Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, November 25, 1897, Image 2

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    W A S H IN G T O N
BE F R E E L Y U S E D .
B la n c o T r y in g to B u y O v e r t h e
g e n t L eader«.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
In t< *renti n g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m i F r o m
th e
am i
O ld
W orld
O ondenned a n d C o m p r e h e n s iv e F orm
I n su r «
H avana, Nov. 24.—G eneral Pando
starteil for th is city by train last S atu r­
day, according to official announce­
m ent, to take charge of th e campaign
against th e insurgents. He w’as ac­
companied by all his staff, and was es­
corted by a company of artillery .
It is stated on good au th o rity , how­
ever, th a t Pando has been com m is­
sioned hy Captain-G eneral Blanco to
en ter into com m unication witli the in ­
surgent leaders, w ith a view to a rran g ­
ing for peace. T his statem en t is based
upon accurate knowledge of all the
facts. Pando first secured th e release
from confinement of Damien Caballero,
who had been imprisoned for acting as
a spy for th e insurgents. Pando fu r­
nished C aballero, who is god-father of
Rabi, th e man looked upon as being
th e backbone of th e insurgent govern­
m ent in the province of Santiago de
Cuba, w ith a considerable sum of
money and caused him to be attended
to M anzanillo, w here a good force was
placed at his disposal. P an d o ’s peace
ernmissary was also furnished official
docum ents em pow ering him to act in
behalf of th e Spanish commander.
Pando instructed Caballero to offer
arm y General Rabi high rank in th e
Spanish arm y and a large sum of
money to be distributed am ong the
other insurgent leaders of th a t part of
Cuba, and in addition, a large am ount
of money for him self in the event of
his succeeding in arranging term s of
A lthough Caballero has not returned,
confidential advices reaching Spanish
officials here seem to indicate th a t he
has so far been unsuccessful. I t is u n ­
derstood th a t Rabi replied tiiat he be­
lieved the successful ending of th e war
in favor of th e insurgents was ap­
proaching, th a t the Cnbans, w ith the
aid of th e U nited States, will gain
their independence, and therefore lie
desires to oontinue fighting tlie Span­
iards u n til the final victory is won.
T h e C o m p etito r's C rew O ut o f th
o f D eath.
Terrible Condition of the
E v e n t h s S p a n U h S o ld ier« A re in W a n t
o f F o o d - S m a l l p o x A d d n t o t h e T er *
r u in . C a r r y in g ; O ff H u n d r e d s .
!.. I
T R O L L E Y -C A R
New York, Nov. 24.— The steam er
Saratoga, from H avana, iiaving on
hoard th e released men of th e Com peti­
tor crew, has been reported entering the
liatbor. The men are:
C aptain A lfredo Lahorde.
W illiam Gildea.
Ona Melton.
W illiam K eavitt.
C harles B ernett, an E nglishm an.
T he five m en were in fairly good
h ealth and excellent sp irits on reaching
quarantine. C aptain Lahorde suffers
somewhat from paralysis, w hich lie
contracted d u rin g his long confinement
in th e Cabanas fortress. Joseph A.
Springer, th e U nited States vice-con­
sul a t H avana, was also a passenger on
th e Saratoga. Mr. Springer declined
to talk for publication.
T he released men wore the clothes in
w hich they were clad a t tlie tim e of
th e ir capture, on A pril 25, 1896, at
Berracoa, San Catalino, Cuba.
A nother happy passenger on the
Saratoga was Ju lio Arago y yuesadu,
th e young Cuban insurgent who was or­
dered to be shot by Weyler, hut was
pardoned hy G eneral Blanco, a friend
of tlie prisoner’s father.
Tlie six men who had escaped the
fate of th e V irginins captives were
greeted upon th eir arrival hy an en th u ­
siastic crowd, who gave them a hearty
welcome, but tfie poor w retches were
too weak to resixmd to the cheers w hich
had been given in th eir honor.
B oth
P ardons
A lleg ed
The Queen Faraons
Cuban Filibusters.
A r e N o w op T h e i r W a y t o N e w Y o r k —
G e n e r a l S a t i . f a c t l o n E x p r e w e d In
M adrid P o litic a l C ircle..
M u teru ien
K illed
O t h e r s Injured.
» ...
B altim ore, Nov. 23.— Because Th
Myriok, “ motorman in
Baltimore & North«
railw ay, disobeyed orders, the offlJ
of th a t road say, th e re was a fright!
head-end collision th is morning on |
line, in w hich M yrick was killed ai
W. F. H orner, m otonnan on the
which was going in the opposite dir«
tion, received in ju rie s from which
died about h a lf an hour later, x
two conductors and passengers «1
were on both cars were more or less i
jured, although th e in ju ries of nu,„
them are supposed to be dangeru«
Those seriously h u rt are:
Conductor T hom as Ewing, aged
and Charles Snowden, colored, aged
Ew ing is suffering frotn
slight concussion of th e brain, and
badly bruised on th e head, face ai
body. Snow den’8 cheek was laoerat
by broken glass, and he received sever
cuts on the head. H is chin was cut
the bone, and th e re is a deep gasli
liis neck. Both of these men are ut ti
hospital, and both w ill reuover, unle
complications develop.
Washington. Nov. 22. - M inister
H avana, Nov. 23.— La ¿rucha, in a
Woodfoid has telegraphed the state de-
recent published ed ito rial, expresses
partm ent th at the Spanish cabinet has
Jo u b t as to the sincerity of th e frie n d ­
notified him th at the queen lias par-
sh ip for Spain professed by th e A m eri­
doned tlie Competitor prisoners. The
can governm ent, and adds:
state departm ent announces th a t the
“ If the Am erican governm ent cannot
Com petitor prisoners were turned over
prevent the sailin g from th a t country
to Consul-General Lee last Monday,
of expeditions in aid of th e insurgents,
and will he sent hy him direct to New
and does not respond in oth er ways to
S p ain ’s efforts to come to favorable
York today.
It is not doubted here th a t the prison­
term s, it is useless for Spain to m a in ­
ers are liberated on such conditions
ta in friendly relations w ith A m erica.”
as were imposed in the case of former
Reports from M atuuzas say th a t the
prisoners, th at is, th at they will not re­
conservatives, having become enraged
turn to Cuba. It is singular th a t the
a t the change in the governm ent’s pol­
men should have been for days in cus­
icy, are d istu rb in g public order. Ex-
tody of General Lee w ithout the fact
Mavor Crespo in itiated th e disorderly
having become generally known, but
conduct by publicly giving offense to
it is supposed th at secrecy was observed M U . E m m a H u r t A c t i n g T . i n p u n t r i l y
Señor A rinas, th e new civil governor of
ft gilino iia to ii, N. B .
in order to secure departure from H a­
th e province. The chief of police fol­
vana w ithout exciting trouble from the
lowed Señor C respo's lead by endeavor­
W ashington, Nov. 23.—For what
extrem e conservative Spanish faction. believed to be th e first tim e in the hi
ing to prevent aid being given to the
C hanging its name and principles the
There were four prisoners, nam ely, tory of th is governm ent, a woman
suffering reconcentrados by new spaper
A m erican Railw ay League baa become
Alfredo Lahorde, the captain of the acting as one of its representativ
correspondents anil others.
a full-fledged political organization.
Com petitor, a native of New Orleans; abroad.
Of the reconcentrados in M atanzas,
Secretary Sherm an lias
H ereafter it w ill be known a* th e R ail­
num bering more th an 50,000, 79 died T O R E S T R I C T S I L V E R O U T P U T . William Gildea, the mate, a n atu ral­ proved the request of J. Adolpli Gu
w ay Employes and T elegraphers’ P o lit­
ized citizen, Ona Melton, who claims consular agent of th e U nited States
in two days, 36 perishing from hunger.
ical League of A m erica. It* object is
Y esterday 17 deaths were reported, a A l l e g e d O b j e c t o f t h e P r o p o s e d S m e l t e r Kansas as his native state, and who Edmonston, N. B., for two weeks’ lea
to deal entirely in state and national
w ent on the Competitor in the capacity of absence, and appointed Emma 11a
large proportion the resu lt of starv a­
C om bine.
politics, chiefly on legislative lines.
newspaper correspondent, and to act as consular agent during his a
tion. In Jaruaco, about 65 per cent of
New York, Nov. 24.— R epresenta­
Charles B arnett, of British birth, but sence.
th e deaths are caused by starvation,
A big masonry wharf, having a front­
tives of several silver m ining and re­
who claimed the protection of the
and th e same is trn e of m any other
age of 800 m eters on the river Tagus,
Miss H art w ill probably have litt
fining works of tlie U nited States and
U nited States government by v irtu e of business to do during her term of oftic
towns. Owing to tlie lack of proper
opposite th e custom-house in Lisbon,
Mexico w ill m eet in New York th is
clothing and blankets, the situ atio n of
suddenly subsided and com pletely dis­
It is said at th e sta te departm ent th
week to form, if possible, a com bina­ liia sailing on an American vessel.
th e reconcentrados is becoming worse
The conditions under which tlie Com­ if she takes in m ore th a n $20 the of
appeared in th e riverbed. The wharf,
tion agency to control th e price of sil­
as th e w in ter season approaches, de­
petitor was captured off the Cuban cinls will believe th e n atu ral gallant
w hich was recently constructed at a
ver futures.
spite th e efforts made to relieve them .
coast, while engaged in landing arms of New Brunsw ickians has caused the
cost of £50,000, rested on mud. For­
The price of silver for future deliv­
H orrible episodes are of d aily occur­
for the insurgents, have been often d e­ to abandon o th er agencies and consii
tu n a te ly , no one w a s h u it in the col­
ery is alwa)'S less than tlie price of
rence uinong the reconcentrados. A fter
The defense of the men was ates and secure the service of Mi
F I RE O N T H E O R E G O N .
cash silver, and th e sm elters w ant to
lying for three days upon tlie sidew alk
equalize prices. It is said th a t tlie th a t they were forced into the expedi­ H art in tran sactin g th e ir business.
Tlio hostility between the C hristian
in front of a house in M atanzas, a poor
sm elters hope hy th e ir com bination to tion against th eir will by the insurgent
Racialists and the social dem ocrats, C a u s e d b y S p o n t a n e o i i K C o m b u s t i o n —A
negro woman, who was suffering te rr i­
C o llis io n o n » M e x i c a n Road.
stiffen the price of silver and ev en tu ­ party on board. They were tried by a
w hich exists in ull parts of A ustria
bly and was liable to move, was carried
naval court-m artial, before w hich they
Denver, Nov. 23.—A special to
and frequently leads to sharp collisions
San Francisco, Nov. 24.—T he Call away by a flood caused hy a heavy ally reduce the o u tp u t, although they
could make only a poor showing, p rin ­ News from Nogales, A riz., says:
between th e rival partisans, has result­ Bays: T he coal bunkers in the U nited dow nfall of rain. A sh o rt tim e a fte r­ deny the report th a t they intend to
cipally because of thoir ignorance of night, near C asita, a station on
ed in serious rioting a t G ratz, th e capi­ States battle-ship Oregon caught fire ward her dead body was discovered n
Among th e works to be represented th e Spanish language, in which the pro­ Señora railroad, in Mexico, a paasi
tal c ity of S itira, and th e seat of im ­ Sunday evening from spontaneous com­
few blocks aw ay, and a t last rei>ort was
at th e conference are tlie In tern atio n al ceedings were conducted, and their ger train collided w ith three cars whii
p o rtan t cotton and woolen m anufac­ bustion, and for over eight hours the still tying in th e gutter.
M etal Com pany, of New York; the conivction and th e imposition of the had got away from a freight tra
crew worked w ith a vengeance to
A cabdriver, who was carrying a sick
death sentence was not a m atter of su r­ ahead and w ere ru n n in g down a hca'
T he official programme for the re­ sm other w hat looked like a costly blaze. man to a hospital, observed th a t his O m aha & G ran t Sm elting Company, of prise.
grade with great velocity. The en|
ception of 1898 at th e W hite House by There were over 250 tons of coal in the passenger was dying. He dragged him Om aha; th e Mexican Sm elting Com­
A t th a t point, however, the case as­ neer of th e passenger train, Geoij
P resid en t and Mrs. McKinley lias been vessel, and prom pt action alone saved from his cab, leaving him on th e curb­ pany of M onterey; th e P h ild elp h la sumed diplom atic importance.
Parker, was in stan tly killed, the fi
Sm elting & Refining Company, of Pue-
issued. A ll of the events, excepting the ship and fuel. The fire is supposed stone, w here he finally died.
bio, and th e G uggenheim Sm elting ffovernment, through its consul-general man was so severely injured that
New Y ears’ reoeption and the public to have started from w ater leaking into
Cases sim ilar to these are of frequent
a t H avana, Ramon W illiams, and lias since died, and th e express mcssel
This would eventu­ occurrence. Reports from C andelaria Company, of P ort Ainboy, N. J .
reoeption, w ill be by card invitation. th e coal bunkers.
through M inister Taylor, at Madrid, ger, J. D. M ilton, w as injured, but
O nly those invited will be given an op­
say th a t a man w ho was suffering from
interposed an energetic protest against seriously. F our cars loaded with
Luckily, the fire was sm allpox was driven by th e au th o rities
portunity to be present at least once lating gasses.
the execution of the men, claim ing anges were dem olished and a locoi
d uring the season. The avoidanoe of discovered before it had gained much into th e insurgent cam p at Cojadal
they were improperly tried, in view of tive was wrecked.
exoessive and dangerous orowding will headway.
Negeo, P in ar del Rio, w here th rea ts T h e S e b a s t i a n I n t e r n e g o t i a h l e M i l e a g e tlie guarantees held out in the famous
An alarm was im m ediately given, were m ade to hang him if he was not
add to the attractiveness of all the re­
Cushing protocol. This protest caused
T h e l l r b s i i n l- l e lK l’s W o r k .
and orders were issued to remove the taken away.
Chicago, Nov. 24.— The new form of the removal of the case to the higher
U rbana, O., Nov. 28.— This city 1
T he theosophists of San Francisco
On W ednesday th e rem aining cane internegotiable mileage tick et is prov­ judicial authorities at Madrid, hy thrown into a fever of excitement
are taking very uctive interest in the Steumpipes were attached and connec­ fields on th e plantation of Portugue- ing very popular. Tlie Sebastian ticket whom a new trial was ordered. The night by the report of another atteind
fate of D urrant. It is a tenet of th e ir tion made with th e lower p art of the lata, owned by M anuel Galvo, were was placed on sale November 15, and Spanish government, however, did not, ed assault.
T he victim is Einij
25,000 tickets were p rin ted , as it was and has not yet, conceded th a t the
faitli th a t capital punishm ent is wrong, vessel in an nttem p t to sm other w hat destroyed hy fire.
Groves, an elderly m aiden lady, wj
and they are getting up a petition
M arshal Blanco has appointed 34 th ought th is would' be ^sufficient for^tlie Cushing protocol applies to such cases. lives w ith her sister in West \Va|
This To adm it th a t would, in the opinion of
praying G overnor Budd to stay the exe­ th e ship. The men w ent to work with new employes at the customs-house. dem and th a t wonld he made.
street. A bout 6 o ’clock th is evenin
cution and to com mute his sentence to a will, but the task was larger th an had Of these, five are native C ubans and num ber is exhausted, however, and an ­ th e Spanish authorities, greatly stimu
The late the fitting out of filibustering par­ as Miss Groves stepped out of the bai
lifo im prisonm ent.
The petition was [
th e rem ainder Spanish reform ists. The other 25,000 has been ordered.
door, she was seized by a man, wj
prepared by Dr. Jerom e A. Anderson, done with difficulty, as the smoke h in ­ autonom ists are greatly disgusted by W estern roads declare th a t they will ties in the U nited States.
threw his arm around her neck ai
reduce still fu rth er the rates between
president of the San Francisco Theo- dered th e men in th e ir attem p ts to th e ir appointm ents.
The new trial had been ordered by held her firmly. Miss Groves was bal
eophical Society, and it lias already re­
Sixty persons employed about th e
D uring th e whole night alter the fire docks and 500 others in various parts sary to m ain tain th e ir traffic against | th e M adrid supreme court, on the ly treated and p ain fu lly injured. Tl
ceived a num ber of signatures.
of irregularities in the original assault was com m itted at about tl
had been discovered, the en tire crew of the island have joined th e revolu­ tlie com petition of steam ship lines and j ground
, r ja]( an(| hy concession of the Bound-
T h e commission appointed to revise labored in removing th e smoking and
same hour and in the same manner|
th e crim in al code of the U nited States, blazing coal, and it was not u n til day­ tionists, and a num ber of pioneers at Southw estern railroads doing business ne88 of the objections interposed by the th a t perpetrated F rid ay , and it is
in th e partial report which it will make light th a t the men were allowed to G uiñes, who w ere pardoned under th e a t G ulf ports. It has become a serious U nited States. It was to have begun lieved by th e sam e person.
to th e president and congress, will leave th e ir work. T he w arship w ill recent proclam ation, have returned to m atter for some of
last Monday, and it is thought would
have been seen during the last th ree |,ave resulted in the imposition of the
present a oode for crim inal justice in be drydocked w ithin a few days and the insurgents.
A u s t r i a n s t o B e Deport«*fl.
eath 8entence again. This, however,
Sm allpox is raging in th e neighbor­
A laska. The commission is authorized prouerly righted, afte r whioh she will
Baltim ore, Nov. 23. — Forty-cig
would have
have provoked
nrovoked an
an explosion
oxnloHinn in
in men from th e in terio r of Austria, wl
to do th is in the act which creates it as be coaled and her am m unition placed hood of th e insurgent h eadquarters in go through th e G ulf of Mexico, which would
a te rrito ry . A t present the laws of on board, alter whioh she will be ready P in ar del Rio, and there are in th e hos­ otherw ise they would have handled
th is country, according to the an ticip a­ were arrested last week in the swaml
p itals and th e h ills 1,700 persons suf­
Oregon are m ade applicable to A laska, for aution.
tions of th e departm ent officials, th at of M ississippi hy U nited States inspeq
fering from th e disease.
and these will be revised, codified and
would have been hardly less violent ors, on the charge of violating the alii
It is stated by a prom inent resident
S e n a t e W i l l K i l l t h e ( 'u r r e it c y B i l l .
am ended by tl e commission to su it the
than th e feeling caused by the famous labor contract law, were brought lief
present conditions, and will be sub­
Denver, Nov. 24. — Congressman of F in ar del Rio, according to an offi­ P o s t m a s t e r - G e n e r a l ' s P r o p o s i t i o n R e - | V irginius episode, so to them it is a with th eir leader, Jah an Pokje, a |
ceiv in g M any Indorsem ents.
m itted as a partial report for the basis John O. Bell, of Colorado, stopped off cial report there, th ere are 1,300 arm ed
m atter of satisfaction th at the Spanish locked up in the. im m igrant house
of legislation by congress.
a few' hours in th is city on his way to insurgents in th e province, including
W ashington, Nov. 24.— Postm aster- queen has cut the diplom atic tangle by detention at Locust point. They wl
Thu final aot upon the part of the W ashington, whore lie goes to attend a th e hands w hich have recently entered G eneral G ary is receiving many letters th e pardon of the men before the sec­ be sent back to Brem en on the steal
governm ent in th e ratification of the m eeting of the appropriations com m it­ th e province under M aria Rodriguez regarding th e postal saving hank propo­ ond trial.
ship M ünchen, of tlie N orth Germ!
Senor Dnpuy de Lome had a long con­ Lloyd line, in a few days. The m|
trea ty adopted by th e recent universal tee. Speaking of the probable action and other leaders. G eneral H ernandez sition strongly urged by him in his a n ­
congress was taken Tuesday, when of congress a t its com ing session on the Velasco confirms th e statem en t th a t in ­ nual report. Many people throughout ference w ith A ssistant Secretary Dav arrived here Septem ber 8, and were«
surgents in P in ar del Rio are ab und­
P resid en t M cKinley signed th e formal financial question, he said:
th e country have w ritte n , com m enting today, and it is believe! the Spanish gaged in cu ttin g barrel staves.
“ I th in k a bill w ill pass th e house an tly supplied w ith am m unition. Sev­ on th e projected radical extension of governm ent is about to voluntarily re­
convention or treaty and Secretary of
No S ig n o f A ndre«.
S tate Sherm an had th e governm ent practical.v as recommended by th e ex­ enty of G eneral Velasco’s men have th e postal service, and have subm itted move another troublesome factor from
Tromsoe, Tromsoe Island, Nerwil
seal affixed. Postm aster-G eneral Gary ecutive, and it w ill then go to the sen­ arrived a t P in ar del Rio suffering from some suggestions calculated in th eir the field of negotiations, in revoking
had already signed it.
T he treaty ate, w here it will be abandoned hy th a t wounds received in 'e c e n t engagem ents. opinion to m ake the correspondents in ­ th e decree made by Weyler, p ro h ib it­ Nov. 23.— T he steam er Victoria, whil
Tlie financial condition of th e m ili­
laxly and an appeal will be made to the
takes effect Ja n u ary 1, 1898.
dicate a rath e r general com m endation, ing the exportation of tobacco from was fitted out by th e governor of Trol
people th a t they m ust make th e sen­ tary ad m in istratio n is bad. The sol­ and some well-known economists and Cuba. This prohibition has worked soe, under instructions from King <1
A t a session of the K nights of Labor ate Republican before any rem edial diers have not been paid in eig h t
financiers num bered among th e post- hardships on American cigar-makers, car, to search for Professor Audree, tl
council, at L ouisville, it w as voted legislation can be o b tain ed .”
m onths.
m aster-general's friends, who have and up to th is tim e all efforts of the missing aeronaut, and his party, whil
unanim ously to set a|>art the last S un­
T here is a scarcity in th e m eat sup­
W ith reference to the adm ission of
opi>osed measures of this state departm ent to secure an am elior­ loft here November 5, has return!
day in Ju n e as labor m em orial day. new W estern states. Congressman Bell ply in th e hospitals, and in many
character, have in letters jn st received ation of the harsh conditions of the de­ from Spitzbergen. She brings no net
T h is day w ill be observed by all the said:
tow ns no m eat has been obtainable for
given a qualifier! indorsem ent. P o st­ cree have been unavailing. The rea­ as to the w hereabouts or movements j
d istric t assemblies in the U nited States.
‘‘T here w ill he no more W estern m any days.
m aster-G eneral G ary expects some leg­ son set up by Geueral Weyler for the Professor A ndree, although explorij
I t was expressly stated th a t the day states adm itted in to th e Union while
G eneral Losada, subinspector of th e
should not be regarded in the light of the Republican party has control ol h ealth dep artm en t, said recently to the islation by congress on th is question, order was the necessity of keeping in parties landed 10 m iles at vario
possibly a t th e next session, and free H avana tlie supply of tobacco necessary points on D anniand’s isle.
a holiday. It was fixed upon Sunday eith er house.
The speaker told me correspondent of El Iinparcial, in M ad­
so it could not be made a holiday, w ith last year th a t he fe lt great responsi­ rid, th a t th ere were actu ally 35,000 discussion of it throughout the country to run the domestic cigar factories,
M o t h e r a n d D a u g h t e r Periflbed«
will render m aterial assistance to this and thus, hy giving em ploym ent to
its a tte n d a n t festivities.
Topeka, K an., Nov. 23.—Mrs. M-
bility for having taken an active part soldiers in th e hospitals in Cuba, and end.
workmen, keep them from d riftin g
An im m ense
claim ,
em bracing in adm ittin g the W estern states. He th a t about 15,000 of these were were
away into the insurgent ranks.
It Trigg, aged 52, and her 10-year-q
M o n s j P aid Over.
7,000,000 acres of land in the N o rth ­ said th e power of th e W estern senators not suffering from any disease, b ut
was a m atter of common report, how­ daughter E thel lost th e ir lives in a I
w est, including th e cities of M inneapo­ was u n ju st, and had iieen greatly sim ply from need of nourishm ent.
W ashington, Nov. 24.—T he treasn iy ever, th a t another potent reason was a th a t destroyed th e ir residence in
The police recently w ent to th e house received today from tlie reorganization desire to cripple the Cuban cigar-m ak­ Eleventh street th is morning. Ai
lis and St. P aul, has been brought be­ abused, and was, in fact, checking the
fore C om m issioner H erm ann, of the developm ent of th e country; th a t he of George W. H yatt, chief of the relief com m ittee of th e U nion Pacific $13,- ers in the United States, from which escaped w ith a broken leg, jumpij
from a second-story window. Ml
general land office, and tlie assistance thought it was a grievous wrong for the departm ent of th e United States con­ 645,250 in cash and tu rn ed over to the the insurgents drew funds.
of th e governm ent in securing official W estern senators to stand in th e way sulate, a t 12 o'clock a t n igh t, to m ake oom m ittee th a t am ount in bonds,
Reports th a t come from W ashington ! Trigg had escaped, but returned to sal
d a ta is oalled for. The claim ants are of th e progress of th e country. Many in q u iries as to th e destination of a w hich have been on deposit w ith th e are to the effect th a t the new crop of her daughter, and fell exhausted at W
C. B. Holloway, of H olland, <)., and senators will probably op|xue th e ad ­ q u an tity of food which had been taken governm ent in th e sin k in g fund of the tobacco th at will be ripe in F ebruary bedside. H er body was burned t»T
A. G u n n , of Momee, O. They are mission of those territo ries because ol in th e previons day. The fem ale in ­ road.
next ia of excellent quality, and j crisp. The girl was suffocated.
mates, becoming frightened, refused to
m aking an exam ination of th e general I th is impression.
am ounts to four-fifths of an average
G e n e r a l O r d w a y B rail.
T r o u b l e In C r t i g u a y .
0)>en th e door, and insisted upon being
"‘H aw aii will Ire an nexed.”
land office records w ith a view to secur­
New York, Nov. 23.—General AH«
inform ed of the object of th e officer’s
New York, Nov. 24.— As a resu lt of
in g copies of certified paper, which,
Ordway died to n ig h t at the Hoffml
T rial W e n t Over.
visit. T he police subsequently retired th e attem p ted revolutionary m ovement
they assert, w ill establish th e ir title
S ig n a le d for A M litn n r e .
G eneral O rdway and his wij
in Montevideo, U ruguay, says the H er­
to the lands claim ed hy them. T heir
New York, Nov. 22.—
—The steamer
a ld ’s correspondent there, five prom i­ Megantic, from London November 4 for returned from Europe last Wed need a
ancestor, through whom they claim of Luetgert, w hich was to have begun A m ericans.
T he insurgents, it is stated, have nent arm y officers have been arrested. th is port, anchored outside the bar th is Next day, th e general was taken sic
title , was Jonath an C arver, an E n g lish ­ today, w ent over u n til tomorrow a t th e
150 m ules from th e Consail- Many arrests of civilians and politicians forenoon, signalling th a t she was dis- and oontinued to grow weaker »1
m an, a well known explorer in the last
weaker, u n til 7:16 th is evening. « «
a change of venue from Judge H orton. eeon del 8 u r governm ent reservation. have also been made. The H erald ’s ' ¡»bled and in need of assistance.
he passed away.
A dispatch from Madrid says th a t correspondent in Rio Jan eiro telegraphs
A n o th e r T ria l Trip.
a»T «n C h in ..« n . p o r t e d .
B ishop Doan, In his annual address
San Francisco. Nov. 24.—The U nited
B lo c k a d e o f C onatan tln n p le.
San Francisco. Nov. 22.—The steam-
to th a clergy of th e diocese of A lbany. State« gunboat W heeling ia expected to cortee, and leader of th e new autono­ Exchange is falling.
London, Nov. 23.—The Constsnl
*hip Coptic, which *aile<l today for the
N. Y ., in speaking of the relations of go to tea today to com plete th e tria l of m ists, is on his way to Cuba .w here he
M o n n a h ln rn Cnptnrvd.
O rient, carried nearly 300 Chinese, in* nople corrspondent of the Daily ^*1
A m erica to England in th e L am beth her m achinery and other detaila of her will en ter th e autonom ist party, upon
H ot Springs. A rk ., Nov. 24.— Deputy eluding seven who were deported. says: “ I am able to assert on the It
aonferei.ee, was very intense in hia con­ conatruction. She will Ire away several condition th a t Señora Montero, F erdi-
dem nation of w hat is called “ jin g o ­ day*. She behaved well on her trip to nandes de Castro, Cuelo and Zayea U nited States M arshall, w ith a posse Ib ee em e n came here about a m onth au th o rity th a t th e powers are
ism .” Speaking on tha subject of in ­ H onolulu, b ut th e navy d ep artm en t's leave th e board of directors of th e of 12 men, hae arrived in th e city w ith ago with certificates to th e effect th a t ing th e ad v isab ility of a naval <f®**®
party, it being asserted th a t they are 15 illic it diatillera who were captured they were merchants, mem her* of a stration in th e D ardanelles or a b*‘^°
te rn a tio n a l arb itra tio n , he m id the requirem ents call for a fu rth er trial.
too pronouncedly Spanish to sneoeed in in Scott county. T he officers destroyed wall-known firm in Chinatown. The •d e of C onstantinople, if th®
■périt of hcetility , so openly expreeeed
It ia expected th a t when th e 1899 inducing th e insurgents to aocept a u ­ fonr stills and about 4,000 gallons of Arms, however, repudiated th e claim . doee not yield to th e demands of
on th is aide of th a water, was present,
powers w ith respect to autonomy
T he offloera got th e
though latent, In E ngland, and we season opens th ere w ill be cogwheel tonomy under th e ir leadership. Señor w hisky and beer.
Ia Meriden, Warwickahhi, a stone th e island of C rete, »nd especial‘7
aid be oarefal how
thia railw ay from Cham ounix op th a Mon* Jose Gal vex w ill rem ain as chairm an o l drop on th e m en and captured them
i W ithout trouble.
Till,Sa ol ,re# n m*rk® the th e m atter of w ithdraw ing the Turk^
ing to active hostility.
leeffraphical canter
tro o p s.”
A dispatch from H aw arden says th a t
G ladstone,
concerning whose
health an alarm ing rumor was widely
circulated, is in h is nsual health, and
S unday m orning walked to the village
church, where he attended services.
Passengers on th e steam er Mascotte,
which has arrived in Tam pa, report
th a t Engel Pasee, who betrayed G en­
eral C astillo to th e Spaniards for
»5 ,000, was captured by insurgents on
his w ay to Cienfuegos,
court-m ar­
tialed on a drum -head and hanged.
A great fire broke out at Melbourne,
A u stralia, and in a very short space of
tim e did enorm ous damage. I t is esti­
m ated th a t th e loss will reach £1,000,-
000, w hile th e trade in soft good* has
received a serious setback. Hundreds
of em ployes of all sorts have been
throw n out of em ploym ent.
i .