• * 'W » ■ • • ■ w iw m w, h TH E W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY N E W 3, F O R E S T GROVE, O R E ., JU N E 2«, 1903. boss and has done some very good geson is making about 30,000 posts on work on some very bad roads. He is his ranch this summer. Newt Hall J Country Correspondence the man for the place.----- Mr. Car­ takes a two-horse load of milk from michael, the superintendent of the this valley to the condensed milk fac­ !% % % % % % « % Lake property. Is doing some painting tory at Forest Grove every day. H. G a le s C r e e k , June 25 — The ladles ol on the warehouse. Harry Best, Gas­ W Scott recently sold six and a quar­ the First Baptist church of Gale» ton’s famous baseball player, is wield­ ter sections o f timber land to an East­ Creek will give an Ice cream social ing the brush.----- B. W. Caves has just ern company. It Is reported that the on the evening of June 27, to raise Farm wagons, machinery and tools returned from Heppner and he says Union Fire Insurance Company, of money for the Heppner relief fund. • no one can realize the extent of the Chicago, is trying to write some cheap W hile thousands o f dolars have been at S. G. Hugh*?. disaster without having seen it. Two Insurance. It would be well for the sent to Heppner, perhaps the little we G a le s C re e k , June 23.— As our new thousand men are at work and yet farmers to ascertain if the company can raise will be needed to help re­ store the homes washed away by the paper must have correspondents in the wreckage is not all removed. Not has a right to do business in this flood. Throufh The News we extend all parts of the county, I will try and ! so many homeless as found a home state, and if not. no matter how cheap, an Invitation to our neighbors to come let you know from time to time whai i in the grave.----- Gaston Woodmen insurance would be a bad investment and 8pend a few dolars, dimes and is going on in this part of the world. i will give an entertainment and ice T. W. Sain has had the big gravel nickles in behalf o f the homeless.----- It is a very small part, but nevertho- • cream supper on Saturday evening, bar at the Matteson bridge removed Mrs. Caroline Iler and her daughter, less a few notes may interest som e: June 27, the proceeds to be sent to and put on the county road, doing a Mrs. N. C. Lilly, left for Nestucca, one at times.----- Teachers will be glad the Heppner relief fund. No better double benefit, as the bar was causing driving by way o f Sheridan, the first to learn that James McClaran, J. F. | cause could be cited as a reason to eat the creek to ruin the road at that o f this week. They will spend the Lafferty and J. W. H. Adkins are the ice cream.----- Our popular butcher. place. Mrs. Gosnel, of McCoy, Is vis­ summer there with their son and school directors and will need a Neal Brown, is daubing his house and iting her brother, Gracen Hammack, brother. John Iler. N. C. looks lone­ teacher, after awhile.----- W e have barn all over with a nice coat of of this place. John Baxter is painting some. His daughter. Miss Lou, will three sawmills in this vicinity, and paint. If others would go and do like­ and finishing his new house. Mr. ana act as housekeeper and clerk during lots of timber, but cannot say much wise our burg would have a much bet- Mrs. Harry Ball, who sold their new -The Gaston Mill- farm near Gaston a short time ago. Mrs. L illy ’s absence.----- On Thursday about grain and hay, as in the near ter appearance.- future the cows for the condensed ing Company have covered their mill have bought a 900-acre ranch on Soap evening of last week Mrs. Otto Parson entertained her neighbors at a candy milk factory will probably consume race anew with heavy plank, a much- creek near Corvallis, and with ovef 400 head of cattle, sheep, hogs, etc, pulling. A good time was reported. about all the farming land will yield ,1 needed improvement.----- Dr. Everest, they will move up there as soon as ----- K veiott Parkins is home for a but that seems likely to be a g o o d , who looks after the Gaston end of they can get ready. Donald Martin the Patton & Holscher lumber busi­ thing, as the returns for milk In cash short visit.----- On Tuesday of this has bought the old Hog ranch of 80 week Dr. Hines was up the creek to are scattered through the county ness, has just erected a derrick to be acres. John Roberts is working in a see his patient, W ill Groves, who had once a month and make things lively used in loading heavy lumber. The logging camp near Eugene. Master his foot badly crushed two weeks ago. and more prosperous.----- The recent demand for lumber Is greater than Alex Scott was visiting his uncle, Hon. ----- Samuel Parkins an.1 wife, of Rain rain has made the gardens and crops can be met with present facilities for A. M. I^afollett, of Salem, last week. sawing and hauling to the railroad. of all kinds look fresh and nice again. ler, is visiting his father, M. H. Par­ kins.----- Miss Cordelia Seaman is out ----- Miss Cordie Seaman has returned The power at the mill will soon be dou­ Henry Butt has done a large amount of slashing and clearing in the last from Portland for a few weeks, visit­ home from Portland.----- Mrs. S. S. bled and then their output perhaps year. W alter Floyd has rented his ing friends and relatives.----- Mrs. Jo­ Dallas is getting up an entertainment will meet the demand.----- Rev. Mr. farm to R. Harrington and Is living in and social which will be given at the Lynch has been very sick and he has sephine Patton will return home today Portland .working for the telephone a fter an absence of several months. Heisler hall, Saturday evening, June not been expected to live.----- John company. H. W. Scott, of Gaston, 27, for the purpose of obtaining money Beal, our Johnny shoemaker, and his A severe illness compelled her to give has a release to a good homestead of up her work and seek the pure air to help relieve the suffering people of wife have been up to Hood River plck- 160 acres for sale. Mrs. Harry Ball and quiet o f the country. She will Heppner. Come one and all, lend a ing strawberries. They ate so many recently sold 76 tons of hay at Gales spend the summer with her falbe» helping hand, give what you can, and [ berries that they got sick of the job Station for $20 per ton. remember every cent you give Mrs. and John Is home at his bench again. John Heisler.----- Otis Sears and sls- ter o f Hillside visited the ice cream S. S. Dallas will be forwarded to the ----- Chas. Johnson Is hauling the lum- Hight grade pianos, organs and stand on Saturday evening, last week. suffering and destitute people of ber to build a 24x40-foot barn.----- Wapato team, W. O. W. expect to take sewing machines for sale, rent or ----- The exercises at the Union church Heppner. a part in the Forest Grove Fourth of trade, at the Bazaar, Forest Grove. last Sunday were attended by a large If you want repairs for reapers, July celebration, and if a suitable Old instruments taken in exchange. * and appreciative audience. The pro­ binders and mowers, see Grant place is provided they will put on gram consisted of songs and recita­ tions. Especially good was the Rose Hughes. H e has a big supply of extra some fancy drills.----- Frank Ralston’s * wood saw is on duty about our town. Garland recital by the young ladies of parts for all machines. Frank helps get the wood ready for Mrs. Sargent’s class. The roses were Gaston, June 24.— Farmers are wait- f winter’s use.----- Aunt Martha Wood­ Misses Evylin W ells, Winnie McCoy, Alma W ells and Iva McCoy. Little ing for settled weather to begin cut-1 rum is beginning to pad: up for a Bertha and Edith Churchill and Neva ting hay and at the present writing trip and a two-months' sojourn “ down Dallas represented the buds and Miss it looks as if the hay would get pretty by the sounding sea.” She will wait A lice Bateman played the musical ac­ ripe.----- Harry Russell has his new for Hicks’ storm that is due now to companiment. Myrtle Umchied acted house nearly completed and is start­ pass on and over, before she starts. as the attendant who placed the roses ing work on a barn. H e is the road ----- Mabelle Ralston is at home, for a short vacation, from Portland.----- All of Gaston's merchants are busy, indi­ A HERO OF HEPPNER. cating good times and hopeful for the future. t on the garland. The effect was charm­ ing. with a profusion o f roses and girls.----- John Heisler made a trip to Portland the first of the week.----- Ben Hay, Forest Grove's popular butcher, was up the creek on Tuesday buying beef cattle. Fourth o f July sports at Forest Grove: Greased pig, pony, foot, fat men’s, boys’, girls', potato and wheel­ barrow races aud baby show. Give yqur name before July 3 to J. H. Wesl- cott if you want to enter any of these contests. Parties desiring concessions should apply to Mr. Wescott at once, as the privileges are in big demand. Miss Garnet Albright, of Portland, who has been the guest of Miss Maud Buxton during Commencement week, returned to her home last Monday. Prof. Smith, o f Pacific University, left last Tuesday afternoon for Taco­ ma, where he will spend a short time and then go to California for the sum­ mer. The Fourth will be jollier and your Miss Lelo Nicklln, who has been money go further If you patronize visiting at Dr. Geiger’s, left last Satur­ Hines Bros. day afternoon for her home in Salem. These warm days housekeepers find Mrs. Chas. La Chapelle, of Portland, the bakery a great help In supplying the table without the discomfort of who Is visiting relatives in Dllley, was baking. So many good things just like in town yesterday. home-made, cheaper than you can cook them, at Hines Bros. Forest Grove has given a total o f about $250 to the Heppner relief fund, Delicious soda in all flavors, milk Verboort so far $50, and Dilley, Gaston, shakes, and ice cream to quench thirst, Scholls. Gales Creek. Beaverton and at Hines Bros. Hilsboro have also made generous con­ tributions. The Forest Grove Knights G. B. Hardin went to Portland o f Pythias and the Odd Fellows have yesterday afternoon, returning today each lodge given $50, and the Masonic with three typewriters to fill orders lodge, of which Mayor Kane is master, taken in the county. it Is undedstood will do equally well. The county's contribution will total W. S. Reynolds, the Dayton photog­ about $1,000 when all in. rapher and Jeweler, Is visiting here for few days. George Miller and brother, of Mc­ Minnville, visited here yesterday with John Brooks. Clyde Harris has returned from Heppner, where he went shortly after the disaster and ran the electric light plant. The electric lines and poles Frank Fletcher was down last Satur­ were nearly all taken away, and the day from Kelso. Wash., returning Mon­ waterworks were in worse condition, day to resume his work. the pipes being torn out of the ground M. L. Barnett, who has been attend­ and bent In all conceivable shapes. As ing college during the past year, is soon as the most essential repairs canvassing this county for a publishing had been made Mr. Harris returned house. home. All kinds of builders' hardware a> lowest prices. J. H. Westcott. • Scroggins Valley, June 22.— The regular June rains have put the fin­ ishing touches on all kinds o f crops, and hay and grain crops will be heavy. At present Messrs. Hammack and Mc- farland are delivering a fine crop of strawberries at 5 cents per pound. Is the place where you can get Perry Gabbert, of Gwin Mine, Califor­ first-class shoes. nia is visiting with the family of H. W. Scott. The citizens of this valley have donated about $175 in work and money for public road pur­ poses, and under the suprevision of All prices based on cash. W e our new road boss. Tom Sain, every give no credit. To all alike one dollar is being used to the best advan­ price. No untrustworthy goods tage. John Callahan, who has charge sold. No catch-penny prices. As of the Patton Valley Road District, low as we can afford. Sure to is also doing good work. As usual, have the newest and best stock. the fruit crop will be heavy in this That’s the way we are building up vicinity. Henry W. Scott and Miss our trade, and its gaining every Daisy Matteson. of this valley, were month. You want to get in with married a short time ago in Portland, the crowd. Our $1.85 and $2.65 and are now living on the Vale farm. shoes for ladies have the snap and Henry has a position with a large finish o f higher goods. Eastern timber company. At the an­ nual school meeting Charles Denis W. L. D o u g l a s s , A. A. Cutter was elected director and Herbert Mat­ Dr. R e e d s C u s h i n g S h o o s teson clerk. Tae Baxters have sold Are a few of the many good ones ihelr 240 acres of timber land to W ill we sell. j Patton. Talbot Miller has enclosed Boys’ Jack-knife Shoes are good, and put in cultivation considerable and so is that knife. Come anl new land. Mr. Fisher, who bought the see us. I Leipold farm, has over a mile of new fence. He is having a large amount | of brush land slashed, and will build a I good house. The Roberts heirs have i divided up their 240-acre home, and Porphry l as built a new house on his j part. Miss Mabel Matteson has re -! ¡turned from the Monmouth Normal | School, where she has been attending j for the past six months. The road re- \ t cently surveyed and re-located from | the W ilcox donation claim to the Pat- I ton Valley road, has been declared a ! public road by the county commis­ sioners. This valley has rural free j 440 acres timber land. 13 miles from mall delivery every day. Len Tupper Forest Grove. Price $2,500, If taken is fencing and improving his timber before July 1st. 40 acres, all under fence, 15 acrea I tract. Mrs. Nelson came out from j Portland Friday evening. Mr. E. H. under good cultivation, good orebaro, Kilham drove out from Portland Sun- 10 acres slashed, burned and seeded. ■ day with a new team and cartage to 15 acres timber. W ater piped to dwell­ his farm. Messrs. Kilham. Davis ing from spring. Running water foi ' and Stoppenbacch. all o f Portland, own stock. Good dwelling. 2 1-2 miles from Price, $850. Easy i 1.200 acres of land. Including the Ray- Forest Orove. | mod farm and other lands adjoining terms. , it, and they are doing a large amount j 76 acres. 30 acres under cultivation, Fewest Gfove Shoe Stone W IL L IA M NELSO N F E R R IN , A . M., L L . D . F if t h P r e s id e n t o f P a c ific U n i v e r s i t y a n d th e f ir s t la y m a n to h o ld th a t office. "Quality First, Low Prices Next” T h e p ic t u r e r e p r e s e n t s a d w e llin g E le c t r ic lig h t s in e v e r y ro o m . W it h in 3 b l o c k s o f b u s in e s s c e n t e r o f pus. low sufferers I A Id P I L v LHH u LL I V flp l 06 OUlv WAGNER BUILDING FOREST GROVE OREGON c it y . r o o m s , a ll f in is h e d w a te r. T h re e a c re s c o m p le te . of la n d . F o u r b l o c k s f r o m c o lle g e c a m ­ P r ic e , $3,000, LANG LEY & SO N. THE BAZAAR Forest Grove, Oregon has 1 cen selected as distributing point for Washington and Yamhill Counties for the famous Wheeler (2b Wilson Sewing Machines The manager of The Bazar, Mr. K. N. Staehr, has received Instructions to sell T h e F irst T e n Machines at $10 Discount Ea. balance best of timber. Orchard, dwell­ ing. barn, etc., all level, smooth land. 4 miles from Forest Grove. Pries $2700. ' g. Jf, c o ld A ll b u i ld in g s a n d fe n c e s In g o o d c o n d it io n . O t h e r p r o p t e r t y f o r sa le . Rial Estate Bargain List 'o f improvement on it. Mr. Gilson. |*te of Iowa, is foreman and manager 0f the Kilham and Davis ranch. Dex­ ter Sain, who has been going to school at Monmouth, came home last week. The School Board has decided to employ a first-class teacher at good wages, and expect good results. Mr W alters has set out 14 acres in hops on the Templeton farm. John Buer- N ic e fr u it . o f te n t e r m s to s u it p u r c h a s e r . C. V. B. Russell The young man who on horseback rode down W illow Creek Canyon Just ahead of the awful torrent and by his warning saved many lives, had an older companion in heroism. Judge Julius Keitbly, of "three score and ten.” who on a piece of a housetop rode the crest of the flood for more than a mile and in his ride rescued three from the waters. Losing his home in Its fullest sense, for wife and grandson, all that was dear to him, as well as dwelling, were swept away, he saved the lives of all he could reach, and has continued actively among the foremost In relieving his fel H o t an d Eight of those machines have already beea sold, leaving only two at re­ duced price, but by calling at once or writing to Mr. K. N. Staehr, you taav be lucky enough to get one yet. The machines are sold on easy terms and warranted for ten year*. Old machines taken as part pay­ ment ' W anted— Msn and wife to take Clarence Miller has juat establish* charge of U rsu las» dairy -anrh. Ev a new sawmill al Gales City, -qaippt erything furnished Must be rstlabiewlth new machinery and Is now read man Splendid opportunity. Apply to supply the market with anything I News office. the lumber line.