Dr. King's New Discovery for EAST AND THE SHASTA i SOUTHERN Pi An Oregon Poet. Pastor Cline of the M. E. church, wid A Vinegar 8tory. Consumption. hold quarterly ¡neetings at one of the Mr. Sam. L. Simpson is a I**» “ A new discovery has lately been made This is the best medicine in the world vu Portland churches Sunday. which must be the eighth wonder of the many of his productions prove, on t occasion ?of the eightieth birthday of for all forms of Coughs and Colds and Elder Shelley preached at Glencoe last world. A man by the name of Pete Mrs. Hannah L. Lasterbrook, an Ore­ for Consumption. Every bottle is Sunday and visited relatives in that vi­ Bennett, of Paducah, Ky., while on a gon pioneer, he read the following beau- guaranteed. It w ill cure and not disap- cinity until Monday. hunting excursion on the banks of the tiful poem. or Tnt | point. It has no equal for Whooping Eighty years o f sun and shadow, A. G. Lucas was home from Eastern famous Reelfoot Lake found a vinegar Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Eighty years of smiles and tears! spring. Oregon part of this week. Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head j And we only pause and wonder As the Memphis Commercial Appeal Wm. S. Phelps and family of Portland,, In our swift and short careers; and for Consumption. It is safe for all ----- __ Eighty years o f love aud duty, visited relatives here the first of the j from which we quote the following, does ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a g X p re8s T r a in s Eighty years of hopes and dreams, not state that the discoverer might have week. sure cure. It is always well to take l)r. And the chaplet they have woven been laboring under a hallucination The city council met in regular session On tliy meek brow softly gleams! King’s New Life Pills in connection with l a n d Dail“ caused by over-indulgence in hard cider, Tuesday evening. Among other busi­ On this height o f time triumphant Dr. King’s New Discovery, as they regu -1 we trust our readers will be as charitable. PORTLAND Thou canst see the promised land, ness transacted a resolution was passed late and tone the stomach and bowels, j P ortland and ban , u Leave— This was probably six months ago, Aud the long path o f thy journey, authorizing the Light & Water Co. to Portland... We guarantee perfect satisfaction or re- Portland..— 6:00 p. m and Mr. Bennett seeing the vast possibi­ Guided by thy Father’s hand; 8 . . . V*:n. San Francisco 8:00 p, m remove some of the suburban street In the tender dusk o f gloaming turn money Free trial bottles at Mill- Aboye fimlM ^ lities in such a spring, kept the matter a lamps to the grounds during the reunion. Pn»ti»nA and Salem, «_ *** Linger morning’s gold and rose, er’s Pharmacy, Regular aize o 0 cents Portland profound secret until he could get suffi­ son, .Albany, Albany June,inn • , And through falling, fading vespers and $1.0J. Halsey, Harrisburg JuutdlmV cient capital interested in order to make Morning music gently flows. When a cold is contracted, cure it at Rene, Drains, Oakland and - its developement assured. He was suc­ Uuseburg to Ashlcud lnelu,“ ^ In thy bosom sweet aflections once. One Minute Cough Cure will set Still exhale a fresh perfume, n o t a r y p u b l ic you on tne road to recovery in a minute. cessful in securing the aid of a multi­ ROSEBU RGM Xa, And thou smil’st at youthful ardor, Iaiavc— It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup millionaire, of London, and the organi­ Grateful for its summer bloom; f ir e in s u r a n c e Portland...... 8:30 a, m and all forms of lung and throat troubles. zation of the company is complete. Rosebarg..... 7:30 a. m For in true hearts wistful yearnings It is proposed by this company that LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE • Celebrated for Iti greet leavening «trength and J. C. Clark, Druggist. Never wholly pass away, kealthfulneee Annum» the food agalnnt alum they make a garden spot of several thou­ D I N I N G C A R S ~ o n 0G~ And the children o f remembrance U. S . Land Business A Specialty The Old Log Church. and all form» of adulteration oornmou to the Never wander far astray. sand acres of the fine land that sur­ cheap brand.- R O YA L BAKING POWDER To T h e H a t c h e t : PULLM AN BUFFET Cherished, honored, slowly passing rounds this spring, and plant the whole CO., NEW YORK. it. R. TICKETS, AND ' To the dim and mystic shore, Late in the Autumn of 1844, Mr. A. T. of it in cucumbers.' The vines will be SECO N D -CLASS SI Loving life, yet blandly listening A N D Smith, wishing to furnish employment trained to run in trenches’ between the A ttached to all through D IL L E Y . For the silent boatman’s oar, for some rather destitute immigrants, rows of hills, and when ahoitt half grown, Surely i f the day worth living STEAMSHIP TICKETS The Dilley correspondent is all right Whose evening is so bright aud calm, hired them to erect the body of the by means of irrigation, the vinegar from West Side Div notwithstanding the anxiety of the Gales Hope and memory incense bringing building, roof it over with shacks, and lay this spring will be turned through the To all parts of the Spur man. B e t when P o rtla n d a K5 From the shores o f bloom and balm. the sills for a floor. Messrs. Smith and trenches and kept on the vines until the Here the gray sea throbbing, singing Prof. J. L. Kay and wife, of Washing­ Geiger thei, hauled lumber from a saw cucumbers are grown, when it will be m a il t b a i n d a i l y h x c i » United States, Canada and Songs thy sailor loved so well 7:30 a.m 1 Lv PortTiST ton, are visiting at the Kay ranch this mill on Gales Creek, and from Jackson’s turned off and the finest of the pickles 910 a.m I Lv Foreit Grove Europe. * Mingles requiem and ptean, week. 12:15p m I A r Corvallte saw mill back in tht mountains beyond will be gathered and barreled for ship­ Aud no doubt with thee can dwell At Albany ami CorTailtTceii- Call on Pob, the barber, for a clean where Glemoe now stands. They laul a ment. That, with signals set to welcome a H. W . SCOTT. of tbe Oregon Central & Kantari Thee to guerdon and to rest; shave and hair cut. portion of th * floor in the back part m r kicks t r a i n d a i l y ( i j - The compauy will then buy 5,000 head Still his spirit bark is waiting 4:50p.m | i.v Portland- We are thinking of getting a fire de­ where the fire place was. After this, of hogs to eat the pickles refused for Near the islands o f the blest. 15:29 p.m I Lv Forest Grore partment in our town for a chicken nothing farther was done for about two shipment and to wade in the vinegar —S. L S. 7:30 |>. I A r McMtnvIUe house burned down last week and Dilley years. marsh, so that at time of slaughter they REAL ESTATE BROKER. Direct connection at Han dental and Oriental aud Pacific In the Fall of 1847 the Rev. Josephus will not only ship bacon, shoulders, ham, I can’t stand many such losses. Office upstairs in Ingles’ Building lines for JAPAN and CHINA, Albert Briggs went to Portland with Cornwall, a Cumberland Presbyterian etc., but can fiill all orders for pickled application. minister, arrived with his family, finished pigs’ feet on short notice. They will bis family last Wednesday leaving his Forest Grove, - - Oregon. Kates and tickets to Eaiten store in charge of Walter Jackson and the edifice and lived in it that winter, sell vinegar only in five barrel lots. Europe. Also Japan, Chins, and Mr. Cornwall taught a school that Australia, can be obtained fn* Charles Knapp. Agent, Forest drove winter in the old “ shanty.” This stood A Valuable Prescription. Report has reached us that John Hoo­ E. t on the bluff down toward the creek. If ver who left here a few mouths ago was R I P A N ’S Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., R, KOEHI.KR. AeetQ.! one stands in front of Mr. McDonald’s Manager killed by the Indians while herding “ Sun,” w rites: “ You have a valuable I LL — Portland, Oregoe. house and looks south he will see in the sheep in Montana. prescription in Electric Bitters, and I u field opposite three large stumps, the Dilleyites are thinking of the days of middle one of these is not far from the can cheerfully recommend it for Consti-1 1 The modern stand- yore when we had rain. Yes let it rain. site of the old "shanty.” This “ shanty” pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen­ u ard Family M$di- eral system tonic it has no equal.” Mrs. r/ Thirty years is a long time to fight so bad been built by a Mr. Brawly. AnnieStehle, 2626 Cottage Grove Ave., IS TH E Dr. Geiger and Mr. Alvin Brown C/l cine: Cures the painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob Chicago, was all run down, could not eat u SHORTEST, Mitchell, of Uuionville, I’a., struggled hauled the lumber for finishing the floor nor digest food, had a backache which > common every-day that long before he tried DeWitt’s of the log church. It was two inch never left her and felt tired and weary, FASTEST, Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and lumber and they hauled it from Jackson’s but six bottles of Electric Bitters restored m 5 ills of humanity. • , permanently cured him. It is equally mill. Owing to bad roads they had to her to health and renewed her strength X O U .F 1 S X TRADE tu SAFEST effective in eczema and all skin affections camp out, and Dr. Geiger had taken Prices 50 cents and |1. 00 . Get a bottle z along a chunk of beef in a sack which IO W A H I L L at the Miller pharmacy. 0 TO THE they toasted on sticks before the fire for Mr. Herman aud Henry Boze visited their supper and breakfast. S t Paul the metropolis Saturday. Tualatin Social. Dr. Geiger married Mr. Cornwall’s Minneapolif Yonr correspondent has been waiting daughter. In 1848 Mr. Cornwall moved It is but a fitting tribute to your valu­ Duluth like Micawber for something to turn up up into Yamhill county and thenceforth able paper which circulates among so Pullman Palace SI“ Fargo that he might write about. the log building was used as a meeting many of our estimable citizens that a re­ Pullman Tourist S Grand Forka Mr. Pearson and daughter are visiting house. Previous to this, the meetings port of the social event of the season in TO in Vancouver. had been held in Rev. Harvey Clark’s this vicinity should be spread upon its -T O - Crookston Mr. Lawrence Brown lias n sick horse. house. The Brown's arrived at the West pages; if for no higher or better motive Winnipeg it may be conducive in wielding an in­ Tualatin Plain, October 17, 1846. Miss Traver lias just finished a three Helena and Free Reclining Chair fluence of sufficient power to induce! Last winter Dr. McClelland remarked months term of school. Butte others to go and do likewise. Miss Josie to me that he wished some class would Steam Heat On Friday evening an excellent enter­ place a boulder on the site of the old Cinino, one of our high spirited and YOUNG AND OL . Pintsch tainment was given at the school house, log church. Soon after, meeting Dr. leading social lights, thought out and T H R O U G H TICKETS Ui consisting of songs, instrumental music, Dave Raffety, I talked the matter over planned an ice cream social, which event Rejoice w ith us in the D iscovery. TO dialogues, etc. All enjoyed the program with him, aud he liked the idea. We took place Saturday evening the 22nd. The best of sanitary Chicago immensely the only complaint being then corresponded with Judge J. Q. The popularity of our hostess may When a man has suffered for years with a Through tickets to any that several of the speakers did not Bowlby of Astoria, and received a favor­ readily be judged by the fact that over W ashington * weakness that blights his life and robs him of United States, Canada or ' speak loud euough to be heard at the able response from him. While Raffety fifty ladies and gentlemen responded to Philadelphia all that really makes life worth living, If he can avail himself of a complete cure, why not possess obtained of rear of the hall. Miss Traver deserves and myself were discussing the question “ The pleasure of your company is re­ N ew York the moral eourage to stop his downward course. great praise for her management and the of where we could best get a boulder, we spectfully solicited for the evening.” H. W . SC Boston and all We will seud you by mail, absolutely free, in training of the children. At the close happened to notice a piece of petrified The opening exercises began with vo­ Points East and South plain package the All-Powerful Dr. Hofman’s Ag- an informal banquet was partaken of by tree lying in front of his drug store, and cal and instrumental music, our worthy Vital Restorative Tablets with a legal guarantee all, pies, cakes and sandwiches being at he suggested that instead of an ordinary hostess presiding at the organ with a Fwr Information, time cards, maps and tick*!* to permanently cure loss o f Manhood, Self abuse, I Forest Grove, Or Sexual weakness. Varicocele, stops forever night j a discount. boulder we get a petrified slump which number of volunteer voices In accompani­ call on or write emissions and all unnatural drains. Returns to former appearance s emendated organs. Croup aud whooping cough are child- he h“d “ en “ l Bonneville, while attend- ment which lasted “ all too soon.” When HORACE STEWART, Agent, NoC. O. D. fraud nor recipe deception. I f we I hood’s terrors; but like pneumonia, ing a patient at that place. Tbe sickness the sweet strains of music had ceased to THE GREAT could not cure, we would not Mild our medicine OR bronchitis, and other throat and lung and death of the owner of land on which vibrate upon the balmy air of evening, Free to try, and pav when satisfied. Write Miss Hester Henry, an assistant for the to-day, as this may not appear again. troubles, can be quickly cured by using the quarry was located caused some de­ A. Address WESTERN MEDICINE CO.. One Minute Cough Cure. J. C. Clark, lay; but finally Dr. R. had it quarried occasion, distributed tbe ballots for - - O R E G O N , Incorporated. Kalamazoo, Mich. I out, crated and delivered at the Forest partners and the next move was toward P O R T L A N D Druggist. Grove depot at a cost of $13.40. Judge the refreshment tables. Some one famil­ F A R M IN G T O N . Bowlby and myself are to divide the ex­ iar with the surroundings leading the Messrs. Bery and Henry Jack spent pense of setting it up and having a suit­ way we were conducted out upon the last Friday aud Saturday in Oregon City able inscription engraved. grassy lawn, more soft and velvety to O F B R I T I S H COI visiting with their sister Mrs. Mettie When Rev. Thomas Condon was here, the tread than the finest of our AND EASTERN Cahow. pastor of the church in 1854, the building parlor rugs, there under the broad spread­ ing branches of a majestic old cherry OREGON There was a pleasant dance given at was still used as a church, and in a ter- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sor- mon which he preached in it, he used tree we found the tables ablaze with light etuon last Friday night. these words: “ To give a young man an and laden with an abundance of a super­ ARE A L L REA George aud I’hoebe Jack spent Sundav «location without Christian principle, is ior quality of one of the conspicuous elements of the frigid zone accompanied $1.50 with Muses Martha and Viola Robinson. onl* to make him * ^ " « W a « « . , by. it may not have been angel cake but There was a dance at Mr. Simpson’s) _ ---- ------— — . , there is no use denying the fact that it last Saturday night. • , Washington County’s Schools. was cake fit for the angle* After dis­ Mr. Albert J.ck expects to erect a fine Rep° rt of district No’ 35 for the month cussing the “ goodies” we retired to the N o C h a n g e of residence on hi. farm this spring. endin8 j8 ' No’ of Uu* ht *°- M . „ „ , i No. of pupils enrolled 15. Average at- near by hop house where games and C a re between Mr. and Mrs 1 emie have gone to Bal- tendance 13. No. of pupils belonging at other amusements were indnlged in till lard Washington where their son Lamlor the end of the month 15. No. of cases the hours of evening had fled all too is running a butcher shop. The people tardy. 3. Time lost by tardiness 24 min- quickly and the first morning hour ad­ of Farmington will be pleased to learn utps. Those neither absent nor tardy monished us that it was high time to 1 i $1.50 that Landor has rented the butcher shop during the month are Arthur Reetz, awa hame, feeling that ” 1 vas glad I vat and is running it on his own hook. Hurley and Irvin Newman, David out disnight.” Pretty good for Lad. The following is a partial list of those Vaughn, Ettie and Laura Wiuters. present. Those who were present snd E dw ard B rooks , teacher. C o n n e c tin g with Persons coming from a distance to whose names do not appear will pardon The following is a report for the trade in Forest Gruve should remember the writer in being nnable to obtain that meals can be had at all hours at the month ending May 28, 1897. No. of pu­ them. No slight is meant toward any­ pils enrolled on register 33. Average Western Hotel. A good lunch can be t r a i l , R O S SI one: Mr. and Mrs. John Cinino, Mr. ) bad for 15 cents or a regular meal for 25 daily attendance 27. Average weekly and Mrs. Lee Spencer, Mr. snd Mrs. M A R C U S NELSO*. attendance respectively, 25, 27, 30, 28. cants. a ll K o o te n a y M Pupils who were neither absent nor tardy Geo. Galbreath, Mr. and Mrs. F. Riggs, K IL L S U O ItO . during the months were Bertie Menden­ Misses Maud and Kate Bailey, Winnie Cam ps . . . and Pearl Casteel, Cal, Ella and Eva Mr. Letitia Stewart come out from hall, Georgie Mendenhall, Earle Buxton, Galbreath, B. Saffron, Hester Henry, L ow R a te s a n d Through Portland and visited with friends Sun­ Hattie Hiddink, Willie McPherson, Emma McPherson U u ra Peterson, K \ x - ' Barngrover. Nettie, Lottie and Kffie day and Monday. For Pamphlets snd Detailed nice Paisley, Nona Rinck and Annie Galbreath, Ida Kuntx, Mary Lursman W. M. Barrett delivered a memorial mation, write to Rinck. Visitors during .the month were •«“ » Messrs. Jim, Henry and Jesse Worth, drees at Gales Creek Sunday after- H. T. Buxton, N. R. West, J. H. Rinck \ L. K- Smith, W. H. Rickey, H. Mullen, W. H. H U R LB D B t;^ on. and C. A. Peterson.— G rove A P htkr - J- Nearbwrg, J. W’ . and W. Henry, J. General Paaae- Memorial exercises passed off quite s o n , teacher. Rogers, A. Galbreath, Geo. Laum. H O. K. *»• pleasantly Monday forenoon, the only „ . , . . . Robbins, H. Goble, H. Casteel. P ost Report of district No. 77 for the term “ Bom." drawback being a shower of rain which Club with The Oregonian. ending May *8. 1S97. No. days taught caused many to leave before the program 60. No. days attendance 1980. No. 1 W as finished. days absence 270. No. times tardy 60. Sufferers from physical and nervions W. D. Hare left here Wednesday even­ No. boya enrolled 2t. No. girls enrolled , debility find great relief in the use of ing for Milwaukee. Wis., to attead the at. Total No. enrolled 4a. Average No. Ayet’a Sarsaparilla. Far better than any j r a i s y « a w » ***** « “ “ “ ySm iii ¿y niT»siînaf grand lodge A. O. U. W. belonging 37. Average daily attendance stimulant, ita effect is not transient and Some improvements are visible in 33. No. of viaitors 16. Roll of honor, superficial, hat deep and permanent. It ( builds up the system by purifying and XX —SEVERAL FAlTHFPt the business partis* of town, new awn­ Cela Hergert, Maud Keckley. ,.!J_. Women to travel for reap«* liA n n v C. B a k jib , teacher, enriching tke blood. ings. screen doors, etc. usasd honat la Oregon. Salary POWDER Absolutely Pure. GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENT AUD PACIFIC R.R. . . . R U N S . . . Pullman Sleeping Elegant Dining Cars Pacific Sleeping Cars East, North and WE SEND W EAK M EN D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass, A it The Fast G old a n d S COUNTRIES 0 via T he . R i PORTLAND and IsroKi Shortest L ine to 8i all r a il ro ute 2 We Do Not • Hatchet and San Francisco W eekly Examiner, $2.00 PER YEAR. Wanted—An Idea jU weekly and e i pa nana. Punition K jfertn ca Enclose self add ( ’ •‘•»a Th, Nattsaal. Star t*