Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 24, 1903, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    T H E W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y NEW S,
Woman In
Illustrated by the Pa*
thetic Story of Toby
Fr*>m “ Letters From a Seif Made Mer­
chant to His S o n " by Oeorye Horace
Lorimer. Uy permission of Small, May­
nard <k Co.% l'ubli&hers, Boston
S. W. quarter of S. W. quarter of sec­
tion 36, tp. 3 n., r. 4 w, 40 acres; $50.
Willamette Real Estate o. to Run-
nlon Armatung. et ux., lota 6, 7 and I,
block 46, Cornelius; $90.
Olive May Boyce (nee Elston) to H.
G. King, lot 3, block 19, Forest Grove:
$ 1 . 00 .
Elsie E. Elston to H. G. King, 100»
100 feet lot 3, block 19, Forest Grove,
$ 1 . 00 .
Abbie A. I.elghow et als. to Mrs. J.
Smith, lots 5 and 6, block 1, Wehrung's
Add. to Hillsboro; $600.
Mrs. J. Smith to E. A. and F. E.
Cornelius, lots 5 and 6, block 1, Weh-
rung’s Add. to Hillsboro; $900.
John Costello et ux. to M. Kinger,
lot 29. Cornelius; $425.
J. W. Shute et ux. to F. M. Heidel,
72.85 acres, section 33, township 1
north, range 2 west, W. M.; $2,00ff.
Catharine Moran et al. to Mary Ln*
niff, 10 acres, section 34, township 1
south, range 1 west: $200.
24, 1903.
Pag* T h r**
OR W I L D , T H E
FO W L 8 .
I never do business witb a woman
that I don't think o f a little incident
Circuit Court met on Monday, the
which happened when l was first iuur-
20th Inst. Judge McBride not being
rled to your ma. We set up housekeep­
able to leave Astoria in time to reach
ing In one of those cottages that you
read about In the story books, but that Hillsboro, Hon. Alfred F. Sears, Judge
you want to shy away from when It's of Department No. 2, Multnomah Coun
put up to you to live in one of them. ty, Oregon, presided on Monday, Judge
It was Just the place to go for a picnic, McBride presiding Wednesday. The
but it’s been my experience that a fel­ following matters were passed on Mon
low does most o f Ills picnicking before
S. T. Llnklater to L. S. Foster, 160
day and Wednesday:
Washington County China pheasants.
he’s married.
acres, section 9, township 2 north,
A. B. Campbell vs. Martha Camp­
Your ma did the cooking and I hus­
range 5 west; $460.
tled for things to cook, though 1 would bell. On motion o f plaintiff suit dis­
Oliver C. Hiatt to J. S. W right et
take a shy at It myself ouce In awhile missed. Plaintiff taxed with $12.50
ux„ lots 4 and 8, in Walker's Add. to
and get up my muscle tossing flapjacks. costs.
Forest Grove, and seven acres In El-
It was pretty rough sailing, you bet,
P. U. vs. C. L. Large. Defendant’s
kanah W alker D. L. C.; $333.33 1-3.
but one way and another we managed
demurrer overruled and he was allow
to get a good deal o f satisfaction out of
Lydia E. Hiatt to J. S. W right et ux.,
It, because we had made rip our minds ed 15. days to file an answer.
one-third Interest ln same land, $666.66.
to take our fun as we went along.
E. W. Haines et ux. to A. G. H off­
With most people happiness is some­ als. Partition sale of J. W. Sewell,
man, lots 1, 2, 14, 15 and 16, block 9,
thing that Is always Just a day off. Hut referee, confirmed. ,
I have made It a rule never to put off | Benjamin Anderson vs. John L. South Park Add. to Forest Grove,
being happy till tomorrow.
Hunt and Emma Hunt. Sale of real $3.25.
I was clerking iti n genernl store at
estate confirmed.
Catherine Stitt to L. A. Robinson,
that time, but I had a little weakness
American Mtge. Co. vs. Jesse Hob­ lots 9, 10 and 12, block “ E,” Steel's
for live stock even then, and while I
couldn’t afford to plunge in it exactly son and Mary C. Hobson et als. Sale Add. to Beaverton, $180.
I managed to buy a likely little shote of realty confirmed.
Catherine Stitt to L. A. Robinson,
that I reckoned on carrying through
Oliver C. Hiatt vs. Lydia E. Hiatt lots 7 and 8, black “ E,” Steel’s Add. to
the summer on credit and presenting Partition suit. Dismissed, plaintiff and Beaverton; $85.
with n bill for board In the fall, lie
defendant having sold property In dis­
1. Vanduyn et als. to Michael Cant­
was Just a plain pig when he came to
160 acres, section 10, township
us, and we kept him In a little sty. but
John Neep vs. Thos. Talbot et al. 2 north, range 3 west; $800.
we weren’t long in finding out that be
Herman Bishop to John Copeland,
wasn’t any ordinary root and grunt Dismissed.
pig. The first I knew your ma was
Michael Rahn vs. Henry Dick. Set 31 acres In Abram SEuIger D. L. C„ T.
calling him Toby and had turned him for trial July 23.
1 S„ R. 2 W .; $1,400.
loose. Answered to his name like a
James A. Imbrie, executor, vs. C. H.
James M. Partlow to Louisa Partlow,
dog. Never saw such a sociable pig.
Newell and M. E. Hoxter. Dismissed 150x120 feet in block 22, Forest Grove;
Wanted to sit on the porch with us.
$ 1 .
Tried to come into the bouse evenings. without costs.
Florence McKlnnle vs. Merritt C.
Used to run down the road squealing
James Partlow to Louisa Partlow, lot
fo r Joy when he saw me coming home Davis et al. Decree rendered for sum 2, in block 2, Brown's Sub. of block H
from work.
of $341.36, $60 attorney’s fee, and costs and I, Fairview Add. to Hillsboro; $1.
Well, It got on toward November, and at $25. Sale of realty ordered.
John C. H ollanT et ux. to A. A.
Toby had been making the most o f his
Henry W. Jones et al. vs. Margaret Mead. S. W. quarter of S. W. quarter
opportunities. I never saw a pig that
turned corn into fat so fast, and the D. Jones et al. J. W. Morgan appoint­ o f Sec. 36, T. 3 N.. R. I W .; $400.
C. W . Hudson et ux. to H. G. King,
stouter he got the better his disposition ed guardian ad. litem of Harrison L.
grew. I reckon I was attached to him Jones, minor.
S. W. quarter lot 3, block 19, Forest
myself In a sort of a sneaking way, but
Susan Proper vs. Wm. Chandler Grove; $150.
i t [ I rvas mighty fond o f hog meat, too,
Proper. Default of defendant entered
H. G. King et ux. to W. R. Sparks,
* and we needed Toby In the kitchen. So
Case referred to C. E. Runyon, Court S. W. quarter lot 3, block 19,'Forest
■i I sent around and had him butchered.
Grove; $150.
When I got home to dinner next day, Reporter, to take testimony.
Thomas Shevlin vs. John Samuel
I noticed that your ma looked mighty
Minnie Myers to J. N. Hoffman, 200x
solemn as she set the roast of pork son. Motion to tuajve answer mou .70 fact, near S. P. Add.
jy. down In- front o f me, but I strayed off, definite and certain and to strike out
Grove; $175.
4 u thinking o f something else as I carved, certain portions allowed.
E. W. Haines et ux. to J. N. Hoff­
and my wits were off woolgathering
George J. Peterson vs. Vendea Peter
pure enough when I said:
man et ux., lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block
,l( “ W ill you have a piece o f Toby, my son. Decree of divorce granted.
S. P. Add. to Forest Grove; $400.
Estate of Jacob Brugger, deceased.
Thos. Dean et als. to T. N. Fleischner.
, Well, sir, she Just looked at me for a Referred to C. E. Runyon to take tes­
3 acres in Sec. 1, T. T 8., R .1 W .; $200.
inoment, and then she burst out crying timony.
i -,and ran away from the table. But
Alice K. Hoffman vs. William F.
* when I went after her and asked her
Go to The Bazaar at Forest Grove
Hoffman. Dismissed.
lf what was the matter she stopped cry­
for Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma­
ing and was mad In a minute all the
chines. Goods and prices are right. •
way through. Called me a heartless, Decree of divorce rendered.
cruel cannibal. That seemed to relieve
John E. Wohl vs. Cyrus M. Haw­
her so that she got over her mad and thorne. Plaintiff allowed to file amend­
began to cry again. Begged me to take ed complaint.
Toby out of pickle and to bury him In
Title, Guarantee & Turst Co. vs.
FOR T H E M O S T P O P U L A R L O D 3 E IN W A S H I N G T O N C O U N T Y .
the garden. I reasoned with her, and
In the end I made her see that any Charles M. Keep and W. S. Macrum.
obsequies for Toby, with pork at 8 Dismissed.
This beautiful gavel, bearing the emblem o f the order and appropriately engraved, will be presented by
cents a pound, would be a pretty ex­
Christian A. McMillan vs. Ernest
The News on September 1 to the lodge receiving the largest number of votes from Its paid subscribers as tfielr
pensive funeral for us. But first and Grandgeorge. Set for trial July 24,
choice of the most popular lodge in Washington County. The word lodge is Intended to include granges, courts of
last she had managed to take my appe­ 1903, at 10 o ’clock.
Catholic Foresters, camps of the Woodmen, posts of the G. A. R., and every local branch of any secret, fraternal,
tite away so that I didn't want any
P. U. vs. James C. Clark and Susan
roast pork for dinner or cold pork for
benevolent or insurance order represented ln the county.
Danforth Clark. Demurrer of defend­
The gavel Is of ebony, of finest workmanship, and costs $30.00, so that It will be worthy to be used by the
That night I took what was left of ants overruled and allowed ten days
presiding officer of so distinguished a lodge. Every subscriber who has paid, old subscriber who pays up or new
Toby to a storekeeper at the Crossing, to answer.
paying subscriber, Is entitled to vote for the lodge he designates as follows: Five votes for a yearly subscription;
who I knew would be able to gaze on
A. B. Moss & Co. vs. D. A. Cartel
W e give below a few descriptions *f two for six months; one for three months. These may be divided among different lodges lf preferred. Send your
bis hams without bursting Into tears, Settled out of court.
the various kinds o f property which 1 name and postofflee address with your votes, so that It can be seen that you are entitled to vote. T h e News has
and got a pretty fair price for him.
Emma C. Lewis vs. F. A. E. Starr we have lor saie, with prices. Other
passed the thousand mark In actual Washington County subscribers, and tak es this means of hastening the' time
I simply mention Toby In passing as
an example of why I believe women et als. Judgment for $2,078.50, $185.11 descriptions will be given on applica­ when It shall have 2,000.
weren’t cut out for business—at least | costs, $200 attorney's fees.
tion. Correspondence solicited.
State of Oregon vs. John T. Mc­
for the pork packing business. I've bad
74 acres, 1*4 miles from Gaston.
dealings with a good many of them, Namara. Dismissed.
Good new dwelling, large barn, orchara
first and last, and it's been my experi­
Fred J. Sewell appointed bailiff.
and running water. Fences ln good
ence that when they've got a weak
State of Oregon vs. James Lee. Sur­ repair. W ith growing crop. Price,
case they add their sex to It and win,
and that when they’ve got a strong ety having surrendered defendant to $3000, lf taken before July 1, 1903.
case they subtract their sex from It custody of sheriff, he was released on
68 acres, 4 miles from Forest Grove
and deal with you harder than a man. giving $500 cash bail.
50 acres under good cultivation. Dwell
They’re simply bound to win either
Ivy Hartrampf vs. John Hartrampf. Ing cost $1500, large new barn, 2 large
has 1 een selected as distributing point for Washington and Yamhill
way, and 1 don't like to play a game Taken under advisement.
orchards of the best select fruiL All
where I haven’t any show. When a
Counties for the famous
level land, the best Improved and
clerk makes a fool break, 1 don’t want
to beg hts pardon for calling his atten­
ty. Price $4000. Terms to suit pur­
tion to It, and I don't want him to marriage license.
Elsie M. Christenson declared her chaser.
blush and tremble and leak a little
brine Into a fancy pocket handkerchief. Intentions of becoming a citizen of
If you do not find ln the ahove some­
A little change Is a mighty soothing the United States on the 18th.
which you think you would like,
The manager o f The Bazar, Mr. K. N. Staehr,
thing, and I like a woman's ways too
write to us stating what sort of prop­
has received Instructions to sell
much at home to care very much for
erty you wish and we will try to suit
them at the office. Instead o f hiring
women I try to hire their husbands,
Esther A. Lewis to Jennie Good, lots
and then I usually have them both
440 acres timber land. 13 miles from
working for me. Tbere’s nothing like a 31, 32. 33 and 34, in block 10, West
Forest Grove. Price $2,500, lf taken
woman at home to spur on a man at Portland Heights; $200.
before July 1st.
the office.
Jennie Goode to G. S. Miller, lots 31,
40 acres, all under fence. 15 acre#
32fl block 10, in W est Portland
under good cultivation, good orchara. C A R D I N A L P E C C I IN F E B R U A R Y ,
Heights, $300._
DR. 8. T . L I N K L A T E R ,
10 acres slashed, burned and seeded 1878, W H E N E L E C T E D SU C C ESS O R
Eight of those machines have already oeeu told, leaving only two at re­
Rachel A. Lewis et als. to O. L. Hen­
15 acres timber. W ater piped to dwell­
duced price, but by calling at once or writing to Mr. K. N. Staehr, you
O F ST. P E T E R .
derson. lot 74 and part o f lot 75, in
Physician and Surgaon.
ing from spring. Running water foi
may be lucky enough to get one yet. The machlnea are aold on eaay
Steel s Add. to Beaverton; $35.00.
stock. Good dwelling. 2 1-2 miles from
terms and warranted for ten year«. Old macblnea taken as part pay­
Wash. Co. to Willamette Real Es­
Hillsboro, Oregon
Forest Grove
Price, $850.
tate Co., lot 5, in block 8. lot 9 in
Oregon, sells all kinds of tinware. *
block 6. lot 10 in block 18, lot 2 la
76 acres, 20 acres nnder cultivation,
block 29. lot 1 in block 32. and lots
balance beat o f timber. Orchard, dwell­
9 and 10 in block 46, in Cornelius;
Photos enlarged, pbotoa on china,
ing. barn, etc., all level, smooth land.
tax deed. $22.45.
piacquea. Attractlve and lutar-
All Kinds Repairs Bicycles 1
4 mile# from Forest Grove. Price
Willamette Real Estate Co. to An­
•stlng ornamenta. M eros ss, thè pho-
and U m b r e lla s ..................... 1
drew Benson, lots 4, 5, 6 and 1, in block
Headquarter* Fo r
Weatcott carries lead and oil as well
Willamette Real Estate Co. to W. T.
as the famous 8. W. Paints.
O pp. Woods & Adams, F«*-e*« drove l
Scholfletd. lota 4 and 5, block 11, Cot-
Real Estate
Bargain List
Forest Grove, Oregon
W heeler <& W ilson Sewing
The First Ten Machines at
$io Discount Ea.
W . H. Williams ®>
1 Son i
.F . D Roule I.
Forest Qrove, Ore
nellus; $60.
State of Oregon to John C. Holland.
For fine work In enlarging, Paclfl-