Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 26, 1903, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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I •* About People *• |
%!♦»»»< •«• aaM f » t « « t «««*&
Col. Harry Haynes and family are
visiting at Murray, Utah, their formei
residence, after an absence of six
years. The colonel expects to be back
in a month, but the family will remain
through the summer.
Remember J. T. Buxton makes a spe­
G. A.R. —y. B. Matthews’ Post meets
‘ *
cialty of farmera’ work. General black- every first ahd third Wednesday
Verts Hall at 1:30 p. m. F. S. Barnes,
Commander; F. B. Starrett, adjutant.
Miss Laura Boos, daughter of J. G.
Boos, and Guy Dick, a former stu­
Mrs. Georgia Hughes is home from
dent of Pacific University, were mar­
a month's visit in Seattle.
ried Wednesday in Portland.
FTTW a *
Money saving is buying our grocer­
ies. Good enough for anybody and
cheap enough for everybody. Dugan &
The M. E. Epworth League held a
social in the grove back of the church
Saturday evening. They secured nine
new members.
How about your printing? If you
For the best candies and fresh fruits
Pianos. $50.00 down, $10 per month;
it of The News it will be a little
call at the City Bakery.
$10.00 down. $4.00 per month,
better and not so expensive. Costs
Forest Grove.
P rin cip al H. L. B ates a tte n d e d the nothing to inquire.
closing ex ercises of P o rtlan d Academy
F rid a y evening, his d a u g h te r an d a
n iece being on th e pro g ram . Miss
H elen B ates w as a m em b er of th e
m ixed chorus th a t won so much ap ­
plau se in its renditio n of “T h e M orn­
ing R am ble,” and th e encore, “T he
C losing o f A th e F o rg e." A lexander
C halm ers, or C enterville, also sang in
th e sam e chorus.
Go to T he B azaar a t F o re st Grove
fo r Pianos, O rgans an d Sew ing Ma
chines. Goods and prices a re rig h t. •
Jam es K irkw ood h as gone up the
V alley to v isit th e R evival B rigade.
H e m ay join it.
W e keep a fine lin e of g roceries,
tobaccos and cigars. H in es Bros
V es L ow ery, w ho w as rep o rted
drow ned a t H eppner. is again w alking
th e s tre e ts of F o re st Grove.
M rs. N ellie Shaw an d fam ily have
re tu rn e d from th e stra w b e rry fields a t
U nderw ood, W ash.
Mr. D. R oss, of W alla W alla, h as
been in tow n th e p a st w eek, desirin g
to lease a house w ith 10 to 20 a c re s
n e a r F o re s t G rove, so a s to avail him ­
self of th e schools for his fam ily.
Prof. C. E. B radley has gone to n e a r
G reenville to v isit h is fa th e r.
F a rm fo r r e n t fo r te rm o f y ea rs, 1
m ile from F o re s t Grove. L angley &
M iss May M organ, of A storia,
v isitin g Mrs. J a n e M. Sm ith.
Y our w ill find th e b e st ice cream
and th e n ic e st p a rlo r a t th e City
B akery.
C apt. A sh er T yler, of P o rtla n d , w as
in tow n M onday on h is w ay to th e
m ountains. ’
F o r Gold H e a rt b ra n d N orth Da­
k o ta flour, se e H in es B ros.
B ren ard V ia. son of Dr. W . P. Via.
w ho h as been a t R edland. A rizona, is
now in Los A ngeles, Calif., and so
m uch im proved in h e a lth th a t he ex­
p ects to re tu rn hom e soon.
W illis H. T re n n e r, w ho com pleted
th e p re p a ra to ry cou rse and F resh m an
y e a r a t Pacific U n iv ersity , h as ju s t
g ra d u a te d from W ash in g to n A gricui
tu ra i College in the m echanical engi­
n e e rin g course. H e h a s acte d as tu ­
to r in m ath em atics, and will be co n tin ­
ued as pro fesso r of e lec trical e n g in e e r­
A good ad v e rtise m e n t is easy for
a sto re th a t gives good valu es.
Wa n t e d —Good cook for first-class
p lace; b e st w ag es; ste a d y position.
A pply at, o r ad d ress. N ew s office.
L ib e rta B row n, a g ra d u a te of P. U.,
is hom e a fte r a y e a r sp e n t in p o st­
g ra d u a te w ork in New Y ork City.
Mrs. L. M. V incent, of G ales C reek,
w as in tow n M onday v isitin g
fath e r, Prof. Jo h n F le tc h e r.
Mrs. Thos Brown died of cancer
Saturday afternoon. The funeral was
held from the home, at 10 a. m. Sun­
day. Interment was at the Congre­
gational cemetery.
No strike at our laundry. Take your
laundry to Wirtz’ barber shop. Try
H ep p n er h as received a b o u t $250
our baths, too.
from F o re s t Grove, w ith sev eral lodges
ORE., J U N E 26, 1903.
the two doctors over to Harris, when
they went from here.
Goddess of Liberty for Forest
Grove's Fourth doesn't seem to be
making any particular excitement, the
vote creeping along with an occasional
ballot here and there, but at the last
moment blocks of votes are likely to
come in, and the favorite will be one
who wins in a sharp contest. The
standing now is: Mary Bailey 83, Eva
Curtis 64, Manche Langley 44, Alice
Reynolds 16, Maud Shannon 11, Pearl
Chandler 11, Florence Contris 10, Jes­
sie Buxton 5, Mary Farnaham 5,
Charlotte Graham 3.
At a meeting of the social commit­
tee of the Civic Improvement Soci­
ety it was decided to hold a social at
some central place during the third
week in July, at a date to be made
known later. It is the desire of the
committee to raise money for the
placing of signs with names of streets
throughout the city. Refreshments
will be served for this object. Let
citizens keep this in mind and look
for later announcements.
Pag* Savait
...Dr. Chas. Hines, Druggist»... j
(Successor to M ine* & W a jn e r )
Exclusive Agent Security Stock
Zimol, the Superior H eadache Remedy.
Also a complete line of Drugs, Pictures, Stationery, Sundries
Accurate Prescription W ork
at. Reasonable Prices..............
M. R. Cheney, the tinner, is now
and in dividuals who h a v e prom ised a s­
one door west of Hughes',
Prof. H. D. S m ith , o f T u alatin sista n c e b u t have not got to it, y e t to and is prepared to do all kinds of
A cademy, s ta rte d T u esd ay fo r T a ­
plumbing and tinning. Prices reason­
W a n t e d —B uyers io r m u tto n sheep.
W. H. Lyda, th e saw m ill m an, w ent Apply N ew s office.
L. G. W iedew itsch, of C ornelius, has
to P o rtlan d T uesday.
a com plete m odern m achine shop. It
T ak e your clothing to Jo h n A nder­
is fully equipped w ith every appliance
Geo. Dooley, of G reenville, passed son; clea n in g and re p a ir w ork p ro m pt­ fo r doing all necessary w ork and has
th ro u g h tow n M onday on his
w ay ly and cheaply done.
been m aking a specialty of fa rm e rs ’
hom e from P o rtlan d .
w ork, having been very successful in
T h e R elief Corps gave an open-air
g e ttin g and holding th e ir trad e.
M ayne A bbott, th e o p tician , w ent ice cream festiv al on th e ch u rch
sn u are S atu rd ay evening, and th e E p ­
to P o rtlan d T h u rsd ay .
T h e man w ho w an ts business will
w orth L eague had an out-door e n te r­
have to h u stle fo r it, o r get T he
P h o to s en larg ed , p h otos on china, tain m en t on th e ch u rch g ro u n d s the N ew s to h u stle fo r him . T ry an
fancy placques. A ttra c tiv e and in te r­ sam e evening.
e stin g o rn a m e n ts. M eresse, th e pho­
For Sale — Som e A ngora g o a ts and
Miss M artha T ra v e r, one of W ash­
to g rap h er.
Cotswold sheep. E d w ard L. N aylor, ington county’s m ost successful teac h ­
F o r fine w ork In en larg in g , Pacifi- ers, is in charge of th e public school
Mr. and Mrs. D. H u n te r and Miss
G allery.
• a t H ayw ard. M iss T ra v e r com es of a
S ta rre tt w ere in P o rtlan d W ednesday.
fam ily w hich seem ed to have a n atu ral
Mr. and M rs.. H. S hipley v isited
A rth u r Yoder, w ho h as b een tea c h ­ ap titu d e for teaching. H er b ro th e r
P o rtlan d T uesday, Mr. S hipley re tu rn ­
will be rem em bered as one of th e best
ing th e n e x t day, b u t Mrs. Shipley will ing a t G reenville, h as gone to B riJal
te a c h e rs B eaverton ever had, going
rem ain for a few days.
from there to S o uthern O regon.
It looks a s if good tim es had com e
F ire C rack ers, S ky R ockets, Spin
M ilw aukee b in d ers, rak es, mowing
ning W heels. R ed H ead s and Double to stay . L a s t w eek T he B az a a r a t
m achines, a t W . R. H ick s’.
A Big Stock of Latest and Most Reliable Goods at Fair Prices.
H eaded D utchm en fo r sale a t th e Ba­ F o re st G rove sold th re e pian o s and
See H ines B ros, for fancy g ro cer­
W e want your patronage and will make it to your interest to trade
zaar, F o re st Grove. Also Cannon
with us.
C rack ers, T orpedoes, an d a dozen o th ­ g ra d e sew ing m achines. Of co u rse
e r kinds.
Mr. W ilson B um p is planning to
had a ch an ce to get such good in s tiu
build a dw elling on th e lot acro ss from
A. Dixon, n o rth of W oods & Adam s,
th e depot, bought by him of I. G. S in­
easy term s.
buys anu sells all k in d s of second­
h and goods.
Jo h n A nderson will clean and p ress
R oe & B uxton a re selling ag e n ts for
your clo th es so th ey will look like
F o re st R ebekah I-odge No. 34, I. O.
new. R ep airin g done, too.
* th e S tandard V arn ish W orks of N yw
O. F., h a s h ad a b usy w eek socially.
Y ork. F in e s t lu s tre an d q u ality un­
S atu rd ay tw o dozen m em b ers visited
the H illsboro lodge, and th e nig h t be­
fore (F rid ay ) a recep tio n w as given to
T he hall-tree from th e H ia tt hom e is
th e ir Noble G rand, Miss Lillian P o r­
If an y one h as a copy of “Jo h n F lu t­ to stay in T. H. B row n's possession,
te r, w hose m a rria g e W ed n esd ay will
w as th e decision in th e replevin case
lead to h e r m ak in g h e r hom e in te r. o r th e B lunders of a B ashful Man,"
before Ju d g e F itch a t C ornelius T u es­
C alifornia. A ta s ty R ebekah pin w as
day, scoring a victory for A ttorney
an ap p re c ia te d so u v en ir of th e oc­ ing it to T h e N ews office for referen ce.
Bump, w hose c lien t w as decided to be
Mr. an d Mrs. J. W. W h eeler, Mr. law fully in possession, as th e co u rt
F ren ch XXX. All kin d s of building tim ber, any kind and length. Pick­
and M rs. G eorge T hom as an d Mrs. held Mrs. H ia tt had a rig h t to sell it.
F. S. B arn es, th e old reliab le
ets, ro u g h ; 1x12, 1x8, 1x6, 1x10, all lengths. 2 inch, any len g th . Square
T his is th e sequel to tw o crim inal
w atchm aker.
tim b ers.
a tle u tk n
to hom e tra d e . Give us a call. Leave
and W. R. C. co nventions in P o rtland trials, w hich all resu lted sim ilarly.
o rd e rs C how ning's S tore, Dilley, O regon.
th is week.
Mrs. Joseph C hilds, of P o rtla n d , who
T he S iste rs a t B eaverton will have
h as been v isitin g a t Dr. W ard 's home
Call and see H in es B ros.’ new stock a roffee stan d and "fish pond" a t the
for a few days, re tu rn e d W ednesday
of g ro c e rie s a t p o p u lar p rices.
* V erboort kerm is nex t ,w eek, th e pro­
to P o rtlan d .
ceeds to p u t In a m uch-needed dispen­
Lumber— All k in d s of u n d ressed sary a t St. M ary's home. T he m e r­
You c an n o t afford to n eg lec t your
have co n trib u ted liberally
and planed.
D elivered. P ric e the ch an ts
B e tte r have th em te s te d (it
very best. Apply a t N ew s office or m any d esirab le trin k e ts and useful a r ­
co sts n o th in g ) by M ayne A bbott, th e C laren ce M iller, G ales City.
ticles, fo r w hich th e ow ner of a dim e
may fish w ith th e possibility of e n ­
e x p e rt o p tician a t A bbott & Son's
C om plete lin e of lap ro b es and fly riching him self and th e c e rta in ty of S T UD E NT S WANTED.
Ja m e s S hepherd, now of P o rtla n d n e ts—v e ry low est p rices—a t P a rso n s' aiding a w orthy ch arity .
b u t a pioneer re sid e n t h ere, cam e out h a rn e ss shop, F o re s t G rove.
Terms: Three months, $10. Nine months or life scholarship, $25.
N othing so clean, cool and com fort­
la s t w eek an d has been busy fo r sev­
able fo r fitting up a bedroom as one
Tuition payable in advance. 1 rial lessons and twenty-four page cir­
eral days su p erin te n d in g th e building
of th o se low -priced iro n bed stead s a t
of a sto n e coping aro u n d h is fam ily
Rev. Mr. B ondurent, of th e Free
cular on Eclectic Shorthand sent free on application.
Roe & B uxton’s, and w hen w lntei
plot in th e B uxton cem etery .
M ethodist church, h as accep ted a call
com es th ey will be Just as a ttra c tiv e .
Typewriters rented to students, $3.00 per month.
elsew h ere and th e new p a sto r has a r ­
T he b e st th e y ear around.
Dr. L a rg e h as b u ilt 100 feet of sid e­ rived to ta k e his place.
w alk along th e south side of his prop­
Ambrose Porter has been busy build­
e rty and th e M isses B row n. P ro fesso r
C heney, th e T in n e r, F o re s t Grove.
R o bertson and A. B. T hom as a re each O regon, sells all k in d s of tin w are. * ing sidewalk along Dr. Large's prop­
p u ttin g down a lik e am ount.
Daniel Parsons
Makes, Sells and
Full line of Saddles, Whips, Robes,
Nets, Single and Double Work
and Driving Harness
Main Street, Forest Grove
S. Chowning & Co.
Dilley Mills
of all Kinds Delivered
G. B. Hardin Correspondence School
of Eclectic Shorthand
Rev. T. H. Sym ns, th e new p a sto r
of th e F re e M ethodist C hurch, has
Woodsaw—the fastest in the county
ta k e n up h is resid e n c e in F o re st
the best equipped. Chas. Hart-
Crescent Mills
Miss F a rn h a m will spend th e sum ­
m e r in M aine, first going to Boston to
I signed the pledge, the living pledge,
th e N ational E ducational A ssociation
One chance the Jail and poorhouse
m eeting.
Prof. A. R. Sweetzer. formerly biolo­
Tou wouldn't suppose these hand­
The Briggs Bros.’ farm, near Dllley,
gist in P. U., now at the State Univer­
has been sold through M. L. Noble, the some rugs, of which we have such a
sity at Eugene, visited in town sev­
enterprising real estate agent, to Tony big assortment, were so cheap. Money
eral days this week.
Sina1, of Greenville, for $1350.
talks. Hear our prices. Roe f- Bux­
Watches and diamonds, best g-aces,
Mrs. I. A. Macrum has removed to
on small weekly payments if you pre­ Portland to the new cottage she re­
Dr. J. P. Snuiisbury, a Wisconsin
fer. A safe investment and an easy cently had built there.
man. and Dr. T. L. Carr, of Washing­
way to save.
Abbott & Son's
Mr. John Hardin, who came out ton. while inspecting timber land neai
here about a year ago, started Thurs­ Harris' Saturday, stayed out until
Frank Watters is looking after the day for his old home at Bever City. nightfall, and in trying to find their
interests of the McMinnville Fire In Neb. He expects to return after har­ way back to the ranch Dr. Sattlisbury
surance Association in Astoria this vest and threshing is over, being in­ fell fifty feet into a gully, breaking his
week. He has charge of a consid­ terested in an outfit there. Mr. Har­ leg. With rare presence of mind he
erable territory, requiring a great deal din is taking back some choice fruit warned his companion, and Insisted
as samples to show the Nebraskans that he should stay where he was un­
of traveling.
what Oregon can do in that line. A til morning, lest he, too, should be
Farmers, we- cater to your wants, number of families from Beaver City injured. With the coming of morn-
have come to Washington county, and ifig Dr Carr did what he could for
take your produce and will treat you
it is likely most of the rest who can his relief ahd with h^tp from thd Har­
right. Dugan & Watrous.
get away still follow, as they find out ris tahch Dr.’ Sattllsbnry was gotten to
t^e’ fiabin and then Drought to Tllla-
the advantages of such a change.
n*x>k. As soon ks fie' can travel he
wjl come but by steamer. Paddy
Hudson, of 'tttrnell'ug & Sons, drove
-. r.y
There's one less chance for the liver-
To be clogged with a sot in its drip­
ping ooze;
Fores t Grove
Opposite Railway Station
And one bid more for the crown that
A special sc.iool meeting will be helu less t'. an the present tax levy, would
The sober man at the golden gate;
Forest Grove Saturday to again con­ in the 2o years of tie bond period wipe
For no vile drunkard, God's Word hath
the purchase of th e land south out the Indebtedness. Ten thousand dol­
public school to the Btreet. The lars would make a creditable school-
Shall wear a crown upon his head.
previous adverse vote was laigely a house1 that would advertise the city a s
really a city of schools.
(These appropriate lines are by Rev. mark of disapproval of the plan to
I. Putnam, of Dilley, who also con­
tributed a valuable view of prohibition creamery building which was a school
from the Christian's standpoint, but room 35 years ago The land without T HA N K S FROM REV. MR. P UTNAM.
lack of space prevents printing in the the building Is desirable and worth
Several times, at my door, on my re­
the price asked. But no more old
press of news matter.—Editor.)
buildings are wanted. The district turn and In the morning, I have fouaiH
Washington lodge No. 48, I. O. O. F., can bond for $10,000 without exceed­ fruit, canned, apples, grapes, butter,
Monday voted $50 for the relief of ing the 5 per cent limit, getting the sausage, bread, cakes, cookies, etc.,
mdney at 4 per cent, and as under thA anil I feel I ought to express. In thl*
Heppner sufferers.
new law it will not be necessary here­ way, my heartfelt thankg for the?«-
Dick Baker'. El bridge Cheney and after to levy mom than a IV i mill tax little expressions« of kindness; afsr»
Chas. Mitchell returned frrun the Hood to support the school, the county and for the gifts of this kind I am receiv­
SUte givigg after this year about $7.75 ing nearly every day.
River strawberry patch thin week.
fo r each child of school age, a yearly
Crescent Mills Pay 75 cents for wheat