Ih® food pare, ,rAaleaom® end delicious. “THE FAM OUS” $10 a Day for Laborers. enrvrv notices . Bart Caples who ia now inSk.iguiy, ~ '» r , .« 1 t t f c t a . , , 0».t h “ Alaska, gives the following glaring ac­ i omwitMintier'a c o u r t, October Term * count of that golden town in a letter to a Statement of warrants drawn during Will save you from $ 2.00 to $ 4.00 D i p « , P W O M ., Stoke, ¡, friend. regular and special terms of the County on the price of a suit or overcoat “ Wages are from $10 to $20 a day and court. “ U“ M b e ta f , . everything else accordingly. Talk Assessing and Collecting— (T. e game before it was 16.) about making money, anyone can make Geo. H. W ilcox ............................$ 78 00' it here. The other day tne bridge over Bridges and Roads— J ' Ug; r , (& 800 have just received a the Skaguay, a river of about the Trial- sUxk ot the celebrated Oliver plows. atin’s size, washed out and as the people J } ' " n 7 , ‘ nd Verboort ............... 28 " Call and see them. had to cross it to get to their horses and “ 8 ' i * 1« * ................................... » Hello, Bill! Where did you get up the trail Fred and I put in a ferry £ J , ................................. “ £ that load of furniture?” ‘ ‘I KOt it at within an hour after the bridge went out ' 1 , ’ , ....................................... , Dress Suits $12.50 and $15.00 . m l n ) ,d n..... 1 *1 AO ........................................................ 8 45- and charged $ 1.00 for passengers and $10 ' C - M - Boys’ Suits from $1.75 up Tigardville Lumberiug Co........... 57 15 cheaf)er than in Portland.” a ton for freight. We cleared $226 the T. C. Johnson .............................. 745 00 first day and are now getting about $ 100 . T. C. Johnson ............................... 6 85 One of the HiUsboro papers last week It will last all winter. I have made D. B. Reasoner.............................. 55 60 published a report of the assignees in enough from it to buy a house and lot J. B. McNew................................. 5 OO t ie Manner bank and it was copied into ! which rent for $35 a month. Corner Morrison and 2d Sts. J. W. Goodwin.............................. 68 OO Absolutely Pure the Daily Oregonian. The same report 1 have a place in a drug store at $100 J. W. Goodwin.................. ............ 75.00 was published in the H atchet of June | a month. Even hash slingecs get from P O R T L A N D , O R E G O N . T .G . Todd.................... 3 00 23, a few days after it was filed. No fur­ $100 to $175 a month. You can get D. B. Reasoner.............................. 9 50 ther report has been filed except a de­ $15 a day any time and nothing to do but R. V incent..................................... 23 45 tailed list of claims. The statement of j work. One of the saloons has out a sign Pool and Ashpoole........................ 3 OO four months ago should be changed in Cash paid for poultry, eggs, game, Wheat 75 cents. “ Boy wanted, $10 a day and no cash reg- Redmond and Sappington. . . . . . . 4 50 nearly every item to be news today as hides and pelts at J. H. Wescott’ s, next HO,«. (AKIM VOWOSK CO., NfW YORK. i Mr. J. A. Waddell of Portland, su- I ister” , another has a sign, “ Boy wanted, James laiidlaw ........................... 10 OO considerable progress has been made in >-oor to S. Hughes & Son. j bring references and can opener.” McNa- ! preme represenative from Oregon of the Mountaindale Lumber C o........... 25 80 the banks affairs since then though no Miss Bessie Guinean, o f Portland, was Knights of Pythias, was in the Grove ! raer sfarfet^ down the lake last week, J. R. Mays and S on ..................... 25 definite information of its condition can a b o u t t o w n . j We brought 20 cases of shoes with us the guest of Mrs. J. L. Gregg on Tuesday. yesterday. Wiley and Dennis.......................... 2 50 yet be given. and sold them as fast as we could open 7 50 Moments are useless if trifled away; Mr. T. B. McAdams, of Springbrook, | them up, at $10 a pair, any kinds at the M. W. Patton................................. y to loan in sums to suit. Rooms Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and. T. C. Johnson................................. 35 OO and they are dangerously wasted if con- and Mr. E. Schmeltzer, of Scholls, visited same price.” j, Sbute Building, Hillsboro, Or. Diarrhoea Remedy always affords prompt sumed by delay in cases where One \ the Grove yesterday. M. S. Dailey................................... 200 OO S. ind Jas. M. Thompson drove to relief, tor sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. Minute Cough Cure would bring imme­ T .G . Todd......................... 1 ........... 4 00 Mr. John Abboot was down on the 'raville Satnrday, returning Mon- Connty Court— 1 he “ devil” in a country newspaper diate relief. J. C. Clark, druggist. Married.—At the residence of the river the fore part of the week, return­ T G T odd..................................... 7 80 taving made the visit for the pur- office is sometimes a pretty young girl. Born.— To the wife o f Mr. Albert ing Wednesday evening, and is high in j bride’s parents near Greenville, Oregon, D B Reasoner ...................... . . . 10 OO of attending the dedicatory ser- —Heppner Gazette. ' Mis; Laura Belle Baker, daughter o f Mr. Watson, of Hillside, on layt Sunday praise of the hotel accomodations at H T Bagley......................; ........... 1 OO of the Cumberland Presbyterian Rainier. Mr. Abbott also mentions with and Mrs. Dauiel Baker, and Mr Walter l-or ladies, dull aougola heavy soles, morning, a son. T G T odd............................. . . . . 4 80 , at that place, o f which Rev. N. Sears, eldest son o f Mr. and Mrs. S. pleasure some observations of cattle flout, lace coin, toe for tall wear see For all kinds of fresh fish, oysters, D B Reasoner.................. 7 OO .JE.Thompson is pastor. It will j C. Scars, October 6 , 1897 . which he had opportunity of making. Gregg’s show window. clams, game and poultry call on J. H. County Clerk and Depute?— -ttnbered that the former building B-,th are well known and highly re­ Go to Hughes & Son for stoves. Mrs. Chandler attended the Baptist Wescott, next door to S. Hughes & Son. barned one year ago, the presnt spected people o f this county. Mrs. J A lmbrie ................... J .......... 250 OO County Judge— ‘ug is said to be the best of that conference at McMinnville, returning Miss Lillian Parker, daughter of Dr. Fishing is great sport these days. Sears was a successful teacher in the B P Cornelius.............................. 176 00 Monday. ster on the west side. M. H. Parker, o f Greenville, is attend- Over 4C0 were taken Sunday by local en- Public school o f Forest Grove, and a County Treasurer— thusiasts. Of course the fact that Wes- kindly, helpful social spirit among her For fall and winter footwear at lowest i” g school at Tualatin Academy. », the evaporator man, wants ap- A B Cady........................................ 50 00 city prices call at Gregg’s Shoe store. For Sale.—Gentle, coal black horse, cott’s market keeps all kinds of finny frien<^s everywhere. County School Supt. and Assts.— The following relatives and members 5 -year-old, fine traveler for buggy or game has nothing to do with sportsmen Austin Craig .................................. 42 75 Mrs. Staubridge visited North Yamhill ert of school district No. 30 for the o f the two families represented by the farm work, weight 1200 pounds: E n­ no more coming home empty handed, Court House and Jail— h ending Oct.22. No. of girls en- last week. marriage were present: Mr. and Mrs. quire of Dr. M. H. Parker, Greenville, but the more fish amateurs catch the 6 0 » , 21 ; no. of Itoysenrolled, 27; total, Daniel Baker, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sears, Barrett & Adams........................... Prosperity is returning and Smith the Oregon. more business Harry seems to do. 31-32 6 0 G no. of days attendance, 728; no. of furniture man is getting the benefit of it. Mrs. S. G. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J B W ilkes..................................... Fuel, Light and Janitor— absence, 232; average daily attend- Quick sales and small profits. Mrs. F. J. Owens, of Portlan.d was the Geo. L. Smith is very busy taking in C. Baker, Mrs. Fuqua, Misses Blanche i,36; no. of visitors, 15.—J. T. Flet- guest o f Dr. C. E. Geiger and wife over new ^¡oods and passing them out again Sears Hattie Sears, Sylva, Incy, Elva Peter Nelson................................... 65 75 Rev. Spangler spent two days in Port­ Sunday, returning Monday morning. Hillsboro Light A Water Co.— to customers. People who could not af- and Dora Baker, Messrs. Clias. Sears , teacher. land last week visiting friends, and was N A Barrett.................................... 30 OO* ford to buy furniture during the hard ' Albert Sears and Damie Baker, City Drug Store is headquarters for ruing, itching skin diseases in- there the greater part of this on busi­ times are now filling up their houses After the ceremoney’ which was per- L I) Shute....................................... 18 00 school supplies. tly relieved by l)e W itt’s Witch ness. Insane and InqueBts— again to make them comfortable and at- formed by Rev. Daniel Starr, a sump- Halve, unefivialed for cuts, bruises, 5 OO- Dr. C. E. Geiger reports ^he oldest tractive and Smith is the man who sells tuous repast was served to which all Dr W I) W ood ................................ Bargains in new and second hand fur­ It heals without leaviug a scar. Dr S T Linklater............................ 10 00 son o f Thomas Dilley recovering from a the best goods cheap. present did ample justice. Many friends niture at Smith’s. Clark, Druggist. Paupers and Prisoners— severe disease o f the throat,and a gland­ . wish the happy young couple a prosper- Wm. McMillan,of Burns Bay, Alaska, ular abscess o f the neck. The abscess Mr. J. A. Brisblne is the em.\ ot ai ous VOyage on tjje sea 0f ¡{fe Brvan-Laidlaw C o .................... . 5 45 or Sale.—A young driving team, is visiting his father D. McMillan, of Hay­ was lanced and two ounces o f pus extract­ other local sportsmen for the bag ho , ___ ;______________ Wm Frazier..................................... 52 75- and well broke. Inquire at ward. The Mining company that Mr. ed,since which time the patient has im­ made Sunday on Wapato lake. He het office. Card of Thanks. | N A Barrett..................................... 12 15 McMillan is with can spare him only for proved rapidly. brought in 38 birds, • chinas, wild geese, 2 75 Hillsboro Pharmacy...................... Mr. Henry Buxton and family desire lies wishing to talk with Mrs. a short time so his stay here will be ducks and snipe, and the Brisbine house­ F A Bailey....................................... 1 50 Fall styles are in. See our Ladies’ hold have bean enjoying wild fowl ever to express their grateful appreciation of :lti about the famous home remedy, short. J P Tamiesie................................... 7 50 green cloth top, coin toe, lace shoes. sipce. the kindnesses and courtesies shown by , will find her at home on Satur- 16 50 G W Patterson.............................. Before you start to school go to the This is the latest. Price $ 3 .—Gregg’s their friends, neighbors and acquaint­ Mail orders promptly attended 3 60 J R Mays & Son............................ City Drug Store and buy your school Shoe store. Read the notice o f the public sale for ances during the trying period of Mrs. 6 50 John Northrop............................... books, tablets, pencils and everything Saturday, Oct. 30 . | Buxton’s illness and tleath, especially The Pumpkin Pie social postponed 5 OO i Andrew Olsen................................ editing Attorney Bagley made the else in that line. j j I remembering the Eastern Star and from lost week will beheld Friday night 6 0 » Rosa Frost ..................................... ‘WetlKklist Episcopal Church.—Rev. J. ;rr a call on Tuesday. H.B. Johnson has a Bartlett pear tree at the Methodist parsonage. N o admis­ W. Spangler will preach in the morning I Ladies Working society for their beauti­ Recorder of Conveyances and Deputy— S. P. Ry. is the oldest railroad, now bearing its second crop for this sea­ sion fee, but it will cost you ten cents to and Principal H. L. Bates'will preach in ful floral tributes. E L McCormick............................ 176 OO road bed, safest, and most accomo- son, nearly a bushel being on the tree. get out. Program will begin at 8 o ’clock. the evening. Everybody welcome to Stationery— Notice. ’ g, of any railroad on the Pacific The pears are of fair size, of good color llatcliet.................................... . . . . 12 OO Gentleman, before buying your fall , these services. Flvery article of tinware manufactured FI L McCormick..................... . . . . Buy a ticket at Hatchet office. and seemingly as good in every way shoes see Gregg’s show window. It will 2 50 ’ Ammunition and smokeless shells o f all by the Lisk Manufacturing Company J A lm b rie.............................. .. . . as though they were not borne out of due pay you. V. Patterson, agent. 4 50 kinds at S. Hughes & Son. absolutely guaranteed and warranted not Hillsboro Pub C o ..................... . . . 17 30 time. The blossoms for this later growth The regular teacher’ s examination Monday night the Odd Fellows o f to rust, and each and every piece of their came just as the earlier fruit was matur­ 4 90 be held in Masonic Hall, Forest Last week the boys at the public ware that does not prove positively_anti- B P Cornelius......................... . . . . ing. With two crops a year Oregon will Washington lodge had a grape social W I) Bradford........................ . . .. 4 55 school raised money to purchase a foot :.e, beginning Wednesday, Nov. io, * rusting may be returned to the dealer soon be able to supply the world’s mar­ and a splendid time. Sheriff and Deputies— ball and Principal Thomas told them ’ continuing through Friday. 275 CO Patrons who want first class work that the ball Bhould come to the care of from whom it was purchased and ex­ W D Bradford......................... ket without any assistance. changed for new goods free of cost. For rton will repair your shoes neatly. done without paying exorbitant prices State Cases— the one who wrote the best letter order- sqle by 8 . Hughes & Son. I Hundreds of thousands have been in­ H T Bagley.............................. . . . . 34 80 :to The Mountaindale Lumber Co. duced to try Chaimberlain’s Cough should patronize the Forest Grove Laun­ , ing it. Naturally there was a good deal 5 90 A G V aughn............................ . . . . apple boxes and lumber. 26-31 Remedy by reading for others, and hav­ dry, work warranted. ' of interest and all tried to see how busi- TO CITRIC A COLD IN ONI DAY John Dolstrom........................ . . . . 7 10 m-Ss like and neat they could be in their The W. R. C. will give a dinner Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. iool began last Monday in the ing tested its merits for themselves are 4 05 I letters. No one was told who had been All druggists refund the money if it fails John H Dolstrom................... . . . . today its warmest friends. For sale by Thanksgiving. 1 m district, near Greenville, with 1 60 Joe Bailey................................ \ successful and all were engerly awaiting to cqre. 25 cents. For sale by J. C. ‘ Ida M. Wilson, of Columbia county, J. C. Clark, druggist. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. DeWitt’ s 4 05 John H Dolstrom.................. . . . the result when Tuesday morning a pack- Clark. teacher. Mr. Wm. Barrett Sr., of G-eenville, Little Early Risers cure biliousness, con 1 to Joe Bailey............................... C t'l k came through the mail addressed to stipation, sick headache. J was in the Grove Friday. Dentistry. Robert Buck .......................... . . . 7 20 , ibott & Roe have just received a af ’ ’’ "H orace E. Thomas” . It contained the Dr. R. H. Hovey having located 1c ’,'fflent of new furniture which they If you have any second hand furniture Druggist. 1 coveted football and showed wl o had The Pomona Grange for Washington, been the best letter writer. The Hatchet Forest Grove for the practice o f dentistry fl as well as second-hand. Call and to exchange for new call on Geo. L. PUB IC SALE sine whether you want to buy or Smith. He will trade with you and give Clackamas and Yamhill counties met remembers young Mr. Thomas as the takes this method o f informing the pub 1 The utxleralRiHKl will fell at public a an ln n with Tualatin Grange, at Frog Pond, winner of one of its puzzle contests two lie that he is prepared to do any work in j to the hiKhcst responsible bidder, at Cart. It will pay you to get their prices you what your goods are worth. near Wilsouville, Clackamas county, on years ago which involved the exerciseof hat line. Office in Ingles & Porter’s Christianson'* farm. 6 miles southwest ot HI 1 H- b buying elsewhere. Monday forenoon Messrs. Leach, Pat­ 1 boro, Oregon, on Saturday, Oct. 30 , 1 SU 7 , bealu- the 18 th with nearly two hundred pres­ considerable power of observation. He building. 1 nlng at 10 o’clock a. m. the following de- Mire McPherson, of near Dilley, was terson and Rev. Spangler made a trip ent. The next session will be fceld with is a eon of Mr. A. B. Thomas of the firm ] 1 scribed property to-wlt: “ Let me give you a pointer,” said badly hurt Wednesday morning up Gales Creek for the purpose of look­ of Woods, Caples & Thomas, and bids Harding Grange. Eight milch cows, high graded short horn F. Gregg, a popular conductor on the ing over a piece of real estate. They being thrown from a cart, her horse Durham, one full-blooded Holstein cow.710011 fair to make a successful merchant. Call at the hardware store o f S. Hughes Missouri Pacific railroad. “ Do you fresh, two 3 -year-old heifers, two 2 -ye^r-old ¡ng been frightened by the cars. had a jolly time and returned in time for & Son and examine their stock o f never dinner. Rheumatism, which is caused by an | know that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera heifers, nlue yearling calves, one Jersey ; was unconscious for some time. bull nearly full blood, two bulls 2-year old. Why suffe; with Coughs, Colds, and rust tinware. Something new and su­ acid in the blood, is cured by the use of; and Diarrhoea Remedy cures vou when live head of flue horses, work and riding, one hrties going East or South should get Ayer’s S rsaparilla. External treatment you have the stomach ache? Well, it perior to anything ever offered in the eolt 114 years old, one sat harnesa, one Bain is Of no avail. Until the blood is thor­ ^ket over the S. P. Ry. I. W. Patter- LaGrippe when L axative R bomo Qt*- oughly cleansed of all impurities, it is use­ does.” And after giving this friendly w^gon 3 t« Inch, one Mitchell spring hack, one NI n - k will cure you in one .lay- I <** market. .»gent. th? cure o f ar.y disease. bit o f advice, the jolly conductor passed Bain aprlng wagon, one cart and sevarat other not produce the ringing in the Bead like Marshal Bailey has put in a new cross­ less to expect ♦ S Wf- W»P on down the aisle. It is a fact that reh Idea, one Advance binder, one Jones mower, ¡Hr. Christian, w ho has been in East- Sulphate of Quinine. Put up in tablets ing from Clark’s Drug store corner to f t . - •. »r. -4 /— thousauds of railroad and traveling men one Wood mower, one stump machine, one - Oregon for the past eight m onths re- convenient for taking. Guaranteed to connect with the sidewalk recently built Settlement o f the quadrant claims is Hick straw cutter with bone power, one White- never take a trip without a bottle of this man's cider press, one Thomas hay rake, two 1 here last night for the winter. cure or money refunded. Price 25 cents. along the street on the Congregational going on rapidly. The settlers had paid Remedy, which is the best cure for bowel harrows, two cultivation, one DeLabel cream church block, on its Pacific avenue face. about $23000 to the railway company on Wanted.—To exchange lots in Forest For sale by J. C. Clark. disorders in the world. 25 and 50 cent separator No. 2 and one thousand and one othar their contracts aud two-thirds o f these The new sidewalk and crosswalk now ■’* for lumber. Enquire of the things. The road supervisor is preparing to are in line with tte sidewalk along the claims were put in Hon. Geo. H. W ill­ bottles for sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. All sums of $10 and under, cash in hand; over ¿JOirr. repair the bridges between here and $10 a credit of twelve months w ill tie given on rest of the street and it gives the church iam’s hands for collection. The S. P. f^upare the news service of the H at - Gales City. a larger front lawn and makes it more compromised on returning the amounts Reasons Why Chamberlain’s Colie approved note drawing 8 per oent. Interest. A discount for cash will be given. with that of any other county Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ Shaving io cents hair, cutting 25 cents retired from the travel aloqg the street. paid in, the interest being considered 30-31 Mas. H. o. CHRisnsnsow, tin Oregon. Seventeen columns of at the Diamond Shaving P r io r 'one edy ia the Best. J. C. Clark is also putting in a new side­ offset by the use the sett’ers had o f the Owner. •phic news in this issue and door north of Hayden & Buxton 1. Because it affords almost instant B. P. Cornelius, land which would otherwise have been walk in front of his store. -ght down to today. Auctioneer. meat market. Good w .rk and courteous in the railway’s possession, Some of relief in case of pain in the stomach, City Drug Store for School Books. Wanted, to exchange a horse for a span- attention.— Allen & Sears, Proprietors. the settlers did not care to bear their j colic and cholera morbus, “ They don’ t make rtiuch fuss about it.” Rev. Mr. Starr will be away over Sun­ share of the expense, ten per cent, of P°ai's. Call at the H atch et office. 2. Because it is the only remedy that Wo are speaking pf De W itt’s Little Mr Spangler shipped a barrel of day as there is to be a wedding in his collecting the money, but thought they never fails in the moat severe eases of Early Risers, the famous little pills for Kreider has taken back the apples to the Refuge Home m Portland. family and he goes to Benton county to woui(j profit by the others' suit without dysentery and chronic diarrhoea. constipation, biliousness, and all stomach -* Bakery and is again in charge. Dr R. H. Hovev, dentist. perform the ceremony. 3. Because it is the only remedy that and liver troubles. They never gripe. cost to themselves. When the compro­ served and boarders taken, mise was reached they put in their will cure chronic diarrhoea. J. C. Clark, Druggist. -by-one meal tickets for $2.50. Oy- Crescent Mills will clean and store 4. Because it ia the only remedy that claim, only to find themselves ignored ! served in all styles. Confectionery your wheat free o f ch.rge. We also fur­ Did Yon E ver by the railway and to be told that Mr. will prevent bilioua colic. Satchels and valises at Smith's Farm- f*kcry goods. Everything neat, nish sacks to haul wheat to the mill. Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for you r 5. Because it ia the only remedy that Williams' clients alone were concerned, \ure Store, also the widely known com- You can either get these sacks at the ■and first class. troubles? If not, get a bottle now and they might sue if they choose. As ihere will cure epidemical dysentery. mill or at our store.—Haines & Bsiley. Goto The Mountaindale Lunber Co. 6 . Because it is the only remedy that get relief. This medicine has been found is not enough money involved it seems mon “ “ “ 1 rt who has been absent •Pple boxes and lumber. 26-31 Lot A. Batchelder, aged 38, was likely these people will be out and they can always be depended upon in casi of to be peculiarly adapted to the relief, L° r n « ;ih r e e years, retmned home and care of all Female Complaints, ex­ Tuesday taken to the stale asylum for are considerably uneasy at this turu of cholera infantum, A. R. and W. R. C. will hold Saturday- He has been pursuing a 7. Because it is the most prompt and erting a wonderful direct influence ia the insane from Glencoe- affairs. Their neighbors who did not of their famous camp fires next for bow- giving strength and tone to the or; tssday evening in Verts hall. coun* in law in Vale Mrs. Schultz wants representatives desire to get something for nothing arc most reliable medicine in use , r , troubled w ith C atarrh , Sore- If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa­ el complaints. enjoying the situation. ' by Congressman Tongue, Hon. If yon are tr ^ o f ^ Lungs or in every town for the famous Viavi. 8 . Because it produces no bad results. tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, v Barrett, Hon. H. V. Gates and throat, Cough, Geiger. Miss Myra Matheny, of Gaston, was 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to Nervous, Sleepless. Kncitable, >*lso good program. Fine supper Rheumatism, consult Dr. C. TO C l'B K A COLD IN ONE DAY choly or troubled with Dizsy take. in the Grove Tuesday. •dose the evening. Everybody x, . Levi Smith, who for the part Take laxative Brome Qninine Tablets. Electric Hitters is the medicine 10. Because it has saved the lives of Greer's groceries are porz and fresh. All draggists refund the money if it fails • more people than any other medicine in need. Health and SSHtigth are For sale by J. C. Public sale Saturday, Oct. 30. See to enre. 25 cents. ■ Lizzie Schultz, manager of Wssh- the world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale teed by its use. Fifty cents Clark. ■ county for the Viavi company, is the advertisement. at Miller's Pharmacy. by J. C. Clark, diu&iat. , in the Dr. Large cottage eaat of Francisco before returning. Kristian church. Suits $ 7.00 Overcoats All Wool 10.00 All Wool 6 * k i H ® Famous Clothing House POWDER Sears—Baker KupitaU >“ — IT - ^ - I iTZ - - -