Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, November 25, 1897, Image 4

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    tional campaign or in the late state Dingley bill. Whatever votes the
On tbe contrary the in- republican party has lost in the
tc r e d a t th e p ost-o ffice a t F o re s t G r o v e , O r. a s
I dicat'.ons all point directly to the past are due to temporizing with
S e c o n d -c la ss m a il m a tte r.
tariff being the controlling factor the tariff. Every concession made
the politics of the country today. by republicans to the mischievous
Postas« Free.
OM y e a r ..........................................ji y> To deny this fact it is not credit- free trade sentiment has proved a
• u m o n t h s ................................... 75 ahle to a n y n e w s p a p e r with a repu-
body blow to the doctrine of pro-
Tfcrec m o n th s .......... ............................................. 40
in Advance.
tation for sanity or an inclination tection and the success of the re-
to state the truth. The
Oregonian Publican PartV-
i o n c o u n ty n ew s, th e e le v a tio n o f h u m a n ity a n d knows, or ought to know, that the;
While sound money is a most
Ik « m on ey w e cab m ake.
element in the prosperity
I te m s o f g e n e r a l in te re s t g r a t e fu lly rec e iv e d .
E d it o r ’s h o b b ie s an d o p in io n s on th is p a g e , a ll carried one state north of Mason I of the country, it is by no means a
I k e re s t fa c ts —-im p a rtia l an d u n co lo red .
and Dixon’s line on a free-trade, cure-all, and those who maintain
H d it o r is a t h o m e in h is s a n c tu m , H a t c h e t ;
To have that it is will eventually become as
B u ild in g , F o re s t G r o v e , fro m 6 a. m . to io p . m . sound-money platform.
weekday and «lway. glad to t.ik ...d eliminated the battle cry o f protec- ridiculous in the estimation of the
tea tllkM tn
tion from the last campaign on this sober minded as the followers of
IS S U E D E V E R Y W E E K IN T H E Y E A R O N coast, the democrats
would have the Georgian theory, who see in
T H E H A T C H E T carried every Pacific coast state,
their hobby a panacea for all the
P R IN T E R Y .
____________________ and the states of the middle west ills the body politic is heir to.—
If you tail to receive yo u r p ap er it w ill with tlie exception, perhaps, of one
be a favor i f you w ill n otify us at once. or two would have followed suit.
Public feeling lias undergone a
A U S T I N C R A I G . K ditor a n d P r o p r i e t o r .
tremendous change in the west, so
C o u n ty O f f ic ia l P a p e r .
far as free silver is concerned, with­
in «**
the v past
year, out
blit me
the improve..
. . E ig h t
™ year,
to the
ppiTTU^rr a v
' • w GKS
conditions almost entirely due to
passage of the Dingley bill are ac­
countable for it. Wherever the re­
THK LIBERATION OF THE REPUB­ publicans gained a victory in the re­
cent elections it was where the tar­
Three months have passed since iff was an issue.
W hile we are willing to admit
the Oregonian began its self-im­
j P endleton Republican, Nov. 13.
Last «’inter Mr. Scott, editor of
the Oregonian, visited Salem.
The legislators elect w ere gathered
and in ^
the eyes of all pensioners and their
sympathizers by asserting that it is
all brought about by the demands
on the treasury tor money with
which to pay pensions. This sen-;
sational attempt to influence
through the emotions and sytnpa-(
thies of the people that which can
be accomplished in no other way, 1
is characteristic of demagogy in
any line of profession, and those;
who go to such me?ins to accom* '
plish an end prostitute their calling j
and compromise their intellectual
ability, and possibly their morality!
and integrity, and at the same
time concede the non-existence of |
any substantial reason or basis for
the policy set forth or the petition
assumed. “ It is important that
the country should know that the
main reason why the pnVic debt
increases, lies in the obligations
assumed on account of pensions,” ■
saws the editor, and, This one: tin-
derstood it is to be hoped there will
be less complaint about it.'' If the
editor of the Oregonian— clearly
the apostle of the leeches and para­
sites of Wall and Lombard streets
— can prevail upon the many
thousands that are pensioners,
friends of them, to believe that it
is through the bursting spirit of
sympathy and de-ire to reward for
I u u U 2V \i
In order to enable our numerous friends and eusto
mers to pay us a visit and examine our
S T O K E with its entirely N E W S T O C K we hav<
dvc them an opportunity o f doin^
Every otic visiting our store from WashiugtoJ
county who makes a purchase from us amounting tJ
ten collars or over, and presenting a copy c f this ad|
will have the amount of his or hen railroad fare to P o r i
land refunded by us.
To those not acquainted with us, we beg to :
that we have but
provided by Jonathan Bourne,
the populists congregated. Here
they discussed choice viands and
wines, and incidentally, the initi­
and that the lowest. A ll goods are marked in p la ill
ative and referendum. Jonathan
figures. W e sell only at P o p u la r P r ic e s .
is jovial, a pleasant entertainer, and
posed task of exterminating those i *bat tbe rePl,bbcan party has tem- to many of the follow'd s of Mary
who did not regard it as the source 1 P°rized with silver’ to tl,e extentof Ellen Lease, the temple of Bourne
of all true Republicanism in O re-! PassinK a" ¡"dependent free coinage seemed like a glimpse of heaven.
3d a n d O s k Si:
gon A t a recent convention of Plank in the Oregon state platform,
To this resort of Bacchus, Venus services rendered that the govern
B E N SE LLIN G * M sm tger
the Republican editors of this state; w b’cb was not viciously attacked and populism, Mr. Scott repaired. raent is ROW cal,ed uP°n to increase |
the president ruled that The Orego-
tbe ° re ° n,ian f° r reasons best He had a piece to speak and lie ber bonded indebtedness, he is per- j J
nian was not entitled to represen- known to itself- PerhaPH- but v ,&* spoke it. He said he had de- haPs not in error when be betrays
tation in it, not being a Republi orouslY denounced by Senator . nounced populists and populism (bnt attempts to conceal his
can newspaper, and no dissenting j ^°iPb " h o was not a politician through his paper, but he had re- thoughts) that he believes they |
voice was heard. Today in nealy ! " ho trifled with Sreat questions, 1 cently discovered that he was in will peacably submit to any m an-:
every county in Oregon the Reptib-1 fhouKh bis own state and her lead- error. He said he now came be­ ner of gold standard, bond issues1
licau newspapers are exposing the j
nt'" ’sPaPers were willing to do fore them to make proper apology or what not that the Oregonian and
Oregonian’s methods and purposes so‘ ^ be defection frem the reptib- and to promise that henceforth the its “ gold bu g” associates might in
and combatting with their utmost j lican PartY was in no waY a result Oregonian would refrain from their infinite wisdom (?) see fit to
ri Ufi' lìfl’ Dl
endeavors its attempts to fasten 1of i l’ but because so many republi- ' deeply damning populism and lash- imPose uPon a patient and long
upon the Republicans the responsi- cans and republican newspapers1 ing populists. The assembled pop­ suffering
’ humanity.
But the old
ih TOfoV,-
bility for actions repugnant to the I temporized with the great principle ulists applauded loudly, and the soldier and his sympathizer are not
Republican principles and made
' lion and the lamblike played to-
few exceptions, as intelligent as
practicable only by the alliance of j
order t° Sll*t their ends it 1 gether.
the | seems to be the desire of many to
This is perhaps not news to all the editor of the Oregonian.
party’s avowed and bitterest en- droP a11 other issues from tbe Po1' the readers of this paper. It is sim- Some of them are as honest as he
itics of the country save and except
, ply retold as a reminder to the few’ is, and if it is possible for one to j
Though not a member of the the one issue of sound moT>ey. 1 good republicans who swear by the reach a higher plane of honesty and j
party nor in sympathy with it the This is a mistake and if stubbornly Oregonian, that they are being integrity than that held by thei
Oregonian still presumes to speak insisted uPon will wreck the old gradually led into the populist J eddor of the Oregonian, we think
for it with the voice of authority Partjr<
camp. H ave you noticed an edi­ perhaps some of them may h e 1 PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT B r ISBINE’S C lT Y D r u g S t J
and the greatest peril to Republi-. ^ be OreRon'an a few years ago torial in the Oregonian this year more honest” than he is.— North
F o rest G r o v e .
canism in Oregon is that the ^commended with considerable ar- criticising Oregon populists? Has Yamhill Record Nov, 18.
people may
mav be
be deceived
deceived bv
j Absolutely First-Class
by these
these dor
“ or that
inat the money
ra° n7 question
qRes” on be
06 not it emptied its vials of wra th on
MeaF. at All HI
We have read the article headed
hollow ^
. It is __
fear lest
I the beads of republicans only?
this perfidious Delilah should again '
was temporizing with a great
The Oregonian is opposed by the “ Sunbeams from Cucumbers,” in
R e s t a u r a i
establish herself in the confidence t*uestion’ but U was Sood advice republican newspapers of the state tbe Oreg °nian of October 2, giving
of the Republican partv only to then and U is V * * advice today- ! and endorsed by the populist a Seneral condemnation of General
B A L D W IN BROS., P r o p r i e t o r s
again betray it to the Phillistines Then DolPh was a candidate for re- ' journals. The Herald in L in n 1 ^ ea^ Low s life, and we cannot
and Fam ily
that has caused the active cam- 1 electlon and now *bat Mitchell ' i county, Statesman in Marion co- btdP but think that if the highway-1
Moyer Clothang Company
F R V O i* m
the candidate ought not to make
any difference. Had the advice
given by the Oregonian been heed­
ed the republican party of this
state today, instead of being in the
throes of a factional fight, would
R estaurant of Forest Grove
unty, Enterprise in Clackamas, man would pay that great journal- ;
'' * ^o v ' r T v
Plaindealer in Douglas, Tidings in
Jackson, West Side and Observer in *be Pubbc that you cannot stop
Polk, Transcript
in Yamhill, ; ™order and robbery by legislation
H atch et
and Independent jn j Neither can you, but you can stop
Washington, Mist in Columbia, and do stoP U some- no doubt, just
be an united, harmonious party. 1 Gazette in Morrow> Republican in as the Ma»ne prohibitory laws have
But because the advice was not fol­ Umatilla, Republican in Baker— 1 checked the greatest crime of the
lowed is no good reason why the
the list is too long to be fully en­ age for forty years or more. Yet
Oregonian should lead in a move­
umerated. All these stalwart re- the Oregonian would have you be­
ment it discouraged a few years
, publican papers consider the Ore- lieve that Gen. Dow’s ’ life was a
ago and one that is almost certain
, gonian an enemy to republicanism failure, that man whose life has
to turn the state over to the popu­
and a friend to populism. It is been an inspiration to the w’orld.
z J- a t e t h e . m n
hardly pertinent here, but it might Though dead, his works still live
The Oregonian is above the
be well to add that some of these and will continue to live long after
average of country newspapers,
papers supported Senator Mitchell the editor of the Oregonian has
but it is strikingly peculiar to the
been forgotten. The General was
and some opposed him.
balance of us professing Christians
known to bribe legislatures
On the other hand the populist
who do not always speak by the
use his influence to prevent
organs are loudly praising Mr. Scott
card. We sometimes believe that
from doing their duties as
and the Oregonian. They know
if Senator Mitchell were a gold-
officers, as the law requires. Who,
their friends.
standard man, that the Oregonian
This paper has always supported with a man’s heart in his breast,
could be easily educated up to the
the republican party. The - Ga­ would not rather be Gen. Neal
belief that after all there is some-
zette does not believe in fusion or Dow dead than the editor of the
The Oregonian is of the belief thing in the silver craze, and that
The republican princi­ Oregonian living?— Oregon Tem­
that, after all, there is not very it might not be a bad idea to give
ples are not of the swapping kind. plar.
much in protection, but a great it a trial or at least to try and do
deal in the gold standard. In fact \ something for the white metal,
The Oregonian always hunts up
until you have tried
so unimportant is the issue of pro- Indeed we are sometimes inclined populist republicans as urged by some kind of an excuse for its un­
the Oregonian. This paper sup­
tection that
had the democrats1 to believe that the brilliancy of the
ported Senator Mitchell for re-elec­ fairness. Only a few days ago it
“ told the country that the panic of Oregonian's editorials on the snb-
tion, believing him to be a valuable declared that a statement from Mr.
1893 was due to departure from jeet of the gold-standard dazzles its
! man for the state, but we do not Ellis to the effect that he opposed
monetary principles, for own “ bizzon conspicuties. ”
! believe in tying the party to Mr. free coinage of silver would indeed
which the republican party was
Senator Mitchell, all know, is an
Mitchell nor to any man or faction. be welcome, but now that it has
chiefly responsible, since it had uncompromising protectionist and
“ The republican party stands for been made, the “ only” paper de-
passed both the Allison act of 1878 ' may we not, therefore, conclude
honest money and the chance to !clines to accePt U’ which* however,
and the Sherman act of 1890; had it that this fact has inspired the Ore-
\ cu can buy them in the paper 5-cent cartons
earn it,” and that party is good,makes the httle d>ff^ence only as
declared for the gold standard, de- gonian to say that “ again and
enough for any patriotic citizen.— > sa,d before’ to show that PaP*r's
non need the republican party for again it has been demonstrated that
Ten Tabules for F iv e Cents.
! Corvallis Gazette, Nov. 19.
nnfair me*hods- « Mr. Ellis
trmporizing with silver, and ap- advocacy or defense of protection ,
; should have the declaration en- j
un u r«t u p to
,ho nn.Trr«j
acmllBA for.to, prM.
pealed to the country on this issue, furnishes an unsure isstie on which j
graved upon the stone in the arch­
R would have won. It would have to go before the country.”
If you don t find this sort of
The Old Soldier In rorreetly “ Sized way of the entrance to the Oregon- [
carried the whole South, naturally
On the contrary protection is a
Up” by the Editor of
democratic, and the great states of sure issue. It has never failed
The Oregonian.
could look at it each time he passed
the North, in which, because of among the producing class. It is ! \ clever ruse, that, which
aP- in and out, he would still rail at
their vast industrial and commercial stronger in the rural districts today peared in the principal editorial in the man who made the statement
interests, the money question is than ever before. “ Give ns pro- the Oregonian, Nov. 9, 1897, by | for having done so Mr. Ellis does
»prem e-"
tection,” they say, “ and the money which the editor seeks to assume I not belong to the class of men who
There is no justification for tbe question will take care of itself. ” the responsibility for our increas- take their cue from the Oregonian
conclusion arri\ed at by the Ore- And this is true as has been dem- ! jng national indebtedness, and and for that reason it opposes him.
cend riTe Lcnt* to Tk" R'e/uts CmoncAi. C ompany . No-1
Spruce St., New York, and thA will be sent to you by ^« 1
gonian in the result of the last na- j oostrated by the passage of the then undertakes to justify it all in — St. Helens Mist.
12 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. The chances are tci
paign now in progress in this state
and which will be continued until
even in the remotest parts of Ore­
gon there shall not be found a
voter, be he republican, democrat,
populist, union-bimetallist, or of
any other party, or of no party, so
credulous as to believe that a
newspaper however great can be
the mouthpiece of a party whose
candidates it betrays, whose lead­
ers it deserts, whose ¡good faith it
impeaches, whose platform it de­
rides, to whose principles it is
false and whose history it insults.
Never was the future of the Re­
publican party in Oregon so fair as
today for its old man of the sea has
become intoxicated upon his mis­
sionary money from the east and
has lost his hold, never to regain it.
Don’t Spend a DoMas
Med temí
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggist’s
O'xc that Ripons Tabules are the very medicine ycu ncec.