WASHINGTON COUNTY HATCHET, THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1899. gtate experiment station affords. This « a s considered an unnecessary ex­ ♦ pense in the wisdom of some o f our : legislators as the station bulletin fur­ A E r tered at the p o n o fllc e at Foreat G rove.O r., nished very complete descriptions. sample by which the Russian thistle hh M ecood-c J4HM m ail m utter. may be identified is here given and in the simplest language, without writing Term» to Subscribers: a book, which can safely be used: PoHtage Free. A herbaceous, annual, diffusely One y e a r ............................................................. fl-UO branching from base, smooth or slight­ puberulent; tap root dull white, t t l x M o n t h n ........................................ .................................55 ly T hree M o n th s........................................................ .‘JO slightly twisted near crown; leaves alternate, sessile; those of young plant AlwayH in A dvance deciduous, succulent, linear or subter- I f y ou are r e ce iv in g T h k H a t c h e t and ate, spine-pointed with narrow, dentic­ h ave n ot nubMcrlbed for it, Home friend ha* ulate, membranaceous margins near ordered It Kent y o u . it will Htop when the base; leaves of mature plant persist­ tim e paid for in up. All subscription» ¡m d/or ent, subtending two leaf-like bracts and a Mower at intervals, rigid, nar­ in udvance. rowly ovate, often denticular near striped E stablish ed for the diHHemination o f base, spine-pointed, usually W a n h iu g o n C o u n ty new «, the elev ation o f with red like branches, bracts diverg­ ent, like leaves of mature plant in size h u m a n ity and the m on ey we can m ake. Item s o f general ntereHt g ratefu lly re­ and form; fiowers solitary and sessile, perfect, apetalous; calyx membrana­ ceived. E d ito r’» hoob les and o p in io n » o n thin ceous persistent, inclosing depressed fruit, usually rose-colored, gatnosepa- page, all the re»t factM --im partial and u n ­ lous, cleft nearly to base into five un- | c o lo re d . .-qua! divisions, upper one broadest, | bearing on each margin near base a AM. N KW rtPAPKK D IR E C T O R Y R A T IN G minute tuft of very slender coiled *(TIIK EWHI'A I'KKS HHADMTHKKI ) hairs, two nearest subtending leaf next C ircu la tio n , A d u n i A r t r a y e d u rin g 181)8, 1,395 in size, and lateral ones narrow each with break-like connlvent apex, and T . W T h o m p s o n , P rop rietor. bearing midway on back membranace­ ous, striate, erose-margined horizon­ AU STIN C R A IG , E d it o r . tal wing, upper and lower wings much broader than lateral ones; stamens 5, O f f ic ia l P a p e r of W ashington about equaling calyx lobes; pistil sim­ C o unty an d ok t h e C it y ok ple; styles 2, slender; seec. 1, obconical, depressed, dull gray or green, exalbum- F orest G rove Inous, thin seed-coated closely cover­ ing spirally-coiled embryo; embryo, EADABLE F our green, slender, with two linear sub- ♦ ♦ E LI ABLE P aoes terate cotyledons. ♦ By taking their specimens to the E P U B L K ’AN . W eekly ♦ Forest Grove bank farmers might per­ haps be able to find some member of ♦ ♦ the state senate who would be glad to ♦ explain any of these simple words AUG. 3. 1899. with which they may happen to be un­ ♦ familiar. DON’T COME TO THE * HATCHET OFFICE, be sure and go * NO SPIRITUAL SALVATION IN ♦ to the bank. STATUTES. W a s h in g t o n C o u n ty HATCHET. R ♦ ♦ THE BBAUTIFl'L WILLAMETTE. ♦ ♦ (By Sam L. Simpson) ♦ ♦ 4- From the Cascades’ frozen gorges, Leaping like a child at play. Winding, widening through the valley Bright Willamette glides away; Onward ever, Lovely river, Softly calling to the sea; Time that scars us. Maims and mars us. Leaves no track or trench on thee. ♦ ♦ 4- ♦ 4- 4- -e ♦ ♦ ♦ -f Spring’s green witchery is weaving Braid and border for thy side; Grace forever haunts thy journey, Beauty dimples on thy tide; Through the purple gates of morning, Now thy roseate ripples dance, Golden then, when day, departing. On thy waters trails his lance. Waltzing, flashing, Tinkling, splashing. Limpid; volatile, and free—- Always huaried To be buri#d In the bitter, moon-mad sea. 4- ♦ ♦ ♦ E County Official Paper •e On the roaring waste of ocean Soon thy scattered waves shall toss, ’Mid the surges’ rythmic thunder Shall thy silver tongues be lost. Oh; thy g.immering rush of gladness Mocks this turbid life of mine, Racing to the wild Forever Down the sloping paths of Time. Onward ever, Lovely river, Softly calling to the sea; Time that scars us. Maims and mars us, Leaves no track or trench on thee. • — By Request. Five sisters who are Oregon AUSTIN CRAIG , ♦ ♦ ♦ In thy crystal deeps inverted Swings a picture to the sky. Like those waverifig hopes of Aidenn, Dimly in our dreams that lie; Clouded often, drowned in turmoil, Faint and lovely, far away—• Wreathing sunshine on the morrow, Breathing fragr.nice round to-day. Love would wander Here and ponder. Hither poetry would dream; Life's old questions, Bad suggestions, "Whence and whither?” throng thy streams * OH! WHAT A CHANGE! (Sunday's Oregonian), ♦ So far as law is concerned, It can do ♦ (North Yamhill Record.) little or nothing to make men temper- • ♦ It is said that Editor Eddy of the ♦ ate or total abstainers. When the law Is through with punishing the inebri- Forest Grove Times lives at Oregon ♦ ated offender against peace and safety, City and rides a bicycle over to Forest ♦ he may perhaps be the better for the Grove each day his paper goes to press, ♦ switching he has received, but the pri- This is an abrupt change from his for­ ♦ mary purpose or expectation of the mer habit and must go a little hard 4- law is not to reform him. but to pro­ with the professor since he so long 4- tect the peace and order of society rode in a special car on a free pass ♦ against his incursions. When profes­ from the Southern Pacific Company ♦ sional humanitarians go beynod this while he was serving (?) the “ dear and assert that it Is the law's business people,” on the Railroad Commission. not only to switch this creature for his There is one redeeming feature con­ offense, but to switch, for his sake, all nected with it, however, and that Is, | the rest of society who have not of­ he will have his muscles hardened fended against the peace and dignity ready for the spring races and he will of the state by turning thief, drunkard likely, as a result, be heard from later or thriftless tramp, then philanthropy on. is not oly stupid in its philosophy, but immoral in its influence, for it under­ takes to say that all decent, orderly, sober, energetic, upright human socie­ ty shall suffer under the law as a vicar­ ious moral atonement for the salvation o f the indolent anil disorderly who have defied, derided and violated the law; defiled and abused every preroga tive of individual existence. Society cannot rescue a single man or woman by statute from the spiritual slavery of vice and sin. Every man and woman as a free moral agent must do this for himself; society cannot save him from himself by attempting to make it impossible for him to encoun­ ter temptation. If a man is not a free moral agent and responsible for his actions, he is a proper subject for the doctors, for the restraint and treatment of the asylum. If he wants to be sober, he will refrain from drinking, if he de­ clines to deny himself, he must expect and ought to receive the retribution which no law ran avert from him. If he is too weak to reform himself, then he Is one of society's Incurably "lame ducks," for whom society has shelter, but society cannot be expected to shape the whole economy of its life to the demands and diet of "lame ducks. ' The survival of the fittest, those who are able and willing to keep step with the living, not the dying, world, is the law of civilization. The world will not stop its march to pick up stragglers or drive Its brutal, lawless bushwhackers into the ranks o f order and discipline. The world, through moral evolution and the lessons of human experience, has become not a slowly dying world, but is a living world, wnose face, full of hope for the future, never showed so few marks of a dissolute, immoral. In­ human or irreligious life as today. A1 cohol, in its various forms, may not be a n absolute necessity of human exist­ ence, but It is so inseparable from our civilization that we cannot abruptly abolish Its use or extirpate its produc- ; tion The best we can do Is to educate our civilization to full knowledge of its proper use and the direful results of its j abuse. Temperance is a cause; prohi­ bition Is only a method discredited b y time, trial and experience, and so the most thoughtful evangelists preach the temperance cause, urging total absti­ nence as absolutely necessary for The five sisters, whose protraits are son. John C. Smith, at Pacific univer­ many, as the highest wisdom for all, . tht> , , to „ »„d do not divide t h .u n ty of friends h e.e(given. , the plains to Ore sity, anil a temporary absence of nine gon months visiting her son. who is prac of temperance by discussing the dis­ puted and utterly discredited worth of and lost their way anil suffered for tiring law at Hilo. Hawaiian isiande. food. They are daughters of Daniel from which place she arrived home. prohibition. Bayley and Betsey 1 Munson) Bayley. |reaching I.a Payette on her 70th birth­ Her husband died In THISTLES, IGNORANCE AND ECON­ Their father died, aged 90 years, In day, June 6th. I Tillamook in 1893. The family trace Chehalem, September 18. 1880. She has OMY. I their ancestry back to the time of three daughters. Mrs. Irene Calbreath. Supervisors and law-abiding prop­ ! Louis XVI. They were early settlers of wife of Dr. J. F. Calbreath. of Me erty owners who are making vigorous [the American colonists, and some of Minnvllle; Mrs. Almira Hurley, Inde­ efforts to exterminate Canada. Rus- them became distinguished in the Rev- pendence: Mrs. Mianda Kimberlain, l.a Fayette, and a son. John U. Smith, sinn 'nn 1 i ”(' hinesc ~t h l a ti e s are hln.lred olutlonary War. an attorney. Hilo. Hawaii. in their work by Ignorance of the Mrs. Zeruiah Large w a s born in weeds. The Canada thistle is often Mrs. Iola I. Handley, o f Tillamook 1836 She was confused with the bull rv” !! 'is I married to Francis l-arge In Chehalem was born in Cincinnati. O.. February spite of reports to the _ "'L tliold In valley. July 27, 1853, and. with the ex 14. 1840. From that state she removed with her parents to Missouri. She left doubtful if It yet has a Its double i ceptlon O t Die last 18 year«, luring Missouri April 22. 1845, and arrived in Washington wasm ngion county but — • as —- - spent in Forest Grove. Or., she has Ir also a any re- lived In or near l-a Faveti-.', Or. She terminate an>’*h' " * .... ., ' ,,,.1 which baa two children- Mr*. Elizabeth Del- aembleni» to the t aniidlan Wfee»l^ fr o m iphlne Harris and Dr. C. I* large a In reality was an importation from ! ! ¿rae, lo loner of of medicine, medicine. Both ■ practidonei" are K By P