Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, October 21, 1897, Image 6

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4 P r » p » . it t o n U n d e r W » j r to I . t a b l l i h
m N e w T e r r it o r y ,
«b a r
• «((• ■ t o
B .p a r a t «
C o n f.r.n c M .
8 . »lin g
San Francisco, Oct 15.— The United
Washington, Oct. 14. — Secretary
States revenue cutter Corwin, Captain Maertens Completes British* Sherman has written a reply to the
W. J. Herring commanding, 10 days
note of Lord Salisbury, expressing
Venezuelan Commission.
from Behring sea, dropped anchor in
Great Britain’ s declination to take part
tlie bay this evening. She brought
in a Behring sea conference in wiiich
duwn front the north, Dr. Sheldon Jack-
Ing with the c’.otb In color. Collar«
O N LY FORTY-SIX WERE SAVED son, United States general agent of DISTINGUISHED RUSSIAN JURIST Russia and Japan w ill participate.
The essential features of Mr. Sherman's
tluue high, are gored and umlulatii
education in Alaska; Lieutenant D. H.
reply have been sent by cable to the
anu may be lined with fur, velvet
Jarvis, from the cutter Bear; Whaler
British government, end the reply in
lace. Watteau effects are seen. 0 aD
S t o r ie « T o l d b y t h e S u r v l v o m - T h e C a p ­ J. A Peters, of the wrecked whaler
C o u r t W i l l Hit In P a r i « N e x t Y e a r — full is on its way to the British author-
will continue to be worn. The novel,
ta in C o m m i t t e d S u i c i d e »•* t h e
Nevarch, and ltichard and Kollo Cam­
B r i e f « o f th e T w o C ountries
I ¡ties. Lord Salisbury’s note of declin­
in their trimming Is a flounce of t|
Sh ip W e n t D ow n .
den, who went up on the Eliza Ander­
ation, it can be now stated, bears date
B ein g Prep a red .
same material about the edges,
son, but who returned to wait until
af October 6, so that the response is
Havana Oct. 19.— The gunboat Maria
scribed by the French mudiate as'
Washington, Oct. 15.— The inter- made with promptness.
spring before going to Dawson. , Dr.
Christina, which left this [jort yester­
lu round.’ ”
Jackson spent the summer in the
day for the scene of the wreck of the
Yukon river valley in the interest of to pass upon the British-Venezuela States government views with astonish­ G O T H A M ’S P R E T T I E S T W O M A N .
P o w d e r u n d P u t c h e s A i-uia.
Triton bound iron» Havana to Bahia
the government.. He rejiorts the rein­ j boundary, was completed by the selec­ ment the determination of Great
Women who are never sutlstied wtl
HERE has always been n popu­
Honda, Pinar del Rio, which sank yes­
deer herds as doing iinely, 150 trained tion of M. Maertens, a distinguished Britain not to participate in a confer-
lar idea that New York did not the color of their hair will no doubt I
terday between Dominica and Muriel,
j Hessian jurist, as umpire, and arrange­ 5nce including Russia and Japan, und
deer being ready for freighting.
value beauty in its women as glad to learn that powdered hair
has returned, accompanied by the tug­
The cutter Corwin, after carrying ments are being made for the assem­ the statement is made that up to the
boat Suri, which went with her. The
highly as style. Gotham's feminine again to lie In vogue. Not, of coun
dispatches to the cutter Bear, sailed bling of the court at Paris during the J3d of last month, tiie United States
two vessels arrived here this evening,
types are perfect In their way, c.ear for dally wear, but for dinners and i
from St. Michaels on Friday, Septem­ date summer or fall of next year. In suthorities had fully expected that the
the gunboat having on board 19and the
cut, high bred, well-groomed, and above manner of dressy functions. Tiie
ber 24.
On the 26th, the Corwin
conference would proceed with Russia
feet Is one that women have nlwal
tugboat 28 members of the lost ship's
called at St. Lawrence island. Dutch Britain and Venezuela are being pie- as well as Great Britain present. It is all, perfectly clad. But they are not,
company, of whom 13 are civilians und
liked to emulate, am] Its appearance |
harbor was reached on the 30th, where pared, but none of the papers have yet pointed out tiiat, aside from the written as a rule, pretty, In the sense that a
the rest soldiers. The whereabouts of
1S97, together with u host of other i
she met the steamship Portland. After been submitted. M. Maertens will act conference which Lord Salisbury has Southern or Western man would use
the rest of the company is unknown.
vlvals, will be hailed with deligtJ
taking on coal and leaving her cargo of not only as umpire, but also as presi­ called attention to, there were verbal
The Triton struck during a heavy rain.
reigns supreme and a girl ou tl/e other Patches are, of course, the natural L
shipbuilding material, the Portland dent of the court. •
negotiations between Ambassador Hay
Her cargo shifted and 15 minutes later
The announcement that a European and his lordship, in which a special side of the Mason and Dixon Hue, be coiupanlment o f powdered hair, .J
sailed on tiie 20th for St. Michaels.
she sank in 120 fathoms of water.
she ever so rich, clever or stylish, is not they have not been forgotten,
The original purpose of the North
reference was made to the participation
woman whose white locks are piled (
A scene of terrible confusion and American Transportation & Trading these dispatches some time since, but
of Russia and Japan. A t one of these
quettlshly on top of her head plans I
panic ensued us soon as the passengers Company to build additional steamers the name had been withheld until the
verbal exchanges, it is stated. Lord Sal­
pretty contrast by scattering half i
realized the meaning of the crash. In for the Yukon trade this summer at St. sanction of the czar could be secured for
isbury said he would advise with the
dozen little black patches over b|
a wild struggle they rushed for the Michaels lias been change«], and the M. Maertens’ service as arbitrator.
officials of tiie foreign office concerning
cheeks and brow. The effect Is stj
trouts. The first boat tiiat was lowered steamers will be built ut Dutch harbor. Great Britain and Venezuela each sub­
the subjects discussed, which included
further helped out If she chances
capsized immediately and all its ocou-
Special correspondence from Alaska, mitted a list of distinguished jurists the'participation of Russia und Japan.
have dark eyes and eyebrows that i
ijiants were drowned in the whirling brought by the Corwin, conveys the who would tie acceptable to it as um­
Subsequently, on July 29, Ambassador
slender dark curves. No French ms
waters. The next was struck by an news that it is proposed to establish a pire. These embraced the most noted
Hay wrote to Lord Salisbury saying the
qulse of olden time could look dalntil
enormous wave and turned over, drown- new territory known us Lincoln, out of men of Europe, but it is a tribute to M.
president hoped to have Russia and
than the ilame who manages tier pod
Hng 20. The frail craft righted again, tile northwest ]iortioii of Alaska. Its Martens that his was the only one on
Japan participate in the conference.
der and patches aesthetically.
and eight who had been thrown out re­ boundaries have not yet been fully de­ tiie list of both countries.
In view of these circumstances, the
gained it. borne were good swimmers cided upon, but it will include tiie
M. Maertens’ reputation as an author­ United States had confidently expected
W h en S h e ’ s in G ood Form .
and kept themselves afloat for hours. Yukon river country and extend north ity on international law is world-wide,
that Great Britain would take part in
When invited for a day’s yachtlJ
Others floated about for hours on to the Arctic ocean. The scheme and bus led to his frequent selection as
the conference, and that Russia and
the girl doesn’ t rig herself out in nan|
meets with the approval of the North arbitrator and umpire in international Japan would be represented, with the
cal costume.
Four soldiers on planks, whom the American Transportation & Trading differences. He is an official of the approval of Great Britain.
She never forgets au unobtrusive fid
strong current curried eust of Havana Company, the officers of which recently Russian foreign office, professor of in­
Besides the foregoing reply, and in
erence to old age.
opiiosite Morro castle, were saved this held a conference on the matter witli ternational law at the university of St. view of the difference^ which have
She lets somebody else boast of h|
morning by a pilot boat. They de- j Senator Carter and several other United Petersburg, and author of “ Maertens’ arisen, the state departmnt suggests a
season’s conquests.
dared that last overling there were States officials.
Tiie new town of Treatise,’ ’ the standard book of refer­ conference in accordance with th«
many others near them on plunks, but Weare, situated on tiie Yukon river, j ence on all the treaties of the world. terms of Lord Salisbury’ s agreement, as a belle unless she has also the divine ' She doesn't make her chaperone fd
when the 'morning came they disap- 1 about half way between Dawson City Little doubt is felt as to liis accept­ lie construes it, namely, between ex­ gift. But lately Gotham, untrue to j a "supertluous woman.”
peared and probably became food for and St. Michaels, iias been chosen for ance.
perts of Great Britain, the United tradition, lias been Imitating the South-; She regards her writing desk as nj
the capital of tiie proposed territory,
States and Canada. This last featuro ern cities and worshiping at the shrine j of the surest mediums to social suce*
She is clever euougli to make p*-od
iH nowr under consideration by the Brit­ of beauty. Miss Marie Churchill is the
Those who were rescued toll heart- | it is understood that Eli Cage, son of
rending stories of the scenes daring the the secretary of the treasury, is a can­ F u r t h e r P a r t i c u l a r . b y W a y o f B u e n o s ish government, its substance having ■ honored object of this ndoratlon. She believe that she uever considers thd
terrible quarter of an hour before the didate for the governorship, as soon as
been transmitted by cable, but it is not ' is conceded to be the most beautiful I “a crowd.’ ’
expected that an answer w ill be made woman In New York. She Is promt- | Her perfumes are o f the best, tj
Triton sank.
An uriny captain with the territorial organization is effected. ,
New York, Oct. 15.— A dispatch to until Mr. Sherman’s answer in detail
Captain Herring, of the Corwin,
liis daughter went down locked in a last
nent in the more exclusive social cir­ faintest and the most mysterious.
A mother with twins 10 states that many of the steamers going tiie Heraiil from Buenos Ayres says: reaches London.
However well acquainted she may I
cles, is a woman of superior accom­
up the Yukon are unseaworthy, and he Advices from the Herald’s correspond-
months old drifted helplessly away
In the meantime, preparations for plishments and a prime favorite among with certain members of a party, si
A lf tiie other Htrongly ail vise« proapeotorg, especially ent 1,1 **io Janeiro say that details of the conference between the United the 400. When the picture printed here doesn’ t make tbe others feel like "rag
the crest of a wave.
ladies and children were drowned.
I those from the East, not to buy tickets ! the hist big battle at Canudos have States, Russia and Japan are proceed­ was taken Miss Churchill posed in the j outsiders” by constantly addressing I
Just as the Triton wus sinking, Cap- 0,1 auy vessels until satisfied they w ill j reached that city. There is no longer ing.
costume she wore at the famous Brad intimates by familiar names.— l ’hilafij
tain Kickardo, her commander, commit­ be able to make the trip. When the any doubt of the death of Antonio (Jon
plila Inquirer.
ley-Martin ball.
ted suicide by shooting himself.
A fflicted w ith A n icrican itis.
A d e lln u P a t t i.
It is impossible to give the exact the Hamilton started up the Yukon, ex­
The physical troubles of college wom­
number of those who were lost, but it pecting to winter wherever timber of his deatli diil not become generally D I . c . m I . S p r e a d i n g R a p i d l y i n t h «
en In the United States have been as­
• is estimated that they were no fewer could be found. The Seattle No. .1 also known until after the fighting hail been
New Orleans, Oct. 14.— From the cribed to what is named Americnnltis,
than 150.
No passenger list has lieen was going on with Mayor Wood and going on for several hours. When they
The vessel, which carried a party. She will also winter on the learned of it, the fanatics, who up to reports there is little hope in the yel­ rather than the college education.
The board of Americanitis is defined as the desire
The Merwin, an old side- that time had been lighting savagely, low fever situation.
general cargo, was not insured. The 42 river.
resound persons sufferixl severely from wheeler, carrying 140 passengers, and lost heart and were killed by the hun­ health is daily demonstrating that with to “ get on,” regardless of everything
| a fair show it is possible for modern else. It is Americanitis that prompts
A ll of them were more or tiie Mare Island have started from dreds.
Conseilheiro’s body was found in a science to restrict and stamp out the the farmer's daughter to get a college
less bruised und many of them badly Dutoh harbor for winter quarters, but
But thé people ^ho must education and make opportunities for
it is doubtful whether they will get street of Canudos. Around him were disease.
further than St. Michaels, us they have the bodies of about a hundred of his suffer from a strict application of scien­ herself better than those her mother
60 miles of rough water to cross, and personal guard, who had died in a last tific methods rebel, the result being and father had before her. Therefore
TH E C I S N E R O S R E C E P T I O N .
desperate fight to save their chief. that tiie pathway of the board is beset she goes to a small college In a small
both are cranky river boats.
N . w Yorker« Y e l l e d T h e , „ ..ir e . H .,.r..
The learner Eliza Anderson still r e - The bodies were fearfully hacked and with difficulty. If there was strict town with a preparatory department
mutilated. Beside the body of Con- compliance with the healtli laws, if attached, where she often begins her
orer th. Cun,, uiri.
* uiai" " ttt Dutoh barbor’ but her passen-
gers have gone on to St. Michaels in seilheiro lay an imperial flag, a red prompt report was made of oases, the education as a “junior prep.” She fur­
Now York, Oct. 19. The popular th« schooner Baranoff. They wanted cross on a white background.
fever germs would be quickly wiped nishes u single room, In which she, and
The capture of the city was accom­ out. But it begins to look now as if often a roommate, study, sleep, eat,
reception in Madison square tonight to hoard the Merwin but the captain
was an extradonnarv demonstration, declared h i could not accommodate plished by the government troops with from 30 to 40 new cases and from four make their clothes, and sometimes do
Fully 59,000 persons, nearly one-third them.
Tliev were persistent, and the aid of torch and dynamite.
to six deaths would be daily reported their laundering. She keeps up in her
of them wel -dresseu women, crowded wante(1 ,0 ,lruw lots with those alrea.ly
When the fanatics saw certain defeat until Jack Frost puts in an ap[>earaiice. studies, jtfins a choral class, a literary
* i
I'* f j ^bl<' ,B011
Park on t |10 vessel for the use of sleeping they applied the torch to many houses, Today, as on nearly every day since society and the Young Women’s Chris­
iiiid filled Broadway for the congratu- quarters. Uiam the captain refusing and scores of them rushed in and were the fever first appeared here, about 50 tian Association, goes to chapel once
lutoury speeches to be finished, and the this request, some of the Anderson’s burned to death, preferring that to sur­ per cent of the fatalities were traced to
every day and twice on Sunday, and
Cuban heroine to appear on tiie stand ! passengers
became aggressive, and render. The government troops burned neglect and a disposition to bide cases very often falls in love and “ gets en­
erected south of the Worth monument. bloodshed wus only averteli by the ne i the remaining houses.
j until it was too late to save life.
gaged” besides. At the beginning of
Miss Cossio y Cisneros’ appearance tion of Captain Herring, who advised
The official bulletin issued by tbe her senior year she breaks down. That
Three thousand of the rebels who es-
was the signal for a tremendous dem­ all parties against any breach of the called the awful slaughter at Canudos board of health tonight shows 37“ new Is the least she could be expected to
onstration by the groat crowd which peace. There is intense feeling against have been taken prisoners, and now the cases and four deaths.
Latest photograph of the prims <l<i
do under such conditions.
atretohod out for 100 yards before her. the promoters of these winter expedi­ rebellion may be said to-be over.
Galveston was one of the first cities
na, showing the great singer as
The men yelled and waved their hats; tions to tbe Klondike, und serious
T h e N e w Shaped Corsets.
to raise tbe bars. Dr. Guiteras on Sat­
looks to-day.
W i l l Y l . l t A V a.h ln gto n .
the women waved their handkerchiefs, trouble may yet occur. The statements
It Is being announced by the fash­
urday pronounced several cases of yel­
P o p u la r it y o f t h e Tea-gown.
and the band played u Cuban battle by Captain Herring regarding tbe un-
Salt Lake, Oct. 15.— A special to the low fever as existing in Galveston, but ionable modistes and women tailors
The tea-gown has never been lost I
seaworthiness of the old river boats Tribune from Ouray agency, Utah, not a line has reached Dr. Oliphant rel­ that they will fit gowns only over the
With a boquet in her right hand and sent to the Yukon are corroborated by says: Captain Breck and the commis­ ative to these from the Texas health new shape corsets, while the cloak and sight since It first came Into geneq
sioners met tbe Indians in council to­ officials. The only information which mantle makers say that ail garments use, and this dressy affair Is conn
a pleased hut diffident expression on Dr. Sheldon Jackson.
There is plenty of coal at Dutch har­ day. Captin Breck instructed the in­ Dr. Oliphant had received was from for the fail and winter trade will also by many women both summer and 1
'her face. Miss Cisneros bowed to her
be modeled for figures wearing the ter. A gabrielle front and Watts
audience, for hers it was, and then bor and in Alaska, a supply having terpreter to inform the Indians of the Surgeon-General Wyman.
About 50 Italians reached the city same style. There is a most pronounced back are inseparable from the regal
Kurntxl to Mr. Decker, indicating that been recently landed by the steamer reply from Washington to the reqjett
she wanted him to understand that Bristol. A t Dutch harbor, 75 men are of the Indians to visit that city. Chev- this morning, coming, it is said, from change from the oid corset, whose chief tion tea-gown, though the most e'jf
the applause was as much for him as engaged in putting two steamers to­ aneaux was informed that the expenses New York. Orders were given by the end seemed to be to accentuate the orate and newer editions of this st;
for her. For some moments the two gether, which w ill be taken north in ol the trip would amount to about $150 board of health to prevent their locat- length of the waist and to raise the of dress are more like a fancy prin
Abont 1,000 miners w ill lor each of the tribe of Indians. A fter ing themselves in the city limits, and bust. The new corset has what the style than anything else. However,
stood forth while the cheering con­ sections.
tinued. Then Miss Cisneros wus led winter at SL Michaels, coming from a short consultation, they agreed to the the health officers were instructed to shop girls call “ the low bust” and “ sud­ this, as in all other garments, varietyl
baok to the rear platform, where slio north and south. There are two hotels proposition. The personnel of the dele­ have them sent to one of the camps of den hip.” The back is noticeably nar­ the rule, and the manner of triimnl|
hewed and smiled to the crowd on that already built, and another in oourse of gation was slightly changed. Old Red detention.
row. the hips very full and the bust en­ an«l change of materials lend style i
A t Biloxi there were 12 new oases; tirely without formation. Except at effect to the garment more than
side of the platform. Then she de­ construction, and food is said to be Moon, who is opposed to allotment,
said he wanted the delegation to state at Edwards, five, and two deaths.
scended the steps to the carriage, plentiful.
the waist line the garment scarcely original cut, which may be in
which wns driven around the square
W hile at Unalaska, the Corwin to the secretary of tbe interior that lie
touches the figure at all. The change style or not, as the fancy diets
W an ts to R e tire .
and back to Delmonioo’a.
pulled the sealing schooner Pearl off wanted tiie reservation to remain as it
will not be objected to by slender wom­ Woman’s Home Companion.
Previous to the appearance o f Mias the rocks, where she had stranded. was, and that he did not want to be dispatch to the Herald says: Associate en. while, on the other hand, to women
Cisneros on the platform, there were a The sealer was not seriously damaged. counted out. Captain Breck assurred Justice Field,of the supreme court, has with a superabundance of flesh the new
number of short speeches, interspersed The steamer Portland may be expected him that the secretary would be in­ made formal application to President corset will be nothing short of an abom­
with selections by the band. Senator at Seattle about October 22, though formed of all their wishes.
McKinley to be retired from the bench ination, which they will be slow to
Thurston and Henry George were the Cleveland may come in her stead.
under tha lsw allowing members of adopt.
M u rd e red b y B u r g la r «.
The steamer will bring the last of the
among the speakers.
H a rm o n y In C ontrast*.
Camden, N. J., Oct. 16. — Mrs. that court to be retired when 70 years
miners who w ill leave the Klondike for
We have always been taught to be­
Vane, aged 65 years, widow of of age. This statement is made on
the winter with the result of their sea­
A R e v en u e Vea.el Aground.
Captain Eli Vane, and her daughter, high authority, and also that Attorney- lieve that one of the canons of good
Charleston, 8. C., Out. 19.— The son’s work. It is possible that a large
Mrs. Sarah M. Shaw, aged 40, were General McKenna w ill be nominated dressing is the harmony of color in eyes
United States revenue practice vessel
and killed early this morning, it to succeed him on December 16, when and gown; but this theory has been
Salmon P. Chase oamu into Charleston the Bear has been ordered to act an
by burglars. A t 4:80 this congress convenes, five days after the exp.oded, and It has been clearly dem­
harbor early this morning, after an convoy to the departing treasure-laden
morning Eli Shaw, son of Mrs. Shaw, retirement of Juatioe Field takes onstrated by women of good taste that
exciting incident just off Fort Sumter.
Never put a bottle nipple into
nothing is more fatal to good effect
was seen at the third-story window of effect
The .*ark, failing to mark all bnoys,
D ie d In • S p a n is h P r is o n .
J u g lr u T r l b a . m » » S u r r e n d e r .
the house shouting for the police. He
than a blue-eyed woman gowned in mouth and then Into the baby’s I
went agreeii. 1 on Cummings point shoal.
Washington, Oct. 15.— The acting was awakened by a pistol shot. He
Simla, O ct 14.— A dispatch from blue or a brown-eyed woman dressed This will often prove dangerous.
The situation looked serious for a few
United States consul-general at Havana made his way down stairs and found Mohmnnd announces that the Jagira all in brown. Colors of contrasting
Plain, boiled water, given bet*
moments, but the prompt arrival of as­
his mother bleeding and unconscious, tribesmen has surrendered their Mar­ shades are always becoming and styl­ feedings, will often aid the dlgesC
sistance from the oity a vert oil trouble. has informed the state department that
lie ran to the window and gave the tini breech-loading rifles, and have ish if properly combined, and If w e lt and satisfy the child when restless, j
The Chaeo was pulled off by the tug George 8. ¡Newton, a young American,
alarm. Mrs. Shaw was removed to a solemnly sworn to maintain peace and suited to the wearer are very effective
An infant Is a creature of habit, i
Cecilia, and towed to anohorage in the
hospital, where she died in a few min­ drive out Umroa Khan. The troops -W om an ’s Home Companion.
usually responds to the wish of
stream by the revenue cutter Colfax. was wounded and captured by 8panish
forming the Mohraund punitive expe-
The Chase will remain here until all
mother, If the mother has order la I
P o p u l . r J . c k e t f o r W | »te r .
September 30. from the effecta of hia showed that the rear shutter had been edition have destroyed 211 fortified v il­
danger of yellow fever is past in
w ill
wonnds and fever. Hia mother waa in forced open and the bureau drawers on lages and have killed many of the in­
Feeding at night after the th|
* }* bb» » e effect. which t a o "
surgent natives.
the second floor had been ransaoked.
Ogden, Utah, at laat aoconnta.
f o r f o u i i n « NufTerera In I r e l a n d .
talned by darts,’ writes Isabel A Mal- month Is both Inconvenient and
r r u . h . d to l > f « l h .
A G erm a n Spy A rreste d .
Spokane, Oot. 19.— C. L. Whitney,
necessary. Sleep at night 1*
T h « W h l t « e » p s S u ffe re d .
Y o k « collars,
,hn Ladit“R
’ H°
me Jour"*l-
of Walla Walla, is due here to urge the
Baker City, Or., O ct 15.— There was
Paris, Oct. 14.— The Q il Bias says a ^ Yokes,
in fur than food.
Louisville, Oot. 15-— A special to the
Northern Pacific officials to provide free
a shocking accident near the Gold German was arrested yeeterday at the whether It be mink, Persian lamb er­
More Infanta’ live* are taken by <
Post from Milau, Tenn., says: White-
transportation for one or more carloads
Ridge imne. in this county, Monday. camp at Chalona, and on being searohed mine sable, silver and black fox or feeding than by starvation.
caps attacked the home of Dot Price, e
of potatoes and other vegetables, which
Theodore Hooker was killed by falliing the authorities found upon him notes S r S - “
popular. Velvet and liken an infant's digestion or (Ms* |
negro, last night, and llred into the
the people of the Walla Walla country
underneath a loaded wagon and being regarding the organisation and mobil­
your own.
house. He returned the Are, killing
much of used.
are w illing to contribute to tbe famine
horribly mangled.
isation of the French troops at the Satin cloth Is really tbe #re
W. Hires, a white man, and fatally
Vomiting and diarrhea are
in Ireland. The matter has
comp. The prisoner waa also said to day ana obtains In heliotrope, green tlons that tbe child Is either sick or(
A F a ta l S tro k ».
wounding four others. A race war is
referred to Western Land Agent
have endeavored to obtain specimens of mode golden-brown, silver-gray, royai
expected as a finals to the tragedy.
Oregon City. Oot. 15.— Nicholas C.
proachlng sickness, and probably
er, at Taooma. It is thought that
Walden, who waa stricken with apo­ the cartridges and sheila of the latest b.ce, dove anl Lincoln g r’ en. On this a physician.
i car loads of food products can be
A person*shou Id never be wakened to plexy about • o’clock last evening at his design.
* r n'/,D° tv.Cmlj t»e for decorations
Cholera infantnm would be 9t ^
in tbe Walla Welle valley take medioine unless tbe docter bee
For crampe is tbe stomach try a few
borne in this city, died a lew minutes
* Uo * » « T thick, occurrence If proper atten tion »-
worse, black woolen braid, and tiny wavs riven to th» nuollty «M
given orders to that offset.
alter 11 o'clock.
reps of am «»«» of eempbar.
ways given
the quality
Wraps of leather matching er contrast-
tlty of tbe food.
At Least 150 Persons Perished
in the Disaster.
ß s e rn iE -
a e J j.
■ “>i.eiF, y y