Washington a n d t ó M N't'I 8 CU ' ' 6 ~* raiiciKo j md..... L 4,1896 « r 8í CONSOLIDATED JUNE K County Hatchet r o v e T im e s FOREST GROVE, OREGON, TH UR SDAY, JUDY 39, 18í»7. . Yol. I l l , No. 18, Vol. IX , No. 3 Ü ofessio'111* C a r d ». Q. EE THE C i ROCFP • M«loo, *"* I t e . E. G E I G E R , ' 'T. Irvi. 11 »utiouTI L t h ic p h y s ic ia n has the l e a d in q HKD S U R G E O N GROCERY STORE Itnof, Bowlby house, P a cifle ave., liol Forest Grove hotel. md.. gT GROVE, O R E G O N . Rom ■«lion paid to M edical and Survival Eomeu and C hildren and a ll ehrouic SLEE PlltO i [ARMSTRONG, M. I). Il trtim Successor to U r. W a r d ,) sion. | residence in Doctor W a rd ’s on Pacific avenue. » CosvJ »ÜKDATJ.I lention given to Diseases o f Women. ÄTili LT I 4 ] . - - Oregon. L t ¡ l i '“•et wïïh'î i» railri ad. j '•'PT bpxda J lv G o r e s t I son , q d e n t is t L t I sj '<Î 8 COwith| mail i ^ttiliug d , FOREST G RO VE hp.m. OREGON. m point* 1 Hoüoulu I m W. T. I hR. O- C. H I A T T All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow are of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . ___ Forest Grove Laundry - - - - - - - - and Dye House. We do all kinds o f Laundry Work in the best possible manner. Any work left with us will be promptly At tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage w ill be appreciated. -%• D E N T IS T . W. î. F.àP.J va S. BALDWIN, Manager. JO N E S ’ STA BLE . . . lOMAS H. T O N G U E , S ilvi | r n e y - a t - l a w , f\ Good Horses |i9, W ash in g to n C o u n t y , O e . New Rigs KITH & B O W M A N , Moderate LUME EYS-AT-LAW, Prices IWork and Conveyancing. I Morgan Bit. H il l s b o r o , O r . V. M. L A N G L E Y , B y and c o u n s e l o r at law W ill run astage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; fr .o o for the round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers Hunters and Fishermen ) Prosecuting Attorney. T a k e Jo n e s’ Bus to and from all tra in s Collections a specialty. Baggage and fre ig h t c a lle d fo r a n d d e live red |-Up- 8 tairs, Woods & Caples Building. H. D. : r ci ANE I of F o r e s t stbw art , Ass’t Cashier. brock ’ s |A GENERAL B A NKING BUSINESS id telegraphic transfers sold on N ew nand San Francisco. T o ile t A rticles, Stationery, News Depot. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by an Experienced Pharmacist and from the Best and Freshest material. LONG DISTANCE TE LE P H O N E JVIAIN S T R E E T , JHILLSBOf^O. the W a sh in g t o n C o u n ty H a t c h e t , T h e C ounty N E W S p a p e r . Received for «made at a ll accessible points. Ihours from 9 a. m. t 0 4 p .n 1 r The Gold Regions, tten sells tickets to the Koot- [ camps, including Rossland, |tlson, Ainsworth, Balfour, »11 points on the Great Railroad. E ith er first or He is also resident agent • & N. Co. S tents We Do Not i * «ketch and description mar \r*®’ »hether an Invention la e. rnmmunloattons strictly t agency for semiring patents . We hare a Washington office. R * - * Mann A Co. rsotive 3 AMERICAN, lamest circulation L weekly, terms »3.00 a year i eekly.tenn# » i T ^ - ^epeclmen ;'pec1m,’ n copie Coplea and H a n d rAT 1 XTS sent free. Address ________ $ |AK M E N f^'NO AND OLD. P E R Y E A R ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R E / t L E S T / r T E A G E JM T , Special Bargains in Tw enty and F o rty Acre Tracts in Washington, Y am hill and Tillamook counties. FO R EST GROVE ................................ O R EG O N . THE OLD WILTROUT MILL. C O ., -T O - 2.00 MELKI JOHNSON GALES C R EEK. r Wsadwny. N e w Y o r k . IT FREE! Club with The Oregonian. Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, BO Y E A R S ’ THAO S M A R K S, D E S IG N S , C O P Y R IG H T S * 0 . sto re . .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. lange payable at sig h t in L o n d o n , |l,Amsterdam, Brussels, Stockholm , the-Main as w e ll as a ll o th e r I s and centers o f tra d e th rou gh o u t J p»idom, Ireland and C on tin en tal | Subscriptions A D rug G ro ve IS PFANNER, Proprietor All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. Low Prices, Prompt Delivery, CHAS. IIIATT, Proprietor. E x c e l l e n t Q u a lit y . *tth os in the Discovery. ’offered for years with a ** his life and robs him of I ***** We worth living. If he ean **,'B'Plete enre, why not p.w«e*s * bistop his downward course. .^ h T m a ll, absolutely free, In *** *H-Po»erfnl Dr. Holman's »Tshlet» with a leral miarantec of Manhood, »ell abuse. I '^ ’hrooele. stops forever nieht ** •»hstnrsl drain*. Ketiims ■ ernanelated organs. r recipe deception. If we not send our medicine L _ >»T when satisfied. Write L l JL!2L*bP*»r ««Bin. MEDICINE CO, Katanssoo. Mick k ^ Wanted—An Idea S S 3 tea and co ffee a specialty . uarkha J L kir ’§B uii . mnq on Main Street, up I Office hours, » a. m. to 4 p. m. Annual leather's Institute. Celebration. Columbian Exposition. products than out of any other. An outline of work for the annual Repeal of Sherman Act. ' Financial Cri The World dot's not advise any young teacher’s institute for Washington sis of 1893. Hawaiian Difficulties. Ter man to give up a fair salary in order to county is here an oppprtunity to pre ritorial growth. Map. make his fortune in the Klondike mines. pare themselves for the discussion of the — New York World. KKAUINU. various topics named therein. W h ite’s I— Primary pupil’s condition. The Elements of Pedagogy, upon which the teacher’s duty. The word method. theory questions in quarterly examina- j ü ie of o b jeta .' L im it o( wortl method! tions arc bast'd, will be used. II— Phonic drills. Phonic analysis, The institute will 1* held in Forest i Phonic Synthesis. Phonic method. Grove lieginning on Tuesday, Aug. 24 Difficulties. The Rook Creek country, iu Columbia and continuing through Friday. The I I I — Second Header. Heading de county near Yernonia, is again coining instructors engaged are Prin. J. H . Ack fined. Heading drills. into prominence as a gold producing re erman, principal of the Harrison street IV — Fourth reader. Steps in lesson. gion. Nearly ten yours ago M cNutt A school and Principal D. A. Grout of the Co. put in aliout two months pros|>ect- »PK LLIN O . Park school, l>oth of Portland. An in ing and took out sinvimens assaying I — Assigning lesson. Hom e study. structor in music is also to be secured. from |2.50 to $40 a ton. Since then School study. prosi>eotors I uve done a little work tl ere W RITTEN" A R IT H M E T IC . I I — The recitation. Correction of from time to time hut nothing extensive First Series. errors. Reviews. until the recent operations. For tire Itlea of a numlter. Aim : To teach the III— Definitions: Orthography, or- lust six weeks work has been going <m " U," ’ T.,r.!.r0m. l J ° . 10: im;luf,iv? ’ l‘ Va thoepy. spelling, prim itive word, etc., with day and night shifts, proiqiectii'g their relations' The nine steps in the prefix, etc., syllable, etc. Distinguish and tapping veins to set* what t i e r teaehing of number. Counting. When synonyms. might contain. A shaft has been sunk to introduce abstract numbers. Abuse IV — Rules for spelling. Word analy to cross cut ledge at greater depth than of objects. sis and wordbuilding. has ever been done before. Develep- Second Series. G EO G RAPH Y. ment is lieing pusl ed and in a few days A im : To teach the numliers from 11 I— Direction. Distance. Maps. a company capitalized at $1,500,000, to 20 , inclusive, and their relations. I I — Form and size of the earth. Day which has already liet'n organized, will The four Steps- Part and Factor pro cesses. The idea of a fraction develo|>e<l. and night. Imaginary fines. Zones, tile the pui>ers with the secretary of etc. state. The rock is a held spur Third Series. assaying as high as $23 a ton. Tim III— A continent. Aim : To teach the product of any lodge is the original Stott lead, about 80 IV — From Texas to California. digital numliers and thé division of this product by each of its two factors. The SCHOOL O R G A N IZ A T IO N A N D M A N A G E M E N T. feet wide, upon Rook Creek and extends in a southerly direction toward tho Snl- four steps. I — Authority and duty of district monberry. Sixteen claims have lieeu Elementary Course. hoards as to school house, funds, con Fundamental operations, integral ami tract with teacher, course of study, text located on Rock creek and twelve or • fractional. United States money. Com books, records, rules of school, dismission fifteen on the Salmonberry. T o C u r « iu i im 1 1 |iu i luí, f o r e v e r . mon Measures. Mensuration. Per of pupils or teacher. Aut. ority of Cancarets Candy Cathartic. 10o orOa centage. Interest. Use of Objects. parents in regard to tl eir own children It Take C. C. C. tail to cure, druggists refund money Oral and written exercises. Oral analy as to studies pursued, punishments in OUR SMALLER COLLEGES. sis. Rules, General method, six steps. flicted, books required, attendance, T e x t: W hite’s Elements of Pedagogy. hours of dismissal, rules of conduct. Iu Many Respect» They are Doing Better Work Than the I I — Authority of teacher over school GRAM M AR. Larger Institution». I —Language. Teacher’s work. When house and grounds, rules and regulations, classifications, programme of exercises, “ There are a few striking facts about completed. Teacher’ s knowledge of grammar. Corrections of errors. Im pupils on the way to and from school, the small American college” , writes Ed portance. How children learn to talk tardiness order, .neatness. How is this ward W . llok in the August Ladies’ and write. General Law. Language. authority conferred? Codes of rules for Home Journal. “ One striking fact a Language Lesson should grow out of the conduct: extent, methods of announce that sixty per cent of ti e brainiest child’s experience. Child needs stimu ment, formal or informal, temptation in Americans who have risen to promi too many, danger in technicalities. nence and success are graduates of col lus. Irregularities of the language. I I — Language. Synthesis before analy Regulations for comfort, precision in leges whose names are scarcely known sis. Facts before rules. Composition form, orderly arrangement, definite pro outside of tl cir own States. It is a fuct, before graminer. Steps, writing wonls gramme, rode of signals, attention, re also, that during the past ten years the majority of the new and Ix'st methods o f and sentences, copying, writing memori cesses, recreation. III— Control over conduct, by fear learning or have emenated from the smaii. .• zed sentences from dictation, writing sentences, expressing facts observed, good will, command or jiersuasion, force colleges, and have lieen adopted later by writing descriptions of present actions, or influence, shame or self respect. the larger ones. Because a college huj>- writing sentences containing two or more Modes of punishment: bodily pain- jiens to be unknown two hundred miL's words, writing stories which pupils have switch, rattan, ferule, [when, if ever to from the place of its location does not learned to tell, writing the substance of be used], strained position of arm, head, always mean that the college is not reading leassons, writing descriptions, feet and hands; extra tasks— commit worthy of wider repute. The fact can writing stories told or read by the tin g , verses writing extracts, solving not be disputed, the most direct teaching, teacher, writing descriptions by answer problems; deprivations—recesses “ kept and necessarily the teaehing most pro ing questions, writing business papers. after school,” “ no communication,” t. e ductive of good results, is being done i*i the smaller American colleges- Th • I I I — Language. Description. Repro closet,etc. IV — Direction of pupils; as to order in names of these colleges may not lie fa duction. Rearrangement. Description and narration. Illustrative lessons hv study in classes, in motion to and from miliar to the majority of people, hut classes, in calisthenic, in going out and that makes them none the less worthy the instructor. Text Bqok-White’s Elements of Peda in at recess, in passing along the streeet. places of learning. The larger college.) Direction in study; as to purpose anil are unquestionably good. But there uri gogy- plans, means of memorizing, aids to un colleges just us good and in some re Verbals. Defined. The Gerund; how formed, derstanding, le lp in solving problems, flects, la-tter. Some of the finest educa definition, functions, must be distin fixing attention, use of eyes, care of tors we have are attached to the smaller institutions of learning. Youn ; guished from what? The participle ; de hooks, use of jiencil anil pajier. V— Maintaining proper relations be girls or young men who are lieing edu fined, distinguishing mark, forms. E x tween teacher and pupils; between indi cated at one of the sinnller colleges need ercise 4L viduals. Right and duties taught by never feel that t t e fact of tho college lin Tense. Definition. Classification ; kinds, ba precept and example in every day rela ing a small one places them at a disad tions; as to liberty, projierty insult. vantage in comparison with the friend or sis. Primary. Secendarv forms. Personal influence upon character in the companion who has been sent to a Formation of Tenses. Irregular verbs. Regular verbs. daily contact. Study of individual de larger ami better-known college. It is Auxiliaries; defined ; uses ef each. E x fects and their causes, home surround not tt e college: it is the student.” ings. ercises 42. V I— Method of conducting recitations Constipation, an exceedingly danger HISTORY. and general class work. How to bring ous condition o f the bowels, is nearly Jackson’s Administration. out the timid and weak pupils ; how to always the result of carelessness aad Andrew Jackson, president. “ Spoil* encotirage the dull ones ; how to busy inattention to the calls o f nature. T o System.” “ Kitchen Cabinet.,’ United the brigl t ones. Healthy and un correct irregularities and restore healthy States Bank. Nullification. John C. movements, the best aperient is Ayer's healthy rivalry. Calhoun. Compromise Tariff. Chero- V I I — The daily routine. A good pro Pills. They are easy to lake. kees in Georgia. Seminole w ar; Os gramme. Varieties in the programme. In circuit court Monday: Confirma ceola. Development of country as af Advantages of regularity. Irregular ex tions in the cases o f B. A. H yde v*. W. fected by, railroads, inventions, coal anil ercises, recesses, pleasant surprises to iron mines, household appliances. Phil the class. Prepare programmes for ex T. Marr and Mark T. Cox vs. J. L. Laf- ferty. In re assigmnen o f N . A. Barrett; anthropic effort. Education, Literature. amination and discussion. assignee ordered to pay John Milne Temperance reforms. Abolitionists. I 90 out o f the assets on hand for the ner- Surplus revenue, Some for ten, some for twenty and, : easary expenses. George and Rumania Taylor’s Administration. some for thirty years have suffered from Zachary Taylor, president. Vice-Pres- piles anfl then have been quickly and Landes vs Henry and Kate Latham, ident becomes president. Compromise permanently cured by using D eW itt’» foreclosure; default and decree. Peti of 1800. Henry Clay. Daniel Webster. W itch Hazel Salve, the great remedy for tion o f J. L. G regg in the I’fannerasslgi,- The Fugitive Slave I-aw. Immigration. piles and al' forms o f skin diseases. J. ment, for ofTset o f accounts, allowr.l, J. W. Shule vs. Allen Parent; decisiwu Invention. Postage. New party lead C. Clark, druggist. | declaring a bond for a deed a mortgage, ers. New Y o rk ’s W orld’s Fair. and that the same be foreclosed and fn - Johnson’s Administration. Klondike. property sold. M ooie Ireland & Co, v*. Andrew Johnson, President. Pro There is probably a lot of gold in the B. T. West, action for money and to ait visional governors in the south. Th ir Klondvke mini's. aside a deed; attached property ordered teenth amendment to the constitution. A great many people will get rich in Fourteenth amendment to the constitu working them. But a great many sold, ami that the consideration of the tion. Reconstruction acts. Six states will grow poor in the same undertaking. deed, « 200 , be a first lien on the pro ceeds o f the sale; plaintiff to recover admitted. “ Carpet Baggers.” Tenure of Two or three facts may lie taken for court costs, except fees o f witnesses. la Office Act. Impeachment «of the Presi granted. re assignment o f Charles Collins; order dent. Atlantic Telegraph Cable. ( >ne is that there is not gold enough in Alaska bought [M ap] French in Mexico. any placer mine to disturb t t e relative issued requiring assignee to file list of creditors within 30 days. Tualatin Mitts | H arrison ’ s AiMHNtsTKATioN: Benjamin value of gold and other commodities. Company vs. W. K. Taylor, foreclosing • Harrison, president. Oklahama. Waafc- A second is that not everyliodv who mechanics’ lien; plaintiff given 30 days ington Centennial. Johnstown disaster. goes pros;>ecting comes hack rich. to reply to answer. Mabel Powers vs. Forty-four states Pan-American Con- A iLi.,1 ~ that the mciuliasitc who fur t gress. Filibustering in Congress. nish supplies to the miners get mo*, oi Ira F. Powers; ilivor e granted plaintiff on grounds o f desertion. Later Acts of Congress— M cKinley the gold. Bill, Pension Bill, Sherman Act, Inter A fourth is that the truth which Irv Sick headache can be quickly aad national Copyright. Census of 1890. ing impressed in one of his wierdest stor completely overcome by using thorn fa | New Orleans Riot. Chili troubles. ies that there is more gold to he got out mous tittle pills known as “ De W itt’s Bering Bern Arbitration. Ballot Reform. of tliat digging of the soil which pro Little Early Riaers.” J. C. Clash, dnsg Homestead Labor Troubles Columbian duces cabbage# and ottier agricultural ; gist. \ andv c a t m t i c " CURt COHSTIPATIOH ALL io * 5 E $ 50 * „TZ. aad f e « DRUGGISTS ..^.aaisrsl Kl't ■ . ' . ■ I m