Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, June 24, 1897, Image 1

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a n d
S f f l W . ‘" * l CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4,1196.
Pfessional Ctt rris.
I cian
and s u r g e o n ,
County Hatchet
e s t
lor pensions every W ednesday.
t c. H. G E IG E R ,
( and
su rgeo n
j oce Bowlbv house, P a cific a v e.,
¡¿,»1 Forest drove h o tel.
,i.u Tjaifi to Medicul and Surgical
T hi
1 ^ ^,10cer^es> Glassware and Stoneware,
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop
Stick5, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow
Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large
ot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u lk .
Bomenaii'lChildren n n iia ll ch ro m e
I 1 ovest Grove Laundry
— and Dye House.
d e n t is t ,
fo rest g r o v e
PR. o- c .
r o v e
i m
e s
We Jo all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible
manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at-
teni ei to. \\e guarantee all our w o r k . Our prices are
leaPer than Portland prices. Your patronage will be
1 R ead in th e ch a p el o f W hitm an C ollege, W alla
W alla. W ash., M ay 10.]
G rayh aired I stan d by W h itm a n ’s grave
W h ere o n ce I stood a tim id child ;
’T is circled now by m ig h ty states,
But th en by trib es u n cou th and w ild.
T h e sw ift tr a in ’s roar th e w h is tle ’s scream
Su cceed th e w arw h oop and th e fight;
P alefaces sw arm w h ere red m en roved,
A nd c itie s h id e th e w ig w a m ’s site.
T h e frien d s w ho w ept by W h itm a n ’s grave
Are bow ed w ith age or g on « to rest;
A nd few rem ain w ho k n ew and loved
T h e m artyr proph et o f th e W est.
R ough w as h is m ein and k e e n h is e y e,
U n d au at o f rigor, toils, or fears,
But sw ift h is step in hour o f need,
A nd w eak h is heart to fa llin g tears.
T h e bad ger d e lv e s by W h itm an 's grave.
A nd sq u irrels h id e w ith in its breast,
A nd m en g o on th eir bu sy w a y s.
E ach to h is p rivate gain add ressed.
T h e stream flow s by, th e w ild flow ers bloom ,
T h e b irds flit low in tim id flight;
But w h at reck s h e w hen prosp erou s sta te s
In crease in virtue, w ea lth , and m igh t.
On h a llo w e d so il by W hitm an's grave.
L et gratefu l h earts th e s h a ll uprear
O f g r a n ite em b lem o f th e m an
To every n o b le spirit dear.
A nd w h ile our em pire m ak es increase,
A nd c h ild re n ’s child ren fill th e land,
L et sch ool and church in lo ftie r w a lls
M ore fit and fair m e m orials stand.
—/. E, Walktr.
BALDWIN, Manager.
By Whitman's Grave.
fiP O r F P
Sce at his residence,
GROVE, - -
FOREST G R O V E , OR EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E A L 1 8 0 7 .
v . WARD, M. D.
V o i. I l l , N o . 1 3 , V o l. I X , N o . 81.
Delta Drug store sta drugs etc
obligation and he signed it or he never
{22 65. Part paid November.
would have worked in the Labor Ex­
Audited a t...............«.................
16 15 change tannery. It simply required
W D Bradford slif sal aud depu­
him to accept labor or products of labor
ty $275 stamps {6 20.................... 281 20 of equal value with that deposited
R Vincent lumber dist no 2
and relinquished any claims he m ight
{23 38 lumber dist 54 $8 11 dist
hold against the Labor Exchange associ­
— $6 72 dist 34 $9 26 .................
47 45 ation. That is if a man puts in a day’s work
J B B Matthew Post G A R indi­
of little value he would not have the right
gent .............................................
7 85 to take’ out the labor of some one worth
Andrew Vaugn state cases.........
7 40 twice as much. Consequently the Labor
C Whitmore bounty coyote. . . .
7 50 Exchange is not popular with persons of
Hillsboro Pub Co sta and print­
speculative tendencies and Mr. Nowark
ing $20 50 deduct $1 00...............
19 50 finding that his leather would not sell
W H Bender repairs assessor’s
readily for cash decided to select wages
1 80 in legal tender money from some one
A C Archibald supplies court
and his best friend was as good as anyone.
As for redeming checks or accounts
house (6 70).................................
6 70
against the Labor Exchange for every
Bryan— Laidlaw provisions Tup­
per fam ily.....................................
2 80 dollar paid he was using and consum­
ing a corresponding amount that was de-
Parent and Larson repairing
boiler room................................... 225 00 | posited by some one else. He pled
I ignorance of the Labor Exchange plan
Hatchet May bill $8 50 allowed
a t ...................................................
6 50 although he had the book “ Trials and
Triumphs of Labor” in his house for a
C R Adams 5982 ft plank road
dist no 4 ........................................
31 80 year and never read it. Said reading
Patton Bros lumber dist 23.......
4 65 would not bring him anything to eat.
H V Whitney corduroy dist 33..
3 45 He was told it would bring him a sack
of flour to read it once uud if he did not
W D Bradford rebate on poll tax
M cC oy..........................................
1 00 understand it to read it again and he
Carstens Bros lumber dist 5 3 ....
35 60 could have another sack. He refused
point blank to l.ave anything to do with
T G Todd 6 da court $18 00 mi­
leage $3 60...................................... 21 60 the Exchange or its principles. The
directors were called to settle with him
D B Reasoner 8 da court 24 00
and he would not settle unless they
mileage {8 00 horse one day
$« 00 ............... , ...........................
33 00 would pay him money which they could
not do, but as he never lost an oppor­
J T Dorrien; Justice fees state
tunity to deride the Exchange and its
vs Devinney, $1 25; state vs
H artram ppji 25 ........................
2 50 promoters it was decided to let him
have his own way. The members would
Justice Transcripts Acted Upon—
not deposit bark because he depreciated
State vs Bieland; Justice J P
the checks, he would not get even a load
Young $5 75; reduced to $5 25
of wood for checks from a member. If
Constable Hagey $13 90; reduced
to 8 90; Witnesses $5 40 ...........
«9 55 there were any promises made him it waa
with the understanding that he carry out
State vs Valentine Baur; Justice
the princip’es of the Labor Exchange sad
Smith $12 15 reduced to $10 15
if his family suffered it was because of his
Constable Williams {7 90 reduc­
own stubbornness. Now if the Labor Ex­
ed to 7 65; witnesses and in er-
preler f 12 30: stenographer {5 00 30 35 change is sailing under false colors the
citizens of Forest Grove should investi­
Warrant ordered drawn favor L
gate it as they can’t afford to have Labor
C Walker for correcting map
boundaries school districts.......
12 00 Exchange victims turned over to them
to support.
Ordered that warrant issue to M
Nevertheless they must live aud I
M Mead for labor Bronson
bridge and fill.............................
25 00 bespeake for Mr. Nowark a fair share o f
patronage in his business, in the m eaa
Bridge contracts—
Skeels bridge bids; T C Johnson $165 J time Crescent Branch 14 will run a tan ­
R McMillan, $124; C True, $114; M S nery and make blunders which point to
Daily, {89 50. Contract awarded M S success in the end.
J. B . P r ic k k t t ,
Shamburg bridge bids: M S Dailey,
{1625; J W and T PGoodin, (1530; J R
Accor :ing to the newspapers, au Ohio
McMillan, $1274; T C Johnson, $1130.
r.nsLatx' became the happy father of
Contract to T C Johnson.
sever, children not long ago. O* the
Repairing Tualatin bridge bids: T C seven all lived but one. It is to be
Johnson, $450; Goodin Bros, $165; Dailey hoped he laid in a supply of Chamber­
$175; McMillan, $115. All bids rejected. lain’s Cough Remedy, theonly mrecorn
Oredered that hereafter $6.50 per for croup, whooping cough, colds aed
month shall be paid for keep of minor, coughs, aud so insured his rhililiee
against these diseases. For sale by JF»
Jimmie Warren.
C. Clark, druggist.
Clerks receipts for May at $215 40 ex­
Real Estate Transfers.
amined as per report and approved.
A nson P ow ell to N e llie .Smith 57.3I a o f
Recorder {168 15, the same.
sec 2 1 1 u r 5 w ........................................ $10 9 € 0
Road no. 3 56 declared public highway Sam uel B L aw rence an d w ife to F loyd
and costs ordered paid. Order will issue
H L aw rence tr a c t in sec 4 t 2 s r 2 w
Sim ou E Kester and w ife to A M an d M
to open.
J Pate its 1 and 2 in block 1 o f
Supt. Craig reported defective child­
B row n ’s su b d iv isio n of block “ H**
ren, viz: Erastus Savage, Marie Kauf
and “ 1” F airview ad d ition to H ills ­
man, Charles Bailey and Charles Seufert.
boro..................... .................................
Ordered that county make quit claim J J Morgan and .wife to Geo R B ayley
lo t 7 blk 3 B row n's su b d ivision blk
deed to F. Verbowdehe upon payment
“ H and I ” F airview add to H ills­
of $3 5 0 . _____ _______
b oro..............................................................
SO •
Com missioner's Court.
June Term.
[ Office hours, 9 a .m . to 4 p. m.
Geo R Bagley, fees in Justice
Young’s court, $9; in Hick’s
feoMAS H. TO N G U E,
court, $2.50; Smith’s court, $25;
garnishments and warrants for
I r n e y - a t - l a w ,
sheriff, $5.00; drawing contract
for county with Parent and Lar­
, W ashington C o unty , O b .
son, $2.50..................................... | 44 00
W E Brock, stationery, Craig,
$2.80; acid, janitor, $.25 ...........
3 05
Glass and Prudhomnie, blanks
for clerks........................... $ 1 56
sch dist tax receipts........ 3 50
iHVork and Conveyancing.
warrant register................. 10 00
^Morgan Blk. H II.I.S B O R O , OR.
probate docket.................. 10 00
W ill run astage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $i.oo for the deed record........................ 16 00
. 51. LA N G LEY,
canvas covers.................... 7 50
round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before.
pens...................................... 1 50
D C Aaron, pens, clerk, (1 50..
fj Prosecuting Attorney.
Irwin Hodaon Co blanks, ink,
Collections a specialty.
T a k e Jo n es’ Bus to and from all train s
pens and record for county offi­
Lrp-stairs, Woods & Caples
$21 60; tax rolls, $42 00;
Baggage and freig h t ca lle d fo r a n d d e liv e re d
76 ro
canvas covers, f»2 50..................
H a t c h e t , court proceedings,
Fire and A ccid en t In su ra n ce
4 25
$2 ¿0; circulars, $1 75............... .
L oans, C o lle c tio n s
Argus, court proceedings, $2 50
4 00
tax notices, $1 5 0 ......................
J R Mays & Sou, supplies Bones
.PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. family, $5 45; supplies Zeucher,
ro 45
T o ile t Articles,
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by $5 00 .............................................
Fire Insurance
R H Greer provisions Tupper
S tation ery,
an Experienced Pharmacist and from
4 85
fam ily...........................................
I... and Loan B roker. N ew s Depot.
the Best and Freshest material.
Wm Frazier board prisoner Lou
2 2 15
Downs for M ay...........................
J P Tamiesie medical attendance
O r e g o n
JVIAIN S T R E E T , JHILLSBOf^O. Geo Sanders fam ily.................. . 25 00
E B Sappington board John
H. D . S t e w a r t ,
Subscriptions Received for the W ashington C o u n ty H a t c h e t , Moore May 6 to June 9, $25 00;
A ss’t C ashier.
T he C ounty N EW S p a p e r .
board Ralph Moore May 6 to 17,
$8 55; board Valentine Baur
| of F o r e s t G r o v e
May 25, to June 9, $ u 44...........
44 95
Club with The Oregi r o m a n .
PFANNER, Proprietor
for county charges and indigent
18 20
and chemicals for court house. .
|i general banking business
Hillsboro L and W Co light and
Ü telegraphic transfers sold on N ew
JoandSan Francisco.
water for May $6 30 under­
inge payable at s ig h t in L o n d o n ,
8 30
charged for April, $2 00 .............
rAmsterdam, B ru ssels, S to ck h o lm ,
N A Barrett janitor services
f-tne-Main as w e ll a s a ll o th er
sand centers o f tra d e th r o u g h o u t
May Crane & Co pump for court
ingdom, Ireland and C o n tin e n ta l
house $175, other supplies $5.00
smade at all a c ce ssib le p o in ts ,
►hours from 9 a. m . to 4 p . m .
Not only piles of the very worst kind
M E LE I JOHNSON Willamette Iron Works 4 feet
grate bars for boiler room.........
7 65 can be cured by De W itt’s Witch Hazel
Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises,
W D Hare harware supplies for
court house...................................
3 10 boils ulcers, and all other skin troubles
can Ire instantly relieved by the same
J B Wilkes five setsbridg. speci­
3 «J remedy. J. C. Clark, druggist.
Austin Craig salary May $20 an­
Not Pop-ed Ont.
Special Bargains in Tw enty and F orty Acre
nual fees $19 six days teachers
M r . E dito r :
exam $18 00 postage 5 4 0 .........
62 40
Tracts in W ashington, Y amhill
16 50 i In the article signed Jacob Nowark of
J M Jones 5 % days teachers exam
16 50 June IO> we find *o«»e needed cor ections
Lyt place to get your
J T Dorrien ’ ’ ”
and Tillamook counties.
50 00 and we k ‘ndly ask sPace F°r the same.
until you reach Til-
A B Cady May sal as treasurer. .
In answer to a letter written by the
I cariy a full line of
O R E G O N . E L. McCormick sal recorder
• -
cabinet maker, Mr. Wilcox, Mr. Nowark
and deputy $175 postage etc
said that he bad nothing much to do
$4 25 ......... .............. v . . . . ........... «79 25 and would have to leave Medford and
! R Cave scythe and stone brace
; was making preparations to go but had
Cigars and Tobacco.
- for court house............................
« 55 not much money so would cotr.e on the
I W J Benson labor and material
La1 or Exchange plan, and would the Ex­
Tackle and all necessary
j on and for boiler room...............
25 35 change advance him some money. He
* for a camp outfit.
L E Wilkes road work e tc .........
8 40 was told that he would have to lookout
Alfred Young blacksmithing for
1 omnuinication between
for himself, that the Labor Exchange
McNew supervisor......................
6 90 did not have any money, but a couple
lfirove ami Tillamook.
C Hiatt lumber road dist no 22..
11 93 of members deposited fio which was
Boge & F.nis ” ”
’’ ”
8 40 1 sent him.
J W W heeler............... . ” 28 10 00
Now the Exchange is only enstodisn
J W Clark nails ”
” ” 30
3 00
^ES C R E E K .
J for the property deposited and can do
Williams and Redmond surrey
nothing bu* hold the property placed in
L « w P r ic e s ,
for road inspection....................
3 <»
p r o m p t D eliv ery ,
its keeping in as good condition as pos-
J R Mays & Son nails and lum­
50 W ARS’
E x c e lle n t Q u ality .
I sible, hence a tanner was necessary to
ber dist 29 $3 40 nails dist 16
80 care for t ie tannery and hides. Not to
f ....................................................
---------- -
b o w e l s T s t r o n g a l l SUMMER I
make money for the Exchange but em­
C W Hendricks lumber dist 3
ploy himself and put out a finished pro­
$15 27 for dist 35 $<3 9 * .........
duct for his own benefit as well as that
James Laidlaw and Co powder
of the depositors of the hides and bark.
40 55
etc for road districts....................
The Exchange could only see that each
TRAD! m a r k s ,
James Young powder fuse etc
got his share of the products. After be­
for various districts....................
C O P Y R IG H T S * 0 .
ing here a few weeks we found that the
and description may
J A Imbrie sal clerk $250 stamps
whether an In ven tion la
(jn Exchange had paid legal tender money
t o Tnmnnloatfone s tric tly
$3 5« e*P 9-5° ...............................
L . r L i ; ’r securing p aten t*
_s to a tanner and from that time on until
C A Cavell 19X ds assessing . . .
„ he left his troubles commenced and are
E J Kuratli 16 ”
yj not ended yet but the difference between
A A Mnrril a5 ”
the two was that Hr. Nowark was asked
Wm Pointer 23 "
olremlMlon of
to sign befoae going to work • printed
Geo H Wilcox * ” an 1
” ««t frt». AddroM
1 * CO.,
*»». Row York.
i - i
BCILDINO on M ain S treet, up
J O N E S ’ S T A B ü E
Good Horses
New Rigs
b r o c k ’ s
D rug
store .
We Do Not
Hatchet and
San Francisco Weekly Examiner,
t he. . .
a g e jm t s
chance Grocery.
h and G r o c e r ie s,
nt M edicines,
A ll Grades of
Rough and Dressed Lumber.
Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty.
KJ m V N D Y c a t h a r t ic
- t
— era»«
H enry C W atts and w ife to M ary A nn
WattH Its I an d 2 In blk 24 au d It 3
blk ID B eaverton ..................................... 10
00 *0
Mary A nn W atts to H enry C W atts Its
19 and 24 and \£ it lHof Hpencer's hom e­
s te a d ........................................................... 15
00 0 0
Louis G oeltz and w ife to H eury Schll-
ger n e
of n w % sec 8 t 2 s r 1 w
e x ce p tin g road w ay...............................
00 00
Kstate of M agdalene B lasser d e c ’d to
Geo B lasser 10 a near Garden H om e
an d oth er land s D ecree........................
M iddleton C em etery to th e pu b lic ded-
lcatiou o f c em eter y ...............................
W illiam Porter to Geo F N aylor deed
of assi^ m n en t
. ....................................
1 to
11 S to Peter K in d t and w ife 3^ o f sec
1 t 2 s r 2 w P a t e n t.................................
A n ton P fauner to C sr o iin u H off s w
ncrlH t 2 «rj w .............................
1 «a
A nton Pfanner to G H Baber pt It 4 blk
1 W alker's add to Forest Grove . . . i s « in
A nton P fanner to G H Haber tract in If
B u xton Sr d i e aud o th er la n d s... . M) M •
L ouis V erbertkrnore to Frederick Ver-
b an w h ed e it 2 blk 2 9 r o r n e liu s q u it
f la im ............................................................
S* M
W ashington C ounty to F rederick Ver-
b au w b ed e sam e as above q u it claim
2 <•
W illiam C If til It an d w ife to Hsmuel
C on n ell h e qr se<- 24 11 n r 4 w . .
is a
A n to n P fanuer to Sam u el H ugh es and
A lonzo H in m an d eed of a ssig n m en t
K leanor Kergusnsu and husband to
Bernard B ell n ' 3 It 22 and n 1, of
w ^ It 21 of T u aiatln G a r d e n s........
.Something to Know.
It may tie worth something to k lS V
that the very best medicine for l estoria
the tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor is Electric Hitters. This m edichta
is purely vegetable, acts by giving ta M
to the nerve centres in the stonanffh.
gently stimulates the Liver and Khfngy
and aids these organs in throwing •
impurities in the blood. Electric B
ters improves the appetite, aids digmUna
and is pronounced by those whn haw
tried it as the very beat blood yarfS
and nerve tonic. Try it. Bold la S
or 91.00 per bottle at the Millar than