Washing! jO U E S T G ltO V E , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y . DECKMHKK 1«, i 8 i>7. mas Fresante Smith’s No. EASY CHAIRS, ROCKERS, . . . BAMBOO GOODS, S M Y R N A RUGS, PICTURES . . . AND PICTURE FRAMES p ro fessio n a l C ards. LOOK AT ME NOW. dr . C. E . G E IG E R , HEOPATHIC p h y s ic ia n One year ago last Februaiy I was taken down with Sciatic Rheumatism. I finally had | to resort to crutches. I suf­ fered excruciating pain. I | took Vitae Ore and am with­ out pain, and can sleep as well as I ever could. My kidneyB were vefy bad and bothered me very much, and that is all removed. I now feel as well as I ever did. You can inquire of any bus­ iness man in town and he will tell you the same as I have said in regard to my afflic­ tions. I will publish more testimonials that reside in Ore­ gon soon for the good of the human family. I keep Vitae Ore on hand. Try it. It cured me, and it will cure you if you use it ac­ cording to directions. NELSON L a COURSE, General Agent, Forest Grove, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED. and surg eo n Lind residence, Bowlby house, P Pacific ave., west of Forest Grove hotel. I FOREST GROVE, OREGON. si attention paid to M edical and Surgical a of Women and C h ild re n and a ll chronic |P . ARMSTRONG, M. D. (Successor to Dr. W ard,) e snd residence in Doctor W ard’s |t house on Pacific avenue. ¡cial attention given to Diseases of Women. it Grove, Oregon. i N ix o n , D E N T IS T , FOREST GROVE plinto4 p . m . OREGON. g Street m .H. T o n g u e E. B. T o n g u e N otary Public THOS: H. & E. B. TONGUE I t t o r n e Y - A T - L A w H il l s b o r o , O r e g o n [Rooms 3 , 4 and 5 , Morgan Block SMITH & BOWMAN,. ORNEYS-AT-LAW, I Notarial Work and Conveyancing. & 7 Morgan B lk . H IL L S B O R O , O r . LANGLEY & SON I ttokneys Taken in time, Vitae Ore in an infalli­ ble cure lor diphtheria. a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t law Collections a specialty, e:—Up-stairs, rooms 1, 2 and 3, W agne: Building. |X . T h o m p s o n F bed C. T [Mr. La Course is p ersonally knows to me as a reliable man, and the story o f his suffering and cure is w ell-know n to the citizens of this community to be tru e . —Editor.] h o m pson FINANCIAL AGENTS • FOR INVESTO RS AN D BORROW ERS N E G O TIA TE D THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE. PROPERTIES MANAGED I Lung Troubles and Consumption Can be Jfaverfected and C o n veyan cin g. Trust and pcelegal business transacted . Notary Public. Cured. THOMPSON & SON RUES! GROVE, - - . An Eminent New York Chemist and Scientist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers. OREGON fated--$oo Farmers TO BUY HAS,NESS . . AT . . man’s Harness Shop ON MAIN STREET. *P a stock of harness, whips, s> and everything else kept in a st-class harness shop. Also ie a specialty of all kinds of airing. C. V. BA N K S. ft-W A T E R S. UTERS & B A N K S _ P R O P R IE T O R S O F [fed C hopping Mill CHOPPING ON T H U R S D A Y [ CUSTOM g r i n d i n g a s p e c ia l t y H IL L S B O R O H IL L S B O R O . Prof. Wall visited friends in Portland Saturday evening and Sunday. He brought out some new instruments for the band. John Gault returned to Corvallis Mon­ day morning after a few days’ visit at home. W. D. Smith and H. T. Bagley trans­ acted legal business at Forest Grove Tuesday evening. L. K . Adams, formerly of the law firm of Barrett & Adams, is now located at Skagway, Alaska. Circuit Court will probably close up the business of the term by the last of ^ Grain and a ll k in d s o f F lo u r and M ill Feed this week. The jury was discharged ^Master, Seeds, R o ck S alt, S ack s and Sack Wednesday a. m. T w in e. C. A. Showers was transacting busi­ | °°d *awin;r done a s ch e ap as th e cheapest. ness and visiting relatives here and at Goods delivered in a n y p a rt o f city, Forest Grove this week. He talks of go­ “fe>T GKOYK, . . . OK*CO¥ ing to Alaska in the near future. Mrs. T. F. Brown is very low and little [Bundreds of thousands have been in- hopes are entertained for her recovery. ^ to try Chaim berlain’s Cough gales spu r . ledy by reading for others, and hav- J tested its merits for themselves are Mr. Hi Naylor has been visiting I t *ts warmest friends. For sale by friends here for the past week. r C' Clark, druggist. Mrs. John Dethlefs has been visiting her daughter at Blooming for several D E A L E R S IN the Best 1 the Lowest days. John Haney was at the Spur last Sat­ urday and took the evemng tram for Beaverton intending to stop over night and go from there to Portland. Mrs. Darling Smith, of Patton \ alley was at the Spur one day last week on business. The Gaston Milling Co. is haying some “ring N e x t door East of trouble with their mill race- It ,s cav‘ in some places and breaking out ^ Specialty Dr. Large’s Office into the river in' others, but they am at work on on it and will soon have :t all right Tour . --- hooch W C o ic ------ ire tt. work 1 » rr... . . . ith . . . ----- »m » < lA * K ij ceaetlfailon (»rev»» l ■* a a c . a k l i ar^Tr*î.î.pti-w»ciiw 1 ■** |E. BURTON ft and Shoe Maker P U B L IC The Spur is not going to be left out in the cold. She is to have a telephone line from S. N. Miller’s to F. W. John­ son’s with a side track to E. i*. McCor­ mick’s but at last account it was not working from some cause but we pre­ sume that the boys will get it fixed all right. Mr. Joseph Beal, of Washington, is visiting with his brother Geo. Beal. Sherry Johnson writes from California that he likes the country very well and that he has a good prospect for work. Farm wages are $30 per month. Ora Kay has returned from Walla Walla where he has been attending school. Ill health was the cause of his return. G IL L E Y . We were treated to an excellent ser­ mon by Kev. Mr. Rice, of Forest Grove, Sunday. Mr. B. D. Wilcox went to Hillsboro on Wednesday’s train. Mr. W. K. Newell left for Portland Monday. Sam Aplin made a buisness trip to Portland Tuesday. The sawmill will Itegin operations again as soon as the water permits. P rep aratio n s have been m ade for a C hristm as tree a t th e M. E. c h u rc h . The foot-ball team went to Hillsboro and played a good game and were defeated by a score of 8 to 10. Thinking that defeat was not enough, some of their number, especially the younger one«, dis­ graced themselves by satisfying their thirst in a very improper way. SCH O O L B U IL D IN G . Mrs. Janeway’s daughter arrived from her home in Washington Saturday. Grover Hagey and wife made a trip to Hillsboro Monday. The Free Methodists are holding a series of meetings in the Friends’ church. It is reported that I)r. Saylor will give a party at the new- drug store on Friday next. Miss Smock went to Portland Satur­ day for a few days’ stay. J. Biggs was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for stealing money from George Croissant. Gertie Hodson, of LaFavette, is visit­ ing her sister, Mrs. Lucy Young. “ They don’t make much fuss about it.” Wa are speaking of De W itt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles. They never gripe. J. C. Clark, Druggist. ’VARSITY ITEM S. Prof. Nash and wife,of Pacific. Theolog­ ical Seminary, Oakland, California, vis­ ited Pacific University Thursday and Friday of last week. Friday morning the professor ad«ire«sed the student liody and in the afternoon those interested in his line of work. A reception was given to the professor and his wife Friday evening at Herrick Hall by the members of the faculty and their wives. Rev. Cephas Clapp attended chapal Friday morning. Always glad to see him. Arrangements are completed for an intercollegiate debate between Portland SH ERW O O D. and Pacific Universities. The debate Dec. 14.—The pile-driver is again sta- ^ will take pla-e in Portland some iirac ^ re . next month. Gamma Sigma will be represented by A. D. Schoch, J. E. Kirkwood and John Miller. Great interest is being taken by both literary societies this year in debate, and Friday evening will witness a great for­ ensic struggle between Philos and Gam­ mas. The former will be represented by Miss Parker as principal, colleagues, Misses Gleason and Wilkinson, while John Miller, J. E. Kirkwood and Lynn Lancefield will represent Gamma Sigma. The question for debate is, “ Resolved that the work of Hamilton has done more for our country than that of Jef­ ferson.” Philo has the altirmative and Gamma Sigma defends Jefferson. A good literary program will also he ren­ dered. Thursday afternoon at one o’clock the Freshman and Sophomore rhetoricals will occur in the auditorium. The pub­ lic is invited. Friday evening at 7 :30 the Seniors and Juniors will display their literary gems to the public in the auditorium of Marsh Hall. The party given by the members of the Ladies Boarding club at the resi­ dence of Mrs. Yoder a few evenings ago was a pleasant affair. The evening was spent in playing games after which re­ freshments were served. A novel feat- nre was a word guessing contest in which Miss Hattie Yoder carried off first prise while the booby fell to Miss Agnes Johnson. The distinguished New York chem ist, T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his discov­ ery of u reliable and absolute cure far Consumption (Pulmonary T uberculosis) and all bronchial, throat lung a n d cheat diseases, stubborn coughs, c a ta rra l affec tions, general decline and w eakness, loos of flesh, and all conditions of wastiiqt away, will send THREE FR EE BOT­ TLES (all different) of hia New D iscov­ eries to any afflicted reader of th e H a V- c u r t writing for them. Hia “ New Sci­ entific Treatment” has cured thousand* permanently by its timely use, and ha considers it a simple professional d u ty to suffering humanity to d o n ate a tria l a t his infalliahle cure. Science daily develops new wonders^ and th is g re a t ch em ist, p a tie n tly cxp< Il­ m en 11 n g for years, h as produced resolte as beneficial to h u m a n ity as can b-> claim ed by an y m odern genius. Hia as­ sertion th a t lu n g tro u b les a n d consump­ tion are cu rab le in an y clim ate ia pro.cn by “ h e a rtfe lt le tte rs o f g ra titu d e ,” £ ’ ‘d in h is A m erican a n d E uropean labor sto ­ ries in th o u sa n d s from those cured in ail p a rts o f th e w orld. M edical e x p e rts concede th a t bronchi*!, c h est a n d lu n g tro u b les lead to C on­ su m p tio n , w h ich , u n in terru p ted , means speedy a n d ce rta in d eath . Sim ply w rite to T. A. Slocum , M. C-, 98 Pure stre e t, New Y ork; giving post- office an d ex p ress address, and th e free m edicine will be p ro m p tly sent. Suffer­ ers should ta k e in s ta n t a d v an ta g e of Ids g enerous proposition. Please tell th e d o cto r th a t you saw U s offer iu th e H a TCHUT. - y y r a n m u — s e v e r a l f a i t h f u l m k k j Women to travel (or responsible llih ed hou»e tn Oregon. «»Iary ( 7 HO, SIA weekly an