Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, December 09, 1897, Image 5

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    ¿ e food p a r e ,
a t ta d d tlie io m t
hav« just received a
car toad of fine oil cake meal
. l
will «ell at Portland priced
A large fruit-grower in Nelson has (ac
t a tin vessel containing ordinary
gas ar hung on each of his apple trees
he i dr“ *
u m' th0d ° f Ptctentiug
A rerv s i r
int° h>* fruit.
A trery small percentage of his fruit was
ouched by the codlin mothi whi)e tha{
m the neighboring orchards was com-
pletely destroyed. He did nothing else
whatever to his trees.
Those hand-made harnesses at Him
man's can’t be beat.
lutaty Puro
Mrs J L. Gregg pleasantly enter-
amed a few friends Tuesday evening at
the home of Dr. Armstrong with a pro­
gressive heart party. Dainty refresh-
ments were served during the evening
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. £.
Gregg, the Misses Armstrong, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Bailey, Mesdames Hallett
Abend and Jones, Miss Contria, Messrs
Geo. R. Hughes, Treve Jones and Aus-
tin Craig.
Just received a fine lot of violins, also
a full assortment of guitar, violin and
banjo strings at Abbott & Roe’s.
sums to suit. Rooms
lding, Hillsboro, Or.
^Mi. and Mrs. John Johnson, of North
\ arnhilt, spent Sunday with Mr. H. B.
jphard, of Modesta, Johnson’s family.
i aunt, Mrs. 8 . T.
Waterproof leather oil, also fish and
urn borne in about a neatsfoot oil at Boos.
is,of Antiquity, O., was for
needlessly tortured by phy-
•e cure of eczema. H e was
by using DeW itt’s Witch
the famous healing salve for
diseases. J. C. Clark,
Dr. Nixon’s office has been improved
with a new sheathing of weather boards.
Look out for Christmas goods at
Sm ith’s Furniture store next week. The
place to get useful as well as beautiful
l a d ie s
. . . .
English walnuts at Greer’s.
Hillsboro Election*.
E. W. Haines was in Hillsboro Wed­
Phoenix lodge, No. 34, K. of P.—C.C.,
nesday on business.
T. M. Keiso; V. C., James Cave; pre­
Make your husband save $2.00 to $5.00. I t ’s yours
Gale Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, late, H. T. Lat .am ; M. of W., L. A.
if he saves it. Here is the way to do it. Our
at its meeting Saturday elected the fol­ Long; M. of F.. George Schulmerich;
lowing officers for the ensuing year: A. M. of G., John F. Carstens; K. of R.
T. Buxton, master; J. B. Prickett, over­ ami S., O. B. Gates; M. at A., George
seer; James Shepherd, steward; Alvin It. Bagley; I. G., W. J. Benson ; O. U .,
Haines, assistant steward; Mrs. Janies John M. Wall; trustee, R. H. Greer.
Hillsboro lodge, No. 01, A. O. U. W.—
Shepherd, lady assistant steward; Mrs.
Orla Buxton, lecturer; Hon. David M. W., \V. O. Donaldson; foreman, J.
Smith, chaplain; M. E. Dilley, gate­ M. Greer; overseer, W. J. Benson; re­
keeper; Austin Craig, secretary; Levi corder, W. II. Wehrung; financier, W.
Smith, treasurer; Mr*. M. E. Dilley, D. Hare; receiver, Peter Boscow.
Montezuma lodge, No. 60, 1. O. O. F.
Flora; Mrs. Martha ilisbee, Ceres; Mrs.
Are just that much cheaper, and better too, than any Alvin Haines, Pomona. The installa­ —N. G., Calvin Jack; V. G., Jerome
tion will occur New Year’s day. Unu­ Falmateer; secretary, D. M. C. Gault;
other in town. Don’t fail to see the greatest
sual interest was taken in the selection treasurer, W. H. Wehrung.
Men’s Suits
Men’s Overcoats
Overcoat in America.
of tlieso officers as tho state grange will
Fun! Fun! At Yerts hall December
meet in Forest Grove vrlile they are in 10 .
Other dealers charge $1.500.
We caary a complete line of Klondike outfits.
The Famous Clothing House
J. C. Clark, The Druggist,
Is in the field again with the largest stock of Xmas
Goods that ever came into Foaest Grove. Space will not
permit itemizing the full assortment, but it consists of
Albums, Celluloid Goods of all kinds; Toilet Sets, (all
kinds and prices), Xmas Cards, Etc., Etc. Call before
buying elsewhere.
Yours for honest treatment,
J. C.
Large assortment of window shades at C L O S IN G O U T S A L E
Abbott ft Roe’s, get prices and if you
Of Ladies' Jackets and Capes
are in need you will buy.
, $ 7.50 Jackets for.................................. $ 5 . 50 '
“ ................................. $4 00
Ask Haines ft Bailey for their new ,$ 6 .oo
¡i5 «>
'* .............. $3 5»'
Buck wheat flour.
! $4 ° °
f 3 -oo.
A queer proceeding is that noted iu
Call early and make your selectiou as
this week’s court house news where bargains like these ure snapped up
Ledrick s admiuistrator is "authorized quickly.
to employ counsel to assist in prosecut­
W o o ds , C a pi . es & T homas
ing the party accused of the murder.”
The probate judge has very strauge ideas
Ask your dealers for Crescent flour.
of what are legitimate expenses of ad­ Why not use the best in the market when
Washington county is it is the same price?
not so lawless that private aid is ujeded
Surprise Party at Dilley.
to assist the state in prosecuting crimi­
evening about twenty of Miss
nals. If the prosecuting attorney
must have an assistant let the CJUHty | Stella Richardson’s young friends gavo
court foot the bill and not tax it on the her a very onjoyable surprise party at
estate of a dead man. It is enough that [ her home. Games were played until
the estate had to offer a reward for the eleven o’clock when the guests wero
murderer’s arrest. If convction should ushered into the dinning room where re­
be secured we will probably hear that freshments were served. They were
"the administrator has been authorized to i then entertained by tho hostess and
euiploy a hangman to assist the sheriff others with vocal and instrumental
in executing the party convicted of the music until twelve o’clock when tho
murder of the said John D. Ledrick ” ! guests returned to their respective
Great are the powers of the probate judge liomeB, each thinking that he had en­
joyed the most successful party of tho
and wonderfully are they exercised.
Money to loan ou well improved
farms at S per cent. Apply to Mary F.
Fun ahead ! At Yerts hall on De-
cember 10 .
Mr. T. H. Adams visited at Kalama,
Avery Porter, at his farm near town,
Wheat 66 cents.
lladigan spent the forepart Wash., last week.
has 200 colds of dry oak and fir wood
Mrs. G. T. Hollister is visiting her
in Portland visiting his
George L. Smith having sold out all which he wiil deliver at market price.
father’s folks reai Louisville, Polk
of liis sewing machines, even his sam­
It is a matter of general comment how county, Oregon. She will lie absent
idling to talk with Mrs. ples, has placed another order and ex­ quickly one of the Lee family went to
two weeks.
..the famous home remedy, pects them in a few days.
the penitentiary after Cougreesman
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s.
ind her at home on Satur-
Miss Emma Timms, of Hillsdale, has Tongue left the county.
orders promptly attended returned to attend the university.
Amount paid in to county tre..ourer
Go to Reynolds’ for watch, clock and
A. B. Cady’s official services up
Mrs. M. B. Ford, Kuddell’s, 111., suf­
to December 1 , 1897 is $122,657.33, of
court is in session at fered for eight years from dyspepsia and Second door North of Boos’.
Report of Laurel Ridge school district
which $3,250.16 remains casli on hand. No. 47 for month beginning Nov. 1 and
chronic constipation and was finally
The president’s message appears iu
Dr. It. II. Hovey having located in
Leave orders with Hayden Bros, for ending Nov. 25, 1897 . No. of days Forest Grove for the practice of denti*trv
Rr. is the oldest railroad, cured by using DeWitt’s Little Early full in this issue. Compare the other
taught iS. No. of days attendance 355
couuty papers with the H a t c h e t .
safest, and most accomo-
takes this method of informing the pub­
No. of days absenc^Sj. No. enrolled 30 . lic that he is prepared to do any work in
railroad on the Pacific stomach and liver troubles. J. C. Clark,
Average number belonging 23 . Average hat line. Office in Ingles & rorter's
s ticket at Hatchet office, Druggist.
the evening of December 10.
law, for all kinds of legal work.
daily attendance 20 . No. visitors for building.
on, agent.
Mr. John W. Woodard, of Portland, is
The K. O. T. M., tent of Greenville, term 8 . Those who have been neither
L. L. Langley while out hunting along
ire Chapter No. 42, O. E . 8 ., visiting at Mrs. Lizzie Shultz’ here.
the banks of Gales Creek lost his footing will give a social dance Friday evening, absent nor tardy during the month are
Card of Thanks.
«1 officers for the ensuing
Why suffe; with Coughs, Colds, and and tumbled into the water. After December 17. Refreshments. Music by Flora Lebeau, Artie, I'red and Sammy
Hughes, worthy m atron; LaGrippe when L axative R romo Q ui ­
to return our thanks to the
swimming about twenty yards he
..worthy patron; Mrs. Ada nine will cure you in ono day. Does rearhed the hank completely exhausted. stable room for all who may come.
kind friends who were of such assistance
Don’t forget that Abbott ft Koe are during the last illness and death of our
date matron; Mrs. Wil- not produce the ringing in the head like His gun is somewhere at the bottom oi
Leave orders today with Hayden Bros, always in it on harness. Workmanship '
du"tress; Mrs. H. D. Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets the creek.
for Xmas turkeys.
and quality guaranteed.
M r . a n d M r s . L. C. W a l k e r .
(conductress; Miss Etta convenient for taking. Guaranteed to
Call at the hardware store of S. Hughes
Go to Greer’s for fresh cranberries.
itary; George L. Smith, cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents.
Seventeen persons are working at the
& Son and examine their stock of never
Greer’s groceries are pure and fresh.
evaporators today peeling potatoes.
installation will occur For sale by J. C. Clark.
Holbrook Lodge, No. 30, A. F. ft A.
Masonic lodge on St.
If you are troubled with Catarrh, Sore-
Miss Agnes McMillan is visiting her perior to anything ever offered in the M., elected the following officers Thurs­
Ammunition and smokeless shells of all
December 27.
day night for the ensuing Masonic year: kinds at S. Hughes Si Son.
throat, Cough, Disease of the Lungs or
sister, Mrs. Henry Baldwin, in Portland. market.
" repair your shoes neatly.
Dr. W. G. Cole, W. M.; Jas. Shepherd,
Rheumatism, consult Dr. C. E. Geiger.
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Rev. J. S. Griffin, of Hillsboro, a 8 . W .; George L. Smith, J. W .; 8 . G.
Potatoes wanted at Jones'evaporators,
! No. 48, I. O. O. F. Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt pioneer of ’ 39 , is now the oldest remain­
Pairons who want first class work
Hughes, secretary; Senator S. Hughes, Forest Grove.
day: 8 . A. Walker, N. G .; relief. For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. ing pioneer since the death of Mrs.
without paying exorbitant prices
treasurer; M. E. Dilley, tyler. They
Farmers when in town go to Kreidcr’s
V.JG.; Robert Taylor, sec-
should patronize the Forest Grove Laun­
Ex-Postmaster, W. H. Crosley, writes
■■ Hudson, treasurer. In-
dry, work warranted.
For Ladies’ Kangaroo calf, front lace 27.
A child, aged six mouths, of Ora Cook,
occurthe first Monday in from Seattle that his health is better.
shoes, special sale $2.50, see Gregg’s
Crescent Hour is guaranteed by the who lives between Cornelius and Center- | It heals everything except a broken
Shares of the Alaska Transportation
show window.
who handle it.
ville, was buried Wednesday in the Cor­ heart, may be said of De W itt’s Witch
that Nebraska corn meal and Development Company of Chicago
Hacel Salve. Piles and rectal diseases,
nelius cemetery.
A number of criminal cases are being
are the most desirable investment be­
Report of principal’s department of j
cuts, burns and bruises, tetters, eczema
fore the public. Safer than saviugs
school district No. 2 for the month end­
Fresh candies at Baldwin Bros.
und all skin troubles may be cured by it
iiteen election contests to banks and bank stock. Paying large court is kept very busy.
ing Dec. 2. No. of days taught 19. No. j
tntion of the lower house dividends. Shares one dollar. For in­
Mr. Blood la s his emery outfit in run­ quickly and permanently. J. C. Chirk,
To Rent.—A good farm. Inqnire of of days attendance 762. No. of days a b -:
winter is one from the formation address W. L. Dudley, General
ning order now and is prepared to gum Druggitt.
Edward L. Naylor, Forest Grove, Ur.
sence 117. No. of times tardy 15. No'
jOregon, W. 8 . Vander- Agent, Haller Building, Seattle, Wash­
saws and do otiier work in that line.
There t n time for everything; and
Miss Sylva Baker left last Wednesday of boys enrolled 28. No. of girls en-1 He also lias Lis iron lathe in working or­
, Thos. H. Tongue. The
the time to attend to a cold is when it
for Goldendale, Wash , where she will
der. Give him a call.
have his expenses
starts. Don’t wait till you havo consump­
Mr. Charles Naylor aud w ife have re- spend the winter visiting friends and Those who stood high in deportment and
pon, if he cares to go,
tion but prevent it by using One Min­
this vacation t’ip there is I turned from a three month’s stay in relatives.
IRnderson, Pearl Hatch, Lulu N'olar.d, rial services Tuesday afternoon in re­ ute Cough Cure, the great remedy for
dihood of the contest 1 Tillamook.
The finest display of stoves in the city Carrie Fitch, Henry Hartrampf, Pratt membrance of Miss Fanny Condon, art coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all
Don’t forget the special sale of cloaks at Tom Madigan’s.
Vickers, Theodore Keep, Willie Ehlert . 1 instructor in P. U. last year, who died 1 throat and luDg troubles. J. C. Clark,
Druggist. _________________
Vickers. Webster Phillips, Alva iu Oakland, Cal., last Sunday.
Schultz, manager o f Wash- and capes at Haines & Bailey’s.
The new bowling alley in the old post
, for the Viavi com pany, is
Mrs. Laura Cadwell and Miss Emma office building was formally opened Miller.—Lincoln Lnughlin, teacher.
For fresh bread, cakes, pies, and every­
' Dr. Large cottage east of Stewart were unable to obtain passage Tuesday under the auspices of the Ladies
tinware manufactured
on the steamer for the Hawaiian islands of the Maccabees who also served lunch, ! call at Boos’ store.
by the Lisk Manufacturing Company
go to Krieiler’s'Home Bakery.
h’ichoi, general agent, and from Portland but concluded they would during the afternoon and evening, in the
alisolutely guaranteed and warranted not
Handmade chocolate creams and taffy |
The track
Go «ec that anti-rust tinware ut 8 .
«ling agent, of the Den- go to San Francisco and leave from Boos building near by.
to rust, and each and every piece of their
candies at Krieder’s Home Bakery.
proved excellent ami the interest, ran Hughes ft Son's. It’s good.
R- R., were in town there on another vessel.
ware that does not prove positively anti-
high. Of the ladies Miss Daisy Dennis
Jones’ evaporators are running full 1 rusting may lie returned to the dealer
•nng over from Hills-
Good roasted coffee in bulk at 12 % to
Of the sufferers by the Pfauner bank
‘dquarters is at Portland. 36 cents. Also a fresh line of teas at w ith a score of 30 carried off the honors no losses seem harder than those sus - 1 time on dessicated potatoes for Alaska j from whom it was purchased and ex­
Fresh Eastern oysters at Krieder’s tamed by the district school clerks. trade. One order recently received was j changed for new gins Is free of cost. For
*omen have good hair, Boos.
They were receiving nothing for their for three tons and others almost as j sale by 8 . Hughes ft 8011 .
e ?ray, and few are bald.
Miss Mabel McLeod, of Spokane, was Home Bakery.
large have been placed.
*wer restores the natural here Friday attending her brother Fred s
Washington county has cancelled over services, had deposited the school money
Htraved.—From the farm of the under­
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s.
«os the growth of the funeral.
$240,000 of mortgages during the past in the bank apart rom their own iunds,
mile west of Forest Grove, on
were not allowed the use of it in any ,
A team consisting of Messrs. John and or almut 8 ept. 20, 1897, a large Cotswoid
Fine line of men’s working gloves at vear. Last month 40 releases with a way and now have to make good losses
total of $26,458. were filed against 25 new
Frank Wagner, John McNamer, John ram, tail cut very short and small notch
*rt has formed a law C. L. Hinman’s harness shop.
which occurred through no fault of
mortgages aggregating $17,429.
Wirtz, A. T. Knox and “ Tuts” Cardiff cut in up|ier part of ear. Finder will lie
John T. Whalley, of
theirs. The amounts involved w ere:
, Mr and Mrs. A. L. Tcegarden, of Eu­
went to Hillsboro Frulay night and suitably rewarded for leaving informa­
office of the new firm is
Go to Hughe* & Sou for air tight
gene, arrived here Monday to res.de per­
bowled with thechampions of the county tion as to same at my office.
her of Commerce. Mr.
15, $60.81; No. 11 jt. $56.63; No. 72,
seat. Forest Grove came out three be­
E dward L. N aylor
* °f Mr. D. C. Stewart,
$46.91; No. 76, $43.00; No. 12 , $3.76;
***d from college in
I No. 44, $75.33. The result is that it will
Best for the money.
Moments are useless it trifled away;
] at Haines & Bailey s.
• be almost impossible to secure any one
‘‘Let me give you a pointer,” said M.
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s. to serve as school clerk next year. In anil they are dangerously wasted if con­
Peasant Ridge, O., says,
F. Gregg, a popular conductor on the
Mr«. Charles Hole». » » » h*‘
month., rehrmed
some districts the clerk has resigned and sumed by delay in cases where One Missouri Pacific railroad.
"Do you
gave up my boy to die, Per’ tand .h e
Messrs. Tom Mauzev and Henry Mel- !
no one can be found to accept the posi­ Minute Cough Cure would bring imme­ know that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
croup by using One home Saturday.
drum, of Oregon City, students of P. U. |
diate relief. J. C. Clark, druggist.
and Diarrhoea Remedy cures you when
It is the quickest j Don’t forget to look at Abbott & Roe’s 27 years ago, are visiting here.
It seems to be in the pictures that you have the stomach ache? Welt, it
■ femedy for coughs, colds sample, of carpet before buying.
10 cents, hair cutting 25 cents
The New Home sewing machine lead*
long troubles. J. C. j
at the Diamond Shaving Parlor, one Sylvester Pennoyer shall again be the does.” And after giving this friendly
all others, light ranning, simple, dur­
chief executive of this state. Twelve bit of advice, the jolly conductor passed
" 7 G rn S
fv iT « l her b rib e r. able and beautiful. Warranted. Smith, door north of Hayden & Buxton’s years ago Editor Scott assailed Mr. Pen­ on down the aisle. It is a fact that
Monday on a weex
meat market. Good work and courteous
*•'> carrier is having a
the furniture man keeps them and yon
attention.—Allen & Sears, Proprietors, j noyer, provoked a reply which he refused thousands of railroad and traveling men
Go ,0 «n in e. &
■ ^tough on his trips,
can buv cheape* of him than of any one
to publish and started an agitation which never take a trip without a bottle of this
of water in the road be- i of those cloaks or cape
else. Call and see him before buying
Parties going East or South should get j resulted in the Hon. Sylvester's election Remedy, which is the best cure for bowel
creamery and one ! special sale is on.
a ticket over the S. P. Ry. I. W. Patter-1 as governor. The Oregonian is doing it* disorders in the world. 25 and 50 cent
Has been washed
F n m h e o e e o r .r e m n .....» ^ ; " *
son, agent.
bottles for sale by J. C. Clark, druggist.
part towanls a repetition.
ary for him to go a of cardie« at Kneder «Horne Bakery
tom b v .