THE WASHINGTON COUNTY NEW S, FOREST GROVE, Pag« Two. f Country C orresp o n d en ce^ Count Dilley, July 23.— Mr. Tupper ha* had a aertoua spell of sickness, but is better.— Hon. A. Briggs and fam­ ily have gone to Seaside for an out­ ing.----- Revi Mr. Rambo spent most o f last week at Reedville on business. ----- Rev. I. Putnam has been a Port' land visitor this week. Banks, July 23.— Dr. H. H. Hartley has returned to his home in Oolden dale, Wash.----- Mrs. J. C. Hartley who has been very sick with pneumo­ nia, is slowly recovering.— Lloyd and L. G. Soehren wefe Forest Grove visit­ ors Sunday.------Mr. J. A. Thornburgh o f Forest Grove, passed through Banks Sunday on a trip to his farm at Manning.----- Lyndon Phillips had the misfortune to cut one of his toes otT last week and is now enjoying an en­ forced rest.----- Francis Beneflel re­ turned to his home in Portland Mon day.----- Miss Edna Staley, o f Hillside, Is visiting her sister, Elma, at Man­ ning, this week.----- Saturday, July 25 is the regular meeting day o f Lewis and Clark Grange, at Banks.----- The young folks will give a dance In the hall in the evening, to which all are Invited.----- The Misses Millie and Myr­ tle Thornburgh, who have been visit­ ing here, have returned to their home in Forest Grove.----- Montgomery Tur­ ner and family, of Kentucky, arrived last week and contemplate making Banks their home. Farmington, July 22.— The South Tualatin and Farmington teams cross­ ed bats on the Farmington field last Sunday. Quite a spirited game was had in the presence of a large crowd o f spectators, the fair sex being espe­ cially well represented. The home team carried off the honors o f the. day; score, 25 to 24. Next Sunday the same teams will play on the South Tualatin grounds.----- For away-down low prices in anything you need or want go to the Farmington Store.*----- The low stage o f water In the Tualatin has forced the Tualatin M i'I Co. to abandon their logging camp here for the present.----- The little, loving, ro>- ing, mischievous Cupid has Informed Dame Rumor, who in turn has tattled it to your correspondent, that there are two weddings on the social pro­ gram of this neighborhood, but owing to the fact that theer are so many slips ’twixt the cup and the lips, names will be withheld f o i the present.— t-BInd- ing twine In any quantity for less than you can buy It elsewhere at the Farm­ ington Store. Highest cash prices paid for your product at our store.*----- Haying Is about over around here and cutting grain has commenced. The hay crop Is Immense In volume and can’t be beat In quality. Cornelius, Oregon, July 22.— A. A. Phillips and wife returned from Long Beach Monday evening. They reported having a nice trip.----- L. Geriger had the misfortune to be thrown off a hay wagon one day this week and was bad­ ly bruised about the face and head, but thinks he will be out in a few Jays. ----- Amos McCurdy made a flying trip to Portland Tuesday on business.----- Frank McGinnis has made some good Improvements in front of his barber shop, a brand-new sidewalk.----- A. A. Phillips, the real estate rustler, has made the following sales this week: W. T. Schol field bought two lots hi block 11, $60; R. Armstrong bought lots 6, 7, 8, In block 46, for $90; Mag­ gie Neep bought lots 1, 2, S, 4, 5. in block 42, $150; Maggie Hendricks bought lota 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in same block, $150. Any one wanting property in Cornelius would do well to call on him. H e will always treat you right.----- Har­ vest has commenced In this part of the county. Some winter grain has already been cut. It la expected that oats will turn out well, but fall wheat is not good.----- Street Commissioner 8choen Is fixing up the streets In good shape.----- J. B. Merrill got pretty bad­ ly scared one day this week. A man came along and offered him a thou­ sand dollars for hla property consist­ ing o f a whole block, grad house and barn In Cornelius.----- Henry Jackson, o f Portland, came ou to Cornelius this week to visit O. Vickers, whom he has not seen for years. He Is an excellent violin player and had a fine violin with him. He returned to Portland today. ----- Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Talbot took In the carnival Wednesday.— Mrs. Etta Mathles made a flying trip to Portland Wednesday.----- Mr. Delano and son have the contract for shingling Bailey’« warehouse.----- Thos. Talbot la rapairing him water tower today (Thursday.) JULY 24, 1903. from a two weeks’ trip to Umatilla. His daughter, Mrs. Stella Pomeroy, re­ turned with him.----- Mr. J. Sammons, who has been Indisposed for several weeks, is reported much better.----- At a special meeting held at Union school house. July 6, 1903, It was decided to charge a small fee for all lots sold or occupied In the cemetery, the money to be used In keeping the cemetery in repair. This is a step in the right di­ rection and the people are to be com­ mended for the action taken.----- Mr. Bowers, of MountaidaJe, has taken up his residence on the Jacob Brugger place.----- Mrs. Young, of Portland, spent several days of last week visit­ ing with her mother, Mrs. Reeves.----- Miss Marie Wilhelm has been retained as teacher in district No. 62, and Mr. R. L. Wann in district No. 6. “ OLD GORGON’’ ON COLLEGES They Make Neither Tooli Nor Bright Men—They Develop Them From “ Letters From a Self Made Mer- ch€)iMo HU So«.’* by Ueurye Harare Larimer Middleton, July 22.— C. True is build­ ing a finely equipped fruit dryer. It is provided with brick furnaces, and has a capacity of 400 bushels a day. It will begin operation on September 1 and impartiality and good treatment will be shown toward all patrons. The fruit crop is especially good this sea­ son. and the dryer anticipates a large amount of business.----- Fred Elwartt is erecting a large hop house.----- J. A. I-arger is doing the carpenter work on Elwartt's new hop house. Hughes sells buggies, wagons, paints, glass, doors, windows, stoves, and a general line o f hardware, try him and be convinced. • Beaverton, July 23.— The Portland deputy* sheriff w ho came out ‘to see if the three men held at Beaverton were wanted in the metropolis, and found they were not the ones, commended Marshal Desinger for his actions, as they were men that by their looks would bear watching. Such characters are getting numerous lately.----- John Chilton Monday received a gasoline engine and a large pump, with which he will Bupply the water for the South ern Pacific railroad company at this station.----- Mr. W ill French, proprietor o f the News, was in town Wednesday. ----- The farmers are pretty well along with their hay and are beginning to cut their grain.----- Several from here have gone to the coast to spend a short vacation.----- Harry Alexander is put ting in a telephone from his place to his mother's. varnish aad enamel o f J. H W eatcott .S aed a— Timothy and Clover, at R. Hicks. W. Dear Pierrepont—Your inn got back safe this morning, and she wauts mo to be sure to tell you not to overstudy, and I want to tell you to be sure not to understudy. What we’ re really sending you to Harvard for is to get little o f the education that’s so good! and plenty there. When it’s passed around, you don’t want to be bashful, but reach right out and take a big helping ever}- time, for I want you to get your share. You'll find that edu­ cation's about the only thing lying urouml loose in this world and that it’s nbout the only thing a fellow can have as much of ns he’s willing to haul away. Everything else is screwed down tight and the screwdriver lost. I'm anxious that you should be a good scholar, but I ’m more nnxious that you should be a good, clean man. And if you graduate with a sound con­ science I shan't care so much if there are a few boles in your Latin. There are two parts of a college education— the part that you got in the schoolroom from the professors nnd the part that you get outside of it from the boys. Thut’s the really important part, for the first can only make you a scholar, while the second can make you a man. Education is a good deal like eating —a fellow can't always tell which par­ ticular thing did him good, but he can usually tell which one did him barm. A fter n square meal o f roast beef and vegetables and mince pie nnd water­ melon you can’t say just which ingre­ dient is going into muscle, but you don’t have to be very bright to figure out which one started the demand for pain killer in your insides or to guess next morning which one made you be­ lieve in a personal devil the night be­ fore. And so while a fellow can’t fig­ ure out to an ounce whether It’s Latin or algebra or history or what among the solids that is building him up in tills place or that be can go right along feeding them in and betting that they’re not the tilings that turn his tongue fuzzy. Does a college education pay? Does it pay to feed in pork trimmings at 5 cents a pound at the hopper and draw out nice, cunning little “ country” sau­ sages at 20 cents a pound at the other end? Does it pay to take a steer that’* been running loose on the range ai living on cactus and petrified wo* till he’s Just a bunch o f barbed wi. and sote leather and feed him corn til he’s just a solid bunk o f porterhouse, steak and oleo oil? You bet It pays. Anything extra than trains n boy to think and to thl>-’ quick pays. Anything that teach* boy to get the answer before the ol nd, fellow gets through biting the pe pays. D. College doesn’t make fools. It velops them. It doesn’t make bri; men. It develops them. A fool v turn out a fool whether he goes college or not, though he'll probab turn out a different sort of a fool. MAIN STREET, HILLSBORO, A BUSY SCENE IN COURT TIME. mnssp ±4 ■ fc ’ Tigardville July 23.— C. F. Tigard, the merchant, went to Wilhoit after Acy Wiliams, who has been critically ill for some time with throat trouble. Mr. Williams will stay in town, where he will be given careful treatment.----- A. G. Goodwin is in Portland attending the big Woodmen carnival.— C. F. Barrett, the Middleton hop buyer, was in town this week, looking over th* prospective crop.----- The News is on sale at the Tigardville postofflee. Sub­ scriptions taken.----- The Independent Telephone Company is giving entire satisfaction. It is operated and owned by 75 o f the farmers of neighboring towns. Connections are made with Beaverton and Hughes’ line at Forest Grove.----- The hop fields are looking very fine and bid fair of yiel.ITng the biggest crop In the history of the neighborhood. Sherwood, July 23.— Farmers of this vicinity are busy harvesting one of the largest crops of 1 « ) ever pro­ duced, and will be wept on the move to get it out of the way of the grain now ripening.----- A great amount of wood Is now being delivered at this place for shipment to the Portland market, for which they receive a high price, owing to the small amount cut throughout the country.----- Onion growers a» well as hop growers are expecting a good crop and a good price this season. Should their hopes be reallxed it will surely place a greav many of our farmers fn good circum­ stances.----- Mr. Wm. Slater, of Mor­ row, Or., has purchased property in town and wll soon open up a full line of boots ami shoes. W e understand he Intends to make and repair shoes alio. ----- From the amount of cream shipped daily to the various creameries, we be­ lieve this would prove a first-class place for building a creamery and cheese factory. The business is fast and steadily growing.----- Mr, Davlo Alexander of Rosaland, B. C., former­ ly o f this place, made a short visit to our town thia week. W e were very much pleased to see him among us once more, but regret that the visit should be so brief. Come again.___ . Mr Martin and Joseph Oardner, pro­ prietors o f the cigar factory, left a tew days ago for a brief outing and busi­ ness trip to the CfYtH ’Bay (‘dtttftrf.__ —’ Quite a number from here have attend- 4 ed the 1 --tgii« ritrrrlnt* at Oiewm Cadar Mill, July 3 2 .- Having Is prac- CltJ. an(1 report , very , pjoyabte time tleally over In this vicinity.----- John _____________ J^, ii . ' j Mark* has opened a blacksmith shop i Palnt up ^ A np.t i i-M T H E SUMMER HOME OF MANY F R O M WASHIN GTON COUNTY— NEWPORT, ON Y AQ U IN A BAY. W ASHINGTON C O U N T Y ’S M A R K E T — PORTLAND, METROPOLIS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHW EST. Tw o railway lines and six wag£n roads make all Washington county, from four to thirty-two miles distant, an accessible suburb o f the great city whose dairy, market garden and firewood wants It In the main supplies, besides finding there ready sale for Its other products. Scholls, July 22.— Mrs. W. W. Tlchenor, from Colorado, is visiting her relations at Scholls.----- Mr. W ill Curby left last Wednesday for The Dalles, Oregon.----- Mrs. J. Tw ig re­ turned to her home at Ballaril, Wash. She has been visiting her parents here.----- Mrs. Miller Is having la grippe, and Is quite feeble.-----T a y ­ lor Bros, have finished their porch and bath room.----- Scholls’ people are very busy getting out telephone poles for the Hillsboro line, which will connect t . lth the Scholls line. Remember that Hughes, the hard­ ware man, sells the McCormick bind­ ers, mowers and rakes. He is tha only man in the city who gets his machinery in carload lots. This sav­ You cannot afford to neglect your ing in freight makes it possible to get eyes. Better have them tested (It as much profit as others, and still sell below what they can afford. • costs nothing) by Mayr.e Abbott, the F. S. Barnes, the old reliable expert optician at Abbott & Son’s • watchmaker. • Washington Co* Denial Parlors V. L. DIMMICK, Manager “ I ’ M A DOCTOB,” D ltri.AR X O thx H io o u e BOO. Verboort, July 21.— The farmer*, young and old, are all busy In reaping the golden harvest of their hard labor. Their crops promise well, chiefly their oats and potatoes.----- The Catholic Church continues still to be Improv­ ed. as well as the other buildings on the ground.----- The Sisters’ house has just received a double coat of paint, and now the school house U ¡Jelng painted. New walks are being laid around the buildings. There in no doubt that when all the work Is done Verboort will have the nicest ground* and niceat church building of any In the county. Ao A nirr»*l S to ry Little P o lk a Por Prosperous Bugs "Good morning. Hlggy.’’ said the hngglebng to the higglebng as they met on flie street the other day. ” How are you?" "Vary duo, 1 thank you. Haggy.’’ re- .plled the hlgglehug "H ow are yon?” ” Oh. Cam always well.” answered the hngiriebng. "except now. you know. my business la brisk and 1 am just a w ee bit overworked." “ Ah!” exclaimed the hlgglehug. “ Lote o f work? That's good. Let me con­ gratulate yon. I know just how It 1*. for, you see. my business is brisk, too. and I am afraid sometimes 1 w lli not be able to attend to it all. By the way. Haggy, what business are you In now?" ••I’m a barber.” answered the haggls- bug. ••A >arber!” exclaimed the hlgglebug. “ And what do you do as a barber?” “ Why, mercy, man. haven't y o u heard?” cried the hagglebug In sur­ prise. “ No,” «aid the hlgglebug. “ W hat is itr "W ell, the caterpillars have adopted the new style o f having their head* bald, and my business is to shave tha caterpillar«. There are Iota o f them, and it keeps me busy day and night doing the work." “ You must be making n great deal o f money.” said the hlgglebug. “ Yea. indeed.” -replied the hagglebug. "B y the way, what business are yoo In?” •■I’m a doctor.” declared the higgie- bug. “ A doctor!" exclaimed the hagglebug. “ And what do you do as a doctor?" "M y, my. my! Don't yon know?” cried the hlgglebug In surprise. “ No,” «aid the hagglebug. “ What is itr “ Well, the grasshopper* have adopt­ ed the new style o f wearing long whisk­ er*. and 1 furnish them with a face powder to bring out their beard*. They uae a great deal of the powder, and I am kept busy night and day mlxlmg It for them.” " I suppose you w ill soon be rich.” •aid the hagglebur ( P ••| hope ao.” responded the hlgglebug. ’*^>11. good by. H lggy." said the hag- glehug as he passed on down the street "Goodby. Haggy.” answered the hlg­ glebug —8L Louis Post-Dispatch. Full set t e e t h ........................................ |6.50 Gold filling ........................... $2.00 and up. Platonized filling ............................. . .$1.00 Silver filling ........................ 50 Gold crown and bridge work, per tooth 5.00 No charge* for extracting when teeth are ordered. Over Dr, Hines' Drug Store. FOREST GROVE, ORE. Crescent Mills CRESCENT FLOUR IS THE BEST. PATRONIZ E HOME INDUSTRY. Opposite Railway Station . . . . . . Forest Grove GRONER & ROWELL CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Bovflh and Dressed Lumber. BricK Bvildinfl BlocKs and Drain Tile $ * * • All Kinds o f Lumber on Hand. Good Stock at all Times to Select From Write for Price*. SCHOLLS, OREGON