W A S H IN G T O N CO UNTY IIA T C H ïT . f in is h e d A R B IT R A T IO N I NEEDED. NATIVE RIOTS IN M i l O pin ion s o f S e vera l P u b lic M en R e g a r d ­ in g t h e G r e a t S trike. N ew York, July 7.— The Journal and Advertieer this morning publishes special dispatches giving the following opinions of public men regarding the miners’ strike and the jiossibilities of arbitration. T E R S E T I C K S F R O M T H E W IR E S Senator Hanna says: " I deprecate that the coal mining troubles should come at this time, when the conditions J lm I n t e r e s t i n g C o l l e c t i o n o f I t e m « F r o m of trade are such as to make it seem t h e N e w end th e O ld W o r ld In » impossible to secure a favorable con­ sideration of the strikers’ demands. C ondensed and C om p reh en sive F o rm T h e salmon pack at Astoria so far The rates of wages are unequal among mines in oertain districts, which is un­ loots up about 2,000,000 cases. fair to the men. This is the point first Patriotism claimed five lives in C h i­ to be adjuste«J, and is a matter which cago and there was an unusually large should be arbitrated at once and fairly list o f maimed and injured people as a settled. A s soon as business revives result of the celebration. ami an increased demand for coal w ill Senator Davis lias rejnirted from the justify it, the miners should have their committee on foreign relations an fol share of its benefits, and I believe amendment to the general deficiency they w ill secure it without a strike. I b ill to pay $6,000 to families of three am always in favor of arbitration iq the Italians lynched at N ew Orleans. settlement of difficulties between opera­ Lake Ann, Mich., a village of nearly tors and their men. I hope such a I , 000 inhabitants, was practically de­ course w ill be pursued in this instance stroyed by fire today. Mrs. Musters, as will bring results satisfactory to aged 80, was burned to death while try­ both sides.” in g to rescue goods from her dwelling. Senator Fairbanks said: " I regret Special dispatches from Bombay state that any difference should have arisen that from 600 to 1,000 rioters were between the coal operators and the It is to he hoped that wise killed during the recent rioting in the miners. ▼icinity of Calcutta, and it is added counsels may prevail, and that an early that native officials put the death roll settlement of the disputed questions may be made on fair and honorable aa high as 1,500. terms. A strike w ill unfavorably affect The sultan now shows signs of yield­ business at the time being. There are in g on the question of rectification of evidences on all sides of returning pros­ the Turiksh frontier in the direction of perity, and anything that arises which Greece, and the ambassadors are ex­ may tend to delay the early return of pecting that negotiations of peace will normal commercial conditions is to tie be resumed when it is hoped every deplored. It would seem that there is thing w ill be settled in accordance with wisdom and patriotism enough among the views of Europe. all parties concerned to enable them to W h ile tam ping a shot in the M orn­ unite upon some method of arbitration ing mine, at M ullan, Idaho, an explo­ whereby a speedy settlement may be sion occurred, injuring W illiam Evans reached, and suffering and distress and another miner, whose name was averted.” not learned. Botli men were taken Senator Turpie says: "ite ith e r con­ to W allace, Evans dying on the road. gress no - the president has any judicial T he other man is lying in a comatose authority, and conse«iuentiy could not condition, with several fractures of sit as a court of arbitration. I think the skull. that arbitration w ill be the solution of There was a fatal accident at the San all labor troubles some time, hut it Francisco fireworks display. Edward must be conducted under fe«leral author­ J . Matthews, 20 years old, while ity. Some of the states have laws pro­ watching the display, was instantly viding for the appointment of arbitra­ killed by the explosion of a mortar, tion board to settle strikes and look­ outs, but as many of these troubles ex­ and his companion, Miss Hildenberg, was badly lacerated on the faoe, and re­ tend through more than one Htate, one ceived a shock to her system which the hoard could not deal with the matter outside of its own jurisdiction.” doctors say may affect her mind. Senator Lindsay says: - “ Inasmuch Telegram s received President Hatch- ford, of the United Mineworkers, Ohio as the strike itself is to extend through division, indicate that the order for a six states and affect as many more, I general strike of the miners has been believe the proposition looking to arbi­ complied with generally throughout the tration to he in the nature of a wise and m ining {districts of Ohio, In luma, Il­ humane effort to bring about a settle­ linois and Pennsylvania, and in some ment of the present difficulties, with sections of W est V irgin ia and Ken­ none of the attendant horrors that fo l­ tucky. President Katchford roughly low a prolonged strike.” Secretary of State Sherman says: estimates the number of men involved at 200,000, but this is regarded us very “ Arbitration is always the best means of solving such complications as the liberal. miners' strike, when the parties con­ A v erill Dimmick, foreman of the cerned are w illin g to arbitrate. The W in o n a mine, at Loud, 8. I)., was question of offering arbitration, I burned to death, and two others proba­ think, is one for congress. ” . b ly w ill die, as a result of a strange ao- Attorney General M cKenna says: oident. A gasoline pump at the bot­ “ The strike looks formidable now, but tom of the shaft refused to work, and may soon be settled by compromise, or they went to investigate. Gasoline as other strikes have been settled, by had escuped and covered the wall of one side or the other yiel ling. I know the shaft. T heir candles ignited it and of no law that authorizes the general they were surrounded by fire. Man- government to interfere between em ­ yon and Smokers tumbled into the ployer and employes in a matter of Packet anil escaped, but Dimmick fell this particular kind. on a hook, whion held him under the chin. European Population Threat­ ened by Mohammedans. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. T h e Oregon state Sunday school union met in convention at The Dalles. The secretary reports that dur­ ing the year 26 new Sunday schools were organized. There lias lieen a loss from enrollments of last year of 225 schools, 2,544 officers and teachers and 16,979 scholars. A t a special meeting of the San Francisco chamber o f commerce the question of the advisability of an­ nexing H aw aii was considered. A memorial was drawn up for presen­ tation to both the houses of congress, urqtng prompt Motion looking to the an­ notation of the H awaiian republic. T he administration lias determined to solve the Behring sea question hv branding all seal pu|>a found on Priby- lev islands this season. Instructions to this effect have been transmitted to Professor David Starr Jordan, the seal expert, w ho w ill soon lenve San Fran- cmoo for Behring sea. It has been decided at the admiralty to build a new yacht for the queen and the design has been submitted to and approve«! hv her majesty. The new vessel, w hich w ill lie built at the Pem ­ broke dockyard, w ill, in general out­ line, resemble the great Atlantic liners. It w il l be 620 feet long, with only 50 feet beam, and he fitted with powerful engines, so as to have great spee«l. Representative Crum packer, of Indi­ ana. has introduced in the house a reso- Intion for a constitutional amendment providing that hereafter no noncontig­ uous territory shall be annexed to the U nited States except in pursuance of a treaty negotiate»! by the president, oon- onrre«! in by two-thirds of the houses of ««ongresH and ratifleaty ooncurre«! in by two-thirds of each house, the vote of concurrence not to he taken into the house of representa­ tives until two years have ela|>eeon the unconditional surren­ der ot the lands, tu t it is believe«! that this concession w ill prove a standing menace to the safety of every Euro­ pean, as the rioters will celebrate the victory throughout all India. In spite of the cessation of the riots, the situation is regarde«l as extremely grave, and it is felt that unless some official is invest«*! with plenary pow­ ers daring the absence of the governing authorities, European citizens w ill he compelled to act on their own respon­ sibility. T H E B IG S T R IK E O RDERED . M in e r « o f the Eaxtern Coal Obey. State« W ill K ILL E D BY THE \V. T . T . T . Cincinnati, July 7.— There were 12 fatalities from heat t«*lay up to 10 o 'clock tonight. There were 85 pros­ trations of which official note was taken by the poli« 5 e, conveying the victims to homes or hospitals, and fully as many minor cases in which the victims were able to go home without assistance. The weather bureau repiorts the mer­ cury at 70 degrees at 5 A. M ., and 98 degre«*s at noon, which was the maxi­ mum. A thunder storm set in at 8 o ’clock and continu«*! for three hours, which cooled the air. Since dark it has been rising, until at 10 o’clock the tempierature was 74 degrees. The local weather bureau, in answer to queries, refers to Saturday’s prediction, which extended the hot blast over Tuesday. Street thermometers registered the tem­ perature trom 8 to 5 degrees above the weather bureau figures. There have been 31 fatalities in three days. The Commercial Tribune spiecials re­ port result of the heat from outside points as follows: Springfield, O .— Nine cases of heat prostration today. Toledo— Tor8 and many sarcastic remarks are made regarding the “ Am ericans’ sudden change of front when Spain stood on her dignity.” Columbus, O ., July 6.— A general strike of the U nited M ine Workers of Am erica has been order«*! by the na­ Portland, Or., July 7.— A t last the tional executive board, and also by the story of " S a n d y " Soper’s local crime is district presidents. The strike is or­ oomplete. dered to enforce the scale of wages When the murderer arrive«! in M is­ agreed upon for Pennsylvania, Ohio, souri, to answer for the murder of his Indiana and Illinois at the annual con­ former wife and two children there, vention of United Mine Workers, held about six years ago, he wrote to his in this city the 12th of January lasL heart-broken wife here, to the effect The national ex«*nitive hoard is com­ that when he d«‘serte«l her, on the 16th posed of Fre«l Dilcher, David H . Jenny, of last A p ril, taking their 2-ycar-old H arry Stephenson, James M . Carson child with him, he killed it and buried and Patrick Dolan. The district pr«>si- the remains. Search was niade for the dents are W . E. Farm er, W . G . little body, and it was found near the Knight, James M. Carson und Patrick mouth of Montgomery gulch covered by Dolan. M. D. Katchford is president a comparatively thin layer «if earth. It of the national executive board, John was idontifi«*! by its raiment, which Kane vice-president and W . C. Pt»aree was the same it ha«l on when taken secretary A ll these names are signe«l W o u n d ed G o in g H om e. fr«mi home by its inhuman father on t*. the circular. N ew York, July 7.— A dispiatch tc its death journey. The officers say 875,000 men are in- the Journal and Advertiser from H a ­ The coroner’s inquest hut adde«l to volve«l in the propios«*! strike. Presi- I vana says: Seven hundred ill and the horror of the crime. dent Katchford says this is the tx»st wounded troopis have embarked lot The child had been buried alive! time to settle the «puestion j f wages, as home at General W eyler’s request, tc Dr. Kessler, in his evidence, showed during the summer the men can make make room in the hospitals for the new «■oncluslively that Soper attempt«*«! to enough out of their garden patches to fever and smallpox victims, who arc strangle the little one, and as it re- obtain suitsistence. The n»>eds oí cloth­ stricken down from day to day. Miss laxed into um'tinsciousiuuis believed lie ing are not so great as in winter. W ilherforce still hopies to piersuade ha«l accomplished his horrible work. General W eyler to piermit the recepition The nnmlerer then prove«* h*i to bury O b ject o f th e Strike. at the hospitals and impartial treat­ the body. A hollow grave was dug and Terre Haute, I n d , July 6.— Presi- Í ment of wound«*! Cubans who are capi- the still un«*>nscious infant plac«'d in dent Knight, of district No. 11, Unite«l tured and held as prisoners of war, it. The child's cap was then drawn M ine W orkers of America, officially over its face amt dirt and brush pile«l confirm«*! the news of a miners’ strike. ! awaiting conrt-inartial, sentences oi death or deportation in chains. upon the body. Hoper then left the His estimate, however, if the men who A Juvaro Moron dispatch to El Diarc scene. Hardly ha«l he reaclie«! the top w ill be involve«! is about 100,000. Mr. de la Marina reports the defeat of a of the trail, aecciniing to Dr. Kessler, Knight says the object of the strike is party of amazons near the central tro- before the child revive«!, and working to clear out the markets, and counsel cha and announce« the capiture of theii its baby hand free from the weight of i the ««perators to pay living wages tc captain, Señorita Florentina. The «1 irt and debris holding it ilnwn, tore their men. He declares it is not a war moment the news reached General aw ay the cap from its face in an effort upon operators, and the miners do not W ey ler at M anzanillo he telegraph«*! to gain breath. Its baby strength w as, so regard it. They admit, according ordering her release. however, insufficient to raise the load to Mr. Knight, that the operators are pressing the poor little body down. not responsible for the present aggra­ Orest B ritain ’s second oldest ship in That the chihl struggled is shown in vated condition of affairs, but are. like commission, the Grampus, built in ths contort«»«! position of the limbs as the men they empdoy, the victims of 1784, has been sold to |b«> broken up. the chihl lay in its m«ie grave. The overproduction an«l under-consumption. It hail been used for many years as a venlict of the coroner's jury was death Mr. Knight says that w h i'e the miner« powder hulk at Portsmouth. Nelson’s from strangulation and suff«>cation, may not be especially hopeful as to th« Victory is the only older ship in the charging Soper with murder. •ervice. outcome of the strike. It W hr Burled N ea r th e F o o t g o m e r y G u lch. H o lle r« a I of M ont­ Knit W o r k * E x p l o d e . Pittsburg, July 7.— Three boilers at the salt works of Haller, Beck A Co., in A lleghany, exploited at 8 o'clock this morning. Two men were kill«*«! and one badly wounded. The explo­ sion wreckeil the plant and set the works on fins. The cause of the explo­ sion is not known. Most of the bnsinees houses in M ex­ ico are cloee<1 for an hour and a half in the middle of the day. A H a iti«* N e a r M e ta o r o . Constantinople, July 6.— Newspapers of the city repiort that a battle occurred betw«*>n 400 Greek raiders and a de­ tachment of Ottoman troops near Met- ■oro. The Greeks suffered a loes of 120 killed. In addition, 80 of the Greek« were capture«! and taken to Janina. An eminent physiologist asserts that the weight of a woman’s brain de- creasee after the a g « of 80, w hile that of a man doe« not decrease until 10 yea « later. w ork , Havana, July 6 — Addressing the m unicipality of Manaamlla, yesterday, Captain-General W eyler said thst the pardons granted to political prisoners were due only to the generosity of the pueen, and not to the political influ­ ence of any p»arty. Joapuin Pedroeo and Antonio Rojas were shot outside the Cabanas fortress today. In many of the factories of Germany the women are not permitted to weai corsets daring work hours. C o n v e n tio n la \I I ( H H mm A d j o u r n e d . T w e lv e P e o p le P e rU h and T h lrljr-F iva P r o s t r a t e d at C incin nati. NO it s HEAT. " Vancouver, W ash ., Jnly 6__ Trial of the Competitor Crew Again Postponed. NO FUTURE O fficia l. DATE Fear the D ela tio n , of W AS KITect o n F a ..ln ( most pleasant and harmonious fo-? days’ session, the 14th annual eon.« tion of the W . C. T. U . , of VVe*t,J Washington close*! tonight. The w nual election o f officers today resul»-' us follows: President, M iss Mary L. pa?e f Olympia: vice-president, Dr. Ell* j Fifleld, Tacoma; corresponding IWrJ tary, Mrs. A lice R. Rideout, Ohmpu recording secretary, Mrs. El'len J Thayer, Everett; treauirer, Mrs. g, ^ Shorthill, Tacoma; organizer, j|rt Mattie N . Graves, Centralia; a|| re-elected; delegate-at-large to the .. tioual convention, Mrs. J. O. Stone, Seattle, and Mrs. Mattie Gridley, \K couver, state delegate. Reports were presented hy the super intendents of their respective depart ments of the w ork accomplished dun«, the year in the departments of purity purity in literature and art, school- metluxlB; temple work; lumbering- narcotics; parliamentary usage; nanit*- and economic cookery; Christian lett- mission and others. A most pleasing feature of the 8e*;: was the “ E m porium ,” given neart close of the session. This consisted - practical illustrations of the differe: departments of W . C. T. U. work Many of them were very imprewiti A delicious luncheon was furnished t_ white ribbon visitors in the Methodi; Episcopal church. The address of Mr« NarcissaJ W hite Kinney, of Aetori» president of the Oregon W. C. T. C. on "T h e Spirit of the A g e ,” wage!; quent and was w e ll received. Resolutions were passe«! directi; the legislative department to urge th passage of laws favoring prohibition the indorsement of the universal use- the W . C. T. U . text-book, “ Hetf Culture,” in the public schools; favor ing a crusade for the abolishment of t sign “ Ladies’ Entrance” in front drinking saloons; favoring woman stiff rage and inviting all political parti-: in the United States to insert suffrage plank in their platforms. An animated discussion took pi* during the closing hours as to whethi. it is necessary for the W . C. T. U workers to lay aside the badge of th society, the white ribbon, to insureds cided success during political cam paigns, as appears to have been idea in other states. T he discunio1 was one-sided, being decidedly in favo of the ladies, when engaged in politics or legislative work, retaining thei badge of white. The convention closed with anothe, splendid address hy Miss Belle Hear nev, national organizer, of Mississippi on “ A Message for Our Young Worn« and Their Brothers.” It was decided to meet next year i Tacoma, unless the national conventic should be held in that city, in whii case the convention w ill be held in Er erett. SET Am erican Sentence on th e Prisoner«. N ew York, July 5.— A Herald dis­ patch from Havana says: The trial of the Competitor crew did not take place on July 1, as had been reported. It may not take place for several months yet, unless the United States presses the matter. The authorities here hes­ itated to bring the men to trial for dip­ lomatic reasons. They realized the fact that if the law sof Spain mean any­ thing, and are not to be brought into disrepute, the sentence of the Compet­ itor filibusters muBt be a severe one. On the other hand Spain does not de­ sire to aggravate any hostile feeling that may already exist in the United States against her. It was just about the middle of June that Consul-General Lee, by direction of his government, pressed here for an earlv tiral. He pointed out that a long delav had already taken place and de­ clared it unjust. To the consul’s letter General W eyler sent a most indefinite reply. He began by excusing the past delay on the ground that proceedings on the part of the prosecution had con­ sumed much time, and now, he said, the lawyers who had been assigned to the prisoners had been given until the end of July to prepare the defense. In conclusion he stated that it was “ im­ possible to say when the trial would he brought on.” This means that it has been thought best to delay the trial in­ definitely. In the meantime the Competitor crew are languishing in prison. Some of them cannot stand the confinement much longer. They are not treated badly, so far as Spanish treatment of prisoners in Cuba goes. Americans oannot realize what the confinement in Cabanas during these hot months means. When Melton, for example, was taken prisoner, he was a remark­ ably fine specimen of a man. Today he is broken down beyornl recognition. Hia shoulders are bowed and his frame waste«! to skin and bone. Disease among Spanish troops in San­ tiago de Cuba has been so severe that when General W eyler ordered the move into the interior against the rebels, the only soldiers available were conval«*s- cents. A ll over the island disease among the Spanish troops is increasing at a fearful rate. Out of the thousand men in the Vegar battalion in Pinar del Rio, nearly 700 have been rendered unfit for service by malaria. The hos­ pitals in Havana are crowded to over­ flowing. General Ruiz Rivera is dangerously T A X ON S T O C K A N D BONDS ill. The prisoner’s doctors have per­ formed a delicate operation upon him, L o d g e 1’ r e p a r e « a D r a f t o f an Am«ndJ and he is now in a critical condition. m ent. The H erald’s correspondent in M a­ Washington, July 6.— Senator Lodg: tanzas reports a fierce engagement on today prepared a draft of an amend Saturday last between Spanish troops ment to the tariff providing for a stain, and a large body of insurgents. B e­ tax on stocks and bonds in acccordxn: tween 60 and 70 Spaniards were killed j with the action of the Republican senai and wounded. The rebel loss is not ! torial caucus last night, and submitt;' known. General Meline, who was with it to the finance committee. As prc a colnmn of men, came to the assist­ pared the amendment provides for' ance of the Spaniards and was badly ; tax of 5cents per share of $100 or i wounded during the engagement. tion on the face value of the capita' There are in the vicinity of Matanzas stock, or on bonds on their issuance, 2,200 insurgents w ell armed and ; and of 2 cents for each $100 or fracti­ equipped. on each transfer of stocks or bonds. The rebel leader Guaracha captured * and killed two Spanish spies near the United States and state bonds are ei cepted as are individual bonds to lecui: city limits of Matanzas. The Herald mortgages, and also the stock an correspondent vouches for the statement that the Spaanish macheted 17 pacífi­ bonds of mutual benefit building ciations. The amendment has been cos, men and women, who hail left submitted to the Republican member: Matanzas for a plantation to get food. of the judiciary mmittee and «¡t R i v e r a '» C ondition. proved by them as to form. Havana, July 5.— A press correspond- [ E x c h a n g e o f W e a t h e r R e p o r t«. ent has had an interview with General ' Washington, July 6.— A n arri Rivera, in San Ambrose hospital, to ! which he was removed from Cabanas ment has been completed hetweet fortress by the advice of attending sur­ United States and M exico for th« geons. General Rivera expressed him ­ change of weather reports. The self as satisfi«*! with the medical and operation with Mexico is simila surgical attendance provided, as well that now in operation between Cxi United States. Profi as with the nurses. A ll the food sup­ and the plied him is excellent. His meals are Moore, chief of the weather bui served from a restaurant near by at hie under Secretary W ilso n ’s direction, been in consultation with Senor Ac own expense. tin N. Chavez, direotor-general of T e r r ib le S u icid e o f T h re e Men. Mexican telegraph, for some days, St. Louis, July 5.— Just west of fecting the scheme. Senor Chavei W ellsville, there is a coal chute tielong­ specially authorized hy the preside! ing to the \\ abash line. A s passenger the Meican republic and his score train No. 6 was dashing through this of public works to establish a a « chute, Engineer Robinson saw three telegraph weather servic» to celled men liyng with their heads upon the servations by telegraph, and to issi rail. He tried to stop his engine, but the Mexican marine ports warnini the distance was too short, and in an Hurricanes and other severe dist instant the men were ground beneath ances. He proposes to have the Y the wheels. A close examination of can observations taken ilaily ai the bodise revealed the fact that the same moment that observations men must have been perfectly sober taken at the weather stations it when they took their places beside the United States, and to plan the MeJ track. weather service after that of the I «*1 States, which he considers the i C a n o t i i A n g r y * t R e p o rters. Madrid, July 5— Senor Canovas del efficient in the world. The two services, by the arrange« CastiU«i, the Spanish premier, and the Duke of Tetuan have had a long con­ effected, w ill work in harmony, ference on the subject of the latest metric system of measurements wil news from the United States. The pre­ use«! by Mexico; hut this is easil: mier has notified the reporters he will duced to our system. not give them any news hereafter on Russia's population increases al the ground that they publish it in a form calculate«! to influence the stock rate of 1 , 00,0000 anunnally, and increase is much greater than tbi exchange. any other country in the world. i Steel M i l l , C lose D o w n . Pittsburg, July 3. As a result of the failure of toe joint wage conference of the Amalgamated Association of Iron “ era and ,h" " a n u fa ,. tnrers to agree upon a scale , t the Youngstown conference yesterday *fl £ w n« r between n* ,5,0 ? ^ ,o^ own • men » * £ are and 85,000 uJUT* ,re wld “ 8 San Diego, Cal., Jul r ranciscans claim a dii to a tra,.t of land