morn-
the baling will not last much longer j ins f ° r a trip back Bast, going to Mll-
here.----- Mrs. Cora Jacobsen, of Fart- waukee, Wisconsin.----- Mr. Eisenhardt
land, is visiting relatives here this and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mahler
week.----- H. T. Short and family and some friends o f theirs left for an
passed through last week on the way outing along the Coast, whre they will
to their ranch on Wilson river.----- stay for a couple of weeks.----- The
Mr. Hod Parsons ia back from Tilla­ road supervisor came through here
mook. He has a fine ranch In that yesterday to look after a bridge which
part of the country.----- J. L. Loving’s needs repairing.----- The young folks of
children saw a bear the other day near Blooming had an ice cream party at
Mr. Culver’s.----- No fire is yet seen Miss Elsla Behleng’s last night. They
in the mountains. Generally by this had a jolly old time— it is reported.-----
time we are suffering from smoke, but H. Scheuermann and H. I.iebno left
It is to be hoped there will be no for Portland this morning on gome
forest fires this year.----- Mr. J. D. business.
Short is finishing up his house for
painting. This is something nine-
tenths of the houses need, but people
Aug. 19.— Miss Pearl
neglect to do. A house will last twice
did he encourage them, that as they ag long and look so much better when Shaffer, of Portland, is visiting friends
were voluntarily to offer their young painted.
in Sherwood this week.----- The S. P.
Co. is contemplating a change in train
lives to the service of God and the wel­
time, giv'ng this place a better mall
fare of humanity, to continue and pev
service, a thing that will greatly ben­
severe In that noble calling. It was
indeed an imposing scene to witness
Scholls, Aug. 18.— Mrs. E. J. Suther­ efit the rural mail service to start from
these youthful aspirants approach the land is building quite an extension to this office September 1.----- Mr. and
holy altar of God to make their obla- her barn. Jimmie Cafer has charge of Mrs. August Holznag'e left for Soda
i tions. Many kind friends and relatives the work.----- Scholls is booming this Springs last Sunday.----- Messrs. Sam
| were present to honor the occasion. summer. Mr. Wm. Crator has bought a Hougan, John Owens and W ill Atter-
] The chapel was artistically decorated lot in town and is going to build a fine bury have returned from down the Co­
in green vines, maiden-hair and white house at once.----- Mr. Jesse Snyder Is lumbia. where they have been fishing
since the season opened.----- The R. R
lilies, thus producing a beautiful effect hauling lumber for a new house (
and being characteristic of the cere­ his place.----- Messrs. George Pierce D. careers re very busy getting their
monies enacted. The ceremonies lasted and T. J. W allen have taken a contract horses rig jtc., readv to start the 1st.
!g is row u full swing,
until about 10 o’clock a. m., after which to cut logs for W. W. Fletcher»— - ----Th-
bd ciop report (f. Hop pick­
the day’ was pledsancly spent In visit­ Taylor Bros, and Flint’s threshing n a with a
ing and entertaining the many friends chine has been running in the neigh­ ing will hfeign about the 1st.
Sherwood, Aug. 18.— The Gardner
borhood for the past week. They are
cigar factory is again running
at Fred Groner’s place today.----- The
Tualatin, Aug. 15.— Last Sunday was
Groner & Rowell Mill Company has In full forte, after a temporary shut
a red letter day for the Congregational
Jown durisg the absence of Martin
Hayward, Aug. 18.— Hayward was just finished their second kiln of brick.
church at Tualatin. Supt. C. F. Clapp
They have as fine a lot of brick as and Joe Gardner, who were in South-
preached in th^morningV eleven ro m - j v|«ited by a nice rain Saturday, which
arn Oregon looking for timber land.
1 did much good to gardens and fruit. I was ever burned in the county.-----
bers were received into the church,
——The Vincent & Young saw mill
1----- J. Boos was on the sick list last
and four children were baptized. The
two miles east of town is running to
week.----- Mrs. Lyda has been sick, but played ball with the winning team in
church building is now one o f the most
,ts fullest capacity. Mr. W. F. Young
is able to be at work again.----- J. A. Hillsboro last Sunday.----- The Christ­
beautiful ornaments of the community,
;tates that they are obliged to run
Jennings is building an addition to hit, ian Endeavor at Scholls is getting
with the new stone foundation and two
joth night and day in order to keep In
house.----- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dahm
coats of paint. Things are looking up
reaching distance of their orders.-----
have gone back home after having a we are doing.----- Mr. A. B. Brown is
In Tualatin spiritually as well as tem­
Edna, the five-months-old daughter of
pleasant visit.----- There was preaching building quite an extension to his
porally. Rev. C. F. Clapp preached
W. E. Prosser is doing the vlr. and Mrs. A. J. Bell, died Wednes­
at Hayward last Sunday.----- J. Boos house.
to a full house at Sherwood in the
day, August 12. Mr. and Mrs. Bell now
killed a beef Wednesday.----- Miss work.----- C. W. Crowder has a new
eside in Portland, formerly Sherwood.
Anna Boos was home Sunday on a bicycle and you can see him passing
Bell came to Sherwood on Tues­
visit.----- Mrs. B. Whitten Is visiting
WEST OF FOREST GROVE. friends on Derry creek this week.----- has a new tandem bicycle and it keeps day to stay with her mother-in-law
him busy taking the boys out riding luring her child’s illness, the child
West of Forest Grove, Aug. 18.— Hayward people are talking of selling
on it.----- F. E. Rowell and H. Bruner lying the next day after her arrival.
Grain cutting is still in progress.-----
'pent Snndav in McMinnville.----- The ----Mrs. Mary Webster, wife of B. F.
R. M. Bisbee threshed grain one da>
bodv o f Fred Foster, who was drownedJ rebster, residing
last week on the Groveland farm.-----
in the Columbia river about five weeks town, died Friday, August 14. De­
Mr. Mooner’s folks have gone to the
Raleigh, Aug, 18.— E. A. Barnes has ago, was found last week about 250 ceased was 40 years old. A husband
coast; also Mr. Eplet’s.----- Robert purchased a fine new buggy.----- It is
miles below where it was lost.----- Th t end five children survive her, the old­
Stevenson is pushing the work on his reported that the rural free delivery
funeral wll be held here on Wednes­ est child but 10 years old. Death came
new prune drier.----- Richard Holscher ^ will start through here September 5..
day.----- Mrs. Nelson Brooks, of Gold- from a complication of diseases of sev­
says his grapes on Concord hill are j
The threshing machine has been endale. Wash., is visiting her folks this eral year»’ duration.----- Owing to the
very fine this year and give promise ¡n the neighborhood recently.----- Mr.
week.----- Mr. Thomas Haner will soon resignation of
Miss Irwin, primary
o f an abundant yield.
He has the Titus is having his buildings moved
have Ms new house in South Scholls i teacher of the Sherwood school, the
Concord variety and places them di- ^ and repaired.----- Mr. Pearl King and ready to move Into.----- Mr. John Frank directors advise that there Is an open-
rectly on the market.----- Services w er„ family visited at Emerson Rine’s at o f Kenton, has been setting brick for ! Ing for an experienced lady teacher
held at the Watts church last Sunday. Peaverton Sunday. ----- Mr. Cephas f ' e G. & R. Co. for tne past few days, in that departmnt. Good wages will be
----- Byron Smith is at work finishing King is moving on the farm he pur- ----- Messrs. B. Fonda. C. Hitchock and
paid.----- F. Langer, who owns and op­
Allen Rice’s new residence.----- Mr. chased near Garden Home.----- Miss Bod Tavior went to Tillamook last
erates a threshing outfit in this sec­
Vmshide has been hauling wood to Cora Johnson was In Portland the lat- week to hunt and fish.
tion. has had exceedingly bad luck the
Forest Grove.----- The Watts school- ter part of last week taking the teach-
Scholls, Aug. 18.— Messrs. Bud Tay- last week with it. A few evenings ago
house looms up under a new coat of ers’ examination.
lor, Chas. Hitchcock and Bert Fonda while moving the separator after dark,
paint.----- Ed. Knlghten is on the sick
started to the coast last Wednesda). the driver lost his bearings, ran over
list but is some better at this writing.
----- Mrs. Tiehenor and children re­ a small stump and upset the machine,
----- Mr. Dixon is baling hay on Mr.
Gales Creek, Aug. 20.— Mrs. Peter turned to Forest Grove last Friday.----- icin g considerable damage In the way
Gee. Naylor's farm.
Jacobson and son. Baby Robert, of Miss Grace Barbo. who has been visit­ of breaking fixtures on the outside of
Portland, aie visiting friends and rel­ ing her friends, Mr. Le Beau’s family, tne separator. Just about the time the
atives in Gales City and vicinity.----- started to Poitland Monday.----- Misses machine was put In order, and while
St. Mary's, Aug. 18.— On August IS. Pleasure seekers are still
passing Ina Rowell and Jennie Sutherland have moving on the county road between
the Feast o f the Assumption, religious through Gales Creek en route for Til- \ ht*t returned home after a visit with Sherwood and Middleton, the bridge
reception and profession took place at lamook. On Saturday of last week Portland friends. Miss Rowell was vis­ opposite H. O. Hays’ gave way, pre­
St. Mary’s Convent chapel. Miss May . four ladies and five gentlemen passed iting her sister.----- Mr. Gerrltsie is cipitating the engine into the ditch.
Hyland, o f Beaverton. Oregon, was tnrough on horseback on their way building an addtion to his house which We have as yet not learned the extent
superbly will greatly improve its appearance. of t^e damage done to the engine, but
admitted into the novitiate, assuming to Astoria.
t..e name of Sister Mary Francis mounted and seemed to be enjoying ----- Bud Taylor’s family, who
have without a doubt it will be quite exten­
Xavier. Sisters Mary Alexander and the trip.----- It begins to look as though been living in T. J. W allen’s house, are sive. Mr. I anger has a good outfit.
*Ms veer adding a self-feeder to the
Stanislaus, formerly the Misses Cath­ our merchants would have to send to settled in their own house now.
ot’-er various up-to-date improvements
erine and Agnes Fox. of Marshfield. TIor'land for butter to supply the local
on Ms machine.----- Ira Smock, who
Oregon, pronounced temporary vow* trade. Those who send milk to the
•-as been working for the 8. P. Co. tu
for a period of three years. Sister factory depend on those who keep their
Mary Dominica, nee Miss Ellen Crow­ milk at home for butter, so does the i
Blooming, Aug. 19.— Miss Elsla Behl- Upton, Calif., is home on a vacation.
ley. o f Boston. Mass., also took tern busy farm er’s wife who has no time I eng came home from Portland to stay -----The special school meeting hpld on
porary vows. Sister Mary Catherine, to churn while she cooks for hay for a few weeks. She thinks Blooming the 17th In st. for the purpose of voting
daughter o f Hon. Hubert Bernards, oi bales and threshing crews. Only those would be a neat little place for an a small tax to defray the expenses In
Forest Grove. Oregon, and Sister Mary who are fortunate enough to have en outing if there only was a sprinkler painting the school building, went off
Josephine, nee Miss Bridget Grant, of | gaged the desired article o f private to settle the dust a llttie.----- Henry •vilte smoothly. The opposition fac-
Boston. Mass., made final vows. His parties are at all certain of getting it. Voelker has returned to Portland after *|on to levying a tax In this district
Grace the Moat Rev. Archbishop, pre-1----- Dr. and Mrs. Chas Hines were a week's stay.----- Philip Hergert, a •-as always been In the majority, and
sided at the ceremonies, and previously ( Gales Creek visitors on Wednesday of son o f A. Hergert, was In Portland last for this reason a warm time was ex­
to the solemn net of profession he ex- this week.----- On Sunday a number of week on business.----- Herman Ruessle pected. however, after the ballot was
horted and congratulated the young Forest Grove people visited the soda and Jessie Johnson took a pleasant spread and results determined, the ma­
ladies on the noble and Important step springs
It is a beautiful place and trip around the country, coming turity once, was now a very small far.
they were about to take. Specially if the grounds were fixed up there Is through this great city on their return. tlon In the minority, and our school
c ê v x r jr
no doubt but pleasure seekers would
stop nearer home than Tillamook.-----
James Berry is on the sick list this
week.----- The Rev. Howard I.atourette
of McMinnville talked to an attentive
audience on Sunday last at the old
house will soon take on a new garb
and rank well with other institutions
o f this kind In the county.
N o . 14
South of Cornelius, Aug. 18.— And
now we are coming too, so please maka
room within the columns of your busy
paper for a few items from the enter­
Bethany, Aug. 19.— Mrs. C. C. Arns, prising locality o f Fern Hill.----- Phillip
[ o f this place, died at Newport last Schneider Is able to be at work agaiu
Monday. She and her husband left after a serious Illness.----- It Is report-
here about two weeks ago to spend a ed that hopraen In this vicinity will
month or six weeks on the coast, where pay a dollar a hundred pounds for pick-
she suddenly died. The remains will ing this year.-----Many of the farmers
be taken to Iowa for burial.----- Grain are stacking their grain on account of
is mostly cut and threshing is in full the uncertainty of getting a thresher
blast. Oats are turning out good, from soon. A large acreage o f oats has been
40 to 60 bushels to the ecre.----- John cut for hay as most o f the farmers
'Bergen is building an addition to his think o f keeping more cows in the
house.----- The Bethany boys are going future.----- An old-time friend o f Mr.
to have a dance at the Bethany hall, and Mrs. Duncalf and family, Mr.
September 13.
, Goudge, o f Deljim ar, Idaho, is their
guest.----- Miss Clara Dixon recently
I returned from an extended visit In
-Several of our
young people will attend the dance at
Patton Valley, Aug. 20.— Mr. Leabo
. . .
Dllley Friday evening.----- Mr. Benson,
and family returned to their home in
o f Cornelius, has the contract o f de­
Forest Grove Sunday morning. W e
livering at Cornelius Chas. Schneider’s
hope they will visit us again next sum­
cordwood recently purchased by John
mer.----- Mr. Jim Lee threshed his
j Cornelius.----- Help with the farm work
grain Sunday. Mr. Fleshor and Mr.
is scarce, as most o f our young men
Finley McLeod helping with their
are away harvesting.----- Our genial
teams.----- Mr. Bertie Nixon and com­
| resident. Mr. Lawrence Dixon, has late-
panion were visitors at Mr. Alan Mc-
| ly changed his vocation, and now does
I,eod's Sunday.----- Mr. and Mrs. Ruth­
the wood hauling act.----- W e were Just
erford. of Scoggln Valley, were visit­
about to congratulate ourselves on hav­
ors Sunday at the home o f Mrs. Ruth­
ing fresh fish on ice brought to our
erford’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stand-,
1 doors every Monday, but the fish man
bridge, of Patton Valley. ----- The
failed us this week.----- Thomas Hinton
Christian Endeavor of Patton Valley
i has sold his ranch to a Mr. Ward, of
gave a social at the home of Mr. John
Precept, Neb. Mr. Ward is already
Boyd Friday evening. There was a
Installed In his new home.----- Mr. Geo.
good attendance and all enjoyed a
Chapman and Mr. Clem Hulsman are
pleasant evening. Light refreshments
each putting up large additions to
were served.----- Miss Mary Bailey, of
their barns. Mr. Hulsman Intends com-
Forest Grove, was in Patton Valley m
» m «-* n - s w i » “ a “ u “ u
MundH,,— ! N * fir
r - - i«
'n t e " a 3 r ’ fuh.'re — Charlie hooper7 hauls
Miss Pernilla Olsen, o f Patton Valley, watpr for the HoUj! & Kramer thresh-
visited Sunday at the home o f Mr. p r ----- Thprp wprp gerv|rM hoth morn.
Alan McLeod.
Mr. C. H. Stand- ; ,nR and afternoon at the Catholic
bridge and son were guests Sunday at rh,|rph 8lln(Iay. _ W ln. 0 elger was In
the home of Mr. George Doney, three our midst Tuesday.
miles southwest of Gaston.----- Mrs.
Nixon, of Forest Grove, has been at I
her farm several times last week.----- j
Miss Jane Bates returned Saturday i
from Hillsboro where she went to take
Bank«, Aug, 19.— Wm. McGill Is haul­
teachers’ examination.----- Miss Sarah
his baled hay to the Grove this
Bates returned Sunday rfom McMinn­
ville, where she was taking teachers’ week.----- The Schneider saw mill has
examinations. She will now have a changed hands and Is now running at
life diploma.----- Mr. Ixtckwood and ,ts fu" c»P * cU3r’ and wl" aoon
son were in Patton Valley Tuesday. ,n to N - C Shipley’s timber, where
Mr. Lockwood. Jr., expects to com -1 thoy wi" havP a year or mora run-----
mence work for Mr. Haines at the I>ee Mr8 Ira 8,ewart Bd* ar- o f Portland-
falls this week.----- Miss Liza McLeod w111 ,erturp at the Flr
of Patton Valley received a slight shak- next Sunday at 11 o’clock; also In the
ing up Sunday evening while returning a,terri00n' , pt everybody come and
from church. She was thrown from brlnK the,r ,unch’ ,n order to "ear both
a horse
lectures. They are free but there will
be a hat collection to pay expenses.
----- Mrs. Whitten, of Hayward, is the
guest of Mrs. Garrigus this week.-----
Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Mary Garrigus
Buxton, Aug. 20. While Mr. J. N. ^ spent a part nf )agt week at Vernonla
Fllppln was coming down from Green ln Columbia ^ „ t y at thp rampmPet.
mountain with a load of shingles last ,ng. They rpport „ Kood t|mp >n|,
Wednesday the seat worked loose, | Bomo Kood
bp,nR donp by way o f
throwing him on the horses. In the ( savlnK B|nnerB----- Mr Arai, oarrlgus
struggle he was badly bruised, but not has become VPry murh lntPrpBtp<1
seriously injured. The horses ran to ; 8llnday Bphoo, work at thp Roy Bpboo,
Buxton where they were caught.----- house.----- Tbere
R youn(f man |n OUp
Mr. Geo. Gleason, o f Portland, is visit-
ing friends at Buxton.----- Mr. C. W.
Geller, of the firm of Buxton & Geller,
has gone to San Francisco to visit his
father, whom he has not seen for 11
vears.----- Married. Wednesday, August
19. 1903. at the home of the bride’s
parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. R. West, of
Buxton, Miss Jennie Hiddlnk, and Mr.
John Beck, both o f Portland.
Reedville, Aug. 18^— Miss Anna C.
Chalmers, o f Centerville, has been en­
gaged as principal of the public school
for the coming term.----- Mrs. A. B.
Flint and children, o f Klnton, visited
with Mr and Mrs. J. York one day last
week.----- Esther and Martin Twede re­
turned to their home In Portland on
T -ursda'-.----- Miss Esther I.und Is
spending a few weeks with Mr. and
rs. E. L. Olsen and O. Nordlund and
'am llv of this place.----- Antone Jacob­
sen, who was visiting friends here, the
last two weeks, has returned to Port­
land, where he Is employed In tbe F
P. machine shops.----- Among the Port­
landers who spent Sunday In this vi­
cinity. we noticed Mr. and Mr». A. Ros
°nburg and family, C. C. Hansen and
R. E. Halderman.— «-Portland visitors
this week were Mrs. J. T. Taylor. Miss
Bockmann. Mrs. A. Piernón, J. B. Imlay
and C. Swenson.
neighborhood who has found a harness
wh|rh JlIgt BU|tg b|m
,f np pwnpr
claims It he would be glad to keep It.
Gaston, Aug. 19.— Threshing ma­
chines are running at full blast now
turning out the golden grain for our
prosperous farmers.----- W A. Johns­
ton and family, and Link and Frank
Mill made a trip to the mountains after
blackberries last week, but It was not
a successful one as far as fruit was
concerned.----- Harry Turner came up
from Portland Saturday to spend a
while with his folks on the ranch.____
Oscar Shogren and crew pulled In with
the baler Tuesday and have begun
threshing.----- A. H ill’s are
coasting ears since Frldav.----- George
Mlzner Is rushing the work on his new
house n ow ----- Btirhele. Oehler A At­
kins have repaired their baler and are
at work again — People are beginning
to get readv for hop-picking.----- The
growers report good hops and are ex­
pecting to pay good wages to pickers
this season.-----Hay |( being hauled
Into Gaston from all directions and
teams have to wait their turn to get
unloaded. It Is being shipped as fast
aa cars ran be had. but the greater
part la being stored for lack of car«.