Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1??? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1899)
J) Washington “ o Ÿ County Hatchet. We'll hew to the line, l«t the chips fa ll where they may.' VOL. V. FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1899 NO. 22 backed by a prominent citizen who, as -------- a rule, notifies me at regular intervals James Lee, penitentiary Jr., sentenced to three of thr!e that weeks his that he ‘® has actually years in the for rape was »mazed application not granted a full pardon Saturday by Gov- . 11 acted on- since the Person most ernor Geer. Lee was conv,cted about 1ln,terest«'d ‘8 Perfectly innocent and two years ago, in Washington county his Pardon is asked for by half the of criminally assaulting Sarah A Ham- P^P'6 of the county, the district at- mock. He appealed to the supreme ornf y ?“d 8eye" of the Jurors- the last court, but without avail, an opinion pari °f ,V*e statement being often true, affirming the Judgment of the lower ' 1 believ,e sometimes an inno- court in his case having been handed ct at ma" [8 sent tG lhe penitentiary, down about two months ago The cir- than nothing could be more cult court for Washington county held cruel and often the sentence is longer its first session since the supreme court Justice requires; but these judl- opinion was rendered abot two weeks cl?‘ lap8es 8*’old Prevented by those ago, but as a strong effort was being .*leaf tke evidence ana have the made to secure clemency for Lee, the *!*** in c“ar8e- instead of appealing to matter of recording and pu:tlnt, into the executive for a post-graduate effect the mandate of the higher court co,xlrae ot resUtut on Involving the use was postponed until next week, pend- o£ great authority, which he would lng an appeal to the governor. Govern always rather refrain from exercising.' or Geer, notwithstanding the petition for Lee’s pardon was signed by all of the trial jurors except one, who is dead, THE THISTLE LAW. had decided not to interfere in the case unless a recommendation was received passed at the recent session from the trial Judge. Judge McBride of A the law legislature provides that it shall sent a recommendation for the pardon, be the duty of each supervisor of so Lee goes free, without having serv each district in the road state to ascertain ed a single day of his sentence. time to time and know whether Governor Geer, in speaking of the from not there Is in his district any weed large number of applications for par or known as "Russian thistle,” the “Can dons on file in his office, previous to ada thistle,” or the "Chinese thistle,” T H E MAMMOTH. the granting of the pardon 10 Lee, said: and he shall as he ascertains that there "It is the greatest annoyance, aside is any of such weeds, and before any from trying to please one’s friends in there of lias shed its bloom or com the matter of public patronage, that mences to form the seed, notify the demands the attention of this office. county in writing, of the exist There are now more han 40 applica ence of judge, such weed, and in a similar tions on file here for pardons, and many o f them a'f?*"st'rong'ly" silpported"hy The manner notify the owner or occupant Established Iti ISSO trial judges, the district attorneys, and of Premises upon which said weeds even by the jurors who, under oath, or th*8tle8 may be. BUILT AND CONDUCTED ON found the prisoners guilty. Six If, after such notice, the owner shall REV. MORTON DEXTER DUNNING. STRICT BUSINESS PRINCIPLES months’ experience in this office has fail or refuse to destroy such weeds, it Pastor-elect of the Forest Grove Congregational church, Begins his shown that the average jury will listen shall be the duty of the road supervis- pastorate September 1. to a three hours’ plea by the attorney °r to call such help as he may deem ne- for a verdict of acquittal without the cessary and go upon said land and ALWAYS UP When you buy The Oregonian you do not slightest effect on a determination to cause said weed to be extirpated in such TO DATE Invest in a lottery. You get your money's convict, say for a term of five years, a manner as to prevent the spreading worth, in both quantity and quality. and then, within less than six months, of the seed from the same. Upon the go all to pieces by signing a petition to completion of said work, the supervis e e governor to rectify their mistake or shall file with the county clerk an DAY AND The Oregonian is the only newspaper in Ore by granting a full pardon. It would itemized statement of the expense, ver- NIGHT gon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia seem that the influence of public senti- ; ifled by his oath. The county clerk PRESS taking both the day and night reports of the ment in the community where the trial shall cause to be entered upon a lien REPORTS is conducted, together with the testl docket provided for that purpose, the Associated Press. mony, should determine the case fairly amount of such charges and expenses, and finally, and that, as a rule, no ap- j and this amount, when so docketed, THE SPECIAL The Oregonian has a larger special service peal to the governor should be made shall constitute a first lien, prior and COR unless some new facts, unobtainable superior to all other liens and charges than any other paper ln the Northwest. Staff RESPOND at the trial, are discovered, -ut in all upon said lands or premises, except correspondents maintained at Olympia and Sa ENCE these cases for pardon now pending I taxes. lem, so that state and legislative news of Oregon SERVICE do not recall that any new testimony If said charges and expenses are not and Washington is gathered and printed ln is alleged 1 a single instance. Each one paid by the owner within six months detail. is simply a bold, bald appeal to the after the same is docketed, the district governor to arbitrarily set aside the attorney shall bring suit in the name work of the courts and bring in a ver- | of the county for the foreclosure of THE ORE The Oregonian Bureau at Washington city diet of eeoMlttpl. said linn and the lands affected shall GONIAN'S be sold under execution for thè pay furr.lshes”the paper with everything ln national “The Lee case, from Washington ment WASHING and satisfaction of said expenses county, is an instance of this kind. and charges, legislation and gossip which may affect the TON and of said lien and all There is a petition before me giving charges touching people of the Northwest states. This Is ln addi BUREAU St. Mary’s Home for Boys and Girls, founded in 1889, at Beaverton, Or., the same. good reasons why I should grant him a If within ten days tion to and supplements the daily house, senate the state by Archbishop Gross, has beautiful, modern buildings, which contain 70 boys full pardon. It is signed by every one ment has beer filed and after the lien dock and girls. They receive efficient instruction under the direction of the Sisters and capitol reports of the Associated Press. of the trial jurors, excepting'one, and and no oojections have been filed of the Most Precious Blood. That portion of the 400-acre farm that is not in he asks for a reduction of the sentence. eted, wood land is In a thorough state of cultivation, wheie the boys get prac thereto, the county court shall pay the This petition ¡s also signed by four of supervisor EDITORIALLY The Oregonian prints more editorial than any of the county funds the tical training at farm work, while under the efficient care of the Sisters the the seven grand jurors who indicted amount of out other paper In its field. It is pre-eminently the said charges and expenses, girls learn the art of housekeeping. The scrupulous neatness of the home the defendant. These appeals for ex and the same shall thereafter be re and farm, as well as the proficiency exhibited by the pupils at their studies, Journal for thoughtful. Intelligent readers. It ecutive clemency have been on file In to the use of the county as is a credit to the management of the Sisters and Father John Heinrich, su this office for more than a week—fully covered discards hollow, sensational matter, with which perintendent. hereinbefore provided. The law fur two weeks before the sentence begins ther many other papers are burdened. as follows: to run! How is an executive to know “If provides person, persons or corpora whether he is moving Justly in a mat tion any possessing or having ter when jurors act like this'? How is charge owning, Time Spent in Reading The of any land or lands, improved ' he to know whether they were a little or unimproved, enclosed or unenclosed, Oregonian Is Time Gained ‘off’ at the time of the trial, or have in this state, shall permit become so since? In his petition the or suffer any Russian knowingly thistle, Canada Jurors declare that the accused, at the thistle, or Chinese thistle FOR FARMERS Farmers and business men turn to The Ore to grow up time of the alleged crime, ‘was a mere thereon, and suffer the same AND gonian as the Indispensable record and direc to stand boy, under 16 years of age;' but his until its bloom falls, or its seeds BUSINESS tory of commercial affairs. Accurate and re age at the time of the trial is the same to foim. such person, persons or begin MEN cor liable. now as it was then, and should have poration shall be guilty of a misde had the same influence on the Jury meanor, and upon conviction thereof then as now. It is also urged that the shall THE "A D .” Great bargains are noted in the display and for the first offense be fined not evidence was 'not very strong, and was less than COLUMNS $10, and for the second and classified columns of The Oregonian. Those contradictory.’ But it was surely as each subsequent offense not less than weak and contradictory then as now. $-2.’>. said fines to be recovered, with who watch them save enough money to get At least no effort has ,een made to costs, in an action to be brought in the their paper free. show that it has become more so. and name of the county in which said lands the jurors inform me that the boy has are situated, for the use and benefit been sufficiently punisned. although his of the general fund of the county f 2 Pages a Week term in the prison is not to begin until where 82 Columns “ the offense is committed. next Monday! •24 Pages a Year "It shall be the duty of each road su “I was told the other day by a prom pervisor 4368 Columns •• in each road district in the j inent citizen of Washington county state a sufficient number of la- , All the news well written. that these jurors are representative borers to to call and destroy, before | Articles describing Western scenes aud inci men and first-class citizens. This is the same cut has down dropped its bloom or ' dents. certainly true of those of them I know commenced to form its seed, and Rus- I Stories of love and adventure by well-known personally, but this fact, instead of ex sian thistle. Canada thistle, or Chin- i authors. plaining the case, only serves to throw ese thistle found growing at any time | CONTAINS: Brilliant illustrations by newspaper artists. around it a cloud cf increasing bewil heieafter in the public highways or derment. This is entirely unjust to upon ary public lands in his road dis and Interesting girls. sketches and literature for boys the pardoning power. trict and the county court shall ad Fashion articles and Illustrations for women. “The power to grant pardons and and allow the amount^i^xpenses commute sentences is a great one to mit THOMAS OTCHIN, OF HILLSBORO. and just and ieasonabie charges ct place in the hands of one man, and •>uch work e« other claims or bills Those Who Once Take The Thomas Otchin wa? born in Burton. England, in 1814, and entered the should be used very sparingly: but filed by the road supervisors „ . ...... .. service of the Hudson’s Bay Company in 183«, at Fort Garry. In 1839 he em- there are times when the prejudice cf "If any : read Oregonian Won’t Do Without It n , igrated to Oregon; remained a short time at Vancouver, Wash., then went .. supci , ; viboi „op„,„.aiv Hiiy rr to wi|i rlver a neighDorhood interferes perceptibly district in the state «^e'essly cr «111 in the 8ervice of thL same company In 1841 he took up a with a fair trial. As a rule, the lapse fully neglect an> o Weekly, one year............................ •••••••••.gl 50 claim near Olympia, but abandoned 4 In a year, and located a section of land Revised of time serves to remove this preju by this act or Weekly. H months............................ month»........................... • ••••••#•• 78 five miles north of Hillsboro, and received government title later. He Is today Weekly. 3 Subscription dice. but jurors should be perfectly free ties imposed by this act #•••••• ......... 88 < the only man in Washington county who owns a donation land claim as Sunday, per year............................ • 2 08 from Its influence If Justice is to be cf the provlsicns thereof, he suall^ne ,,llRlnally Rates ••••• ln the dayg Sunday. 6 month»......................... . . . ............... 1 88 Mr. Otchin Is an uncle of Representa Daily, with Sunday, per month....... done. There is no greater function In deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ••••••• ^ 88 Thomas H. Tongue, and is still quite healthy and vigorous, although Dally. with Sunday excepted, per year.. By Mail our government than that exercised by upon conviction thereof shall be fined tive Dally, Sunday, per year Postage Pre Dally, a juror who deliberately determines not less than $."•<) nor mere than $1.40 85 years of age. with Sunday, Sunday.’ i « m onths. 5 2 paid in To City Subscribers— matters of life and death The send for each offense. Daily, per week delivered. Sundays excepted......... Advance ing of a boy of 16 years to the peniten "It shall be the duty of all municipal The following programme will be ob tend over three consecutive examina Dally, per week, delivered, Sundays included,....... 30 » tiary. even for only three years, makes corporations in this state to pro the examination: tions, the applicant choosing the him an ex-convict for life before he has vide fer the extermination of said Rus served during For State Papers: blanches to be taken at each. The reached his majority, and In the case of sian thistle. Canada thistle, or Chin- < writing on the different branches must young Lee the fact that a pardon was ësë" t h 1st le. within the limits of such I be done on the particular days above necessary will be a scar on his reputa TH E OREGONIAN ^urtiayLW ritten arithmetic, the- designated, and all applicants who tion for all time. This thoughtless ac within*«?!! corporation!* PORTLAND, OREGON tion of a Jury, although afterward re or town Incorporated wlth.n this state or7 J**Çhlng. grammar, book-keep- choose a certain branch must begin pented. cannot be wholly condoned, and neglecting or refusityt to comply with Friday — Physiology. geography, thereon at the same time. The state board of education has not they should unite with all other good provisions of this act shall be lia m Jtal arithmetic, composition, phy decided that exemption from any citizens In encouraging the young man the ble to a forfeiture to the county In sical geography. to a life of usefulness and Integrity. which said municipal corporation is Saturday—Botany, plane geometry, branch on which an applicant has made 9o per cent or more at two suc “It would seem that the proceedings situated of a sum net less than AW general history. English literature, cessive examinations taken by such ap nor more than $500, to be recovered of courts and Juries should he more against plicant. applies to examinations held such municipal corporation In psychology, carefully guarded, in which event there a suit maintained by the county in For County Papers: prior to August 9, 1899. Hence, an ap would be less appeals to the executive which said municipal corporation is | Wednesday — Penmanship history. plicant may be credited with the aver to rectify their mistakes. I have tn orthography, reading. age standing In any branch on which mind now a case where a man was sent situated." Thursday—Written arithmetic, the 90 per cent or more has been made ln to prison eight months ago for a term _____Has the Leading ory, of teaching, grammar the last two examinations taken by of ten years, and there is already a Friday—Geography, mental arithme such applicant, , or may try the same petition here signed by nearly every TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. tic, physiology branch at the forthcoming examina well-known man in the county, asking For Primary Certificates: tion for a higher standing at his op for his immediate release Only today a man came in person with a petition Notlce is hereby given that for the Wednesday—Penmanship, orthogra- tion. from Coos county for the pardon of a purpose of making an examination of P"r reading After the examination there will be Kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, Table and convict who has been In prison only all persons that may offer themselves Thursday—Art of questioning, theory no other for the state papers till Feb All Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter six weeks. The petition got here near as candidates for teachers of the <* teaching, methods, ruary. 1900. and none more for county papers till April, 1900. ly as soon as the prisoner. Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow Ware of all Kinds, schools of this county, the county IN EXPLANATION, H. A. BALL “There are as many applications on school superintendent thereof will xhs *ute board of education has de Fishing Tackle. Also a Large Lot of all Kinds of file now as I could afford to grant in hold a public examination at the pub- > cldsd that an appllcaat for a state pa- School Superintendent for Washington Seeds in BULK................................................. four years, and. Indeed, It is a dull day lic school building at Hillsboro. Ore.. p*r need not write on all branches re- County, Oregon. in the office when a new one is not beginning at 9 o’clock a. m. on Wed- qulred for the same at any one exam- Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, July 2 (, made. Nearly everyone is specially nesday. August 9. 1899. i I nation. The work may be asde to ex 1899 1011 Oregonian The Weekly Oregonian o» ro a>* iprata ri to ro o n n ■ m m n in ^ A » « . $ » * « __ u ________________ << Creer the Crocer GROCERY STORE Tea and Coffee a Specialty