Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, July 15, 1897, Image 1

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prüfe* donai C u rd « .
C. E- G E IG E R ,
e o p a t h ic
FOREST G R OVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 15, 18»7.
p h y s ic ia n
O R D IN A N C E NO. »11.
and s u r g e o n
j-ddenoe, Bowlby house, P a cific * v e „
" • ¡¡r t o l Forest d ro v e hotel.
jOREST G R O V E , O R E G O N .
L., ittentloo P»1<1 to M edical and Surpriral
uT0i vVutnen and C hildren and a ll chronic
[ N i x o n ,
d e n t is t
kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware,
a )e an locket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop
Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow
k*U(L> Wishing Tackle. Also a large
lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u lk .
_______ _
1 orest Grove Laundry
ao 4 P-ni-
DR . O- C. H IA T T
----- and Dye House.
f i l t i R 's B u il d in g on M ain Street, up
to. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible
manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at-
ten ed to. W e guarantee all our work. Our prices are
g eaper than Portland prices.
Your patronage will be
“m. * 2 * *3»,
w. 8. BALDWIN, Manager.
bo ,
W a sh in g t o n C o u n t y , O b .
-rial Work and Conveyancing.
3 t;Morgan B i t .
H IL L S B O R O , O
Good Horses
W.M. LA N G L E Y ,
Y sey
and c o u n se lo r
New Rigs
,nty Prosecuting Attorney.
Collections a specialty.
..-Up-stairs, Woods & Caples
II. D .
stbw art ,
Ass’t Cashier.
of F orest
G rove
ilOX PFANNER, Proprietor
W ill run astage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $1.00 for the
round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before.
Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers
Hunters and Fishermen
T a k e Jones’ Bus to and fro m a ll tra in s
Baggage and fre ig h t c a lle d fo r a n d d e liv e re d
and telegraphic tr a n s fe rs s o ld on N e w
0 and San F ra n cisco .
exchange p a y a b le at s ig h t in L o n d o n ,
iin, Amsterdam. B ru sse ls, S to c k h o lm ,
-on-the-Main as w e ll a s d ll o th e r
cities and ce n ters o f tr a d e th r o u g h o u t
Kingdom, Ire la n d a u d C o n tin e n ta l
ms made at a ll a c c e s s ib le p o in ts ,
.¡hours from 9 a. m . to 4 p . ra.
r r o c k ’ s
D rug
store .
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by
an Experienced Pharmacist and from
the Best and Freshest material.
T o ile t A rticles,
S ta tio n e ry ,
N ew s Depot.
»r The Gold Regions.
Venen sells tickets to the Koot-
; camps, including Rossland,
Nelson, Ainsworth, Balfour, Subscriptions Received for the W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t ,
wd all points on the Great
T he C ou n ty N E W S p a p e r .
Railroad. Either first or
He is also resident agent
R. & N. Co.
Club with The Oregonian.
We Do Not
$ 2.00 P E R Y E A R .
rith us in the Discovery.
suffered fo r yeftrs w ith a
_ * blights his life and robs h im o f
^makes life w orth liv in g , i f h e ran
-of a complete cure, w h y n ot possess
to stop his dow n w ard course,
-youby mail, absolutely free, in
- the A ll-Pow erful Dr. H o lm a n ’s
J Ve Tablets with a leg a l guarantee
’tycure loss of Manhood, Self-abuse,
'.Varicocele, stop* forever n ig h t
■ *11 unnatural drains. Returns
•fane«* em anciated organs.
^nd nor recipe d eception . I f w e
w® would not send our m ed icin e
10,1 P«y when satisfied. W rite
®*y not appear again.
w e s t e r n m e d i c i n e c o .,
K alam azoo. M ich.
E R IF F 'S s a l e .
10 execution, decree »n d
order o f
'’ bhe circ u it Court o f the State
•»Mesinp. County, In fa v o r o f
•Win.t W. T. Marr fo r th e m m
ter the further gum o f 1360.00,
y * i,h "deresi thereon at th e rate
from the lfith d a y o f
« . » further sum o f »40 00 w ith
rate » I 9 per cen t, per
n* 2nd day o f May, 1897, and for
of sale and o f said w rit.
virtue and in pursuanee o f
~ ’r* * nd order o f sale. I w ill
o f July, 1097, at the
'ourt House. In l!lllst>om ,
' f>T*e r'n, at th e hour o f 10
* * l'*T- sell at p n b lic auction
*°r cash, the loliow lu ir
Inur (4) ¡ n block fo rt*-th re e !
** Forest Grove, W a sh in g to n I
eslsnstrd marked and nnm ]
° f the tow n o f F orest |
t ^ Washington cou n ty. Ore- 1
hereinbefore nam ed i n n , . !
e#l * * 1' expense* o f eaid sale
'o b je c t to red em p tion j
tht. Ath day o f Jnns, 1 »7 .
^ o n ty , Oregon
a lor riff.
Hatchet and
San Francisco Weekly Examiner,
Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre
Tracts in Washington, Yam hill
and Tillamook counties.
FOREST G R O V E ..............................OREGON.
All Grades of
Rough and Dressed Lumber.
Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty.
Low Prices,
p r o m p t D e liv e ry ,
E x c e lle n t Q u a lity .
CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor.
■£ f f p y o u r B O W E L S S T R O N G A L L S U M M E R I
D R I ftttS B
Ml mea
Il.c*».. *rli«w Y*rkp
An Ordinance to License, Tax, and Reg­
ulate Certain Businesses and Pro­
fessions within the City of Forest
Grove, Oregon; and to Regulate the
Running at Large of Certain Ani­
The City o f F o re st G rove Joes ordain
as fo llo w s:
Voi. I I I , ^ o . 10, Vol. IX , No. 24
large by the provisions of said ordin­
State Teachers* Association.
The Oregon State Teachers’ Associa-
Sec. 10. Every person desiring to tion wi„ begin its session at Newport ^
keep, conduct, or carry on, any business Monday evening, July 26, 1897, and coo-
house, or to practice any profession, or tinue four davs- Arrangements are be-
to allow any milch cow to run at large ing made for a succegsful uleeting aud it
w.thiu said city, shall pay to the city is hoped tbat a large uumber of Oregon
recorder of said city of Forest Grove, teachers will avail themselves of this
Oregon, the sum of money required by meeting
this ordinance for the business or pro-
Following the association will begin
fesston in which he desires to engage, or tbe sumuler
to be helJ through
for the cow or cows which he desires to the nloIlth of Augusl. xhe work of the
run at large, and such city recorder shall sutumer school is being so arranged that
issue to the applicant a license for the teachers can avail themselves of oppor-
penod for which the applicant has paid; ! Unities to advance their knowledge in
provided, that no licen.e shall be issued any deparlnient of school work, and also
for a less period than six months, except to acquire advanced knowIedge in all
for milch cows which may be issued for studies of ¡merest and profit. The corps
three months, and no license shall be of teachers arranged to take the various
issued to the owners or operators of any Apartments of instruction give every
woodsaw, or keeper of any bicycle livery assurance of success.
for a period less than one year.
[ Every teacher in the state who can
Sec. 11. Every person violating any ! afford the tinie and means win> , ,,
of the provisions of this ordinance shall, doubti be well repaid for the Uuie a|,d
upon conviction thereof, be punished by m o n e y s p e n t . G r e a t l y r e d u c e d r a t s a r e
fine not less than $5.00 nor more than g i v e n b y t h e S o u t h e r n P a c i f i c a n d O r e ­
$100.00, or to be imprisoned in the city g o n C e n t r a l a n d E a s t e r n r a i l r o a d . A11
jail not exceeding 20 days, or by both; p e r s o n s , o n p u r c h a s in g t ic k e t s , w i l l t a k e
such fine and imprisonment in the dis­ a r e c e ip t fo r t h e s a m e a t t h e t i m e o f p u r ­
cretion of the court.
ch ase.
Sec. 12. All ordinances, and parts of
A s u m m e r o u tin g c a n n o t b e b e tte r
ordinances, in conflict herewith are re­ s p e n t t h a n a t N e w p o r t w -liere t h e f e w i l l
b e , u n d e r t h is a r r a n g e m e n t , b u s in e s s
Passed the common council July to, a n d p le a s u r e c o m b in e d .
A t th e S ta te A s s o c ia tio n
th e re
Approved this 14th day of July, 1897.
c a l l e d a c o n v e n t i o n o f a ll t h e c o l l e g e
A. H ix m a x ,
p r e s id e n t s t o m e e t o n T h u r s d a y , - J u ly 29,
Mayor of the City of Forest Grove.
a t 2 o ’ c l o c k p. in .
B u s in e s s o f m u c h i m ­
L. C. W a l k e r ,
p o r t a n c e w i l l c o m e b e fo r e t h is c o n v e n ­
Recorder of the City of Forest Grove. t i o n a n d a ll c o l l e g e p r e s id e n t s a r e m o s t
Section i. It shall be unlawful for
any person or persons, firm, or corpora­
tion, to keep, conduct, or carry on,
within the corporate limits of the City
of Forest Grove, Washington county.
Oregon, any tavern, bank, hardware
store, shoe store, harness shop, tin shop,
feed store, drug store, confectionery-
store, butcher shop, creamery, laundry,
blacksmith shop, wagoninaker's shop,
millinery store, printing office, bicycle
livery, domestic telephone exchange,
livery stable, general merchandise store,
grocery store, commisson house, produce
exchange, furniture store, barber shop,
photograph gallery, or sash and door
factory, without first having obtained a
license therefor in accordance with the
provisions of this ordinance.
Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any
person or persons, firm or corporation,
to keep, conduct, or carry on, any jew­
elry store, or to engage in the business
of watch or clock repairing, or to engage
in the business of making or mending of
boots or shoes, or to engage in the busi­
ness of real estate agent, cigar making,
or broker, or to practice the profession
of a lawyer, physician, or dentist, within
the corporate limits of the city of Forest
Grove, Oregon, without having first oh
tained a license therefor in accordance
Some for ten, some for twenty and. e a r n e s t l y i n v i t e d t o b e p r e s e n t.
with .he provisions of this ordinances.
A n y fu r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n d e s ir e d r e l a t ­
Sec. 3. It shal1 oe uni twful to use or some for thirty years have suffered from i n g t o t h e s u m m e r s c h o o l m a y b e h a d o n
operate any steam wnodsaw for sawing
a d d r e s s in g S u p e r in t e n d e n t S . G . I r v i n ,
wood within the corporate limits of said permanently cured by using DeWitt’s N e w p o r t , O r e g o n , w h o is b u s in e s s m a n
city of Forest Grove, without the owner
a ger.
or person operating the same having first piles and all forms of skin diseases. J.
V e r y r e s p e c t f u lly ,
obtained a license therefor in accordance
G . M . I r w ix ,
with the provisions of this ordinance
Anton Pfanner, the bank president, S u p e r in t e n d e n t o f P u b l i c I n s t r u c t io n .
Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful to keep,
who disappeared from his home at For­
conduct, or carry on, any wood yard
MONDAY. JULY *). 1897, 8:00 O'CLOCK P. M.
est Grove June 9 and whose whereabouts
within the corporate limits of said city
has been >n unsolved mystery ever since, A ddress o f W e lco m e........... ReV. J. A . Tow nsend
of Forest Grove without having first ob­
Response.............................................G. M. Irw in
has been discovered. His brother-in-law
Superintendent o f Pu blic Instruction.
tained a license therefor in accordance
Leopold Huff, who has been searching
with the provisions of this ordinance;
for him, has found him in a hospital in Preparation and Q ualification o f T e a c h era ..
and every person who shall purchase
Victoria, B. C. He was suffering fiom
............ ..................... ..... .P ro f. Lou is Harare
wood and store the same within or near
President Ilrain N orm al School.
nervous prostration, and had been men­
the corporate limits of said city of Forest
................. H. T y r t e
tally unbalanced; but when Huff reached T e a ch in g--W h a t In I t ? .
Grove for the purpose of retailing the
A lb a n y Schools.
Victoria his condition was much im­ Physical Culture in the P u b li- Schocla........
same to the inhabitants of said city of
proved, and he will be ready to come
...........................................Miss Anna S. I.an e
Forest Glove, or who shall retail wood
Monm outh N orm al School.
back to Forest Grove in a little while.
so purchased and stored to the inhabi­
G eneral Discussion.
Huff at once wrote a letter to Chief of
tants of said city of Forest Grove, shall
Police Barry, t .anking him for his efTorts
be deemed to be the keeper of a wood
in searching for his brother-in-law, and
yard, and shall pay a license accordingly.
A d d ress..........................Th om as Van Scoy, D. l>.
informing him that he need trouble-him­
President Portland U niversity.
Sec. 5. The rate of license for the
self no further about the case, as Pfanner
M u-ic.
keeping, conducting, or carrying on the
would be now under his care. The let­
28. 9:00 O’CLOCK A. M.
business or business houses, and for en­
T h e Personnel o f th e T e a c h er........ J. H. Stan ley
ter was received yesterday.
gaging in the practice of the professions
H illsb oro
A few weeks ago Huff learned that a
hereinbefore mentioned, shall be ac­
Teachers R elation to the G o v e rn m e n t..
man answering to Planner's description T h e ...........................
B. B, M cE lroy
cording to the following schedule, to-wit:
Taverns, per year................................... $300 had been in a hospital in Victoria. He Ex-State Superintendent o f I’ u b li. Instruction.
Hardware Stores, per year...................... 10 00 immediately left for that city, and was T ea ch in g o f Current E v en ts.......... M. G. R oyat
President o f W eston N orm al School.
Bank, per year....................................... 20 00 rewarded by finding his missing relative.
Boot |nd Shoe Stoies, per year............... 6 00 Anton Pfanner, who was president of W hat Constitutes a G ood School. .................
............................................. .G e o . A . Peeb les
Harness Shops, per year........................ 6 00
C ity Superintendent o f Sal” m Schools.
Tin Shops, per year............................... 5 00 the
Feed Stores, per year .......................... 10 00 a man of reputed wealth, left Forest A T a lk to T e a c h ers...................... P. L. Cam pbell
President o f Monm outh N orm al School.
Drugstores, per year............................. 20 00 Grove the morning of June 9. H s c r s ’iier
Confectionery Houses, per yeir............... 4 00 received a note from him the next day, T h e R e lative Im portance o f Language
Teachers in the E ighth G rades...............
Batcher Shops, per year......
............ 800
.............................................. P r o f J. B. H orn er
Dentists, per year.........
6 00 requesting him to close the bank. The
A gricu ltu ral C ollege. C orvallia.
Creameries, per year......................
4 00 note came in a registered letter from
Laundries, per year............................... 3 00 Portland. An assignment was made to
Blacksmith Shops, per year.................... 4 00 Samuel Hughes and A. Hinman, promi­
Wagon Maker’s Shops, per year............. 2 00
Address—“ T h e M ilita ry Sp irit and T ra in ­
Millinery Stores, per year....................... 3 00
in g in our Pu blic Schools''. .. .M ajo r Jack »on
Printing Offices, per year........................ 5 00 the benefit of his creditors.
U nited States A rm y ,
Bicycle Liveries, per year....................... 5 00 The next day Dr. Ward and Rev. Mr.
Domestic Telephone Exchange, per year.. 5 00 Clapp came to Portland to search for
Livery Stables, per year
.................. 12 00
General Merchandise Stores, per year..... 25 00 Pfanner, but succeeded in finding no
T H l'M D A Y , JULY 19. 9:00 O'CLOCK a . m .
Grocery Sto1 es, per year........................ 10 00 trace of him. The policy were notified, O bject L esson s—T h e ir Im portance...............
General Commission Houses, per year ... 10 00 and Chief Barry made thorough search, School G rad ation .............................F ran k R ig lr r
Produce Exchanges, per year...................... 4 00 closely watching all outgoing trains, but C ity Superintendent o f Portland public S c h o o l-.
Furniture Stores, per year.......................... 10 00
T h e O ld Com pared w ith the N e w —W hat
Jewelry and Watch Repairer, per year_ 4 00 no trace of the missing banker could be
Progress Has Been M a d e ... .Thom as N ew lrii
Barber Shops, per year............................. 4 00 found.
President o f Pacific C ollege, N ew b erg .
Shoemakers and Cobblers, per year............. 2 00 It was feared that Pfanner had com­ Com pulsory Education ___ W a lla c e H ow e L e e
Physicians, per year
.......................... 5 00 mitted suicide, but Mr. Huff, his brother-
President o f A lb a n y College.
Lawyers, per year...................................... 4 00
T e xtb ook s and Su pplem entary W o r k ........ —
Real Estate Agents, per year...................... 5 00 in-law, who came to Portland from his
............................................ P rof. F. G. Y o u n g
Woodsaws, per year................................... 8 *o home in Washington shortly after Pfan­
State U niversity, Eugene.
Cigar Makers, per year ....................
ner disappeared, scouted the idea, and
Photograph Galleries, per year...............
4 00 set persistently at work on the search.
Wood Yards (retailers) per year.................. 5 00
A ddress— "Cuba” ........................., W . C. H aw 1,y
Brokers, per year..................................... 10 00 I After a month of hard work his efTorts
President o f W illa m ette U n iversity, Salem.
Sash and D oor Factories, per y ? a r ............. 5 00 1 were crowned with success.
Sec. 6. A license may be granted to 1 The theory which was held by the
W ho can th ta>
any person or persons, firm, or corpora-' police that Pfanner was in concealment
o f som a strap»«
thing to p aten t *
tion, mentioned in this ordinance for the ; in Portland a week or two ago is exploded
ng y o u w ealth.
3., Patent AMs»
period of six months upon payment of by bis discovery. It is not known how
•M m grtaa o ffer
j one-half of the amount specified in the j long he has been in Victoria; but ao
foregoing schedule of rates; provided, ^ much publicity was given to his di>.ap-
Constipation, an exceedingly danger­
that this shall not apply to the owners, , pearance that it would have been im- ous condition of the bowels, is nearly
keepers, or operators, of any wood saw possible for him to reach Victoria after always the result ot carelessness an d
the first day or two without being dis- inattention to the calls of nature. T o
or bicycle liveries.
correct irregularities and restore health y
Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for the covered.— Sunday’s Oregonian.
I l owner or owners of any milch
movements, the beat aperient is A yer' s
cow or
Pills. They are easy to take.
cows to permit the same to run at large
Something to Know.
within the corporate limits of the city
It may b« worth something to know
of Forest Grove, Oregon, without the | tbat tbe yery
medicine for restoring
owner or owners having first obtained a j j be tjred ont nervous system tog healthy
license therefor in accordance with the ( Tjgor ¡s El«**™. Bitters. This medicine
provisions of this ordinance.
purely vegetable, acts by giving tone '
Vor Infinta and Childnn.
Sec. 8 . The rate of license for a milch u, the nerve centres in the stomach, |
cow running at large shall be f t .o o per gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneyr, j
h a
W anted-An Idea
year, payable quarterly in advance.
and aids .these organs in throwing off
Sec. 9 . Nothing in this ordinance impurities- in the blood. Electric Bit-'
shall be cotmtraed to conflict with the ters improves the appetite, aids digestion
provisions of ordinances ji and 68 of the and is pronounced by those who have
qul, tot«e«o easily and forsvsr. be mac
city of Forest Grove, Oregon; or to au- tried it as the very beet blood purifier | a*Uc. full of Ilfs, servo and vi»or. take NoTo
thorixe the licensing or running at large and norre tonic. Try it Fold tar joe
* iTiiuiy 1 * ” ^?** ” **"*!7rg" ■ ”
Add re -L
of any animals sen permitted to ran a t : or $1.00 par bottle at tbs Miller Pbar
or Mow T ask.
•to rt log