Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, October 28, 1897, Image 7

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    W a s h i n g t o n
n— -J g
good condition for reeeiviU
Hence it Is beneficial to i
Helds in the fall so that the"'winter
frosts may act upon the hard pirces
A S c r n tc h in n P e n .
of T " ‘- 10 th,f* w«y much ia b J r 2
saved and the natural forces do better
work than could be accomplished by
u i , " 1, T anK- A further advantage
' Balu‘‘<1 fron> the action of air ' on
- - the
exposed soil.
Fall Plowing for Corn.
poultry houses ure now built ed wtHi" l ' y 0lt* SO<* ls t0 t0 l,e P*ant-
? : »
y a r , it should by all
fjn opeu scratching shed uttaeh- 1
|fhis serves very w ell fo r giving h done n " 1 " loW,‘'1- Th,‘ earlier this
, loue the better, as it will g iv» time
DS exercise in the open air in
providing the w eather is all W°hieh wemdeCOmp08l“ on ,0 ,ak<‘ r,Ia,‘('-
! ! « ke *he s,,rlnB f ’Htivation
abut drifting snows and cold, dull much i
niuch less dlffleult. It will also enable
Cfflake an open scratching shed o f
e farmer to harrow the land two or
kierviee and entail much labor in
•ree times before winter sets in. It is
r the snow cleaned out, and in
often recommended to plow just bo-
\ things In running order again.
fore the ground freezes, and leave the
• accompanying cut, reproduced
land In the furrow so as to give frost
l tbe Orange Judd Farmer, shows better chance to mellow the soil. But
Lb more practical arrangement there is never any danger that frost
[tbe open shed plan. It is a lenn- will fall to go down the full depth of
ditiou upon the south side o f the the furrow in any of the Northern
States. There will be a mellow seed­
bed to the depth of the furrow, if the
fall plowing Is doue early. I f done
late, there will he more or less glass
roots living and ready to grow among
the corn when warm weather comes.
m i
When a horRe shows a tendency to
shy at anything, he should be held by
u firm and gentle hand, and spoken to
kindly. I f possible hold Ids head di­
rectly toward the object, and let him
look at It as long as he will, then move
him toward It. If the object is station­
ary, let him get acquainted with it, let
him smell it and look closely at It.
The moment a horse becomes familiar
with the things that alarm him, and
knows what they are, he grows indif­
ferent to them. This Is the only way
to break a horse of shying at every­
thing he meets on the road. The man
who uses the whip when the horse
shies aggravates the evil.
e, the windows o f the latter
I above the roof o f the lean-to.
twindows in this addition have a
[ upon the outside, or w ire poul-
|letting. In pleasant weather the
I windows are all swung up to the
(Inside and fastened, givin g an
tance of pure air and sunshine
[bens when scratching for grain
plltter that covers the floor o f the
Sun Bonnets for Horses.
In stormy and very cold
The suu-bounet for horses has been
r the glass window's can remain
lor nearly closed. A small door, introduced In England mainly by the
|)ean be elosed at night, admits the exertions of Mr. Percy, a wine mer­
in Tower
|llo the seratehfng room from the
street, who
hor roosting room.
dinia TiirnipH on th e L a n d .
some years for his
finch is made o f the turnip erop
own horses. Sun-
(lish sheep feeders that Arnerl-
bonnets are com­
nersare Inclined very nntural-
som e
iImitate their exam ple. Hut we
French towns, no­
fpown several turnip crops, until
»eluded that in this country In-
where they can be
ftom and other grains with wheat
had for fourpence
lilorded much cheaper nutrition
each. It is three
(lior sheep and cows than w e could
mm any root crop. As fo r feeding
Percy began to use
fo r
toff in winter, it is not adapted
’ climate. Most o f the turnips horses, and eighteen months ago he
i here are kinds that grow above sent one to the Society for the Preven­
, and the freezing destroys their tion of Cruelty to Animals, but It was
! value. Knglish farm ers grow only last summer that anything was
turnips for sheep feeding, really done. The hats remind oue of a
i are so deeply rooted that the Welshwoman’s straw tower. There
I eat Into them without pulling are two holes in the top for the ears of
• op. But they are large, heavy the horse to go through; In the - one
Und will feed where our Amerl- one may place a damp sponge. A rib­
»de Merinos w ill not.
bon at the hack attaches the hat to the
harness, and It Is fixed to his bead by
M odel D a i r y C o w .
ribbons tied to his neck. A bune.i of
[the last Southampton show in ribbons at the top of the cone are not
1 Jersey cows made a notable nietely ornamental, ns you would
hi, both as to numbers and qual- think, but are intended to keep away
[One of the Rothschilds Is i spe­
the flies.
ller of these cattle at his couu-
V aln e o f Good Brood Sows.
hce, Tring Park, Herts. Lord
Before beginning to feed the spring
•child’s Jersey cow Gypsy Queen
first prize at Southampton. pigs much corn it is well to select all
the long-bodied.thrifty young sows.and
keep them for breeders. We never
knew even In most depressed times,
when a breeding sow due to farrow In
the spring would not sell for much
more than her value for pork would
have been. What is more, the breeding
sows need and should consume very
little grain. Some wheat middlings,
with such refuse fruit anil vegetables
as would be otherwise wasted, will on
any farm keep two or more brood sows
until they are ready to farrow. This ;s
especially true In localities that are
largely devoted to growing vegetables
IWcture Is here given.
A dairy and fruits.
I * that beefy build would have
Q u ick -M atu rin g H ogs.
powhoro at a fa ir In the United
There is no longer the demand for
N hut Ideals differ. It w.is mat the heavyweight hogs which used to
^••Hd Itself, added to her unus-
prevail when lard was what the hog
■ that helped Gypsy Qneen II.
'was mostly valued for. W hat Is most
■ l Prize. She is o f a faw n color wanted now are hogs that at seven or
old. A description o f eight months old will average a pound
P * 'n the London L iv e Stock ! d ,y or a trifle more, for each dav of
praises her capacious udder, fhefr lives Such hogs as these are al­
eye, however, her ways
^ l e . and i. Is very rare that
i h the reverse o f capacious.
they will not yield a profit to the grow-
Quien S»be—who know— is a phrase in
very common use among the Spaniards,
»nd helps over many, many difflrultie». U
'» expressive. What the weather mav he
he coming winter, who knows? It may
rnn"<JrW-V' ?'**• ,tormy, cold, freezing, and
•m i. ,su'k,,es" a»d pain, who kiiows?
j: e of us today, hale and heartv, mav
* ? { *°rture, or hobble about oil
-Tutch*». »'ho knows? Before the autumn
ges into wi -ter nianv mav have svmp-
onns of spproarhing trouble, of the old
on, or o f nrst attacks
E f “ » : who knows? That'saconundrum.
t ut there is one thing everybody knows,
the best thing to do is to be' ready for the
weather coming and to take hold'of what
'!;• f’-verbod' knows what is best. With
•• «cobs Oil in the house, everybody
, knows they have a sure cure for rheuma­
tism, acute or chronic. It is likewise
Miown that in any stage of it, the great
I remedy does its work of cure perfectly. If
we sutler, we need not ask who kiiows,
when it is so well known what is best.
Gre at G i f t » to E du ca tion .
by nrst-ciass grocers, in cans only. Manufac­
tured bv the P acific C oast S yru p C o . All gen­
ii.tie " Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac­
turer a name lithographed on every can.
A F a ir In fe re n c e .
When the continual and unreason­
able attacks upon the courts are con­
sidered, orderly people are apt to take
a liberty with the poet and make his
couplet read: ‘ ‘ No rouge e ’er saw the
halter diaw with good opinion of the
law.” — Stockton Independent.
Omnibnsses were introduced in New
York city in 1830.
The first copper oent was coined in
New Haven. Conn., in 1687.
Plants grow more between 4 and 6 a.
m. than at any other time of day.
Of 73 historic kings of Scotland 61
are said to have died in battle or to
have been murdered.
The German emperor declared in a
recent speech that his grandfather was
a chosen instrument of heaven.
An outlaw, three moonshiners and
two other men were arrested at the Snn-
nelton camp meeting at Kingwood, W.
a . __________________
f •Sr*7*b
niu irre*with tb* *ur*
^ ° f the frost Is very bene-
• lam er, for the hard clods
1 *• Pieces by the expansion
- ear
- Indicates
r s S nil ness
r a am - s *
Z * .: when too far back th o rn *»
position to ntecblef.
The first training school for teachers
was organized in Prussia in 173o.
Red Lair can be dyed brown, but
cannot be given a golden tint.
A New York insurance company Is
getting a good deal o f lucrative busi­
ness in China.
K id gloves, with hand-painted flow­
ers on the back, are the latest fad on
the Continent.
Dried fish was form erly and is still
to some extent a medium o f exchange
in Iceland.
The people o f this country consume,
it is said, 20,000,000 bottles o f pickles
The Smithsonian Institution has re­
ceived a collection which is < f import­
ance to the archaeologist. It is known
as the 8eton-Karr contribution, having
been discovered by this Englishman in
Somaliland, on tbe eastern coast of A f ­
rica. Tbe implements were purchased
from the discoverer by the Smithsonian
Institution. There «re about 50 pieces
in the collection, made of flint, of qur-
tide, and ranging in site from an inch or
so in length to half a foot, some
weighing several pounds. The objects
are supposed to be spear heads, battle
axes and wedges, truncheons, blud­
geons or whatever they may be termed.
The discoverer had this to say on tiie
subject of his find and the locality
where the objects were unearthed:
“ Certain landmarks as to the four
rivers mentioned in Genesis led me
think that the Garden o f Eden, if it
ever existed, may have been here, and
that these very tools had been made
and used by Adam and his numerous
descendants. A t any rate, my discov­
eries in Egypt and Somaliland lead nie
to the idea that man’s original home,
Dr the place where lie was gradually
evolved, must have been in A frica, or
at least, in a tropical land, where
clothes were unnecessary and food plen­
tiful to hand.”
Chinese, who call It “ milk-cake,” and
consider it In the light o f “ rotten milk."
so o n e r
b e g in
use Schilling’s Best
te a
an d
b a k in g p o w d er, th e b e tte r y o u r
o p p o rtu n ity
so m e
th at $ 2 0 0 0 .0 0 .
th e m ore y o u w ill e n ­
jo y y o u r ca k e an d ea tin g .
A Schilling & Company
Sou Francisco
A Con fed o rat o I t o li o f H o n o r.
An effort is being made to compila
“ a roll of honor” for the Confederate
Museum, in Richmond, V a ., o f all the
soldiers and sailors who serve»! the Con­
federate cause, with u verified report o f
the various commands to which they
were attached during the four y ea n o f
the war. Survivors and friends of thoee
living or dead are appealed to to make
up the recortl.
A floral curiosity is on exhibition in
the Tem ple Gardens, London. I t ia a
$5,000 orchii) from Venezuela, It haa
a white flower which in shape resem­
bles a sea-gull w ith outspread wings.
• w a k e
W e are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use o f the word ** CASTOK1A," and
“ PITCHKR SCASTOKIA,” as our Trade Mark.
E le c tr ic ity
Is L i f e - :*
The share o f land falling to each
Inhabitant o f the globe if it were all
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
equally divided would be about 23V&
was the originator o f " PITCHER’S CAS rORIA,’*
the same that has borne and does now bear the
In every mile o f railw ay there is fac simile signature o f CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
seven feet and four Inches not covered every wrapper. This is the original “ PITCHER’S
by the rails—the space left for expan­ CASTORIA ’’ which has been used in the homes
o f the mothers o f America for over thirty years.
In Poland cucumbers are usually eat­
en with honey. On the Continent they
are cooked and dressed In a variety of
The number o f pupils In the schools
o f the United States last year was 16,-
415,197. an Increase o f nearly 5,000,000
since 1890.
There Is little doubt that the making
o f wills originated with the Egyptians,
During the war between Japan and and that the custom did not prevail in
China the Chinese soldiers wore un- Europe until ages after.
derclohting made of paper. Experi­
Grasshoppers attain their greatest
ments made with these goods in the size in South America, where they grow
Prussian army proved unsatisfactory, as to a length o f five inches and their
they were found to last only two or wings spread out ted Inches.
three davs.
The town o f Marblehead, In Massa­
chusetts, gained Its name because the
white quartz, which Is so plentiful on
the headlands, looks from a distance
like marble.
You cannot have nerve trouble and
A ll plants hnve periods o f activity
keep your health.
In ninety-nine and rest. Some are active In the day­
cases out o f & hundred the womb, the time and sleep at night; others repose
ovaries and the blad­ during the daylight hours and are
der are affected. They awake at night.
are not vital organs,
Massachusetts convicts are getting
hence they give out
fastidious. Not content with Boston
baked beans for breakfast every day
Mrs. L yd ia
they have Just sent In a petition for
E. Finkliain's
custard pie every Sunday.
V e g c t a b le
Not every Catholic priest Is ns poor
impound, by
b u i l d i n g up as the proverbial church mouse. Father
the nerves and T. J. Butler o f Chicugo, who died at
restoring woman’s or­ Rome a few weeks ago. left personal
ganism to its natural property valued at $70,000.
state, r e l i e v e s all
The great basilica o f St. Peter at
t h e s e troublesome Rome, It Is said, does not possess near­
uterine symptoms. In ly so good an organ as many a one In an
confirmation o f this we, by permission, American country church. There nre
refer to the follow in g women, a ll of tw o small Instruments that c„n be
whom speak from experience: Miss wheeled about.
C e l i a V a n H o r n , 1912 Sharswood St.,
The Chinese Idea o f charging diners-
Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss G r a c e C o l -
out In public restaurants Is, It seems,
l o r d , 1434 Eastern Ave., Cincinnati,
to present six diners with a bill for two
O .; M rs . N e w e l l , 50 Ryerson St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y .; M r s . I s a b e l O b e r o , persons. It being reckoned that a din­
ner for three costs no more than a din­
220 Chestnut St., Woburn, Mass.; M r *.
ner for one.
A. II. C o l e , N o w Rochelle, N. Y ., and
The Irish bagpipe differs from the
many others.
Women suffering from any form o f fe­ Scotch In having only tw o drones In­
male weakness are invited to promptly stead o f three, but the music Is very
communicate w ith Mrs. Pinkham at much softer than that produced by the
Highland Instrument. It Is a smaller
Lynn, Maxs.
You can talk freely to a woman when Intsrument altogether.
it is revolting to relate your private
K id gloves, though so called, are sel­
Ills to a man
dom made from real kids’ skins. Those
that are so manufactured are o f won­
derful softness, and are extrem ely e x ­
pensive. The reason for this Is that
the animals that w ill ne sacrificed for
“ I f you dumped m
the purpose are specially renred, and
cart-load o f gold at my
on a milk diet, even the very choicest
feet it would not b rio *
such joy and gladnesa
green food making the skin harsh.
The relatives of Joe Sullivan, who
died in Oakland, Cal., ami was seven
feet eigh t inches in height, have put a
guard ov ?r his grave, fearing that a
showman w ill steal his body.
H o rs e -P o w e r o f • Hteam E ngine.
Tb e rule for ascertaining tbe horse­
power of a steam engine la as follow s:
multiply the area of the platon in
square Inches by the average force of
tbe steam In pounds and by the ve­
locity of the piston In feet per minute;
divide the product by SJt.Doo. and
seven tenths of the quotient equal tbe
effective power.
An unmarried Atchison woman who
Uvea alone keeps her front door epee
with a bootjack.
all disease Is the
waste o f en ergy
— the
organs o f
bod y
h ave
not sufficient v i ­
tality to keep up
their natural ac­
quire aid.
E lec­
giv es
through the prop-
I er use o f
S lO O K K W A I U ), A 1 OO.
This belt fills the nerves with electrical energy
which Quickly gees to the a»«iNtance of the
functions, renews the life in them, and
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease they are enabled to throw off disease. It Is a
and never fails. Dr, A. T. Banden,
that science has been able to cure in all its stages
and that is catarrh. H all’s Catarrh ('ure is the | famous r . s a physician and m d « nt of sciene«
forth irt years, bus published A
only positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis­ j hook. “ Three Claset of Men.” upon the cans«
disease ana its cure by elec-
ease, re<| uires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly trioitv. It is worth $l.»HH» to any man, and fa
?e;tled, to any address or csa
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svs-
feia, thereby destroying the foundation of the be had at the office. Calf or address
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building tip the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers, that they 853 W ent W a s h in g to n St., IN irtla a d , O r.
offer One H undred Dollars for any case that it
Please mention this Paper.
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials,
F. J. CHENEY, A Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
H all’s Family Pills are the best.
V e «table, Grass
O n« of the inoat curious results of
the investipations made by doctors in
the Bosnian jails is the statement that
each KronP of criminals has its own
peculiar color o f the eye.
and Flower jfijk
Bulbs and Rows.
Fruit and Shade
Trcesj* Spray Pumpsj* Bee Supplies
J» Fertilizers j * Catalog's Free Jfij»J*
Piso's Cur* for Consumption has saval
me large doctor bills.—C. L. Baker, 4'S h p I P T r i t K and FILE S ciyed : *»o pay an­
Regent 8q., Philadelph’u, I’ a., Dec. 8, '!F>. i l til cured : send for bopk. Dus. M AitsnBLft
A POKTKKFIBI.I», ‘ 3K .Market hi., ban FranclMNk
Diamonds have been discovered, in N. P. N. I .
No. 44, * 9 7 .
rare instances, in the meteoric stones
J H K N w r i t i n g t o H i l v e r t i i s r s , | »ls s s t
which have fallen to the earth.
m e n t io n t liia p a p e r .
B u y Yo u r Fu rs
This Handsome Cape represented by this cut, a combination ol
Electric Seal and Astrachan, with tw elve tails, regularly sold at
fit), w ill be sold during this month for flft. Our stock of Alaska
Heal (raw and manufactured) Furs, is no? complete. Tha Lidias
from all parts of the country are requested to send for pricaa
and catalogues. Highest price paid for all kinds of raw furs.
S •
d f 'i
CSI v p r fip lH
O I I V C I 1 IC IU ,
L e a d in g F u r M a n u fa c tu rer,
|43 T h ird
P o rtla n d , Ovw
......................................................................................... »
lO W E R
...FO R ...
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate OH; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machiuery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog.
T h e L a t e s t S n a k e L ie .
Once upon a time a gentleman resi­
dent o f Utah saved a rattlesnake from
death. It had been caught between two
stones. T b e snake was grateful and a
beautiful friendship grew up between
the reptile and his preserver. When
Mr. Blank had completed his time In
Utah he brought the rattlesnake back
with him to N ew York and established
him In a spare room at tbe back o f the
house. One night he neard a great
no.se, and, rushing into tbe snake's
private apartment, found that tbe ani­
mal bad caught a burglar In tbe folds
of its body and was rattling Its tall out
of a window to call a policeman.
T h e cause
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought, and ha.9 the
signature o f CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Compauy o f which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Match 8, 1897.
A Cart-Load of Gold
No C. O. D. scheme : no patent medicine*—
just the book under plain letter seal._________
Cardinal Richelieu hated children
and loved cats; when he died his favor­
Ye.«, wake up to the danger which threatens ite Angora put refuse»! to eat and aoon
Sdwu^old leases o f buildings in Bos­ you if your kidneys and bladder are inactive or perished.
t you know that if you tail to impel
ton, still In force, stipulate that the them to Don’
action, Brights disease or diabetes
awaits you? Use llostetter’s Stomach Bitters
rent shall be paid In Iron or grain.
Handel, the composer, nsed, w h e n
without delay. It has a most beneficial effect
A peach thirteen and three-fourths upon the kidneys when sluggish, and upon the traveling, to order dinner for three, o r
if hungry, for five, in either London or
Inches In circumference was raised in bowels, liver, stomach and nervous system.
McMinn County, Tenn.. this season.
One of the visitors to the Tennessee
In popular estimation the hair in Centennial was a Hutherford county
England In the sixteenth century was man, 84 years old, who, until his trip
to the N ashville exposition, had never
considered little better than vermin.
Cheese is held In nbomination by tbe been on a railroad train.
T a p e r U n d erw e a r T es te d .
into my life." So w rite»
a prominent man after
using: the method of
self-treatment that has
restored so many nun
who had been wrecked
by excesses, over-work
or evil habits of youth.
A l i t t l e b o o k that
mak«s ft all plain may be had without charga
by writing
65 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Q u ic k :
Im p o rta n t R a ea n t D is c o v e r y .
Tr> Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
M. Eulogious Georgieff, the founder
The barrel-organ o f the streets was
of the Sofia University, who died re­ unknown until the early part o f the
cently, bequeathed 2,0000,000 francs to present century.
the Bulgarian government to be applied
In India the native barber w ill shave
to the country’s needs; 6,000,000 francs a person while asleep without waking
for a technical school to be established
him, so light is his touch.
at Sofia and large sums for other pub­
In the palace o f the Emperor W illiam
lic institutions.
In Berlin 500 housemaids and 1,800 liv ­
h o m e pr o d u c ts a n d p iiu k f o o d .
eried footmen find employment.
A t the end o f each hair o f a cat's
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored ami oi heavy body, is made from whiskers is a bulb o f nerve fibre which
glucose. “ Tea Garden ¡trips** is made from
Migar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale makes lt a very delicate “ feeler.”
{ The best pips for feeding are usual­
- VIYft 1 K * 'T ir r R C ]
i Marketing Potatoes.
will cure you of Dye-
•«re few farm crops that cost l y » cross of the fine boned small breeds
pepsia. Indigtsi on,
n some large and rather coarse-built
i i U t J lU V V If c U II and’-tomach troubles
to harvest and market them as
the male always being the m . J k n J « . Prire. II. On receipt of M m* « «
’,rKe crop o f potatoes. It w ill be
ill deliver it ei your neeris; tzpre»»office free
The result will be jogs,
f expensive this yea r on account
of vherge.
; r « . h for feeding will be superior to
. F R A N K N A U ...
^Prevalence o f rot with a not very
Portland Hotel Pharmacy
crop, it j8 f or this reason that either sire or dam.
rO .T iA H ’', OR.
fcixih « " • Worrhwn »ireet.
H o rs e P o in ts.
Gxnnfrs delay their potato har-
There are some points which are val-
tate, so as to save extra hand-
m horses of every description.
L* r , f sometimes pay to put po-
In outdoor pits. But on no
carre the moat c a m p i«» Hite of f>»miiaaiom
s s i i s r s s s
where rot prevails should any « ■
eod a th le tic iic o tia o n tnef-oast.
•a the cellar. T h e odor o f rot-
a u lii * • • Uk'r ° '• * • * Be T0
for O lir A th letic < aiansm e.
_J**°** Is not only offensive, but to enable the l
lt free mo-
l^remely nnhealthful. Besides
W I L L * F IN C K C O .,
T c fr r la g e and pw-
J*bor of taking potatoes up out tion and a graceiu
M a r k t H i- * — fr a n e la — . C a L
I» much greater than tak-
^ from a pit, which despite Its r ?
» • u P lo u g h in g .
h atch et
co unty
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Hercules Special
(2 )i aetnal horsepower)
Price, only $ 1 8 5 .
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
itf f l t h m m t i iiü iiiiü iiiia
D e n t i s t s ....
0*1 your nippli*, of n. «I cut r.lM ,
I-.ru* in.-k »nil low price..
Good, f uaromcod.
Imdiri-CItrit( Ca,Dentil OtptL. hrtlinl
• • • Portland, O re g o n . •.
âjmmowo, i* .* , Fil«. J. A Wnco, a*<y
I for ««un». M
U mxi I m im .