'\ ’ W a s h in g t o n KENTUCKY, M OST county POW ERFUL B ATTLE * - * h a t c h it . S H IP IN T H E WORLCL NEVEU CONTENT. BRAYE SPI ' boffin*, ont hit r luerrj, ir “ toy, KJ] It. wn i life' u^ot pnwl bit at when hoy had with all «•oat and in to bit all wake-I ished i"—ne?ef ie- »e’n i borne-' ■ay dai •t move down. : came i iw, a lo^ irbed ttx them a risk should dry weather occur. At the W est Virginia experiment sta­ tion it has been found that beaus grown in drills produced twice as much as those grown in hills. As the hush Limas may he planted with a seed drill, in rows, and require no poles, they can he grown more profitably than hereto­ fore. There are also varieties o f hush , Limas that are as large as the pole kinds, and they tiring good prices in market. These facts should be kept in Weed F la v o r» In Milk. ITio milk 1« carefully examined when view for next year. leeeived, aud all that la the least affect- A p p l e » in P a p e r . «1 with the onion or weed flavor. Is set A friend recently sent us a basket, of Hide by Itself, and then run through a ^handsome apples, each specimen of tepurator, and its cream kept separate. which was wrapped in strong manilla To tills cream Is added twice its own paper. A fte r tasting these apples, we bulk o f hot water, in which saltpetre, unwrapped a number to admire their hi the proportion o f one ounce to three beautiful color, after which they were gallons o f water, has been dissolved. forgotten for several weeks. Happen­ This raises the temperature o f the mix­ ing to discover them later, we found ed cream and water to about 100 de- that those which had been Unwrapped frees, and it is Immediately put were partially decayed, while those through the separator again. The re­ that were wrapped were in prime con- sult Is a line, thick cream, with no trace dltion. having scarcely ripened at a I, •f weed flavor In It, and withal thor­ and no decay appearing. W hy do not oughly pasteurized, and the Babcock fruitgrowers wrap their apples and test shows no loss of fat in the opera­ pears in paper more frequently, to pre­ tion. In ord er to ripen such cream for serve them, not only for a few weeks churning, a starter is needed. Pas­ In the fall, hut through the entire win­ teurizing has been tried for the purpose ter? Orange growers have found it at eliminating had flavors from cream profitable to wrap every orange sent with partial, though not perfect, suc­ out to the markets. It Is not expensive cess. The same may he said In refer­ to wrap and pack away a barrel of ap­ ence to heating the milk and running It ples. It might cost 50 cents, but think through tlie separator at n temperature of the delight of opening such a barrel of 155 degrees or 160 degrees. Washing next April, and finding them in splen- cream lias also been tried, with the wat­ «11(1 condition.—Col man’s Rural World. er at the ordinary temperature o f sep­ M a r k e t i n g H eu vy Ont». arating, and this has very materially ThetV Is sometimes difficulty in Hnd- reduced bad flavors.—Hoard’s Dairy­ 1 ing a profitable market for grades of man. oats that weigh much above the stand­ S u b s t i t u t e f o r a Smokehouse, ard. which is thirty-two pounds per Tlie illustration, which is from the bushel. In fact, most hostelries which American Agriculturist, shows a simple deliver oats by measure would prefer plan for smoking a small quantity of to have tlie grain rather under than meat, without au.v above the standard. W e ouee grew expense whatever i some oats which weighed thirty-eight for a smokehouse. IMiunds per measured bushel. But they The lower barrel were o f a uew variety, anil worth much lias u small door more for seed than they could lie >o through which to feed. In fact, there Is not much ail- r e p l e n i s h the > vantage for fettling to have oats above smouldering lire the standard weight, l ’art o f the ad­ in the Iron kettle vantage of the oats as feed Is its safety. on the inside. The Ils greater amount o f clialT preventing . bottom o f the box It from heating in the stomach as corn has holes in it or other heavier grain is sure to do. similar to those in the top. tlie upper L i m e , F l u s t e r an d Iron . barrel being A Paris Journal says that tlie disas­ raised to show trous effects exerted by lime and plaster these. The front on iron should I k - kept in mind when o f the box is hing­ building. I f Iron Is plunged Into fresh­ ed to admit the ly prepared lime rapid oxidation takes W . meat. The upper place. This soon reaches tlie heart of barrel has neither the iron, which in a short time under­ top nor bottom goes a profound alteration in its resist­ ami serves merely ing qualities. To this result must lie as a chimney to added the expansion caused by Increase [ provide some little draft ami to' carry in volume of the mass. On the other »IT the smoke. T w o small holes In the hand, cement seems to lie an excellent »w er barrel admit air to feed the preservative against rust. Snell a cov­ nioulderimg tire. ering Is preferable to painting with red lend. W i n t e r S qu ash es . r HK new United States buttle ship Kentucky will be the most powerful war boat in the navy. The Kentucky is one of four sister ships, all of which will soon be finished. The Kentucky hears on her forward and after deck a double turret. Bach of these turrets carries two thirteen-inch guns. No Kuropeiin power lias placed on the deek of a war ship any gun more than twelve inches.. Thus can the Kentucky strike a b'ow with which the power of no’ other ship can compare. A single blow of this kind would disable, if not sink, the strongest ship of battle afloat. From bow,and stern tile Kentucky can fire sim­ ultaneously a thirteen-inch gun. Tlie Kentucky will draw only twenty-five feet of water, tliroe feet less than the lightest boats now on tlie sen. She will he aide to sail into all the haibors. and can he docked with less difficulty than the three other boats now building. The “ waist-tire" consists of fourteen five-inch quick-firing guns anti tin* second batteries will he composed of twenty six-pounder rapid-firing, six one-pounder aud four machine guns. Two military tops, mount­ ing guns, complete the ship's armament, which is fur heavier than that of any ship of the Kentucky's displacement in the world. No war ship can deliver more metal at a broadside than can the Kentucky, ami none will have the ready con­ centration of fire. The feature of the Kentucky is the form of her turrets, which is quite new. There is a large saving in weight, which gives the bout more room for heavy armament and more powerful machinery for propulsion. She will carry 1,210 tons of coal, which will enable her to steam ti.iMkl miles at the rate of ten knots an hour. G IR L «■an that the wizards of the scalpel may Three drop? of a black cat*a blood in save their lives. Joseph Davenne. a Frenchman, was in such a •condition a sovereign cure for croup in the folk when In- allowed the doctors to clean ; lore of some people. Because tlie mein tiers o f Ills church his heart. H e had long been a sufferer being swindled by nil others, semi us stamp were negligent in attending Sunday from fatty degeneration o f that organ. ' for After particulars o f Kina Solomon’s Treasure, the MAHON service and still more so in contrlbut- H e knew he could not live much longer I O N L Y renewer o f manly streiiKlb. C H E M IC A L CO., P. u. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa. ing to tlie support of himself and the when lie took the chance tlie scientists I ’ is o ’s C u re fo r C o n s u m p tio n is th e best church, ltev. Maurice I'enlield Kikes, proposed. They cut Joseph's ribs apart, pastor o f tlie First Baptist Church at showing the lungs, with all their fine, ' o f a ll c o u g h cu res -<(g o r g e \V. L o ta , F ab u - 1 clie r. L a ., A u g u s t 26, 1863. Trenton, N. .1.. decided to try an inno­ shining membranes. These were thrust vation to attract people to hear him aside and four sw iftly moving hands Try Schilling s Debt tea and baking powder. preach and their nickels and dimes were busily engaged in scraping tlie The oldest married couple in the from their unwilling pockets. He In­ fat from tlie sides o f the heart. The United State« are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph troduced pretty girls as ushers and is entire process covered only a few mo­ Manuel of Cape Porpoise, Mass. She more than pleased with the results of ments. Hut It was enough. , The man is US and he is 101 years of age, aiftl the first experiment. Mr. Kikes Imd was dead. The surgeons engaged sent i they have been married 77 years. tlie sagacity to make announcement of a full account of the affair to a medical ------------------------------- m----------------------------- — the fact that the young women would Journal. The law did not hold them to show young folks to their seats and account because Davenne bad left a take up the collection. He was careful, paper stating that the experiment was too. to (lick out six o f the prettiest girls tried nt his own request. 1 - i » j i i In his flock, so the church had more young men in its pews than had ever P a p er M a ltin « in Corea. liefdre been seen there. Every seat In The best quality o f paper used in the church was tilled long before ser­ China and Japan is made in Corea. The vices were begun, ami It was necessary Coreana gather the hark o f the brous- to get chairs iu’ tlie aisles. As ushers sonetia padli.vrifera tree in the spring. the girls were a grand success, but They soak the hark in lye made from their best services was given when the wood ashes and water, heating the time came to take up the collection. bark until it becomes a soft pulp. They j The innovation doesn't meet with the then remove tin* pulp to large bn minio approval of the other preachers, who frames, spreading It very thin, and let say that when people are drawn to a it dry in the sun. When dry they cut e * I r. ill i<* K e e p i n g M i lk f r o m Odo r». ,/ y A R K A t* SSO W Pl.OW . to reach back to the rear. Flanks form the runners and top. The light frame above the top is for the driver to sit upon. His feet he rests upon the bars b f which the plow U drawn. The front edge, the Incline ami the top are Mnned to make the snow move up more easily. The edge Is o f the same width aa the rear end, so ttnve is . k > binding to the snow.— Fanu and Fireside. L a rg e P otato.Y ield . The largest potato , on record was produced In Northern W yoming in tRBO. According to sworn testimony. K amounted to 117* bushels and forty pounds per arte, of which KW bushels w ere marketable. The expense o f pm dnettau was stated to have been $74.1*0. Ructa a crop anywhere la the country this year would have bees pretty prof­ itable. The average yield of potatoes to the Halted States la In ordinary year« about ona hundred bushels to the ef the hush varte- I «ras aa important is make a specialty ha M a r o f cutting f r U SH ERS A SU C C E SS. Money back if you don t like S ch illin g s B est. Tea and monev k Squashes, unless ripened, will not U n iq u e S c r a t c h i n g Shed. keep well. Sometimes they are left out Where snow lies thtekly upon the too long. A fte r the frost has killed the ground for months it is almost imiMissi- wines the squashes are exposed to the tile to get the hens out o f doors, though ■cold and to freezing and thawing. Such fres.li air and sunshine are specially ¡squashes cannot keep well. Squashes must also be carefully handled. I f the shell Is bruised in getting them under cover, they are sure to rot early. They should tie well ripened, gathered before heavy frosts, well dried, kept in an even temperature, and careiully han­ dled. A warm, damp cellar Is a bail place for storage. They should be kept hi a dry room, where temperature Is fairly even and not piled in a heap, hut placed on open shelves. I f there are snly a few they may lie spread on the S C R A T C H IN G t*IIKI> F O B U RN'S. floor. Sort them over and pick out the soft-shelled and unripe ones to I h * used needed to promote winter laying. The Illustration shows a simple addition to first. the southern side of the poultry house A R e al Snow Plow . that will give tlie fow ls the advantage This Is not a wedge to push the snow of some hours each sunny day out o f to one side, but a plow .that raises and doors without being upon tlie snow. delivers It above and uinin the undis­ Put leaves, sand and a little grain into turbed snow at the side. Such a plow t.he bottom of the.-«' outside pens, and must have a strong frame, the liars the fowls will work busily in them for reaching out In front being not less hours. Such scratching sheds need not than Jlx3, and they must be 6 ft long. be large. They cost but a trifle and so can be afforded by everyone.—Orange Judd F a r m e r . ______ i the same that has borne and does now hear the | fac simile signature o f C1IAS. II. F L E T C H E R on l every wrapper. This is the original " P IT C H E R ’ S CASTOR IA " which has been used in the homes o f the mothers o f America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought, and has the signature o f CHAS. H. F L E T C H E R on the wrapper. N o one haf authority from me to^ise my name except T h e Centaur Company o f which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. M a rch 8 % 189 ?. S A M U E L P IT C H E R , M.D. Trenton, N . J.t P a s t o r I n t rnd nce » Them in l l i » C h u r c h . i hive Some people are never content with any­ thing. They will not liml exactly what H ow often wonnjn they ivilnt even in Heaven, if they know ! *ome one is there ahead of them. For in­ morning1 clieerfiil anil happy, stance, some are great sufferers from neu- I luineil to do so much before i ralgia. Friends have told them what is | ends, and y e t :— Before the morning best and certain t6c’»rc them. Not content i with what is said, they suffer on. Fain j is very old, the ravages and devastates the system, and j dreadful BACK­ leaves it a barren waste. St. Jacobs Oil has | ACHE appeurs, ' cured thousands. Just try it. the brave spirit John E. Redmond, M. P., the well- sinks back in ¡known Irish leader, w ill sail for this a ffr ig h t; no I country on December 30. He is com- ' m atter how 1 ing to America at the invitation of j him! she strug­ prominent workers in the Irish cause j gles, tho to speak on the rebellion of 1793, to “ clutch " is arouse the enthusiasm of Irish-Aiueri- upon her, she cans in the pilgrimage to Ireland next : falls upon tho l July to celebrate the rising. couch, cry­ ing:— “ Why W H A L I N G P L K K T IN U A N O E K . should I sufferl so ? W hat It is predicted that the vessels o f the w haling | fleet, most o f whose underw riters are in Han can I do V ” ' Francisco, have been cau ght in the ice and j Lydia E. ' some may not last through the siege. Danger ! also threatens those who n eglvet what a r e ! Finkhain's “ Vegetable Compound" called “ tr iflin g " atlm er ts, for they may not last 1 w ill stop tho torture and restore cour­ 1 through the crisis, hesort to H oatctter's Stom- 1 A ll such pains oome from a de­ ; ach Bitters at ouc.e lor in cip ien t rheum atism . ; age. ! m alaria, constipation, i orvousness ui.d kid ney j ranged uterus. Trouble in the womb com plaint. blots out the lig h t o f the sun at mid­ You In Japanese saw*, the teeth |»oiNt day to a vast cumber c ‘ women. toward the handle, and both saw* and should procure Mrs. Plnkham'a Com­ pound ut once and obtain relief. planes out toward the workman. Jlrs. F. M. Knapp, RfiS Wentworth. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. A re., Milwaukee, Win., says: “ I Buf­ W e are asserting in the courts our right to the fered w ith congestion o f the ovurlea exclusive use o f toe word " C A S T O R lA ,” and and inflammation o f the womb. Lydia : ** P IT C H E R SC A S T O R IA ," ua our Trade Mark. K. Pinkham's Vegetable compound : I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, o f Ilyatinis, Massachusetts, cured me us it w ill others." was the originator o f “ PITCH U R ’S CAS L O R IA ," at your grocers. A Schilling & Co . N0 BTHERN | I San Francisco 53 ILLUSTRATED _ CATALOGS Travelers in Sweden report that the street ear* in that country seldom stop for passengers. Both men anil women jump on and off while they are moving, and accidents are sc-aroelv ever heard of. ' n R A F N K S S CANNOT B E C I ' R l i l » Bv liH-sl applit-niion* ss they cannot reach i h » ill,eased portion o f th e c a r . T h o r » .a only o n * w ay to enro deafness, and lh a t I h try con stitu ­ tional rcim-iiu-.. OeafuoHH la oaus-if By an tn- t!r.m»-d con dition o f tlie mucous llnintt o f the Kustacltian la n e . W lie n th U tu b a Is intlainod von have a rtrmlrlititi round or im p erfect Hear inti, sm l when it la en tire ly closed, dcafrteaa ia tlie result, anti unless tin- m Saiiiim u ion can be taken nut ami tins tni»c restored to its norm al co n d ition , hearing w tlt t>e destroyed fo rever; nine cases out of toll arc caused by Catarrh, which is mulilnts hut an inflam ed ooudttlon o f th# mnroua sunset*«. We w ill e lv c One Hundred Dollars for any ca.-c o f deafness, (caused by catarrh) liia tc a n n o t la- cured by M ail's < atari'll Cure. Scud tor c ir ­ culars; free. K. J. C H U N K Y W CO., Toledo. O. Bold by driiKKln*. ” •«’•• H a ll's Family P ills are the ia'at. Authorities o f tlie Kansas university dismissed a ll the natural Iristory el a «sea on circus day recently tu enable the students to si tidy the animals. IIO M K m itlM IC T H AM I I'D U K r t l l l D . , A ll Eastern S trop , so-railed, usually r e e f Halit eolorctl and oi heavy lusty, is made from ’ irluimar. " T in u .in ln i l in n » ” ta made from | s.;pnr Cane ami is strictly pure. It la for s a l» bv h r,i .-rover-. >u vans only. M anu fac­ tured by Hie P lia n t Hlissr SYEVS ( ’ll. A ll »a n - tunc ' Trn i.n n iin h r in*” have the mauuh H irer'« name tithograpbod on e v ery aao, C. K. Green of Effingham, Kane., has the Continental currency his great- grand-father received for liia aerviooa in the Kevolution. BROKEN DOWN MEN Men Who Have Wasted the Vital Power of Youth— Who Lack Vigor— Can Be Cured by Electricity. g B u e ll** ® Lamberson GROWN IB0 FRONT ST PO PTLA N D . O R YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Let it Right. Keep it Right. H 1 nti|rp'H !»•> v c h I«’ «I It » a h i **our druggist or any wholesale drug house, or front Stew art «& Holmen Drug Co , Seattle. made esttoM'laUy est**« is H y to ro*t«>re vita l xtreiigtb It is mad«* in • men. men m Sj» vkt «>f life «-oine from it to the w eakened pm t*. S A W N ELECTRIC BELT CO. 2ft3 Wetat U au liti» ir ton S t.. Ih ir tlA U d , O « . l*Lt.tiar tHr nt io n th in P tlp eT A Cart-Load of Gold | j | j “ I f you dum ped a cart-load of » o ld at m y fe et it w ou ld not bring such jo y and gladness into m y life .” So w rites a prom inent man a fter using the m ethod o f self-trea tm en t that has restored so many mt-n w h o had been w reck ed b y excesses, o v e r work or ev il habits o f youth. A l i t t l e b o o k that m akes it all plain n w v be had w ith o u t charge by w ritin g THE ERIE MEDICAL CO.. 6? N ia g a ra St., Buffalo, N. Y . FREE TO ALL M EN the pulp In nqunribi anil pres* It with their feet. The |»!i|*er 1» very tough, aa the fibre* of the wootl are not broken but lieaten »oft. All thin work 1» don« by hand. Poorer qualities o f paper are made In the name way from the acra|m of wood.—Hart 1> and Man. T h e M f n i a t e r ’» H sla r y . Deacon Skinflint—W e've failed again thin year. Mr. Itotulnle. Can't ruble half your »alary. trood m inuter—So matter. 1 have had myself appointed a missionary to the heathen, ¡uul will hood I s - in the pay o f the Board o f Mission». Lteacon Wklnflint — A ir ye goln' to A frica? <«ood minister—No; I shall stay right here.—New York Weekly. Wanted a n H eirloom . Clerk—I wouldn't like ;o cut this piece o f lace Just for one yard, madam: and. beshlea, that Un't enough to trim anything- Shopper—Oh. I dldn t s-ant It for trimming; but It’s so nice to have a piece o f lace a Unit the bouse aa aa heirloom, yon In ow . -Puck. Any girl who n e w orar player would prey* to be I t of the beat and de t aeedato be had. T h e bear ia n lw e y a the eh eapeaU I ’ey a trifle more for FERRY’S and nlwaye get your money’s worth. F ive eems per paper everywhere. , Always the bent. Heed Annual free. A . D .lffr f RRY A CO.’. OetreW. Mkh... N o C. O. T>. schem e : no patent tnedicioes- just the book under plain letter seal. G IR LS PASS TH E BOX IN CHURt it One reason why much |ioor butter is made in the winter season is because church simply for the privilege o f look the milk is set in some room adjoining Ing upon a beT.v o f pretty girls there the kitchen, where It Is subjected to all Is no- lasting good to be expected from the odors o f the kitchen stove used in It. But Mr. Fikes says that he be­ cooking meat.: and vegetables. These lieves in getting people into his church odors, with the beat from the stove, are and he doesn't care how he does It. so ! absorbed by the milk, and a the cream long as the means are legitimate and j has to be warmed so as to ripen, the ; honest. It took a long time to take up germs thus admitted have the best pos- i the collection, but when It was over sible chance to increase. and the money counted there was near­ T i c k » in H h c e p . ly $300 to add to the treasury of the Look out at this time of the year for e n u r e h. I ’revlotls to the boxes going slieep that are nibbling their sides. It around Mr. Fikes announced that the is a sure indication of ticks, which l*ord loves a cheerful giver. "G ive should he got rid o f at once. A gener­ \ freely and cheerfully,” he said, "and al dipping this month would relieve the the Lord, as well as these good girls, flock, both lambs and sheep, o f this i will appreciate i t " Then the pretty troublesome pest. Experience has ushers started out for the money. And shown that a fall dipping repays twice i tht y got It. Men who bad alw ays been over for the cost o f It, In the better con­ ! very careful to select pennies for the dition o f the fleece at the next shear ' contribution box recklessly tossed In Ing time.—American Cultivator. - | quarters ami half dollars that day. tfbd not one went away from the cbnrch Shying. There Is no better way to break a I without the cheering sssnranoe that horse of shying than to stop him and ♦li,.- smile he got from the girl who took gently lead or d rlre hlin up to the ob­ hla money waa the sweetest of them _________________ ject o f hla fear each time, talking to ail. him pleasantly meanwhile. Whipping Clean la g a M ao's Heart. and harshness only Increase the difficul­ ■very day we hear of some wonder ty. If persistent kindneaa be employ ful doing by the doctors, (to strange ed the horse will soon control blmueif arc the aehlerenwwu at Msecs that If trying d r e w to by In buying s (X tr R V R fR l r r , M,hec*Li ‘ cultivation wi anted on li Inferiors always largely exceeda the original s foot-bull American E V E R Y T H I NO FO R TH U P R IN TER .... Type Founders We lead and originate tasbions in.... Company Cor. Second and Stark Sts. .... POR TLAND, O REGON I Kodaks FROM $4 U P ... On. WOOOSNO, P o Cukase a Co. Catalogne Fra* u tlako TYPE . fbr traring and lonuln« Hold or Silver . Ore. lost or S trin i irraaurr. I . I«. 1 r t l W t l k . Baa 3»T, MoûtbIncnm.Conn M*k« money bv i •l**cnlation in Chicago. M f H r f l I le t » a n d «a ll I ■ V 11 b f a V »in s F o rtu n e s b a v » n tsde o n a «n a il b e g in n in g b y t r a d in g la iu re « . W rite fn r l u l l n a r t lc u ls r s Rest o l r e r v n r e g iv e n S e re rs l r e a r » ’ em j ( h t r « * n Heart’ o f T ra d e , a n d a th le t )» » o f flte b 't .li t -s s S and f » n » » bo ok . D O W X IX fl, r h fe a g n B oard of T r a d e P o rtla n d . O re g o n a n d f