Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, December 30, 1897, Image 4

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    cowardly and crim inally libelln.,..
legislature, anH^delegates to the 8 i , inclusive, as aforesaid, shall be entire tickets which shall be nomi- Bryan democratic presi ent am terancea o f The Oregonian it,
iog to arraign the city adminiair
nated by said couuty and city con- congress will be chosen,
state and district conventions, the selected as follows:
and destructive o f the city’s beat
M th e poet-office e t Forest G rove, Or. H
persons so nominated at such con-
The subcommittee or its repre-
S eco n d -clu e m ail m atter.
esta, and initnicable to the rorrJti'Bte'
sentative having first choice, such pledge our united efforts to secure these results political satet\ or certain abuses in city affairs i„ « ¡7 * '
---- ventions to receive the cordial and
and have fastened a bonded indehf
earnest support of all republicans: ' choice to be determined by lot, as reforms in both city and county political destruction depends eu ness on the property o f this city of 1 *
hereinafter provided, shall select governments in all respects, and tirely upon the course to be pt r than $4,000,000,
j, 50
We propose:
"Resolved, T hat The Oregonian
75! That there shall be one, and two judges in each of the 14 of especially by a reduction of taxa- sued by Secretary Gage and those its blind, unwarranted, unreason m ]
only one, republican county and such election precincts as are desig-j tion and in the expenditure of pub- who are pressing him forward, and unreasoning hatred of certain ofti
of the present city admini«,
namely, the Gold Standard League personel
city convention held in the county nated by odd numbers; while the ' lie moneys,
tion is proving itself a public enemv
ffiMabttahed for tbe dissem ination of W ashing­
W e deem each and all of the of New York and the self-consti- while pursuing such course should
to n c o e n ty news, th e elevation of hum anity and | { of Multnomah, in the spring of subcommittee, or its representative,
shunned as a scourge, destructive of botl
ffitew eory we can make.
1898, which shall possess all the having second choice, to be deter- parts of these propositions abso- tuted monetary conference. How private and public interest.
Item s o f gen eral Interest gratefully iccelved.
lately fair and honorable, and such
much Secretary Gage cares for the
E ditor's 1 lobbies and opinions on this page, all duties usually pertaining to such , mined, as above, by lot, shall se-
There will be but little oppogJ
tbe rest facts -im partial and uncolored.
conventions, in accordance with ! lect one judge for the primary elec-
as every republican can agree to
republican party is not known.
Editor is at borne in his sanctum , H atchet
to Tongue in the republican
k . Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to to p . m. the time-honored usages of the re- tion in each of the said election without any sacrifice of principle, Whether
Nor will the combiJ
precincts designated by odd num- and all of which we now tender in whose good faith towards bimetal-
I publican party.
That there shall be one, and bers; while the subcommittee, or good faith in the spirit of compro- ism is coming to a test, will stop nations that nearly defeated him in|
It is the election of 1896, be operative!
kd r v e r y w e e k i n t h b y e A o n ' only one, republican primary elec- its representative, having second mise, looking solely, not to the his secretary, is not known.
Barclay wishes to|
t h e h a t c h e t tion held in said Multnomah county
choice shall select two judges candidacy or promotion of any to be hoped he will. But no poht- next spring.
in the spring of 1898, and it shall for said primary election in each of man or men, but to the unity and ical situation has been clearer than run against Tongue and the repub-I
licans are quite w illing.— Corvallij|
If you tail to receive your paper it will be held in accordance with the pro-j the 14 of said election precincts welfare of the republican party in the present one is to sound eyes
since the republican party began its Gazette.
he a favor if you will notify us at once. visions of an act of the legislative 1 designated by even numbers; j this city county and state.
assembly of the state of Oregon, . while the other subcommittee, or
that you and your marvelous career 42 years ago.
State’s Taxable Property.
E ditor and P r o pr ieto r . approved Feb. 11, 1891, relatingto its representative, shall select one committee, in view of the existing There are times for all things,
Following are the corrected returns
T h e r e is a time to move and a time from all the counties of the state, the
to keep still, and now is the time aggregate value, exem ptions and value 1
of taxable property in each being given
to so keep,
according to the rolls filed with the
1 1 T. J
. »A. T ill.
J lc lic t llo lis
f o f tilt*
“ It is simply
state board of equalization:
I ill 81
republican party in this congress to Counties.
Valuation. Exempt. Tax«ble.
. Buildi
B a k e r ............... * * 502 637 :1 1 » 641 * 2 I81 996
primary elections, and known as judge for each of said primary elec-1 conditions, will promptly accept
the primary law. A t such primary tion in each of said election pre- these propositions, we, in the event
, E ig h t
election shall be elected the dele- ^ cincts designated by even numbers, of such acceptance in writing,
.T A i.C . * >
V. ( .
A. . .1 Till.
I AA I 'll A1 t 1 \
A .1/1
tU a
A l-
f l 11 • l l I J. I . | . . . i l l . : . . A A A. J
P ages
who alone,
shall be | j
the A..A
as f to
which within ten days ^ from . U
the AAAA.n.
receipt 1 by
W eekly
entitled to seats in said county and committee, or its representative, you of this communication, pledge
city convention.
shall have first choice shall, unless ourselves in advance to give loyal affirmatively opeu the discussion
That the usual call shall be is- sooner mutually agreed upon by support to the entire tickets which of the question, and the bringing
sued at th e’ proper time for such said committees, be determined by shall be nominated by said county of yea and nay votes on the cur-
That peace and harmony which primary election and convention, 1 lot on or before the ioth day of and
and, rency legislation,
We ought to
Sepublicans have so long
been and shall be signed by the chair- January, 1898, at the same time of unless your committee shall so await the progress of international
hoping to see restored among the man and secretary of each of the casting lots for first choice in said accept in writing, we shall under- bimetalism, the advent of business
Mnltnomah branch of the party said committees,
city wards aforesaid; this also to be stand that you reject these proposi- prosperity and the filling of the
seems on the eve of returning.
There being in the city of Port- done in the presence and under the tions.
treasury by the normal workings,
The following offer from the so- land 11 wards, numbered, respec- direction of the arbiter, hereinafter
soon to be seen, of the new tariff
Sol Hirsch, Chairman,
called Mitchell partisans, that is to tively and consecutively; from 1 to ! named. And said judges for said
law. Shall we wait for these things,
4th Ward.
say all who opposed the Simon 11; and in the county of Multno- precincts, respectively, outside of
or rush on to self-destruction?
W . T . Hume, Secretary,
rule, proposes as equitable an a r-! mah, outside of said city, 28 elec- the city shall also be named at the
2nd Ward.
President McKinley must decide.
rangement as can well be made tion pecincts, numbered, respec- time of preparing the call for said
Will he act for his people, or for
P. L. Willis, 1 st Ward,
uid it hardly seems possible that tively and consecutively, from 54 primary election,
James Lotan, 3rd Ward.
his plutocrats? Upon his answer
lie other side will reject it. Y et upward to 81, inclusive.
That thejudges for each polling-
W. F. Matthews, 5th Ward.
will depend the events of 1898.
>regon has seen such strange po-
Our committee proposes that the place who shall have been selected
Carl A . Brandes, 6th Ward.
W il l ia m E . C h a n d l e r . ”
itical proceedings lately that one appointment of the delegates to the ( by our committee, or its represen-
H. M. Bush, 7th Ward.
s led to expect the fairness of the county and city conventions afore- tative, shall be permitted to select
John Wood, 8th Ward.
These resolutions were unani­
ilan will insure its rejection by j said shall be as follows: Such of one person for clerk for such poll­
John M. Lewis, 9th Ward.
adopted by the Columbia
his faction whose only gains thus said wards and precincts as cast ing-place, and that the judge or
D. A . Morris, ioth Ward.
the leading dem-
ar have been by trickery and fraud. over 100 votes each in 1896 for judges for each polling-place who
W . H. Moore, n th Ward.
I ocratic organization in the state,
P o r t l a n d , Or., Dec. 27.— Hon. McKinley for president shall be shall have been selected by your
Henry Chapman.
and express their views of the
)onald Mackay, Portland, Or.— allowed, respectively, one delegate committee, or its representative,
D. C. Powell.
)ear Sir: Whereas, unfortunate for each 100 votes so cast, and one shall be permitted to select one
It is understood that this address great daily.
C ounty
O f f ic ia l P a p e r .
ictional differences in the R epub-; delegate for each 40 or more over person for clerk for such polling- will be answered in a few days,
can party in this city and county, ' an even hundred or hundreds so place, and the persons so selected,
rowing out of the primary elec- cast; and each of said precincts respectively, shall be duly ap­ SENATOR CHANDLER’S LETTER.
on of 1896, culminated in a divi- which cast less than 100 votes for pointed and qualify and act as such
“ I f the secretary of the treasury
on of the party in this county, ! McKinley in 1896 shall be allowed clerks.
and his single gold standard asso­
That, in addition to the two poll ciates will cease their demand for
id the organization of two differ-1 one delegate.
of said primary election, re­ impossible currency legislation, con­
it committees, one composed of; That the chairman, respectively,
¡mrself, as chairman, and six of said committees shall each ap- quired by law to be kept by the gress will pass the necessary appro­
h er gentlemen, and the other point, from the committee of which judges and clerks, there shall be priation bills, probably take care of
imposed o f the undersigned, be- he is chairman, a subcommittee of kept at each polling-place by such Hawaii and Cuba, there will not
clerks an addi­ be a serious party division during
• one member from each ward in 1 three, which subcommittee shall, judges and
e city of Tortland, and two mem- at the proper time, select and pro- tional poll book, to be in all re­ the session, and there will be an
from the precincts in the cure the use of a place in each spects a duplicate of the other poll adjournment in May. Business will
itmty outside of the city, with ward in said city, and a place in books, kept as required by law, revive, the balance of trade will
mi. Sol Hirsch as chairman, each each of said precincts in said and that one of said three poll continue in our favor, and the re,
which committees claim to rep- county outside of said city, fora books so kept shall be delivered to publican party will, in November,
ient the republican party of this polling-place for such ward or pre- your committee, one to our com­ 1898, elect a majority of the house
hnty and city. For convenience, cinct. That each of said commit­ mittee aud one to the clerk of the in the 56th congress. On the other
fc former said committees will tees shall pay one-half of the e x­ county court of Multnomah county, hand, if Secretary Gage continues to
reinafterbe designated as “ your” penses necessarily incurred for such at the close of said election.
press upon congress a bill, the ob­
That Hon. George H. Williams, ject of which, he says, is, first, to
nmittee and the latter as “ our” polling-places and the publication
of the call for said primary election. of Portland, Or., a gentleman of commit the country more thor­
nmittee; and,
That thejudges of said primary unquestioned integrity, a republi- oughly to the gold standard, and
iVhereas, further, it is univer-
shall be selected as follows: can of undoubted loyalty, a states- the immediate result of which is to
ly known that leading and itiflu-
In wards numbered respectively, man of great ability, and a judge throw doubts upon the sincerety of
iial republicans throughout the
Ite, irrespective of their préfér­ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 (that is, in all whose action cannot be improperly the president’s declaration in favor
és as to men or factions, or the odd-numbered wards in said controlled, influenced or biased by of efforts to secure bimetalism, a
past or present affiliations,[are city), one of such subcommittee, or any person or persons, faction or political turmoil will arise in con­
aest in the expression of their its representative, having first factions, shall be arbiter for the gress which will split the now uni­
ies and opinions to the effect choice, which choice is to be de- purposes herein named.
ted republican party into fragments,
That the said arbiter shall have while it will unite and consolidate
| the Republicans of Multno -1 termined by lot, as hereinafter pro-
Ji county should speedily settle vided, shall select two judges for power and authority, from the the now incongruous opposition.
themselves these factional dif-1 the primary voting-place in each of time of the acceptance of these It is not feasible to retire the green­
nces in the party, and thus j said wards, and the other of such propositions by your committee to backs; there is more probability
ient an united front to the com- subcommittees, or its representa­ the time of holding such primary that a bill will be sent to the presi­
tive, shall select one judge in each election, to decide all questions dent to increase their amount. It
i enemy:
hereiore, without entering upon of said odd-numbered wards; while with reference to which said com­ is not possible to secure a passage
er any statement or discussion, in wards numbered, respectively, 2, mittees or subcommittees shall dis­ through either house of a bill mak­
b what person or persons, fac-; 4, 6, 8 and 10 (that is to say, in all agree; and to call meetings of said ing the greenbacks into gold notes,
! or factions, if any, are respon- the even-numbered wards of said subcommittees, and his decisions or authorizing bonds payable in
either wholly or in part, for city), said subcommittee, or its thereof shall be final and binding on gold. It will also probably result
unfortunate state of affairs in representative,
second all concerned.
in the passage of a bill for the re-*
republican party of this city choice, shall select two judges for
That said arbiter shall also call demption of the greenbacks in sil­
county, and in the spirit of eu- j each of said even numbered wards, the aforesaid county and city con­ ver dollars and for the payment of
fairness, and solely with the while the other subcommittee, or vention to order, and be temporary all United States bonds in gold or
of bringing about, if possible, its lepresentative, shall select one chairman thereof ; he shall appoint silver coin in the discretion of the
/ of organization and action in judge for each of said even-num- two from each of the 'contending president, who will be commanded
republican party, on a basis bered wards,
factions therein, who, with himself to exercise his option for the ad­
fair and honorable to every
And the question as to which as chairman thereof, shall consti- ! vantage 6f the government, and
blican and all factions, our subcommittee, or its representative, tute the committe on credentials not for the advantago of the cred­
nittee hereby submit to you shall have first choice, and which for such convention.
le consideration of your com- subcommittee, or its representative,
That no proxies shall be used in
“ With such an uproar in con­
* the following propositions, shall have second choice, as afore- said convention, except that in ! gress as these proceedings will cre-
fg for their sole purpose pro- said, shall, unless sooner agreed case of the absence of any delegate ¡ te> with certain congressmen em-
is for a fair primary election, upon by said committees, be deter- a person to act as proxy in his broiled therein, with presidential
held at the proper time next mined by lot, as aforesaid, on or place shall be elected by the dele- vetoes, as threatened by Secretary
in which all republicans before the ioth day of January, gates from the ward for which said Gage, under angry discussion, it
icipate, and at which each 1898, in the presence and under absent delegate was elected; and in will happen that aU business enter­
y faction of the party in the direction of the arbiter, herein- case such absent delegate was prjscs and funds and stocks will be
and county shall be at after named; and said judges shall elected by a precinct, a proxy for disturbed, prices will fall, insolven-
to support their own ticket be named at the time of preparing him shall be selected by the con- cjes wjjj increase and (be republi-
tea to the city aud county the call for said primary election,
ve2.tion-. .
, cans will lose the congressional
That both our comnnttees and ekctions in
aa disastrously
to be held later, for , The judges of election in said 28
jd in l8
and beyond
irpose of nominating candi- election precincts, ontside of the your committee shall pledge to u
of a favorable r a t i o n in
precinct, city and county city, numbered, respectively and abide by the result of such primary j the h
at which
therefore, a
1, including members of the 1 consecutively, from 54 upward to election, and to loyally support th«|
“ Resolved, That the attacks of the
Oregonian upon the city administration
of Portland are a - outrage upon public
decency and an insult to every fair-
minded citizen in this city, regardless of
party affiliations
“ Resolved, That we characterize as
752 *43
B e n to n ............
028 981
C la ck a m a s .....
C la ts o p ........... .
3 159 071
C o lu m b ia .......
1 45 * 176
C o o s .................
04a 929
C u r r y ...............
s « 5.8
798 554
C ro o k ...............
D o u g la s .......... • s 506 707
i 341 4I7
G illia m ...........
G ra n t...............
341 749
2 018 A 7 °m
H a rn e y ........... .
J a c k s o n ..........
4 686 2 1 7 *
J o se p h in e ........
I 280 081
I 545 822
K la m a t h ..........
I 384 694
L u k e .......... .
L a n e ...............
999 435
856 403
L in c o ln .............
L i n n ................... 7 515 365
i 240 225
M a lh e u r...........
8 580 450
M a rio n ............
M o rro w ............, I 518 046
M u ltn o m a h .. . 45 131 149 *
4 468 6 o t
P « lk .................
S h e r m a n ....... .
I 122 786
I 106 997
T illa m o o k .
6 745 409
U m a tilla ..
U n io n .............. .
3 703 503
W a llo w a ..........
I 062 874
W a s c o ...............
3 241 517
W ash in gton.. . . 4 884 730
Y a m h ill............
5 354 824
1 61a 71J
139 570
404 679
82 997
93 560
< 624 30a
J 076 674
1 358 616
J 79 t 451
507 9 «
1 661 733
5 009 SJ,
251 *97
80 586
136 » .i
497 *35
*50 878
1 1 » 5»
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«♦ 770
149 59 «
1 19 993
4 536 6.1
• 160 08»
> 494 078
I 3 ° t 028
6 391 875
5 * 744
»3 666
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57 103
622 865
124 094
9*5 *47
108 937
317 *55
3=5 355
799 300
6 892 500
I tl6 131
5 855 313
1 409 K9
43 813 994
4 143 146 •
996 7 (J
127 021
i l l 456
465 669
355 910
* 5 » 005
228 * 3 *
910 869
3 013 386
369 495
396 3*4
4 515 2 35
4 958 510
It him h it t i
, Large r
[ounces, 1
a, of Ant
to cure of
| by u«in|
> famou
\ disease
H ladies
|ch cow g
ihing to
Llhe farnoi
lod her at
I orders pri
995 541
6 179 740
3 347 593
T o ta ls ............»142 995 590 fS 622 592 $134 372 998
“ They don’t m ake much fuss about it.”
Wa are speaking of De W itt’s Little
E arly Risers, the famous little pills for
constipation, biliousness, and all stomach
and liver troubles. They never gripe.
J . C. C lark, Druggist.
Myers hai
, Pleasant
ictore gave u
| irom crou
kCure.” I
lain remedy 1
t and lung I
Clark, of P 01
Ky. is the c
j safest, and
1 railroad <
| ticket at
I. «gent.
1, of (
lair your
rtis is at
irt stay.
fhultz, man
: the Viav
r. Large ct
f Campbell, 1
I f you are going to Klondike or even thinking
about it, we invite you to call and inspect our im­
mense stock.
W e have an entire floor, 100 feet by 75, devoted
to nothing but Klondike Supplies where you will
find a complete stock of
Blankets, Rubber Goods, Macinaw
Clothing, Shoes, Tents, Sweaters, Fur
Caps, Groceries and Provisions
O f all kinds, at Lowest Prices.
W e deliver every­
thing FREE OF CHARGE at the wharves
either at Portland, Tacoma or Seattle.
Moyer Clothing; Company
3d and Oak Sts.
Irs. David
w year with
k>thes. You
mer, but J
, in any sty
Walker, of
fere the last o
»t for With
is returned
two mont
fine lot of vi
1 of guitar,
¡Abbott & Roe
!8u> of Glei
with h i
“ us
Colic, Cho
1? always affor
i J- C. Clark,
students v,
I holidays are
ffi* Turner,
Nr Faultner
^ke, Miss
1 nuts and 1
r’sHome Bal
Leaders in Hardware
W e carry a complete line of Shelf and Heavy
Hardware, making a specialty of Builders’ Sup­
A good line of Heating and Cooking Stoves.
Anybody wanting the leading plow of the
coast should buy the Benicia Clipper.
W e keep a full line of ammunition, such as
Powder, Shot, Shells, Etc.
D em psey & K an e
p u u it
ham, Miss ,
1 Scriven
and Prof,
fhdayi ¡n porti
I Abbott i
! buying.
8 home i«i in 1
I of »spbyxatioi
1 Portland whe
f ’fomestic. T1
fbund turned i
1 with si