BI«E51 8 If fl EST al BEST An Up-to-D ate Country Newspaper--Republican in P. litics. V o l . 1. W ASH IN G TO N COUNTY. The field o f The Nev.’S is the first agri­ cultural county of Oregon. First for clover, for onions, for grapes, and In dairying; It also leads In diversified farming and Is famous for fine horses, good cattle and blooded sheep and goats. Its hay Is being bought, thousands o f tons of It, by the government to feed cavalry horses In the Philippines; Its wines teok gold medals over California's exhibit at the Chlcage World's Fair. Its prunes and hops get the top prices In the market, and sugar beets, flax, tobacco, sweet potatoes, horse rau ish, and mushrooms show the variety of its production. Its 18,000 people live iu 3500 houses, o f which 2500 are on farms, and the great majority own their own homes. Sig wagon roads and two lines ef railway connect the county with Portland, metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, fro ». 4 to 32 miles distant, and here is found ready sale for its products. Good schools, good roads, a network of farm telephones and many rural delivery routes affording dally mall make Washington county a pros­ perous country region with all the con­ veniences o f the city. catf/rr& tßJütBSPQfSBENCi Sherwood, July 29.— The town coun­ cil has let a contract to Horace Welch, the lowest bidder, for digging a ditch fo r the water main to be laid on Main street.----- The rural free delivery will go into operation September 1, witn four routes and the following carriers: H. H. Welch, John Owens, E. W. John­ son and O. J. McConnell. The estab­ lishment of these routes Is due to the push and energy of our postmaster, Mr. L. S. McConnell.----- Martin and Joe Gardner are taking a few weeks’ vacation in the mountains.----- Wm. Slater, of Moro has purchased the Sea­ ton place and put in a shoe store. He also does repair work.----- The dance in the A. O. U. W. hall Saturday even­ ing passed off very quietly and a good time is reported.----- There was a slight difference o f opinion between two of our young citizens the other evening, and in consequence one ot them wears a rather unfamiliar look. ----- Mrs. B. F. Webster, who has been quite ill for some time, is some better at present. ----- Mrs. la n ger, Ferd Langer. Jr., and Miss Lottie Riggs left for W ilhoit Springs last Monday. Also Mrs. Wilson and her daughter Rosa. ----- Our harness maker, Mr. Hall, is soon to leave for Portland. ..Scholls, July 28.— Sam Pennle. from Portland, was at Scholls the first of the week buying up horses.----- Miss N ellie Adams was at a picnic on Bald peak Sunday.----- Some of our young people attended the Laurel dance Sat­ urday.----- Jake Share, the bTacksmith. has sold out to Henry Hanson, who will start business right away.----- Earl Townes, who has been working at Groner & Rowell's mill, is now work­ ing at Joe Hinton's logging camp at Laurel.----- Miss Goucher has returned to her home in McMinnville. She has heen visiting her friends here. Miss Grace and Miss Minnie Sutherland. ----- Miss Campbell, o f Portland. Is vis­ iting Mrs. Bud Taylor at Scholls. Buxton, July 28.— The Misses Lena and Mary Engertsberger, of Portland, came out to Buxton last week on a visit.----- Pomona grange gave up their visit to Buxton on account of it being such a busy time of the year.----- Mr. J. Crabb. of Hillsboro, came through town last week.----- Mr. D. O’Donnell went to Forest Grove last week on business.----- Miss Pauline Goldman, of Portland, is visiting friends in the neighborhood.----- Mr. Adam Biscar. who has lately resided in Portland. Is moving out to his homestead----- Mrs. C. Kiink and her daughter. Emma, visited Portland last week.----- Mr. and F o rest G r o v e , W a s h in g to n C o u n ty Centerville, July 29.— Monday was Messrs. Joe and Hugh Moore baled pay day at the Centerville creamery. twenty tons o f hay, with their new The patrons were well pleased with steam haypress, for Mr. C. Wunderlich their returns. A fter all expenses wert last week.----- Miss Lena Ostermann. paid they received twenty-two cents of Portland, arrived the first of the per pound fot their butter.----- Mrs. G. week to spend the summer with her W. Marsh and daughter, Miss Rebecca, brother and sister.----- On Sunday last are spending a few weeks with Mrs. occurred at the three corners near Marsh’s sister in Idaho.----- Miss Fran­ Hugh Smith's place one of the most cis Wilson, formerly of this place, but pleasant picnics ever held in the now of Portland, is visiting her grand- j county. The large crowd assembled mother, Mrs. Wrenn.----- Mr. Mueller was entertained by the Vorboort band, has quit painting on account of his and served refreshments by some ot health. He has not been well for the ladies.----- The county road run­ sometime.----- Mr. Peck, our photo­ ning through Centerville is to be enliv­ grapher, has been kept busy of late ened by horse races Sunday. taking pictures.----- Mr. Wunderlich’s new house has received its first coat | Seghers, July 3(1.— Father Springer o f paint.----- W e have heard from a held services here last Sunday. There visiting agent that our store keeper \ was an ordinarily good attendance, has the best country store in Wash- j several families coming over from ington country. H re the farmers can Yamhill county.----- Mr. Roth has been bring in their produce and take home quite .busy of late baling hay on his J groceries in return.----- Mr. Degroat, of Portland, is spending a vacation with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Van Loon.----- W hile taking water to his father, little Vincent Reverman received a severe cut on foot from a mower. Dr. Ward Mrs. Hans Peterson went to Forest was telephoned for at once and dressed Grove Monday.----- Mr. Robert Becker the wound with every possible care will go to the logging camp this week. and did all he could to relieve the lit­ ----- Mr. A. Robinson, o f Hillsboro, tle sufferer. As it Is a very bad cut preached in the Presbyterian church and he cannot use his foot fo r some­ at Buxton last Sunday.----- There will time, it was thought best to send him be a Sunday school picnic Saturday, to the hospital. So "his father took August 1, at the Fir Grove church. him to St. Vincent’a hospital, where he Several schools will take part in the will remain until he can walk again, exercises. which w e hope will not be long.----- Banks, July 30.— Hon. Benton Killin, a Portland attorney and one of the regents of the State Agricultural col­ lege, is out on his ranch for a visit. - — Mr< Mil's, the blacksmith at For est Grove, was visiting relatives at this place Sunday.----- The hay com­ pany, Messrs. Beard. PormTey and Heltzel, have just finished stacking hay.----- George Dooley has just bought one of the largest thresher separators in Washington county, and expects a large run this year.----- The picnic at Fir Grove is to be held Saturday, and a good time is expected. Everybody invited.----- It is reported that Mr. E. Turner, about three weeks ago was complaining o f his back hurting him. and on close examination it was found that he had six large rifle balls fn his back. W hy it didn’t kill him, and how and when they got there is a mystery. West of Forest Grove, July 28.— Ex- County Commissioner T. G. Todd Is cutting grain on his Groveland farm in great shape, having purchased a new binder.----- Mr. D. C. Stewart’s house is going right up under the man­ agement of Mr. James Shannon. The hop yard commonly known as the Todd hop yard gives promise of a good yield again this year and Mr. Ander­ son will need help later on.----- Austin Buxton is in the push. He has his hay cut. baled and in the barn.----- Mr. J. A. McCoy is back from the Coast.----- Mr. Bump of Forest Grove is getting out piling on B. E. I>amont’s place. Mr. Lamont has fine timber | for piling and Mr Bump can get piling to his own satisfaction.----- Mr. W il­ liam Johnson believes in having things bandy. H e has tapped a mountain stream and by means of a ditch around the hill has brought the water-to his barn.----- Mr. Ed Knighten had the happy experience of killing a two-point deer the other day and some o f his neighbors were treated to a course of ] venison.----- Mr. A. J. McRIll and L. E Jones were up on David's Hill taking In the sights on Sunday last. They say that the scenery is all right and the prospect for prunes and grapes was never better, or at least they were so informed. As these gentlemen are from the East only since last fail they have to be told about things in Oregon.----- The blackberry season Is here and the women folks are filling the cans with the delicious fruit, and the mountain slopes resound with the merry laughter of the children of the berry pickers.----- Mr. Bush has been painting the interior o f his house of late.----- The Alexander brothers are still In the throes of hay making. They have a fine large place and all kinds of hay. They also have some fine looking, spring sown wheat, and just across the road from this wheat field Mr. T. G. Todd hag oats (hat are simply immense. O r e g o n , J u l y 31, 1 9 0 3 . N o . 11 their hay In the barns.----- Mr. and church Sunday, as he has a new field Mrs. Nels Johnson were at their farm calling him.----- Miss Mina McLeod and Friday, returning to Forest Grove In cousins, Mr. and Miss Livingston, re­ the evening.----- Mr. C. H. Standbridge turned Sunday from Pumpkin Ridge, has made a drag hay rack, to use on where they were visiting relatives.----- his farm, finding It much more con- j Died, July 26, Mr. Tom Gerrish’s little venient than the wagon.----- Mr. Stand- i son. aged 6 years. He was sick only bridge Is peeling chlttem bark and a short time with spinal meningitis. buying all he can. If you have any | ----- M r l>an Mcl^eod, of Patton Val­ to sell, write him at Gasion.----- Mr. | ley, returned home Monday from Dan Livingston, a lawyer practicing in | Washington, where he has been head Nebraska City, and sister, Miss Miriam j timber faller in a logging camp. While Livingston, arrived here Monday even­ in the logging camp he received $50 ing from Lorton. Nebraska, and are a month for his labor. visiting their relatives in Patton Val­ Beaverton, July 29.— There was a ley, Mr. Alan McLeod and Mr. Finley McLeod and families. They expect to general move around in town Monday. stay until the middle of August.----- Mr. George Liverm ore into his new Mrs. Mary Smith, of Forest Grove, is house, Mr. William Squires into the visiting with Mrs. W escott at Wescott house vacated by Livermore, the Hugh- farm, about one mile west of Gaston. sons In’ o the house vacated by Squires -----Mr. J. Callahan, of Patton Valley, and the part that speaks well for started Saturday for Eastern Oregon, Beaverton is they all go into homes of to be one of the army of workmen their own.----- Horace Llvengood re­ needed in the harvest fields. Wages turned Monday. Things will look na­ are much better there, being from $4 tural again now with Horace around to $2.50 per day.----- Mr. Frank Mc­ again. ----- Beaverton people should Kenzie was visiting at Mr. Leabo’s have plenty of grit now that the dust camp Sunday.----- Mr. W illie Bates and flys so plentiful.----- Taylor, the well- wife, of McMinnville, w ere'visiting his digger from Hillsboro, was in town father, Mr. Joseph Bates and family. Monday working in the railroad well. Mr. Bates and w ife will return horns ----- Mr. C. W. Allen and family and Mondav. ----- Rev. Edward Curran Wm. Gasktl attended the funeral of preached an excellent sermon Sunday Mrs. Allen’s father at Gales Creek in the Congregational church of Pat­ Wednesday. ----- Earl Evans writes ton Valley, his subject being "Christ, home that he is having quite a time the Perfect Example.” The reverend over on the coast, eating crabs and gentleman sent in his resignation as lobsters. J ranch.-----Harvesting is not over yet down here, and farmers are wishing for a continuance o f fair weather.----- Quite a number found a cool shady place where they took their refresh­ ments. and enjoyed a phonograph con­ cert given by Mr. Frank Van Dom- e l e n . ---------------------------- Patton Valley, July 28.— Mr. Leabo’s son, Lloyd Leabo, while riding the horse used to haul the hay in the barn on the derrick fork, received a bad sprain; the horse stumbled and fell on his ankle. Lloyd was unable to walk.----- Messrs. Johnson and i Leabo have succeeded In getting all pastor of Patton Valley Congregational Before and After in Washington County » G E T T IN G READY THE G RO U N D . SM k THE FR U IT S O F T H E HARVEST. 4 Glencoe, July 29.— W ill Joos has been very low with lung fever, but is slowly improving, and the doctor thinks he will recover, provided he does not take a relapse.----- Mrs. Chas. W alter returned home last Saturday l i v i n g her mother much Improved in health.----- Mr. Arthur Hand, o f Poi*l- land, is visiting with Mays Bros.— Clyde Lincoln and Preston Berry have gone to Dllley to help J. W. Goodin build a bridge.----- The Misses Lillian and Florence Goodin, of Salem, and Estelle Goodin, of Grants Pass, spent Sunday at the home of J. W. Goodin. ----- Miss Lois Bowlby and Eva Cor­ nelius are spending the week with Mrs. W. E. Mays, who is quite poorly. ----- E. C. Mays is home from the Port­ land Sanitarium very much improved in health.----- Richard Connell and wife, of Portland, visited with his brother, Jos. Connell.----- W. C. Darety Is slowly Improving, and Is now able to go around with the help of crutches. Sherwood, July 29. — Miss Dora Smock, S. P. agent at this place, has returned home from an extended visit with friends In California.----- D. O. Stevenson, formerly of this place, but now agent for the J. I. Case Co., made Sherwood a flying visit on business. ----- The city In the near future con­ templates laying about 450 feet o f three-inch water main. This will make about 1100 feet o f the three-inch pipe laid by the city In the past year.----- H. H. Eyman, who form erly kept an undertaking establishment at this place, and moved the same to Prosser, Wash,, has Just recently returned. Mr. Eyman says that there is no place like Sherwood even for the coffin man. ----- W e understand that the Sherwood school board has been having some little trouble In securing teachers for the coming school term. The writer has been informed that there Is still a vacancy in the prlnclpalship for an experienced man teacher.----- E. W. Johnson, who has been engaged In the general merchandise business In this place for the past two years, has sold his stock of goods, to J. C. Smock. Mr. Johnson contemplates acting as one of Uncle Sam’s mall carriers about the first of September.----- W e have Just been Informed that the four R. F. D. mail route from this place which was examined about one year ago. will commence operation first of Septem­ ber. This will be a great relief to the many of the patrons o f the various routes who purchased boxes about one year ago and now their expectations are about to be realized.----- It has been reported on good authority that after the first o f September, the Mid­ dleton postoffice will be discontinued, and the firm of Poole A Ashpoole will move their business to Sherwood. Sherwood Is not the deadest place by any means, and we expect to see Tl- rar.lsvllle and Tualatin follow suit.