Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1897-1???, October 07, 1897, Image 4

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    snpport of T he
The rarest example o f weakness and laws of Oregon. It must be
Oregonian, inflicted upon our rep- and blindness will be manifested apparent to all who honor us by
resentative during his first cam -, by any aspirant for public trust reading our opinion that we differ
pmgn for congress had nothing to who depends upon H arve Scott to with the editor of The Oregonian
do with that result which brought advocate his cause. These historic ¡ in the way these interests are to be
the completest ruin to the pride o f facts unmistakably point to the promoted and fostered. It is
our people
Must Harve Scott public judgment which has pro- neither our effort nor hope to per-
his sinister ser- claimed Harve Scott to be a repro- suade Harve Scott to our views,
In Advance.
vices of commendation of our con- bate in politics whose dishonest his reformation is as hopeless as
1 for th e disaem ination of W ashing-
t county news, th e elevation of h um an ity and gressman and remind him of his motives are manifest in all his pub- the morals of Sodom and Gomor
obligation to The Oregonian for lie life, a renegade who owes no rah. he must undoubtedly suffer
to» money we can m ake,
t o m s o f gen eral in terest g ratefu lly received.
the result o f the last congressional allegiance to the Republican party, their inexorable fate. It is our in-
todttor*s hobbies and opinions on th is page, a ll
to» re al facts—im p artial and uncolored,
campaign? No heartier congratu- its platform of principles nor to the tention. if ink. paper and our forti
t o d it o r i s a t home in h is sanctum , H a t c h e t
ng, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to xo p. m, lations have ever been uttered in action of our party in convention, tude fail not, to give a full, frank
i week d»y and »iwmy» g u d to u i k and j Washington county than we hear but who arrogates to himself the and fearless expression to our opin
k «-talk ed to.
from day to day as evidences accu- j absolute right to domineer over the ion of an administration of the
mutate tending to demonstrate the councils of our party, its conven- government of this state by the
emancipation of our eon- tions and deliberations, and dictate party to which we belong. Nor
gressman from the base, ignoble who may receive any consideration do we wish to shirk the responsi-
servittide of Harve Scott, and it is of this state.
bility of our part of the dishonor
I f ytm t a il to re c e iv e y o u r p a p e r i t w ill
openly predicted by our people that
Any candidate who will study which the late political phenomena
a a fav o r I f yo n w ill n o tify ua a t o nce.
our representative will
succeed the inspiring history of Harve have heaped upon the people of
AUSTIN CRAIG. E d i t o r a n d P r o p r i e t o r . himself in congress by a
result at Scott and familiarize himself with this state, for we too gave expres-
the polls to which this county will his motives will not fail to etnpiia- sion to our approval of the nomin-
C o u n ty O f f ic ia l P a p e r .
contribute the handsome item of size our declaration that his whole ation and election of the present
five hundred majority.
career in this state has given the occupants of our state offices
l™ ™ *
O f the situation in other coun- deepest hue to treachery and which, with few honorable excep-
A Sufferer Relie
A Tale of S u ffe rin g
S u b sequent ~ "
From Ot* P r tu , O olum btu, O hio.
Pink P ill» for P ale People. T
had any faith in medicines of that
paid but little attention to tht j
It was not long after this, how*
again heard the pilla highly
by several persona, and then
decided to give them a trial
one box of the p ills. I soon S i
■ i . —« . ..
an improvement m my condition
t Ä
Ä sue w
i and
e t urne
_ the
fn_ the wnole box had been taken
and tortures
endured by her lor
ueri u ms mm
. . . — --------
was so much improved that I was
months have been unusually severe.
begin singing the praises oi
The tale of her sufferings and the subse­ to
P ills for P ale People.
quent relief and final cure which she derived P ink
I waa not y e t thoroughly
flom the use of Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ill« for decided
w ait a while befc
Pale People, aroused considerable agitation thusiastie to over
the results and
among her many friends and others.
the second box before I
A reporter was detailed to obtain a relia­ on
ble acoount of this marvelous case, and when that I had at last found a m
he oallsd he found Miss McKinney at her com­ the requiremonta of m y case. I
my calls to the physicians and
fortable and coiy home where she ohsertuliy them
alone since. 1 am new **
complied with his request. She said :
as I ever was in my lift
"T h e first indication that I had that any­ strontr
a ll pains and never
thing was radically wrong with me was
I oat regularly aad
about three year* ago. I suffered the meet
No more are my slumber*!
ezernoiating pains in different parts of my b with
fearfal dreams and when I J
body and was almost erased ad times. My
I go to sleep at ones. Il
sleep was disturbed by horrible dreams and night
s’ P in k P ills for Pals
I had began te waste sw ay te almost a salvation,
• • * AGES
. . . .
, i
and would recemmei
shadow. To add to m y other aflictio n i the
malady assumed a catarrhal turn and I was ladisa troubled as I waa. The ,
. . W e e k l y
ties in this congressional district hypocrisy in journalism and in soon
a victim
to that
as well as
dis­ than what la claim ed for them
gusting disease. I consulted the fhmily giving them a tria l w ill soon
we do not pretend to know but one politics. His long domination in the point of human endurance,
physician who gave me some kind of a nos­ same eoueluaion regarding their
IE CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION thing is certainly understood in all parties has made him insolent,
It has been our business
to utter trum and I was foolish enough to imagine have.”
Dr. W illiam s' P ia k P ills for
that it benefited me. I followed the advioe
I Washington county, that Harve arrogant, willful, crooked and per- for the most part of what we know of the physicians but noticed no perceptible contain a ll the elements necessary
and richneea to the blood and
improvement in my condition and was about
Scott has assailed our congressional verse, and no citizen of Oregon about the conduct of officers coti-
to despair of ever becoming a strong and tered nerve*. They are sold in l
in looee form b y the dozen or hu
well ii woman again
A thorough investigation of the delegation, on grounds as dishonor- will affirm that Harve Scott is a nected with the public trusts corn-
ua a box,
uwa . wi
. _ i
or six boxe, for 12.50,
-J Some of my lmdy friendf were calling on crii
of all druggists or directly by i
qualifications of the Oregon delega- j able to utter as his confession in member in good standing in any mitted to their If
care we
in the
one aiicn
iw u and before
T, them
—7 I nap-
* . had
have Repub-
been me
pened to mention mv troubles, when one or
t k r a in congress affords the amplest
open court of his guilty desertion political organization in this state,
lican party, expressions of con- them recommended that I try Dr. W illiams tady.N.Y.
On« o t th« m any persona in Columbna,
Ohio, who have been benefited by the use o f
Dr. W illiam s’ Fink P ills for Pale People is
Miss Jerusha McKinney, of 50 South Centre
S treet Miss McKinney is well and farorably
known, especially in educational circles, as
sue has
ass been
ucci» for a - number
- , - , of years a faithful
and warrant
for our
declara- of
that citizen
and Mr.
Scott may,
and doubtless
tion that
it is composed
of represen-
of Oregon,
T . Harve
will, continue
to deceive
the un- j vehement
demnation in
it is because our sympa-
txtives whose recognized abilities I T . Geer, and now seeks to upbraid wary but the day is past when he thy for a dishonored party and
entitle them to the confidence and j our national delegation for their can deceive all the people for an state is founded upon our con-
icspect of the people of this state substantial recognition of his abil- hour.
sciousness that the public offenders
without regard to the party organi-! ity and services to the Republican
w^° ^ave been arraigned are
Rations into which they are divided. I party. W ill The Oregonian trium-
romuigation of sound noli- guilty ° f the most flagrant conduct
Therefore it is with the utmost i virate, Scott, Lord, and Corbett, . . . . . .
, ,
that ever disgraced the citizenship
’ | tical doctrine we regard as the duty
satisfaction that we express our deny that it was in their power to of every newspaper whose
or of Oregon.
confidence and reliance in the po- ] honor and gratify Mr. Geer w h o ! managing ^ a rd of directors have i The
of germinatlon and
growth of Harve Scott’s rebellion
litical honesty and integrity of our was an applicant for the position of ;
any regard for public morality or
is three-fold. The first, federal
delegation as worthy representa­ superintendent of our state prison
who desire to promote the general,
. . . . . .
trust committed to this viper, was
tives of our state which is entitled and will they be heard to deny
welfare. An editor who advocates;..
r „
, .
. . ....
. . .
. . .
; disgracefully shipwrecked (like the
te the services of citizens whom no that they deliberately turned him , ,
false principles, principles that are
, ...
same trust committed to other Cor-
«Bice can honor and no position down?
W ill
alien to the genius of our institu- . . .
,, ,
, ,
| belt advocates well-known to us)
elevate. We congratulate the party mountebacks deny that Mr. Geer
tions and laws, and who supports . . . .
r . ,
, , .
during his career as a federal offi-
to which we belong that our state was also an applicant for another
corrupt men and methods is as
^ r
_ _
and from like motives Harve
Ik honored in congress by such gen- less desirable office than the United
dangerous as his influence is great.
.. , ,
acquired that supreme contempt for
tSemen who creditably reflect her States Land office, to wit, for the
Wider fields of political action
, . , ;
the law which has ever been the
dignity and who adorn the name superintendency of our institution
i are reached touching, and shaping
. .
. .
of our state in the councils o f the for the blind, and w ill they dare' . . .
. .
, 7
opinion of common horse thieves,
I the policy of our state and nation,
. r
“ tion, and who w ill with distin-!den y that they refused to honor .
. ,
and that grand contempt for juries
1 by a declaration of party principles
, , . ,, e
whom he undoubtedly found chib-
gnished credit discharge the duties him for past services in this or any
and to the principles announced by
. . .
cult to reconcile to his views of
o f their responsible trusts to the > other station in their gift, under a , „
the Republican party the H a t c h e t
~ . ,
. . . . . .
. . . . official rectitude.
satisfaction of our people.
| state administration which they
stands committed in all its political
strong aversion to the genius of
The discharge of what duty is j have dominated from first to last
obligations as embodied in the
our institutions and laws with­
■ sore delightful than the commen-, with the most despotic rigor and
more or less permanent form of ac­
out doubt grew out of his venal
dation of faithful officers? N ext | austerity?
tion taken at the St. Louis conven-
sympathy for criminal jobbers who
to holding exalted stations is the
From our party principles and
tion in 1896. If the principles of
undertook to overrun our civiliza­
honor of bestowing a just recogni- from a love of justice and right do
the Republican party have been
tion by their free trade commerce
tion upon those who under the : we endorse and support the politi-
mainly correct, safe and sound,
in loathsome Chinese immigration.
providences of God are His instru- cal action of our congressional del-
then we hold it is our duty to ad­
His final period of revolutionary
ments, used to enrich the history egation, and from our detestation
vocate and defend them. If they
overt acts against our constitution
of our country with the lives of ¡of the character of their enemies,
1 are wrong it is our duty to seek
with the utmost certainty grew out
good and great men whose exam ­ the enemies of our state, do we
their reformation within the coun­
of his malignant, jealous hatred for
ples awaken patriotic pride and be­ stand four-square against every
cils of the party under well regu­
the ablest statesman that ever hon­
queath to succeeding generations assault that these enemies may aim
lated action. This is loyalty to \
Oregon with his eloquent ad­
the deeds of a noble ancestry.
at their public services in the in­
principle and to party. That man
in the United States senate,
It must not be forgotten that the terests of our commonwealth.
is a coward who dare not arraign
and who was Scott’s benefactor
prosperity of our state as well as What citizen of Oregon entertains
the leader of his party for his high
, , . ,
. .
. ,
, .
and friend until no appeal to his
Its substantial
glory depends any reasonable doubt that the ad­
crimes and misdemeanors, and that
. . . .
manhood could restrain him from
upon a just and generous apprecia­ vocacy of the election of any public
party will sooner or later meet
official conduct which no friendship
tion of the services rendered. It is officer by Harve Scott will finally
with utter rout and' defeat of its
could condone or defend without
our greatest pleasure to accord to prove his bane, his ruin and utter
foot, horse and dragoons, which
our representatives the full credit repudiation by the people of this
the basest moral turpitude before
cannot face the record of its admin-1
the law.
doe to them for the faithful exer­ state? In witness whereof we cite
istration of the laws.
cise of their rugged honesty, for his advocacy of the political hopes
I f base and corrupt demagogues
their untiring application of the of an eminent jurist of the city of
entrench themselves behind our
Whoever will carefully diagnose
wisdom which has been displayed Portland as Harve Scott’s indepen­
party organization and otherwise Harve Scott’s political disabilities
by the members of the Oregon del­ dent candidate and rival against
fortified with the exercise of tem­ will make the interesting discov­
egation in whatsoever they have the regularly nominated Republi­
porary power attempt to trample ery that his virus is not sporadic
trader taken. The pleasure of this can candidate who now in spite of
the principles of our party into but eudemic, that his disease is not
daty is intensified in the direct Harve Scott, his treachery and his
the dirt, and bring disgrace of the surface but has extended
ratio of Harve Scott’s gratuitousjas- machinations represents the second
and dishonor upon our s ta te ! * o every vital part of his conspir-
tenlt upon our representatives in congressional district of Oregon in
through a mal administration ° f acv, therefore beyond the reach of
the councils of the nation. Atten­
laws in the name of the Re- ¡ an moral remedies.
It has become au established law tion is further called to the fact
party, then manifestly it
What political physician, in
o f action and re-action, as trne as that ¡H arve Scott’s candidates for
with the fervor of the science
the laws of Keppler, that when the municipal offices of the city of
whose energy of pa­
Harve Scott commends a public Portland have suffered the same
zeal for the recov-
officer it is because he thinks he ignominious fate, including his late
of his patient.
has discovered some innate quality \ candidate for the distinguished
H a t - ever successfully contended with
at downright dishonesty which he office of mayor. We further state |
t ie further furnisl ing of Herrick
cies for bribing legislative bodies
The program will be one of
in the interest o f him self and other
merit and the entertainment
dem agogues
well worthy of your patronage.
o o
N o ordinary constitutional reme­ Shupp and Evans will make thJ »road t
dies seem to be adequate to w ith ­ appearance before a Forest Grotj
stand the ravages of his political ence and all will be delighted
hear Miss Cooley after her long j
m aladies w hich are as rapacious
and insatiable as the grave, and
The Toledo W eekly lilad|
betray his idolatrous worship of
Every intelligent family ne
the golden Mammon o f G reat dition to their local paper,
Britain w hich has consumed his tional weekly. The greatest an
widely known general familyl
manhood, nay more, the v e ry mar­
paper is the Toledo Weekly |
row in his bones.
For thirty years it has
H is political w edlock w ith A v a ­ regular visitor to every part : <
of thJ
rice lias given fecundity to a brood and is well known in abr.ost evj
o f venal vipers who craw l in the of the 70, a » postoffices i-i the <
It is edited with refeienct to a 1
dust before this goblin whose pre­
circulation. It is a Republic-,n|
dom inant ruling passion is political hut men of sll politics take it, bet
sw in d lin g fo r revenue only.
its honesty and fairness iu the I
of all public questions. It|
’ V A R S I T Y IT E M S .
favorite family paper, with son
Mr. McKensie, of Koseburg, paid his
|‘r > 1
for every member of the househol|
son Edward a short visit Friday and
rial stories, poetry, wit and hun
Saturday last.
Household department, (best
The iron-clad rules governing Pacific world). Young Folks, Sunday I
University have been extended to the Lessons, Taltnage's Sermons, the I
boys’ dormitory. Hence these tears.
stead, the Question Bureau (wb|
Mr. Warner, of Medford, made a swers questions for subscriben
short visit to P. P. Thursday last, visit­ News of the Week in completd
ing his daughter, Miss Warner, of the and other special features. Spl
class of ’ 1 * 9 .
copies gladly sent on application,!
Rev. Childs, of Ashland, conducted you will send us a list of addrea
chapel exercises Monday morning and will mail a copy to each. On!
spoke a few words of encouragement to year. If you wish to raise a cluhj
the students.
for terms.
Address The Blade, Tole
Gavey and Demick have contracted to
By special arrangement with th
saw wood for the ladle’s boarding club.
The job promises to he a long one hut ! lishers of the Blade. T he H a TCI
enabled to furnish it to all of il
the reward is sure.
Miss Garrison made a report of the scribers, old as well as new, on tl|
doings of the Y. U. C. A. summer school I ment of
$ 1.50 in Advance
held at Oakland, Cal. last July to the
home association at their regular meet­ for both papers. This offer meatj
$1.50 will pay for both T he H a
ing Tuesday afternoon.
and the Toledo Weekly Blade
Gamma Sigma voted four students
year— two papers for one subscript!
into active membership at their meeting
paid in advance. To all subscrib|
Saturday evening. The attendance this
der this offer T he H a t c h e t will I
year is very good and much interest is
free from now to Jan. 1, 1898,
taken in debate. The question for next
one year from that date.
week is: “ Resolved that the trustees of
lF.V,'rV -
Brown University were justified in treat­
Just Think Of III
ing Pres. Andrews as they did. Affirma­
Only one fare for the round tri^
tive, A. Huckabay and J. N. Walker.
point on the line,, of the
Negative, W. Gavey and J. Miller.
Pacific to attend the greatest Stal
At a recent meeting of the athletic
ever held in Oregon. Opens Sep^
union T. H. Tongue was elected football
30, closes October 8, 1897.
manager. Challenges were read from
Every department building
the M. A. A. C., P. A. C., and Pacific
filled with the choicest exhibits ad
College at Newberg. No action was
plays possible to be seen. Everyj
taken by the Union, the matter being left
ring will he graced by the finest I
to the football manager and the athletic
the various breeds of animals.
committee, hut some good games may he
On the race track and in the
expected soon. The faculty have voted
ment park, trotting, pacing,
to spend fifteen dollars each term of the
hurdle jumping, novelties, specif
incidental fee for gymnasium equipment.
die and harness classes. New
The Philomatheans have entered the and new attractions. A rich prog!
debating arena in earnest this year and for every day and evening. On(
are prepared to settle questions of the fare for the round trip. Popular
greatest importance. At their next sion of 25 cents.
meeting on Thursday afternoon they
will render the following program. De­
bate: “ Resolved that Foreign Immigra­
tion is no Longer a Necessity to the Ad­
vancement of American Citizenship.”
Affirmative, Misses laeiser anti Marsh.
For Infanta and Chad
Negative. Misses Parmen ami E. Walker.
political indecencies and vices
by gaining dominion over the fact to be that these are n ot'the! CHRT as a RePublicau j ° lirnal and
him, turn to good account in the only incidents connecter! with ’ ^ R we ^mll stand, careless and as Harve Scott’s which no Federal
execution of his base political de­ Harve Scott’s support of candi- 1 ' “ different of consequences to us or grand ju ry could expose on ac
signs. Therefore we congratulate dates for office but characteristic of * a11 we have wWi l ,S m' es‘ ed m count of scandal and public moral
I hat which con-! ¡ty ? What high court of Jus-
our delegation in congress that the result of all his attempts, and this enterprise.
Harve Scott has not been able t o ; of none more emphatically true cer“ '" tbe wel^*re ot the state c” n
except in H a r t e s ^ case
^ ^ ^ ever
te this discovery in the particu than his fatal attempt to sink the “ rnS ° " T welfare ¡n ^ Sreatest abandoned the prosecution of such
. :
, ,
. , * . . .
. degree and we realize that if we fri, luls for want of public funds’
A musical and literary entertainment
of their official conduct, and character of a whole legislature to
. .
, .
c ,rauus
. .
.. . , . .
, . .
. . are to suffer ruin in the defense of w h at people outside of Oregon will he given Friday evening in the audi­
he has seen fit to assail their foist one of his millionaire sharks
. .
" u 1 l F
•nd. having f.ilvd in his npon on, « » .n d yoke he, „ ith
*»« ™ m en, a ,
witnessed the escape of a . torium. The proceeds are to he used in
Mthtle .Hemp, u> divide on, dele- a cb .n n ie , in the United State,
gmtion into hostile contending fac senate whose record for statesman-
tions ever their administration of 1 ship would disgrace the most venal
party interests connected with the alderman in his own city.
service, he will now pursue
Nor is this all, the malign influ-
member of our delegation in ence o f The Oregonian has sunk
with his knotted scourges the political hopes of deserving
o f falsehood to the end of their offi- candidates during every general
campaign conducted in the state of
P ~ * ,cWd ’’L ” ’.
conscious of the fact that we shall
not suffer in vain, for truth crushed
to earth shall rise again for the
eternal years of God are hers.
W e have no interests to serve
bat those which are common to all
good men in our state, the inter­
ests of truth, of justice and the
preservation of the constitution
from the P“ niah
ment due to such outrageous poli­
tical offences?
His corruption has festered and
manifested itself chiefly under
three fatal forms; I, The abuse of
official trust for private gains: II,
Suspicious combinations to defraud
the government o f revenue; III,
Symptoms of accumulative agen-
#(e<l I
t to re
Special Bargains in Twenty and F o rtj Acre
Tracts in Washington, Yamhill
and Tillamook counties.
■* a t
l Witt, t