Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, November 25, 1897, Image 6

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    W A S H IN G T O N
R i c h C o l d D U c o v e r i f « R e p o r t e d In t h e
C h i n e « » P r o v i n c e o f Clianul.
T h e G u i r r n iii«*nt W a n t s N s w A r m a m e n t
in a H u r r y .
V11,1 '/ /
Victoria, Nov. 19.— The steamship
Philadelphia, Nov. 18.— For more
Empress of Ciiiua has arrived iiere from Blanco Has Received Orders than two months people living in Tioga !
the Orient. Among her passengers w as
and Nicetown have .commented upon j
to Release Them.
Bishop Hoffman,of the Catholic church,
the fact that the Midvale steel works
fie says that gold discoveries are being
had not had a shutdown even for Sun­
made in Chansi, in Northern China.
day, and the jarring noise of the big
Chinese government, to encourage l.OPE FOR CUBAN INSURGENTS machinery lias penetrated at midnight
mining, has begun the building of a
or the early hours of the morning the
railway from Hankow to Peking, pass­
iff/ 1
same as during the day.
Sickness has
C o m p e t i t i o n o f \ ii i« r i< an N a t i o n s F r i g h t ­
U rg e d to K e e p U p th e S t r u g g le for
ing through a richly mineralized coun­
been the only plea that would permit j
formerly, but are turning their ntt
ens th e P o w e r s o f the O ld W o r ld
Th ree
M on th «
L o n g e r —G e n e r a l
any of the employes to enjoy a day’s
tion to the production of mutton of t
—A H a t t i e f o r E x i s t e n c e .
W e y le r ’ « C o m in g R ecep tio n .
Other advices are as follows: A small
rest, and three relays of men have been
best quality.
Although there
Vienna. Nov. 33.— Count Goluohow-
Havana, Nov. 19.— It is reported alternately kept at a high tension.
than a few years a
7 fli
ski, the Austro-Hungarian minister of China cansed by dissatisfaction with that Marshal Blanco has received cable
A ll this excitement, it leaked out to­
yet the value o f sheep Is much mo
foreign affairs, in his annual address
instructions from Madrid to release the day, ig due to a hurried order from the
There Is also an Improvement In ke
A A i
A Chinese pirate concerned in tiie
yesterday before the Austrian and Hun­
prisoners captured on board the Am eri­ government for an increase of arma­
o V
ing and feeding -sheep, the hillsij
garian delegations, when making an ap­
can schooner Competitor in April, ment. Tiie order placed with the Mid- j
with exposure In winter, being the
peal to all Europe to take advantage of
1896, by the Spanish gunboat Mesagéra, vale steel works is for 50 10-inch dis- j
of sheep In former years.
the present era of peace and to join
¡uni that tiiey will sail today for the appearing guns and 10 13-inch mortars.
closely for the vigorous defense of con­ murder.
F o w P o t a t o e s E x h a u s t Land.
The government inspection is in tiie
United States. It is reported that the
ditions common to European countries M-The Japanese man-of-war Fuso ran instructions to the governor-general d i­ hands of Captain T. A. Lisle, of the
As the potato is so largely water
- . 7 ' »
as against "the crushing corn [«'tition on a rock near Nagahama. after having rect tiie return of the captured arias, army. He is out of tiie city, and the
might he supposed that It Is not at
j been in collison with another ship, and of the vessel to the owner.
of trans-Atlantic nations,” said:
exhaustive. But the potato crop
manager of the Midvale company de­
“ The turning point has been reached
always sold from the land, Instead
D i p p i n g C u ttle.
Admiral Navarro, it is said, was at clined to talk regarding tiie big contract
in Europe which calls for the unremit­ and sunk on the 39th of October. There first inclined to disobey tiiis instruc­ made with tiie government.
Texas is fighting upon her own lielng fed on It. The ouly thing t*
ting attention of the governments. were no casualties, and it is expected tion, and, with other naval authorities,
An open gate of the main building at ground this terrible little tick which is the potato takes from the soil is
The great problems of material dam­ < that the ship can be raised without was disposed to resign before carrying the Midvale disclosed to view three un­ now believed to spread the cattle fever. ash. and this Is largely found In
Dr. Victor
Nor- leaves and stems. The tubers a
age, which become more pressing every much difficulty.
finished castings of tiie 10-inch pattern.
them out.
On October 31 a conflagration oc­
f /guard, chief of the contain some potash, und It Is t
year, are no longer matters for the fu­
To one side of the-furnaces upon tem­
H o p e fo r t h e Cubans.
division of pathol­ which blackens the knives and him
ture, but require to be taken in hand curred at Nagoaka Machies, over 350
Havana, Nov. 19.— The new secre­ porary wooilen mountings were two
ogy in the bureau of those who peel and cut potato
instantly. Thederfuctive competition ! houses being reduced to ashes.
tary-general for Cuba, Dr. Jose Con­ weapons apparently ready for transpor­
of animal Industry A large crop o f iiotatoes It is estlmat
which trans-oceanic countries are carry­
The Japanese government has de­
at Washington, is will take one hundred pounds of i;
ing on at present, and which is, in
While this work of constructing guns
adelphia, continues to make himself
conducting experi­ ash per acre from the soli. Only hea
part, to be expected in the immediate manded the sum of $300,000 in gold
unpopular. He has had a dispute with
ments at the ex­ land can stand this drain. Even wh
future, requires prompt and thorough from Hawaii by way of indemnity in
Midvale works, equal activity has been
connection with the emigration affair. a prominent conservative. Señor Fran- i
pense of the own­ potash such soils contain Is largely
counteracting measures if the vital in­
cisco de las Santos Guzman, a former
v.„ of the great available, because It has comblc
terests of the people of Europe are not J This sum includes losses suffered by the
immigrants to wiiom admission was de- president of the congress, anil he bus
to be gravely compromised.
els at Fort Worth, lh e lneth- with sand and has formed it silio
also had a misunderstanding with Señor where the war department lias a con­
" W e must fight shoulder to shoulder niedV,M Weil !‘ s * the C0,n' T ies " h° Cuerto, a prominent autonomist, with tract for 10 10-inch disappearing gun
1 is to swim the cattle through a of potash. Sandy soils are genera'
| sent them and the expense of sending
against a common danger, and arm
the result, it is understood, that let- ; carriages and 10 13-inch mortar car­ large tank, containing a mixture deficient In potash, and what th
ourselves for the struggle with till tiie a warship to Honolulu. The Japanese
ters have been written to Madrid call- ; riages. The Southwark Company has which it Is hoped will destroy the have Is not in un available form
means at our dis|<osal. Just as the
ing attention to the alleged eccentrici­ completed several of the carriages and ticks on them. These experiments are use by crops.
10th and 17th centuries were absorbed
I made by dipping the cattle infested
of the secretary general, and dwell­ delivered them to the government.
by religious wars; just as the 18th cen­
There is enough work on the unfin­ with ticks Into a carbolic preparation,
O v e r s k i r t s f o r S t a b l e Use.
ing ii|>on his peculiar political senti­
manufactur <vl
tury was marked by the triumph of lib­
ished contracts at both plants to keep “chloro-iiaphtholeuin,”
There is much dirty work about t
eral ideas, and just as the 19th century F o u r T h o u s a n d F a m i l i e s A r e R e a d y t o Dr. Congosto and Señor Guzman be­ tiie entire force of men at each place by a New York company. To properly stable, which, together with hairs fre
E in i g r a t e .
lias been notable for the appearance of
It is said make these interesting tests required animals, will make the clothes dli
came so heated that it nearly ended in busy for several months.
great questions of nationality, so w ill
Denver, Nov. 19.— Charles Kuharich, a most disagreeable manner, and their 1 there will be no shutdown in either the building of special liens and shoots and extremely offensive. It Is
the 30th century he fur Europe a period secretary of the Croatian Consolidated conversation
and a large vat to contain the chemical habit of some men who take pride
generally place for the holiday vacation.
marked by a struggle for existence in Company, o f New York, is now in Den­ know'll, has been uynch commented
for dipping.
tiieir personal appearance, ns eve
the politico-commercial sphere. Euro­ ver, making his headquarters with tiie upon, and has had a very unfavorable
The actual work of dipping the ent- one should, to have made two ijto
pean nations must close ranks in order | Colorado Immigration & Development.
! tie Is interesting. They were driven shirts, one of which enn lie slipped
effect upon the Spanish residents.
to successfully defend their existence. Company. He reports about 4,000 fam­
It is believed here that there will be I m p o s s i b l e T a s k H a s B e e n G i v e n to by way of a shoot into the pen ¡it the quickly before the stable work is dot1
“ May this he realized everywhere, ilies that are now ready for Western great excitement in Spain so soon as tiie
head of the vat. From this they were This prevents the necessity of ca
G e n e ra l Blan co.
and may the epoch of peaceful develop­ immigration, with many more to follow. American congress meets.
Ing stable odors into the house. Me
The letters I New York, Nov. 18.— A World dis­
ment we now confidently anticipate be
The Croatians ate industrious and found on captured insurgents show that patch from Havana says:
of tiie chores about the stable tire do
employed in collecting our strength anil frugal. They are of tiie Slav race of they were recently advised to keep up Blanco has entered upon an almost
liefore breakfast, and there will be
devoting our services chiefly to this southern Germany, Croatia being one the struggle for three months longer, hopeless task. The present Cuban sit­
better appetite for the first meal
of the provinces of Austria, and the pointing out that the first act of tiie uation is such that it semes impossible
the day if stable odors are kept
Cc fr
of the room. It will also effect it gre
Sugasta government would be the re­ to effect the reforms and to accomplish
B j i b b c I i E x o i t p d ( i r f l u t I n t e r e n t .
and several of the other provinces of moval of Weyler, and adding that war what the greatest army in the history
boss ®: saving of clothes to keep them fr
London. Nov. 33.— Thu Berlin cor re
• ;^ = V Ä *
southern Austria.
The people Mr. would be made on the Spanish minister of colonial wars has failed to accom­
front these odors, which require
spondent of the Daily Chronicle snvs:
- - - m>'
Kuharich represents prefer fruit, vege­ at Washington, Señor de Lome.
It is plish.
quent washing to remove.
" ‘ fount (ioluchowski’s statement,
tables and grape lands, in the cultiva­ charged that Señor de Lome and Dr.
Spain’ s present policy is announced
with reference to the struggle with i
tion of which they are among tiie most Congosto are to blame for the spread in to be one of combined conciliation and
f c o r f h e i l G r a i n f o r Hens.
America lias excited tiie must wide­
expert people in the world.
Where liens ure fed large amounts
the United States of the sentiment in force. It appears to be, as some Span­ driven through the narrow shoot, one
spread interest here.
It is believed j
The largest colonies of these people favor of autonomy, and it is even alleged ish journals have called it, “ a suicidal
at a time, ou to a metal covered trap­ corn newly husked, and not tliorou.
that before ho made public so remarka­
now in this country are in Pennsylva­ tiiat they have induced American |K)licy.” Tiie peculiar and not gen­
door that lies horizontally with one ly dried, tiieir digestive apparatus
ble an enunciation of jiolicy, ho had ,
nia, Illinois and New York, number­ newspapers to advocate this policy.
erally understood conditions of the Cu­ end projecting over the vat. This door comes disordered. This is often rer
tiie consent of the other powers, with
ing several thousand, and many thou­
There is much excitement here at ban struggle now make any concilia­ is fixed on a horizontal pivot, and when died by heating the corn to the pot
the exception of England, and spoke as . sands more are now in Europe await­
the mouthpiece of those governments.” ing arrangements to he made for tiieir present over tiie news of the landing of tory move u direct play into tiie hands the animal reached the far end his of scorching. Hens will eat t'
another filibustering expedition by the of the insurgents.
weight would bear it down and before scorched corn quite readily, and th
The Vienna correspondent says:
removal to this country.
This is particularly true of the proc­ he would know it he would plunge will be the better for it. But par;
‘ ‘ Count Golnchowaki’s appeal to Eu- j
lamation of November 10, which com­ head first into the chemical bath be­ burned oats where the hulls are bu
rope to unite against the trans-oceanic ,
ed off and only the blackened gra!
mands civil and military authorities to low.
countries is regarded rather us a pla- j
aid in protecting tiie sugar properties
The animal is completely submerged are left are even better than score1:
'tonic desire than ns a concerted pro- j
In sp ection B oard W i l l R ecom m en d T h a t
in grinding cane. To adequately pro­ by the fall into the six feet of fluid and corn. This is really the best way
gramme. Thus fur, no practial attempt 1 T h e B u l l r i n g S e a C o n f e r e n c e C o n i c s t o
th e G o v e r n m e n t A c c e p t Her.
tect the sugar estates likely to operate, upon rising cannot escape from the in­ feed oats to liens. The hulls uta
in that direction is intended, at least i
Now York, Nov. 19.— The battleship General Blanco will have to practically voluntary hath without swimming the food more bulky than Is best
not by Austria ”
Washington, Nov. 19.— The Behring Iowa arrived at Brooklyn navy-yard
close the operations against insur­ over twenty feet to the other end of the them, as their crops are limited, i
sea meeting, in which representatives
E XC ITE M EN T AT FEVER HEAT. of Great Britain, Canada and the this afternoon, after concluding her gents. He lias not enough men to do vat. where the ascent is an inclined the light, chaffy grain does not g(
final trial trip. Tiie report of the in- both things. Most of tiie plantatations plane provided with footholds. At the sufficient nutrition for the best
United estates have participated, came gpeoth n hoard w ill ho sent by telegraph
were worked last year for short periods. top the steer is allowed to stand for production.
Chetc’ o S t ir r e d I p O v e r t lle C o o l l d g e
to a close tonight, the seal experts to Washington, and it is said tiie per­
A ll paid their own guards, and most of awhile and drip, when the gate is open­
making a unanimous report concerning formance of tho Iowa during the trip
them paid the Cubans as well. Those ed and he Is allow<>d*to go with his
Cheup O r i n k i n i r Fou n tain .
Crescent City, Cal., Nov. 28.— There 1 the condition of the seal herds, and the was in every wav satisfactory, and that planters who did not pay tribute were
Not every farm Is supplied with 1
fellows into pens prepared for their re­
is much excitement in and alarm Chet­
the board w ill recommend that the gov­ forced to double or treble their guards. ception. These pens are carefully ex­ tiing streams where the poultry can .
oo as the result of the killing of young spective governments reaching an un­ ernment finally accept the vessel.
Only about 20 per cent of the sugar amined at certain intervals after being good water when they want It, es
Coolidge by the Van Pelts, over the derstanding, by which, at a later day,
Captain Simpson states that the ves­ plantations that operated two years dipped and notes taken. They are
dally the you!
townsito question. Coolidge, senior, a they hope to effect a final adjustment, sel was under natural draught during ago have machinery modern enough or
chickens, turki
driven hack to the vat and redlpped if
capitalist of Silverton, Or,, has offered
tiie 30 hours of her trial. During a two cane in good enough condition to war­ found necessary.
and goslings,
a reward of $530 for the arrest and con­ but of other pending border contro­ hours’ run at her maximum speed, she rant grinding at tiie present price of.
So far It does not appear that the ex­
viction of the various members of the versies. For the present, however, no attained 13'.j knots, or about 86 per sugar.
periments have proved a decided suc­
the Orange .Iu
Van Pelt party, principals and acces­
cent of tiie maximum attained under
General Blanco w ill have to furnish, cess. the end in view having been only
sories to the murder, and several j>ar- sion of pelagic sealing. The Canadians natural draught was 94 revolutions. estimated moderately, at least 12,000
partially attained. Experiments are
several three-o
ties are out from Chctco and Gold urged that other questions he embraced These results are considered satisfac­ men, or 275 gourds to each of 44 plan­ now being continued, with the addition
1 o u galvani ,
in any plan of sottlemunt, and suggest­ tory, as the vessel has not been in dock
Beach patrolling the roads and trails.
These soldiers must come of West Virginia black oil. which, it is d r i n k i n g x-q n t a i n . Pails for 17 ce
Joe Alvin, a half-breed, suspected of
for over seven months.
On the return from forces now operating against tiie promised, will destroy nil the ticks.
each mid some small pans for 10 ceBj
being one of the Van Pelt party, lias complish this end. This pro|M>sition trip all the guns on board were fired.
insurgents. It is not likely that Gen­
A small hole was made in the ltott
been shot and probably fatally wounded was fully discussed, and an agreement
A F o ld in g Rack.
eral Blanco has forgotten the lesson of
of each pall, which was then til'
Mrs. W a l k u p * . C areer.
reached that the Dominion officials
by a posse.
It is often convenient to have a rack
the invasion, and will tuke the regular
with water and sot In the middle o
Emporia, Kan., Nov. 19.— The death
K. C. Hughes and Sink Van Pelt should put their views in writing after
troops from guard duty in the towns to
have been arrested here by Sheriff F er­ returning to Ottawa, and submit them in Chicago of John Ketchum. shortly allow volunteer garrisons opportunity must he used for other pttriioscs. A shallow pan. A board cover was pine
guson at the request of Sheriff Turner, to the authorities here. Alt parties after marrying Mabel Wallace, the of surrendering to the enemy. The folding rack will be found very con­ on top. A space o f one and one-bt
of Curry county, Or., as suspects in the concerned say the outlook is favorable widow of John Walkup, the man for larger number of Cubans forced by hun­ venient for such a situation. A design inches ltetween the pall i,*. u the outs
of the pan Is sufficient. This alio
whose murder she was tried here 12
Coolidge shooting, hut both protest to a satisfactory adjustment.
ger into volunteer uniforms makes Biich for tills is shown in the sketch, taken plenty of room for drinking, but t
yeass ago, recalls the sensational end­
their innocence and say they can prove
surrendering more probable now than
young birds cannot get Into the wa
In D efense o f the B oycott.
ing* of the case, in which Mrs, Wulkup’s
an alihi. They have offered to go to
and foul it. Care should be taken
Butte, Mont., Nov. 19.— The state
Chetco without requiring the sheriff to
More than half of the rural popula­
have the hole iu the bottom of the ;
wire the governor of California for a trades and lntmr assembly today adopt­ just as everything seemed to be against tion has disappeared, having been mur­
quite small.
The prosecution claimed that
ed resolutions condemning the interfer­ her.
dered by W eyler and his supporters.
ence of the United States court with Mrs. Walkup had purchased arsenic
Tiie same men are much more directly
G r a in s fo r P r o d u c in g Pork.
T h e D lfim on tl« W e r e G r e e te d .
i the Chinese boycott here and other boy- while en route to Emporia, while on
accountable for the inhuman manner
Experiments In this country
New York, Nov. 23.— An attempt to I cotta elsewhere, on the ground that the her wedding trip, ami that she pur­ | in which their brave soldiers have been
Canada, extending over a period o f ;
defraud the government was prevented 1 lioycott of organised labor is a defen- chased quantities of poison while in | underfed and uncared for. As nearly
eral years, with different grains
The sentiment of the town
by the United States appraiser today, | sive instrument, an expression of the Emporia.
as can be conservatively computed from
producing pork show that to prod ’
when an importation of 200 or 300 I right to extend patronage to those who, was for conviction. The climax of the figures, little more than half are left
one iKtund of pork requires al>out
karats of small diamonds were invoiced j by employing Onion labor, patronize case was reached when Mrs. Walkup | alive.
pounds of barley, which makes the I
at about $34 |a>r karst. The diamonds labor. The lioycott is declared to be was placed on the stand. She was very |
worth 50 cents a bushel In the to
had evidently been put into a solution ! merely the right of a man to choose his lieautiful and well schooled, and before \
of pork. With wheat a pound of ]
Philadelphia, Nov. 18.— Levi L. Pot­
of resin and grease, thus dulling their own assistants, to go wheresoever he she finished giving testimony the law- j
was made from 4% pounds, return!
color to snob un extent that the dia­ wills upon the public highway, to work vers, jurymen and judge wept, and the j ter, colored, aged 25 years, was killed
70 cents per bushel. Pork from c.
monds ap|*‘iired to lie of little value. for whomsoever he may desire, to pat­ stenographer’ s eyes were blinded so tonight by an electric light wire. He
required 4l/j pounds of corn, tuakf
The 1 was standing on an iron grating iu
When washed in alcohol and hot water, ronize whom he pleases, and to prose­ that he could not see to write.
the value of the corn In the form
the appraiser of the diamonds found cute his business in a competitive way, girl who had been befriended by only front of a South-street store. He car- j ________FOLDING CRIB OR RACK.
63 cents per bushel. At mar
them of fine quality and exceptionally
bottom hinges at the back to the wall,
A verdict of j an iron rod, one end of which he held and at the front It hinges to the front prices—barley, 25 cents; wheat,
well cut. The duties and |>enalties ness, provided in so doing he is not were directly interested.
acquittal was rendered.
in his hand. The other end totiched of the crib. The whole Is held to the cents, and corn, 3 5 c e n t s — the pork
upon this invoice will now amount <« guilty of defaming another citizen.
wire where it was exposed and Pot­ wall and ceilings as suggested. The 2Va cents from barley, 4 cents fi
more than $4 ,500; whereas, under a
C o m m it t e e to G o to W a s h i n g t o n .
wheat aud 2.85 cents from corn.
ter fell dead.
correct Invoice, less than $1,000 would
I 'x i i i t ' In a S c h o o l .
ro|ies attached to the wall will not
Walla Walla, Wash., Nov. 19.— A
have been collected.
Cincinnati, Nov 19.— A panic was meeting held at the city hall today to
have to lie unfastened In order to fold
F a te o f A n n ex ation T re a ty .
P o t a t o D is e a s e in Ir e la n d .
caused in St. Andrew’s school today by protest against the prop<*sed abandon­
Chicago, Nov. 18.— A special to the the rack down closely against the wall.
The disease which Is destroying
T h e B o u t C i» ** *l•
the upsetting of a stove. Some fright­ ment of Fort Walla Walla was attend­ Times-llerald from Washington says:
potato crop in Ireland is known
S tu n tin g P ig s B efore B irth .
flood Ground, L. I., Nov. 23. — An­ ened children jumped from the win­
It is not so generally appreciated as “ Phytophora infestans,” and prev
drew Foley, William Wells and Oliver dows, while others were thrown down ed by a large number of prominent Ratification of tiie Hawaiian annexa­
Wells were drowned last night by the by the maddened efforts of the stronger business men and citizens. It was de­ tion treaty by the United States senate It should 1 h - that the breeding sow more on moist soils than where
The administration has while she is bearing her young needs land is dry, though ary soils are
upsetting of a catboat in Nhinnecock one* to escape. The fire and |>olice de­ cided to send a committee to Washing­ is assured.
bay. When the boat was found today partment responde I to the calls. The ton to present the matter to the, war made a (Mill of that body, and as a re­ just the kind of nutrition that the free from the disease. It gener
the bodies of two of the men were en­ tire was quickly subdued, and four seri­ department. W. D. Tyler and Judge sult President McKinley thinks that growing pig will require. Hows fed affects the tubers late in the sea:
W. H. Upton were appointed, and w ill more than two-thirds of the senators heavily on corn fatten, and bring thin, and frequently the attack is sud
tangled in the rigging.
ously injured pupils were sent home.
take the matter up at once.
will vote for ratification.
stunted pigs, with very little ability and fatal. It begins as a single
to care for themselves. Such pigs will on the leaf, spreading to the en
Brasil, Ind. , Nov. 23. — A train on
London, Nov. 19.— A dispatch from
1'assenger T r a in D l t r h f d .
San Francisco, Nov. 18.— The secre­ never do so well as those whose dams plant, prevailing mostly during d»
the Chicago & Indiana coal road, ear- Constantinople says the Turkish gov­
Cleveland, O., Nov. 19.— A passen- | tary of the navy has ordered an investi­ were fed milk and wheat bran with weather. Where the potatoes
rying 5(H) mine returning from work, ernment has agreed to the demands of
ger train on the Cleveland, Canton & gation of charges that discrimination some kind of roots while bearing their ls-en sprayetl with Bordeaux mlxt
was wrecked near Coal bluffs this the Austrian government; that the vali
Southern railway was derailed this against Grand Arm y veterans is prac­ young. These will have good diges­ the disease seems to be checked.
morning. The rain ran over a horse, of Andana and Meraitia have been de­
morning at the approach to a bridge ticed in the employment of men at tion. and will grow rapidly, while the
throwing one oar and I u> caboose from posed; that the victim of the outrage
over Pettihone brook. Two passenger Mare island navy-yard. A formal com­ stunted pig will never fully recover
Banking Barn* with Htone.
the track, and both rol si down the em- w ill lie indemnified, anil that the sul­
coaches relied over the embankment plaint was lodged recently by 100 vet­ front the improper nutrition it received
When basement barns are built,
baut km rnt and into a ditch filled with tan has consented to pay the claims of
into the ditch. Sixty persons were oh erans. This was transmitted to con­ before it was farrowed.
often necessary to bank up ak*!
water. Twenty-six miners were more the Oriental railroad, which was oper­
board, but only three were injured.
them to make a driveway on the
gress through Congressman Hilborn,
or less hurt. Three of them suffered ated by an Austrian company, paying
B e tter M utton Sheep.
floor. I-oose stones are often used
who has receive»! the decision of the
injuries that probably will prove fatal. $1,950,000, being the balance due the
Detectives detailed to look after pro­ navy det*rtraent.
The investigation sh»>ep agitation in favor o f better this purpose, but this Is sure to b*
The fat » 11 7 »• itrt are Ashury Kummell, company for the conveyance of Turkish fessional shoplifters always look to so«'
, for n,nt,on Is changing the pented o f later, as the loose *j
w ill be conducted under the direction i
fins Hubert and Guy Aakcriuan.
Greed* on many farms. Farmers re make a refuge for rats from which
troops during the recent wsr.
I if their suspects are wearing gloves.
of Lieutenant John J. Knapp.
not now as much Interested In wool as almost Impossible to dislodge th e »
Goluchowski Gravely Warns
Europe of Danger.
- F