Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, June 17, 1897, Image 3

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    nutritious thu'.'r
‘ « M M fc h o . but
tln.Ms'fiT temm „7 “
n '* not more
M R«’S
u,- al’ lf
y '* ns^ »«me-
m al Mm, has | h . „ „
g h » Sex Shuns P u b lic it y on T h e ir O w n
I.... ' ? u ' 7 ™ i , " ' ' h ‘
From the Times, Log Angeles, Cal.
W ea k n e ss e s P ro m
V V%
; <r , ttt « m
• ’
arc ■«ptUKt0Ulu ' H “ r,? 0V‘‘rl,m,,ed they
V,,,ni‘ discouraged or
_ **■ t-' * '.
i i
i. n d 'i«
,0 ,U'‘ harness shop
and ^ > a t a coUarau him before you
( '. l i t • v h t o r F o l l o w e r .
Cultivating tin' grow in g it o | ib is high-
l conducive to growth, liut iu times of
• «fiittn'r there is an enormous evnp.
yttoii from the soil that lms just boeu
L r,.,l Iiv the liroud teetli o f n eultivH-
,t1P ]j|nil lieluji left III loose ridges
C„,e advocate ha luting a boflril be­
ll, (| ro dratt the surface o f the earth
U i, smooth. This has a tendem-v
L * the surface, which is not desir-
CM° autl ,ra'nlng
« ¡jf| t-c la i h o S ^ ^
f° r UrodlKlng
I d a very considerable extent
farming u ,h a t S o r w S
I here
are few diseases to
\ 'ented
t h a T n 8UbJet't
cured. but ar“ e“ sler pre-
H doi I grooming ,l,e-s not only add to
tin- animal s comfort, but to its health-
fulness as well.
“ if h,°r(" ‘ is bron» h‘ ¡‘I from
should he give,, a good drink:
b too warm to drink he is too warm to
i ceding ft little Wheat bran with the
other grain will help to make the
h'-rse s hair sleek and glossy.
r o M .O W K B
L Ha ns the board as shown in Hie
Kami insert In the low er edge a row
Iforty-penny wire ntiils, rem oving tiie
Lds. This will leave the sttrfnce
iooth and level, but loose, so thut the
■ and sunshine cun enter, while at
|lit the moisture laden air will enter.
moisture will condense as it is
Wed by the ground, and so will re-
fin iu the soil.—Orange Judd Farmer.
F a ir
The best farm horse Is the one with
n kind and tractable disposition, well
brokeu and serviceable.
The farmers will always tie poor who
continue to raise *50 horses at au ex­
pense of $100.
Hie feed and care necessary to raise
a poor horse costs ns much In every
way as it does for one of the best.
A horse needs exercise every day to
keep nWsystem properly regulated and
make his hair to be bright and sleek.
F orm ers,
Veil, why shouldn’ t farm ers’ girls
lily agriculture? Is there any good
Kill why the State should provide
rthe education o f the fan n ers’ ltovs
|d allow the girls to get their training
erover they onri? W ouldn’t It be a
I thing to Introduce coeducation at
(agricultural colleges? These ques-
i may have been raised before now.
we do not think they have been
lately discussed. Perhaps there
i not been sufficient demand on the
tof the country girls fo r an agrlcnl-
eduoatlon. It may be that they
■ ioo desirous to leave the farm to
Ink of preparing themselves fo r wo-
ln'a work ou the farm.
JtylMMta lms a girl's school of agri-
Iture, said to be the only one In the
lutry. It has been established for
Jny years, and the results are ineu-
I with pride by the Minnesota pa-
The students receive Instruc-
in cooking, canning, fruit and
|ver culture, dairying, household
llstry, entomology anil sewing, and
j former who gets one o f these well
jint'il girls fo r a w ife Is very fortun-
An.v one can see how a woman
ited in agricultural pursuits to
|icb she is adapted may make herself
i useful and very contented on the
-Excha nge.
c tied to- a Silo,
ibuilding a silo outside o f a barn in
I f localities it w ill be necessary to
jvide some means o f protecting It
p the extreme cold. This may
M y he done by means o f a cover
kl. an outline o f which is shown in
Sense o f
Women suffer from certain diseases
peculiar to their sex and usually have
great delicacy in speaking o f such ills.
Just why, we cannot say. There would
seem to bo no more reason for silence in
such matters than there is aU)iit the
ordinary every day ills. Occasionally,
however, a woman of strong sense is
found, and is an exception to ‘ the rule.
Such a one is Mrs. Kosio S. Thompson,
of 31‘J East First street, Los Angeles,
Cal. This is what she says:
‘ ‘ For live or sx years 1 was seriously
ill with female complaint. 1 could
not go aliout, I suffered intense pain,
and at times X was hardly able to raise
myself up in bed. I was then living
in San Bernaidino and I consulted a
physician who thought lie could cure
me. For seven months I was under
his care taking his prescriptions, hut
he did me no good at all, and I grew
worse instead of better. F in ally I tried
another physician and I was under his
care for several months, but he did me
no more good than the first one. I
tried all sorts of remedies without any
beneficial effects.
“ Finally I saw an advertisement of
Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills for Pale Peo­
ple, and I resolved to try them. I be­
gan taking the pills. The effect was
wonderful. Alm ost immediately I be­
gan to improve. I have taken these
pills now for six or seven months and I
am entirely cured. I had previously
tried every sort o f remedy that I could
think of, besides consulting many doc­
tors, and nothing helped me until I
took these pills. They are the best
remedy I ever used, and the only one I
would recommend. I am now as well
as I ever was in my life and have bad
no return of my complaint.
“ I make this statement voluntarily
and in the hope that it may lead others
now suffering as I suffered to try theso
“ This statement is given solely with
a view to helping others and directing
their attention to the greatest medical
discovery o f the age— Dr. W illiam s’
Pink P ills for Pale People.
Mrs. Rosie S. Thompson,”
3f0 Ein^rFirst street.
Subscribed and
before me
this U tli day of AXrguarotJUB,.)i).
Notary Public in and for Los Angeles
county, State of California.
Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills contain, in
a condensed form, all the elements
necessary to give new life,and richness
to the blood and restore shattered
nerves. They are an unfailing specific
for such diseases ns locomotor ataxia,
partial paralysis, St. V itu s’ dance, sci­
atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, the after effect of la grippe,
palpitation of the heart, pale and sal­
low complexions, all forms of weakness
either in male or female. Pink PI 1 s
are sold by all dealers, or w ill be sent
post paid on receipt of price, SO cents a
box, or six boxes for $2.50— (th ey are
never sold in bulk or by the 100— by
addressing Dr. W illiam s’ Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
h 'w ’
Sirici) FOR S1I.O.
liUuat ration from Country (Jentle-
'■ The space between its w alls and
walls of the silo could be filled with
|w or leaves, and thus be made to
I f a double purpose, furnishing
Tjte room and also protecting en-
1 White C lover fo r Pasture.
IJ* one of the advantages o f rough.
F *,ln'l that as It cannot oftcii be
luted nor ever very thoroughly.
I*nrface soil Is pretty sure to be
1 with white clover seed.
It !s
[to be natural to such land, which
i that it has so long occupied the
r**t there is plenty o f seed to grow
Pever it has a fa ir chance. It is an
r m Pasture grass, ns its roots run
I the surface and quickly respond
I to light rains, which w ill not re-
iMher grasses. It is greatly helped
lsUMlng o f gypsum. On long-cul-
1™ ground, especially where no
IT h;>- been thickly seeded. tJiere
Ihf little white clover visible. But
J there ¡t ¡s often ready1 when It
■the chance.
**eet Cor . fo r F eed in g.
are a good many fan n ers who
| "west corn for m arket who do not
[J1 grow any other kind, because
tol.v small places, if the tw o
_ *re gtow-n, there w ill be more or
I mxis I grains in the ears. W hat
L ? cannot sell green they grind
to »took. T h e sw eet enrn dries
T >tder than w ill the con i whose
In 4 ,tarvh rattier than sugar. It
F«ch llgluer than the field corn
* •’irpliis o f w&ter has dried out
, *** 0,1 cn ground w ith the cob
. ' to'tol that cattle and horses
[ 7 fon'1 df when fed w it# cut
|t*ta “ i,s " • *
Iv**1 »ban ,he
“**1. more must be fed to
A N e w K ~ k P lan t.
W Idle the egg plant Is grown -cry
extensively as a market garden crop, it
is seen far too little in home gardens,
and yet there is no
difficulty In raising
it. The main point
to be observed is
that the plant is a
very tender a nnunl
/ and has to be start­
ed in a hotbed or
greenhouse. Many
fail with It because
they set out the
I'KAtu. kog ct. a n t . plants too early.
There U.no use to plant them outdoors
su long us there is any danger from
frost or even so long as the nights are
very cool, altliougn actual frost does
not occur. One-half dozen plants will
he suffirfAnt for n moderate sized fam­
ily. Where potted plants caq be pro­
cured frd|u the florist or plant grower,
they are far preferable to those taken
np ilfreVt from the seed bed. I'n tll re­
cent fy there lias heeu hut very little
choice in varieties, the New York Im­
proved Purple having beep almost the
only variety raised, but now there
com eg tiie " I ’earl,” a white-fruited egg
plant'eqnal hi size and quality to the
New York Improved. The plant is
stated to be remarkably productive and
the fruit of the finest quality, either
baked or. fried.—American Agricultur­
I'yuaes A r c Profitable.
There ought to be much more exten­
sive planting of the German pruue. We
found It years ago the most paying
fruit we could grow. It was always la
good demand and at 1 tetter prices than
plums. The prune Is also a surer hear­
er than the plum, unless we may ex­
cept some of the new Japanese varie­
ties. Yet, though the prune may l<e
grown nearly everywhere, it has been
planted so sparingly In the East that a
large part of our supply of dried prunes
comes from the Pacific const States,
where Its cultivation, to market J.lHM)
miles east, has been found very prof-
¡table.—American Cultivator.
Cultivate thoroughly whether the
weeds grow or not.
It is mistaken economy not to feed
young, growing pigs well‘
A supply of salt should be kept w l-re
the stock can help themselves.
Keep the reams In a good eomlitlon
bv feeding ami grooming regularly.
‘ v n an im al must have a good appetite
l , ‘Jon expect stamina and constitution.
“ The Kind You Have Always Bought**
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Walter Baker & Co.’s
Breakfast Cocoa.
M o n tre a l*» B ig E le c t r ic P la n t.
In Connecticut there ¡8 hardly a
farmer who does not raise tobacco.
Make money by sue-
cessiul speculation iu
Chicago. \V> buy and
sell wheat there oh mar­
gins. Fortunes have been made on a small
beginning by trading in futures. Write for
full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev­
eral years’ experience on the Chicago Board of
Trade, and a thorough know ledge of the busi­
ness. ’ Downing, Hopkins <fr CO., Chicago Boar«!
of Trade Brokers, offices in Portland, Oregon,
Spokane and Seattle, Waah.
Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored
from flies, ami a too kept free from fonl
Weakness, Nervousnra», D e b ility ,
and all the train of
from early errors or I «ter
excesses ; tha result« ol
overwork, sickness, war*
01 When you once make a stunted ani-
, „ „ «.n never make the same ani-
” ¡¡1
, ry, etc. Full strength.
i development ani tone
I given to every o rg a n
land portion of the body,
f Simple, natural metbr»<l*.
F Immediate improvement
.„old M d « " * " » “ I « " 1 b" 0
seon. Fsilnr#
■ ilari» im p o n ib le .
ZOO© reference*.
• ipTsiMtinn and proof»
m a i led (eeA led ) frac.
. V.
T / l l L r the summer especially, saw-
materials that
J " , " , , , , drf.H o« lor >“
« “ *
M erkel Ml.. Bea f reue.»co.
Rebuilt Gas and
_...Gasoline Engines
F a rm e r»* T a x e s In T u r k e y .
A farmer's taxes in Turkey are claps-
lfied thus: (1) one-tenth o f all crops
and frnit*; (3) 4 per cent of the renting
I value of house and lands; (3 ) 5 per
| cent on every transfer; (4) an annual
I cattle tax of 33 pence on every sheep
and 21 pence on every goat.
taxes are rigorously collected.
In France the doctor’s claim on the
estate o f a deceased patient baa prece­
B f t i H • « * P IL E * m a l ; no p*rnn*
. til cured ; .»end for book. I>nn. M a w f i i l # dence on all others.
F o r r a n SL», »
Do Not Be Deceived.
turer's name lithographed on every can.
F fir rn Note»#
Changing pasturage maintains better
■ Id a s at morning or »re n in * from some lo w
land, often carries in its (olds the seeds of ma­
laria. Where malarial fe\er prevails no one Is
sa*e, unless protected bv n me efficient medic­
inal safexnird. Hoete tcr's Stomach Hitters Is
both a protection and a remedy. No person
who inhabits, or sojourns in a miasuiadc ro­
llo n or eooiitry, should «unit to procure this
fortifying agent, which is also the finest known
remedy ior dyspepsia, consti) alien, kidney
trouble and rheumatism.
It is reported from Montreal that
Queen Victoria lias been asked, through
Lord Aberdeen, and her consent is ex­
pected, to touch a button in-London
and thus start the big electric works of
the Lachine Hydraulic and Land Com­
pany, which is to supply 100,000 iiorse-
H jr» l x ports.
While rye is always prone to follow jM)Wer of electrio current to Montreal.
wheat in its fluctuations, the price Eighty miles of conduits have been
lias been at a much greater discount laid, and arrangements have been com­
than an average, one year with an­ pleted with the Commercial Cable
This is the
other To this must be accorded the Company for the event.
sharp Increase In the export business, largest electric installation in the
which amounted to nearly 6,000.1 KHi British dominions.
bushels ilnring the past nine months H O M E P R O D U C T S A N D P U R E F O O D .
compared with only 3X1,000 bushels the
same period a year earlier. Were there
A ll Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
any adequate outlet, however, we could light colored ami of heavy body, is made from
glucose. “ Tea Garden J > r i p is made from
spare much more of our annual crop, Sugar «'«n o and is strictly pure. It is for vnle
which approximates 30.0UO.000 bushels. bv tirst-eiass grocers, in cans only. Manufac­
tured by the P A C i n c C o a s t S yrup C o . A l l gen­
It Is here seen »hat low prices help rye uine **Tea Garden D rive" have the manufac­
e x p o r t * * . _______
The craving ior drink i«i ft disease, a marvelous
cure for which has been discovered called “ Anti-
Jag," which makes the inebriate lose all taste for
strone drink without knowing why. as it can be
given secretly in tea. coffee, soup ami the like.
I f "A n ti-J a g" is not kept by your druggist send
one dollar to the Renova Chemical Co., fki Broad­
way. N ew York, and it w ill he sent postpaid, In
plain wrapper, with full directions how to give
secretly. In fo r m a t Io n m a l l « « ! f . e « .
H e ld
It rains on an average 208 days in
the year in Ireland, about 150 in Eng­
land, at Kozan about ninety days and
in Siberia only sixty days.
B -
Piso’s Cure for Consumption h a s been a
God-send to me. — Win. B. McClellan,
Chester, Florida, Sept. 17, 1W).
Tortl-nd Or-gon
The committee o f arraiigemente for
the Queen's Diamond Jubilee have
excepting the finishing
teaches, concluded fur u fine celebra­
tion in Portland, Oregon. This w ill
be commenced on Sunday afternoon,
»re especially liable to kidney dis*
In Lexington, K y ., there is a club,
ease, caused by the constant jo ltin g
tlie 20th of J.ine, at 3:30, being the the youngest member o f which is 80
and nervous strain to which th «y
anniversary on which her majesty, yeais old. A l l the others ore over 00.
Queen Victoria, began her long reign,
I » It. are subjected.
A N K X C K L I.'.C N T S C H O O L .
w ith a fu ll choral sorvioe at T rin ity
Episcopal church, under the im m edi­
Hoitt's School at Burlingame, Cal., deserves
ate charge of the Rev. John E. Simp­ Its high reputation for excellence. It is tin. m 2
son, but the Bishop of Oregon and questionably one of the !a*st schools for boys ou
the Western coast.—San fbuncisco CktU.
other cfergy w ill also be present and
restores the kidney» to healthy
.take part iu the serivees. This service
Tw o cows, tw o pigs, eighteen hens,
action. Here ia ore o f many test!«
is the more interesting, as sim ilar ones a grayliound pup and a bull were given
monials on this p oin t:
w ill be held all around the world,
to an agent by an A bilen e (K a n .)
M. Nevln, 15 4 North Curtis Stre»t,
commencing w ith the ooionies o f New
farmer for a cabinet organ.
Chicago, 111., says:
Zealand and Australia, thence to South
*• I am »n engineer on the Chicago wul North.
western R. iiioad, an-1 havp run au engine tot
A frica, and so on westward, until com­ B e w a re o f O in tm e n t» fo r C n ta rrh T h a t
e ve years. The constant joltin g
the past
C o n ta in M erc u ry,
kiJney trouble.
I tried veriou«
^ brjugi
ing back across the A tlan tic the city
remet. •», but not until I befc»n the u?.e o f W ar­
ner *s SA F K Cure and W arner't
of St. John’ s, Newfoundland-, 'w ill take smell and completely qerange the w hole sys- |
SAFR P»Hs, was I benefited.
it up, Hnd send it on across the conti­ tern when entering it through the mucous sur- i
In my opinion it is the best
remedy in existence for men
faces. Such article» should never be used ex-
nent till reaching the Pacific ocean it ' cept
employed on railroads and
on prescriptions from reputable uhvsi- j
no remedy can equal It,’ *
w ill be sent back to the place o f begin­ cians, as the damage they w ill »to is tenfold to
NV.irner's SAFE Cure Is sold
ning. Every service w ill commence at H all’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J.
in Urge or (new site) small
3:30 with the magnificent “ Old Hun­ Cheney & Co., Toledo., O., contains no mer­
bottles, by all druggists.
and is taken internally, acting directly i
dred,” “ A ll people that on eartli do cury
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys­
w ell,” and promptly at 4 o ’ clock the tem. In buying H all’ s Catarrh Cure lie sure
get the’ genuine. It is taken internally,
service w ill be brought to a temporary you
ami made in Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co.
stop, when the congregation w ill join Testimonials free.
Sold bv Druggists, price T.’ic per bottle.
We carry the most complete line of (5ymnasiun
in singing “ (iod Save the Queen.”
H all’s Family Pills are the best.
and Athletic «¡ooda on the Coast.
The service w ill he printed on slips
A new nail making machine pro- I
Send for Our Athletic Catalogue.
(one o f the committee has generously
offered to donate these) so that every­ puces as many nails in a given tim e as
W I L L a F I N C K C O .,
Sltt-H'iO M ark et S t . . San Frwnelaoo, Cal.
one w ill be enabled to join in the ser­ were form erly made by 1,000 men.
vice, and it is expected that a great
number w ill be present. The collec­
tion w ill be taken for the benefit of the
hospital fund, which is being gotten
up by the British-born residents of the
state o f Oregon, for the endowment of
a bed in the Onod Samaritan hospital.
The choir o f T rin ity church are now
practicing the special hymns and the
“ P I T C H E R ’S C A S T O R IA ," AS OUR TR A D E ' m a r k .
service under the very able direction
o f Mr. Ligh ter, the organist, who lias
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, o f Hyannia, Massachusetts,
kindly given his services for the occa­
was the originator o f "PITCHER ’S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now
^ on every
On Monday evening, June 21, there
w ill be a grand promenade concert and
bear the fa c s im ile signature o f C & aAAz '-e u c & U wrapper.
ball at the Arm ory, at which w ill lie
This is the original "PITCH ER ’S CASTORIA," which has been
given songs and music o f the various
used in the homes o f the mothers o f America fur over thirty
British countries (English, Irish, Scotch
and AVelsh) by the very best local ar­
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
tists, who iu several instances w ill ap-
kind yon have always bought s n j? s / f lr . 'T*** on th*
l* a r in the old-fashioned native cos­
tume, such as the pretty dress of the
a n d has th e s i g n a t u r e
Welshwoman w ith short skirts, red
per. Ao one has authority from me to use my name except
cloak, and the tall sugar-loaf hat. The
The Centaur Company o f which Chas. II. Fletcher is
Arm ory w ill be splendidly decorated
witli flags, etc., and iu this connection
it. may be said that the secretary of the
March 8, 1897.
treasury, through Collector Black, lias
given instructions that flags for this
purpose may be brought in from Vic-
D o not endanger the life o f your ch ild by accepting a cheap substitute
to ia, B. C ., free of duty, the same to
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
be returned to Victoria. The band of
on it ), the ingredients of which even he docs not know.
the First regiment w ill play their best
selections, which are always enjoyable.
In addition to the music the ladies
w ill have booths,
representing the
different divisions o f the United K in g­
dom and colonies, at which refresh­
ments, ice cream, badges, etc.* w ill be
~ — W
sold, and these booths w ill be decked
out in the flags and emblems of the
part of the country they represent. A
large number o f tickets have already
▼ M « C I N T A U ft C O M P A N Y , T T M u f t H A Y I T f t l C T . N E W V O H A C I T Y .
been sold by the various members of
the committee, and from this it is easy
to judge that a very great number of
peojde w ill be there. The proceeds of
the concert are also for the benefit of
the hospital fund, and the committee
especially desire thut every British-
born resident w ill go to that concert.
The price of tickets has been put at 25
cents each, with children free when
with their friends. This was done for
the express purpose of allowing every
British-horn resident, however humble
' l. Because it is absolutely pure.
his station, to attend, and thereby take
2. Because it is not made by the so-cailed Dutch Process in
some part in a celebration that is not
which chemicals are .used.
likely to occur again in their lives.
3. Because beans of the finest quality are used.
W h ile of course the concert is specially
4. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
for the British-born residents, this
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans.
does not mean that their American
5. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent
friends are not to come, as if they do
a cup.
they w ill be most heartily welcomed,
B . *u r. that yoo * .t the genuine article made by WALTER
and at the same time be sure o f a must
BAKER A CO. Ltd., Dm lifM or, Mae*. E.tabltahed 1780.
enjoyable entertainment.
On Tuesday evening, June 22, the
celebration w ill be brought to a close
by a banquet at the Porltand hotel,
which Mr. Bowers promises will.snr-
pass anything tbut has ever been held
in that famous place for such entertain­
It seems almost out o f place to sav that a
ments. The menu cards are works of
man may be a giant In physical
deal aeve
m tnt anil vet that a »trip pllng
lin g could outdo
i 1
art, and w ill be treasured as souvenirs
mile test of in
him In a simple
nerve. But It’s very
of the occasion. The dinner w ill com­
often true Look at the great, big, htiskv
fellow ; he conld
aid knock down an ox with
mence promptly at 8:30, and after the
h i» list. But his big heart in soft, and he
material part lias been disposed of
lacks “ g fit.” His sympathies are as strong
as his arrn, but his nerve falls often ami he
speeches w ill be given by the best
is »»haloed of himself. He docs not under­
speakers in the city and state, includ­
stand It, ami it doe» seem strange. Hr.
Manden explains the reason in his book,
ing the gcveinor and others equally
“ Three ( ’ lasses of Men.”
The committee appeals to all British-
born residents in the state o f Oregon
to subscribe to the endowment o f the
This famous Belt corrects the trouble, ft
hospital bed. This is not a city affair,
is worn during sleep mostly, and as nerve
but is known all over the state o f Ore­
force or vital power is nothing but electn *
it gives the back the grit. It works al­
gon as one of the most charitable in­
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squeezes the forces of vitality and makes »?very part of the body strong. Now, drug;- tear
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be found with which to celebrate the
strong. It furnishes it» own power, while drugs simply drain the power that U in the
reign of one of the best and kindest of
Call and »ee í>r. Panden today.
monarchs, than by givin g something
C o n »u lta M o n an d T e » t o f th e F u n o iu Belt F re e .
for the sick and needy. If you cannot
The book I» also free. By mail, it 1» sent, closely seal«*«!, fre \
give dollars do yonr best, and if any
w ish to subscribe so much a month for
two or three they years can make their
w-u w « . h ,n « t .’ ,1 *».,._r«riun.i.
payments in that way. A n y o f the
When writing to Advertiser please mention this paper.
committee w ill be pleased to acknowl­
edge the receipt o f any money sent
them, or it can be sent to Mr. W. K.
M cKenzie, the secretary, Worcester
block, Portland.
The committee re­
quest that all non-residents, who in­
tend being present at the banquet send
in their names at once.
F a ls e M o ,le s t ). •
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I x t . m t l n x r . ’ - b im tk w
uf an ani-
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San Francisco, Cal...
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
¡N .P .N .U . No. 70 «.— 8 .F .N .U . No. 7M