Kital>lip»li<‘ u prices Assessments and Taxation. as such property, including the mine or , To G R E E R TH E O P ftC F P “ P op'-ed Out. E d ito r : Three years «go a blacksmith of Gales Creek very carefully studied the problem of keeping up with the hard times. He lulked with friends aud finally u meet- idg was called and it was decided to or* ganize a labor exchange. Members were enrolled aud five directors elected with the promoter as president. It was decided to go ahead and stnrt up a tan­ nery and every other industrial enter­ prise possible in order to do business without paying tribute to the capitalist. Labor Exchange checks were printed which were to be used as a medium of exchange. A tanner was hired and everything went well for three months when the man asked for his wages uud theu there was trouble, but the man got his wages theu all the same. The pro­ moters found that the tannery would not pay and as the work must be done the president uud another director went at it aloue for a time, but it did not seem to suit their taste, so they sold out to the secretary aud another member. And after two years of fruititi! effort the en­ tire business proved a bad failure. After a time a cabinet maker, a man of good principles, who was dissatisfied with the outer world came along and seeing the situation the tanunery was in recommended a tanner who lived in Southern Oregon. He was invited to come and help on the increasing busi­ ness. He was told that a cabinet shop, wagon shop, blacksmith shop, machine shop, harness and shoe shop would be added to the business in a short order. The letter concluded with these words: " I f you are not doing well there you can­ not do worse here so if you have any sense come here." The tanner tried by writing to satisfy himself that he would be provided with a living and make a little more, so he gave up his business, sold every thing as best he could and lull of faith and hope in the varnished future he arrived at the tannery. First of all he was asked to sign a certificate not to demand cash for his labor but to accept the product of equal value. A little house was provided, some pro­ vision brought in and he was advised to make his future living out of the tan? nery. The tannery itself was a surprise, no tools, no material, no funds, but a few loads of bark and every thing upside' down. He went to work and soon finished some leather. The customers came but instead of paying for the work presented accounts or checks that were due. Thus it went on for eight months and only a few dollars in money came in. The tanner found himself caught in a trap of adventurous enterprise. The checks he received would not buy bread and butter, and the officers de­ clared themselves helpless. The tanner was forced to sell all his small bclogings even to his wife’s gold pen. His four children were suffering for food and he had nothing to live on. Now they have moved to Forest Grove and moved into Mr. Armstrong’s house and are willing to do any kind of work that will bring them an honest living. The man will dress skins and furs and do any kind of such work. The wife will wash and inend clothing for men and women. She can also teach macramè work. The man worked at the tannery 193 days, and as there was no written agree­ ment and the promises were not kept he now demands $2.00 for each days work and the suffering and abuse the family has been subjected to. Now Mr. Editor, my case is written out and I aak as a favor that you publish it and also the fact that we are in need and want to work so as to earn a living. Sincerely, J acob N o w a r k . th e Made by S. Hughes during the “ Hold quarry would sell at a f-ir voluntary sale for cash. Taxable leasehold estates shall Up at Salem.” be valued at such price as they would V E R I F I C A T I O N of t a x ro ll by ffice at bis resilience, bring at a lair voluntary sale for ca h. ASSESSOR. GROVE, - - OREGON. Sec. 54.— State of Oregon, County of Money whether in possession or on de­ for pensions every Wednesday. Washington, )ss. I,-----------------------, posit shall tie entered in the statement assessor of------------ county, do solemnly at the full value thereof. Every credit 'r ^ k ^ UC^S ^ rocer' esi Glassware aud Stoneware, swear that the book to which this is at­ for a sum certain and fixed by the terms c. E. GEIGfeR, a e and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop tached contains a correct aud full list of of the contract, payable in money or p a t h ic p h y s ic ia n tic s, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and W illow all the real property (or personal prop- serv*ces- shall be valued at the full price erty, as the case may be), subject to tax- ] t*lc 80 P*V“ hle unless the assessor shall and s u r g e o n arc of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large ation in----------county, so far as I have I be satisfied that the obligor in such con- L u ence, Bnwlby house, 1‘aclflc ave., lot of all kinds o f Seeds I n B u l k . ¡¿it of Forest Grove hotel. been able to ascertain the same; and that tract is insolvent. EST GROVE, OREGON. the assessed value set down in the proptr O F T H E E Q U A L I S A T I O N O F A S S E S S M E N T . TEA AND CO FFEE A SPECIALTY. column opposite the several kinds and de- COUNTY BOARD. W lo u paid to Medical aud Hur(?ical Women aud Children aud all chronic constitutes county scriptions of property is in each the true Sec. 59.— What nd fair value of such property to the board. The county judge and county best of ray knowledge and belief; and commissioners of the several counties of bcoN, that the lootings of the several columns this state shall constitute a board of __ n said book and the tabular statement equalization, to examine and correct the D E N T IS T , returned herewith are correct as I verily assessment of their respective counties, and to increase or reduce the valuation believe.---------------------------Assessor. FOREST GROVE Me do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible Subscribed and sworn to before me of property, assessed in the manner here­ OREGON. inafter provided and not otherwise. manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at­ this----------day of----------18----- . tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are -------------------------- County Clerk. Sec. 60.— Before the members of the cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be Sec. 55.— And every person who shall said board shall enter upon their duties, , O- C. H IA T T appreciated, "»k- «a- wilfully and knowingly swear falsely to shall take and subscribe the following DEN TIST. any such list or make a false statement oath; State of Oregon, county of------- therein affecting any material fact shall ss. I,--------------- , do solemnly swear pay a penalty of five hundred dollars to that I equalize all the property, both real the county in which he resides, which and personal as--------------- county as i l i a 's B u ilding on Main Street, up Office hours, » a. m. to 4 p. m. shall be recovered in a civil action to be enumerated upon the assessment roll of commenced by the proper district at­ said county for year 18------- , aud will torney in the name of the state of Ore­ faitnfully discharge the duties of my of­ OMAS H. TONGUE, gon in the circuit court having jurisdic­ fice as a member of the county board of tion and the money when collected shall equalization in the manner required by 1RN E Y - A T - L A W , be paid in to the county treasurer and law according to the best of my judg­ bo , W ashington C ounty , O b . Good Horses placed to the credit of the common ment and discretion without fear or school fund. favor, so help me God.---------------------- New Rigs ASSESSOR M A Y E X A M IN E TAXPAYER Subscribed and sworn to before me 1 ITH & BOWMAN, UNDER OATH. this------- day of------- 18--------------------. Moderate ! e ys - a t - l a w , Sec. 56.— Whenever the assessor shall M E E T I N G A N D D U T Y O F C O U N T Y B O A R D , be of the opinion that the person listing TO G IV E N O T IC E . Prices Work and Conveyancing. property for himself or any other person, Sec. 61.— The county board of equali­ Morgan Bile. H IL L S B O R O , O r . mm company or corporation has not made a zation shall meet at the room of the W ill run astage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $1.00 for the full, fair and complete list of such prop­ county court in the court house of each erty, he may examine such person under county on the second Monday of June M. L A N G L E Y , round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. oath in regard to the amount, location of each year, for the purpose of equaliz­ Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers Y ANI) COUNSELOR AT LAW and condition of the property he is re­ ing h i value of all taxable property Hunters and Fishermen Prosecuting Attorney. quired to list or to answer under oath, within such county. Two weeks previ­ Collections a specialty. and a full and true discovery made, the ous notice of the time, place and purpose Take Jones’ Bus to and from all trains Tp-stairs, Woods A Caples assessor shall examine any other person of such meetings shall be given by the ----Baggage and freight called for and delivered Building. under oath respecting the same and list county clerk in some newspaper of gen­ and value of the property of such person eral circulation in the county, and by F ire and A cciden t Insuran ce or his principal according to his best notices printed in large plain type, judgment and information, and he shall posted in ten or more public places in Peace Loans, C ollections examine any other person under oath the county. respecting the same and list and value .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. of the property of inch person or his B O A R D M U S T E Q U A L I Z E V A L U E S O F . I. KJMIGJHT PROPERTY. principal to his best judgment and in­ Toilet Articles, Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by Sec. 62.— It shall be the duty of said formation, and he shall then double the Fire Insurance Stationery, an Experienced Pharmacist and from valuation thereof, and no correction, board at such meeting to examine and ..and Loan Broker. News Depot. ^ the Best and Freshest material. deduction or abatement from such compare the assessment of property of the several districts of the county and amount ¿hall be allowed. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. proceed to equalize the same; so that . . . . O regon A SSESSO R, W H E N TO COM M EN CE AND each tract or lot of real property, and JVIAIN STREET, JHILLSBOI^O. C L O S E A S S E S S M E N T A N D L I S T I N G . each article or class of personal property H. D. S tewart , Sec. 57.— The assessor shall commence shall be entered on the assessment list Subscriptions Received for the W a s h in g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t , Ass't Cashier. tile assessment of property in his county at its true and full value subject to the T h e C o u n ty N E W S p a p e r . on the first day of April of each year and following rules: shall complete the same by the fifth- First.— They shall raise the valuation f F o rest G ro ve teenth day of May next thereafter and of each tract or lot of zeal property Club with The Oregonian. shall perform the duties required him which in their opinion is returned below PFANNER, Proprietor by this act in the manner following to- its true and full value to such price or general banking business wit: He shall actually view and deter­ sum as they believe to be the true and telegraphic transfers sold on New mine the true and full value of each full value thereof. and San Francisco. tract or lot of real property listed for Second.— They shall reduce the valua- nge payable at sight in London, taxation and shall enter the value there­ tien of each tract or lot of real property Amsterdam, Brussels, Stockholm, he-Main as well as all other of, including the value of all improve­ which in their opinion is returned above and centers o f trade throughout jgdom, Ireland and Continental ments and structures thereon opposite its true and real value to such price or each description of property. He shall sum as they believe to be the true and made at all accessible points, 5 2 .0 0 P E R Y E A R . make an alphabetical list of all persons full value thereof. rs from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. in the county liable to taxation and re­ Third.— They shall raise the valuation quire each person to make a correct list of each class of personal property which M ELKI JOHNSON T. E. CORNELIUS and statement of all the property he is in their opinion is returned below its required to list, which statement and list true and real value as they believe to be shall be subscribed and sworn to as in the true and full value thereof, and they this act prescribed by the person listing shall raise the aggregate value of the ! the property; and the assessor shall personal property of each individual ! thereupon deterine them value of all the whenever they believe that«such aggre­ Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre property and credits included in such gate valuation is less than the true val­ statement and list and enter the same in uation of the taxable personal property *t place to get your Tracts in W ashington, Yam hill the aggregate value of all property asses­ possessed by such individual to such 1 until you reach Til- • Ica riy a fu lllin eo f aud Tillamook counties. sed to each person in the property col­ sum or amount as they believe was the A T TH E COLLEGE. umn. Messrs. Sweek and Luelling started for true value thereof. OREGON. P R O P E R T Y s h a l l B E A S S E S S E D A T I T S Foutth.— They shall, upon complaint Salem on a tandem last Friday, but, ’s and Groceries, FOREST GROVE Medicines, T R U E A N D F U L L V A L U E IN M O N E Y of any party aggrieved, reduce the valua­ when within ten miles of their destina­ AND THE MANNER OF V A L U E I N G tion of each item or class of personal tion the machine broke, giving them ao igars and Tobacco. property assessed to him, which, in their opportunity to rest their bicycle muscles. PROPERLY. tie and all necessary Sec. 58.— All property shall be assessed opinion is returned aBove its true and They walked back Sunday. for a camp outfit. at its true and fall value’ in money. In full value to such ptice or sum as they The Inter-collegiate athletic cup was GALES CREEK. determining the true and full value of! believe to be the true and full value, awarded to Corvallis. Eugene taking tomninnication between real and personal property, the assessor j thereof; and upon like complaint they second place P. U. did not compete. tuve and Tillamook. shall not adopt a lower or different stand- \ shall reduce the aggregation valuation of An Inter-collegiate debating club in­ ard of valuation because the same is to the personal property of such individual cluding U. of O., P. U. and Willamette serve as a basis of taxation; nor, shall he j who, in their opinion have been assessed University was organized last week. adopt as a criterion of value, the price for : at too large a sum to such amount as The first debate will be held about the ES CREEK. which the property would sell at auction | they believe to be the true and full value middle of October. or at forced sale, or the aggregate of all | of the personal pioperty The new room of the Y. W. and Y. M. Fifth.— They shall correct all errors, C. A. has been carpeted, seated, lighted the property in the precinct district; but ! L o w P r ic e s , SO V IA **’ CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor. he shall value each article or description omissions or imperfections in names, and adorned with paintings. expe r ie n ce . P r o m p t D e liv e ry , E x c e lle n t Q im lity . of property by itself, and at such sum or amounts or descriptions of any nature It is now one of the best furnished price as he believes the same to be or kind. rooms in Marsh Hall. The first meet­ (T o b e C o n ti n u e d .) fairly worth in money. In assessing any ing will be held Sunday afternoon for Bncklen’s Arnica Salve. tract or lot of real property, the value of Report of month beginning May 3 and which special services have been pro­ n „,t Ogive Cu^| The Best saive in the world gait Rheum the land exclusive of the improvement ending May 28, District No. 90. No. of vided. Bruises, Sores, Lice , Hands t r a m m a r k «, shall be determined, also the value of all days taught 19. Average attendance 57. The little black lambs, of Portland, D E S IG N S , 1 improvements or structures thereon, Those neither absent nor tardy were: have been secured to assist the minstrnl OOPVRIOMTR A a . and the aggregate value of the property John Parsons, Channcey Swinney, Eva people Fridav night. —1 o n n n u n lctto M « tiic tly including all structures and other im- ’ Swinney, Grace Miller, Mable Miller, A toner from Portland was oat the first B . C a tc h in g , provement and excluding the value of all Rath Parkin, Lucy Crowther, Nellie ! of the week to put the pianos in resdl- Tsrd t mile Northwest of Forest Grove i f 0'« " Nana A Oo. r a m n crops growing on cultivated lands. In Crowther, Sadie Bennett. Perfect de­ ness for the commencement exercises. Chas. Miller.___________ . valu in g any real property upon which ' port men t- George McRoberts, John Par- I The Y. W. C. A. ladies were so suc­ 'C AMERICAN, W a n te d -A n Idea there is a mine of precious metals, gold, sons, Grace Miller, Rose McRoberts.— cessful with tkeir ice cream social the T S rA i,’ntI>—8EVEBA1L «1 bTeertsb- *W 3 I S9th that they have decided to gi»* | or other mine, or stone or other quarry,: T. C. Parsons, teacher. lUhed honsein Orejon^ p in io n permanent * - another Tuesday evening on the cam p** lit weekly and VJ^'^Tfaddressed a co.. chices* CI a N AND SU R G E O N , MAS THE LEADINO GROCERY STORE Forest Grove Laundry ---- and Dye House. W. S. BALDWIN, Manager. JO N ES’ STABLE . . nr brock ’ s D rug store . We Do Not Hatchet an d ’ San Francisco Weekly Examiner, JOHNSON Whoa! the . . . hance Grocery. & CORNELIUS REAL ESTATE AGENTS, TH E All Grades of Rou^h and Dressed Lumlier. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. S argen t , Brick for Sale! 160,000 Good Quality SR rsfs-*=v -h ^ ». N«w It r fc . * 1 VSStSI i H ’g a s s É s a s ® !» B,n4ln‘ ' A