Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, December 02, 1897, Image 7

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    H P
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'• 1 * M fol
»fiJrtis ||
" s Mon*,
<» 1 h „ K oi J
Anion i;j
s - Nohl*
H- WWt|
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“ ¡Uee tlJ
S‘‘<1 awaJ
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'• The ail
allied bJ
loved oiii]
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» lire thJ
loy wenl
ken Imld]
» behind
aul. Tba|
at on«
vied two
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■a red tod
lint even
I a lot in
tains reJ
he gravd
mhv EnJ
won I k J
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d, 1 S 85 J
deed to
II right]
I la eon -1
-Tit i iiiatol
y of tlie
lia liavJ
¡is work*
il poind"
not onl
>f free!
L v ' l V q J i a , ‘^t ecl al - !
th e c au e tak e r .
for seed. W hU. , » 0,a,<*» required
________ _
frozen ,we cover,*
T “ ? *' 1 I, Carpt»te r u aword Ulupled lu£o" modern
" Ith straw, so as to -
’T ". 0 Iaaps
m*au* one who takes care of, and 1
lol,8 as possible, Potato.^ m f ?iZ,'U as * v-f>- « « « « a i y applied to those employed
kept from sprouting m u . U“ “ U bp ,° t“ ke ,alV ,lf thi"S» Committed to theiV'f
produce much t h t T ,PU “ s ,lm*
The M y
peep,. imye o f '
be* t crops.-Kx. j taking cure of themselves is very suggestive I
“ f»h *n c e d o f a cw taker. th e human!
Cure o f f , • r,
tS)'> toMioli is u mansion tilled with pre-
Tlic ...... 1 “ , , I, r“ ,u Drl " » .
mu» things uncared f»i\ where thieves !
Robert Hicheus, whose “ Flames” pro­
. .
" ulu llnU is quite too expensive
bu'ak 1,1 Ul1’1 fust doth corrupt. Pains
to be aHowed to remain „lit t I
1 lva “ t‘d aches are thieves
uml tlie body left ’ duced a momentary sizzle as it dropped
IK'scd ,0 the w e a h e rw h e n , , 7 ' "
S i ? ^ *? thfir
* « » t e r o b ^ l into the ocean o f fiction, has written
It should be
Uot lu " 8e Of m i i
.'f'u'1" “ "'despoiled ot its peace another novel. It bears the title, “ The
dirt .in 1,1 lareful|y cleaned from ail
happiness. It is a happy
Hit. and those especially with a fcrtil- <■ re
7 . bH>k u,^ ,‘ 8-*' Jup,,bs Oil as a i Londoners'*
I z it attachment uhmiid
' 1 rt.Ja^ei* to employ it as a watchman
Miss Violet Hunt’ s nove!, “ Uukist,
tu against su,-h intraders. Tnere is hartlly
jsp *-' - *:
take off the ut Should lie scoured i„
Unkind!” named after a phrase from
coated » . . . rUSt from ust‘' 1,11,1 then ail ache, front a toothache to a toeache,
" ltl1 kreuse to prevent the air tftat it can t take care of and etfect a cure, Pee’.e, ts shortly to appear. The same
aim pains the most violent are conquered
fr°u. getting to the me
tal. Most grain | by its use, Its office as a caretaker is to is true o f Mrs. Mnunington Caffyn’s
iJ - . -
r - f . -* drills rust out rather
than wear out. prevent the spread o f aches and 7 « ins'into I “ Miss Bccher,” a social'study.
are used, --------........
even where i U fall
grain f.»,h !?"**
11 sraln
Keep a bottle of it in the 1 James Otis, the industrious maker of
is sow
'vn; only a few days iu the spring a , 7 c o m f ^ n aud ** aosUrt'd
«ood care Juvenile tales o f adventure. seit*A out
and ■•ill. aud ought to lust I. nf.,n.., . 1
ought to last a lifetime |
two historical stories tor boys this sea­
The W heelbarrow.
There are more than 500 ordained ' son. They are called “ The Boys of
" . ith
, few repairs, — if they
-Jey a1
-“ ■
Ifjje Tillage resident soon comes to sheltered
C(1 when
w h m t not
r.^4- in
j .. .. .
women preachers in the United States, ! Fort Schuyler” and “ The Signal Boys
I the wheelbarro\v a very indi.speu-
not including the numerous preachers of ’75.”
ible article. The cut, which is front
oi that sex.
Feeding for Milk.
J. Edward Xewberger o f Chicago is
American Agriculturist, shows
feeding the cows to increase the flow
m is k h y
th e
v v h o i . e s a i . e .
the author o f a thoughtful pamphlet
kw one village resident extemporizes of milk should uot eutail additional ex-
on “ The Development and Growth of
I nay rack out o f his wheelbarrow peuse if the farmer uses judgment in
1» what chronic Inactivity of the liver gives
jen desiring to get Into the stable two proportion!ug the various foods.
if rise to. Pile gets into the blood and imparts a Interference by the Federal Courts in
¿three hundred pounds or so ot hay. Kraln. linseed meal aud other concen­ yellow tint, the tongue fouls, amt so does the Controversies Between Master and
breath, sick headaches, pain Uem-aih the right
fcmnv strips o f board are lightly tack- trated foods are given in excess, the di­ nbs and shoulder blade are felt, the Iwwels be- Servant.”
mnsttpatcd end the stomach disordered
I to the surface, as shown, and the gestion may be impaired, and if bay is mine
James Schpuler, having finished the
The p r o v e , ^ . a i ^ r o f ' V evilL
fcycart is ready. It w ill surprise any
-- - i'h Bitters,
"» " a IM
VUHilUti loll«
mostly given tlie animals will U- com- ...1?“ t.e,-lcr,,, - 8t" 'n&
long manuscript o f his ’’Constitutional Stud­
to see the large quantity o f hay IielitHl to eat large quantities of it to se­ also for chills and fever, nervousness and ies,” has turned his attention to the long
Bt one can tints easily and quickly cure the desired nourishment. Foods rheumatism. — ___________ _
promised sixth Itiui concluding volume
Lee! away from his grounds to :ii<- should consist of both concentrated ami
In fl 16 period 1882 to 1894 the crim- of his “ History 6 i the United States,”
hulky substances, regulating the pro- ¡n »l record in tlie German empire in- embracing the period o f the civil war.
portions according to the conditions j creased 22 percent, or 12 per cent more It is hoped that this w ill he ready for
publication next year.
and circumstances.
than the population.
says “ It is worth a great deal to us to have
you try S c h illin g s
able. This arrangem ent is also 11 .se-
1 for getting In fodder corn from tiie
nien. Let the stalks first be piled
gn-ways of tlie bottom strips. Then
i other way.
i U|i|ilemrnting Ki ioiln ge.
I There are all kinds o f ensilage, vary-
, of course, with the material put
So the silo. There is no magic in the
i to add to the nutrition o f what is
I Into it. though It may add to the
Btritive value by m aking it more di-
itible. Much o f the ensilage from
1 fodder is deficient In nitrogenous
ms of nutrition. It needs to be sup-
ItineDted, not necessarily with richer
silage, but preferably with dry food.
ail of trying to ensilage clover.
Sob Is difficult because It heats so
pidiy. It Is better to cure it and feed
to five pounds o f good clover
1 to all animals whose main ration
|»rn ensilage. I f clover cannot is»
use wheat bran or oats. Both
1 meal and cotton-seed meal may
^fiven with good results to animals
ion corn ensilage. I f possible some
or hay should be given with
to increase their bulk and pre-
thern from com pacting in the
narh. Com is not a good supplé­
ait to corn ensilage, as It also is so
Itly carbonaceous.
But corn and
it* ground together and fini with cut
|V or stray make a very good supple-
■ntary feed.
M oney-back
P la n t W a t e r in g .
F a rm M o r e I n t e n s i v e l y .
*perienee and
in methods thnt would not
tliut for the failure to secure profit
.5* no difficulty previously existed.
pSngland. where the system o f farm-
>i»°n the intensive plan, dairymen
•liandoning pasture. Th ey are dis-
that more food can lie grown
**** Pasture land than can lie se-
ftoni tlie grass and hay. and that
F*»accession o f green crops they can
I * letter foods than can lie
from grass. There is more lalior
ten the products are larger
Profits greatly increased. Boot
( 1 *nd soiling enable the English
high rents, aud the nietiosis
f adopt are the result c f years o f ex-
In this country dairymen
it to their advantage to grow
1 *ood as well as gras«, and utilize
*•» well also, as a protection
I drought and unfavorable eoudl-
To meet low prices for farm
» u ® "*e crops on every acre must
L-I*er and also utilized in the best
Watering is the most Important oper
ation in connection with plant l^ w th .
Plants grown in rooms are benefited
, n a n ' immersion In water at the same
temperature ^s^the^nwtn ^?^ta*7!ioidd
never'be given before needed, neither
should plants be allowed to become
“ Tw-e-watered. Rain-water is the
Thp itegf time
best for all purposes.
The best time
'(Print plants .hiring summer Is
for Wftt*
!nfpr morning
the evening, but in «in ter
should iw chosen for the work.
« « . . p l i e * of Horse Radish.
, «-ho lias even a small piece
nf 7 rom d may keep supplied with
of ground
e planted it is not
horse r»A ■ • .
, )hprf |a more
« ■ " « £ 7 rant there Will be too much
J b e r than too little. It Is good
« , ■ he * new
' » « shoots
™ ‘ 1,1
put forth
fr(,st until t
ii<pt . „ „ m g frozen
£ £ v
iT m S
’nd wronger if .rated just be­
fore it I* to be used.
®*°r ln g R o o ts in P its .
fjjTPrt way to keep all roots Is In
'T®°r Pita, add as much as possi-
a clu,1'ng air from them.
J * roots, as turnips, rutabaga*
L-*^0**’ do not easily freeze, but
jujured by exposure to the air.
«ro w potatoes largely w e al-
noat o f what war* not
»111 — rr, s a t —
S c h illin g s B est baking powder and tea are
i it
because they are money-back .
What is the missing w ord ?— not S A F E , although Sthiliing;'s Be±t baking
powder.and tea are safe.
Get SthilUitt;'s Brf/ linking pow i■•-- or tea at your grocers’ ; take out tho
ticket (brown »irket in every parka
baking powder ¡.yellow ticket iu the
tea): send a ticket with each word to .
-s'below iietore December 31 st.
Until October 151)1 twb words allowed ¡or evtty ticket; alter tliut only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gels f 2000 . 00 ; if several find
It, $2000 00 will be e«|ually divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set o f cardboard
creeping babies at tlte end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar— no advertising on it. These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be dì fiore nt from tlie oues offered in
the last contest.
Better cut these ruli's out.
T lie toothache excuse for absence
from duty does not work in tlie post-
office service in Switzerland. They
have government doctors to pull tiie
offending molars.
Japanese officers who fonght in the
late war against China have petitioned
their government to erect a monument
to the memory of the horses that fell
in tint tic.
One of the most curious results of
tlie investigations made by doctors in
the Russian jails is tlie statements thnt
each group of criminals has its own
peculiar color of tiie eye.
H O M E 1’ ltO IH JC TS A N D
P l’ K E FO O D .
All Kssicrn Syrup, so-called, usually v « r f
light colored «m l of heavy body, U made from
giiicohc. "Tea linrdfn i ’rum'1 is iio.de from
Sugar Lane end is strictly pure. It is for sal*
bv ilrsr clans rrocvr,, in cans only. .Msuufso-
t ireit bv the P xcm o C oxst s yk c im o . All gen­
ii. ui * * * 7V’«i idinlrn Orifu" have I be menufac-
lu rer'l name lithoKiephed ou every can.
Egypt's population, according to the
census just taken, is 9,700,300, an in­
crease of 2,900,000 since 1882, or about
A pound o f the finest spider web
42 per cent in 15 yeais.
would reach around tlie world.
EXCLUSIVE u s e o f t h e W ORD “ C A S T O R I A ” a n d
" P I T C H E R S C A S T O R IA ,” AS OUR TRADE ’ m a r k .
/, DR. SA M U EL PITC H ER , o f Hyannis, •Massachusetts, 1
was the origin a tor o f "P IT C H E R ’S CASTORIA,” the same
that has borne and does now
//Vsj „ ^
on every
bear the fa c s im ile signature o f
This is the orig in a l "P IT C H E R ’S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes o f the mothers o f A m erica fo r over th irty
years. LOOK C A R E F U L L Y at the wrapper and see that i t is
the k in d yon have always bought
//&„ .
on the
a n d h a s t h e s i g n a t u r e ~oTf'
/CiCcAs.'t'C wrap­
per. A o one has a u th ority fro m me to use my name except
The Centaur Company o f which Chus. II. Fletcher is
M a rch 8, 1897.
D o N o t B e D eceived.
D o not endanger the life o f your ch ild by accepting a cheap substituts
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more penniea
on it), the ingredients o f which e v e n h e docs not know,
“ T h e K ind Y o u H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t”
Insist on H a v in g
T h e K in d T h a t N e v e r Failed Y o u .
A R T IC L E !
W alter Baker & Co.’s
Pure* Delicious. Nutritious.
healthy as long as possible. I f the
Coats leas than ONE C E N T a cnp.
plants lose their leaves early the bloom
»■111 l>e small. Sometimes the lighter !
Be »ure that the package bean our Trade Mark.
leaves are attacked by a parasite fun­
gus which causes them to drop off
Walter Baker & Co.
early. On the first appearance o f the
pasaslte the leaves should lie syringed
(Established I7HO )
D o rc h e s te r. M flS S .
with copper sulphate solution. Some­
times these attacks are encouraged by
allowing Ihe leaves to become weak
il l u s t r a t e d
for want o f good food, for, although It
Is not impossible for fungus parasite
to attack healthy vegetation, it is also
true that they attach themselves more
readily when the plant is weak. Man­
ure water, or a surface dressing of
manure, is the precaution to be taken
Thousands o f happy men pronounce this
Work the means o f their phvutcal salvation.
against this result. Again, leaves are
P o rtland . O r .
It gives the latest scientific facts concerning
frequently weakened by allowing the m arriage.
It describes the only known method o f at*
plants to become too dry. Careful
taming fullest natural manly vigor.
It points out Home Treatm ent for all ex-
cultivator« ran easily guard against
and sexual disbarments.
this. On the other band, stagnant w a­ cesses
It shows bow to cure nervousness,' hope­
ter in the 4 »arth is also injurious. This lessness, despondency.
One copy o f “ C O M PLE TE M ANH O O D
Send tor Catalogue
means that, to have healthy plants, the AND
HOW T O A T T A IN I T ” sent free, ia
plain wrapper, sealed securely, to the address
I Kits or I sixes In which they are grown
o f anr sincere inquirer, by the Erie Medical
should be so arranged thnt the water Company» 6f N iagara bt.. Buffalo, N. Y.
«■an pass readily aw ay.—Meehan’»
When ron feel th »t soreness in Tonr heck
thst dull pain near your kidneys. It H time to
,!oknmethli.lt ’ or roarw lf. for these symptoms
•re serious indication* ot • sriw in it disease in
?he most vital function*. Get Dr S«nden >
Electric Belt tt once. It will cure you.
853 W est W a s h in g to n St.. P o r tla o d , Or.
plea** mention thi* Paper
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep it Right.
M oore’ s R e » e « le d R e m e d y w ill do It. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It from
your druggist or »n y wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart A Holmes Drug Co-, Seattle.
— i . i . m J elwajrajio J
best. » rWm.slft-J
C oatly F a lse Teeth.
A Madras dentist. It Is announced, re­
ceived a sum o f £700 fo r supplying HI*
Highness the Nizam o f Hyderabad
with a row o f false teeth.
warena go riattine an Mighty
T m
* ’* »
harrow» can he P**
have a great
■ wted «Str.snS S A
m e lo « w s j ■
F a ll Plow *“ * *“ •H'1****
says “ W e
deal ot confidence in your good faith and
in S c h illin g s B est baking powder and tea.”
For A p p le C hoking.
I The treatment fo r apple choking
timed and illustrated Is said by a
»pondent o f the Orange Judd
Farm er to prove e f­
fectual nnd never
cause injury. Fig.
1 is made o f %-inch
r o u n d Iron, the
ends being 5 in d i­
es apart, the frame
12 inches in length
f r o m t h e -small
loops at the end to
the handle.
ring near the cen
ter is 3 by 5 inches
no. 1 .
pio. 2 . welded to the side
I*ut a small cord through the
I loops, slip the ring into the row's
kb and fasten the cord over the
Turn the handle down under
( J*w, which w ill open the mouth,
I the cow can then be held without
r troulde. I f the apple Is not far
¿It can lie removed with the hand.
*cow cannot bite or throw her head
if the handle Is held firm. I f
•ipple is too far down to remove by
. take a rubber hose. Fig. 2, start
the ring and push the apple
better prices.
r<lown into the stomach.
B est baking powder
and tea. ”
Ernest IJaudet, with the untiring lit­
Exercise for Cows.
H O W ’ S T H IS t
erary activity that distinguishes him.
I he cow which Is bearing young or
Is at work ou several books. The first
We offer One IIiiinlre.1 Dollars Reward for anv
giving milk is not naturally a frisky
ea.-o of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall 's to appear iu all probability w ill be a
animal. We never believed that she re­ Catarrh Cure.
volume dealing with the Due d ’Aumale,
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
quired much exercise. Most times
Yl e, the undersigned,have known F. J. Cheney i and consisting largely o f personal rem­
when we have turned them out while for the .ast 15 years, aud believe him perfectly I
iniscences, M. Daudet having beeu on
tleaning their slubles, instead of run­ hororable iu all business transactions and •
finuncially able to carry out any obligations i intimate terms with the late Duke.
ning about, the cow will be seen cud­ made by their firm,
W est
T ru ax .
Emile Zo'.a’ s “ Paris,” announced as
dled close to the stack to shelter herself
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
among the forthcoming publications of
from cold winds. It Is still worse when
W alding , K innan a V: M a r v in ,
Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O.
the current season, will not appear in
lain is falling.
The cow then needs
Hairs Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act­
shelter rather than exercise, and can ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- i book form until eariy In 1808. The
faces of the system. Testimonials free. Price translator has entered Into an agree­
keep warm standing still in her stable 75c.
per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
ment w it 11 one o f the leading London
better than she can while water is lie- i H all’s Family Pills a'r« the best.
weeklies for its serial issue In Great
lug evaporated from her skin.—Ameri­
A man who is fond of figures affirms Britain. The volume w ill be s’. ightly
can Cultivator.
that in buttle only one ball in 85 takes shorter than “ Lourdes,” and w ill be
Securing F.arly Lettuce.
divided into five books, each o f five
The outdoor crop of spring lettuce
M y d octor said I w ould die but P is o ’s 1 Chapters. Mr. Vizetelly says: “ It w ill
may be made several days earlier by Cure fo r consum ption cured m e.— A m os
probably come as a surprise to the crit­
sowing the seed in some sheltered place K eln er, Cherry V alley, 111., Nov. 23, ’¡Jo.
ics and readers o f M. Zo'.a’s more recent
late in fall. It is uot likely that if sown Tr> Schilling's Dest tea and baking powder.
works. It w ill be a genuine novel, with
now any of the lettuce will come up
no dissertations and no digressions.
tills fall. A few leaves scattered over
Japan ip about to send a lot o f experts
From first to last it w ill be brim ful o f
the bed will keep the seed from injury, to this country to teach the people liow :
life and action, at the same time pre-
and it will sprout and g ro w with the to make tea.
! seating a kiaeidoscopic picture o f all
first warm weather in spring. Almost
"king Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrmilstacal
| classes o f the Parisian community at
every one has seen self-sown lettuce ou Tonic known. (See Dictionary.) Ee.oo a box, ;i
"-••eks’ treatment. Mason Chemical C'o., 1*. O. Box tlie end o f tlie nineteenth century.”
the beds where it was grown and went 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
A friend who has recently visited 8 .
to seed the previous year. It is much
The speed of tlie fastest Atlantic I R. Crockett at St. Andrews, says o f
more forward than spring-sown lettuce
steamer is now greater than that of t ie j him: “ H e has tw o type-writing ma­
can be had in the same locality.
express trains on Italian railways.
chines o f unusual size and strength
Banish the Curry-Comb.
| that he had made especially for his own
The curry-comb is au Instrument of
j use at a cost o f $500 each, nnd he
torture that should be banished. In
I works ou these at lightning pace. But
some stables a great improvement up­
“ I suffered for eigh t years, and that is uot all—he w ill carry on a gen­
on it is a large wisn of straw, twisted eoukl find no permanent relief until eral conversation with a roomful of
tight, tied into a knot, and pounded one year ago. M y trouble was Change people while he is writing out a story
flat on one side. The flat side is used o f Life. 1 tr^id Lydia E. PinUhcm's on the machine. Now, I have heard
iu grooming, after being slightly damp­ Vegetable Compound, and relief came compositors talk while setting type,
ened. It Is much tietter for the skin
almost immediate- 1 hut they were merely copying, whereas
and hair than the curry-comb, re­
ly. I have taken M r. Crockett was writing out original
moves dust well, and gives the animal
tw o bottles o f matter. Usually lie works alo^ie, be­
a glossy, healthy coat. Brisk rubbing
the Vegetable ginning at about 5 o’clock in the morn­
with soft woolen cloths is excellent for
Compound, ing, and when lie comes down to break-
giving the hair a silky, glossy appear­
three boxes fast at fi lie lias 5,000 words written
o f Pills, I ont.
ance, and is an excellent thing for the
H e seems to he inexhaustible
I and have : nnd Is certainly indefatigable. H e is
also used j six feet four incites tail, weighs 280
Fa ll* Planted Trees.
the San­ i pounds, ami is as nimble as a cat.”
As fall laius are coming on some care
Gen. Lew . W allace lias been silent
is needed to tree' lately planted. \ery
Wash, and
I since tho publication of his “ Prince of
often the earth used to fill around the
must say I havo
trunk sinks away, leaving a hollow,
never had any­ India.” The announcement o f a new
book front liitt pen is. therefore, news
which carries the rains down among
thing help so much. I have better
Indeed. It Is ea'.leil “ The W ooing of
tlie roots. As these in newly planted health than I ever had in my life. I
Mnlkatoon: Commodus,” and contains
trees are dormant during winter, this feel like a new person, perfectly
two poems, with Illustrations lty F. V.
water does them much injury. It Is al- . strong. I give tho Compound a ll the
‘T h e
ways best to draw up earth around , credit. I have recommended it to sev­ DnMond nnd J. R.. Weguelln.
Wooing o f Mn'.kntoon” is a love story,
newly planted trees. This is a protec­ eral o f m y friends who are using It
tion against attacks of mice if the earth with like results. I t has cured me o f the scene o f which is in the Orient.
is closely compacted. The eartli should I several female diseases. I would not The itero, n chivalrous youth, while on
be pulled away from the trees iu the j do without Mrs. Pinkham’s remedies the chase, meets his fate. Acting under
for anything. There is no need o f b o conditions imposed by the maid's fath­
much female suffering. H er remedies er. he goes forth into the wor'.d to do
Grain Cheaper tha n Hay.
a sure cure.”— M rs . E l l a K k in e k , and dare that which w ill secure hint
I f given wiMi enough hay or straw or
Iter hand. “ Commodus” Is a play
Henry Co., Ind.
cornstalks to distend the stomach,
founded uintn a dramatic Incident in
grain is better feed than hay, because
the time o f Rome's greatest power and
more easily digested. In the coarser j tell us that the demand fo r L yd ia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is glory. Maternus, a slave who had lib­
fodder so much of the nutrition goes j
erateli himself, gathered abotrt him a
t 0 sustain animal heat or the processes simply beyond their power o f under­
band o f freebooter* that finally reached
of digestion, that comparatively little standing ; and, w h at is best o f all, it
Rome, Maternus Iteing slain a fter a
does the work promptly and w elL
is left to make flesh or milk or fats.
vain attempt to kill the Emperor and
The knowledge that some grain with
capture the throne.
hav makes cheaper nutrition Is not
half so widely extended as it ought to
Chrysanthem um s.
be I f It were, there would be a better (
Perfection o f chrystanthemum cul­
demand for grain, and it would sell at ,
ture is to have them retain their leaves
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