Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, August 04, 1898, Image 3

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    W A S H IN G T O N
N .a v t ta . U u ia l»rilM l by the
W arsh ip s.
Miles’ Army Marching
on San Juan.
S h a r p E n g a g e m e n t W i t h Spanish T r o o p s
B e f o r e Y a u c o —E n e m y W a s R e p u l s e d
W i t h L o s s —G e n e r a l M i l e s I s s u e s
P r o c la m a tio n to th e P e o p le .
Port of Ponce, Porto Rico, via the
Island of St. Thomas, Aug. 1.— The
port of Ponce surrendered to Com­
mander C. H. Davis, of the auxiliary
gunobat D ixie.
There was no resist­
ance, and the Americans were wel­
comed with enthusiasm.
Major-General Miles arrived here
this morning at daylight, with General
Ernst’ s brigade and General W ilson’s
divisions on board transports. General
Ernst’s brigade immediately started for
the town of Ponce, three miles inland,
which capitulated this afternoon.
The American troops are pushing to­
ward the mountains, and w ill join Gen­
eral H enry,with his brigade, at Yanco,
which has been captured by our troops.
A tight before the latter place last
Tuesday was won by the American
companies o f the Sixth Massachusetts
and Sixth Illinois, but the enemy was
repulsed and driven back a mile to the
where the
Spanish cavalry
■charged, and was routeJ by our in­
General Garretson led the
tight with the men from Illinois and
Massachusetts, aDd the enemy retreat­
ed to Yanco, leaving four dead and
several wounded.
None of onr men
were killed, and only four were slightly
The Porto Ricans are glad the Am er­
ican troops have landed, and say they
are a ll Americans and w ill join our
arm y. The roads are good for m ilitary
Our troops are in good
health, and General Miles says tire
campaign w ill be short and vigorous.
General Miles has issued the follow ­
ing proclamation:
“ In the prosecution of the war against
the kingdom o f Spain by the people of
the United States in the cause of lib ­
erty, justice and humanity, its military
forces have come to occupy the island
■of Porto Rico. They come bearing the
banners o f freedom, inspired by a noble
purpose, to seek the enemies of our gov­
ernm ent and of yours, and to destroy ot
■capture all its armed resistance. They
bring you the fostering arms of a free
preople, wlroee greatest power is justice
and humanity to all livin g within their
Hence they release yon from
your former political relations, and it
is hoped this w ill be followed by your
cheerful acceptance.
“ The chief object of the Amerioan
m ilitary foroes w ill Ire to overthrow the
authority of Spain and give the people
of your beautiful land the largest meas­
ure of liberty consistent with this m ili­
tary occupation.
They have not come
to make war on the people of the coun­
try, who for centuries have been op­
pressed, but, on the contrary, they
■come to protect not only yourselves,
but your property, promote your pros­
perity and bestow tire immunities and
blessings of our enlightened and liberal
institutions and government. It is not
the purpose to interfere with the exist­
ing laws and customs which are whole­
some and beneficial to the people, so
long as they conform to the rules of
th e m ilitary administration, order and
justice. This is not a war of devasta­
tion and desolation, but one to give all
w ithin the oontrol of the m ilitary and
naval forces the advantages and bles­
sings o f enlightened c iviliza tio n .”
•R ich S u l p h u r M i n e S a i d t o H a v e B e e n
D iscovered.
Seattle, Aug. 1. — Elmer M iller, who
wintered at Unalaska, says that since
the Russians first settled Alaska there
were never so many white people on
the Aleutian islands as there were last
year, and eight different companies
were at work building 34 Yukon river
■boats, and from about a score of white
Unalaska increased its population to
nearly 700.
O f the 34 boats bnilt,
many met with disaster when they
were towed into Behring sea. the shores
of which are strewn with wreckage o f
a ll kinds o f river craft.
Judges Broket and Reed, o f Minne­
apolis, have been on the island all w in­
ter examining a sulphur mine adjoin­
ing the volcano of Makushin, about 30
miles west o f Unalaska. It is said that
this mine w ill prove more valuable
than any gold mine in the Klondike,
as snlphnr is at present greatly in de­
Rumor has it that the mine
w ill prove to be the richest in the
K i l l e d by a Train.
Clay Center, Kan., Aug. 1.— L evi
C a tlio , o f Rockford, III., was killed by
a Union Pacific passenger train. Mr.
C a tlio was rated as worth three quar­
ters o f 8*10111100 dollars, aod bad large
interests in Clay county.
Seattle, Aug. 1.— Maurice B. Atkin-
eon, of New York, who started to the
Klondike by way o f the Ashcroft trail,
has returned here, with the story that
500 prospectors are stranded at a point
about 700 miles from Ashcroft.
yond one or tw o parties, who took in
large outfits, the men are livin g on the
most stinted rations.
Mr. Atkinson
says that the attention of the Canadian
government w ill be called to the desper­
ate situation in which the gold-seeker«
are in.
A m erica n
B usiness
Key West, Aug. 2.— Reports havo
reached here that Neuvitas, on the
northern coast of the province of Puer­
to Principe, Cuba, has been bombarded
by the ships o f the blockading squad­
ron, evacuated by the Spanish and sub­
sequently burned.
N o details are
known, and the only information of
the affair was that given to Captain
Maynard, of the gunboat Nashville, by
Lieutenant-Colonel Rojas, o f the insur­
gent focres at Gibara, last Tuesday.
Colonel Rojas him self has the news at
second hand.
The only American ships known to
have been in the vicin ity of Neuvitas
lately are the Prairie and Badger. The
latter captured three Spanish ships
coming out of the Neuvitas harbor, and
took them to Dry Tortugas. A ll were
flying Red Cross flags, but wheu board­
ed were found to contain a number of
Spanish soldiers, only three of whom
were sick.
The Badger is expected
here shortly.
The Nashivlle reported at Gibara on
Tuesday, when shecaptnred the schoon­
ers Gibara and Expresso. On entering
the harbor, she was met by the ex-
United States consular agent and pres­
ident of the railroad line to Holguin.
He told tire Americans of the evacua­
tion of G itara two days before by Gen­
eral Leque and his 1,800 Spanish troops,
who feared a concerted attack by A m er­
icans attd Cubans. They fled to H ol­
guin by rail, and afterward store up the
General Lequez left in the
Gibara hospital 535 sick and wounded
Spanish soldierB with a request to A d ­
miral Sampson to see that they were
properly oared for.
The next day the Cuban forces, con­
sisting of 500 cavalry, under Lieuten­
ant-Colonel Rojas, and 200 infantry,
made a triumphant entry into the town.
They were received with acclamations
by the Cubans, and the town held fes­
tival that day and n igh t The insurg­
ents took formal possession, establish­
ing police system and sent out scouting
parties, and when the N ashivlle ar­
rived, the best of order was being main­
tained. The invaders had, however,
neglected the schooners in the harbor,
and the American ships took possession
o f them.
When Ensign Snow left w ith a
prize crew to bring the Gibara here, It
had been determined to raise the A m er­
ioan flag over the town.
A ll
I n t e r e s t C e n t e r s In t h e
P rin c e B ism a rck .
D eath
D em oralized by the
tain ty o f th e Futu re.
F ilip in o «
In E u r o p e A s k
Abandon Them .
London, Aug. 1.— N atives of the
Philippine islands and British subjects
who have interests there are alarmed
by the reports that the peace terms in ­
clude the return of the islands to
Spam. As a result they have held a
meeting here, and after consultation
with the Filipinos in Franoe and B el­
gium, have cabled to President M cK in ­
ley and to Senator Davis, chairman of
the senate foreign relations committee.
The message to President M cK in ley is
as follows:
“ The Filipinos resident in Europe
pray you not to abandon the Philippine
islands for the sake of peaoe with
Spain. Our loyalty and trust in the
honor of Am erica entitle ns to your
consideration and support. To hand
over our country again to Spain is con­
trary to the humanitarian proceedings
of your noble nation, and the wish of
all olasses. C ivilization, trade and all
w ill be lost if Spanish authority is re­
established in any form .”
The message to Senator Davis says:
“ A ca.it iuli
Spain to form a government satisfac­
tory to the inhabitants, is preposter­
ous. To retain her sovereignty means
deception, oppression and bigotry. We
place our rights in your hands, and
pray you to induce the president and
senate not to abandon in the hour of
peace a people who, trusting in A m eri­
can honor, fought for their common
T h e P re s id e n t’ ! C o n d o len ce«.
P a y T r a in V T r «a k r d .
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 2.— From
officials of the Southern Pacific railroad
in this city details of the wreck of pay
train o f that railroad three miles west
of Benson, A ria., were obtained tonight.
| The accident occurred at 6:20 this
The engine jumped the
track on a curve. Fireman A. J. T ay­
lor was killed. Engineer W alker was
bad ley scalded and Conductor Crowder
was injured internally and w ill proba­
bly die. The other trainmen and offi­
cers of the road on the car were shaken
up, but were not setiously hurt. The
engine was a complete wieck and tha
pay car was consumed by fire, but the
records and money were saved.
E x -C h ie f o f P o l l e o t o H a n ( .
Chicago, Aug. 3.— George H. Jacks,
ex-chief of pdlioe of Muskegon, Mich.,
was this afternoon found gu ilty of
murder in this city, and hia punish­
ment fixed at death. Jacks killed A n ­
drew McGee, a collector, 60 years of age,
who was supposed to have had a laige
turn o f money. By means o f a letter.
Jacks and a confederate decoyed McGee
into a house and slew him.
F r r a « l i S t M in t r » P rfv o .
Charleston, 8. C .9 Aug. 2.— The
French steamer Manonvia was brought
in as a prixe today. She was captured
by the D ixie off the south coast of Porto
Rico on the 24th a lL She is now at
quarantine here.
Reno. Nev., August 3.— The town of
Beckwith, C el., having a population o f
about 600, on the Sierra V alley ra il­
road, >6 miles north of here, wee elmoet
wiped off the map yeeterday afternoon
hy fire. Loss, #40,000.
I h a i l t r ' i A r m y W U t B a Ill-taught B a c h
— A F I n « C a m p f l i t * S e c u r e d .
Washington, July 8U.— Secretary A l­
ger is deeply con-'^rned over the welfare
of the gallant troops under Shatter’s
com ma ud, now encamped on the out-
skills of Santiago. The health report
shows a surprisingly large number of
cases of sickness, but army surgeons
authorize the statement that these
figures are misleading in a certain sense,
and that the situation may not be
nearly so bad as they would seem to
indicate. The slightest ailment o f tbe
most temporary nature suffices to place
a soldier’s name on the sick reporta,
which, in their present shape, would
not distinguish between such a ease and
one of mortal illnees. The inference
is that many o f these cases in Shatter’s
camp are of a trivial nature, but go to
swell its grand total of sick and wound­
m itigating
fact, Secretary Alger is going to remove
the soldiers at the earliest opportunity
to more healthful clime. Tbe surgeon-
general, under the direction of tbe sec­
retary, a few days ago, inspected a
tract of land adjoining Muntauk Point,
Long Islam!, belonging to the Long
Island Railroad Company, which has
been offered to the government as suit-
abe lor a large encampment.
tract is thiee miles square, contains an
abundance of fresh water, a considera­
ble lake, a hill 10 feet in height, and
many other sanitary advantages, io-
eluding salt water bathing.
The necessary orders to eqntp this ae
a camping ground w ill go forward im ­
mediately, and every advantage w ill be
taken of the experience gained in the
formation of the great camps at Cbicka-
rnauga and Camp Alger, to make the
conditions os comfortable as possible
for the bettle-ecarred veterans in Shel­
ter's army.
Tbe time for their removal is left to
General Shafter, the only lim itation
placed npon him being that be shall
not delay the homeward sailing of bis
troops beyond the moment when it
shall he safe for them to leave San­
tiago, having regard to the fever condi­
Meanwhile, details are being made
o f troops to supply the force that shall
garrison Santiago so long as it shall be
fonnd necessary to contint!« troops
This fotce w ill be made up
almost altogether of im m une*
General Shafter's daily bulletin, ae
posted by the war department, follows:
Total sick, 4,122; total fever, 8,193;
new coses fever, 822; cases fever re­
turned to duty, 542; deaths, Private J.
H. Farrell, company H, N inth Massa­
chusetts volunteers, at Siboney, yellow
fever; Corporal Thomas Rollston, com­
pany D, Twenty-fourth infantry, 81-
bogey, yellow fever; Private W illiam
H. Byers, company D, Seventeenth mi -
fantry, cerebral apoplexy.
S H A F T E R , Major-General.
Tenus Oîîered Generous
But Final.
C ession o f P o r t o R i c o ,
o f the
U -
ü r o n e s , a n d a C o a l i n g S t a t i o n In t h e
P h i l i p p i n e s , a n d U e l i u q u i s h i u e u t o t
Cuba Dem anded.
Washington, July 30.— The cabinet
discussed the president's answer to
Span’s peaoe proposal, and readied a
decision to demand the follow ing gen­
eral conditions:
Absolute surrender of Porto Rico to
the United States.
Recognition of the
independence of Cuba, cession of one of
the Ladrone islands as a coaling sta­
tion, and cession to the United States
of at least a coaling station in the P h il­
The question undecided is what dis­
position w ill be made of the P h ilip ­
pines. It can be Btated that there is
practically no difference of opinion in
the cabinet on the retention of the
Philippines as a whole, all the mem­
bers being opposed to our acquisition
of these islands.
There has been no
decision on the extent to which the
government w ill go in its decision re­
specting the future of these islands,
but it is expeeted the answer of the
president w ill express the willingness
of this government to leave the matter
of the future government of the P h ilip ­
pines entirely in the hands of a joint
commission, to be appointed by this
government and the government of
The probability is that the
United States w ill insist on oertain re­
forms in the government of the P h ilip ­
Our answer w ill make no mention of
a money indemnity.
Neither w ill
there be any armistice at all.
answer w ill be In the nature of an u lti­
matum, and if Spain does not accept it
she w ill fare worse in tbe future.
F a v ora b le
Report B rought
m an To urist.
G er­
Berlin, Aug. 2.— The news of Prince
Bismarck's death, which became gen­
erally known only through special edi­
tions of the papers, produced profound
sorrow, as so sudden a realization of the
fears o f his demise was not expected.
Several paperB this morning published
special articles with mourning borders,
expressing, in feeling terms, the na­
tional sorrow, and dwelling on the b ril­
liant and immortal services of the
prince to the fatherland, his heroic
greatness and his truly German charac­
ter. Sorrowful sympathy over Prince
Bismarck’s death is manifested in
many ways. The news is constantly
discussed in public places, and a feel­
ing of sadness prevails among all classes
of people. Particulars of the last mo­
ments of the prinoe and other cicruin-
stances attending his death are eagerly
Many private houses show
flags at half mast. Secretary of State
Von Buelow w ill return from Siemmer
ing, Austria, immediately.
Washington, Aug. 2.— By direction
of the president, the follow ing dispatch
was sent tonight to Hon. Andrew
W hite, United States ambassador to
“ Washington, Aug. 2. — White, A m ­
charges you to express, in the proper
official quarter, to the bereaved Ger­
man nation and to the fam ily o f the
deceased statesman, the sorrow which
the government and the people of the
United States feel at the passing away
of the great chanoelior, whose memory
is e w e r associated with the greatness
of the German empire.
“ A cting Secretary.”
4, 1898.
Santiago de Cuba, Aug. 1.— A pan­
icky feeling prevails in business cir­
cles here, owing to a fear that the
Americans w ill turn the city ovei to
the Cubans for self-government-
confidence exists, ow ing to the uncer­
tainty of the future.
Orders that
w eie given during the first da\s of the
American occupation have been coun­
termanded by cable. European mer
chandise on through bills of lading via
N ew York has been ordered unshipped
and sold in New York, even at a sacri­
The same feeling extends to the
merchants themselves, who
seem to have lost faith in the ab ility of
their own people to control affairs. The
rebels demand independence, but the
better classes, the merchants and land-
owners, dread such a possibility, and
fervently hope that the United States
w ill retain the reins of government in
the island, as the only guarantee of
stability or prosperity.
Senor Julian Cendoja, agent of the
Ward line of steamers, says that
hundred Spanish merchants have ap­
plied for cabin and baggage room on
the return trip of the steamer Ph iladel­
phia, which is expected today, and
they w ill leave the city unless there is
some assurance from the American gov
eminent that it intends to control the
administration of
public affairs in
This is the question uppermost in
everybody’s mind. Spanish, foreigners
and natives are all alike anxious for a
definite expression from Washington of
the policy of tiie United States with
regard to Cuba, and until the expres­
sion is made, no resumption o f trade or
commerce can be expected in Santiago,
where today both are in a demoralized
and chaotic state.
8t. Louis, July 30,— August Grope,
one of the foremost merchants of Cuba,
who has lived in Havana fo- 34 years,
stopped here today en route to G er­
many on a visit. In an interview,
Mr. Grope said:
“ When I left Havana tiro weeks
ago, tho inhabitants were not in the
slightest fear that the city would be
A■■lgu m vnt o f W a r L o a n B on d *.
bombarded. In fact, everything was
Washington, July 30.— The treasury
going on the same as usual. The the- j
j department today issued the following
aters, dancing balls and business o f
statement authorizing the assignment
every character were flourishing, and !
of the new bonds:
but for the presence o f troops in the j
“ In order to save vexatious embar-
city you would never know a war was j
I rassurent to large subscribers to the
in progress.
i war-loan lionde— meaning by this sub-
“ Tbe blockade at Havana has thus !
I scribers for more than #500— the de-
far ro t proved very effective. The j
| partment bas arranged to recognize
farms around the city furnish all the j
j transfers of notices of allotments, so
supplies necessary. The soil is so fer ,
■ that person« receiving notice of the
tile that crops caa be produoed in 30 |
amount allotted to them w ill be in a
days. There is no scarcity of provi- !
position to realize on them in case of
sions in Havana, nor has there been
necessity substantially as readily as if
F IR E . any perceptible advance in the price o f j
; they were in possession of the bonds
food. There are 40,000 regular sol- |
This has seemed to
F i v e P e r s o n s W e r e K i l l e d a n d M a n y diers and 25,000 volunteers in the I allotted to them.
be the duty of the treasury department
In ju red.
in view o f the unavoidable delay in
San Francisco, Aug. 1.— A fire, which
“ About 3,000 men are working night i
broke out shortly after midnight in a and day strengthening Havana’ s fortifi- i plaoing tbe actual bonds in tbe bandi
three story frame building at 113 Ore­ cations, nnder the personal direction of ! of the larger subscribers.’ ’
gon street, caused the loss of nve lives General Blanco. A few days before I !
T h e I’ a olflo C a b le .
and badly burned five persons, one of quitted the city, the captain-general ■ San Francisoo, July 30.— The Even­
whom is not expected to survive. The told me Havana would be well-nigh ! ing Post, in an article published today,
dead aie:
impregnable, and ;that talk of its fall says that the United States w ill soon
Kate Connelly, W illiam
W hite, after six months’ of bombardment was be connected by cable with her newly
Frank K elly, George Hansen, C. A. sheer nonsense ”
aoquired Pacific possession, and tbe
cable w ill connect the United States
The injured are: Mis. Mannel Silva,
from this eity with Hawaii, tbe La-
badly burned and probably fatally in­
drones, the Philippines and
jured internally; John King, burned on C l a i m s t h e O l l n d e R o d r i g u e z W a s N o t »
Kong. Tbe paper says that most of
B lo c k a d e Runner
side and right arm; Chris Christian­
the surveys have been made, and that
Washington, July 80.— Tho French the contract for the laying o f the cable
sen, burned on arms, face and head;
Pat Donohue, burned on arms, face, embassy has called the attention o f has already been let, and that, accord­
ohest and back; Edward M. Kenny, the state department to the circum­ ing to the tetms o f the oontract, the
bnrned on arms, back, neck and thigh. stances connected with the seizure of work must be completed within aiz
The building was a cheap lodging- the Fenoh merchant steamship Olinde months. The price to be paid is stated
bouse, and most of the inmates were Rodriguezl, and has requested the im ­ to be #10,000,000.
’ longshoremen and people who work mediate release of that steamer. The
O u r E x h ib it at Paris.
along the water front, Being of wood, action was taken simultaneously with
Washington, July 80.— Ferdinand
the structure burned like tinder, and a protest from the French Trans-Atlan­
tbe victims were rearly all suffocated. tic Steamship Company again* the Peck, of Chicago, the newly appointed
The property lose is not over #2,000. »«s u re . The state departure»» u < sub­ United ütslo* commissioner-general to
mitted all the papers in the oase to the the Paris exposition, was at tbe W hite
B o u n d f o r M a n ila .
department o f justice, with a view to House today and bad a long conference
San Francisco, Aug. 1.— The third getting an opinion on the legal ques­ with the president, who suggested that
battalion. First South Dakota volun­ tions involved.
the representation of this government
teers, and the Minnesota and Colorado
The grounds of the representations of should be oonducted on a broad, gen­
recruits Bailed today to join tbeir com­ the embassy are that the Rodriguez was erous plan. The president agreed that
rades in the Philippines.
The St. engaged in ordinary mercantile pursuits, there should be an additional appro­
Paul w ill carry the troops to their des­ and has also on board the official priation of #400,000 for the expenses
tination. A fleet o f tugs, steamers and m ail o f the French minister at Port au of our representation there, the present
launches gathered about tbe St. Paul Prinoe. It is said that her manifest appropriation for the purpose being
and acted as an escort and on shore shows she was not intending to enter ; #650,OoO. Mr. Peck thinks an assist­
the wharves were lined with people a blockaded port.
ant commissioner-general w ill be ap­
who waved farewell to the departing
pointed in s few day*.
A ltu atlo n Is flerion s.
troop*. The rigging of the transport >
S p a n is h > r l i o o « r s P n M O ff.
was filled with the soldiers, and two
N ew York, July 30.— A dispatch
Portsmouth, N. H ., July 80.— The
men, anxious to secure a lofty perch, from Colon says:
" T b e position of
climoed up to the mastheads, from th * Corrntti matter is now extremely Spanish prisoner* confined at Sesvey’s
which points they waved flags. The serious. Three Italian warship« are in island were paid off by tbe Spanish
soldiers were saluted by steam whittles front o f Cartagena, and the Italian ad­ government today, the money being re­
and bells and the cheers o f the soldiers miral has received orders to bombard ceived from A om iia l Carvers, at A n ­
napolis, the men receiving from #4 to
filled tbe air a* they pasted down tb* tbe city. Great Britain and tbe United
#10 in Amerioan currency.
States are intervening.”
P a p ers P o r c a * ta A d t a a e a P rlco a .
W ill
Chicago, Aug. 1.— A ll tbe morning ! Freano. Cal., July 80.— The dry sea­
paper* o f this city print an announce­ son has earned great loss to stockman
ment that on and after August 1, the on the Sierra foothills. It is estimated
priee w ill be 2 cents a copy. The i n - 1 that 175,000 sheep were driven into
creased oost o f w hite paper and the en­ tbe forest reservations after the w ith­
hanced general expense due to the war drawal of the United States cavalry,
some tim e ago. Recently, a fore* of
are tbe reason« for the advance.
deputy marshals forced tbe atockowners
Washington, Aug. 1.— Great Britain to remove their cattle and sheep from
has notified tbe state department that tbe reserve land. Some of the herders
•he haa selected her majesty's ship* assert that as there ia no grass and lit*
Alibon and 1 carol for patrol aervio* in tie water to be found elsewhere, at least
Behring sea daring tb* present season. 100,000 ibeep mast perish.
f s t s l P o w d e r M ill E x p lo s io n .
Elm ira, N. Y ., July 28.— The pow­
der m ill of E. J. Johnson, at Troy.
Penn., was blown up today, and the
owner, who was also the paying teller
in tbe Pomeroy A M itchell bank, was
D o w n F r o m Rt. M lr h a e ls .
San Francisco,
80. — Tb e
steamer Portland arrived this evening
fiom S l Michaels, bringing seven
Klondike miners and about #200,000
4» gold dugt and boll ion.
(Reported by Downing. Hopkins Co., In c -
Board oi Trade Brokers, 711 to 714 Chamber o!
Commerce bulldiug, Portland, Oregon.]
The average wheat trailer is bearish,
but does not stand short, an advance o f
)%o to lc runniug him in. He is afraid
because farmers are not selling tbeir
wheat as freely as they did last year,
although prices are but slightly d iffer­
ent. Conditions a year ago were ex-
trem elr bullish, foreign cropa being
snort, and the m ajority o f foreign trad-
el* were outspokenly bullish and bad
m illions of bushels bought for Septem­
ber and Deoembar delivery.
T h ey
kept up their buying right along and
made heavy engagements for ocean
room. Freights from Chicago to L iv e r­
pool a year ago were , 11)^0 a bushel on
wheat, and now they are 7.8-8. The
Amerioan grain trader saw the largeet
exports for tbe twelve months ending
June 30 that he is liable to witness
in many years. N ot one in the trad*
ever knew their equal, and they may
not witness a repetition. Foreigner«
are now selling wheat short, as they
know that their home crops are nearly
equal to their requirements. France
w ill need very little, if any, the Dana-
bian provinces hare a larger snrplns,
and tire m ajority of tbe European coun­
tries w ill not be in the m aiket aa buy­
er*. Export liouees figure that we w ill
not ship more than 140,000,000 bushels
of flour ami wheat for the coming
twelve month*
The world’s crop is estimated at 844,-
000,000 bushels above last year’s, which
does not warrant higher prices unless
there is an nr.usnal wave of speculative
buying, which for the present is not
diecernable. There is no ball leader,
and no proepect of getting one.
It ■»
true that the farmers bare more money
and are in better position to hold tbeir
wheat, so that it may not be forced on
the market as rapidly as in previous
rea r*
This may have a sustaining
influence, but w ill make a slow and
dragging market.
Exporters at the seaboard and eleva­
tor people here have been short fo r
July, having accepted order* for ship­
ment this month. This has oieated an
urgent demand for prompt shipment.
It is too Late to get much wheat to the
seaboard for this month’s delivery, and
the m ajority of the shorts have covered.
S e a ttle M a r k e t » .
Vegetables— Potatoes— Yakimas, | i
per 100 I be; natives, # 8 0 1 0 ; Califor­
nia potatoes, #1.00 per 100 pound«.
Beete, per sack, #1.00; turnips, 76c;
carrots, #1 .00; hothouse lettuce, —Oi
radishes, 12 LjC.
Fruits— California lemons, fancy,
#4 .00; ehoioe, #3.50; seeding orange*.
#1.50(3 1.76; California navels, fancy.
#»@ 3 .2 5 ; choice, #3.6009.75; ban­
anas, shipping, #2.2503.76 per bunch;
strawberries, • 1 .60 per orate.
Butler— Fancy
brick, 17c; ranch, 1 4 0 16o; dairy, 12j^
@15c; Iowa, fancy creamery, 20c.
Cheese— Native
Washington, 1 1 «
l l j ^ c ; Eastern choose, 11 @11 He.
Meats— Choice dressed beef steers,
prime, 7c; cows, prime, 6)$o; mut­
ton, 7c; pork, 7 0 7 Ho; veal, 5 0 8 c.
Hams— Large,
10 He; small, 11c;
breakfast bacon, 1 1 ^ -
Poultry— Chickens, live, per pound.
18c; dressed, 10c; spring chickens,
#2.50 @8.75.
Fresh Fish— Halibut, 8@4o; steel-
heads, 7@8o; salmon trout, 9 @ l0 o ;
flounders and sole, 3@4o; herring, 4c.
Oysters— Olympia oysters, per
#8.50, per gallon, solid, #1.80.
Wheat— Feed wheat, #20.
Oat*— Choioe, per ton, #36.
Corn— Whole, #34; cracked, #94;
feed meal, #24.
Feed— Chopped feed, #17@21 P «
middlings, per ton, #17; o il
cake meal, per ton, #35.
Barley— Rolled or ground, per ton.
#25; whole, #24.
Flour— Parent, #4.10, bbl; straights.
#8.86; California brands, #5.60; buck­
wheat flour, #6.60; graham, per bbl.
#4.26; whole wheat flour, #4.50; r y «
flour, #4.35.
Millstuffs— Bran,
per ton,
shorts, per ton, #16.
Hay— Puget Sound mixed, # 8 « 10;
choioe Eastern Washington tim othy,
Eggs— Paying 1 8 @ 1 8 K c » selling 30
P o r t la n d M a r k e t .
W h eat— W alla W alla,
57o; V al­
ley and Blueetem, 60o per buabei.
F loor— Best grades, #8.60; graham.
#8.10; superfine, #3.25 per barreL
Oats— Choice
white, 49c; choice
gray, 40c per busbeL
barley— Feed barley, #31; brewing;
#92 par ton.
Millstuffs— Bran, #16 par ton; mid­
dling* #91; abort* #16.
Hay— Tim othy. #11019; clover. #19
@11; Oregon wild hay, # «@ 1 0 per too.
Eggs— Oregon, 16c per dooen.
Butter— Fancy creamery, 85 @ 40c;
fair to good, 83H «* dairy, 9 6 0 8 0 *
per roll.
Cheese— Oregon full cream, 11 «1 9 a *
Young America, 19)4&
Poultry— Chickens, mixed, #8.50 per
Joaea; hens, #4.00; springs, #9.00@S;
geese, #8.0004.60; d o ck * young, #8@
4.00 per doaen; tu rkey* live, 1 0 0
12,Hc per pound.
Potatoes— Oregon Burbank* 80 0 86«
per sock; new potatoes 50066c.
Onion*— California red, #1.36 par
Hop*— 5 0 1 2 H o per pound for new
orop; 1896 c.op, 4@6o.
Wool— Valley, 1 0 0 13o per pound;
96c per pound.
Mutton— Grose, best sheep, wethers
ami awes, 8 He; dressed mutton, 7e;
spring lambs, 9c per lb.
Hoga— Gross, choice heavy, # 4 .76;
light and feeder* #8.0004.00; dressed.
#6.5000.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef— Groaa, top steers, 8.60@#8.7S;
5 0 6 i ^ c per pound.
V eal— U rg e , 6 H @ 6 c ; «m ail, 7 0 8 «
per pound.