• ™ v-.r am . ■mm V*' -V : #:• Washington Po, County Hatchet 'U l'Ali 11) » 7:45,- FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1897. !* brru, r^ fe s s io i's il C a r d s . ion. Jel, ut, si,, f. Irvine. i tloilH [J ta.C. E. G E IG E R , S p a t h ic G R E E R TH E O RO CFP p h y s ic ia n m m irn n w m m w m m w w w w w m m H AS TH E LE A D IN G F if t e e n and s u r g e o n eepe I L est g r o v e , O r e g o n . I.rtpntlon paid to Medical and S u rreal i Women and Children and all chronic l ARMSTRONG, (Successor in V ili M. D. to Dr. Ward,) in Doctor Ward’s j house on Pacific avenue. I attention given to Diseases of Women. Oregon. ¡tote, residence INiXON, D EN TIST, AH kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, a le and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow W are of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . TEA AND COFFEE A SPECIALTY. Forest Grove Laundry — —- - - - - - and Dye House. FO R EST GROVE Ito 4 P-m- We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at­ tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be appreciated, "Cy OREGON. ■ Street THOMAS H. TONGUE, TORN E Y - A T - L AW, 0. BALDWIN, Manager. » bo , W ashington C o u n t y , O k . SMITH & BOWMAN, JO K E S ’ S T flB liE (RNEYS-AT-LAW, tarial Work and Conveyancing. H 1 I.I.SBORO, O il. I S;Morgan Blk. W. M. L A N G L E Y , Ill KEY AND COUNSELOR A T LAW kuty Prosecuting Attorney. Collections a specialty. Je-lTp-stairs, Woods & Caples Building. u\ |T ho » pson F red C. T hompson FINANCIAL AGENTS pniE INVESTORS AND BORROWERS NEGOTIATED PROPERTIES MANAGED feoted and Conveyancing. T rust and ü business transacted. N otary Fu'Jk'. THOMPSON & SON OREGON , GROVE, . . AT . . »ao’s Harness Shop ON MAIN STR EET. 1 a stock of harness, whips, land everything else kept in a iss harness shop. Also 1 a specialty of all kinds of nig. Vtnen sells tickets to the Koot- Kning camps, including Rossland, Nelson, Ainsworth, Balfour, 1 and all points on the Great Railroad. Either first or •dclass. He is also resident agent ^0 R. & N. Co. F ! nre C on stipation F o r « v e t . ^Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c. vu (all to cure, druggists refund money. -T O - or I ÏA K Y0l NO MEN and I ThE C oun T y N EW S paper T H E O LD W IL T R O U T M IL L . gales c r e e k . All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. K iln Dried Lumber a Specialty. L o w P r ic e s . P r o m p t D e li v e r y , OLD. h »« «nffered for year* with a blights hN life and robs him of T nukes life worth livin g, if h© ran ■•i ai a complete rnre, why not posse*» to «top hig downward pour»©, you by mail, absolutely fret», in * the All-Powerful Dr. Hoim an’s **Tr* Tablet« with a legal gnrrarit©© *re 1,«» o f Manhood, 8elf-abu *© *** Varicocele, stops forever night ^ all unnatural drain*. Returns emanciated organa, nor recipe deception, l i w© *© wottld not pend oar medic in# pay uhen satisfied. Write »ot *1*4 ar again. ‘ l d C oun tv H a t c h * , . CHAS. HIATT, Propriptor. E x cellen t Q u a lity. P * »Ith us in the Discovery. ro neighbors in Oregon. KEEpy Ô Ü s ë Ô « î r s STRO NG ALL SU M M ER I ~ ¡ANDY CATHARTIC k CURtCOHSTIPATlOH ^ A LL !0 < Zi* 50* ^ -V, *^7’’ D&U ê -SSSS * > r e - - i •:*—*»*, -,*ar*' nd ask them to compare it with any Iu remitting deduct from your remit- im m u m im iim m m m m F IR . Oregon’s cool »nd frosty nights are creeping along. Ed Hughes called on neighbors in this vicinity on the 3d inst. Rich Reycraft and family visited at Phillips from Sept. 30 to Oct. 4. The hoppickers have all returned home, supposedly with full pockets. Walter Collins made his parents at Fir a visit recently and returned to Scap- jKxise Sept, 13. Mrs. J. J. Patton intends living in the Hiatt house for the winter so as to be near her school. Thrashing is drawing to a close with wheat at a good price and wages coming up, but still some silver bugs are growl­ ing. Messrs. Boos and Smith have been hauling up their dried prunes from the drier at < »ales Creek. All kinds of fruit is plentiful this year in our vicinity. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Kiser* are very small pills in sixe, but are most effective iu preventing the mutt serious forms of liver and stomach troubles. They cure constipation and and retrula*/ the 1 rowels, i Ê IIS w eekly and expenses. Position permane»«. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stam ped en ­ velope. T h e N ational. Star B u ild in g, Onloai ___________ _________ Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick head­ ache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. J. C. Clark, druggist. Rem arkable Cure of Uhrimie Diarrhoea. In 1862, when I served my country a* a private in Company A, 167th Penn­ sylvania Volunteers, I contracted chrenic diarrhoea. It gives me a great deal oY trouble ever since. I have tried a doaen different medicines and several promi­ nent doctors without any permanent re­ lief. Not long ago a friend sent me • sample bottle of Chainberlatn’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, aad after that I bought and took, a 5o-ceat bottle; and now I can say that I am en­ tirely cured. I cannot be thankful enough to you for this great remedy, ami recommend it to all suffering veteraaa. If in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allentown, Pa. Sold b y j. C. Clark, druggist. N T E D —S E V E R A L F A IT H F U L MEN O * W omen to tra ve l for responsible eelab- W A Ushed house lu Oregon. Salary IT 80 , payable WASHINGTON COUNTY HATCHET, Forest Grove. store . Subscriptions Received for the W ashington SEND IT FR EE! S h o w th e H a t c h e t to y o u r o t h e r c o u n t r y n e w s p a p e r is s u e d ta n c e th e co st o f s e n d in g . THE BAZAR buoserp Wf.Ctmly Cathartic, the most won- «edical discovery of the age. pleas- refreshing to the taste, act gently J“vely on kidneys, liver and bowels, the entire system, dis(>el colds, “laclie. lever, habitual constipation - «¡»ness. Please buy and try a box Ivi ■ • V'to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Hold and d to cure by all druggists. ¡ EV ER Y DAY GIVEN AWAV! Says So. For 3 subscribers, Toledo Blade. “ 4 “ N. Y. Thrice a-Week World. Ladies’ Home Journal, or Oregon Teacher's Journal. School News. San Francisco Examiner. Furnishing Goods PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. OFFER Any of our subscribers securing one new subscriber under this offer will have his own subscription advanced two months. For securing new subscribers as in the following list the papers named will be sent free for one year. To the sub­ scriber getting the largest number of new subscriptions will be given “ The New Revised Encyclopaedic Dictionary,” 1896 edition, in four volumes, bound in half leather, regular price $25.00. It is a most valuable addition to any library. WOMEN and MEN’S D rug D ollar PREMIUM OFFER YES, W E S E LL . b e o c k ’ s O ne Any one subscribing before Nov. 1 and paying One Dollar will receive the H a t c h e t fro m the date ol subscription until one year from Jan. I, 1898, that is, until Jan. 1, 1899, or fifteen months for one dollar. Old subscribers paying up to Oct. 1, may avail themselves of this offer. SCH OLLS. . . . T o ile t A rticles, ^ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by S ta tio n e r y , -<%- an Experienced Pharmacist and from 1 persons who make the greatest N e w s D e p o t. ^ the Best and Freshest material. » of words out of the phrase, LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. W Attorney Wedderburn.” For >rs address the National Recor- JVIAIN STREET, JSILLSBOI^O. Puhington , D. C. Everybody SUBSCRIPTION THE BAZAR S O M E T H IN G N E W For The Gold Regions. for F. Rowell talks of attending Business College in Portland. Mrs. E. E. Schmeltzertransacted busi- nes: in Hillsboro Monday. Good Horses Miss Martha York, of Reedville, was the guest of Mrs. LaRue this week. New Rigs Marrs Bros, have rented J. A. Suther­ land farm and will reside in Scholls the Moderate coming year. Prices Mr. and Mrs. Sornson, of Reedville, visited the latter’s mother at Scholls the first of the week. Will run a stage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $ 1.00 for the D. B. Emerick took a load of oats to the city Tuesday for which he realized round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. 34 cents per bushel. Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers C. Gotchalk and family are moving to Hunters and Fishermen McMinnville this week where they will T a k e Jones’ Bus to and fro m a ll tr a in s reside iu the future. -r - i —i ----- Baggage a n d fr e ig h t c a l l e d f o r a n d d e liv e r e d Jos. Barbow has rented his farm and moved to the city for the purpose of educating his daughter. Died Sept. 30, at his home on Mt. Side, Mr. Courtney Hitchcock. Burial was in Mt. Side cemetery. Messrs. Wohlslegal, Miller and Brooks are hauling their bailed hay to market. We understand they are selling at $12 per ton. Roy Schmeltzer had three of his fingers crushed Thursday while playing with a feed chopper. He was taken to Portland for treatment. J. A. Sutherland, our genial black­ smith, has moved to McMinnville. A AND HAVE MORE COMING gentleman from Progress will fill the vacancy caused by Mr. Sutherland. Messrs. L. Miller and M. Gordon and Have room for anything that’ll accommodate our customers— and make honest Misses Mollie Miller and Alice Frazer of profit. Prices are low enough. Not too low for right quality. this place, left Monday for Hood River wliere they will visit relatives and en­ joy life for Jwo weeks. Mrs. D. B. Emrick and Master Claude Forest Grove, Next to Postoffice. visited Portland this week and report the return of Frank Turk who started with the boom for Klondyke, but got enough of it by the the time he got to lake Linderman and turned back. ited -qoo Farmers From I TO BUY HARNESS H onth s GROCERY STORE L-ridencs, Howlby house, Pacific ave., r«stof Forest Grove hotel. ROUI No. S3 SH ER W O O D . Mr. Dietz is building a new onion house. Mr. C. S. Ha .eturned to Portland Wednesday. Miss Emma ller is teaching the Parrot Mountain school. Lee Smock is having his house painted this week. Ora Young will attend school at La- Fayette this year. Mr. J. E. Young and family have re­ turned to Sherwood. The public school opened this week with good attendance. Mrs. Eldredge will arrive at home on Thursday of this week. The Sand Pit school opened this week with Mr. Watt as teacher. Miss Bertha Deitz is staying at t ie home of Dr. Schroeder at Tualatin. Mr. Ellston, of Forest Grove, visited our Good Templar’s Lodge Monday night. Little Annie Owens was very sick the first of the week but is better at this writing. Fillmore Johnson and John Seat« n have rented the Williams farm fo*r the coming year. Joe Morback will remove his brother from the hospital to this place as soon as the doctors consider it safe. A party of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barber last Monday evening to celebrate Mrs. Bar­ ber’s birthday. They report a pleasant evening. To heal the broken and diseased tis­ sues, to soothe the irritated surfaces, to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mission of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. J. C. Clark, druggist. E d u c a t e T o o t D o w e ls W it h C u se a re ta . Candy Cathartic, oure constipation forever. lOo, 28c. I f C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. Dentistry. Dr. R. H. Hovey having located it Forest Grove for the practice of dentistry takes this method of informing the pub­ lic that he is prepared to do any work in that line. Office in Ingles & Porter’» building. N o -T o -B a c f o r F i f t y Cents. Guaranteed tobacco bablt euro, makes v '*• »nr*» V>i* ‘H AU ■ , ;?*! week Reasons Why Chamberlain’s Coiie Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy is the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and chronic diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrhoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will cure epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in ca30 of cholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bow­ el complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad result*. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the Uvea of more people than any other medicine iu the world. The 25 and 50c sices for sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. I T o C u r e C o n st tvuit Ion F o re v e r * Ooiitlv O ’ tliurtie. lOo o r í When Baby was sfex. we gars her Oaatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for CVutoHa Whan She became Mias, she chug to Castas* When she had Chlldrea. she gars tlnsn O m S* SUMMONS TH ATCHER. In the Circuit Court o f th e State o f < W ashington Coun ty. The postmistress returned home from Portland last Monday from a pleasant B. T . Sim pson, Plain tiff vs. visit with her daughter. James P. Looney, Thos. Rev. Brock and Rev. Snyder are hold­ A . Stephens, Lixsie M. Stephens, his wife; ing protract'd meetings at this place and Sam uel W. Looney; L- P. G raham , and M ary day meetings will commence next Thurs­ E llen C rah am , h is wife, Defendants. day. All are invited to come. T o Jam es P. Looney, Sam uel W . L o oney, 1 ». F Mr. Thomas and Bad Bunce came G raham , and M ary E lle n G raham , home and stayed a few days with their In th e nam e o f th e State o f Oregon, parents and friends and returned to each o f you are h ereby required to af Quincie last Monday where they are en­ answ er th e am ended complaint fil’d again st you In th e above en titled suit, by th e flnt day gaged in the railroad work. o f the n e a t term o f th is cou rt n eat fotkmfiait Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, of Gaston, at­ the eapiration o f sia w eeks’ publication of th is tended the funeral of their son-in-law summ ons, to-w it: By the fourth Monday of N o­ vem ber, 1897, b ein g the ?and day of aaid month; Mr. Alexander McDonal, who died in and if you fail so to appear and answer, for California and was bnried in the Buxton w ant thereof, th e p la in tiff will apply to the court lor th e re lie f prayed for in the amended cemetery Tuesday. com plaint filed against you herein, to-wit: W ill “ Let me give you a pointer," aaid M. tak e ju d g m en t against th e defendanta, James P. Rooney, T hos. A. Stephens and Uscfte M . F. Grtgg, a popular conductor on the | Stephens, h is w ife, for th e sum of to- Missouri Pacific railroad. "D o you ; geth er w ith interest thereon from Sept, i, 1897, know that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera i at th e rate o f 8 per cent, per annum until paid; and Diarrhoea Remedy cures you when j for th e fu rth er sum of $100 a ttorn ey's fees, and for costs and disbursem ents h erein, and aa yon have the stomach ache? Well, it against th e defendants, Sam uel W . Looney and does." And after giving this friendly ; h . P. G raham , and M ary E lle n Graham, hfia bit of advice, the jolly conductor passed wife, a decree d eclaring w h atever claims or In­ on down the «isle it is a fact that terests you and each o f you m ay against the prem ises h ereinafter thousauds of railroad and traveling men subsequent and inferior to th e « never take a trip without a bottle of this herein, ar.d for a decree Remedy, which is the beat cure for bowel m ortgage upon th e follow in g described \ disorders in the world. 25 and 50 cent erty. to*wit: South 4 r, o f northw est K, and I % o f southw est «4, stction 2, tow n ship f, bottles for sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. range 5, w est o f W illam ette meridian, containing :f«o acres m ere o r le w , and 1 Rheumatism, which is caused by an property be sold as upon execution, acid in the blood, is cured by the use of such other and further re lie f a v to th e < : Ayer's 3 rsaparilia. External treatment seem ju st and equitable. is of no avail. Until the blood is thor­ Tbt'4 stim m ons Is published b y < oughly cleansed of alt impurities, it is use­ H onorable Thom as A. M cBride, less to expect th ; cure of a -y disease. county ; Made and dated the ,4 th d I**"..... rf V P Wt'-i’ C-SW* • 1897. Han't Tabarro VrU 1 e a . t l f and fo rera r T o q u it * In ;. I viiror. • *■ °r#l. On i V 1