Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, November 25, 1897, Image 5

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    , ita food pare,
•^toießome and delloloaa.
car lo lT o U ,f e oi^cake'meal
« ¡11 - l U t Portland p r “ r
inert is now
b h t ’ ey
co further «
iurther occasion
"T H E F A M O U S ”
Suits $ too Overcoats
Al Wool io!oo Al Wool
« hy , oB„ ; >ilh c
Labnppe when L axativ ,
R 0M0’ Q c^
* " * W 11 core y°« in one day. Does
no produce the ringing in the head 1 ^
Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets
convenient for taking. Guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents
For sale by J. C. Clark.
Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00
Boys’ Suits from $1.75 up
Famous Clothing House
Mrs. South's hotel, the Michigan
house, narrowly escaped a fire Frid.v
J^iolutel/ P u ro
Corner Morrison and 2d Sts.
W ed" 7
UKht ,l°Ve
heated at d setting fire to the wall paper.
fh c d r.lt had been left open Mr.
Gleason happen to notice it in time so
that no particular damage was done.
Shav .ng i0 cents, hair cutting 25 cents
at the Diamond Shaving Parlor, one
door north of Hayden & Buxton’s
meat market. Good work and courteous
attention. Alien & Sears, Proprietors.
t o w n
Large assortment of window «hade* at
Will save you from $2.00 to (4.00
on the price of a suit or overcoat
fo r1
J. C. Clark’s Drug Store
SC H O O L B O O K S, T B L E T S , S L A T E S
loan in sums to suit. Rooms
shute Building, Hillsboro, Or.
e .u
loldist. No. 30 for the m onth
«¡Oct. 25th and ending Nov.
hofday* taught, 20; total No.
m»hi, Sir; total No. o f days
[109; N°- ° f hoys enrolled, 22;
[is enrolled, 23; total No. en-
ivenge daily attendance, 40.
(etcher, teacher.
We haven't any Thanksgiving turkey*,
O b itu ary,
but we have harm es that will take you
IR E L A N D — Lucinda E. Miller w a*
where you can get them — C. Hinman.
b o « May *3. 1838 in Putman coun ty,
Abbott & Roe’s, get prices and if you
! are in need you will buy.
Rev. R. W. Farquahar, pastor of the
; Hussalo street Congregational church
. Portland, will preach in the Cotigrcga-
| tiotial church next Sunday morning aud
Don’ t forget that Abbott A Roe are
always in it on harness. Workmanship
J and quality guaranteed.
Ammunition and smokeless shells of all
i kinds at S. Hughes & Son.
Rev. J. S. Griffin, of Hillsboro, who
came to Oregon in ’39, today is celebrat­
ing his 90th birthday. Dr. Geiger Sr. is
in’ Hillsboro visiting him. Mr. Griffin
was connected with the earliest newspa-
; per in the state, one published at Tuala­
tin. The H a t c h e t is proud o f having
upon its subscription list a number a f
the first settlers of Oregon and o f none
Indiana, and departed this life O ct. 21,
1897, at the Sjje of fifty-nine years, four
months and twentv-eight days.
parents moved to Henry county, Iowa,
wi$pre she resided until her marriage to
Geo. R. Ireland on Feb. 3. 1857. This
anion was bleat with six children, one o f
whom died in infancy, but the other five
are living. She and her husband moved
to Decatur county, Iowa, and there they
both united with the Christian church in
1867, of which she remained a faithful
member until her death. She with her
husband and family, ha . resided in N e­
braska a trout about ten years. T he
children and grandchildren were a ll
present, and jihe recognized them and
called each hy name to her bedside unit
bade them good-bye and asked them to
live right and meet her in heaven.
The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.
m .,a t the residence, Rev. J. W. H ull
conducting the services. Interment was
at the Blair cemeltrv. Many friends
extended deep sympathy to the relafivcs-
more than Father Griffin who is the
; earliest of the men pioneers surviving. ia this hour of their sorrow.
To him it extends its cordial wishes that
A Blair, N eh., newspaper contains
j the returning y ears will find him upon the above obituary notice of Mrs.
tins anniversary day as hale and hearty George Ireland who was u sister-in-law
ns he now is for time has dealt gently of Mrs. kobt. Ireland of Greenville and
with him and a man twenty years his had a «umber of relatives in this county.
junior might envy his health. Wash- Her husband visited here last year and
j ington county also boasts the eldest of will be remembered by many.
the lady pioneers in Mrs. Mary Walker I
" "" " ' ' ■
.. '
• of Forest Grove, who came here u few
Thanksgiving- Dinner.
I years earlier than M i. Griffin.
The city ought to sec to rrnlacir.™ the
PEN CILS, E T C . Largest line and best
sidewalk damaged by the Hallow" V e n
distnrbers and ought also to offer
assortment in city. V ery low this jrear.
suitable reward for their arrest and con­
\\ hen in need, call on the old reliable
viction that similar offenses may not oc­
cur next rear. There is no more excuse
for lawlessness ami wanton destruction
of property upon that night than at any
j The dinner to h i given l»y the ladies of
F o r e s t G r o v e . Ore ao n.
other and every year sees bolder and
The cineograpb, one o f the later pro­ the Christian church on Thanksgiving
more serious damage done. The parties
ducts of Edison’s genius, entertained day promises to bo n great success.
The New Home sewing machine leads
W heat 70 cents.
could easily be discovered and a few
| large audiences in Verts hall F'riday aud Turkeys, chickens, cranberry sauce,
all others, light running, simple, dur­
lever have a fit? I f not, call examples might profitably be made.
Henry Hamilton Friday made good to Saturday evenings. A rapid succession pumpkin pie, and lots of et eeteras.
able and beautiful. Warranted. Smith,
He will give you one.
the amount of J200 his name us surely of ins anteous photographs thrown upon Place, Masonic hall. Price 25 cents.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt’s the furniture man keeps them and you
jjv the holidays you must be Little Early Risers cure biliousness, con- can buy cheape- of him than of any one 011 a bond of Mr. Pfanner us odmiuistrx- * screen produces images which seem to
tor of a minor’s estate. Just before be 1 have motion stid are very r-alistic.
If in need of shirts, pants, stipatiod, sick headache. J. C. Clark,
else. Call and see him before buying
“ They don’t make much fuss about it.”
left for Southern Oregon he received a Scenes of fighing fire, skirt aud serpen-
urcoata see Jackson.
letter from Mr. Pfanner assuring th a t'tin e dancing, fishing, railway travel, AVo are speaking of De W itt’s Little
j,wishing to talk with Mrs.
Report of primary department Gaston
Mrs. Lois MacMahon and Miss Agnes the amount would be made good to him home life, etc., constituted preform- Early Risers, the famous little pills for
hot the famous home rem edy, school for month ending Nov. 19: Days
Watts, both of Portland, are visiting at and that he should not lose a cent in the ance. The wind up was an osculation constipation, biliousness, and all stomach
and liver troubles. They never gripe.
| find her at home 011 Satur- taught 50, attendance 586, absence 67, the home of Prof. J. W. Marsh.
i performance which was received with
J. C. Clark, Druggist.
orders promptly attended tardiness 5, enrollment, 14 boys, 19 girls,
L. Smith has just received a new
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigati’s.
, ,
33 total, average belonging 32, average lot Geo.
variety of the numerous talking nia-
of wall paper at very low prices and '
An account of the lost hunters iu the chines, rendered selections “ between the
ieow for sale or trade for sheep, attendance 29. Roll of Honor: Lucy is ready to sell very cheap. Now is a
Dr. R. II. Hovey having located in
Nehalem will be found in the Glenwocd acts” but was good ouly in a whistling
Brown, May Tupper, Pearl Everst, Her­
len', Glen wood, Oregon.
good time to repaper your rooms.
Forest Grove for the practice o f dentistry
bert Burlingame, Roy Brock, Colin
j chorus and a piccolo orchestra selection.
takes this method of informing the puo-
, p. Ry. is the oldest railroad,
Brown, Elmer Hawrick, Clyde Ray­
Handmade chocolate creams and taffy ’ nfoitunatclv the darkening of the house lic that he is prepared to do auy work in
ibed, safest, and most accomo- mond, Willie Rolston. Mrs. A. M. Por­ jewelry repairing at reasonable prices.
candies at Krioder’s Home Bakery.
" , for the »tereopticun g£ ve opportunity for hat line. Office in Ingles & Porter’s
•f suy railroad on the Pacific ter, teacher.
Second door North of Boos’.
another of those exhibitions of rowdy-
Joy a ticket at Hatchet office,
Xhe heavy rains and beating winds of ism nhich are becoming o f such frequent
G o to J . D. Kodes for bargains at the
Greer’s groctrics are pure aud fresh.
last Wednesday and Thursday found the occurrence at public entertainments here
on, agent.
new meat market in the Boos building.
If you are troubled with Catarrh, Sore-
weak spots iu all roofs and hardly a as to make respectable people hesitate
Dr. R. I I . Hovey, dentist.
lewart, a nephew o f Hon. Lee
He will sell you l 3 pounds of lieef for $1.
house in town, not excepting the new about going out in public. The city re­ throat, Cough, Diseaso o f the Lungs or
recently returned from the
Mr. George Drorbaugh, who has been So there is no ttason why every one college building, escaped a leak. The
quires a license fee for such occasions Rheumatism, consult Dr. C. E . Geiger.
find states, was guest of his mi­ employed on the new Astoria R. R., re­ shouldn't have mince meal for Christ­
H a t c h e t was a h eavy sufferer on account and ought to in return protect the audi­
nk, Mr. Stewurt, who is a Yatu- turned from Ranier Saturday.
Strayed.— From the farm of the under­
mas and other meats in proportion.
of its large skylights aud considerable ence from these »unoyunces which in
But can only srll for C a sh .
kybirth, is a giaduate from the
signed, Ai mile west of Forest Grove, on
matter had to be carried over to this is­ j la.-t week's instance trangressed the
Notice is hereby given that there will
or about Sept. 20 , 1897 , a large Cotswold
uchool, and is just looking
Go to Langley it Son, attorneys-at- sue on account of the interference of the bounds of common decency.
ram, tail cut very short and small notch
ill a view to discovering the
law, for ell kinds of legal w ork.
water. The present number appear* one
llohang out his shingle. His grnngc on the fourth Saturday of Nov­
day earlier so that the printers may i | The Forest Grove boys sey that It# cut in upper part of ear. Finder will be
Go to Baldwin Bros, for Thanksgiving
aside at Forest Grove and he ember (being tlie 27th of November ’97)
give thanks along with the rest of the | reason «bat they were beaten in that suitably rewarded for leaving informa­
I from Pacific U niversity be- at 10 a. m. All Patrons of Husbandry dinner.
game with McMinnville was < n account tion as to same at my office.
E dw ard L. N a y l o r
! to Yale.— M cM innville Re- are invited to attend.— M. E. Johnston,
of the “ superior w eight” o f the Baptist
Call at the hardware store of S. Hughes
November, 10 , ' 97 .
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s. rolli*ge boys while the McMinnville
& Son and examine their stock of never
Parties going East or South should get
a ticket over the S. P. Ry. I. W. Patter­
twees F,. W illard, the inter- son, agent.
. C. T. U. president, thinks
cn union Thanksgiving service will
meeds a better physique and
be held at the Christian church Thurs­
nntrituous diet, simpler
day morning at II o’clock. Rev.
corsets, larger shoes, fresh
Austin Rice, pastor of tne Congrega­
[ht and a good supply of red
tional church, will preach the sermon.
It is only man that needs
A collection or thanksgiving offering
1 here below.
will be taken for charity work.
aie Schultz, manager o f Wasli-
Taken up by the undersigned.— One
mtyfor the Viavi company, is
sorrel horse, age between two and
• the Dr. Large cottage east of
three years, star on forehead. If not
Sian church.
called for within ten days from this dale
|will repair your shoes neatly.
past four years fourteen
and fifty
swimmers and
•ired and eighty-six boaters
drowned, six hundred and
fatalities have occured in hunt-
bo hundred and fifty-dour in
I golf has caused two, tennis
hseball six deaths while foot-
II responsible for the untim ely
•I eleven persons. Y e t more
iwn lost in talking, writing,
Poaching and resolving about
football eleven, a hundred
than the sum total of their
Hpectancy of life when the
put a period to their mortal
Football reforming ought to
*11 women
rust tinware. Something new and su­
Jackson has reduced the price on fifty Tcli phone Ri gh ter gives the weight of
Patrons who want first class work
perior to anything ever offered is the patterns from $ I to $4 per suit. See? ( each plsi er, aggregating 1807 for Forest done without paying exorbitant prices
Grove against 1736 far McMinnville. ' j should patronize the Forest Grove Laun­
See! See! See!! W hat? Abbott &
For those interested in settling this im
dry, work warranted.
Ask Urines & Bailey
portunt question the list is here given
Buck wheat flour.
but let it be remarked that while the
It heals everything except »broken
Don’t forget that Baldwin Bros, fur­
J. A. Brisbinn has recently added to race is rot always to the swift nor the heart, may Ixs said of I)e W itt’s W itch
nishes supper for the dance. Suppci the prescription department oi tho city- battle to the strong yet generally the Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal discuses,
drug store, at a cent of $ 55 , a Toi tion victory goes to the victors and the world cuts, burns and bruises, tetters, eczema
from 10 to 3 o ’clock
balance scale, the finest scale made and honors them accordingly. Explanation aud till skin troubles tnuy lie cured by it
Farmers when in town go to Kreider’s
the only one of its kind in the county. upon the part of the vanquished, how­ quickly und permanently. J. C. Clark,
Home Bakery for a good meal.
Tfiis delicate little machine is sensitive ever plausible, is idle aud better left Druggist.
Mr. Henry Hamilton went Saturday to a tenth of a grain, It is unclosed ill a * unsaid. Our hoy* played a good game
to Southern Oregon to look after his du3t preof glass case.
.Follow ing ¡0 a report of uchool in dist.
and the result wa* no disgrace to them.
intciests thci>
Fresh cove oy-ters, nut a and all kinds ! Ahc whJ n f” of the why is not lathering
the public. However any one caring to
the horse will be sold.
Mr. Blood 1 a6 I:is emery outfit in run­ of candies at Kriedcr’sllom e Bakery.
G eorgs K e ssle r ,
verity the addition will find that the
ning order now and is prepared to gnm
Moments urc
are useless
ay; , T t.], phone-Register i« better at figures
ur.-icri, it
,i trifled
m :ici. aw
on ay
H a yw a r d . O r .
saws and do other work in that line.
Nov. 18, 1897
He also has 1 is iron lathe in working or .j a id they are dangerously wasted if con- tha:l at arithmetic f„, it has transferred
■ timed By delay in cases where One the totals and prove* itself that McMinn-
A nyon e desiring to donate fruit, pro­ der. Give him a call.
Minute Cough Cure would bring ¡name- ril]e hafi the lleaTier te* mi
visions, etc., to the Portland hospital | Mr. John linekcr. Sr , of Greenville,
di.ito relief. J. C. Clark, druggist.
s o s it io n
F. G.
may leave them at the Methodist parson­ has reluri.nl from a mx months nb-ence
I Married— At. the resilience of Mr. J. | Kirkwood 185
age and they will be forwarded without ill California fully restored to .lealth.
Sm i’ h
! C. Smock, in Sherwood, on Nov. 17 , Mr. Miller
cost. This is a worthy cause and has
l ’ilkingtoni7o
Special sale in inenV Dogger's high ; Lee Smock to Miss Susie Richards, Leach
m any supporters here who will be glad
water-proof. i*eVi Brady officiating. The young .Simpson
cut shoep,
! of the opportunity to assist it.
j ¡p|e started to San Francisco on i iftiker
. .
j j Prices $ 3.00 nt Gregg's Shoe store.
Chamberlain’s Colic,
Mr. A F. V tner is now in Everett, Thursday morning’s train.
; Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt
R E L Thompson « 3 °
For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. ' Wash.
j Ask your dealer! for Crescent flour. Stewart
L H R Thompson 160
For fresh bread, cakes, pies, and every- [ Why not use the best in the market when Cardiff
For fall and winter footwear at lowest
thin • else kept in a first-class restaurant, ! it is the same price?
city prices call at Gregg’s Shoe store.
go to Krieder’s Home Bakery.
Vennetta 150
Go to Mrs. Carr’s restaurant for fresh Holt
Mr, S. T. Walker will preach at Dllley
For a cook stove go to Tom Madigan’s.
; next Sunday morning and evening.
first-class restaurant. W e also serve
have good hair,
Judge J Q. A Bowlby of Astoria, who Eastern oysters and lunches at all hours.
we gray, and few are bald.
Avery Porter, at his farm near tows
r «newer restores the natural has 200 coi ds of dry oak asd fir wood w«s lieic l«»t wccK. 111 basino» a* a d -1
ministrator of the isiatc ol hi» l»lhrr, j Mrs. Miller, daughter of Mr. J. W.
I thickens the growth of the which he will deliver at market price.
the la u Dr. Bowlby, returned home Fri- j Clark of Cornelius, left for California
Friday evening. Rodney Clark accom-
John Gleason sold r„«x> lb«, of hops day.
delegation ’ n Congress,
panie.I her.
Monday at 12 cents a pound.
For Ladies’ Kangaroo calf, front lace
tionists, have insisted upon
Crescent flour is guaranteed by the
Shares of the Alaska Tr.nsport.Uon shoes, special sale * 2 . 50 , see Gregg’s
®ent buil ding the new l ’ort-
dealers who handle it.
and Development Company of Chicago show window.
house of Oregon stone.
* Grove quarry on account of arc the most desirable investment be-
If you want a bushel of nice apples
than savings
To Rent.— A good farm. Inquire of
call at Boos’ store.
the I ublicx
g j wlln4 L . Naylor,
Grove, Or.
banks and
1 •lone seems
to Portland and
excel- fore
to have a little dividends. Shares one dol.ar. r o r m
*1* °I the other competitors. formation address AV.L. Dudley, Getier«
Mr. A. II. Scofield, of Glenwood,
w Spanpler i , in Southern
n on w C. T . U. worn, being just received tardy recognition o f his
services for the Union in the Civil war
Agent, Haller Building, Seattle, Wash- state lecturer of that organization.
l~l7 *cres of
good level land,
by the granting o f a pension and back
°lfivation, good house and ington.
The finest display of sfbiei ... t ,1 city ^
amount Qf about >500. He
Mrehouse, one m ile from Cen-
George H. Reeves, of Cedar M dl, « • at fom Madigan s.
served in the 56th Ohio.
member of the U. S. grand jury winch
Monday in the federal
Fresh Eastern oysters at Krieder’s
M a r t H u y s .
Manufacturers have advanced price of
was sworn in Monday
, Jora, iiltkerv.
Death of Mrs. Hildebrand.
TO CI’ BIt A c o i n
7 ,- ” '
men removing the fam ily household goods to , IacltBOD w jtb I jm giev * Son. '
______ a * s*fmilroan
. . the northern
not thousauds
o fr « ,r0^<1 a °u "bottle ° of this
M tth e guardian
of trust
^ " b e r e he may lay them
4n<1 liability.
on down the •“ **
Remedy, which .. the best c
d ifo rd m in the wor d.
bottles for sal* by J. C. Cla
Hughe« A bon »
u ..»
It’s good.
Hundreds of thousands have been in­
duced to try Chaim berlain’s Cough
Remedy by reading for others, and hav­
ing tested its merits for themselves are
today its warmest friends. For sale by
J. C . Clark, druggist.
Mrs. Catherine Hildebrand died Sun­
T he T ru e R em ed y.
day afternoon at the home o f her sitters,
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III.,
the Misses Pomeroy, aged about thirty
C h ie f,” says: “ We won’t keep house
years. Rev. S. A. Starr conducted the
| without Dr. K in g ’s New Discovery for
funeral service* snd the burial was at
| Consumption, Coughs and Colds. E x ­
the Congregational cemetery Wednes-
perimented with many others, but never
1 got the true remedy until we used Dr.
K ing’s New Discovery. No other remedy
can take its place in our home, as in it
Every article of tinware manufactured
we have a certain and sure cure for
by the Disk Manufacturing Company
' Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs, etc.”
absolutely guaranteed and warranted not
It is idle to experiment with other rein-
to rust, and each and every piece of their I
even if they are urged on you as
j ware that dixts not prove ¡xisitively anti-
..... I ju«t a* good as Dr. K ing’* New Discovery.
rusting may lie returned to the dealer ‘
" ,
, .
T hey are not as good, because this rem-
from whom it was purchased and ex- , '
, ,
j 1^.: 1 „ 1.
F r cdy has a record of cures and besides is
changed for new goods free of cost,
guaranteed. It never fail* to satisfy.
sale by 8. Hughes A Son.
Trial bottles free at the Millar phsr-
per cent for spring de­
* General G ary’s scheme for
court in . ort; an< _ winter,” said M.
Mr. £. W. Haine» started Saturday on livery'. Order of Jackson at once and
banks will probably meet
save this.
"Let me S’ 'J,pular condnetor on the „ busjness trip to San Francisco, Cal.
M atting«.
“*,rty approval o f the nine
F. Gregg.
P” E
,.Do you
» o„„
oi f Japanese
J a p a n e s e mattings
,y ° U
Go to Hughes & Son ior air tight
j 0hn Q. A. Young, of Cedar Mill,
^ n t y school clerks who
is one of the seventeen now living of just in at Sm ith’s. Call and see them. To
5 "I the defunct Forest Grove £now that Chamberlain's C°1,c' Ch° ^ r* st0ves
the fifty-three who survived the W hit­ be sold at the old prices 15 cents and up-
* ‘»ch they have had to an)1 Diarrhoea Remedy curM y o u *
wards. Also a nice invoice of floor oil-
J r liabilitr o f temporary vou have the stomach nc e
frjen(11v si(led here but is now one 01 me ivau.ng man massacre.
C ib
° n thC P av ° f ,U doW ” Ana
passed merchants of S k .g u .y , A l.s k . is here
in need of a tailor made shirt, suit,
["■ »the private banV nncer- ^ of .d vice , the jolly con
^ # fortn,Kht making prepar.t.ons for ;
„ oyem )at for the holi(Iayg cal, on
No. 8 for month eudiug Oct. 29. No.
days taught, ao; No. days attendance,
441; No. days absence, 28; No. times
tardy, 2; No. girls enrolled, 12; No. boys
14; totsl No. enrolled, 26,
The following pupils were neither absent
nor ta r d y : Effie, Cleo and Forrest
Bickus, E tta and
Maude Pomeroy,
Francis and Charlie Davis, Louise, Anna
and Francis Bennett, Robert, James,
Eliza and Domina Siuclair, Lizzie Davis
and Jeanrtta George. Visitors: Messrs.
Blanchard, S heidel aud Leiaey, Mr».
Bennette, Misaes Ollie and Anna Cor­
nelius, Bertha Hanley, Em m a and Mabel
Gordon.— EUa Gordon, teacher
13 »
o w n DAY
There t a time for everything; and
hen it
the time to attend to a cold it
»tarts. Don’ t wait till you have consump-
tion but prevent it by using One Min­
; ute Cough Cure, the great remedy for
coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles. J. C. Clark,
Take la x a tiv e Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggist.
AH druggists refund the money if it fails
at 8. i Water proof oil for boots and shoes to enre.
K A n eatn t o u r I m w u R W ith C *
For sale by J. C.
O t-iv OtharMs, 1
and harness at Boos’.
ÀM.O •- G