Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, July 08, 1897, Image 4

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    TH E
K ach in his ow n w a y ignored the
significance o f the day and reverted
B y reading th e follow in g you w ill see
how near a frigh tfu l acciden t, which
m igh t have resulted in death, our G rove
citizen s cam e, w ho were on board the
C h ristian E n d eavo r excursion train for
San F ran cisco: T h e C h ristian Endeavor
excursion train from O regon, whi h pas-
to the all-im portant political issues.
n .,
. .
I lie ex-president thought the na-
tion S uirthday an in terestin g oc-
sed through C ottonw ood th is afternoon,
was saved from a frigh tfu l w reck two
, „ „
. .
; m iles south of Cottonw ood by Charles
Broadhurst, a farm er. Broadhurst di -
Mr. G ro ve r C levelan d and M r.
•Hiered al the post-office at Forest Grove, Or. as
Second-class mail matter.
W . J. B ryan both p olitely declined
T a m m a n y ’s invitation to her dem o­
Postage Free.
O n « y e a r ....................................................................$i 5°
• i s m o n th s .................................................................
Three months................................................
I n A d v an ce.
Fou rth o f J u ly celebration.
Katahlished fo r th e d is s e m in a tio n o f W a s h in g ­
t o n county n e w s, th e e le v a tio n o f h u m a n ity a n d
th e money we c a n m a k e .
Items o f g e n e ra l in te re s t g r a te fu lly re c eiv ed .
E d ito r ’s h o b b ie s a n d o p in io n s on th is p a g e , all
the re s t fa c ts—im p a rtia l a n d u n c o lo re d .
K d i t o r i s a t h o m e in h is s a n c tu m , H a t c h e t
■Oild in g , F o re s t G ro v e, fro m 6 a. m . to 10 _
p. m
W each w eek d a y a n d a lw a y s glad to talk and
casion ” and hoped its significance 1 covered th a t a trestle 20 feet long had
would “ p re e m in e n tly consist ill a been burned out. H e saw the E n deavor
c le a r a n d e m p h a t ic a n n o u n c e m e n t e xcu r»ion app ro ach in g at a rapid rate,
and knew th a t unless the train was flagged
of the principles and beliefs w hich
I it w ould in sta n tly be dashed to destruc-
accord with the best and most tion. W ith o u t a m om ent to spare he rush-
t h o u g h t fu l sentim ents a ild Opinions ed up the track and flagged the train,
e uiks.j to.
| Dj- our countrym en. ’ ’ T h e w ould-be w hich cam e to a stan dstill a few feet
from the burned-out trestle. T he con­
b u k i i e v e r y w e e k i n t h e y e a r o n president’s idea o f the Fou rth was
ductor ordered the train back to C otton ­
t h e h a t c h e t that it was a da y w hich could with
w ood, th e local m em bers o f the E n ­
P R IN T E R Y .
special propriety be observed b y deavor society en tertain ed them with
I f you tail to receive yo u r paper it w ill 1 the dem ocrats “ at this tim e w hen song and prayer.
b e • favor if you w ill n otify us at once. the p arty has ju s t freed itse lf from
“ East summer one of our grand-chil-
C o u n ty O f f ic ia l P a p e r .
J e p u b l i c a
R ight
P ages
W eekly
its foreign financial influences and dren
w as
sick w ith
taken an em phatic stand in favor o f tro u b le ,” say s M rs. E . G . G regory, of
an A m erican p o licy for the A m eri- Frederickstown, Mo.
“ O ur doctor’s
. , .,
. rem edy had failed, then we tried Chain-
can people.
H e trusted the meet-
berlain s C o lic , C h olera and Diarrhoea
in g m igh t “ prove the in auguration R em ed y, w hich ga ve very speedy re-
o f a cam paign w h ich w ill result in lie f .” F o r sale by J. C . C la rk ,d ru g g ist.
p u ttin g G reater N e w Y o r k under
T he steam swing, alias the merry-go-
round, arrived yesterday and is being
set up iu N aylor's Grove. It will begin
running Friday evening. The sw in g is
owned and managed by Mr. D ilberger,
o f L au rel, form erly postm aster and
storekeep r there, and is more worthy of
patronage than such enterprises usually
are, for the m oney paid in w ill stay here
and be spent in the county. A picnic
and balloon ascension are being planned
for the near future.
w orld would h ave found readets
o f ' inK prosperity are the reports from
I t f « various counties o f O rego n ,
h is essays lo o k in g up
o f books so
prou dly term ed an
A m erican
d ic­
Men h ave devoted talents to their
c o u n tr y ’s service, spent fortunes in
her cause, shed life ’s blood
battles, but none can
title to honor than this scholar w ho
risked fortune, life and
w ith no hope
o f p atriot’s renown,
a heroe's name or statesm an ’s fame,
truer c it iz e n s h ip , h i g h e r p a t r io t is m ,
however s im p ly t o ld s t ill th e grand-
est thought for the anniversary of
the Declaration o f Independence
for shonld the memory of such men
be ever kept in mind the day of our
republic would be as eternal as the
principles of its immortal charter of
AVegc tabic Preparation for A s ­
similating the Tood and Rcguta
ling the Stomachs and Dowels of
I n
T he G range picnic near the W att
school house Saturday was w 11 a t­
tended and proved a very enjoyable af­
fair. T he liberal hosp itality for which
the G rangers are noted was very m uch in
evidence with s u b s ta n tia l to feed the
hungry and dainties to satisfy the most
delicate tastes.
Dr. W ard, E d. W ard and T . J. Harris
start one week from todey for A laska, '
being in Portland now gettin g tickets j
an d preparing for the journ ey. T he
doctor w ill practice his profession while
the other m embers o f the party prospect
for gold.
f a n t s
■ O F-
h il d r e n
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
jium.Morphine nor Mineral.
ot N a r c o t ic .
jte tp e o fC ld ErSAM TELPfTCnZfl
Pumpkin Se*J>~
À lx Senna *
Pochette Suits -
ytfU.re S eed *
JkmtmmU -
in Carbonati Sad* *
JHrm Seed -
(Unified Suçar •
ìtìntnymen / tarer
Arcrfcci Tlemcdy for Constipa­
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
ness and L O S S OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Oastorla la p u t u p In one-stzs bottles
la not sold In bulk. D o n 't allow aaycn
yon an y th in g else on th e plea or promi*
la “ ju s t as g o o d " a n d “ w ill answer,
Bee t h a t yon got C-A-S-T
'A fb m o n t h i -o ld
3 3 D o s t-. - J 3 C o t s
exact copy of w r a p p e r .
■ lgnatsref
Hatchet and Weekly Chicago Inter Ocean,
$ 1 .0 0
eek ly
$ 1 .0 0
IN t e k O c
Th e G reatest Republican Paper of t h e W e s t
T is the most stalwart and unswerving Republican Weekly pub­
lished today and can always be relied upon for fair and honest re­
ports of all political afiairs.
! The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of th e News 5
and the Best of Current Literature.
It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is W ithout a Peer.
Its L ite ra ry Columns a re equal
to those o f the best m agazines.
Its Youth's D ep artm en t Is' th e
finest o f its k i n d . ........................
I t b rin g s to th e fa m ily th e N e w s o f t h e E n t i r e W o r l d an d gives
th e b e s t an d a b le s t d is c u s s io n s of all q u e s tio n s o f tb e d a y . The
" 1“ ‘r O c e a n g iv e s tw e lv e p a g e s of re a d in g m a t t e r e a c h week
and iMMni? p u b lis h e d in < h ic a c ro is b e tte r a d a p te d to th e needs of
th e p eople w e st of th e A lle g h a n y M o u n tain s t h a n a n y o th e r paper.
$ 1.00
$ 1 .0 0
The Daily and Sunday Edi­
tions of The Inter Ocean are
the best of their ki nd. . . .
1 P rice of D ally by m a il......................... J4.(V) per yeir
1 P rice of Sunday by m a ll..................... J2.00 P«r year
1 D aily a n d Sunday by m a il..................$6.00 per yetr
A d d r e s s T H E I N T E R O C E A N , C hicago.
l.S M M .e e e M . • • • • • • • « • • • • • »
Hatchet and Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean
Buy a Farm,
Buy a Lot.
Buy a House and
M on e
O r A n y O t h e r K i nd
y to
+ L S T A T
« O F THE •
F orest G rove L a n d C o .
\ \ e have many bargains and now is the time to
Write for Price List.
fo rest
g r o v e
show in g decrease in debt and w a r - 1
rants reach in g par.
Sun day m orn in g Jailer S a p p in gto n on
brin gin g breakfast to his prisoner-' in
th e coun ty ja il at H illsboro found the
cage open and F'isher, w aitin g hear­
in g before th e grand ju r y fog stealing
ch ick en s and resistin g arrest, flown.
Moore, another in m ate, was suspected but
claim ed th a t F ish er had in tim id ated him
w ith a pistol w hile b reakin g o ff the two
locks w ith a m o n key w rench and he
feared to g iv e an alarm . T h e lo ck s had
|H.cn taken fcy th e escaped prisoner bat
b a t m erely to ga in , perpetuate a n d
add luster to principles w h ic h he brass filings swept in to a co m e r contra-
believed this cou n try em bodied, dieted the story. F urth er p roof o f the
Th e d o r y o f Ins life is a n e v e r trn s ty ’s con nivan ce w ith the escape
w as the extrem e care he look to provide
tailin g inspiration to better liv in g .
S a y , do you know that you car. buy
second hand furniture at S m ith ’s Store?
H e is in the m arket to buy and sells very
low. A ll invoice of new goods in today.
I f you w ant an yth in g in his line call and
buy cheap.
H ig h e s t o f all in L e a v e n in g T ow er.— L a te st U . S. G o v ’t Report.
Prosperity is com ing, Boos has ju st re­
ceived a new consignm ent o f hats.
M is. M ary Sorber was injured M on­
day noon b y a run-a-w ay w hile driving
these w as E x-S en ato r
“ I-am -a- from Salem ic visit her m other, Mrs. R.
T he directors have chosen these teach­
O f all great A m ericans w orthy to D e m o cra t" H ill, the great political W . T ra ver, here. A t a culvert near C arl­
ton lum ber for a new flooring had been ers for n ext year at the m onthly salaries
be remembered in connection w ith m achinist, w ho w asted no time in
piled on one side o f th e road and Mrs. indicated: II. H. Thom as, principal, #50;
o a r n atio n ’s anniversary, one whose feign in g deference to the occasion,
Sorber, seeing the horse was frightened Mrs. J . C. R obb $35; Misse: Dollie
work is most deserving o f consider­ but b lu n tly said: “ I h ave b ut one at it, got out o f th e rig w ith a little M yers, A gn es Cronen, A lice Porter, A t­
ation is least often recalled.
practical suggestion to m ake at this g irl w ho was her com panion, and started kinson and Lom asson, $30. From this
A t the b egin n in g o f the R e v o lu ­ crisis.
I.et us disappoint our ene to lead the anim al by. H e becom e 1 list how ever will be chosen a vice princi-
scared and broke aw ay, th ro w in g her pal for the interm ediate departm ent at
tion N oah W ebster w as a yo u n g mies.
dow n stunned and iniured her face and {35. Misses Cronen and Porter fill va-
man in college and he at once e n ­
side. T he horse ran straigh t ahead and cancies caused by resignations as does
tered his c o u n try ’s service.
W hen 1 T h ere are three weeds gr o w in g not a lterin g his course at th e turn o f the Miss M yers who was a supply last term.
liberty was won after those long near the G ro ve w hich are spread- road dashed in to a barbed w ire fence. The p rin cip al’s salary has been cut $10
and discou raging years o f privation lnS rapidly and w ill soon be SO H is tendons were cut and he was so gen- and salaries o f other teachers $5 a
and danger there cam e a new men- th orou gh ly established as to d efy e ra lly injured th at his ow ner wanted him m onth
k ille d but a veterinarian was sent for.
The long talked o f reunion and en­
ace in the lack o f central go vern -
best efforts o f careful c u ltiv a -
M rs. Sorber was taken to Carlton and cam pm ent o f the veterans o f the county
aien t and Mr. W ebster g a v e up the tors to eradicate them. T h e se p ests cam e on to th e G rove by train.
at H illsboro W ednesday, Tuesday and
profitable career into w h ich he had are:
F o x -g lo v e (D ig ita lis) with
Over a
L ad ie s’ O xfords in latest styles an d F rid a y was h ig h ly successful.
ju st entered for the m anagem ent o f
Pretty spikes o f large b ell­ colors from $1 and upwards. G re g c’s hundred tents were pitched in W arren’s
grove and a constant stream o f visitors
a new spaper by which he hoped to, ; shaped rose-colored flowers g r o w ­ Shoe store.
made an anim ated scene. The veterans
and did, arouse public support for
Miss E sth er M artin, o f M inton, Indi-
were w elcom ed to the city in one o f those
ana, is visitin g at the hom e o f Mr. A D.
a strong union o f states out o f the
happy speeches w hich M ayor Barrett
thirteen feeble b ut jealou s allies. aria) w ith its dense racemes o f y e l­ A lle n . F rien d s o f th e Epw orth League know s so w ell how to m ake and the re- i
honored her com in g by a surprise visit,
T h e n cam e W e b ste r ’s sp ellin g hook, lowish-red flowers; M oth M ullein
spon ,e by H on. H. V . G ates wag equally
decoratin g th e house with flowers and 1
felici.ous. A poem by Mrs. M ary H obart|
in w hich m illions o f A m ericans ’ (V erb ascu m ) w ith loose racemes o f
spreading a boun tiful table.
was w ell recited. T h u rsd ay's exercises
have been educated, to insure that yellow or w hite flowers g r o w in g in
were under charge o fth e W om en’s R elief
general in telligen ce w hich he fore I pastures or alon g roadsides.
w ill not find an other m ed icin e equ al to Corps and need no other com m ent to
saw w ould be the best safeguard to few minutes spent in uprooting C h a m b e rla in ’s C o lic, C h olera and Diar­ tell th at the program was o f high order
the n ew ly-w o n rights o f the com these pests now will save hours of rhoea R em ed y for bowel com plain ts. It and
adm irably
labor later as they are sure to is p leasan t, safe and reliable. F o r sale H a t c h e t has been unable to obtain the
n o n people.
roster o f veterans w hich it would gladly
A g a in bright
prospects w hich spread through the country unless by J. C. C la rk ,
The Pomona Grange) the fifth degree have published in full as well as a
were before him were slighted in prompt measures are taken to de-
detailed account o f the reunion exercises.
o f the l’ atrous o f H usbandry, for th is j u ­
rare devotion to his cherished cou n­ Stroy them .
F ourth o f July for W ashington county
risdiction in clu d in g C lackam as, Y a m h ill was observed at Hillsboro Saturday by
A m erica was free but unhon*
T h e regents o f the State A g r ic u l- anc, W ashin gton counties, m eets in For-
quite 5000 gathered from far around. A
ored, her people rude and unskilled
tural college have done them selves est G rove n ex t W edn esday. The local big parade, an oratioii by Hon. John F .
in art or science.
T h ere should
credit in electin g to the presidency Kr«n8e is busy m a k in g arrangem ents for Caples w hich frankness to say was from
com e out o f this wilderness a book
th e entertain m en t o f its guests.
m anuscript and did not do the judge
so able an educator as Dr. G atch ,
to compel attention from Europe
Mr. L . C. W a lk e r w en t to Salem Tues­ ju stice until he laid his paper aw ay at
and one w ho has been so lo n g and
and start aright a new and A m e ri­
the close and warmed up w ith his n atural
prom inently
identified w ith day on a visit to friends at the Chem aw a
enthusiasm ,
can literature.
W ith this aim the
In dian sch ool.
school w ork in this state.
H e is
stands aud people everyw here were fea­
patriot applied him self to his ordi­
very acceptable as an O regon man
T h e E p w o rth L eague gives a picnic tures o f the d ay. A dancin g booth oc-
nary duties until he had accum u ­
and especially as one free from the tom orrow for its m em bers and a few in- j cupied some and interested more as
lated sufficient
m eans
and then
taint of political life. In connection vited RUests at Soda s PrinKs-
spectators. E ve n in g w itnessed a good
turned to literary w ork.
T e n years
I w ith this it is merited to say that
S te w a rt-T h o m p s o n — On W ednesday 1 d ' sPlaY
fireworks, especially the bal-
: loons w hich were visible lik e stars far up
were given to a comparison o f all
1 how ever objectionable the appoint- even in g, July 7, at 4 o ’clo ck at the resi
in the sky long after they were sent up.
lan gu a ges and m any years more
m ent o f President M iller m ay have dence o f E squ ire D olstrum , Mr. W illia m Busses from F orest Grove, Cornelius and
A . H . Thom pson and Mrs. E liza D.
spent in com pilation until a diction­
H illsboro took large numbers to the
seemed he certain ly g a v e the col-
Stew art were m ade as ,>«<? in the presence
ary o f the E n glish la n g u a g e on a
and were bnsy returning them
lege a business like and successful o f a few i n vited friends. The cerem ony
new and v a stly im proved scheme
far into the night.
adm inistration, w in n in g the respect was perform ed by Justice D olstrum in a
w as at last com pleted.
Sufficient I
Court House News.
o f the Student body in spite o f great short im pressive manner, w hich launched
reward o f all the great toil to him
Probate.— In re estate o f A lois H ard-
discouragem ent from outside.
Itwo haPPy hearts out on life's ru«Sed sea
to do battle w ith th e elem ents, and to w eiger, deceased. F'inal account ap-
was nam in g it “ A n A m erican D ic ­
1 0 1
seek th eir fortunes han d in hand. T he proved and estate closed o f record. Ad-
tionary o f the E n glish L a n g u a g e ’ ’
S m ce July 4 the nationa
a g las co n tractjng p arties are m em ber* o f Dil- m inistrator ordered to distribute cash on
the th ou gh t that A m erican
forty-five stars in its union, ar- le y ’s best society and th at quiet little hand, $433.96 am ong the heirs and file
literature had been w o rth ily begun. ranged in six rows, the odd hum - c it y ’s good people w ill doubtless extend receipts therefore. A lso to pay to clerk
Before Dr. W e b ste r’s death he saw bered rows h avin g eigh t stars each, to them th eir h earty con gratulatio n s and shares ol non resident heirs for benefit of
i i D __
best w ishes, as do also those w ho jo y - said heirs.
his diction ary recognized as the
and the even rows seven.
w itnessed the happy union.
L aw D o ck et.— State vs. John Moore,
standard throughou t the E n glish -
ttful as a flower to those w ho love
aid in g prisoner to escape. On prelimi-
sp eakin g world.
it; terrible as a meteor to those
C aptain C la rk and w ife, o fth e m onitor Ilary hear i„ g it was ordered that defen-
In another generation the critic, w h o hate it; it is the sym bol o f the ^IolUere-v n o "
1 ortland, old triends of daut i)e ,le id tp g rand j ury , n tj,e sum o f
w ho during the early d a ys o f the
i power and
,n d glo
s t a ry
y and I k . honor „ ( vWt
U c , „ « , - F „ d t riek
great task had spurred the author
seven ty-five millions
of A meri - were prevented at the last m om ent from g a u and jMargaret Cachlen. Charles A.
on b y his caustic in quiry, “ W h o
I cans. ’ ’
co m in g out.
1 |<cif.how and Mrs A bbie Coburn.
ever reads an A m erican book?, , |
— --------------
could he
returned to this
Su bstantial evidences o f return-
dem ocratic co n tro l.’ ’ F ran ker than
...................... hi m "ilium................
p roof o f his abject fear. M oore was
by,,™ , o ver by Judge Cornelius, o f t h e
co u n ty court, in $ t,o o i bonds for his
complicity in th e escape and Wednesday-
was taken to Portland for safe keep in g
He was’ in on a fifty day sentence for 1
unlawful cohabitation and his term had
n early exp ired but th is act m akes him a
partner of F is h e r's sentence and m eans
years in th e p en iten tary.
* [
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