Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 31, 1903, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    T H E W A S H IN G T O h
P a g * Two.
J Country Correspondence f
Beaverton, ¿lily 2»,— Miss Martha
W olf gave a very pleasant party to a
number of friends last Saturday even­
ing.— -M iss Daphne Hills, of Port­
land, Is spending a two weeks’ vaca­
tion with her sister, Mrs. F. W. Cady.
----- Oliver Curtis, o f Thatcher, the
rural mail
delivery man. passed
through this place early Wednesday
morning hunting for a horse which
had gotten away from him.----- The
young people of the M. B. church will
give a cap and necktie social in the
Beaverton hall. Saturday night.-----
George Hess and family left overland
for California where they will travel
In search of health.----- Mr. C. W. Allen
and family attended the funeral of
Mrs. Allen’s father, John Wilson, at
Gales Creek the fore part o f the week.
----- Additional testimony was taken
on Tuesday of this week in the matter
o f the probation of the will of the late
M. A. Daubs.----- Mr. and Mrs. A E.
Fleck have gone to Prosser, Wash.,
where they have a homestead for a
short stay.----- C. D. Wallace, formerly
of this place, but now a resident of
Jasper, Oregon, Is reported as being
quite badly hurt by a cut fn the arm.
O R E .,
31, 1903.
W f a
last Sunday for an outing, where they
all had a very amusing’ time. Among
the erowd were: M r. an ! Mrs. Andrew
Jack. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jack, Mr. J.
Nicodemus and family. Postmaster
Krebs and family and Mr. C. Rehse
and family.----- Highest market price
paid for your produce at the Farming-
ton Store.*----- Reports are out that Im p o rtan t Events B riefly Told fo r Busy
the free rural mail route passing here
from Sherwood and Scholls will go in­
to operation September 1st.
n £
& üAy
1 -
Have Something to Say. Say It.
Then Stop
F Vom "Letter* From a Self 3fa/£e. Mer-
chant lit Hi* Son,” bn (Jtorfje
Horace Larimer
ha ■
----- A
Dear Pierrepont—Yours of the 4tb
has the right ring, and it says more to
the number of words used than any
letter that I have ever received from
you. 1 remember reading once that
some fellows use language to conceal
thought, but it’s beeu my experience
that a good many more use it instead
o f thought.
A business man's conversation should
be regulated by fewer and simpler
rules than any other function of the
human animal. They are:
Have something to say.
Say it.
Stop talking.
Beginning before you know what you
want to say and keeping on after you
have said it lands a merchant in a law­
suit or the poorliouse, and the first is a
short cut to the second. I maintain a
legal department here, and it costs a
lot o f money, but it’s to keep me from
going to law.
It's all right when you are calling on
a girl or talking with friends after din­
ner to run a conversation like a Sunday
school excursion, with stops to pick
flowers, but in the office your sentences
should be the shortest distance possible
between periods. Cut out the introduc­
tion and the peroration and stop be­
fore you get to secondly. You’ve got to
preach short sermons to catch sinners,
and dencons won't believe they need
long ones themselves. Give fools the
first und women the last word. The
meat's always in the middle o f the
sandwich. O f course a little butter on
either side o f it doesn’t do any harm if
it's intended for a man who likes but­
Remember, too, that it's easier to
look wise than to talk wisdom. Say
less than the other fellow and listen
more than you talk, for when a man’s
listening he isn’t telling on himself and
he's flattering the fellow who Is. Give
most men a good listener and most wo­
men enough note paper and they’ll tell
all they know.
Sherwood, July 27.— H. H. Byman
and wife rturned here a few days ago
July 29.— President will work for na­
from Eastern Washington, to which
July 26.— United States battleship tional aid to 1905 fair.— Russia and
locality they moved last fall. Mr. Ey-
Kearsage arrives at Bar Harbor, Me., Japan come to terms.— Mistaking acid
man’s health failing in that latitude
in good fighting trim, after 53 days’ for water blows up two powder maga­
induces them to return to their old
cruise in Europe and 3000 ml'e speed zines at Lowell, Mass.; 20 killed, 50 in­
home here.----- George and Ed. Say­
test across the Atlantic.— Danville, jured.— Cuban rebellion
fails.— Per­
lor have returned from an outing at
111., sheriff and his brave w ife repulses sians butcher reformers for religion’s
Tillamook City and Ocean Park. The
600 would-be lynchers. — Negress sake.— Russian Czar, Czarina and 2000
trip was made by the Grand Ronde
lynched in Louisana, protesting inno­ Greek Catholic bishops canonize new
route on bicycles, requiring six days
cence of the charge of poisoning of a saint.— Detroit street cars tied up by
white girl.— Cardinal Gibbons declares strike.— China gags newspapers.
of wheeling on the road.----- An an in­
dication of prosperity, several fine
Pope Leo has committed the Catholic
Oregon. — Clatsop County school dis-
July 24.— Two big Wall Street firms
new farm residences have been erect­
church to social democracy and that ' trict sells $35,000 school bonds to
ed in this vicinity. Joe Taylor and N.
regardless of who may be the new pon- j 8tate land board, first issue under new
Jurgesen have each built, while two crash since May, 1902.— 125 Georgia tiff that policy will be continued.— Ser- j law.— Hold up in Portland.— Unusual-
or more other parties are preparing negro convicts leased to mining com­ \ian crown prince declared a degen- ]y heavy July shipments of wheat and
to do so.----- Martin and Joe Gardner pany revolt over punishment of one crate and unfit to ru le -M is re a d or- fl0ur to the Orient.-Gladstone Park
have gone to Southern Oregon on a of their number and guards kill two, ders causes head-o collision on Chi- Chautauqua has $900 in treasury for
prospecting tour of timber lands. They and are starving out the rest, who cago Great Western, four killed and 25 next year after paying heavy expenses,
Intend to file a claim each if suitable have barricaded themselves.— Fisher­ injured.— Engine at East St. Louis
land of this description can be found man’s ring used to seal papal bulls is rams electric car, killing 3 and injur­
Gaston, July 30.—N early all the open for entry.----- E. W. Johnson, one missing from the finger of the dead ing 20.— Five people drowned in Alas­
farmers are working in the hay.----- of the leading grocerymen of
this pope; thought to have been stolen.— ka river.— Mississippi valley wheat
The scarcity of hands make it neces­ place, has concluded to quit business, Mexican soldiers capture six Indians yield low.— Pope’s will leaves only his
sary to exchange work.----- H. D. Jen­ and is selling out the remainder of charged with murdering and eating family estate to his relatives.— Civil
nings and B. W. Paget ran a large his stock at very reasonably low fig party o f prospectors.— Tw o boys exe­ Service Commission charges ex-Post-
crew last week putting up their hay, ures.----- A new invoice of iron pipe cuted in Kentucky for murder of mer­ master General with violating
and this week H. W. Turner is Tun­ cil with the intention of extending chant.— Ireland welcomes to Dublin rules.
ing the same crew putting up his large the usefulness of the waterworks. A King Edward and Queen Alexandra.—
Oregon. — Heavily armed guards pro­
crop o f fine hay.----- The Miller Bros. very commendable proposition, timely United States abandons treaty for pur­ tected late trains to Gladstone Park
are using a derrick hay stacker.----- and wisely planned.----- Mr. Slater, of chase of Danish W est Indies.— Siam Chautauqua
Chas. Johnson finished spraying all of Moro, an experienced shoemaker, has wants to borrow $5,000.000 in Ameri­ Teachers plentiful
his hop yards today. H e expects a lately opened out a boot and shoe ca.----- Union row reveals in court or­ County.— Eccentric Yam hiller found
large crop this Beason.----- Wm. Spence business in the Ellison building. Any ganized labor in New York City has dead in his house after two weeks.—
Is hauling lumber for S. Shotwell for new enterprise I# always appreciat­ been used to extort large sums from Mazamas climb the Three Sister»
a new bam on his place.----- Last Sun­ ed here, both by the buisness and employers.— Champion Jeffries sus­ Mountain.— Fire bugs attempt to burn
public school.— Officers
July 30.— Negro riot
at Booker
day A. Hill and wife took dinner at purchasing public.----- A California as­ pends training for his coming fight a Portland
B. W. Paget’s, that day commemorat­ tronomer reports that the new comet with Corbett, because he has strained view proposed Tillamook-Portland rail- Washington lecture in Boston, caused
ing Mrs. H ill’s 81st birthday. It was that is rapidly approaching the earth his left leg, which was first kicked in way route.— Referendum to be upheld by hissing speaker; three stabbed;
also the birthday of Sirs. Hibbard, can be plainly seen on the evening ol a scuffle and then bitten by a pet bear. before Supreme Court by many law- women use hatpins and wound police-
W ill o f James G. Blaine’s widow di­ vers.
men.— Lightning kills three in Virgin­
mother o f Mrs. E. W. Paget.----- Last the 28th inst., in the Northern sky,
Saturday, while Fred Johnson was at a point near the junction o f the vides $500,000 among children and
ia.— Judge
helping stack hay at Tom Conley's, nandle with the bowl of the ” greav grandchildren.
Bryan’s choice for president.— Denver
Oregon— Editor Harvey W. Scott, of
the hayfork struck him just above his dipper.----- Mrs. Jas. Layman, deputy
grand jury investigating city grafts.
eye, inflicting a severe wound. H alf an county clerk o f Multnomah, is visit­ the Oregonian, elected president, and
Last tribute, third great requiem
inch lower would have meant Instant ing Dr. Saylor’s family In this place. H. W. Goode, of the General Electric
mass celebrated, paid to the late
death. He is able to be around again ----- Miss Jessie Ballard, who has beeu Company, director-general o f the 1*J05
Pope.— Women strikers riot in New
Exposition. — State Dairy
York.— Russia accumulating war sup­
----- H. D. Jennings and Mr. McVay | visiting her aunt in Portland, returned Portland
He's Always Crowing, but It's the Ren
are helping Mr. Carmichael bale hay. home la8t week greatly Improved in Commissioner J. W. Bailey, of Port­
plies.— Kentuckian shoots his w ife for
That Lays the E gg
----- Hill Hibbs and Harry Best spent health.----- Miss Dora Smock
is at land, re-elected president o f National
burglar.— Mischief-making Boers to be
a day up the Patton creek fishing, hav- home again after an extended visit of Dairy Commissioners at St. Paul meet­
deported from Africa.— Hungary pros­
I ’ve heard a good deal in my time
ins good luck when t^ey ¿idn't h^ye a ^ OBth o * more in various parts of ing.— Portland crew outrows **|nes
ecuting bribe givers.-rl2 escaped con­
about the foolishness of hens, but
Bay men at Vancouver B. C.— Degree
tfad luck. Much of their time was spent California.
victs have eluded California officers.
fishing up in trees and branches along
Mr and Mrs. R. W. S. Hawner Sun- of Honor creates emergency fund, but
Oregon. — Athena Methodists lay cor­ when it comes to right down, plum
adjourns without changing plan of as­
the creek after their hooks. Still they ' dayed at Newport,
nerstone o f
new brick
church.— foolishness give me a rooster every
time. He’s always strutting and
made a good catch, and brought home
Marshfield Masons let contract for
stretching and crowing and bragging
70 nice trout.----- Bert Best, the city
July 27.— Thirteen California convicts
about things with which he had noth­
t ///* a * y
engineer, has been overhauling the
overpower guards and escape to the murderer’s sentence commuted to life ing to do. When the sun rises, you’d
Bennett and W hite threshing engine.
hills.— Harriman interests win out in imprisonment.— Four arrests in Port­ think that he was making all the light
— Mr. Patton, the sawmill man. had
contest with Keene for Southern Pa­ land for hold ups. Nothing doing in instead of all the noise. When the
a new engine shipped in to Gaston and
farmer’s w ife throws the scraps in the
cific control.— Small W all Street fail­ federal appointments in Oregon.
henyard. he crows as if he was the
had all kinds o f help in loading it.
ure.— Yacht Reliance chosen to defend
provider for the whole farmyard and
Mr. Manerfee acted as overseer.-----
America’s cup from Lipton's Sham­
was asking a .blessing on the food.
Mr. Carmichael is rushing his hay I
rock.— Coke trust formed in Pennsyl­
W hen he meets another rooster, he
crop in his warehouse, and his men
vania.— Minneapolis loses heavily from
crows, and when the other rooster
are seen rushing home every night to
licks him he crows. And so he keeps
lightning damage.— Populists at Den­
twenty-five were more or less it up straight through the day. He
get their weary feet under their tables. 1
ver plan new party.— F ive Missouri
— Eddie Gerrish, son o f Tom Gerrish, •
ex-legislators go to prison for bood- seriously hurt in Portland this even wakes up during the night und
died Sunday morning. The funeral
ling.— Attempted bribery of Texas (Friday) afternoon by the giving crows a little on general principles.
But when you hear from a hen she's
was at the Union church at 10 o ’clock
W e give below a few descriptions at
army quartermaster.
way of a sidewalk at the east end laid an egg. and she don't make a
Monday morning.----- Harry Best is the various kinds of property which
Oregon. — Hot contest for
heavily of Morison street, while it was
great deal of noise about it either.—
clerking at the Hibbs store, where it we havo for sale, with prices. Other
timbered land near Corvallis.— Gover­
crowded with spectators of an From "Letters From a Self Made Mer­
keeps him on the Jump.—Misses Ma- descriptions will be given on appllca-
nor pardons convict who is going blind.
chant to His Son," by George Uoraoa
July 25.— Indiana doctor claims to
mle and Edna Hibbs left for Newport tlon. Correspondence solicited,
— Mining convention
Portland armless man’s swimming feats. lx) rimer.
to spend two weeks, where they are
74 acres, lVi miles from Gaston, have found in salt water and alcohol a called. — Portland carnival cleared Over one hundred fell with the
having a good time, in the good old Good new dwelling, large barn, orchard mixture that will create life in its $3,300 for Woodmen and $7,000 for car­
summer time.----- A party o f folks held and running water. Fences in good simplest forms.— Hawaiian Attorney- nival company.— Architects plan 1903
a picnic in the Hahl grove, where they repair. With growing crop. Price,
Exposition buildings.— Portland work­
—O f the 42 governors, 8 are Metho­
had a good dinner and supper. Mr. $3000, if taken before July 1, 1903.
ing for Christian general conference
Brown is said to have competed for
68 acres. 4 miles from Forest Grove dists, 7 Presbyterians, 6 Baptists. 4 In 1905.— Portland detectives to stand
the world’s championship as cake- 60 acres under good cultivation. Dwell Episcopalians. 2 Unitarians, a Mor­ trial on charge of standing in with
H. Best’s dog (Old Sport), lng cost $1600, large new barn, 2 large mon. Universalist and Quaker, 12 be­
and Hall Hibbs’ dog Bismarck or orchards of the best select fruit. All ing non-church members.— Illinois has
Full set t e e t h .........................................$6.50
Jumbo II., had a mix-up at the picnic, level land, the best improved and another negro lynching.— Harrlman
filling ...........................
$2.00 and up.
f u
Sport made a pass at Jumbo. Jumbo nicest small farm in Washington coun will fight Hill for control o f Northern
Platonized filling ................................. $1.00
using his right hoof, knocked Sport ty. Price $4000. Terms to suit pur- Pacific.— Owners of ten million acres
Silver filling ........................
of Coast timber attempt combine to
out. The scrap ended.----- Mr. C. A. chaser.
Gold crown and bridge work, per tooth 5.00
Craft, of the Underwriters’ Insurance
if you do not And in the above some- control world's .umber market.— The
N o charges for extracting when teeth are ordered.
Co.. was a guest of Miss Jessie Hibbs thing which you think you would like, dead Pope laid in his temporary tomb.
Sunday.— Mrs. Hannah Best is visit- write to us stating what sort of prop- — 8treet car collision kills one and in­
Ing Geo. and Ed. Best In Portland.— erty you wish and we will try to suit jures forty-eight near Worcester, Mass.
— 21 New Jersey cities combine to ex­
— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown were you.
made happy by a present o f a baby : 440 arre8 Umber land> „ mlIe(1 from terminate mosquitoes.— Porto Rico cel­
boy.----- Gaston Is a busy little town ^
Prlc0 , 2 500 ,f uken ebrates 6th anniversary of American
occupation.— 16 Injured. 2 fatally, in
and does a large railroad business, before July 1st
train collision at HutcTiinson. Kansas,
yet we are without a depot. Surely
40 acres, all under fence, 16 acres
junction.— Washington Good Templars
the 8. P. Co. ought to realize Its need.
under good cultivation, good orchard.
Instruct their members to refuse wine
Between the main track and the side
10 acres slashed, burned and seeded.
at the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
track lumber is piled so thick that a
July 28.— Hawaiian natives desire In­
16 acres timber. W ater piped to dwell­
— Cincinnati policeman pours acid dependence.—Government engineers at
team and wagon can hardly pass
ing from spring. Running water to*
C R E S C E N T F L O U R IS T H E B E S T .
over wife who deserted him.— Hun­ Denver plan expenditure o f millions
through. The lumber Is waiting ship­
stock. Good dwelling. 2 1-2 miles from
garian Colonel mraches troops with for watering arid lands in the West.—
ment, but cars can not be had.-----
Forest Grove.
Price, $860.
thermometer at 125 and loses a hun­ Russia gives in and makes conces­
Harry Baker has finished his painting
dred men.— Turkish warship launched sions to other growers in China.— Rain
Job.—— Mrs. Hannah Best has return­
76 acres. 30 acres under cultivation,
at Philadelphia.—Government internal ends hot spell in Nebraska and Iowa.
ed home from Portland.----- Mr. Car­
balance beat of timber. Orchard, dwell
revenue receipts fall off $4t.l27.607 for — Tornado in Russia wipes out three
michael has just finished his hay
Opposite R a ilw a y Station
Forest Grove
lng. barn, etc., all level, smooth land.
villages.— Lumber rate South raised.—
4 miles from Forest Grove. Price
Oregon. — Vancouver barracks ser­ Puget Sound salmon packers aroused
geant arrested In Portland as a fire­ over Canadian competition.
Farmington, July 29.— The Farming-
Oregon.— State I.*nd Board doubles
bu g— Portland footpad slashes victim
ton nine came out at the little end of
with dirk and escape«.— 12 French price o f school tracts.— Ttllamookers
the horn In a game of hall last Sunday
Sisters of Charity, driven from France, securing rifb t o f way fo r railway to
with the Bloom ing boys. They will
find refuge in Portland— Woodmen Portland — Eastern Oregon beef being
try again and promise to do better.----- FOREST GROVE
OREGON carnival end*.~-Two arrests for house shipped to the Sound.— Molalla gran­
Mrs. John Withy com be and family are
burning— Independence people object gers pool 8000 pounds o f wool.— Polk
spending their vacation on their farm
to the pardoning of Murderer Parker county murderer declared insane.—
here.----- Mr. D. M. Mclnnts and fam­
— Rogue Rfrer Valley has a great fruit Salmon backward in entering mouth
ily will shortly leave for Port Town­
yield— Jealous Curry County husband o f Columbia.— Shipowners favor mon­
send, where Mr. Mclnnls has secured
Can suit you with small tracts ot kills his wife.—Valley growers at Sa­ opoly In Portland sailor boarding-1
a very promising position.----- Binding large tracts of land, first-class dairy lem fix 2\ cent basis for prunes.— houses.—Government sties to cancel , A ll Kinds of Lumber on Hand. Good Stock at all Times to Select From -
Write for Prices.
twine at the Farmington Store at low­ farms, fruit farms, hop yards ana hay Three Portland Councilman turn de­ fraudulent land patents Issued at j
est price«.*----- Quite a number of farms. Office: Next to Brick Livery tective« and discover woman thief Eugene— Portland tries to close one
Farmington people went to Bald Peak Barn.
o f Its robbers'nest saloons.
whom police are trying to shield.
Real Estati
Bam ii list
Washington Co« Dental Parlors
V . L. DIMMICK. M anager
Over Dr, Hines’ Drug Store.
Crescent M ills
Rovflh and Dressed Lumber, BricK
Building BlocKs and Drain Tile-«-