Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, May 27, 1897, Image 7

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mamaTd^ÎutterouToï^ T
odors of any kind ■ n ,u
“ 'ih 0f foul
done while'the „.ilk
™ u llanll>' » *
odor of cooking vlLk ,tam ,’|,t W,“ 'r,‘ ,lle
«•an reach it ’* ' ‘ hH,a,'l<'s of all kinds
from ^ o k L
,081 aUy klnd " f »dor
Offensive as In . et“ mes , xw‘edingly
o f the odoi
fa r e °* ‘ '«lUeiiienta.
and machinery ‘ b ^
“ "tdetnents
ei if he u *Ur|’riK* ,lu‘ Kl'“ ‘ >al read-
ei if he were traveling over the coun-
p Pat V i » r :eti**e o r v q iio sh o n .
jolil llubbard squash is the stand-
Iwiil) farmers and market garden
Mys the American Agriculturist,
^tenths o f the late fa ll and wlu-
Isquashes found In the markets are
jiirds. and other than summer
sht*s there are probably more Hub
hg planted than all other sorts coiu-
Kor the farm er’s garden, how-
, there are other varieties that w ill
nearly as good satisfaction and
lid be tried in a small w ay. The
m Marrow is more prolific and is
u?s8 Uiat°le ,be evideuces of careless-
s that are so often seen. The provi-
. cm and painstaking farmer has a
° r
I" ‘pl‘'u,eu,s " here he sees
u , !at u’^ are
aiul properly
cared for when they are no longer re-
«Itmed in the cultivation of the crops.
His improvident neighbor sometimes
lemes his Implements where they are
used ast or about his premises, with-
out •helter- Even ids harvester or
mowing machine is left in the field long
after it has been used, subjected to
all kinds of weather and inevitable in­
jury. 1 he cost of repairs is necessar­
ily increased under such Inexcusable
neglect, and the period when a new
machine will be necessary is much
shortened. The care of tolls is an im­
portant factor in farm economy, and a
word In season, while not necessary for
tile provident man, may be serviceable
to such as are too remiss in this direc­
keeileut autumn sort, but w ill not
I well after Christmas. Essex Hy-
IIs a good sort and o f fine quality,
pot of desirable shape fo r market.
| Deo W ing and
dies of recent introduction. F or
home gardener the new W hite
ner Crookneek is w orth y o f a trial,
gages a little larger than the old
|e.i(H'k, w h ic h 't resembles in shape,
en in tile accom panying engrav-
ut its skin is o f a beautiful ivory
color, and its quality is not ex-
by any other summer squash.
F e n c in ir F a r m « ,
grm sliould he divided into as few
I as possible. It is not necessary
Ive more than tw o fenced fields;
khese fields should be used only
nature, alternately. One year tw o
l » f hay should be cut, and the next
I it should be used fo r pasture.
sible have these pasture fields
I to the barn, so that the stock can
Irned out day and night. W here
Ils worth $75 to $150 per acre, it
|not pay to pasture. It Is more
ulcal to grow soiling crops and
the stock in the stable, having not
] than five or ten acres fo r the
to exercise in and graze over,
»ntsido fence should be made o f
Itramls o f ribbon wire, setting the
twenty feet apart and thirty
i deep in the ground. A fence o f
kind can lie cheaply built, as the
lean lie obtained from the woods;
[they have to be bought, they can
for eight cents each undressed,
Jred on the place. Some farm ers
1 posts forty feet apart, d rivin g
I stout oak stakes to fasten the
ppon every ten feet. I f tile work
f* done it w ill last fo r some ten
i when a new set o f stakes must
Feeding the Ch cVs.
I cut show* a simple contrivance
fer a feed dish fo r young chick-
nSimply attach a handle to an old
f basket and make entrance holes
lianieter sufficient to permit the
I chickens to enter. First rem ove
|ttoni of the box or basket. The
I of this feed cover is to protect
o f young chickens from the
In s. It costs but a trifle and w ill
|nd very useful, especially when
the young on food purposely
T h * S h ep h erd .
The sheep in an animal that must be
kindly treated.
'I he small flock of sheep well cared
for will bring more net profit than the
big flock half cared for.
If early lambs are expected, be sure
and have a place prepared not calcu­
lated to make them sorry they came.
The farmer who takes up the sheep
business with the Idea that the outside
of the animal is worth more than the
inside—the wool more than the carcass
—gets hold of the wrong end o f the
dilemma. It’s mutton first, and wool
afterw ard—Alpha.
One bushel of shelled corn or wheat
to every 100 head of sheep per day is
about right. Oats are excellent feed,
and Kaffir corn would be excellent. I)o
not make their feed-troughs V-shaped,
ns they will scoop up the shelled corn
too rapidly. Here is a point that seems
unimportant, but it represents many
dollars a year difference.
A Clod C rn s h e r.
The clod crusher shown here is useful
both for crushing lumpy soil and for
rolling and smoothing the lnud at the
same time. Three logs as even in size
and as round and true as possible are
fastened inside a framework by round
spikes driven through the sidepices
into the logs so that the latter can turn
freely. Where the large, carefully
made land roller is not at hand, this
'i f
quickly made substitute will serve a
very good purpose. It can be weighted
if necessary.-Orange Judd Farmer.
Seed Corn.
Experiment shows that the special
characteristics of a particular enr o f
corn will he reproduced In seed plant­
ed from that ear. The farmer can gen­
erally find in his corn crib almost every
shape of ear and size of grain imagin­
If he is wise he will make a
careful selection at planting time,
choosing only the best-formed speci­
mens. The development following a
few years of systematic selection will
prove surprising. Some of the finest
varieties extant have been produced In
this way.
Spraying has a tendency to heighten
the color of red apples and to give a
blush to the light skinned sorts. 1 his
is due largely to the effect upon the
foliage It must be considered that the
foliage is the lung of the tree, and with­
out good, healthy foliage we cannot
reasonably expect bright, healthy look-
in"- fruit When the foliage is healthy,
the apples will hang longer on the trees,
giving them more time to mature, so as
fo bring them to the highest state of
perfection.— Montana Fruity«row er.
There is no end of flavor
in Schilling's B est tea made
There is not even begin­
ning of flavor in average
tea, make it how you will.
At grocers’ in packages.
C om pletion o f OO Yearn we Sovereign tc
l i e O b i e r v e d In P o r t l a n d . O r e g o n .
t.-lnc 'tin e the F »rm~r.
“ a great talk at all o f the in-
and tanners’ meetings about
nS the farm er In the arts and
Education in these lines is
'lespised. but n greater need
Farmer at this tim e is education
loess principles and business
F. and to have his eyes trained
Mines |n nttie things. He needs.
I _ f niore confidence in his
C* * n<l others o f his own enll-
'ris faith in the promises o f
[•rnat more in those with whom
In contact, and less to those
' ltDowg only from their lettcr-
Keenin* Milk.
•rore to absorb any odors with
Ja brought in contact. Cream
• having a greater proportion
Fora oi
r r s r M . 'i
Fend for Our Athletic Catalogue.
• 18-830 M a r k e t St., S i » * r a n e l. r o . Cal.
A G e n tle m a n '* W e ig h t.
A stranger upon being presented to
Speaker Reed asked his weight.
“ Tw o
hundred pounds,” was the
“ You must weigh more than that,”
said the candid visitor.
“ N o gentle­
man ever weighs more than 200
pounds,” responded the speaker, sol­
em nly.
Make m on"v by suc­
i ; mi k sours very quickly. To avoid
cess ul speculation In
A French florist has offered £1,200 to
, f a-tflfnltv som e of the peasants
Chicago. We buy ami
___ _______
_el! wheat there on tnar- any one who can produce a plant which
I n a number of small frogs in their
Fortunes have been maiie ou a small w ill yield blue roses.
for” the purpose of putting in tins.
«gin n in g by trading ln futures. Write for
c<*1*n ' .... -wpir plea being that these full particular*. Beat of reference given. Sev­
A P e r f u m e d f M t fc KfTeet.
their milk.
|,eat out of eral vears' experience on tha C in etss Board of
oojj creatures tak^
them ln t0 Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi­
A t the Royal Opera at Budapest a
ness 'Downing, Hopkins A rn .,C h rago Hoard
Trsde Broker*. Omce* in Portland, Oregon, new ballet has been produced called the
longer The . ream Is o<
Spokane and Seattle, Waah.
“ Red Shoes.”
In the oonrse of this
with wooden spoons and
T t l T P T T R K an d F I L E * eared; no par on-
dlPP* i . in an earthen pot by stirring IV, til eared ; .«n<1 for book. fia». M ansfield ballet a dance called the “ Uosenwalser”
take# place, the dancers representing
; T a stick, and the butter la worked ¿ P o rre a n s l i ., tts Market St., ban Francisco.
white, red and yellow roses. W hile
with the hands.
the dance is in progrest a delightful per­
inniter performs its Journey round
Jupite l wriwj of eleven year*, ten
thV “ “ tbinJ month*. It* average rate
and one-tniru
- ” " î ; , u ï ï Â
mUe* »
An old cat loves a sunny corner and a
long nap, and this is natural ami wise. The
genial warmth o f the sun lulls to rest, and
while asleep, it may be curative to the cat's
few ailments. Soreness and stillness come
upon us suddenly and put the machinery
ol the body out of gear. St. .) a cobs oil
goes suddenly to work upon the trouble,
and with its warmth, like warmth to the
old cat, it lulls the pain to sleep, drives out
the cold, softens the stiffened muscles,
lubricates tiie machinery, and in a short
time puts the whole botiv in good working
order. Soreness and stiffness arc not much
to cure bv the use o f St. Jacobs Oil but, if
neglected, they tuke the form of rheuma­
tism which gives a gn at deal more pain.
j t
fume of reeee fills the whole
This is ingeniously effected by
F o r the
K id n eys,
Fr \
O re a n s .
Tb* Old Reidbl«. W
i l i f l i E R E Is only one stray by which
3 L L cny disease can be cured, and that
Y w
Is by removing the cause, whwt-
X ever It may be. The great medlosl
3 authorities ot the day declare that naar-
1 ly every disease la caused by
Y deranged Kidney* or Liver, w-\ \
Y To restore these, therefore. Is
X the only way by which health V
N can be secured. Here la w h e n
l à i S ÿ L V£À
me are
has achieved It* great repu,
talion It
i In e
and by placing
healthy condition. drives
disease and pain from the
Large bottle or new atyle
smaller one, at your druggists.
N Us reputation—” Twenty year*
of success,” In tour continents.
Warner’* flaie Cure Co . Lon-
' fort, Me$-
don, Hocbft'tor, Fraukfo
bourne, Toronto.
rv 7 r7 7 rrrrrrrrrrr
Much Knife !
T h e use o f the surgeon’s k n ife la be­
com ing so gen era l, resu ltin g fatally
in suclt a la rge num ber o f cases, as to
occasion gen eral alarm.
M r. W iilia m W a lp o le ,o f W alsht«w n,
S o u t h D a k o t a , w rites; “ A b o u t
three years a g o , there cam e under
my le ft eye a little blotch about the
size o f a sm all pea.
It g re w rapidly,an d
shooting pains ran
in e very direction.
I became alarm ed
and c o n s u l t e d a
good doctor, who
pronounced it can­
cer, and said that it
must be cut out.
T h is I would not
\ V I1 J
consent to, having
little fa ith in tha
indiscrim inate use o f the kn ife. Read­
in g o f the many cures m ade b y S. 8.
S., I dete-inined to g iv e that medicine
a trial, and a fte r I had taken it a few
days, the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. T h is a fte r awhile
ceased, le a v in g a sm all scab, which
fin ally dropped off, and o n ly a healthy
little scar rem ained to m ark the place
where the destroyer had held fu ll sway.
A Real B lood Rem edy.
Cancer is in the blood and it is fo lly
ect an
tall operation
a u v u to
iv v c m
u s r v e sss
it. 8.8.8.
(guaranteed p u re ly vegetable) is a real
rem edy
, ___
fo r eve
e v e ry
- " bio
.o d .,
disease o f - the
Books m ailed free
address Swi f t Spe­
cific Co., A tla n ta ,
“ Complete
Gladness Comes
Didrying in Russia
Following is a description o f the
manner of dairying in Russia. Our
readers will doubtless prefer the home
hod. Those who reside near cities
S t e
some poor butter and some
m lk for sale, but those living remote
from market produce no more than land, Or. ______________________________________
they can consume. The cows are fed
in winter on coarse food, such « • «* ».
barley and rye straw. In summer -they
K„t little milk, twelve to fourteen W t carry the moM complete line of Gymnasium
and Athletic Good* on the Cowl.
u nlir d iv at most. The milking
5 r
In all parts o f the British em pire the
celetiration on the 31st and 33d of June
w ill be universal, and the British resi­
dents of Oregon are not going to be be­
hind any other state in showing their
loyalty, by practical charity and rejoio-
The British-liorn residents o f the
A Schilling & Company
United Kingdom residing in Portland
San Francisco
are getting in readiness to celebrate the
N o M o r e I n d i a n S o ld ie r s .
60th anniversary o f the reign o f her
The last o f the Indian companies of
majesty, Queen Victoria, during the
the United States army, stationed at
present year.
Fort S ill, O. T . , is to be disbanded.
S t r e n g t h m in g ; C h e r b o u r g *
On June 31st, 1897, Queen V ictoria
This marks the end of the effort to
It is stated that 1,000,000 franc* are
w ill have occupied the British throne
make efficient soldiers out o f the war­
just 60 years, the longest reign yet re­ shortly to be expended upon new de­
like aborigines of the frontier. A t first
corded lor a British sovereign. This fense works on the isle o f Pelee. at
the experiment bade fair to be success­
period lias been one o f the most pros­ Cherbourg.
ful. Several companies, both o f cavalry
perous the English people have experi­
A O A N tiE ltO fS
I.K T 1 IA K G Y .
and infantry, w ere organized in com­
enced. Her majesty is associated with 1
mand of w hite officers who had mani­
The forerunner of « train of evils, which too
the happiness o f the nation in an in­
fested particular friendliness for the
often culminate iatitlly, is inactivity, or letti-
separable manner, so that the periods ol ar*y of the kidneys. Not only is tir.^ht's dis*
Indians. The young braves liked the
her career are noted as events o f the ease, diabetes, irravel, or some other <1nna:erons
jaunty uniforms, and promptly mas­
integral d »ease of theori:an* themselves, to be
national life.
apprehended, but «Irojw cal diffusions iroin the
tered the intricacies of m ilitary evolu­
The respect and affection o f subjects blood, rheumatism and »rout are all traceable
tions. They became men o f mark in
to the non-removal trom the blood by the kid­
born during her reign is to be shown ney* of certain impurities. Hostetter’s Stom­
their tribes. But soon the rigid dis­
by notable celebrations in every part ach Bitters depurates the blood, render* tin
cipline and the enforced absence from
kidney* active and prevents their d.sease.
of the world.
their homes and fam ilies became irk­
In Portland the different British so­
According to the deductions o f a well
They began to neglect their
cieties have had under contemplation known astronomer, w e receive as much
duties and to appear first indifferent,
for some time arrangements for the oc­ light from the sun as could be emitted
then sullen and mutinous. One by one
casion. Members have been notified by 680,000 moons.
the Indian troops and companies have
and committees apjiointed to confer on
been disbanded until there remained
the subject. Mr. James Laidlaw, B rit­ B O M R P R O D U C T S A N D P U R R F O O D .
only the command at Fort S ill, com­
ish consul for the port, called a meeting
posed o f fifty of Geronim o’ s Apache
A ll Eastern Syrup, no-cnlled, usually very
recently for the purpose of semiring con­
warriors. Though they w ill cease to
ligh t colored and of heavy body, is made from
certed action. About 60 persons re­ giocose. ‘ Tea I¡arilen Ditpe" is mudo fiora
he regular soldiers of the United States,
sponded, which w ill g iv e a fair idea of Sugar Cane and ls strletly pure. It 1« for sale
these Indians w ill not leave the m ili­
by tlrst-class grocers, in e»ns only.
the number of British-born people in tured bv thè P a c if ic T oast sY m 'r Co. A ll gen ­
tary Bervice. They w ill probably be
Portland when the percent o f a certain
retained, as other former soldiers have
turer's name lithographed on every ean.
class that can be indneed to attend a
been, as scouts, in which capacity the
called meeting of this nature is con-
The hanks of Newfoundland are
red braves have had ample experience
formed by the sand, ice and stone
in our Indian wars, and, indeed, have
A n organization was perfected, Mr. brought from the north by the ice­
proven themselves indispensabile auxil­
Laidlaw being made president; Donald bergs.
iaries.— Boston Journal.
Macleay, J. C. Robinson,W illiam Mac-
O h io , C it y of T oijsdo , (
master and W illia m 8. Sibson, vice- S tatk of I.rcAS
A n t s W i t h H u m n n H a b it s .
C ounty .
F r an k J. C henf . y makes oath that he Is the
The German traveler Von Ihering presidents; R. Lea. Barnes, treasurer,
C heney A Co.,
has discovered in Brazil a species of and W illia m R. Mackenzie, secretary. doing business in the city of Toledo, County
firm will pav
ants which have regular summer and
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lor each
w inter resorts. In winter they live on committee of 25 was appointed.
and every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured
A t subsequent meetings o f the gen­ by the useof H a l l ' s C atarrh C ure .
the ground, in summer in hig nests con­
structed on trees, in order to escape the eral committee resolutions as under
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
Decemlwr, A. D. INK»
danger of inundation when the snow
“ That the chairman appoint a finance 1-----“ I
melts and the rivers rise.
Notary Public.
committee to collect funds to com­ i
H all’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
N o M o re H o t B oxes.
memorate the event, the funds so col­ sets
directly on the blood and niucofs surfaces
One of the most wonderful o f recent lected to be used for such purposes as af the system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CH E NE Y A CO.,Toledo, O.
inventions is a roljer Rearing for car a subsequent meeting shall determine.
Bold hr Druggists, Toe.
wheels which does away with the use
“ That, the object for which funds are
H all’s Family
ily P
" are the best.
of lubricants.
There w ill be no more to be collected by the committee shall
Philadelphia has a greater mileage
hot boxes. One wheel lias had a test be the endowment of a bed or beds in
of 170,000 miles in the West without the Good Samaritan hospital, fo r the of electric railways than the w hole of
use o f persons o f British birth, and to Germany, according to the electric
the application o f a drop of oil.
be called ‘Queen V ictoria’ s Diamond world.
Some English reporters now take Jubilee B ed.’ ”
I believe niv prompt use of Piso’i Cure
notes at night by the light o f a tiny
prevented quick consumption.—Mrs. Lu
incandescent lamp attached to the
In conform ity with the foregoing, wo cy Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, '95.
have now to appeal to the British-born
G reat Britain is coming mere and
residents of the state o f Oregon for
funds to carry out the purposes set more to the opinion that Russia’s occu­
forth in the resolutions.
W e do so pation o f Constantinople is inevitable.
with the utmost confidence that our ap­
Take now Oregon Blood Purifier and
peal w ill meet with a hearty response keep well this summer.
from all parts o f the state, ieeling sure
L e g a l S ta tu s o f D o g s .
that no more noble commemoration of
T h e owner o f a valuable N ew found­
this diamond jubilee year can be had,
nor one more characteristic o f her land dog in New Orleans sought dam­
majesty, Queen Victoria than to provide ages from a railroad company for k illin g
in perpetuity a place where the desti­ it. T h e case turned on the va lid ity of
tute sick can receive the comforts and an act o f the Louisiana legislature,
attendance they require free o f all ex­ recognizing dogs as personal property
only when placed on the assessment
The supreme court sustains the
T h e object is not a local one, but the rolls.
benefits w ill be open to persons other­ law and refuses damages, since the dog
wise eligib le from all parts o f the state, was not assessed, incidentally defining
and w e feel certain that amongst the the law in regard to dogs in general as
thousands of British-birth resident in follow s: “ The very fact that they are
Oregon there is not one who would not without protection of the criminal laws
’ith a b etter understanding o f the
contribute according to the meas­ shows that property in dogs is of an
w - - transient nature o f the muny phys­ freely
ure o f his ability.
im perfect or qualified nature, and that
ical iUs, which vanish before proper e f­
A s an indication of what funds are they stand, as it were, between nuitnuls
forts—gentle efforts—pleasant efforts—
righ tly directed. Th ere is com lort in required, it may be mentioned that the ferae naturae, in which, until subdued,
the knowledge, that so many form s of cost o f endowment of one bed is $3,600. there is no property, and domestic ani­
sickness are not due to any actual dis­
mals, in which the right of property is
J A M E S L A ID L A W .
ease, but simply to a constipated condi­ Chairman, on behalf of the finance com­ complete. They are not considered as
tion o f the system, which the pleasant
being upon the same plane with horses,
fam ily laxative, Syrup o f Figs, prompt­
cattle, sheep and other domestic ani­
ly removes. T h a t is w hy it is the only
Subscriptions may be sent to R. Lea. mals, but ruther in the category o f cats,
remedy w ith m illion sof families, and is
everyw here esteemed so highly by all Bnrnes, Esq., treasurer, Bank ot B rit­ monkeys, parrots, singing birds and
who value good health. Its beneficial ish Columbia, Portland, Oregon; to the sim ilar animals kept for pleasure, curi­
effects are due to the fact, that it is the secretary, W illiam R. Mackenzie, room osity or caprice. U n like domestic ani­
one remedy which promotes internal 208 Worcester block, Portland, Oregon, mals, they are useful neither as beasts
cleanliness w ithout debilitatin g the or to any member o f the committee.
of burden, for draft, nor for food. ”
organs on which it acts. I t is therefore
Th e plan outlined by the general com­
all important, in order to g e t its bene­
About tw enty-tw o acres of land are
ficial effects, to note w hen yon pur-
a . . . that
A -1 A.
4 the
l.A Mani-ma
yon 1
genuine ntdi.
arti­ the O. N . G. armory, Monday evening, necessary to sup(iort one man on flesh
June 31, Mr. Francis Sealy having been meat.
cle, which
is ______________
manufactured by
by the
t ! Cali­
t ....... .=
fornia t ’ig Syrup Co. only and sold by appointed chairman o f the concert com­
all reputable druggists.
m ittee. It is also the intention to have
I f in the enjoym ent o f good health, a banquet at the Hotel Portland, Tues­
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. I f day evening, June 22, Mr. Percy H .
afflicted w ith any actual disease, one B lyth having been appointed chairman
may be commended to the most skillful o f the banquet committee. A ll the net
physicians, but if in need o f a laxative, proceeds from the concert and the ban­
one should have the best, and w ith the quet are to go to the hospital fund.
well-inform ed everyw here, Syrup o f
It is hoped that many British-horn
Figs stands highest and is most largely
throughout the state* o f Ore­
^(ted and gives most general satisfaction.
gon and Washington w ill come to Port­
land and join in the oelebration. A n y
information desired by out o f town resi­
dents w ill be g la d ly furnished on appli­
cation to the secretary or any member
0 R E G O N ß L o b D p U R [F IE R ^
o f the general committee. As this is
the only means we have of reaching our
U s e d e v e r y w h e r e , t l a b o t t l e ; s ix f o r 811
Club together »nd send u>r six bottles for f5 friends outside the city, it is to lie
If your dealer doe» not have it and we will pay hoped that they w ill correspond ea rl)»
express. Address Oregon Blood Purifier, Port­ and give us their co-operation.
N for them. P lace the food In a
trough and set the feeder over
and Home.
How to Attain IL”
Wonderful Nsw
Medical Book, written
for Men Only. Ons
ci py may bo bad fres,
«ealed. In plain snval-
ope, on application.
SS Niagara St.
B U F F A L O . N. Y.
Thin In the apre of physical per'ertlon. Tt
lx h ixo the a »re of pliyft cnl weakne**. \\ h lie
one man avail« hnnxelf of every opportun­
ity to develop and expand hik manly vigor,
another in pNf*iiiK hi* rham-t* to Improve
hix mind end body, and rantly /all* into the
e x c e w * which are always in hi* path, to
the debt ruction of hi* vital power*.
Htenwood, W mh H., November ?(>, 1896.
Lear H ir-P e b re n*ln* your Belt I w i l
troubled with chronic dy*pep*ia. oonatipa-
tion, liver complaint, ant. pain In the kid­
ney*, and 1 w ill say with all serioniiic**
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entirely cured, and will any that all auffer-
I OK from the atM>ve will find pieat relief in
the me of the Hamlen Kleetric Belt. Ke-
*P< ct.ully,
hv« ry man know * himaelf. lie know*
where he i* weak. Knowing It, if he Is
Just to himfteli. he w ill try to recover tbe
vital jo w e r he na* m anted.
MTt I* worth It* weight In gold to m e," *a yi Robert Kittle*, of Ka*t «Sound, Waah.
If you are in doubt,
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