TH E W ASHINGTON COUNTY NEW and 1 ,ter a * com m ander ir lft h , a r m y co rp s A t th e tim e * r the assa u lt m ade by hla troops upon PLAY AND PIE i^eei » J n™ nehmenU at 8 P ittsylvan ia in 1864 W arren marched bravely In front of the host, resplendent In a new uniform. H e was the Idol o f his wen. ■Porto R ico devastated by a hurrl- ca"®; ™ afha estimated between 1 00* WvOOO000 and th® property l°sa at IS».* C H A R L E S E. H IN E S . M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hines & Wagner's Drug Store. Forest Grove, Oregon. C. L. L A R G E , M. Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of women a specialty. Forest Grove, Oregon. S T R A W B E R R I E S , M A N Y O F W H I C H W E I G H A PO U N D . Washington county is the richer by $12,000 for this season's harvest from its 50-acre stiawberry patch. And it doesn’t take so many of its strawberries to weigh a pound as are required in most regions. E. B. R E N T Z , M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Abbott’s Jewelry Store. (Both ’phones.) Forest Grove, Oregon. (THE O f course all this is going to take so much time and thought that you won’t have a very wide margin left for golf— especially in the afternoons. I simply mention this in passing, because I see la the Chicago papers which have been sent me that you were ainoug the play­ ers on the links one afternoon a fort­ night ago. Golf’s a nice, foolish game and there ain’t any harm in it so far as I know except for the balls—the still balls at the beginning, the lost balls in the middle and the highballs at the end of the game. But a young fellow who wants to be a boss butcher hasn't much daylight to waste on any kind of links except sausage links. Of course a man should have a cer­ tain amount of play, just ns a boy la entitled to a piece of pie at the end o f tds dinner, but he don’t want to make a meal of it. Any one who lets sinkers take the place o f bread and meat gei bilious pretty young, and these fellows who haven’t any job except to blow the old man’s dollars are a good deal like the little niggers in the pie eating con­ test at the county fair—they’ve a-plen­ ty of pastry and they’re attracting a heap of attention, but they’ve got a stomach ache coming to them by and by.—From "Letters From a Self Made Merchant to His Son,” by George Hor­ ace Lorimer. L. L. Langley. ------------------------------------------- SON, GOING THE W HOLE HOG LANGLEY A Forest G rove H ot el Both Goad, but ll Isn't Wiss to Maks a Mesi of Either I—John H. Twachtman, famous Am erl* can landscape artist, died at Glouces­ ter, Maas.; born 1863 . W . M. Langley. Rag« Flv*. Hound To p . Z W 'S S S l Office over S1, 1903. » Attorneys and Counselors at Law You Must Do It to Win In Pork Picking end Other Things Upstairs Wagner Bldg. Purest Grove Notaries Public Real Kstate and Conveyancing You’ve got to believe that the Lord made the first hog with the Graham brand burned in the skin and that the drove which rushed down a steep place was packed by u competitor. You’ve got to know your goods from A to l i ­ zard. from snout to tail, on the boof and in tbe can. You’ve got to know 'em like a young mother knows baby talk and to tie as proud o f ’em as the young father of a twelve pound boy, without really thinking that you're stretching it four pounds. You’ve got to beituve in J. N. H O F F M A N , Attorney and Counselor at Law. Upstairs, Caples Block. Forest Grove, Oregon. W. H. Hollis. Earl B. Hawks H O LLIS & HAW KS, LAWYERS Real Estate and Corporation Lai. i a Specialty. Office over Hines a Wagner’s Drug Store Forest Grove IN T H E GOOD O L D S U M M E R T I M E ~ - T H E S U C C E S S F U L D E t ì » H U N T E R C I T Y B A R B ER SHOP, A. J. W irtz. Baths. Laundry Agency. SLOAN) The Pioneer But U p to-Date. The Commercial Travel­ ers Headquarters. In the Heart of Town. Good Sample Room. M rs . G r o . S l o a n . Forest Grove Southern Pacific Time Card M oa Wd.Fri 16 00 7 40 7 50 8 10 4 Kx. Sunday I ’ D a lly M ile . Ttrmsen nr u m e S. FOREST GROVE, ORE., JU LY W E 8T SIDE DIVISION 1 > »/ 7 30 0 8 18 11 ....B ea verton . . . . 8 22 12 ....S t , Mary's . . . 8 31 16 . . . .Reedville . . . . 8 35 17 ....W itc h Hazel .. 8 40 19 ....N e w to n ......... 8 44 21 ....H illsboro . . . . 8 54 24 ....C orn eliu s . . . . 9 00 |26 I ....F o r e s t Grove 9 05 28 ....D ille y ............ 9 11 30 . . . . Gales 10 15 6 36 9 16 32 . ...Gaston ........... 12 35 7 21 10 00 60 ....M cM in n ville .. 1 05 7 30 I 10 00 54 ....W h iteso n . . . . 2 58 • •••••• I 11 00 76 . . . .Independence 4 20 |11 45 9" 1 * 42 4 5 5 - 8 IS f 5 8 25 f • 8 44 6 9 03 6 9 30 6 9 45 • 10 00 f S Sunday 4 50 S’* fl 50 38 43 f 52 5« f 10 0« 15 21 25 31 f It* Sunday i W d Fri ! 7 30 9 12 9 37 e 04 10 08 • 08 10 25 6 18 10 42 5 05 5 50 f 5 58 f 7 40 I 7 30 \ 1 05 Y A M l . L L DIVISION. 0 1 13 1 ---- Tualatin .. 15 Cipole ........... 17 . . . .Sherwood 19 . . . .Middleton 20 1 43 5 50 4 59 f 4 52 4 44 f 4 39 4 34 4 29 4 17 4 12 4 07 f 3 59 3 55 3 06 2 56 2 05 1 20 ..8 7 f 7 7 f 7 f 7 7 7 6 6 f 6 6 5 ..5 41 Tur T h . Sal 6 Kx Sundoy ! A Tu . i Thr 4 30 3 25 3 07 2 52 2 37 2 30 2 20' 1 50 1 30 1 OS 12 4 » 12 3 » 25 40 36 27 23 19 14 05 59 55 49 45 58 50 .............. 3 32 1 1 1 12 12 . 10 ....F ra n k . . . . Ar. Whiteson s K *. Sun. 10 6 » 10 10 8 0* 6 60 ! 9 30 55 . . 8 40 30 f 8 32 10 8 26 58 8 22 40 f 8 13 10 j 7 06 8 a 2k l l ¡* 1 6 1 * (Light face figures denote A. M.; dark face figures denote P M f Stops signal. I W ill carry passengers hold ing Supt. permit oniy. ’Daily.) W. E. COMAN, Gene ral Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. LOCAL AGENTS. Beaverton .................. F. W. Cady D ille y .......................... A. S. B riggv Reed ville .................... J. B. Finley Gaston ..................... c. W. Hudson Hillsboro . . . . . . . . . . . . E. L. Phillips yourself and make your buyers take T u a la tin .......................C. A. Kras S h erw ood ......... ......... Dora Smock- stock in you at par and accrued inter­ Cornell o s ..................... D. J. Barrett Forest G r o v e .............. N. L. Atkins est. You’ve got to have the scent o f a bloodhound for an order and the grip o f a bulldog on a customer. You’ve got to feel the same personal solicitude over a bill of goods that strays off to a competitor us a parson over a back­ slider and hold special services ta bring it back into the fold. You’ve got to get up every morning with deter­ mination if you're going to go to bed M RS. SARAH R. CROW, Manager witli satisfaction. You’ve got to eat hog, think hog. dream hog—in short, go the whole hog—If you’re going to win out in the pork packing business. Finest accommodations for commercial travelers. Sample That’s a pretty liberal receipt I room on Main street, two doors south of V ert’s hall kins#,-but it’s intended for a fellow who wants to make a good sized pie. Comfortable, Home-Like And the only thing you ever find in pas- try that you don’t put in yourself is and Reasonable by.—From “ Letters f rom a Self Made Merchant to His Son,” by George Hor­ ace Lorimer. Best Table in Town. F orest G rovk TheM ichigan House Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove. C. E. G E I G E R , M. D., Homeopathist Physician and Surgeon. Office, over W escott’s Store. Residence, east of M. E. Church. Forest Grove, Oregon. DR. R. N IX O N , Dentist. Forest Grove, Oregon. W i l b u r M c E ld o w n e y Ao T E A C H E R O F V O C A L M U SIC. ¡all at Residence or inquire at postofflee. Forest Grovs IN T H E GOO D O L D S U M M E R T I M E - - T H E M A N W H O K I L L E D T H E B E A R M ILLS & HINES, Sxpert Hors* Shoers. 25 years’ experience, S O M E B L A C K B E R R Y P IE S A N D A W E D D I N G O F 50 Y E A R S AGO. The News force Monday was feast­ Machine ing on wild blackberry pie and cake, and with this departure from the ordi­ Shop. Forest Grove. nary diet of newspapermen goes an interesting story. Secretary George H. Himes, of tht J. T. BUXTON, State Historical Society, had been mailing to pioneers clippings from early papers relating to them. A Farmers’ work a specialty. happy coincidence occurred in the case Forest Grove. of Mrs. Z. Large, who is a pioneer of 1845. Through the inclosing of the wrong slip in an envelop to her the V. N . S E A R S mistake had to be rectified, and th^ trfling error brought the notice to her Leading Barber Shop on the semi-centennial of the event it Up-to-Date Haircutting and Shav­ chronicled. The paper read: “ Mar­ ing. Laundry agency. ried— at high noon, in Chehalem Val­ Iain Street. Forest Grove. ley. by Dr. James McBride, July 27, 1853. Miss Zeruiah Bayley and Francis Large.” The Dr. McBride mentioned A D M IN IS TR A TO R 'S N O TIC E . was the father of ex-Unite’d States Sen­ Notice is hereby given that the un- ator George W. McBride. Judge T. A. rsigned has been du! - appointed by McBride and the rest of the family, j County Court o f the State of Ore- which has furnished so many distin­ n, for Washington County, adminia- guished public men to the Pacific ■trix of the Estate o f Asa Williams, Northwest. Mrs. Large is one of five ceased. All persons having claims sisters, all in advanced years, whose list said estate are hereby required portraits appeared in the Oregonian present the same to me properly a few years ago as an example of an rifled, as by law required, at Forest unbroken pioneer family. Mrs. Large ove, Oregon, within six months was ten years old when, with her par­ ■m the date hereof. ents, who had left Clarke county. Ohio, Dated this 16th day o f June, A. D. for a home in the far West, she shared the hardships of the unfortunate expe­ SA R A H E. CROW, dition by Meek's cut-off, who lost ninistratrix o f the Estate of Asa their way and suffered so for food. Williams, deceased. Mr. Large died three years ago, so the day which would otherwise have been so happy an anniversary comes NOTICE FOU PU B LIC ATIO N , rtment * f the Interior, Land Office at with somewhat of sorrow to her. •iext door north Buxton’s Seneral Blacksmithing, egon City. Oregon. Jnne 20. 1S*03_ itlce la hereby given that the followlng- •d settler ha» filed notice of his Inten- to make final proof In »upport of hla i, and that »aid proof will be mad» e Register and Receiver at Oregon City, on. »n August 4. 1003. via: augh. H. E. No. 14.106. for the south quarter Section 3. Township 3 nortn. e « . w p «t name« the following witnew e« to . his continuous residence "P on " na ration of said land, v ia : Rice Mon- . of Timber °re g o n : Robert T .FIm p- of Boat on. Oregon: William Mldd.ugb ortlnnd. Oregon : Amo« Bradahiw, « i ALQBR n S?? s. DRESSER. Register. Mrs Large is the mother o f Coroner C. L. Large and Mrs. Lizzie Harris, both o f her children residing in Forest Grove. The lapse o f 5« years has effectively banished ail trace o f the proverbial unskillfulness, if any there ever was in her case, usually attrib­ uted to young wives’ cookery, to Judge from the toothsome samples with which the News was remembered. O F J O H N W ILSO N , OF GALES CREEK. John Wilson, aged 76 years, died Monday at Gales Creek, where he had lived for the past 42 years. He was born in Missouri, coming to California in 1851, and ten years later to Wash­ ington county. A wife and the follow­ ing children survive him: Mrs. Laura Allen, Beaverton: Alonzo Wilson, Grants Pass; William, W alter and Fred, Gales Creek; Mrs. Ela Casteel and Edward Wilson, Springfield; Mrs Sarah York and Denny WilRon, Kelso; Mrs. Reales Taylor and Mrs. Emma Stanton, Portland. A o itU A l S t o r y Little FolK s Por The Tunny Duckling DEATH G A TH E R IN G OF R E L A T IV E S A T C E N TE R V IL LE . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heesacker gavt a most delightful party last Sunday to relatives and friends. The after­ noon was spent in games and other amusements. About 5 o’clock refresh ments were served and all spent a very pleasant afternoon. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meemosen, Mr. and Mr». Isadore Van der Zanden, Mrs. and Mr. Aug. Van Loo. Mr. Peter Evers, Mrs. Heesacker, Jno. Van Lom, Mrs. Gable, Mrs. and Mr. Riverman. Messrs. P. Vandebey, Albert Evers, Jno. Krieger, Ben, John Henry and Joseph Hee­ sacker. and the Misses Christian Hee­ sacker, Rose Riverman. Alice ann Anna Evers, Mamie Meemosen and Theresa Gable. There was once a funny little duck­ ling who was always going about do Ing something curious that made every body laugh at him. Somebody told him that if he did not want to get wet when It rained he had better buy himself an umbrella. So off Mr. Duckling went to the umbrella store and bought him JOHNSON & CO, ” jj flhe B rick L ivery 'S * Feed and Sale Stable FINEST RIOS BEST HORSE See oar adv. in the T. P. A. Guide KOOD DRIVERS Drummers’ trade onr specialty. Our ’Bus meets all train-». Carries 17. 8. Mail. Baggage and Freight Called for and Delivered. CORNER M AIN AND PACIFIC AVF . FOREST G R O v r HE C A R R IE D T H A T U M B R E L L A A R O U IU self an umbrella. He stuck It nndei bis arm and walked down the road Just as proud aa ever he could be. It made them all laugh louder than before, for none of them could see whal use a duckling would ever have for a> umbrella. But tbe duckling did not know any better. He carried that um brella around under bis arm day after day, hoping it would rain. J. Q. Jackson, o f Forest Grove, whose Well, finally one day it did rain. It lHtle girl was so severely burned last rained in sheets, and the wind blew at winter, has taken her to Portland to It had never blown before. Mr Duck­ the North Pacific Sanitarium to have a ling went out into the road. and. of surgical operation performed and she course, everybody was there to see. Up went tbe umbrella, and up went has returned very much benefitted. Woods A Adams’ new store building Mr. Duckling with It. for n big gust of wind Just lifted them both In the six will be roofed with the latest and most and swept them over the heads of tb* up-to-date roofing It is the P. & B spectators and Into tbe top of a tees Ready Roofing, manufactured by the about a mile away. Paraflne Paint Co.. Berkeley. Cal., who It took tbe little duckling half a day have their office in the McKay build­ to untangle himself from the limbs ot ing. Portland. This roofing Is espec­ the tree and get down to tbe ground. Moral.—Do not hamper yourself w ltl ially adapted for thlg climate and has things that are unnecessary.—Chlca#« proved a success throughout the Coast Tribune. , states. T. N . Cornelius A. R. Cornelius Special Attention to Commercial Travelers’ Patronage. Good Servi e. Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates ......................................................................H4.HHH4HH4440H44444I. Cornelius & Son i ............................................................................................................. ... * (Successors to ftcNamar A Cornelius) It o p r ir t e n Fashion Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over the W ilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times. omr-.-ou.-M. Forest Grove, Oregon