W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY HATCHET. DEATH OUTLOOK IS A BETTER. BIG Schooner S p a I n 's N e w C u b a n P o l i c y * W ith F a v o r. K lo n d ik e P a rty W it h *4 5 H ern * L e a v e * Y a k im a for Victoria . Is R e g a rd e d IN TH E GAL| EXPEDITION. C a s p a r W r e c k e d on i I f o r n l a C oa st. Point Arena, Cal., O ct 20__ t North Yakim a, Wash., Oct. 27.— A Resume of Events in the seamen, comprising almost the] Washington, Oct. 27.— Developments £pitome o f the Telegraphic in Cuba within the next 30 days w ill Train on New York Certr&J One of the greatest of the Klondike ex­ crew o f the schooner Caspar Northwest. peditions yet organized made a prelim ­ definitely determine President M cK in ­ drowned early this morning H hews o f the World. Plunges Into a River. inary start from this city today, ley's attitude upon the Spanish ques­ wreck o f their vessel. The rock through the shipment of 10 carloads of tion, but he expects no trouble. The in this vicin ity was strewn with I horses, numbering 245 head, and 23 EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH age today, but there was no« administration looks with favor on rE R S E T I C K S FROM THE WIRES Spain’s change o f policy, and believes TW EN T Y-EIG H T LIVES LOST men, headed by J. W. Cameron. They identifying the ship until this ey go to Seattle, and will sail tomorrow the ministry is sincere in its endeavor when tw o men from shore, wh fiom Viptoria by the Bark Colorado, N « w * G a t h e r e d til A l l t h e T o w n s o r gone out in a small boat to secur to bring about a speedy termination of %m I a t e r e s t l n g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m * F r o m -Im prove- the strife in Cuba by granting substan­ M o r e M a y B e B u r l e d in t h e W r e c k —D i s ­ which has been chartered and espec­ of the crew who might still Our X e lg h b o rln f State* Few sup­ %t*f> N e w a n d t h e O ld W o r l d I n a tial reforms. a s t e r W a s C a u s e d b y a n E m b a n k ­ ia lly fitted for this purpose. picked up Captain Anfindsen m e n t in A l l I n d u » t r l e * - O r e * o n . plies w ill be taken at Soattle other O otxdenaed a n d C o m p r e h e n a lv e F o r m m e n t G i v i n g W a y —W o r s t in Y e a r s . W h ile not fully advised as to Spain’ s 800 men Chris Larsen, who had A fishing crew caught between than those shipped from Portland, the T lie food of San Francia.'o laborers is replv to Secretatry Sherman’s note, and 1,000 herring in one night lust ing about on an improvised Garrison’ s, N. Y ., Oct. 20.— From over 14 hours. to be analyzed by the professors at the presented by M inister Woodford in the sleep that means refreshment and main outfitting being done at Viotoria, where 125 head of cattle w ill be loaded. week, in Yaquina bay. September, its general character is State Un iversity. To his rescuers, Adolph Peten this rest to the eternal sleep that knows no A farmer of Malheur county, The expedition is backed by Boston Henry Anderson, the captain T h e Fort Randall m ilitary reserva­ known here, and it is not anticipated awakening plunged in the tw inkling of year sold 73,000 pounds of wool and 52 capital, and the men employed are un- bark struck on a reef this month tion, which contains over 100,000 acres by the president that any friction w ill an eye this morning 28 souls, men, der one and two-year contracts. They head of choice beef cattle. seven minutes later capsized, in South Dakota and Nebraska, has arise between the two countries as are- women and children. In the slim y bed w ill take the Dalton trail, and each Eighteen thousand dollars in gold she tipped over, all the crew suit of the exchange o f notes. beast opened to settlers. o f the Hudson river a train laden with animal other than thoge to be used for The prime object the president had bullion was the output of the Bonanza washed overboard. The steam« slumbering humanity plowed, dragging saddle purposes w ill havean equipment N egotiations o f the Chinese govern­ in view when General Woodford went mine in Baker county last month. ried 15 men, but from the moniei the passengers. ' of pack saddle and sle I. Even the cat- ment with the H ooly syndicate for a to Madrid was bringing about an im ­ through tbe waters The Ashland iron works are working accident occurred the captain ha loan o f $80,000,000 have fallen through. : proved condition of affairs in Cuba be­ There was nothing to presage the ter­ | tie are to be used in the transportation rible accident which so suddenly de­ o f supplies. Permanent stations are to on a *1,500 order for pulleys, shafting, none o f liis orew except his comp T h e governm ent is now negotiating fore congress reassembled. Spain’s re­ etc., from the Sissons Lumber & Mer­ Lursen, and has no doubt that the prived these unfortunates o f life. w ith the Hong Kong ate«i, ami the good authority tiiat 1 6 , cents has using in packing their goods. Sheldon Jackson, United States su­ thinks Spain onght to avoid this tug, whistling for help, oast off ita been offered in Salem for choice hops. The Farallon brought down about perintendent of Alaskan schools, who T e n d e r e d » R e c e p t i o n b y t h e A m e r i c a n ture, so far as duty and honor hawser and started to the rescue. Tlie price, generally offered, however, $20,000 in gold. haa just returned from Alaska, says: G e o g r a p h ic a l S o c ie ty . A porter jumped from one o f the car* is from 13 to 13^ cents. This, grow­ but that the government should There is but one solution to the trans­ a spirit o f moderation and thi N ew York, OoL 20 — Dr. Nansen, the that remained on the track and ran into T h e A la s k a B o u n d a ry. ers are unwilling to take, an«l in some portation problem iD Alaska, and that nation w ill under no oircumstano A rctic explorer, arrived tonight on the tlie yard o f Augustus Carr’s house, ' Washington, Oct. 27. — It is believed instances, agents having failed to buy is the reindeer. ataumship Lucania. He was taken off near which the accident occurred, and here that, in view of the great promi­ at these figures, the orders have been thorize a renunciation ofSpuin’sri A a|iecial to the Kansas C ity Journal the steamer at quarantine. He reueive«! stood screaming for help, and moaning: nence Alaska has achieved, owing to recalled. from Muskogee, 1. T., says: The an invitation to be present at a recep­ “ The train is in the river; all oar pas­ A u s t r a l i a n s K l o n d i k e C rsiJ* the recent gold discoveries, and tlie im- W a s h in g t o n . treaty between the Dawes and Creek tion tendere«! by the Am erican Geogra- sengers are drowned I” San Francisco, OcL 26 .— Ausl jKirtance of definitely fixing the bound­ aoaimiHsionR, which was concluded j phicat Society at d ic k e r in g ball to­ The Lincoln county tax levy has been w ill add its share of goldhonti In a few minutes Carr had dressed ary line between our territory and that fixed at 16 mills. here last month, was rejected by the night. Dr. Nansen was due at the hail tlie Klondike region next year, him self, and getting a boat, rowed of the Dominion of Canada, the senate, Greek oounail in session at Okmulgee. at 8:30 p. in., and arrived 10 minntes The shingle m ill in Kelso, Cow litz the Alam eda saile«! from Sydne w ith the porter to the scene. As they when it assembles in December, w ill A patrol of dervish horsemen raided ahead of time. His entrance was the turned a point into the bank, they take early action on the treaty pending county, is cutting 170,000 shingles in offices o f the Oceanic Steamship a villairn seven m iles from Berber, kill- signal for the heartiest applause, the came upon the express car and the «com­ between Great Britain and the United 11 hours. This is at the rate of over pany were being besieged with m to g 11 men and capturing many entire audience rising to greet him. bination car floating about 20 feet from States and marking off the 141st m erid­ 150,000 in 10 hours. anxious to get to tbe new land of | women, children and oattle. A detach- \ A gold medal was presented to Dr. the shore, but sinking every minute. ian. This treaty was sent to the sen­ By a vote of 10 to 4, the Tacoma city Hundreds o f letters a day were ■sen t o f Anglo-Kgyptian cavalry sent in Nansen from the Geographical Society. One man was taken from the top o f the ate almost tw o years ago. council passe«l an ordinance making it receive«!, asking for information pursuit o f tlie dervishes overtook them Dr. Nansen replied briefly, thanking car, and efforts were made to rescue The work of adjusting the differ- imperative for women to remove their *^e *ann8 COU‘d b r e p U . r g e j i r . o « " o ^ ^ err Win i found, one a standing po 811 o u i i u | U l l C was n * * » I in k s ** tarn«»! from an extended v is it to Ha­ Burns. The latter had urgent business for a brief perio«l, for tlie bodies, when s made at tho Washington state the upper part o f the body being ot T h «* P o r t «»* » D e m a n d I g n o r e d * w aii, has expressed b im setlf as well at Lovelock, and telegraphs«! a friend taken out, were a mass o f wounds. front pfoased with what he saw and the nun- from Grand Junction for money. Re­ The porte has demanded the recall of agricultural college of beets grown on heara. The other was at a The closing scene of the first day o f rrigate«l lands in Yakima county nn- dow, indicating that th( the man ceiving no reply, he attempte«i to beat two American aar in wliioh he was entertained on this tragedy is drawn around a common missionaries from the der the system AV ?°“ nty l* ,.n . experiments inangur- »truggled to reach air and escape the islands. He ia more than ever en- hie way on a train, and fallin g off, was oar that stands near the scene of the province of Aleppo, on the pretext that . . . j L_ ated by the Northern Pacific, sliow a flames. The fire was in a three-* theaiastic on the subject o f annexation, seriously injured. Hu then sued the accident, where nearly a score o f badly their mission for the distribution o f re­ range of from 14 to 20)$ per cent of brick building, owre«l by the aad intim ates that Hawaii w ill become telegraph company for failin g to de­ mutilate«! bodies, none o f them yet lie f is lik ely to cause disturbances. The sugar, with an average above 18 per Snug Harbor estate, and ocetip«“ • part o f this country before the oloea liver his message, and received ju dg­ claimed by friends, are lyin g in a long United States legation baa ignored the °ent. Tiiese resulta are laid to be very the lanndry o f Gardner A Vail- ment, which has just been reverted. e f tbe coming year. row, grewsome evidences of the disaster, demand. satisfactory. loss is $25,000.______________ the greatest that has ever occurred on i John Falongos, a resident o f C lifton, Thurston county w . i ill l l build a steel O n e M e t h o d o f P a c i f i c a t i o n . H o t F ig h t in g P r o b a b le . the railroad. A a A g e d »« .M l«» - O r., for the past six years, waa killed across K - L . t . with 200-foot ...... “ span 1 «v-rurs Washington, OcL 27.'— In his last P bridge tbe Total number o f known dead, 19; i Simla, OcL 27. — Official dispatches bp th e eaving o f an embankment on Valparaiso, Ind., Oct. J *-""1 Lbehalis rirer, near Grand Mound. w eekly report to Surgeon-General W y ­ (lie grade of tbe Aatoria A Columbia from Khangarbur received today state estimated number of dea«l, 38. Charles Decker, the oldest man man, Sanitary Inspector Brunner, of the advance upon Semagh* pass on R iv e r rail-oad. A N $w T r ia l fo r L n « t | » r i A dispatch from Madrid saya there ia bulb aides, in which the inauigent the marine h.wr .t .l service report. bouses~.n«l min. m Dayton, and they Old. During the war, at that tis Chicago, OcL 20.— State’* Attorney ■even deaths from starvation in Har- are now Jiecussion at the Spanish capital tribes are collecting in great force, and of an allianoe between where furious fighting ia expects«! to Deneen late thia afternoon decide«! to ana, for the week ended October 7, and V e r y littl«"**“ ' * flUe