Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, December 23, 1897, Image 5

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, tmé «faJJaiwwa.
8. Hughes A Son have just received a
car load of fine oil cake meal which thev
will sell at Portland prices.
la d ies ___
Report of School Di.trict
the month ending December 17, 1897-
n °. *
enrolled- 24 ; No. of boys en­
rolled^ JO; whole number enrolled 44.
w g h t il9
ou u ‘^
69 ‘_ days; absence,
144 :t days;
aver- :
age daily attendance 36 ; No. of visitors,
18 .—J. r. Fletcher, Teacher.
Jackson is Agent for Witheam Shirts.
Ablw tt & Roe couldn't get time to
write any locals this week without hir-
mg extra clerks, so many are in their
store all die time buying Xmas presents.
tsty Pur®
The Oregon Independent, published
at Salem, the home of Col. Hofer, s[,eaks
of Baron Munchausen as being the great­
est liar that ever lived. Another proof
that a prophet is not without honor save
j in hie own country.
Just received a fine lot of violins, also
a full assortment of guitar, violin and
banjo strings at Abbott & Roe’s.
, »o««* 0 0 wrw YOWÍ*
| W hy suffe; with Coughs, Colds, and
I LaGr‘ Pt>e when L ax ative R komo Q ui -
1 n i n e will cure you in one day. Does
not produce the ringing in the head like
1111 sums to suit. Rooms Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets
1 Building, Hillsboro, Or. j convenient for taking. Guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents.
ISaylor, Monday, sold to ! For sale by J. C. Clark.
to be delivered at
f.hred Cotswold mnttoa I Mr. J. L. Mitchell who has visited
Lgi-egate weight being j here several times and on each occasion
coming here as an organizer for a differ­
ent insurance society, has turned up in
jfresh fruits at Macrnm's. Sherman county in the interests of the
of New W hatcom , Protected Home Circle..
ijring visit to the Grove
Just received a nice line of dry goods
at Boos’.
rfChinaware ja st recieved
ll»as presents.
I flittle ja c k Homer, who sat in the corner
Had tasted Mrs. Krieder’s mince pies,
He’d mention no others to sisters or brothers
But laud those of hers to the skies.
tof Antiquity, O ., was for
sdlessly tortured by phy-
AA heat still continues uncertain on ac­
¡icnre of ecrem». He was
|tir using D eW itt’s Witch count of the excessive freight rates to
iffsmous healing salve for Liverpool, Oregon’s market. It costs
I diseases. J. C. Clark, now 26 fo 28 cents a bushel to get it
there with tonnage at 43 shillings 9
pence, the highest in years. If the old
[pi, being built for Mr.
rates were in vogue wheat here instead
smaker, on Main street, of being in the sixties would be over 80
1 barber shop.
cents a bushel.
(girl a bcx of Bon Bons
Greer kerps the “ stuff” for a big fat
Xm as dinner.
have built a wooden
100 spotted cats on exhibition at Bald­
sidewalk in front of
win Bros.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
to talk with Mrs.
Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt
Ithe (imous home rem edy,
relief. For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist.
I her at home on Satur-
Mr. C. M. Keep, formerly president of
iders promptly attended
the Bank of Forest Grove but now hold­
ing a similar relation to the Exchange
eof the Rathbone Sis-
& Safe Deposit Co. of Fort Steel, B. C.,
»last night. Mrs. J. A .
in the Kootenai gold country, was in the
■ ellent chief; Mrs. Liz-
Grove from Friday to Monday, looking af­
Jtllentsenior; Mrs. J. A.
ter business interests here. Mr. H. D.
Bt junior; Mrs. La-
Stewart who was cashier in the bank here
r of the tem ple; Mrs.
is now with the Safe Deposit Co. and hik­
tress of finance; Mrs.
ing a course in mining engineering and as
btresi of records and cor-
his industry, thoroughness and perse­
IMrs. Hards, manager;
verance are well known there is no doubt
y, outside guard. Instal­
but what he will be successful in hischo-
ls at the next meeting.
sen line for the country there offers a rich
| Pleasant Ridge, O., says, field. During the summer Mr. Stewart
i gave up my hoy to die j will occupy himself with assaying which
from croup by using One pays from <20 to <20 a day and accord­
Cure." It is the quickest ingly is a very’ desirable occupation.
n remedy for coughs, cold 6 For this work he is particularly well
1 lung troubles. J. C. qualified.
Death of Mrs. Abbie Staver. •
Meeting Notices.
Mrs. Abbie AV.<lker S aver, wife of Rev.
S K S T I V A U K S T . JO H N T H K E V A N
Dauiel Staver, died at her home here
On M o n ^ y ,
D ec. 17, at 10
M ake your husband save $ 2.00 to $5.00. I t ’s yours Wednesday o f cerebral anaemia, aged 44.
o ’c lo c k t h f r e w ill b e « jo iu t in s ta lla tio n o i th e
She and Rev. Mr. Staver were married
o ffice rs o f H o lb ro o k lo d g e n u m b e r v>, A . F &
if he saves it. H ere is the w ay to do it. O ur
in Maiue, in October, 1875, and started
A . M. an l a f P o rtâ t C h a p te r N o . 4a, O. K . S . in
immediately to Turkey having both re­
‘ th e M a s t« c h a ll ia P u rest O ro T e . A t ic e - li­
ceived appointments as missionaries to
b e ra o f th e a e o rd e rs a h o m a y fin d it c o n v e n ie n t
that country. Two children were barn
to a tte n d a re r e s p e c tfu lly in v ite d .
to them in Turkey, but died in infancy.
Mrs. Staver would have remained in
Turkey, but the climate disagreed with
'^ ^ X c o n v a u e i a M a so n ic h a ll, F o re st G ro v e *
her health, and she came here in the
on F r id a y e v e u iu g . D ec. «4, a t 7:30 p. m . fo r
hopes of recuperating.
Rev. Mr. Staver has been a resident of th e p u rp o s e o f c o n fe rrin g th e d e g re e . A ll p a s t
m a s te rs a r e lr a te r n a lly in v ite d to be p re se n t.
A re ju st that much cheaper, and better too, than any j Oregon for about 12 years. He was pas­
tor of the Hassalo-street church, in Port­
G A L E G R A N G E .— In s ta lla tio n o f o ffice rs o n
other in tow n. D o n 't fail to see the greatest
land, for two years, and pastor o f the N e w Y e a r ’s D a y at 10 o ’c lo c k a m in M a s o n ic
Congregational church here and at h a ll, F o re s t G ro v e .
Astoria for several years.
Ask your dealers for Crescent flour-
Mrs, Slaver’s father, mother and a
AVhy not use the best in the market when
sister live in Maine.
it is the same price?
The fuueral services will be conducted
O vercoat in A m erica. O th er dealers ch arge $1.500.
at the home by Rev. Cephas F. Clapp,
D entistry.
We caary a complete line of E lo ndike outfits at 11 o'clock F'riday morning. Inter­ Dr. R. H. Hovey having located in
ment will be in the Naylor cemetery.
Forest Grove for the practice o f denti“trv
Men’s Suits
Men’s Overcoats
$ 10.00
The Famous Clothing House
takes this method of informiug the puo-
D eath o f Mr». AV. D B ra y .
lie tl: 2t he is prepared to do any work in
Mrs AA’. D Bray, ag.d ;o, died at her hat line. Qffice in Ingles & Porter’%
home here of heart disease at 5 o'clock
Tuesday morning
Her father, Rev.
John Jones, was a p.oaiiiKat. Baptist
G te e i’s groceries are pure and fresh.
minister of Indianapolis, Ind. A hus
The New Home sewing machine leads
band , two daughters— the wife of E. W.
others, light ranning, simple, dur­
Hadley, formerly superintendent of the
Oregon Pacific railroad of Sant« Bar­ able and beautiful. Warranted. Smith*
bara, Cal., and Mrs H. C. Day, of For­ the furniture man keeps them and you
est Grove— and a son, J. J. Bray, of can buy cheape- of him than of any o n e
else. Call and see kirn before buying,
Carson C ity, Nev., survive her.
Mrs. Bray was married at In dian a,. elsewhere.
olis, Ind., in 1S50. She was oue of the
I t heals everyt. ing except a broken
J. C.
early pioneers of Iowa. She came to liaart, aiav be said of De W itt’s W itch
Oregon sir years ago, residing success­ H a sd Salve. Piles and rectal diseases,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
ively in Corvallis, Portland and Forest cuts, burns and bruises, tetters, eczema
Avery Porter, at his farm near town,
and all skin troubles may be cured by it
AVheat 69 cents.
The funeral was held et ti o'clock quickly and permanently. J. C. C lark,
has 200 cotds of dry oak and fir wood
Ross Pratt returned home last night Tuesday morning. Interment was in
which he will deliver at market price.
from Seattle to spend the holiday?.
the Hill cemetery. Rev. Mr. Starr can-
The Clondyke social by the Christian
Bridge Notice.
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s. ducted the services.
A. P. S. C. E. in A’erts hall Friday
T h e r e w ill b e le t to th e lo w est b id d e r on W e d ­
n e s d a y , J u n e 5, 1898, at 2 o ’c lo c k p . m ., a t th e
Leave orders with Hayden Bros, for
night was a novel entertainment which
a t Ih e C o u rt H o u se o f W a sh in g to n
was not as well patronized as it deserved Xmas turkeys.
CARSTENS-SHGWERS.— A t the res­ C c o o u u u rt ty room
, O ie g o n , a c o n tra c t fo r b u ild in g a b r id g e
idence of Mr. AA’ . H. H. Myers Tuesday ac ro ss D a ir y C r e e k a t, or n e a r, th e C a rs te u s
to be. The benches along the walls were
For Ladies’ Kangaroo calf, front lace
covered with white cloth to give the ap­ shoes, special sale < 2 . 50 , see Gregg’s Dec. 21 , at 12 o’clock m., Christian Cars- B ro s, s a w m ill iu said c o u u ty . S p e cifica tio n s
tens and Mrs. Am y L. Showers, Rev. ca n b e se e n a t th e c l e r k ’s o ffice on o r a fte r Ja n .
pearance of snow mountains and in front show window.
Dan’l Staver officiating. The ceremony 5, 1*98. T h a C o m m issio n e rs c o u rt re s e rv e th e
of these were heaps of sawdust divided
To Kent.— A good farm. Inqnire of was witnessed by a few immediate rela­ r ig h t to re je c t a n y o r a ll bids.
into “ claims” where each might dig,
D ate d th is D ec. 22, 1894.
tives and upon its conclusion Mr. and
with a tiny tin shovel given him, for ! Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Or.
B y o r d e r o f th e C o m m issio n ers co u rt.
B. P. C orn b l iu b .
painted pebbles called nuggets. The
The finest display of stoves in the city Mrs. Curstens departed for their home
C o u n ty Ju d g e .
near Gaston.
one finding the most of these received at Tom Madigan’s.
a prize but, as several of the boys
N otice.
Fresh Eastern oysters at K rieder’s
Don’t forget that Abbott & Roe are
pooled their claims, it went differently
Home Bakery.
Every article of tinware manufactured
than the entertainers intended. Hor­
by the Lisk Manufacturing Company
Leave orders today with Hayden Bros, and quality guaranteed.
ace Thomas was the fortunate one. Re­
absolutely guaranteed and warranted not
freshments were served but not of the
Ammunition and smokeless shells of a l l ; to rust, and each and every piece of their
kind the Klonbikers usually have.
Crescent flour is guaranteed by the kinds at S. Hughes & Son.
ware that does not prove positively auti-
Ed. Crang came home from Baker City rusting may be returned to the dealer
Remember Baldwin Bros, give supper dealers who handle it.
for the dance Christmas Eve.
Go see that anti-rust tinware at 8. Tuesday to be at home ¿luring the holi­ from whom it was purchased and ex­
days. Miss Sadie Crang is also here changed for new goods free of cost. For
Go to Reynolds’ for watch, clock and Hughes & Son’s. I t’s good.
from Astoria.
sale by S. Hughes & Son.
jewelry repairing at reasonable prices.
Shaving 10 cents, hair cutting 25 cents
Second door North of Boos’ .
at the Diamond Shaving Parlor, one
For Sale .—160 acres, quarter of mile
Home Bakery for a good meal.
from Gales Creek road and same dis­
Mrs. S. T. Crow, who went to Port­ door north of Hayden & Buxton's
Fresh candies at Baldwin Bros.
tance from schoolhouse. Title jieriect.
land to see her daughter, Ollie Hoffman, meat market. Good work and courteous
start for California, returned this morn­ attention.— Allen & Sears, Proprietors.
Andrew Sehocli came home Tuesday. House and barn. < 2.50 an acre. In-
Xmas presents at Brisbine’s C ity drug He has been playing “ Uncle Tom ” in quireof John Heisler, Gales Greek. 39-41
Cost! Cost! Cost!
J. C. Clark, The Druggiy’, ,vill, the rest of
the week, close everything in Xmas line
store. The finest in town, selling at
A fresh line of Xmas candies and
less than Portland prices. Everything
fruits at Baldwin Bros.
, first class and nothing old, all new and
Go to Langley & Son, altorneys-at- up to date. It will cost you nothing to
law, for all kinds of legal work.
look at them and you probably will
The Cong. Y. P. S. C. E. had a very ; find just What you want at a cost less
pleasant social last nig..t at the home of than you expected.
“ Uncle Tom ’s C abin,” and in the "O ld
If you are troubled with Catarrh, Sore-
Homestead” with a company touring throat, Cough, Disease of the Lungs or
Rheumatism, consult Dr. C. E . Geiger.
Handmade chocolate creams and taffy
The Rathbone sisters had a sex contest
candies at Krieder’s Home Bakery.
last night, the ladies d rivin g six uails
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s. and the gentlemen sewing six buttons.
Grant Hughes lias purchased the Pfan- The best time for the buttons was 2 min.
ner telephone line to Hillsboro and ex­ 39 sec. but ihe third contestant, Mr.
seconds longer,
pects to put in a telephone at Corneliu-, Frank K ans who was
and one or two at Hillsboro. The line got the prize on account o f the excel­
to Tillam ook is up to Harris’ anu will lence ot his work. Mrs. D. H. Thomas
be to Tillamook by the end of the was the winning lady, finishing in 1 min.
50 sec.
Dr. Armstrong.
Go to Hughes & Son for air tight
Call any time and get a meal, day or stoves.
night, at Baldwin Bros.
Cigars and tobacco at Baldwin Bros.
Just received, a fancy line of coffees at Best for the money.
Wanted— To exchange a three year-
1 Tongue has been ap- old mare, broken to ride or drive, tor a Greer’s.
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s.
fcrof the committee on mare five or six years old, well broken to
Mrs. I. AA’ . Patterson W’as called to
The finest Xmas gifts are from Bris-
J lands, of which Con- drive single, that will weigh about ten Hillsboro Tuesday on account of the ill­
Don’ t forget the special sale of cloaks
Postmaster Marsh visited Portland
hine’s. The best quality, the latest
* chairman, and of the 1 or eleven hundred, will take a horse but ness of her brother-in-law, Mr. Charles ideas and the lowest prices for the grade. and capes at Haines & Bailey’s.
furniture. Mr. Ellis is prefer a mare. Call at this office.
You can get exjiensive goods or low
Special sale in ladies cloaks and capes
^ election Jan. to. Tim e for nom-
I republican memlter of
Fresh cove oysters, nuts and all kinds
The largest line of jewelry outside of priced, we have both, but all are cheap at Haines & Bailey’s.
c«*c o i »oon-
■ public lands. Senator of candies at Krieder’sHome Bakery.
Portland at J. A. Brisbine’s Drug store. at our figures.
Miss Rowcn o f Castle Rock and Miss
Coroner Large was called to Hillsboro
of the comm ittee
Try Golden Rod Hour at Greer’s.
Officers of Forest Tent No. 21 , K. O. Just received from Chicago.
■ and a member of the
Saturday noon by the sudden death of Agues Johnson of Kalam a returned
Parties going East or Soutli should get
Annans in the county clerk ’s home AVednesda^. The former will come
Indian depredations, T. M., elected Tuesday were; A. D. Al­
Ask H lines & Bailey for their new
a ticket over the S. P. K y. I. AV. Patter­ Buck wheat flour.
pMic lands.
office, but deemed au inquest unnees- ; back but ill health will prevent Miss
Johnson’s return.
Com.; H. A. Crosley, record keei^r; E. son, agent.
1 h the oldest railroad, J. Boos, finance keeper; AA’ . N. Sears,
Money to loan on well improved
Forest Grove town team will play the
Mrs. Luelling who has been residing
For fresh bread, cakes, pies, and every­
»t, and most accomo- chaplain; Dr. Geiger, physician; Geo.
fai ins at 8 j>er cent. Apply to Mary F.
McMinnville boys a game of football at
|uilroad on the Pacific Bacon, Sergeant; L. M. Sparks, master
M innville next Tuesday.
Grove Tuesday and w ill again make this
go to Krieder's Home Bakery.
**t at Hatchet office. at arms; J. J. AA’irtz, past commander;
It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy
city her home.
Hans Peterson, first, J. K. Hayden, sec­
AA’aters & Banks make a specialty of to get rid of it if you commence early to
ning order now and is prepared to gum
Any one wanting Xmas gifts, call at
ond, masters of the guard; AA. P.
use One Minute Cough Cure. I t cures
saws and do other work in that line, j home-made corn meal and Graham.
Pair your shoes neatly. Thomas, sentinel; J. H. Weecott, picket; Smith’s and get a cobbler-seat rocker.
He also has I is iron lathe in working or­
Notwithstanding this i , the slack sea
bronchitis, pneumonia
“ fton, a well known Geo. Bacon, G. AA’. Hines and K.
Louis Roy, who lives in Eastern Ore­ der. Gqve him a call.
son of the year Dr. Hiatt, Forest Grove’s aud all throat . and lung
, , troubles.
^renter, died a t his Staehr, trustees. Six candidates were
ith work pleasant to take, safe to use and sure to
gon, is visiting this week at the home of
Call at the hardware store of S. Hughes | skilled dentist, is rushed
ptn on Sunday, aged initiated and then the tent adjourned to
I cure. J. C . C lark, Druggist.
Mrs. Grant Hughes, his cousin.
& Son and examine their stock o f never ' His dental parlors have been enlarged
w d in this county Baldwin Bros, for a midnight lunch.
Mr*. Mary Bird, H arrisburg,Pa.,says.
The liest Christmas present in the rust tinware. Something new and su- j and now furnish elegant quarters. The
D on’t forget to look at Abbott & Roe s world for a wife or husband is a set of perior to anything ever offered ia the Doctor has quite an institute of learning I ” My child i* worth millions to m e; yet I
and has graduated many proficient dent- would have lost her by croup had not I
those new harness at Hinman’s.
manager of Wash- ( samples of carpet before buying.
ists. A son o f Dr Wni. Geeger, the old- j invested twenty-five cents in a K ittle of
plhe Viavi company, is ! Go to Haines & Bailey’s and get one
At C o s t .— Everything in the Christ­
Haines & Bailey would respectfully
^*rge cottage east of o f those cloaks or capes white their mas line at cost at J. C. Clark’s drug call your attention to their special sale, j est practicioner in Oregon, is one o f his One Minute Cough C ure.” It cures
■ ch .
present pupils and is m aking rapid prog­ coughs, colds and all threat and lung
troubles. J. C . Clark, Druggist.
I special sale is on.
The winter session of the State Teach- ( ress.
f ’ ear with new resolu-
Jim Rther and Jim Harris were in tow n ers’ association will lie held in Portland, I
Monday, D>c. 27 , is the festival of
Miss AHie Hughes, Norfolk, V a., was
You will have to 8t. John t ie Evangelist, a day usually Tuesday, having driven over along the commencing Tuesday evening, Dec. 28 , I Small pill, safe pill, best pill. D eW itt’s
burned on the face and neck,
nut Jackson can observer! by Masons with their mstana­ Wilson river route putting up the Tilla­ and continuing over the 29 th and 30 th.
relieve«! by IJeWitt's
'•many style.
mook telephone line. They found 1.0 Reduced rates have been securer! at a
tions. Forest Grove blue lodge w ith tb
D .u lgist
Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the
number of the hotels and the Southern
__ j ; injury without leaving a scar. It is the
l°n paper speaks as Eastern Star chapter, an order of adop
p.,e reme(ly _ j .
C . C lark,
the road and no washouts.
There * a time for everything,
1 Grove people who
the time to attend to a cold is when it 1
t h e i r hall at 10 o’clock in the morning
[^mining; •'In g a lls &
starts. Don’t wait till you have consump-
an-up iast week at t and the Hillsboro bodies will meet in fered for eight years from <lyspe|>eia and
New line o f Smyrna rugs just in for tion but prevent it by using One Min-
Moments are useless ,! tnfled aw ay;
chronic constipation and was finally the Holidays. Geo. L. Smith.
their hall at the same hour.
below Merlin, and
ute Gough Cure, the great remedy for and they are dangerously wasted if con-
wnshed showed a , For X . Lence durability and cheap cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early
roughs. colds, croup, bronchitis and all snrned by delay in cases where One
Good roasted coffee in bulk at 12 % to
This is good when j ness, Abbott & Roe', new and .econ - Risers, the famous little pills for all
throat and lung troubles. J. O. C lara, Minute Gough Cure would bring imme­
stomach and liver troubles. J. C. Clark, 36 centa. Also a freah line of teaa at
diate relief. J. C. Clark, druggist.
■ tion that the , hand furniture X . L ’a.
*re m illing is
R. H. ------------
dentist. _ ^
k J l . *v.
J -
A Pair of Shoes makes a NICE XMAS PRESENT, Before
ig See GREGG’S SHOW WINDOW, It w ill pay you.