Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, December 09, 1897, Image 4

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Dec. 4 .— Minnie Latmer waB granted a
insiuccre. It has two motives; expression of opinion on the sub­
divorce from William Latmer.
first, to cast discredit upon a por­ ject should meet with hearty re­
Jfe te rc d At th e po»t-office at Forest Grove, Or. as
In the case of G. ¿ 1 . Baber vs. J. R.
tion of the present municipal gov­ sponse on the part of the people.
Second-class m ail m atter.
Catching, an order of confirmation was
The newspapers have already set aside and the sheriff ordered to cor- j
ernment because it stands opposed
their duty in the matter. rect return of sale.
Postage Free.
too, have
In the case of the state vs. James Lee,
O n y e a r..................................................................... $i y>
S i a m o n th s.................................................................
75 lous and corrupt ever existed; and, very generally given consideration jr., a motion for a new trial was argued j
U r n m o n th s..........................................................
second, to “ work” the sensational to the subject and with almost and submitted. Lee was admitted to
In Advance.
“ racket” , in order to maintain its unanimous voice have asked for bail in the sum of $1000.
B aU blish ed for th e d issem ination o f W ashing-
The case of the Hillsboro Water &
It remains now for
county news, th e elevation o f hum anity and decaying prestige as a newspaper. postal banks.
Light Company vs. J. P. Tamiesie, ap­
t h e m oney we can m ake.
There are always too much vice other bodies, especially those repre­ peal from a justice court, was heard, but j
H em s o f general interest gratefully received.
In order to enable our numerous friends and custoJ
too many crimes in every city; senting the commercial interests of will not be submitted to the jury until
E d ito r’s hobbies and opinions on th is page, a ll
U m rest facts—im partial and uucolored.
mers to pay us a visit and examine our N E W
but Portland is no worse in respect the country, to give their approval Monday morning.
Editor is at home in h is sanctum , H a t c h e t
S T O R E with its entirely N E W S T O C K we have
M l d i n g , Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to to p . m. of vice and crime than other cities;
• (ea ch week day and always glad to talk aDd not even so bad, in proportion to gress may be assured that the sen­ Hillsboro Water & Light Company vs.
to give them an opportunity of doing so
h * ta lk e d to.
J. P. Tamiesie reported it could not \
its population, as it has been under timent of all classes in the nation is agree, after 20 hours’ deliberation.
f r e e o f c o st .
united in favor of the
tM C K D E V E R Y W E E K IN T H E Y E A R ON the rule of the Oregonian’s present virtually
The jury in the case of J. L . Honey- I
T H E H A TCH ET political friends and allies.
These early establishment of these much- man vs. W. D. Bradford, sheriff, for the
P E IN T K R Y .
hysterical lake reforms are wholly needed institutions for the safe­ return of personal property and damages,
keeping of the savings of persons returned a verdict for plaintiff, assessing
I f you tail to receive your paper it will injurious.
Every one visiting our 9tore from Washington
the damages at f 25 .
Whenever the Oregonian’s poli­ of moderate means. It may be
• a favor if you will notify us at once.
The case of the State vs. James Briggs,
county who makes a purchase from us amounting to
tical or personal friends are grossly true that the commercial and busi­ of Sherwood, charged with stealing $ 4 ,
A U ST IN CRAIG. E d i t o k a n d P r o p r i e t o r .
ten dollars or over, and presenting a copy of this ad,
j mismanaging municipal affairs, ness classes of the country have ; was submitted to the jury.
C o u n t y O f f ic ia l P a p e r .
will have the amount of his or her railroad fare to Port­
| even to the swindling of taxpayers not such an immediate personal in­
Dec. 6.— In the m atter of the applica­
to the extent of hundreds of thous- terest in the establishment of tion of Charles F. Lord for allowance for
land refunded by us.
B ig h t
! ands of dollars, it is dumb, or postal savings banks as have the fees as district attorney of the fourth judi­
To those not acquainted with us, we beg to say
K E L I Am , F,
cial district in the trial of the case of
P aces
j speaks only with approbation. It wage-earners. But the commer- the State vs. X . N. Steeves, tried here
A i J e p u b u c a n
W e ekly
that we have but
| is only when those whom it and its cial portion of the community can- on a change of venue, it was ordered
political “ pals,’ cannot “ run’ ’ are not afford to manifest indifference that the county clerk draw a warrant*
in power that it becomes hysteri- to the well-being and contentment payable to Charles F. Lord, for $ 97 . 50 ,
and that the lowest. All goods are marked in plain
The thought that congress con-1 cally and volubly irritous.
of the working population of the of which amount $ 15.50 is for trial fees
allowed for an acquittal, and $80 for ap­
figures. We sell only at Popular Prices.
venes next Monday calls attention j A few years ago it happened to country.
Let them do what they pearing in the court 17 days.
to the fact that Mr. H. W . C o r -( be “ at outs” temporarily with Mr. can to promote good feeling at least
The case of the H ’ llaboro Water & 1
bett’s right to a seat in the senate Joseph Simoon, who was then, or by giving consideration to propo- Light Company vs. J. A Tamiesie, ap- j
will be decided either for or against sought successfully to be, the com- sitions like that for the establish- I>eal from lo, er court, was given to the
3d and Oak Sts.
the appointee during the next few plete, the absolute “ lord of this ment of postal savings banks, the jury.
weeks. The question in this case city ,” and then it had a spasm of only object of which is to do some-
involves a great principle which truth-telling; which it soon recov-1 thing for the people, whose inter- Bradford, sheriff, for return of personal
property and damages, is now on trial
should be settled, and settled right, : ered from, however, presumably ■ ests are only too rarely t he subject before a jury.
once and forever. The question as 1 when suitable “ terms” were made of intelligent consideration by law-
Dec. 8.— The trial o f Gus W achlin for
to whether Mr. Corbett did or did and a proper “ understanding” had. j makers.— Chicago Record,
the murder o f John D. Ledrick, about 3 %
years ago, began today. The interest
not furnish the sinews of war in The grafting system, the official
taken in the case was shown by nearly !
the hold-up last winter gives rise recognition and protection of gam-
A re p erh ap s th e b u s ie s t bodies
to some diversity of opinion, j biers, prostitutes, grafters, etc., ! These timorous republican politi-
though it is generally believed that was never so methodically and un- cians who are afraid of doing any- sessjons j j ost t!je day was takeu up
in a ll th e w o rld a t t h is tim e; ant
he did furnish the money that paid j conscionably and mercilessly work- 1 thing on the currency question need in tlie selection of a jury. Many ques-
th e y seem to b e v ie in g w ith eac'
for hold-outs at the minimum rate ed as it was under men whom the | a man in the White House who will tions were asked jurors, touching their {
of $80 per head. This in itself, if Oregonian, with full knowledge o f , take them by the neck and bring
o th er to see w h ic h c a n le a v e th
seven jurors were chosen from the regu- j
true, should forever prevent his the same, supported, except when j them UP with a round turn for reme-
lar court panel, 38 persons being exam­
m o st a t T H E IR FO REST GROV
occupying a seat in the highest it was not satisfied with its share ! dial measures, as Cleveland did the ined, and several rejected by the state
legislative branch of the govern­ of the “ spoils,” or had some 1 democrats in 1893. Whether Pres- because they did not believe in capital ,
ment, or any other position of grudge to pay off. Its wailing so- dent McKinley is such a man re­ punishment, before the following jury
' licitude for radical reforms is mains to be seen. Emergencies of was completed:
Ed. Hoifinan, of Tigardville; A. Thorn- !
But let us put aside the personal merely a compound of Pecksniffian this sort were in the minds of
burg, Greenville; W illiam Stevenson,
character of Mr. Corbett and take a hypocrisy and BlackBart audacity. 1 many persons who wanted Reed for la u rel; Ole Olson, Raleigh; L. O. Spen-
glance at the great underlying
When the Oregonian thus cries president.— Sunday Oregonian.
cer, Tualatin; J. Q. A. Young, Cedar |
Mills; G. W. Stitt, Beaverton: William
principle involved in the case, j for reform in city affairs, all old
The Oregonian, to be in keeping | Jacks’ont Dll]ey; A ’ w . Saxon, Hillsboro;
Mr. Corbett was appointed imme- j residents who are acquainted with with its former rec0rd, should glory | k
A n d th e y h a v e filled it CHUCK
ugent Dant, Reedville; Fred Olsen,
d ia tely after the close of the legis- its character look suspiciously ask-
over the fact that two veterans of Hillsboro; J. R. Walker, Greenville, FULL
la tiv e session upon the earnest rec- anceat the first large and disordered the civil war have died in Wash- The taking o f testimony was not begun
«tnmendations of men who had 1 wood pile, and recognize the voice ingtou county within the last week until 4 P* m- The court wiU hold niKht
taken an active part in preventing therefrom as the voice of the pro- and thus two more pensions are ■ sessions, and the case will be pushed as
rapidly as possible.
an organization of the legislature ; verbial concealed African,
cut off.— Portland Tribune.
and consequently the election of a
What kind of reform did this 1
Court House.
Circuit Court.
senator, and as a direct result of suddenly converted organ propose
Probate.— In re estate o f Wm. Tw igg, j
the greateet scandal the state ever or demand when the city adminis- | Dec- 2 —The casc of J- L . Honeyman deceased. Bond filed and approved and
knew, in which a minority pre- tration was the most shamefully .
, .
letters ordered to issue. Herman Col- j
J i of personal , proi>erty
and damages, was
A llm m s, M an icu re, a n d other
lier, E . C. Miller and James S. Miller
vented the rule of the majority by corrupt in its history, when its ;
jor Hearing Dec. « 1 .
appointed to appraise property in W ash­
the most shady transactions on present bosom friends were in
T oilet Sets. H a n d k e r c h ie f, Glove
The cases of T. II. Coffin vs. W. N.
ington county and Thomas Walker, Alvin
record, considering all the circum­ power?
Duyck, and Henry Hogreffe vs. George
W ilkes and George Gordon appointed to
an d T ie B o x es fo r th e y o u n g peo­
stances, Should Mr. Corbett he
Did it ever demand “ reform” X. Myers, actions for damages, have appraise property in Multnomah county.
seated it would establish a prece­ when the city was being looted out been dismissed.
In re estate o f Thomas J. Reed, de­
Gus Seidler was arraigned on a charge
dent whereby eleven men in the of anywhere from one to two and a
ceased. Report of sale ol real property
P ic tu r e s a n d F ram es, B ib le s,
of selling liquor to minors,and given until
confirmed and executor authorized to
-ate or twenty-one in the house | half million dollars at Salem, and
tomorrow to plead.
an d m u ch m ore fo r th e o ld e r
make proper conveyance.
could at any time defeat the will of by men there selected for the jobs
The ease of L. Rabbe, charged with
the majority and by conniving with 1— the Oregonian’s personal and po- selling liquor to minors, was submitted 1 In re estate o f John Forester, deceased. fo lk s.
Final account filed and set for hearing
the governor, who has the appoint-! litical and business friends?
to the jury.
[ on Monday, Jan. 10, 1898.
P er fu m e, Cuff S ets, H a n d k er­
ing power, prevent an election and [ It raises a tempest in a teapot The jury in the case of James Lee, jr.,
In re estate o f Anna S. Baker, de-
ch iefs, S ta tio n e r y a n d P ock et
secure the appointment of any man over a dive-dance, but is virtu- i char8ed witl* niPe' which retired yester-. ceascd H.
H p F . G
, aDDOinted ad
they might agree upon for senator, ously and solemnly silent over
Bgree,nent luu'" g ministrator with bonds fixed at $1000.
K n iv e s fo r a ll.
It would be v i r t u a lly s a y in g to th e w o rth le ss r e serv o irs c o s tin g h a lf a ’ The tr|j ‘ f John Moore> charRed w i t t ; l „ re estate o f E llen Godfrey, deceased,
governor an d one m ore th a n o n e- m illio n ; o v e r a c i t y h a ll on w h ic h
tho eBCB,w of <Iolin F iih er from O. M. Godfrey appointed administrator
I third of eith er house th a t in y o u is
r. h u n d re d th o u sa n d or m o re w a s the county jail, was begun this after- with bonds fixed at $8000. Bond filed
! vested th e authority t o s e le c t w h o m
s q u a n d e r e d ; o v e r th e sale, t o p l M M
M M . and X*c x - Todd, \\ m. Pointer and J. \\ .
C om p arin g w ith fo r m e r H o li­
Morgan appointed appraisers.
Lyou please for that h ig h office, an d an d p ro fit its w o u ld -b e se n a to r , o f
Dec 3 .— In the case of John Moore,
In re estate of John D. Ledrick, de-
d a y G oods p rices.
■ yjNe opportunity might he taken ad- a bridge and old ferry-boat, for two the iur.v > u,ldo1 instructions of the court,
Moore I ceased. Administrator authorized to
mintage of at any session of the or three prices; over tens upon
tens 1 w a s u i » r v i . n t n u t . sii>ntt>ni>o
. • h i
You ca n n o t a lw a y s g e t tom or­
i n t the
, _ ,
l i t
i i i
was serving out a sentence in
county em ploy counsel to assist in prosecuting
■gislative a s s e m b ly . It w o u ld es- o f th o u sa n d s s q u a n d e r e d b y a co m - j ;lil wlu,n tl priSOIU,r nilmed Fisher es- the party accused o f the murder of said
row w h a t y o u see in o u r w in d o w
taWlsh a precedent that w o u ld for- mittee o f w h ic h its e d ito r w a s a oaped, July 3. Moore was charged with j John D- Ledrick.
be a menace to good govern- member. None of these great having aided hint, and held in t t e
Law D ocket.— John Boswick vs. Jos.
* t and pave the way for biennial swindles and steals are worthy of county jail here and in Multnomah Dillery. Sheriff authorized to change
F ir st Call, F irst S erv e d w ith F ir s t Choice.
petitions of the scenes of last win- the least opposition or adverse criti­ county. The judge not having signet! I date o f his return o f his sale herein.
Fisher’s commitment papers, the verdict
T h e J . M. Rnssell Co. vs. M. W. Tat-
at Salem.
cism; but if the toughies of the of not guilty was ordered returned.
ton, et als., judgm ent against defendants
The great principle involved in North End carouse after ten o ’clock Moore has been rearrested on a charge of for ¡$92.28 with 8 per cent interest since
defacing a public building.
lie Corbett case means much to at night the very devil is to pay!
Sept 12, 1895 and $So attorney fees and
The jury in the case of James Io>e, jr., far costs of action.
fou, and the sooner the stamp
To slightly paraphrase the classic
The state o f Oregon vs. Arthur Tike.
r condemnation is placed upon language of a Tammany brave: charged with rape, returned a verdict of
Action dismissed upon motion.
ch methods as were enacted that “ To h----- with such reformers.”
L. F. Rabbe was acquitted of a charge
The First National Bank vs. A. N
should be appointed senator, — Portland Morning Tribune.
of selling liquor to minors.
Davies, judgm ent by default for plaintiff.
1 sooner the stench cast over t h
i s -------------------
Gus Seidler was arraigned on two
Mrs. R. E. Gresham adjudged insane
t state by those preceedings
charges of selling liquor to minors, and ordered committed to the asylum.
(1 be removed. We believe the
Postmaster-General Gary
Clary e x ­ pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set Warrant for $5, exam ining fee, ordered
le of the state, with the e^cep- presses pleasure at the widespread for December 11 .
drawn to Dr. S. T. Linklater.
Theresa Constantine was granted a
of a very few, have had comment upon his recommendation
•The ballad and lyric concert given last
ugh of the hold-up, and the for the establishment of postal sav- divorce from G . Constantine.
We earn- a complete line of Shelf and Heavy
The eases of Mary A. Barrett vs. John W ednesday evening at the Congrega­
ure to seat Mr. Corbett would ings banks and invites further dis-
Hardware, making a specialty of Builders’ Sup­
Schleick and J. B. K. Garner c t al. vs. | tional bazaar was a very successful affair.
a long way in preventing such cussion of the subject. “ If we all
Ira K. Wheeler et al., both to set aside The main part of the church was com­
uct on the part of unserttpu- put our heads together, ” the post- deeds, were set for trial December 12 .
fortably filled with a fair-sized crowd,
A good line of Heating and Cooking Stoves.
and dishonest legislators.— master-general says, “ the right
A nonsuit was granted in the ease of who showed considerable enthusiasm at
City Enterprise.
plan can be devised, and that is Flora A. Cutta and Julia A . G oody vs.
Anybody wanting the leading plow of the
Chris. Molstad. and plaintiff allowed 80 by Miss Jean Shnpp and Miss Evans,
what the country wants. ’ ’
should buy the Benicia Clipper.
the singing teacher and the instructor of
It U not often « cabinet officer days to tile a bill of exceptions.
vocal culture at the l*aciflc university.
We keep a full line of ammunition, such as
Judgment as prayed for, and $25 attor- 1
“he vociferous outcry raised just manifests such a disposition to
Both were at their best, and received de­
Shot, Shells, Etc.
n ey’s fees, were granted in the ease of
serve, i encores. The opening duet by
by the Oregonian about the learn the desires of the people on
the Arlington National Bank vs. Mark
Miss shorthill and Miss Edwards showed
of vice and crime in the matters of legislation connected L. and Mary II. Noble.
careful training and was well received.
is wholly meretricious. It is w iththedevelopm entofhisdepart-
I& the matter of the aseignment of A n - ' M :as Gladys Jones gave one of her inim­
em psey
of the “ stop-thief" order. It ment. Postmaster-General G a ry ’s ton Pfanner, the petition of J. D. Hihhe itable songs and responded to an encore.
thirds false and nine-tenths request for a widespread popular
— .Sunday’s Oregonian.
A Free Excnrsio
Moyer Clothing Company
St. Nick and Santa C laus
« /T H E B A Z A R # -
Picture Books, Toys. Gam es, and
Dolls for the Little Folks
The Cost is a Happy Surprise
grams and glad new year
• :Leaders in Hardware
& K