Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, October 21, 1897, Image 2

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    « M in n
A r b it r a t io n l f a t t o r W i l l N o t O t h e r w is e
H e R e v iv e d .
C o n c e s s io n * on B o th B i d « , B e t th e o .
K . a N . e n d O. S. L . A r e V ic to rio u s.
N e a r ly 9 , 0 0 « M e n S ta rte d for u * I
d l k a ia T w o Month*.
Tacoma, Oct. 19.— The rails
Balt Lake, Oct. 30.— President Moh-
the panics have fo r the past month I
Columbia River Packers May ler, accompanied by Traffic Manager
man at work compiling statistics]
Campbell and General Superintendent
amount of business done bet««
Form a Combine.
O ’ Brien, left for Portland this evening
Sound and Alaska during the rn
after a highly successful conference
oident to the gold excitement.I
with the Union Pacific and Short Line e v i d e n c e o f s t e a d y g r o w t h cording to these figures, which f
M 'G O V E R N BACK O F THE MOVE officials. Since the arrival of the O.
been very carefully gathered »ml
R. fit N . party on Saturday, the nego­
tied. 1,248 persons took pass
tiations have been in progress, and to-
St. Michaels, and 7,028 went toi
t a l a t o n a t l n i C o lle c tio n o f I t e m * From)
C a n n e r i U n a n im o u s ly o f th e O p in io n
oay a complete
understanding was
gel, Juneau, Skaguay and Dye
« h e M a w a n d t h e O ld W o r l d I n a
T h a t S o m e S te p s M u s t B e T a k e n to reached, and as a result the through-
tween July 17 and September i l l
m ent to A l l I a d u * t r le * O re g o n .
Hen d e n e e d a n d C o m p r e h e n s iv e F o r m
car service from Chicago to Portland
M a in t a in R e a s o n a b le P ric e s .
During this same period, 12,0 '
w ill be resumed at once.
Jteoording to C h in e»« advices just re-
of freight w ere shipped to St. M ill
Astoria, Or., Oct. 19.— For some
The fast-freight line of the Union field states that he killed 257 seal».
aaivad in Tacoma, Earl L i Hung Chang
and about 24,000 tons to the four!
weeks past a movement has been on Pacific to Portland by way of Sacra­
Bears are numerous in the foothills named lower ports.
v i N no longer take an aotive part in
This jn
foot having for its object the formation mento w ill be taken off, and the tariff
near Scio. to the delight of sportsmen. business done at British ColnJ
gevernm ent affair*.
o f a combination among the salmon- relations existing with the Oregon read
Ten thousand bushels of onions were ; ports,
Tw en ty m illion feet of hemlock and
oannerson the Columbia river, and dur­ before the cancellation of September 23
raised on 16 acres of land near Progress, j
j n addition to the large
3,COO oorda o f bark have been oon-
in g the past few days it haa taken such w ill be fu lly restored.
■■med, resulting in a toes of $100,000
list, 3,860 mu)*
A Corvallis lady made 435 words out | and freight
definite form that there seems to be no sions have been made on both sides, the
by a forest Are near Anatin, Pa.
north, l , m
doubt o f its ultim ate consummation.
net result is conceded to be a victory o f the
of beef and o ’*her cattle, as well 1
Tbo government has completed ar­
The proposed method of procedure, for the Short Line and the O. R. fie N., iastio.”
rangements with the Canadian author-
which is comprehensive in ita nature, which have stood together in the fight.
The body o f a large whale was re­ 2,000 dogs. The report closes ■
i t me to have letter mail taken into
has been advanced by J. F. McGovern,
washed ashore at N elly 's Grove, note, which says: “ in the abovefj
The Ogden gateway is to remain per­
nothing is included iron outsid
Dawson C ity once a month during the
o f the firm of Delatield, McGovern fie manently open, end the use of the Kio in Lane county.
Sound district. Probably, if p0
w iator season. The find carrier haa
Co., of New York, who has spent the Grand Western and its Eastern connec­
Steps are being taken in Pendletcn
and San Francisco freight ami 1
ju st left Dyea for Circle C ity and Daw
past four weeks in this city endeavor­ tion by Odgen shippers, if they desire
looking toward the organization of a gers were included, it would
ing to bring the cannerymen to view it, is therefore assured.
The conflict poultry association.
double the already almost ¡non
B y an explosion at the Colma fuse
which has now been brought to a close
More than 24 tons of silverside sal­ figures— of 89,000 tons of frieglj
H e is now certain o f success, having up arose from the opening of the Ogden
work», at Colma, Cal., Mary Reek waa
to date secured promises from six of gateway and the admission of rivals of mon were received within two days at 8,876 passengers moved to the
k illed and eight were areioualy and four
inside of two months.”
the canners, who have agreed to attend the Union Pacific to the territory trib­ the Nehalem cannery.
« lig h t ly wounded. The remaina o f the
A cranberry grower in North Slough
Of the passengers that have retj
a m eeting to be held in New York city utary to the Short Lin e and the O. It.
dead girl have not been recovered from
this the report says:
some tim e in November.
th e building, and it ia believed they
& N. and the agreement that the con­ Coos county, states that his crop
It is proposed to »tart the organiza­ dition thus brought about shall con­ year is about 550 bushels.
“ The number cannot so far be I
tion w ith as many first-class canneries tinue is regarded as a tiiumph for the
A number of Linn county farmers tained, as many have gone to Pol
The London Daily M ail saya it has
as can be induced to join, without of n e­ diplomacy of the two latter companies. cultivated sufficient sorghum cane this and San Francisco direct, but a fJ
inform ation from a reliable source that
cessity haring all; but the nature of the
timate uf the number that w ill!
cholera has attacked a battalion of the
Prebident M ohler’s contention, as ex­ year to supply their home use.
organization w ill be such as to enable pressed here today, was that all con­
their final dcstinaticn this wintej
Shropshire regiment, which is stationed
The Florence cannery haa finished
those who desire so to come in after necting lines should he treated alike,
follows: O f the 1,200 who emit
a t SKapura, North went India, and that
packing fish, having canned 35,000
the organization has been perfected and this concession the Union Pacific
for 8L Michaels, not more tha
40 non-commissioned officers and JFi-
cases and salted 100 barrels of salmon.
K a r l L I to R e tire .
and is in working order.
could possibly reacli the diggid
has been compelled to make.
It was
vatee have already succumbed.
The capital stook w ill probably be also forced to yield to other conditions
Tacoma, Oct. 20.— According to C hi­
way of the river, witli the li]
T h e Nneste Nachriohten, o f Leipaio,
deranged, set fire to her husband's resi­ means of transportation then
nese advices just received, Earl L i twice the cost of the plants, which exacted by Mr. Mohter.
has published a report o f a conversa­
Hung Chang w ill no longer take an shall be transferred to the company, to ­ had become very tired of the decrease dence near Elgin. The building and river. About 300 w ill be seal
tion in which Prince Bismarck ia
aotive part in government.
A native gether with the labels, at a valuation to o f business caused by its rupture with content» were destroyed.
along the river banks to a point!
quoted as saying that the Monroe doc­
Fred Wheeler was kicked in the miles or so from the mouth. Tlf
correspondent w riting from Peking says be placed on the same by apraisers, the Navigation company and the Short
trin e is “ uncommon insolence towards
that L i has been in ill health, though this appraisement to be made by a Line, and seemed glad to be in a posi­ stomach by a horse at the Peebler mainder w ill either winter at f
th e rent of the world, and does violence
it is not generally known.
H e is anx­ board to consist of five, two of whom tion to surrender and thereby renew its ranch near Pendleton. He walked to chaels or return on the boats
to the other American interests.”
ious for a rest. This w ill permit him shall be disinterested parties and three hold on the traffic of the Northwest.
his house, but died two hours later, that port. Of the 8,000 tiiat tool
▲ census ot the Russian em pire haa to relinquish his duty as grand secre­ canners, and the board to alternate in
sage for lower ports, not to eia
In the matter of the division of freight after much suffering.
joat been completed. The population, tary and minister of the tsung-li-yamen. acting on each other’s property, so as
Stockmen in Pine creek neighbor- j 500 have succeeded in getting I
charges, it is understood that the Union
» ■ n o w published, is 129,311,113, o f
He realizes there aro many reforms to give each a fa ir appraisement. The Pacific secured concessions, the details hood, in Grant county, report some from the lakes, and about 25 pel
whioh 64,0116,280 are males and 64,- which China must soon undertake if value to be placed upon the properties
! of this number w ill fail to react
of which are for the present withheld. loss among their cattle by blackleg. J
684.833 are females. The population she is to preserve her unity, and he by such a board of appraisement w ill
The terms of the agreement insures the The disease does not exist to a great | Klondike diggings by reason of ml
« f Russia in Europe is nearly 100,000,- would like to have a part in oarrying be based on the actual value o f the real
on the rivers and frost oierj
continuance in the Northwest field of extent, however.
•00, or more than three-fourtba of the them out.
K now ing, however, that estate and property itself for the pur­ agents of Eastern companies benefitted
O f the $38,098.05 taxes to be collect­ them.
only a start can lie made w hile he lives, poses for which it is intended, except by the opening of the Ogden gateway.
“ So far, over 2,000 persons ha
ed in Tillamook county this year, all
Telegraphic advices from the New and that care and work w ill shorten where it may be of greater value for Disclosures during the conference add
has been collected except $8,311.65, turned to the Sound, and aconsen
Y o rk H eradl’a correspondent in Kio de his days, he has decided to retiie as other purposes. In the latter contin­ strength to the belief that the reorgan­
and this w ill probably be reduced to estimate I think would be that|
Janeiro state that a servant in the om- soon as possible to the quiet of bis own gency, the higher value w ill take prec­ ization of the Union Pacific w ill not
$5,000 or less by the time the delin­ as many more w ill reacli the
edence. Owners of property so ap­ result in the abandonment of the inde­
jaloy o f W illiam T. Townes, the United estate in Auhin.
by the m iddle o f November: of
quent tax roll is published.
praised w ill be paid for the same in pendent organizations o f the Short Lin e
Htatea consul-general in Kio Janerio,
number, unfortunately 76 per ced
made an unsuccessful attempt to mur­
stock at a value o f 65, w hile in addi­ and the O. R. & N.
be flat broke.
ting out about 45,000 brick per week. I
Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 20.— Industrial tion to the sums paid for property a
der the consul-general. Mr. Towne's
This ends the long and interesting
“ As several thousand tons of
Commissioner Davis, of the Santa Fe fixed value w ill be paid in stock to fight that has been waged since last During the winter he expects to in- j sions got up the river, and 1
■■Milant was placed under arrest.
A d m iral John L . Worden, retired, railroad, and a party o f capitalists are each of the oanners for good-w ill, spring between the Union Pacific and
75,000 or 80,000 brick muy be put out wns a reasonably fair supply
d ied in Washington. Ho commanded exam ining into sugar-beet farms here. labels, trade makrs, etc.
the Oregon Short Line over theopening
wants o f the miners before the j
The money necessary to run the pro­ of the Ogden gateway, and from the weekly. He looks for plenty of build- I
Han M onitor during ita engagement They have found acres of beets w eigh­
excitement, I see no reason w|
w ith the Merrimao in Hampton Roads
conclusions reached and announced, it
should look for any famine, as, 1
The five-mile ditch for the mining ing to tlie figures of my report, I
In 1836 he was cording to analysis by the territorial duct has been placed on the market is quite evident that the Short Line,
d a rin g the lute war.
retired with full rank and the pay of agricultural college, yield from 16 to 18 w ill be forthcoming, and w ill be ad­ aided by the O. R. fie N ., has gained its company at Glendale, Douglas county, exceed 3,500 new miners will |
■■ admiral, the only instance of the per cent sugar. They express surprise vanced by Deiafield, McGovern & Co.
point, and that tiieO gden gateway w ill "has been completed, and the company the diggings this year, and 89 |
In advooaoy of the plan »0 outlined, be kept open hereafter in addition to is now having constructed a moiiBter
H e also received the thanks of that Rocky mountain valleys above
of these w ill have provisions
onogreas for hia gallantry during the 7,000 feet in altitude oan show such it is pointed out that a» the entire stock the through service over the Union Pa­ reservoir, into which this ditch w ill to last them for six or nine roort
of the company w ill be left on the Co­ cific, which the new agreement restores. empty. There are now about 10 men
least. So, what with the provj
There is a project on foot to erect a lumbia river, the entire profits would This is a victory of decided advantage at work at their mine getting things
Tbo director of the mint has submit­
from Portland and San Francg
sngar factory iiere and Commissioner also be left there.
to Portland, for it keeps open to the ready for a full run this winter.
ted to the secretary of the treasury a
think the stories told aboot
Davis said his corporation w ill give it
W ith reference to the treasury, stock Utah-Colorado lines this Nortwest ter­
The scutching-mill plant for the new starving are not founded on fact.l
««p o r t for the fiscal year covering the
all possible support. He says also that remaining after payment is made for ritory, which previous to tho little un­ flax fiber m ill has arrived in Salem
oparations o f the mints and assay offl-
it is probable that Eastern capital w ill plants, properties, etc., would be used pleasantness, guVFall their business to and is being placed in position. The i
aee, together with statistics o f foreign
w ithin a short tim e establish a large for suoh canneries as would want to the Southern Pacific and advertised machinery weighs about 8,000 pounds
«■entries relative to production, coin­
sngar factory somewhere in the Cen­ join after organization has been per­ California to the exclusion of Oregon and was manufactured in Portland. |
age and monetury condition. The value
T h e V e t e r a n E d it o r Passed A*
tral R io Grande valley.
fected, or sold from time to time, as and the Northwest.
The m ill will employ 10 persons, who j
I l l s L o n g In la n d Home.
o f the gold deposited at the mints and
m ight be considered best.
w ill work up about 100 tons of flax j
■naay office« during the fiscal year 1897
A N e w C a t h o li c P o li c y .
ork, Oct. 19.—Charll
Mr. McGovern considers that no seri­
straw, and about !i0 tons of fiber.
wua $129,106,600.
O f this amount
Dana, editor of the New Yorlj
N ew York, Oot. 30.— It is reported ous objections can he made to the plan,
$87,003,337 was original deposits, and
in high official circles that Archbishop and any minor differences of opinion H o r s e * . V e h ic le a n d O c c u p a n t * F e lt
died at 12:30 this afternoon, at
W ash in gton .
943,102,102 redeposits.
Corrigan has been negotiating w ith Su­ can readily be arranged.
F ro m a G rad «.
R itzville is to have au electrio light cove, Long Island.
By the explosion of the boiler of the perintendent Jasper o f the public
Mr Dana’s death had been e.tl
“ The main point is to get the organ­
Marshfield, Or., OoL 20.— This after­ plant.
■teatrier G. B. Force, in Charleroi, Pa., schools for the affiliation o f parochial ization started.’ ’ be said. “ Thousands
several hours, and his familj
noon about 4 o ’clock, ex-Judge Nosier,
The tax levy for Tacoma for 1897 has
4h e captain, James Ryan, and the cook. and public schools in this city. He of dollars have been spent in the past
physicians all sat at his bedside
his wife and daughter, and his son’ s been fixed at 10 mills.
W ill iam Patterson, were killed. The has offered, it is alleged, to turn the in efforts to bring the cannerymen to­
the end came. His condition hal
w ife and baby, while driving from
body o f Patterson was found buried in Catholic schools with their 70,000 gether with a view to perfecting some
Lew is county must puy $14,991 state such lor several hours that mem
M yrtle Point toC oqu ille City, met with
tbo aand and terribly mutilated. The children, over to the municipal school sort of combination, but to no pur;io8e.
tax this year, and $15,598 school tax.
his fam ily had kept themselves ¡j
a terrible accident. They had reached
body o f the captain has not yet been authorities, provided lie is permitted Invarialbv an apparent conflict ol in­
The Mealy-Lacy m ill at Chebalis, stant readiness to go to his bed
a point about halfway to Coquille City,
found. T lie other« o f the crew were to give an hour’s instruction daily to terests, or a conflict of opinion, lias de­
and were driving around a high, rocky after being idle for some months, has any moment. On Saturday moraj
badly scorched and bruised. The ex- the Catholic children of the public
had a relapse, and it was apparen
feated the aims of the intending organ­ point, when they met another team. reslimed operations.
ploaion was so heavy that the earth schools. This is the stipulation. He izers. "
A vegetable farmer near Dayton ex­ recovery was impossible. Several f
Judge Nosier attempted to back his
tcembled for more than a m ile, and makos no other, either as regards text­
Samuel Elmore, who is at present in horses to one side of the road to allow pects to make $4,000 this year from however, he rallied, but toward
windows were broken throughout the books or teachers. I t is said many New York city, is an enthusiastic sup­
began to sink. During the night]
the other vehicle to pass, but the the products of 22 acres.
other metropolitans are anxious to porter of the plan, and w ill probably horses became frightened and unman­
The owners of the cannery at What­ were feeble rallies, but they did 1
T h e national council o f Rwitserland adopt a sim ilar policy if it meets the remain in the East until the arrival of ageable, and backed off the grade, fa ll­
com, which was recently destroyed by long. This morning it was ser
haa adopted a bill making insurance approval o f the apostolic delegate.
the end waa hut a few hours ofl
the other canners.
ing with the buggy and all ita occu­ fire, w ill rebuild the structure.
g a in s t sickness compulsory in case* of
his attendants remained almosl
A il o f the packers hare are fu lly pants about 35 feet.
A P l i e n o m * n » l F rc n k .
• I I dependent persons.
alive to the imfiortance of taking some
Mrs. Nosier was instantly killed, and enough threshers into the Palouse stantly at his bedside. The end|
St. Louis, Oot. 20.— A local commis­
I t ia reported that an English syndi-1
steps to maintain or advance the pres­ the judge’s life is despaired of.
country to eave all of the wheat crop.
onto haa purchased, for $3,000,000, the sion merchant haa brought to ligh t a ent prices for Columbia river salmon.
The extreme heat of Friday so
The other woman and the baby were
Notice has been given in C olville urday had much to do with bs
bag plant o f the J. I. Case Machine
They are almost unanimous in the also badly bruised.
Company, at Milwaukee.
opinion that the only means by which
On Friday, Mr.
One of the horses was killed and the that all of the business houses in that his death.
o f the employes of the house was dress­
place must close Sundays henceforth.
showed signs of distress, and ever
Jackson and W illiam s, the O. R. A ing a turkey he was duinfounded to this objeot can be attained is by organ­ buggy wrecked.
ization. Even should any of the can­
The Port Townsend board of trade is possible was done to relieve hiun.J
V . trainrubbers, were aeutonoed to the
find in its interior a live, well-formed
endeavoring to devise ways and means had bepn weakened by his long if
Oregon penitentiary for a term of 30 young turkey as large as a full-grown neries remain outside, an organization
embracing six or eight o f the total num­ N e w O r le a n s F e v e r F a t l l l t l e * H a v e for the completion of the Port Town­ and during the summer was
years and seven months each.
pigeon. It is perfect in every way, ex-
ber could doubtless come to a satisfac­
send Southern railroad.
times thought to be on the veq
K e a c h e d th e C e n tu r y M a r k .
H eavy shipments of wheat to Europe cepting the head, which was attached
tory arrangement w ith those outside
fatal collapse, but each time
ntinue. O ver 60 grain-laden vessels to the mother, and ia a fatty growth, i
New Orleans, Oct. 20.— Before 7
h ave left Kan Francisco during the last The little turkey died as soon as it was to agree upon a selling price for their o ’clock this evening the 100 mark o f current expenses this year w ill be He did not improve much witl
about 16 mills and 3.6 mills additional coming cool weather, and the 11
two months, and six more are ready to severed from its dead mother, it was
ing would place all goods for sale in deaths during the present period of y e l­ to raise funds to pay warrant indebted­ spells became more frequent,
to il.
preserved in alcohol and is now in the
the hands o f
patty, thereby low fever prevalence had been reached. ness.
day, Mr. Dana was able to tskd
T h e naval armor board w ill leave collection of the Missouri medical col- 1 strengthening their position and enabl­ When the board of health closed its
The foreign exportation of lumber the lightest nourishment, and thij
W ashington soon for the South to look lege, where it is attracting the atten­ ing them to realize better results than books last night there had been 93 fa­
dition continued.
i« t certain place«, with a view o f ascer­ tion of the medical fraternity.
talities. Between last night and night­ from G ray’s harbor for the first eight
under the present cutting system.
Paul Dana and hia sisters. Mn
tain in g their adaptibility for sites for
It is more than probable that in view fall today, seven deaths were reported.
foreign trade from the harbor for the per, Mrs U nderhill and Mrs. Br]
W a l k e d la F ro n t o f a T r a in .
the proposed armor plant.
' of the active interest taken in the m at­
were at his home on Saturday mo
Stockton, Cal., Oct. 20.— A tramp ter by Deiafield, McGovern & Co., that among less than 900 cases that have year 1896 by 100 per cent. The exports and were warned to remain there. |
The cruiser Baltim ore haa been put
«■to commission with Lieutenant-Com­ believed to be J. Hcfferroan, form erly firm w ill handle the goods packed by
were at the bedside when death
early in September, when the first case Eleven cargoes of lumber, aggregating
mander G ottfried Hlocklinger, hor first of this city, was ground to pieces by the combination. Whether the scheme
The cause o f Mr. Dana’ s deatl
8,600,000 feet, valued
at $30 662-
results in bringing all the canners to- ,
Hentenant, in command.
The Balti-|
cirrhosis o f the liver.
On Jun*|
R l t n a t l o n In B a d .
snore w ill meet the Philadelphia in San at Castle switch. When the engineer gther at first or n o t .it is considered*
was at hia office, apparently strod
blew the whistle, the man looked bark safe to assume that such an organisa­
Washington, Oct. 20.— The yellow
Francisco on the latter’s arrival.
T h e next day be »'»*|
and continued to walk along the track, tion as the one proposed, even should fever situation today, as reported to * i j i islands and the South Sea islands
each received one cargo of 500,000 feet. ill. and never afterwards visit*
The monthly treasury statement ot so it is supposed be deliberately com­
no more than six o f the principal estab­ Surgeon-General Wyman, was not fa­
The shipments from G ray’s harbor for York. H e was 78 years old.
the principal articles o f domtatio ex­ mitted suicide.
lishments combine, would eventually vorable, the disease having made ita
Preparations for the burial “ * j
eight months of 1897 are 7,367,000 feet
ports ahowa that during September last
result in a combination embracing
Dnrnint C»$« AdT«nos<l.
of lumber, valued at $75,000.
Tha yet been completed^_______ __
the exports o f hreadstnff* from the
«v e ry cannery on the river, especially there ia one case, and at Montgomery,
U nited States amounted to $34,629,946,
C a n a d i a n I n d e p r n d r « « ’*-
Washington, Oct. 20.— The supreme since all interested in the business of A la ., both of which places heretofore trade with Mexico for eight months of
1897 was 4,472.000 feet, or more than
an Increase, as compared with Septem­ court today advanoed the argument in
M ontreal, Oct. 19 ^— An orgsntl
salmon-packing fu lly realize the incal­ have been free from the disease. From
ber, 1896, of over 100 per cent, and a u the Durrant murder case brought her*
culable benefit that the Alaska Pack­ Montgomery, t)r. W ym an’s informa­ i T q « 8 *% i"Dch Ri lhe entire triMle for known as the Canadian Indcpeif
The ,ra(le with Honolulu for Club has issued a manifesto sutm
inaieasc of about 300 per cent over Sep­ from San Francisoo, and set it for hear­
ers’ Association haa proven to the tion is that four cases had been report­
tember. 1895.
ing November 16.
ed by State Health Officer Sanders. W t o V ! r i BJ to , ’ 880-00« : while in the time had come for Canada tn|
trade in Alaska salmon.
off ita connection with E ngl»»«.
In hia annual report, Myron H. Mo
Dispatches from other places show new 189b they had no Honolulu trade.
K * a « e 4 H l m e e i r la H I* T e n t.
M a d e S p a r in e * C o in * In P r t * o a .
The warehouse at Guy collapsed
Oord, governor o f A rison », diacnaaea
cases and deaths as follows:
Seattle,Wash., O c t 19.— Swan Erick- i
the question o f statehood, and aays tha
Pittsburg, Oct. 30.— Warden W right
M a y P o stp o n e ' * • s * 1* ’
M obile, six cases, one death.
i ‘
80’ 000 b,,8h« i * o f
requirements as to population, educa­ o f Riverside penitentiary, has discov­ son, a laborer, committed suicide this
* 1 The building. 50x150 feet, ia
Scranton, La.. 13 cases.
N ew Y ork, Oct. I # . - ™ ?
ered that oonvicta have been manufac­ morning at Maple valley. H e wss !
tion and wealth are fu lly met.
a fo u l wreck. The foundation gave p u b lis h « the following: Owmf|
PasScougoala, Miss., tw o cases.
More than 1.000 revolutionists and turing counterfeit 60-cent piece«. He found hanging to the ridge pole of his j
Edwards, tw o cases, three deaths.
fact that President McKinMT
H is clothe« were wet, showing ; Cayuga, Mias , three cases, one *> le*. letting the roof fe ll j„. Only
selugaea have flail from Guatemala to haa unearthed metal from whiob the t«n L
eeived newa that « new
M exico, dreading tha vengeance o f Bar- “ q u e e r" money waa made and molds that he had first tried to drown him- death.
New York men, a« well a* tha
ou.lvmetL 7 ereu in jn m )’ Dei,her
rieai The refugees know their property in which it waa cast The counterfeits •elf. Erickson had $146 on his body
ware ban 1 * V*1*® men were |n the ington-Gould combination.
w ill be confiscated, as the government •re magnificent specimens o f the coin- when found. Tem porary insanity ia | Chicago, Oot. 19.— F a ll weather to- warehouse at the time. Had the crash to bid at the aale o f the Dnioa 1
i a decree to that «F a c t Soma • r ’s art. T h e counterfeiters had al­ assigned as the pause for taking hia life . day displaced tha prostrating beat o f last
torlier, aeven men providing the terma of
tha precaution to depoait ready secured connection with ontaida
Tfca drop in temperatura waa £
h" ®
satisfactorily changed,
Tha first solid head p is waa made ia
p a r t i « and aoma of tha tod man ay la Eng land in 1$M by an
i t the VVaat aad North- hü<l2I!üîh^?..t0 d*V.h’ The '«P __________
ort could _ daya ha m ay ordar »
*>• beard half «
* “ ! * * nd « » « t a d g r e a t . T b « a a l« <
4 M *ba little village.
1 ■ — »■
(p ito m e o f the Telegraphic
News o f the World.
N ew York, Oct. 30.— A dispatch to
the Herald from Washington says:
Unless the British foreign offioe presses
the negotiations in connection w ith a
general arbitration treaty the matter
w ill not again be taken up by this gov­
ernment. Neither the administration
nor the British foreign office has dur­
ing the last three months shown any
disposition to expedite matters. De­
partment officials deoiare that Great
Britain must be the one to revive the
subject if it ia to be revived at alL A
cabinet official says the president is
still desirous o f securing a treaty i f
arbitration with Great Britain. Mr.
M cK in ley hoped that more interest
would be taken by Great Britain than
The authorities are apparently much
chagrined over England’s action in the
Behring sea matter, in which all the
interested powers were to participate.
Had the general arbitration treaty ne­
gotiated by the Cleveland administre-
] tion been approved the controversy ip
regard to seals could properly be con­
sidered by such a tribunal as proposed
by that convention.
Lord Salisbury would also be pleased
to have the treaty in force, for then be
could perm it the sealing question to
be arbitrated and put out to Canada
that she was bound by the convention
to take such action. Now, however,
the negotiation o f a general arbitration
treaty might be considered by Cana­
dians as indicative of a desire of the
Salisbury government to play into the
bands of the United States.