Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 24, 1903, Image 1

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    F o re s t G r o v e , W a s h in g t o n C o u n ty , O r e g o n , J u l y 24» 1903.
The field o f The News Is the first agri­
cultural county of Oregon. First fo r clover,
for onions, for grapes, and In dairyin g; It
also leads In diversified farming and is
famous for fine horses, good cattle and
blooded sheep and goats. Its hay Is being
bought, thousands of tons of It, by the
government to feed cavalry horses in the
Philippines; Its wines took gold medals
over California’s exhibit at the Chicago
W orld’s Fair. Its prunes and hops get tha
top prices in the market, and sugar beets,
flax, tobacco, sweet potatoes, horse rau
ish, and mushrooms show the variety of
its production.
Its 18,000 people live In
3500 houses, of which 2500 are on farms,
and the great majority own their own
homes. Sig wagon roads and two lines ef
railway connect the county with Portland,
metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, f r o *
4 to 32 miles distant, and here is found
ready sale for its products. Good schools,
good roads, a network of farm telephones
and many rural delivery routes affording
dully mall make Washington county a pros­
perous country region with all the con­
veniences of the city.
Patton Valley, July 21.— The Christ­
ian Endeavor Society o f the Patton
Valley church gave a social last Sat­
urday evening at the home of Mr. Pem
Patton. There was a good attendance,
twenty-two in all. Miss Bertha Leabo
and Miss Mattie Fowler, of Forest
Grove, were among the number. All
enjoyed a good time.----- Mr. Leabo
and family are camped on the Johnson-
Leabo farm. They expect to stay about
a month, when they will return to
their home In Forest Grove.:-----Miss
Mattie Fowler, of Forest Grove, is vis­
iting her aunt, Mrs. John Allen, of
Patton Valley. Miss Fowler expects
to stay only a short time.
Gaston, July 23— Mr. Carmichael
as a new barn nearing completion and
e is getting ready to store away an
nmense hay crop that is growing on
tie Lake property. He has added a
ew convenience in the shape of an
ftice in one corner o f the Big ware-
ouse on the railroad.----- Some of our
irmers have invested in what is called
“ go devil.” that is used Instead of a
■agon to haul the hay from the field
» the stack. They are something new
ir these parts and are a labor-saving
lachlne.----- About twenty of Gaston’s
oung people went picniring up the
atton creek. They took along a big
an o f ice cream and a number of big
akes and put in the day as only a
>tly lot of young ones can.----- A num-
er of Gastonites have been out for a
hoot and the result Is venison enough
i go around. Charles Best is the Best
hot, as he killed a fine big antlered
uck clear across a four mile canyon,
nd he claims that It didn’t strain the
un either.----- Hal Hibbs has a new
oarder. His name is Blsmark. He
tands seven feet and three Inches In
Is stocking feet.----- Johnny Stewart
i in the bark business, peeling and
uying all he can find. He expects to
ather up enough before the summer
i over to start the biliary secretions
f the whole human family. Bring in
our hark and Johnny will pay you
hat is right.----- John Beal (O le Bull)
iv s a dance at the Miller hop house
lat was well attended and all had
good time.------Jessie Hibbs has been
t home for a rest and to recuperate
■rim a very bad cold, the past two
eeks.----- The Gaston ball club think
It was not for his big nose that
r. Everest would make a star player,
lit the Doctor will be ruled oat. as be
»n't get around It.----- Bugler, Ohler
nd J. Atkins have purchased a com-
nund engine and hay baler.
Iso haTe a wood-sawing machine at­
tachment. Look out for these fellows
for they are the men to make things
go.----- From the amount of freight put
off at Gaston our merchants must be
doing a rushing business.
binders, hayrakes, wagons, go-devils,
hacks, groceries and dry goods galore.
Gaston Is a lively spot If It Is off on
one side of the globe.----- From the
number of correspondents The News
has it must be read by every man,
child and old woman In the county.
----- The S. P. R. R. Co. scattered posts
for a fence along the track about a
year ago and they are now scattering
the lumber and may build the fence
next summer.----- Mr. Purdy has dis­
covered a fl,,e stone for building pur­
poses on the rarm he recently Bought
of Mr. Roe. Mr. Purdy is going to
develop the mine and will use the
stone for the basement o f a new house
that he is going to build upon his late
purchase. This stone Is full o f shell
fossils showing that it at some time
In the past ages was at the bottom of
the “ deep, deep sea.”—-— It has been
summer for only a short time, bui
the dry weather is drying up early
potatoes and garden vegetables, and
unless we get some more rains it will
make the late sown grain short. It is
ideal weather for the present rush of
haying and farmers are improving it.
Buxton, July 20.— Miss Dlga Johnson,
o f Portland, is visiting Mrs. J. F
Johnson, of Buxton.----- Mrs. H. 4
Crosley, of Tacoma. Washington, has
been visiting friends in the neighbor­
hood since the Fourth.----- Mr. C. A
Peterson, who is working in Forest
Grove, spent Sunday with his family
at Buxton.— -Miss E. Carlson, of Port
land, is visiting friends at Buxton.-----
Pomona Grange will meet in the Green
Mountain Grange hall at Buxton next
Wednesday evening.----- Mr. Hans Pet
erson went to Forest Grove Monday
morning with his butter.----- Marshall
Grlpp. formerly of Cleveland. Ohio,
and who has a position with the Wells
Hardware Company, o f
passed through Buxton Sunday morn­
ing in company with a party of young
people o f Portland, on their way to the
Nehalem for a short vacation.
West of Forest Grove, July 23.—
Hay making is still in progress and
will continue several days yet.----- Mi
Robert Stevenson Is building a prune
dryer and will hereafter be able to dry
his own prunes, of which he raises
a good quantity.----- Mr. A. J. McRill
furnished the Valley people with
amusement last week, and they ought
to appreciate tt, for It Is not often
that they get treated to a good peri
formance these days without cost. You
see. it was this way: H e had pur­
chased a wheel and he had to learn
to ride.----- Mr. Caleb Jones raises corn
regularly every year and makes a sne-
eess of It too. He has a mountain
stream running through his place, anu
he floods this, and by means of a
ditch at the higher side o f the field
he ia able to run the water anywhere
he please«
Mr. Jones 1« from Ne
braska and no doubt learned the value
o f irrigation there. In this part of
Oregon there are many places where
the mountain streams could be used
for like purposes.----- Mr. Mlzner's fam­
ily hare gone to the Coaat for a vaca­
tion.----- Mrs. John Prickett has been
seriously ill for several weeks. Dr.
uelger has been attending her of late.
-Mr, D. C. Stewart is making prep­
arations to build a new residence.-----
Hay baUng has begun and grain har­
vest Is also here, so the farmer is very
busy now.----- I.ast week we mentioned
that the valley land was aliright; we
did not intend to create the impression
that is was the only valuable land
in this part Qf the country. No, not
at all; the mountain slopes are also
valuable for their timber, their pastur­
age, their fruit, their garden truck.
Also their vineyards equal if they do
not surpass the noted vineyards of
France, and the hardy mountaineers
that reside thereon live a life of free
dom and enjoy health to an extent that
kings might well envy, surrounded
though they are with luxury, wearing,
crowns studded with diamonds and
having cattle on a thousand hills. P e r­
haps we are inclined to use cant
phrases too much, in endeavoring to
give justice to our country, but we
cannot refrain, for we have a good
country, of which we have just cause
to be proud.
Hayward, July 19.— Mrs. R. Whitten
has returned home after a week's visit
with friends.----- There was preaching
at Hayward schoolhouse Sunday.----
The farmers of Hayward are about
done haying.----- The dance at the Hay­
ward dance hall Saturday night had h
big crowd and a good time is reported.
----- If it wasn’t for beer and the wire­
less telephone, Hayward would go
dead.----- Mr. and Mrs. Daulph went to
town Monday.----- J. Boos and son are
hauling hay from the Spaulding place.
----- J. A. Fanning was at Greenville
Monday on business.
Buxton Precinct, July 21.—Green
Mountain Grange held their monthly
meeting in the new Orange hall at
Buxton Saturday. The county or Po­
mona Grange also met In the same
hall Wednesday, and held an all-day
meeting, dinner and supper both being
served. At the night session the fifth
N o . IO
degree was worked, after which t h e r e ----- Fanno Bros, are shipping early slcian. Dr. J. P. Tamlesle, has hopes
was an open session, with an enter­ cabbage and early cauliflower. They o f her recovery.----- A Mr. John Dar-
taining program.— —John Bailey, of report a very satisfactory market for ling, who was working at Nelson &
Manning, was very favorably disposed t le early product. Speaking of sat­ Reed’s sawmill, about ten miles from
towgrd an offer from a newcomer from isfactory markets, how about new on­ this place, was hurt quite badly last
Kansas but his wife was satisfied here ions bringing $16 In Portland. Nevei week. H e was riding on the slab-car­
so the sale fell through. Mrs. Bailey mind al out those 40c onions last year. rier when a belt broke and he was
must be a Republican and believe in ----- Beaverton at present is not
a thrown about 50 feet, falling into a
lettirg well enough alone.----- Mr.Whit­ healthy
for suspicious looking pile o f rubbish. Tw o ribs were brok­
ney t folks, who are doing business lu | characters.
Whenever a suspicious en and his head hurt considerably.
the tlrove, drove out to the old home j looking person shows up in town, he ----- Mr. and Mrs. George Harris re­
in a livery rig today. The people here is overhauled by the marshal, and if turned from Hood River Tuesday,
are glad to know they are prospering sufficient evidence is not developed to where they have been attending camp­
in tl eir new business.----- Wheat har­ hold him an invitation is given him m eetin g----- W alace N, Pasley and
vest In the valley is almost here, to move on. Three strangers were Jasper Keffer are hauling lumber for
while the hay is not near disposed of. retained until a deputy sheriff from the W. O. W. Hall. On Saturday and
----- Pix-Representative C. P. Yates took Portland arrived to Identify them. Noi Monday they hauled rock for the foun­
m e third and fourth degree In th< being the presons wanted, they were dation. They expect to have the car­
Green Mountain Grange yesterday. permitted to go.----- One afternoon last penters at work on it in a few days.
He Is now a full-fledged hayseed with week, as the train stopped at the Sta­ Mr. Roberts, o f Mountain Dale, has
a title (Granger).----- Some of the tion, a small boy stepped off and the contract for building it.----- Mrs.
farmers are hauling hay today. Work started to get a drink at a nearby Mary Davis is again suffering from
Is driving them beyond their ability to store. As he moved across the plat­ catarrh o f the stomach.----- Mrs. A.
rest Sundays.----- Mr. Lem Ingle’s fam­ form he dropped a revolver from his Anderson is suffering from blood-pois­
ily will soon move down where he is pocket. Tlie marshal captured him, oning in her foot. A few days ago
working on the lower Columbia river. but the boy put up a good story and she bruised her ankle on the side of
----- The Manning saw mill is rushin* was permitted to get on the train and the door, and Friday morning it was
the [tie business nowadays. That proceed to Portland. It has
since all swollen. They sent for Dr. Sand-
would indicate that ties are better than been ascertained that this boy was the ford, but as he was unable to go. Dr.
lumber; still they have plenty of all one who stole money from Mr. Schul- Tamiesie was called. A t the last re­
gradas of lumber on bauds to satisfy meriek, at Hillsboro.
port she was no better.----- J. C. Mil­
their customers, In both dressed and
ler’s little boy, John D., aged 12 years,
undressed.-----Buxton Precinct is quite
Banks, July 31.— G. Wilcox, o f this died at Goldendale, Wash,, Sunday af­
sociable and so are the people.
place. Is making preparations to put ternoon, July 19th, 1903. He had beet«
in a large water wheel, by which he In­ suffering for about eight months with
Beaverton, July 22.— Beaverton is tends to run a cutter and elevator, consumption, and about four weeks
quite “well represented at Chautauqua. to cut and elevate corn into his silo, ago the whole family, with the ex­
and at the various beaches.----- Rev ----- The Fir Grove and Roy Sunday ception of George, the oldest boy,
and Mrs. S. L. Lee are camping at Schools are making preparations for went up east of the mountains, think­
Chautauqua.----- Mrs. John Henry and the picnic which is to be held at Fir ing a change might help him, but in­
daughter have gone to Seaside for grove on the first o f August.----- M. stead, he kept gradually failing, and
the summer.----- Mr. and Mrs. David Turner visited Cornelius yesterday. He Sunday afternoon about 4 o’clock he
Purser have taken up their abode in says he thinks he could get fat on dust passed away. They brought him back
their cottage at Long Beach.----- H ar­ If he could learn to swallow it.----- home for burial, reaching Hitlsboro on
ry and Ed Morton. Clarence, and Mar­ There is some talk of the Schneider the morning train Tuesday morning.
tin, Albert and Earl Evans started sawmill starting up Monday.----- Wm. The funeral services were held in the
'rny . r n . Ior a two weeks’ trip to Tilla- Rohr’s dwelling and saloon burned last Arcade school house, aad he was laid
mook.—— Lawrence, Horace and Del- liigflt at anout 1 ¡»’ clock: The ‘ BaliX -» td rest ,n the Miller grAve yard. By the
more Llvengood are spending a few ing took fire In the kitchen. Cause un­ side o f his brother Ezra, who died last
days in the mountains of
Yamhill known. Insurance $500.
September. The family all returned,
county.----- George
with the exception o f Perry, who was
hrother and sister visited with him
Glencoe, July 22.— Miss Anna Hess, unable to do so.----- Parker & Crock­
last Friday.-----J. Anderson and fam- youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs er are hauling the machinery for the
lly, of Forest Grove, are moving Into ( George Hess, lias been very low, but sawmill near Sam Johnson’s. They
the house recently purchased here. Is now slowly Improving, and her phy- expect to begin sawing about the mid­
dle of August.----- Frank Everett, o f
Hillsboro, is making boxes for the
Oregon Condensed Milk Factory.---- -
Mrs. Winters and daughter spent Sat­
urday and Sunday with her cousin,
Mrs. J. W. Connell. Mrs. J. P. Ess-
ner, of Mountain Dale, also spent Sun­
day with Mrs. Connell.----- Mrs. Chas.
Schuler's two brothers are visiting her
from Kansas.----- The farmers are all
busy with their hay. They all believe
In "making hay while the sun shines.”
Most of them have their hay cut and
are now hauling.----- M. C. Lincoln Is
teaming for Mays Bros, thlg week.-----
J. W. Goodin and G. C. Lincoln are
building a small bridge across the
creek In front o f James
house, for Mr. W. W. Paine.----- Mrs.
W. W. Paine has been sick for a few
days, but Is Improving.----- Mrs. Riley
has moved from the Goodin houso to
ner brother's, S. A. D. Meek’s, where
she will stay for a few weeks. She
will then go back to Idaho. Her son,
Stanley, who went to Tdaho a few
weeks ago. Is gradually Improving In
health.----- A young man hauling lum­
ber from Hollenbeck’s sawmill for the
W. O. W. Hall, was overcame with
the heat Monday afternoon, and faint­
ed In Mays Bros.’ Hall.—— As Mrs. R.
H. Whitehead was coming to town
Wednesday morning her horse got
frightened, turned around, upset the
buggy and threw her and her little
girl out, dislocating the little girl’s
wrist. .M r. R. N Tannoqk, who was
driving by In his buggy, brought them
on down to town, where Dr. Sandford
set the little girl's wrist. The horse
ran up past Elbert Lincoln's, where ho
caught it. It had broken the buggy
up and bruised itself considerately.
Mrs. Whitehead Is having bad luck,
as her older daughter fractured her
arm by falling off a horse a few
weeks ago.----- Mr. Jas. Murphy, who
Is working foi W .8. Batchelder, fell
off a load of hay and broke one o f tlie
bone* in his arm and dislocated the
other.----- Mr. Jesse May is visiting
with his cousin. W E. May. this week.
----- Mr. Wledewltsch, of Cornelius, is
repairing the boiler In the Oregon
Condensed Milk Factory, as they leak.
Along the two lines o f the Southern Pa<lflc which traverse Washington Connty. such seen"* are common, and
many thousand dollars come from the railway for its firewood, besides supplying the Portland market.
Farm for rent for term o f years, 1
mile from Forest Grove. Ijin g ley ft