W A S H IN G T O N TO SECRETARY BLISS. H e r m a n n I r e » « a,. Ine. * S“ * P ' » » l o n o f P r o c e e d - K a in «! S l l e e p o w n e r « . Condition o f Americans in Cuba Revealed. ate |r:ui c o m m it t e e C ltlz^ n i D f i l l t u U repo rts Hiifl H elp . ^ in ( h e T o w n * o f t h e P e a r l o f t h e Washington M 'ivi? {ornimi S t • “ ay 1 '•— Lommimionei ,b- ............. e-ior « I l.,ie Beoretar7 of in- a |et,f.r i lend ion of leir il ’ mo i urK,ng 'h 1“ * the ” >e .us suspension ; Ä r » n« H * ruwin« « « o f the ••iea* e range reserve act. The letter ..lTs; It has been represented to this de trim e n t that great hardships and loss ;;;; £ bu 1“ m < •> the eh «., «*«,«» J o re- '¿ ¡ r r , '* ex,'l" sion from the , razing lands wuhin the boumlarie. of , ,l .UeCa1de range forest reserve, cre- ishington, May 15.— There was a tin- president's proclamation o f eu and violent outbreak of Cuban tuent today at the capitol, and September 38. 1898; that the large g the early hours the d rift of irea* of grazing lands within «aid res- ,,n was strongly toward speedy ■nation liave been used for years past a,lieal action by both congress and is a general grazing ground, and the heepowners are dependent thereon for xccutive, but later there wras siuiie- of a reaction upon its Incoming the support of their Hocks during cer m that the president, w hile keenly tain seasons of the year; that the suits t<> toe situation, and anxious to mstitued by the government against i everything possible that could «crtain parties to restrain them from c ids conduct of our Cuban and pasturing their sheep within the reserve are repressive and unjust, and relief is lisli relations, felt that further in- asked. mtion was necessary, and for the “ A sneeial agent of this office reports ■oiate present the question was one of recognition o f the belliger- that Judge Bellinger, on the 10 th ult., or independence o f the Cuban in in tiie United States circuit court for cuts, but of relief for the Am erican the district of Oregon, overruled the ¡eus, destitute mid helpless in the « emurrer to the amended complaint in the case of the United States vs. Tvph js of the Pearl of the A n tilles. \ alley Land & Livestock Company, ),e foreign relations committee, it sustaining his former decision therein jld be stated, w h ile agreeing upon ( iii bed. Rep., 003), against an implied necessity o f relief for the suffering license to use such lands for pasturage ;ricans, is favorable to more radical purposes, aud recognizing the right of >ures, and a number o f its niem- tiie government to sue to protect its ara earnestly desirous of instant property from threatened injury. The on by the executive in aid of the i special agent states that the several lrgents, but have not succeeded in cases brought against various persons, verting the administration to their to which this ruling applies, w ill prob vs that present action is appropriate ably he at issue and ready for trial some imperative. time next month. lie event o f the day was a report to 'In view of the legislation now pend r colleagues by a subcommittee ing (Senator Pettigrew’s amendment to cii yesterday examined the state de- tiie sundry civil b ill) respecting forest tinent’ s Cuban reports. This state- reserves in general and their manage it, though not given to the public, ment, and tiie authority therein to be su far disclosed in character as to given the secretary of the interior “ to • rise to a good deal of excited com- regulate their occupancy and use,” and lt among senators and members, tiie probable early action of the depart lie rejiort, based upon facts present ment on the subject. I think it would in' the United States consuls in be wise to suspend, for tiie present, it is said, brings out in strong legal proceedings growing out of sheep et the destitution which exists not pasturing within tiie Cascade forest y among the Cubans, but among reserve. encans and paciticos now in the isl- “ 1 the.cfore respectfully recommend is who were driven from their farms that tiie attorney-general be requested into the towns by W eyler’s orders, to instruct tiie United States attorney arc thereby prevented from sup- for Oregon to stay all proceedings in ting themselves. the aliove-mentioned cases until fur l’or several days past, the subject ther orders.” tter o f this re|xirt has been under A G hastly R e h ea rsa l. cussion qu ietly among a few of the Paxton, III., May 17.— Frederick >nds of Cuba in congress, and they »e lost no opportunity of impressing William Holman, who is to be hanged jn the president their convictions tomorrow for the murder of Mrs. W eib- t it is his duty, as the chief execu- koen Geddes, on December 2 , 1896, e, to delay no longer in taking active held a dress rehearsal this morning, ps to terminate the present condi- and was photographed on tiie gallows He [n of affairs in Cuba. These re p u upon which he is to be hanged. tations, however, have not been suf- hopes to sell enough of the pictures to "erit to induce hasty action. The pay for sending his body to Grand soient is moving steadily and with Haven, Mich, and have it buried beside speed that safety and sound judg- the remains of his wife. In addition nt warrant in the collection of facts to the murder for which he is to die, ¡aching the conditions that exist upon Holman is supposed to have killed A fter being photo island today. To this end, Mr. Cal- other women. uii is now in Cuba, officially on an- graphed, Holman rehearsed a speech, îer mission, but also charged with which lie lias prepared for the gallows. lit I l i e * - “- A c H o n Soon to Be Taken. ■ observation o f the conditions that evail. When he lias reported to the aident and the latter lias obtained ;iut he regards as a sufficient store of ¡formation, based on facts that cannot questioned, lie w ill be ready either , take himself, or to suggest to con- ss, Midi action as these facts war- in t. Meanwhile, he has under considera- j)n the best means of affording relief Americans suffering as a result of ' conditions on the islands. Today, the president saw, by ap- intment, Edwin W . Atkins, of Bos- n, who is largely interested in Cuban gar plantations. Mr. A tkin s gave m a faithfu l picture o f the economic mlitions that prevailed in Havana d in other parts of the island when left. C om m ittee*» R e p o rt. The senate com m ittee on foreign re turns today had tiie Cuban question jider consideration on tiie basis o f the bcommittee ap,minted yesterday to nfer with the president and Secre- ry Sherman. Tiie rejiort was pre- red by Davis and Foraker, Repnbli- n members, Morgan, the Democratic ember, declining to participate in it. The report consisted o f a concise »teinent of the contents o f official re sts from the Am erican consuls in ‘uba, bringing information up tow ith - a week. This report confirms the ¡ewspnper reports as to the situation tiie island, and even goes farther in spicting the deplorable situation than ¡t> most of the newspaper stories. Es p ia l stress is laid upon the condition American citizens. It is positively »ted that hundreds are in a starving ndition and wretchedly clothed, ■eaths are d aily reported. Americans fre scattered in all parts o f the island, pd are shown no consideration what ever because o f their Am erican citizen, pip. Tiie Americans are generally persons ho reside on the plantations, but who ave been driven from their homes to ¡lie towns, and, being among strangers nd without employment, are compell- d to subsist on almost nothing. They 'e not allowed to return to their plan- ionn^even to pick berries or secure ie leasl article o f subsistence. They e theoretically under the care o f the Panish army, but the army is without commissariat. T h ey have no means leaving the island. T h eir condition pronounced w h olly deplorable. The committee was especially im- essed w ith this recital, and the opin- n was generally expressed that the tuation should be remedied, i f possi- le. It was considered as placing even worse aspect upon the question of oar 'ations w ith Cuba than the imprison- «nt of Americans, o i which there are 'w comparatively few instances. I ' n l v r r . u l S t am p s I m p r a c t i c a b l e . Washington, May 17.— The move ment to secure the adoption of a uni versal (xistage stamp by the postal con gress lias collapsed. There were too many difficulties, the chief one being that of currency fluctuations, in the way of adopting such a stamp, and tiie general committee, after considering the subject briefly, abandoned it as im practicable, and w ill make an adverse report to tiie congress. Sacramento W a n t « B rya n . Sacramento, Cal., May 17.— The Iroqftois Club, ef this city, is making strenuous efforts to induce W illiam J. Bryan to stop over one day in this city while en route to Oregon. A committee has been appointed to communicate with tiie Nebraska orator, requesting that lie honor the capital city with l i i s presence and address its people. Cattle T ra in D e r a ile d . Enfala, I. T., May 17.— A cattle train jumped the track a mile north of here this afternoon while running at full speed. Tiie engine turned bottom np, and ten cars of cattle were derailed. An unknown negro boy was killed, and Peter McCardy, engineer; C. Overd, fireman, and two other men were badly hurt. Fifty cattle were killed outright. *,,»„ K i l l . « ! a nd S e v e r a l I n j n r e d . Florence, Ala., May 1«. This after noon, the tipple, at the Pinkney, Tenn., ore mines, about twenty-five m i l e s ' from here, fell, killin g seven men and badly wounding several others. C o m m u n i c a t i o n with Pinkney is out off and full particulars cannot be had. Physicians have left here for the scene. A » w I . i n » o f Short L in e B ond*. A PLEA COUNTY FOR JMÉPCY. WEEKLY T h e o d o r . D u rra n i M a k e . M I. V p e .ill to G o v e r n o r B uild. Sacramento, M ay 17.— An a p p N » .for the life of Theodore Durrurit, lie», con demned murderer of Blanche Lament, Was today heard in tiie court of last resort. G overnor' Dudd sat in final judgment in the case,' ' uifd Eugene Deuprey, attorney for Durraut, argued eloquently for the life of ins client. The governor listened to the argument in silence, and only once did he show any sign of being impressed. That was when Attorney Deuprey asked him to compare certain w ritin g o f Rev. Dr. Gibson with tiie w ritin g oil the pack age sent by the murderer to the mother of his victim .' The governor scrutin ized tlie w riting closely, and asked to be given tiie originals for comparison. Dun-ant's attorney iipd come pre pared to spring a sensation in tiie case by producing a document, purporting to lie a confession of a San (Quentin convict named * John Rosenburg, tiiat lie was tin», muplerer o f Blanche La- mout, and Durraut had nothing to do with tiie case. The alleged confession was. introduced, but was devoid o f in- fiuence, owing to the fact that the gov ernor had learned o f the matter, and had ascertained positively that John lfosenburg did not arrive in California until seven months after the crime was committed. The governor said nothing that would give an intimation o f what ho would do in the case, lior did tie show that lie was particularly impressed by any ar. gunient that was advanced. 1 GUNBOAT Averaged N A S H V IL L E . N e a rly Seven teen H e r T r ia l Trip . K n ot» on Bridgeport, Conn.,. ,May 17.— “ The fastest vessel of her class in the w orld,” was the verdict accorded by the officers at the conclusion of the ppeed trial o f the new gunboat N ashville today on Long Island sound. , The speed required bv tiie govern ment was 13.07 knots. T h e average speed made by tiie vessel was 16.76 knots, making an excess of speed very near three knots. W ith a bonus o f # 20,000 for each excess knot, this meuns a total of $ 00,000 for the build ers. The tim e for the thirty miles' out was 1:35:86. The elapsed tim e for the second run was 1:48:16. Tiie gunboats Nashville, W ilm ington and Helena were provided for by act of congress approved March 3, 1893, and in Janu ary of the year follow ing tlieir building was awarded to the N ew port N ew s Shipbuilding Company, o f New port News, Va. So thoroughly have they carried out tlieir contract that, not only have the vessels won tiie highest praise for their workmanship, finish and performance, but tlieir excess de velopment o f speed lias already netted the contractors the snug bonus of #151,453. < TO REG ULATE A B ill V IV IS E C T IO N . R eported in the B allin ger. Senate bj Washington, May 17.— Senator Gal- linger reported in tiie senate today tiie b il^ for the regulation of vivisection in the District of Columbia, unanimously adopted by the senate committee of the District of Columbia, providing, first, for tiie use o f anaesthetics in all pain ful experiments on living invertebrate animals, the so-called inoculation ex periments, tests o f drugs and m edi cines, and cases o f recovery from sur gical procedure being expressedly ex empted from this requirement; second, for the licensing o f all experimenters by the district commissioners, except those who are duly authorized officers o f the government; third, for tiie pro hibition of vivisection in the public schools, and in exhibition for the gen eral public; fourth, for the ins|iection of all places of experiment by iiifq*ect- ors to be appointed by the president of the United States. DI«*<1 T r y i n g t o S a v e O t h e r « . Oakland, May 17.— Samuel W. Em mons, a Southern Pacific flagman, sac rificed liis life today w hile warning a group of persons at tiie pier of an ap proaching train. The accident occur red at the wagon-crossing on the mole, just beyond the eastern approach to the big depot. A party of four men walked ulong the roadway, not noticing tiie approach of a train. In his anxiety to save thedl from accident, Emmons did not observe a local train that was backing down, and stepped aside to avoid another train right in front of the local. The brakeman on the rear car yelled, but the car struck the white- haired flagman w ith terrific force, fracturing his skull. H e fe ll in such a way tiiat the wheels only caught his right foot, otherwise he would have been mangled horribly. Emmons, who is 68 years old. was conveyed to the receiving hospital, but never recovered consciousness. New York, May 17.— The directors of the Oregon Short Line & Utah Sent t o J a i l f o r F i l t h i n o « » . Northern railroad today authorized the Fan Francisco, May 17.— W. B. Lsne of noncumulative income bonds, Bradbnry, a local m illionaire, was to series B to the amount of #15,000,000, day sentenced to twenty-four hours’ im in accordance with the plan proposed prisonment in the county ja il for vio by the reorganization committee. lating the civic ordinance prohibiting expectorating on the fl<*ors o f street Ilonr b y > F lr r b a * . This was Bradbury’s second Springfield. O.. May l ' . - T h e Fund- cars. erburg mills at New Carlisle were de offense. H e claims the privilege of stroyed by fire shortly after midnight. spitting when and where he pleases as Loss, # 50 , 000 . It was the work of an an inalienable American privilege, and w ill make test case of his punishment. incendiary._________________ T h » W a r In t h e P h i l i p p i n e s . Philadelphia. May 17.— Ex-Postmas- ter-General John Wanamaker, at a ban quet of the Business M en’s Leagime, this evening, made a remarkable speech on national and stale politics. A fte r commenting on the failure o f promised prosperity to appear in conse quence o f President M cK in ley's elec wounded. ___________ tion, Wanamaker said that the low D e p u ta tio n n f C - n . l e « G o o d s . state to which the political religion of London. May 1 7 .- 1 » the commona the nation was brought by unscrupul tpdav, the bill to preventthe importa ous bosses must eventually result in a tion of goods manufactured in foreign «•w part,’ prisons passed the second reading. Madrid, Mav 17.— An official W - natch from Manilla. Philippine islands, announces that the Spanish troops cap tured Ternate. and that flfty-eeven in- nrgents were killed. The Spaniard! £ t twenty-five killed and 326 HATCHET. MARKET LETTER. ' D ow n in g , H o p k ln * A C om pany*» R e v ie w o f Trade. Resume o f Events in the Northwest. E V ID E N C E O F S T E A D Y G R O W T H H p w i Our G ath ered In N eig h b o rin g A ll the Town» of S t a t e » —' I m p r o v e m e n t N o t e d i n A l l I n d u s t r i e * —O r e g o n Fourteen wagon loads of wool w ere received at M oody’s warehouse, in The Dalles, last week from the interior. The Linn County Pioneers’ Associa tion w ill hold its annual reunion at Brownsville this year, June 9, 10 and . 11 W a ll Marsh, o f C enterville, W ashing ton county, was badly bruised and sev eral of his ribs broken, by a pugnacious I bull. The telephone line being built be tween Forest G rove and Hillsboro by | Anton Pfanner w ill, it is expected, be in operation in about a week. A delegation o f U m atilla Indians have been visiting Baker C ity in quest j of deer hides, from which they manu facture moccasins and gloves. C attle'riding w ill soon commence at Poplar, in Grant county, as a number | of steers are contracted for May d e liv ery, besides some stock cattle. Jackson county has a woman m ail- carrier, Mrs. Vol Stiokel, of E agle Point, who w ill carry tiie m ail between that point and Big Butte this summer. O ld settlers on the lower Sinslaw. in Lane county, say that growing crops and fruit trees liave not looked in as tine a condition as they are now in for nine years. A clergyman of Medford lias turned loose eight Chinese pheasants, one cock and seven hens, near Phoenix. S[>orts- men are requested not to molest them, but to allow the species to increase. The recent warm weather has greatly 1 reduced tiie quantity of snow in tiie | mountains in Grant county, and many streams that have heretofore been nii- fordabie can be crossed without danger. Sixteen hundred head of sheep were : sheared in Lava, Crook county, last | week, and 1,100 head more w ill be | sheared there the latter part o f the j month. The flocks are in good condi- tiqn. The bridge across the W alla W alla river on tiie Upper W alla W alla road, near Brown’s m ill, in U m atilla county, has again been repaired by the county, and tiie contractor says it is us strong as ever, and w ill not for some tim e be m aterially affected by floods. N ot long ago a horse belonging to a Dalles man was taken to the Washing ton side to pasture, but he soon grew tired of liis surroundings, and resolved to beat his w ay back to his home. A fte r making a number o f attempts to board the steamer and being prevented each time, he plunged into tin* water, reach ing tiie opposite side only a short dis tance below tiie landing, none the worse from liis rough experience. W ash in gton . K ittitas county warrants are Belling at 93 cents. A n agent is in Port Townsend look ing for a location for a colony of farm ers from Ohio. During A p ril the treasurer o f Spo kane county received #106,653, and dis bursed #140,726. Under the new school law in W ash ington elections w ill occur on the sec ond Saturday in June. The contract for building the Fern- dale-Blaine road in Whatcom county has been let, fur #12,684. Tin* week's contribution o f statistics was on tiie whole more bullish than tiie j average o f .late. Bradstreet’s report , showed a decrease o f 6 , 000,000 bushels in the world’ s visible supply. Our own visible supply decreased '2,550,000 bushels, and the w orld ’s shipments were 5,000,000 bushels. These facts, however, are no longer regarded. The trade generally has settled down to an acceptance o f tiie fact tiiat there is plenty of wheat to run well into the next crqp year, and that at the present rate o f demand tiie ini|>ortaiit consider ation is not as to the stocks on hand, t but us to tin* pros|iocts for the yield this fall. Tin* consideration relied u;>on in tills respect o f the statistics was that short crops abroad would cause an unu sual drain upon Am erican supplies. Y e t in the last seventeen weeks the American official visib le has decreased but 21 , 000,000 bushels in round num bers, w hile in the same period last year it decreased 14,000,000 bushels, and in the same period in 1895 it decreased 23,000,000 bushels. During tiie same period tiie world shipments this year were 72,264,000 bushels, of which Am erica furnished 89,462,000 bushels. It appears, therefore, that the theoret ical requirements of 7,000.000 bushel« a week is very strictly a theory as dis tinguished from a condition. Condsid- eraturns of this kind muke tiie average trader apt to pay little attention to the statistical position. The war factoi lias now quite disappeared from the market, and it seems tiiat domestic conditions as to weather, etc., are like ly to have most influence in making prices for the immediate future. The crop reports that have come in from abroad of late are indicative of short harvests in some of the most im- portant wheat-producing countries; but, of course, it is too early for any trustworthy showing in that regard. There are still many reports of jhjoi pros(>ects. T iie drouth continues to a degree in California, ulthough some rain lias fallen there. M a r k e t Q u otation «* Portland, Or., May 18, 1897. Flour— Portland, Salem. Casoadla and Dayton, $4.00; Benton county and W h ite L ily , #4.00; graham, #3.40; su perfine, #2.75 jier barrel. W heat— W alla WalU), 75® 76c; V a l ley, 77c per bushel. Oats— Choice wtiite, S8@40c per bushel; choice gray, 37®39c. H ay— Tim othy, #13.00® 14.00 per ton; clover. $11.50® 12.60; wheat and oat, #12.00® 13.50 per ton. Barley— Feed barley, #16.50 per ton; brewing, #18® 19. M ills tu ffs — Bran, #14.50; shorts, #16.50; middlings, #26. Blitter— Creamery, 30c; dairy, 20® 22ls c; store, 17,4 ® 30c per roll. Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks,45® 50c; Garnet Chilies, 55®66o; Early Rose, 85®40o per sack; sweets, #2.75 per cental for Merced; new potatoes, l ‘ 2c per pound. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $2.50® 8.00; geese, $4.00® 7.00; turkeys, live, 12 4 c ; ducks, $4.00® 6 00 per dozen. Eggs— Oregon, 1 0 @ ll,4 c per dozen. Cheese— Oregon, 11 4 C> Young Am erica, 12 4 U per pound. W ool— Valley, 12 4 ^ P<’r pound; East ern Oregon, 8 @ 8 c. Hops— 7c per pound. Beef — Gross, top steers, $3.50; cows, $2.50®8.00; dressed beef, 6 ® 6 , 4 c per pound. Mutton— Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, #3.00@3.50; dressed mut ton, 5 ® 6 4 c per pound. Hogs— Gross, choice, heavy, $4.00® 4.50; light ami feeders, $2.60®3.00; dressed $5.00® 5.60 per cwt. V ea l— Large, 3 4 @ 4 c ; small, 4 4 ® 5 per pound. F IG H T IN G IN E P IR U S . Greeks Suddenly Heeume A ettr* t * M H u t - K fp o r t » Coulll«tlnf. London, May 17.— Except for th fighting in Epirus, the T u rk o-H ellM i situation is unchanged. It is tolei ##(y certain tiiat only a fro Greek troopdv remain in Douiokoa, th hulk of Ciinsdantine’s army ha via withdrawn (¿ .L a m ia , where it w ill # in closer communication with Gone,i Smolenski. 4 'O m « pruhnldy explain tin* rejioitod,movements of the Tm kia army, as a Oninber of Kdhcun Pasha' troops liave been niarohing from T r il ha la to Vola. W ithout doubt the n spite of the feast of Bairam is vary we come to tiie fatigued men. The fighting in Epirus has been o i decisive. It is believed that Nlcopoli is not yet captured, but only tb heights commanding the town. Tk Greeks made a pretext of g ivin g p ra t« tion to the peasants, but theyevidantl had information as to tho reasons fa the apparent inactivity o f the Turks i Epirus. Tliis is tiie seventh tim e t i Greeks have attempted to advance I Janina aud have mot with a repuh w hich tiie Turks have never follow « up. Evidently there is something wror w itli the Turkisli forces at that poin The recent report that a number , officers were taken from Janina to Cm stantinople in chains may perhaps e plain it. Possibly Turkey is hoidii her forces there through fear of a mov nient from Bulgaria. T h e S ituation C o m p lic a te d . London, May 17.— The correspond« o f the Tim es at Athens says: The 1 sumption o f offensive operations Epirus greatly complicates the situ tion and tends to hamper the negoti tionH for pence. The evident intentii of the Greek commanders is to captu tiie Turkish iMisitions there in order show that they have not boon dofeate In an interview today, M. R a lli, t premier, riqieated liis statement th humanitarian motives are responsit for the advance in Epirus, but he d not deny the advantages which m ig lie lio|H*d for from the capture of Pi versa and tiie occupation of the adjoi ing Turkish territory. “ We are still at w a r," he said, “ a until an armistice is concluded Gre« retains her liberty of action. W e os not allow our activity to be confined Thessaly.where tiie Turks are predan nant. Tiie powers liave hindered from acting in Crete, butGreeoe cam be barred everywhere nor compelled restrict her operations toa lim ited an " W e have done our best to obtain armistice, and until it is accorded < we must act where and when we oi If we have not already prosecuted I war at various pointB aud among I islands of the Egoan, it is only beca- we liave taken into consideration 1 sufferings to which the Greek popa tion might bo subjected.” The government apparently thh that a renewal o f the war w ill haat instead of retard, tiie armistice. T calculation may prove to lie com but it is more likely tiiat Turkey 1 seize on it us an excuse fo r delay tin* armistice and w ill deal a croak blow in Thessaly, A l)«ip »r »ti! Eiifngeinent. Artu, May 17.— Desperate fight lias lieen in progress all day near 1 lipiada. Tw o brigades of Greeks, a many guns, tw o companies o f aappi and a squadron o f cavalry, attacked Turks, who wore almost without ai lery. The Greeks foroed the first Tl ish line of defense, but m et witi stubborn resistance at the second, several places the bayonets were close to the cannon that the for could not Is* used. The battle 1 continues as this dispatch is being a S e c r r t P f l it S a l a r y B i l l . Seattle, Wash., May 18, 1897. Fait Lake, May 17.— A special to Wheat— Chicken feed, #28 per ton. Tribune from Helena, Mont., ■ Oats— Choice, $23® 24 per ton. Government Engineer Clapp says Flour— (Jobbing)— Patent excellent, Secretary o f the Senate John Bloor that the work done in improving G ray’ s #4.80; N o velty A , $4.50; California convicted today b y * ju ry of having harbor has already resulted in much brands, $4.90; Dakota, $6.65; patent, cretod the “ saluiy Iiilii*’’ Ut prevent good to the harbor. passage the hoc n'lgfot d f th e sees #6.40. Barley— Rolled or ground, #20 per and tiie punisliweul was fixed at The residents o f Clallam oounty w ill year’s imprisonM^nt. H e was del petition the postal department for a ton. Corn— W hole, #20 per ton; cracked, further bail and t* now in jail, d aily m ail servioe along the Strait bill in quest in « bad jiaeeed both IMS from Port Townsend. # 21 ; feed meal, # 21 . the last day, ¡mt was never s ig n « M illstuffs— Bran, #15.00 per ton; A severe earthquake shock was felt the speaker mi tiie house. It wi in W aterville one night last week. shorts, #18. Feed— Chopped feed, #18.00 per ton; have cut dowM th e «J u rie s of the « The vibrations lasted 15 or 20 seconds, ty officers and .toe jramuer and sals middlings, #22; oilcake ineai, #30. •nd woke many people. H ay— Puget sound, per ton, #13.0C>; of the deputies 28 per .cent. A Japanese drummer, with five sam Eastern Washington, #18. K l . l i * m l a H a l f C i » l i ft>r V w l ple trunks and as many stories as any Poultry— Chickens, live, per pound, other drummer, was working his iiue hens, 12 c; ducks, # 6 ® 6.50. Ileppuer, O r., May 17.— T h e la* in North Y akim a last week. Butter — Fancy native creamery, Individual rim o f wool in this coo Ix-longing to W illiam Penland, al The Spring Creek Creamery Company brick, 17c; ranch, 13® 15; California, 430 sacks nggeeratiiig 150,000 pou started up its creamery in Ellensburg 15 ® 16 4 • was sold alsiut a month ago, the W Cheese— N ative Washington, 12c. the first of this month The creamery Vegetables— Potatoes, per ton, #13.00 of sale being made public today, is prepared to handle 6,000 pounds of @14; parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets, purchase price was 84 ' cents per pot m ilk daily. per sack, #1.25; turnips, per sack,#1.25; Mr. Penland’s clip last season sold A good road club has been formed in rutabagas, per sack, 60c; carrots, per 6 *4 cents a pound. This wool w i 1 North Yakim a by the wheelmen, and sack, 75c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, baled and shipped East tiie fin considerable money has been subscribed # 2 . 00 ; onions, per 100 lbs, # 2 . 00 . next week. Frank Lee, o f Fan V for the purpose of putting Natchez ave Hweet potatoes— Per 100 lbs, #3.50. cisco, is the buyer. There is a nue in condition for bicycling. 1 , 000,000 pounds of wool now in Eggs— Fresh ranch, 18® 14c. Fresh Meats— Choice dressed beef, warehouses here. The qu ality in Company A and battery B, N . G. W ., have decided to keep up their or steers, 7 c; cows, 6 4 c; mutton, sheep, oellenL ganization, in spite of the small appro 8 4 ° Per pound; liunb, 5c; pork, 6 4 c p «r , T o Meet t h . Com m on D u ( « r . priation made by the last legislature, pound; veal, small, 8 c. Vienna, M ay 17.— A t a convex Fresh Fish — Halibut, 4@5c; and w ill meet necessary exjienses them» o f Austrian manfacturers today, it salmon, 6 @ 8 c; salmon trout, 7 ® 10c; resolved to call ii|sm the governi ■elves. flounders and soles, 8 ® 4c. to undertake to conclude internati A successful operation o f skin-graft Provisions— Hams, large, 114 < hams, ing was performed at tiie SL Joseph’s ■mall, 1 1 4 c; breakfast bacon, 10 c; dry agreements with tiie European po (s iili a view “ of effectually nieetin; hospital in Tacoma, the other day. The salt sides, 7c per pound. common danger to European eoon father o f a girl from Puyallup furnishi-d Fruits— Lemons, California, fancy, the cuticle to replace a part burned #2.60®8; choice, #3; Cal fornia fancy arising from the prohibitive t a r i» icy of the United Ftatea.” from his daughter. navals, #3.50® 4. There are five logging camps in oper Drunk K m h a lin ln g F lu id . ation on Ostrander creek, in C ow litz San Francisco, May 18, 1897. Burlington, la.. May 17.— W il county, two having started np fast week. Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 70c @ W att and Charles Feioerdaire, b The creek was cleared o f “ bank” logs #1.00; Early Rose, 90® 70c; River Bur yard employes, are near death's last week, the first tim e in four years. banks, 60@65c; sweets, #1.26 per from drinking embalming fluid, The work was done w ith a locomotive cental. night a farmer named Bruch cam and steel cable. Onions— #8.00@3.60 per cental. town for a coffin. H e got drunk, State Fujierintendent Browne has Egg”— Ranch, 14 ® 16c per dozen. on his way home I k * ami the coffig decided that women as well as men Butter— Fancy creamer/, 154c; do a jug containing emlialniing fluid must register for school elections. The seconds, 1 4 ® I5 c; fancy dairy, 14<v thrown from the wagon. T h e 1 expense *4 the registration must be seconds, 18® IS 4 c . yard men reacoed Bruch and h i* • borne by the school district, end the Cheese Fancy m ild, new, 7 4 ° i but aecured the juv, which the” registration done by the regular officers, (air to good, # 4 » 7 o ; Young America, posed contained whisky. as in the case o f men. » 4 0 8 4 c ; Eastern, 14@16c,