Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 03, 1903, Image 1

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    An Up-to-Datt'Country New?paper--Republican in P titles.
V o l. 1.
F o re st G r o v e , W a s h in g t o n C o u n ty , O r e g o n , J u l y 3, 1903.
N o. 7
The field o f The New , I, the flr«t agri­
cultural county of Oregon. Flrat for clover,
for onions, for grapes, and In d airyin g; it
also lead. In diversified farming and Is
famous for fine horses, good cattle and
blooded sheep and gonts. Its hay Is being
bought, thousands o f tons of It, by the
government to feed cavalry horses In the
Uhlllpplnes; Its wines took gold medals
over California's exhibit at the Chicago
World's Fair. Its prunes and hops get the
top prices In the market, and sugar beets,
fiax, tobacco, sweet potatoes, horse rau-
ish, and mushrooms show the variety of
Its production.
Its 18.000 people live In
3500 houses, o f w'hlch 3500 are on farms,
and the great m ajority own their own
homes. 81g wagon roads and two lines of
railway connect the county with l'ortland.
metropolis o f the Pacific Northwest, from
-1 to 33 miles distant, uud here Is found
ready sale for Its products. Good schools,
good roads, a network of farm telephones
aud many rural delivery routes affording
daily mull make Washington county a pros­
perous country region with all the con­
veniences o f the city.
S U P T . C L A P P ’S M I S T A K E A N D HI S
consult an attorney, that there be no
unpleasant misunderstanding.
A prompt reply is expected, and the * 1
Among the notable incidents of the failure to receive it will be considered |
special city election campaign just a refusal. Very respectfully,
closed was the assertion at the Sun­
W IL L FRENCH, Publisher.
day evening meeting by the President
The answer came without delay:
o f the Good Citizens’ League that the
Forest Grove, Or., June 30, 1903. i
ordinance bill published in The News
W ill French, Pub. Washington |
for the past three weeks was not the
County News. Forest Grove, Or.
same as when ordered by the council
to be submitted, reflecting upon the
honesty of those having its publica­ ing my attention to my statement on I
Sunday evening, that the ordinance I
tion in charge.
- I
. .
Monday a letter, o f which the fo l­ as pub’ Ijhed w-vs - V the sa.ne as that I
The 1900 census showed 5,593 cattle ready for market, mostly on foot- hill ranches, i l l e dairy'"Industry Va* so Jfversha^bwed'tnls iir.e -bar it uas
lowing is a copy, was mailed to Mr. voted on by the City Council, Is at j
hand. I am very glad to recall that I almost been forgotten that the county has many acres of good range. Close ness to lia rk e t and good stock makes this industry as profitable as the
statement, as I have since been Inform- ( greater numbers o f many other counties, though stock-raising is only one o f Washington county’s varied lines. It is as an all-around agricultural
Forest Grove, Or., June 29, 1903. ed, both by the author o f the bill and county that it excels.
Supt. C. F. Clapp,
by other members of the Council, that •
Forest Grove, Oregon.
the ordinance published in your p ap er!
No intention was further from my | note, and had so telephoned the mem- about a saloon. When we vote to­ know what business Is going on for
Sir,— A t the evening service at the was as exactly agreed upon by the
than to make a statement in the j ber of the council who Introduced the morrow w e are not to vote as to $400.00. Now I am saying this that
Marsh Hall, Sunday, June 28, 1903, you council, when it was voted to ask for
publicly impeached the accurraey o, an expression o f the voters o f the city. least contrary to the actual fact. And i bill. I should not only have done this whether n saloon would be preferable we may understand what we are vot­
the published ordinance bill regarding There were three ordinances before I firmly believed that the ordinance as but should have considered that it was to the pioseat conditions. 1 don’t ing on tomorrow.”
the proposed Forest Grove license, and the Council: one designated ’’A,” one passed upon by the Council was the my duty to do this the instant 1 had Know a man livin g in Forest Grove
reflected upon the paper which pub­ "B ," and one “ B and a half," or, as it one styled “ B and a half,” which or­ learned that the council had agreed on who is satisfied with the way things
are now. Now, my friends, whether
lished it.
The Washington County might have been called, “ C.”
I dinance closed the saloons on all holi­ this amended form o f the bill. I gladly
News is the official paper of the City of I listened attentively to the reading of days and prohibited screens at the recall this through the medium of your we fail or l’Ot l think that we are do­
Forest Grove, and the paper which ! these bills and asked one member of doors or windows and permitted the paper, and also any insinuation that I ing right. I f t man comes here and
License was beaten 158 for "N o ” and
published this ordinance bill. That \ the Council just before or after the business to be transacted In one room may have made as to the tampering says that I ttn going to sell merchan­
dise, t ei: me l.now exactly what he
your statement was untrue and reflec­ vote was taken, which ordinance it only, leaving no place in which liquors with the ordinance.
111 for “ Yes” at the special city elec­
When a man comes
If I may add a word more, I will is going to tell
tion unwarranted we are prepared to was that was being presented, and he might be kept. In fact I called atten­
tion Wednesday. J. A. Abbott, J. A.
establish, but should you prefer to dis­ replied that it was ‘‘B and a half” or tion to that omission at the council say that I have consulted two others in and says lhai he will open a hard­
Stripiin and J. H. McNamer were
claim responsibility for these remarks “ C.” But he informs me now that in
W ill
and acknowledge your error, we shall order to have unanimity on the board
When I read the present ordinance ing that night, and both of them say going to sell; he It going to sell stoves, Judges, and Fred Harris and
be pleased to accept amends in a re­ some of its provisions were changed an<1 saw these changes I was greatly that they heard no reading of the or­ and God bles ;es him. If he comes Fletcher clerks. The ballot was con­
hay rake, that a man
traction as publicly made. A signed and these changes agree to those ap- surprised and did not recognize it as dinance as amended, either before or heie and sells
ducted like the state elections, using
statement from you for publication in pearing in the published copy. I am the one Passed upon by tne council, j after lts passage. So that the same will do th: ee times as much work in a tbo Australian ballot and workers were
The News will be accepted, but in no not only willing to retract my state- N ° r d° 1 yet remember that the ordi-1 impression made on me, was
made day as to lid hi cone, and rides all
kept at a distance from the polls. The
other way can the wrong impression ment In your paper, but shall take oc- nance as amended was read either be- j upon them, that Is. that the original day, then he li •* public be.iefactor.
best of order and good feeling pre­
I l f tf man (omei <n here and sets up
ordinance was passed as read,
created and injury done be undone. IT casion to do the same In a public ad- fore or after its passage.
Very sincerely yours,
a condeus 1 ml •< 1 ictory, and takes
you have any doubt as to our right to dress tonight on the church square.
I had already expressed my inten- j
The last week o f the license cam­
' the milk of the fs'nittrs and pa. s them
demand such a retraction, and in event In t’ ls way I shall not only make the tion to make public acknowledgement i
was a busy one. Friday night
o f your refusal to hold you legally re­ retraction as public as the former of this mistake in a public address this
Messrs. McKercher and Amos, of Port­
sponsible. we would suggest that you statement, but much more so.
evening before the receipt o f your
Tuesday evening at the open-air
are getting cream he is a public bene­ land, spoke in Marsh Hall; Sunday
meeting on the church square the
factor. Take all i f hese stores, all morning Supt. C. F. Clapp preached on
promise Mr. Clapp had made in his let­
Sunday evening the
the way thicugh, ro d in any of these the campaign;
ter was faithfully carried out, and it
businesses a man gives you some­ speakers were Messrs. Harris, James
j perhaps may be truly said that no thing for your money. If a man comes and Peterson, Prin. Bates and Supt.
small share o f the favorable impres­
here and savs that h i w ill give the Clapp; Tuesday evening In the open
sion created on the evening of the
community $4UO.OO to sail goods, that air Supt. Clapp and Rev, Mr. Phelps,
election was owing to his frank con-
man will not help the community, and the most effective speaker of all that
1 fession and fair stand. He said in his
n e man will be fortunate If he does were brought In, spoke on the church
not die In a drunkard's grave. Let us square.
" It Is never pleasant for a man to
eat humble pie. but It Is often good for
T H E H R I D E OF O R E G O N — M T . HO O D .
his soul. I want to make a word of con-
j fession in regard to a statement which
I I made Sunday night, and I take this
much more public meeting to make
right that statement. When I read
the ordinance published In our city
official paper It struck me that It was
not the ordinance accepted by the
Council. The ordinances No. B and
BV4 or C were read and there followed
no discussion, and then It was voted
that ordinance No. Bt4 would be given
to the people to vote on. A man told
me that the ordinance agreed on by all
o f them was B!4. and required that
the business would be carried on in
one room, and I am told by the Coun­
cil that some o f them objected to
this, but then they voted on this and
passed it. I did not hear any changes
made, and I spoke to many of my
The monster mountain wlUl whose advent Oregon history begins, is a
friends and they did not hear them
either. But the author of the bill said landmark for all Washington totinty, easily visible from every part and re­
The Southern Pacific railway, l i conjunction with the Corvallis & Eastern railway, have placed on sale sea­
they were made, so I told a lie and vealing new beauties as the point Of observation changes Since It was a de­
side excursion tickets for those who desire to visit the ever-delightful Yaquina Bay. Three-day round-trip tickets,
good only for going on Saturday and returning on Monday, will be sol J from Hillsboro and Forest Grove for
I am sorry for It. Now. I do this be­ pression In the earth other people m v e come from Missouri, Kansas, Ne­
cause I think that a man ought to braska. and many other states, w lc have found In thé Willamette Valley a
♦3.00; season round trip tickets, good for return until October 10th, will cost $8.00. The rates from other W ash­
ington county points will be the same. A summer kindergarten, including nature study on the betch and in the
tell the truth, and the Good I>ord haven from hall storm*, cyclone*« find flood*, a land where crops never fall
woods, will open July 6th.
knows that the truth Is bad enough
a n d
ik n
v tilo n
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