T H E W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y N E W S , F O R E S T GROVE. O R E ., J U N E 19, 1903 Page Five. C H A R L E S E. H IN E S . M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Forest G rove H otel Office over Hines A Wagner's Drug Store, Forest Grove, Oregon. (THE The Pioneer But Up to-Date. The Commercial Travel* ers Headquarters. C. L. L A R G E , M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of women a specialty. In the Heart of Town. Good Sample Room. Forest Grove, Oregon. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Abbott's Jewelry Store (Both ’phones.) Forest Grove, Oregon. 62 Mon U’tl . Fri SON, A ttorneys and Counselors st Law N otaries P ublic R eal Estate and Conveyancing U pstairs W agner Bide. Forest Grove J. N. H O F F M A N , A tto rn e y and Counselor at Law . 0 Upstairs, Caplcs Block. Forest Grove, Oregon. W. H. Hollis. United States Senator Charles W. Fulton has happily remembered the loyalty of his friends in the Legislature with large souvenir photo­ graphs, of which the engraving is a reduced copy. Washington County was fortunate In having representatives who voiced the sentiments of the people, and the only regret Is the absence of the State Senator's picture. Care will be taken next year that the State Senator then elected shall be one whose portrait ran appear with the other success­ ful supporters of Senator John H. Mitchell, when Oregon's greatest statesmen succeeds himself four years hence. Earl B. Hawks H O L L IS & H A W K S , LAW YERS Real Estate and Corporation La:, i a Specialty. Office over Hines a W agn er’s Drug Store Forest G rovi 4 F X. Sunday fi 4 Hx. Sunday Hx Sunday 4 50 5 05 5 50 5 58 « 04 6 08 6 18 7 40 I 7 30 !? |i cr „ H C IT Y B A R B E R SH O P , A. J. Wirtz. FOR EST GROVE P U B L IC signal. SCHCO: ' * At * : U/>e County Seat è • • 2 Dal ly ! W. A. Peterson, who has a family 1 here, is reported as missing. Ed. Rood, brother of County Judget Rood, is one of the dead. Ed. Rood's wife, who Is a sister of the Judge's wife, also perished In the same calamity. Judge Rood, Hon. H. V. Gates. H. T. Bagley and wife, went immediately to Heppner on learning of the disaster. Hillsboro citizens have raised $180 for the benefit of the Heppner suffer­ ers. A mass meeting of citizens decided not to celebrate the Fourth of July this year at Hillsboro. Miss Winifred Ruane. for a number of years a stenographer for the late Hon. Thos. H. Tongue, was married to Charles W. Stinger, of Portland, on Tuesday at the Catholic ehu eta. Ser­ vices were conducted by Rev. W. H. Black. I * !6 00 4 50 1 7 30 7 40 5 38 I 8 18 7 50 5 43 f 8 22 8 10 5 52 8 31 » 15 f 5 56 f 8 35 8 25 f 6 10 8 40 8 44 6 06 8 44 9 03 6 15 8 54 9 30 6 21 9 00 9 45 6 25 9 05 10 00 f 6 31 f 9 11 10 15 6 36 9 16 12 35 7 21 10 00 1 05 7 30 10 00 2 58 11 00 4 20 |H 45 L. L. 1.angle* LANGLEY & M r s . G eo . S loan . Forest Grove Southern Pacific Time Card E. B. R E N T Z , M. D„ W. M. I.angley. SLOAN) « Mon Wd F n l Daily 1 3 Ex. Sun. 1 si Tur. ThrSat 0 | Lv. PORTLAND . .A r 5 50 . . 8 25 4 30 11 j . . . . Beaverton .......... 4 59 12 1 . . . .S t. Mary’s ........ f 4 52 f 7 35 16 1 . . . .Reedville ........... 4 44 7 27 2 52 17 J • • . .W itc h Hazel . . . . ......... f 4 39 f 7 23 2 37 19 1 . . . . Newton ........ 4 34 21 | ....H illsboro .......... 4 29 24 | ---- Cornelius ........... 4 17 1 50 |26 I . . . . Forest Grove .. 4 12 6 59 28 . . . . Diliey ............... 4 07 1 U9 30 . . . .Gales ................ f 3 59 f 6 49 12 45 32 • • « . u ao iun •••••••«» 3 55 6 45 12 35 50 ....M cM innville . . . . . . . . . 3 06 5 58 10 50 54 . . . . W hlteson ........... 2 56 76 ....Independence . . . 2 05 8 09 97 A r. Corvallis ............ Lv. 1 20 ! 6 50 3 JS 41 6 Ex Tur Y A M H IL L D IV IS IO N . Kx. ■ P unday S Th. Sat Suudoy Ï 7 30 I 0 9 12 13 9 37 15 10 08 17 10 25 19 10 42 20 1 05 W E 8 T S ID E D IV IS IO N 43 Lv. PORTI a AND__ ---- T u alatin ............... A r. ! 3 1 1 1 32 9 55 . . 8 30 f 8 10 8 31) 8 28 40 32 . . . .Sherwood ............ 26 i f 12 58 8 22 1 „a 5-S f 8 13 j Ar. Whlteson ............ Lv. 10 10 j 7 05 1 5 $ 50 » figures denote A. M.; dark face figures denote P. M. f Stops on Will carry passengers holding Supt. permit only. #Daily.) W . E. C O M A N , G eneral Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. Baths. Laundry Agency. Principal Ward Swope, who has giv­ Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove. en such satisfaction to llie patrons LOCAL A G ENTS. of the public f'chcol, has submitted Beaverton . . . . F. W. Cady D iliey............... . . A. S. Briggs ReedViUe . Ibis report for the year ending Jun. . . . . J. B. Finley C. E. G E IG E R , M. D., Gaston ............ C. W. Hudson Hillsboro ., 12. 19**3: . . . E. L. Phillips Tualatin . . . . *, . . . C. A. K ren Hom eopathist Physician and Surgeon CorneJNs . ---- D. J. Barrett C IR C U IT C O U R T . Sherwood . . . . Number enrolled: Boys, 145; girls, .. Dora Smock Forest Grove . . . , Office, over Wescott's Store. •. N. L. Atkins 153; total, 298. Henry W. Jones, Chas. I.. Jones and Average monthly enrollment, 213. Residence, east of M. E. Church. Albert L. Jones, as plaintiffs, have Average daily attendance. 198. Forest Grove, Oregon. T.ie great difference between the brought suit foi the partition of the DR. R. N IX O N , total enrollment and the average en­ northwest quarter of section 14, town­ rollment was caused by the large num­ ship 2 north, range 3 west of the Will­ Dentist. ber of immigrant families whose chil­ amette Meridian, containing 160 acres. MRS. SARAH E. CROW, Manager Margaret D. Jones. Julian E. Meier dren would enter school, but in a few and Louie Meier, her husband. Harriet days or weeks would move out of th-. Forest Grove, Oregon. R. Nell and Geo. Neil, her husband, district. Finest accommodations for commercial travelers. Sample M. L. N O B L E , Roll of H onor: Pupils who were Clara M. Paulsell and J. A. Paulsell, T H E R E A L E S T A T E M AN room on Main street, two doors south of V e rt’s hall neither absent nor tardy during the her husband. Laura E. Monish and Can suit you with small tracts oi year: Bertha Haynie, Maggie Sipc Geo. Monish, her husband, Eliza B. Comfortable, Home-Like large tracts of land, first-class dairy Leslie St. Clair, Claire Haynes. Eearlt McKay and L. D. McKay, her husband. farms, fruit farms, hop yards and hay Riugle. Egbert Bishop, Cecil Chris­ Gertrude Howe and M. L. Howe, her and Reasonable farms. Office: Next to Brick Livery tian. Yetta Fowler. Hazel Downs, and husband, and Harrison L. Jones, a JhrSncy for the reiiahle Harrington Barn. minor, are named as defendants. The Dessie Christian till graduation. The following pupils were present plaintiffs and defendants arc alleged Carriago Co., buggies, road wagons, Best Table in Town. F o r e s t G rove three or more consecutive months In the petllton to be tenants in com­ light farm wagons, at W. R. Hicks'. * Mrs. W ilbur McEldawney without being absent or tardy: Cla;-« mon as heirs at law of Washington P O R T L A N D M A R K E T S , June 18. ton Glltner, Loa Oiltner, Harry Ham Jones, deceased, of the above describ­ T E A C H E R O F V O C A L M U S IC . IN ANI> FLO !* II— \Vli«*ut. W a lls T. N. Cornelius llton. Ross Kertson, Hill Templeton. ed property. Tnc petition asks tha W CItA a lla 7*V. v a lle y 7ftc. blm»f»t«»m IXfoUU-: A. R. Cornelius Margaret Curtis. Guy McNutt, Mamie the property be sold and the proceeds b a rley , per ton $li(»6i21 : O ats, $1.1.~>6/ 1.25 ; Call at Residence or ttonv srt r ,ofn 4.:tn. g ra h a m $.*L r y e $4. inquire at postoffice. Forest Grove Loomis. Emery BonDurant, Russell distributed to the heirs. Attorney PRO D ITK — Ilu tte r. fan cy cream ery Special Attention to Commercial Travelers’ Patronage. e x tra 22% v. d a ir y 186/11><\ «tore Ballard. Sara Reycraft. I.aura Kuigb- Geo. R. Hagley is attorney for plain­ 2(»6z*J2c. 176/1 8 c : cheese. Voting A m erica 1 .*»%fii 1 fle Good Service, Fair Treatm ent and tiffs. ten. I.antic James, Julia. Lewis. Ros- Oreeon fu ll cream 14<* : eggs. Oregon ranch . MILLS & HINES, 186M D c: honey, d a rk K’ V & ffllc, fan cy Moderate Rates Probate Record. coe Vaughn. Gladys Wilson. Rolanu w h ite I.V . am ber 1 2 6 1 1 He. Expert Horsw Shoers, Estate of Mary Ann Watson, do VKGKT.MILKS- Green onions, per dosoi. Knight. Elisha Fields. Ellis Aber­ \ 2 % c : rad ish es, per dozen bunches 25 years’ experience. nathy. Virgil Baldwin. May Stcwar ceased. Property appraised at $6,- hunches. 12W ,c: onions, yello w , per cw t.. (W>c6r$l : hothouse cucum bers, per dozen. $ 1 .2 5 : cu Next door north Buxton's Machine Sybil Rule. Myrle Bon Durant. Lloyd 576.80. Administrator authorized to cum bers, per box. $1.406i 1 ..*»o : tabling«-. 2 c : sell personal property at private sale cau liflo w er, per dozen. !>Dr6/$1 : tom atoes. McNutt. Alta Haynie, Fred Mills. Eth­ Shop. Forest Grove. I $26/ 2.75 : a sp a ra g u s, p er box. POcfn $1.25 ; for cash. el Buxton, Luella Markce, Fred p a rsle y , per d ow n. 2 5 c : ca rro ts, sack . $1.25 Estate of Geo. R. Day. The relin­ 6/ 1.5«»: beets, sack. $1.25(0 1 .5 0 : tu rn ip s, Thomas, Mabel Stewart, Esther Dix­ sack . $ 1 .2 5 : rh u barb, p er pound. 1 V jc : J. T. BUXTON, 4 c : bead lettu ce, 1 5 c ; on. doe Morley, Ivan Curtis, Joseph quishment of George B. Day as execu­ green peas. beans, er pound. 8 6 f1 (»e: ca rro ts, beets, General Blacksmithlng, Marsh. Robert Loomis, George Rin- tor of said estate having been filed. tu rn ip s, p dozen bunches, 15c. (Successors to HcNamar & Cornelius) FRUITS- Apples, Oregon, $ 1 . 2 5 0 1 . 50 ; Farmers’ work a specialty. gle. Mabel Smith. Mae Ballard, Hlla John F. Day appointed sole executor an cien ts. 8 5 c : g'H iseberrlcs. per pound. 5 of said estate. Macrutn. Marie Wells. Carl. Stribieh, \ (n 4 c : stra w b e rrie s, lo cal, per pound. 4c : Proprietors Forest Grove. errie s, l o l lb. carto n s. $ 1 .2 5 ; ch erries. Estate of Washington Jones, de ch I.loyd Leabo. Leslie Fouch, Goldie 7.V6>$1 • ttenches. $1.25. — B ro ile rs. $ 2 fo 2 .5 0 ; fry e rs. Fields. Glenn Markee, Lorris Coie. ceased. Henry W. Jones appointed $:i6i m 5 r L 5 T 0 : R Y hens. I K a l l X t c : m ixed, nor J. B. MATTHEWS, Gordon Knight, Belle Wilson. Helen administrator, with bonds at $t«rt. Er pound. lo6> in i/ jc : sp rin g s, per pound. 016 ? I 17 W.c : m ixed. $4(4/4.50: hens. $5(4( 5.50 ; Artistic Paperbanger and Painter. Bishop, Harry Ritchey. Eva Fletcher, tate admitted to probate. 1 g**cse. $0(4» 7 .5 0 : ducks. $0(4/ 0 .5 0 ; turkey«*, Estate of G. O Rogers, deceased. liv e 10(4/17c. dressed 186/22c. Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyance Vivian Brown. Holman Ferrin. Albert Varnishing. Sign HAY AND KKKD T im o th y. $2»#/ 21 : Woodward. Eva Bryan. Albert Dixon. Property in Washington County ap­ clo ver. $14(4/10; bran. $ 2 0 : chop. $17(4/21 : over the W ilson River Route to Tillamook work a specialty. Forest Grove * sb o rts. $ 2 5 : b a rley , rolled , $21 6 / 25 ; m id­ Car! Curtis. Fred Hamblin. Clara praised at $5536. d lin gs. $27. at any and all times. A paper purporting to lie the last PRO VISIO N S— H am s, as to size _ 1 4 '».c. Knight. Alfred Cummings. Teruah Ha­ 11 >4 c : bacon, b re a k fa st 176/ 10c. Oregon and Columbia M. F. Nixon. R. P. Nixon. ney. Goldie Peterson. Edna Bei- will and estatment of Mary A Dnnks, picnic. l-inglish 1 5 c : drv s a lt sid es. 12V 4c: bucko. . Telephonen Forest Grove, Oregon :l* c : la rd . k»*ttle rendered, tierces. 12«. N IX O N F O R E S T G R O V E ltngher, Christie Burkhead. Lessle deceased, filed; also a petition a s k in g 1 2 KICKS! 1 MKATK V eal. 7 6 / 7 '.« : |»nrk. tliat said ropy of will be admitted to LAND COMPANY 76/He : beef 7*^6/8 c : m utto n. 8c. Crow. Alma Curtiss. Pearl DoBolt, H O PS—4’liolce. 20c : prim«*. 10c. L arge and Sm all Farm s, C ity Property Oscar Fields. Don Glitner. Hettle probate. Testimony of witnesses or­ I dered to be taken June 22. 19f*3. at and T im b e r Lands for Sale. Krelder. Floyd Loomis. Carrie Mills. M ilb lir n and Bain wagons, best i'l Loans Negotiated. Evan Ranes. Fred Rella. Bessie Ritch­ the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the ■ at W. It- Hick*.’ * county court rooms. Main Street, Forest Grove, Oregon: ey, Lula Short* and Fred Knight. j TheMichigan House j Cornelius & Son I Fashion Livery, Feed and SaleStable JOHNSON & CO. M arria g e Licenses. J. J. WIRTZ, Confectionery, Cigars and To­ bacco. Fancy Soft Drinks, Ice Cold Soda Water. Fine New Ice Cream Parlor. Forest Grove Wanted.—Every one to notice that The News advertising is all clean, re­ liable, and has no fake or patent medt cine pufTs to deceive our readers and occupy onr spare. Edward Foust and Eva Rarngrover; Charles W. Stinger and Wlnlftei. Ruane; Agostino Reghltto and Vir­ ginia Dacchella: Jarob Sehmidt an I Susie Traehsel. The Methodist Ep.«.copal Ministerial Assoeiatlon of the Salem dlstrlrt, in which Washington county belongs, will hold a session at Canby Cam;* i Ground July 6-8. Rev. D. E. Watters.' the Presiding Elder, and Rev. T L. A few second-hand pianos and or­ Jones, president of the Camp Meeting gans for sale at a bargain at The Ba Association, are former pastors of the zar. Forest Grove. Call at once or Forest Grove ehureh. write to the manager, Mr. K. N. Meresse. the pnotograpner. Is ready Staehr. • to make the very best kind of work In his line at the lowest prices. Work H IL L S B O R O . guaranteed. * ----------- The ---------- Brick Livery •S ' 'S* The men and women whose early heroism in braving the perils of the D R . V . L. D IM IC K , new country and the hardships of th 3 overland Journey across the continent Dentist. made possible the Oregon we now en Joy. have been gathered this week in Upstairs, Wagner Building. Forest Grove, Oregon Portland in annual reunion. The pass ing years have decreased their num­ bers but not apparently diminished H. M. Cronklte and wife have re­ Capt. W. H. H. Myers attended the M AYN E ABBOTT their vigor, and those who gathered turned from an extended residence at Indian War Veterans reunion In Port FliNLST RIGS BEST HORSES GOOD DRIVERS G raduate of Paraon'a Horological In at this 19**3 reunion show by their Manila. P I. They were former rest ] and Tuesday, and was appointed bearing that they come of sturdy dents of Hillsboro. atitu te. hairman of the committee on legis­ stock Thos. H. Tongue. Jr., ha* returned j lation for admitting veterans to Sol EXPERT OPTICIAN. from Washington. D. C., having finish [ dlers' Homes, a position for which he See our adv. In the T. P. A. Guide Drummer*’ trade our specialty. Eves tested and fitted Mr. A. Dixon 1* now ready to saw ! e-( a three years' course in the C*/ has abundantly proved himself the Forest Grove. Ore. wood in any part of the city and sur­ lumhla Law School. man by his success In getting throng* Our Bus meets all trains. Carries U. rounding country. T.eave orders at Hillsboro is concerned in. the disas­ the IHMt.iHM* appropriation before the BALDWIN * KING, S. Mall. store one door north of Ed Naylor's. ter at Heppner. lone and Lexington, last legislative session against appar­ Prices reasonable. • as a number of former residents arc ently insurmountable difficulties. Real Estate Exchange. now at those place*. Reports hav. Choice Homes and Lands In every part Baggage and Freight Called for and Forest Chapter No. 42. O. E. 8.. come In showing that W. E. Pruyn. Hughes sells buggies, wagons, of the County. Delivered. meets In Masonic hall. Forest Grove, Thos. J. Humphreys and wife and paints, glass, doors, windows, stoves, Pacific Ave., off Church Square. on the 1st Monday In each month. children. Cecil T. Humphreys. William and a general line of hardware, try Forest OroT# Visiting members cordially welcome. Adkins and Bert Hager ear aped. One him and be convinced. • C O R N E R M A IN A N D P A C IF IC A V E , F O R E S T GROVE Feed and .Sale Stable