Ice cream at the Home Bakery. Miss Anna Roe and Miss Mary Clark Cream Prappe, the latest, at Mrs. were in attendance at the State Chris tian Endeavor convention held at Eugene Krieder’s Home Bakery. last week and report a splendid meeting. “ The Gold Deestric Skule” at Verts We are indebted to them for the report ball, Friday evening, May 21. that appears in another place. The circuit court convenes in H ills, See that beautiful lace edge shelf pa boro, in adjourned session, next Satur per at Woods, Caples & Thomas. day. W’anted.— A carload of Uurhauk pota Notice.— All persons in debt to Dr. toes. Must be in good condition. A. Cole will please call and settle their ac T. Boos. counts. NOTICE. All orders by mail or otherwise sent to J. C. CLARK) the Druggist, wilt re ceive the most careful and prompt attention. Address, J. C. CLARK, The Druggist, Forest drove, Oregon. The large« t stock of drug« In W ashington County. a b o u t t o w n Weslie Williamson, a bachelor and resident of Goldendale. Wash., but for merly of this county, was found dead in the smouldering ashes of his cabin that Call on Hsins & Bailey before selling had been burned the evening before. your mohair. I Foul play is suspected. . I soda water at the Hom e Bakery. The city has insured the power house Luna M cM illan, o f Portland, is I t her m o th e r’s a t Haywood for plan ■ nth. 1st ice cream and ice creaui soda k r e i d e r ’s H om e Ba kery. Lunches can be had at all hours at the Western Hotel. light pUnt for * 3 . 0 0 0 . Wise Found — A bundle of calico with but Intt bad his co lla r bone broken tons m it. Call at the H atchet office Bay eve nin g w hile exercising his and get it. jie barn yard. H. H. Clark, Joe Bailey, Miss Nettie Stationary, C it v Drug Store. . Clark, Miss McNamer and Mrs, Harry Crosley are in attendance on I. O. O. F. trial services will be held in the Grand Lodge in Portland this week. ■ Church, on S u n d a y , M ay 30. Greer has the nice counter that was I will be observed as decoration taken out o f the new H a t c h e t office. lo d s sold at a reasonable profit at It has added much to the appearance o f his nice store. r Drug Store. Mr. Allen, the barber and a friend are Lnns Dixon was in Portland last up in the Nehalem country fishing and Ircha ing m illin a ry goods. bear hunting this week. [the barber has a No. i shot gun When you wish good bread use Cres 1 for a by d e l e . cent flour, it is same price as other brands. |c. P. Clapp will preach in the All notices and local matter for the pa rational church next Sunday. per must be in the office by Wednesday s, oils and glass at A b b o t & R o e ’s eveniug or at the latest early Thursday I.M R . (Shipley « a s visiting ill morning. Please remember this. |d last Friday and Saturday. lull h for IO or 15 cents at Mrs. I's Home Buk« ry. JI ir. Cole a n d son Willie, spent IduN ' i n Pori land tins week. It V. i: He an i t c r i v t n so c ial g iv e n r' 1 '. d e a v o j « f the Cuiigre - r ' il 1 L 1 1 ¿ 1 1 1 If U i»9Ais ci: Ca ple.~ \ 11 in : Vl a v 21. I..;' I Wanted— AH kinds of fist stock.—John 1 MaNamer, Forest Grove. 1 5 . p u .. !.<] ; We have the very best line of oils and Ask Mr. J. E. Showers bow pleasingly paints in the market. Also glass and for the extraction of teeth that new [ putty. A. T. Boos. remedy administered by Dr. C. L. Large We are glad to 1 • ir that Mr. Fred acts. McLeod, of Dilley, who lias lieen sick Mrs. Fred Raymond presented her for more than a month, is now mbch improved and will soon he out on the husband with a nice boy baby about a month ago. Forest Giove friends send : section again. congratulations. Li* LL V n t>ivf f- Sic 0 yum* n . i > «3 f' V '. Ayer's Curebook, •'« story of cures told by the cured.” 100 pages, free. J. C. Ayer Co., I.owell, Mass. Rev. Staver is holding meetings at Hillside, and is being assisted by Revs. on Earth. “ The Old Ladies Carnival'' at Verta Haines & Bailey msde a big shipment ]'. M. and Dora R. Barber. They will Hall Wednesday evening, May 26, 8 p. That is what Edwards A Parker, mer o f wool Thursday. T h e y Want “ mo stay over Sunday. ni. Don't miss it. Admittance 10 chants of Plains, Ua., say of Chamber hair.” lain’s Pain llalm, for rheumatism, la use Work was resumed on the Gaston mill cents. hack, deep seated and muscular polos. Boys, John Caples will show' y o u one Thursday under J. T. Shannon as fore Christian Endeavor Convention. Sold by J. C. Clark, druggist. o f those cheap watches. Y o u better ask man again. That means that the work The Fourth semi-annual convention o f John to show them as he sells cheaper will be well done. than any man in town. School rulers j Store. free at G r e g g ’s Shoe Dempsey & Kane have a fine stock of rubber hose direct from the factory. Warranted for one year. Haines & Bailey are buying mohair and wool. Ca ll on them before you «-I1. Dempsey & Kane have a splt-nded stock o f machine oil of all grades and \\ hen you come from the coun try get your meals at the Western hotel. E v e r y shades. thing neat and cleau and a good meal for C. L. Hinman has a large stock o f fine 25 cents. oil for engins, cylinders and all o th er Another new lot o f summer wash dress i machines. goods at Woods, Caples and Thomas. Mr. Clarence Sclioch took his de p a r This is the lime o f year when Greer ture Sa turday for T aco m a where lie will join the same company lie was with last has 011 hand a good fresh supply o f fruits 1 season. and vegetables. last Monday and broke his left foie arm. Dr. Ward set it and he is doing well. v» »• n lia A b _Cit iu 1 . '.: V t e 1 * 111* v ;r < ’• 1. j D' • rixjt A yer’s H air Vigor. W e carry a general line ol hardware. A . T. Boos. It in the Heat the Washir.gton County Christian Fln- deavor Union will be held in Foiest Grove Saturday and Sun day inclusive, May 22 nnd 23. T h e convention will be participated in by a large number o f d e l Several road supervisors are now t a k egates from the various societies in ing the small stone aw ay from the Forest Washington county, together with the G rove stone quarry to put on the roads. two societies and the Iipworth League of It is the best rock oil this coast for any this place. T he Sa turday morning ses sion o f the convention will he held in the purpose. Christian ch urch thr afternoon and even Lack o f vitality and color-matter iu in g sessions iti the Congregational the bulbs causes the hair to tail out and church. T he Sun da y services « i l l la turn gray. W e reccouitnend H a ll’s Hair held in the Christian church.' Renewer to preveut baldness and gray- ness. Molten. The Phantom Camera is a mirth-pro voking little instrument. It costs only 50 cents and can be obtained of Woodard Clark & Co. Portland. C. M. K e ep returned to his new home in Ft. Steel B. C. this week. His a m bition is at white heat and his frieuds hope he will make a fortune and divide it up with us all. • i ir. t ,tssa lo street Su» »!»•:>. Mim* ;*> -ir* i • nie tv. - in«:. Mil is* Both men and women are apt to feel a little blue, when the «ray hairs begin to show. It's a very natural feeling. In the normal oonditlon of things gray hairs belong to advanced age. They have no business whitening the head of man or woman, who has not begun to go down the slop« of life. As a matter of fact, the hair turns gray regardless of age, or of life's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by sickness, but more often from lack of oare. When the hair fades or turns gray there's no need to resort to hair dyes» The normal oolor of the hair is restored and retained by the use of Many thanks for that serenade last Thursday night. It was a nice quartette. Come again. The city of Portland has made ar rangements to celebrate the 4th of July \ in an elaborate way. C. L. Ilin m a n has a large stock 1 ( JL-s Simms, the inter national secre A new lot of Lawns, Dimities, Mulls and IYre-alts at Woods, Caples and whips raging iu price from to ce nts to tary o f \ . W. C. A., delivered a fine ad 1 1 dress on Wednesday eve n in g in the $ 2 . 0 0 . Thomas. 11 .'in, K r m d e r ’s i.own 111 . auditorium. She had a good audience Abbott & Roe carry the mo«t complete Geo. L. Smith will have those fine to* |; o:id all were well pleated. Ip > 1 * 1 i u v !• wire frames you will waat to put flowers line o f lubricating oils west of Portland, ii o f ! ■ : C >ii ^1 • « ; h - in on Decoration Day. E xp?rt tooth extractor Dr. Hiatt, e x Tillam ook not excepted. Prices low. 1 1 O itn UI tr tracted W ednesday morning, fifteen dif I .iu 11 W. : ..>■ Geo. L. Sm ith sells m a ltin g at a cheap T e it h extracted with Nitrous-Oxide • “. m Î.« .M V,djL' -v >. 1 » 1 i; n<Uv ficult teeth for Mrs. W . P. Thomas, of I m Gis, a pleasant anaesthetic,, perfectly figure now, but the tariff will about near this city, under the influence o f the safe, by Dr. O. C. Hiatt, Woods & double the price. Now is the time to new preparation administered by Dr. C. ( 1 v ü ; - ifjf G es » 1 ' " Caples building. Satisfaction or no buy. L. Large. She was h ig h ly pleased with , • . t th .-fi 0 ‘•i ’ 1 .. charge. 1 : a\ ç ü ' t H r Mrs, F. II. White has her stock -of the pleasing effect o f the new remedy, ft ■ ■ >T t • r p c* / : t S u n l- .ll The i2yearold son o f Frank Kelsey, o f millinery and ladies hats now in and and exceed in gly well pleased with the ives. til G ro ve r Hillsboro, «ho was visiting his g ran d invites the ladies of the vicin ity to call expert's extinction. mother. Bert Stewart, fell from a horse and exam in e her store. Mr. C h a ile s Mcservo, editor o f the I The Blue and the Gray. Circulating L ib ra ry .— A choice selec tion o f novels to rent at 5 cents each, Geo. L. Smith says you better take up also can he found magazines, journals, at old lagged carpet and put down and latest fashion books at A llen 's hai l.ei time nice ma.ling. He has some heau- shop. Doors, window s and m ouldings a ■ ful patterns and they can he bo ught Portland prices. A b b o tt & Roe. r\ cheap \ Oregon City Enterprise, made this office head qu n U-r-< during last Monday. He vi-ue I the college and looked the city over f- v the first time. He publishes one nl tin- best p a p u s in the state, and is a mn 1 pleasant, gentleman to meet. Come again. Notice. Pacific University, as a Government Repository, offers the free use of that part of its library to the public for pur poses of reference, as follows; The upper room at the North end of Marsh Hall w ill he open tach morning except Sunday H o r n 9 to 12, until farther notice. Jos. W. M a r s h , librarian. The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven (N. Y . ) Register. Mr. J am e s R o w lan d of this village, states that for twenty-five years liis wife» has been a sufferer from acute rheuma tism. A few n ights ago she w as in such Due to a constant d cin in d for the a r t i pain that she was nearly crazy. She cle tile Bank o f Forest G rove has pro -ent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he cured a liberal supply o f one cent pieces had read of C h a m b e rla in ’s Pain Balm, fot the convenience o f its customers. and instead of going for the physician he- w ent to the store and secured a bottle of Dissolution Notice. it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Notice is hereby given that I have Row land’s purchase at first but never withdrawn from the Forest Grove Miinu theless applied tho Balm thoroughly and facturing company and from this date in an ho ur’s time was able to go to sleep. have no responsibility w hatever with the She now applies it w hen ever she feel» said company. m acho or a pain and finds that it a l R o b e r t C. H a r t r a m p f . ways gives lelief. He says that no med May 8, 1S97. 7-10 icine which she had used ever did her as much good. T he 2.» and 5 0 cent size»1 Save Your Grain. F e w realize that each squirrel destroys ¡or sale by J. C. C la rk , druggist. $1.50 worth o f grain annually. Wake- Bids Wanted for Wood. lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator T he undersigned will receive until1 is the most effective and economical poi son known. Price reduced to 30 cents. May 29 next, sealed bids for furnish J. C. Smock, A gent, Sherwood. For sale ing 30 cords o f fir wood for the city schools at Forest Grove. Wood to be 4. b y j . C. Clark, druggist. feet in length from large red or yellow Dentistry. fir trees and o f good quality, also 5 cords Dr. R. H. Hoycy having located is o f 4 ft. pole good quality oak wood, same Forest Grove for the practice of dentistry to he delivered on or before Sept, t, 1897. takes this method of informing the pub T he right to reject any and all bids re lic that he is prepared to do any work in served. Bids will be opened Saturday that line. Office in Ingles Si Porter’» May 29, 1897 at ten o’clock a. m. building. F. T. K a n e , Tench is successful in the recent Clerk school district No. 15. For The Gold Regions. :e,u i quarterly examination were: A. S. Venen sella tickets to the Koot- Fir-t k"nde: J. M. Overholtzer, Tigard- »ee- iu. t V ri> :->:u v i u o u Ai üv ,vel l r r - »-ill. ; l.ouisa Monherry, Cornelius. Sec- inai Mining camps, including Rossland, ! Hi t «'ll . : rt T he warehouie o f the Washington 0 I >,rade: Oro Overholtzer, Tigard- Trail, I, seer has just received a f r e s h supply Nelson, Ainsworth, Balfour, an A . a tly • . j< >} ■ ! Comity Flo ur Mills In s had a new. f a il, , cu et.d off, e from S.111 F ra n cisc o Slogan, and all points on the Great v in ; Helen June E w in g . Fulton. Third ,*\ ' ' » til*. 1 .A ' t • ' Sis ; utlliuh. Either first or ¡. rocci • are the best in the market. dation put under it. T he first found ill . ui : Anna L. Dudley, Beaverton; Alice Northern Railroad. Airs S c h u H z a b o u t u u | gave way under the h e av y w eight «• j .* 11 k Rice, G lencoe; Nellie Sutton, second class. He is also resident agent . ¡re Chi t Leabo was in M cM innville remedy, Vi«vi Oilier in wheat put in it last je a r . It took fif'e- < Lionel; Myrtle Stevenson, Sherwood; for the O R. & N. Co. ■ av Vi-.' ng his lather, who broke days to put the ne v foundation in. Ini' 1 1 mi .ley, Beaverton; Mary Francis Fisher, g l i i t .- places and dislocated his “ The Ould Deestric Skule.” under Mr. S h u n i o n 's superintendence ii 1. virion; Marie Frnutz, Phillips; Earl Daisy Dennis h a d a sp l e n d id U' • , ,i<- Friday of last week. was hone w ell and i f protected f 0.11 ti e I li «ard Fisher, B. a v.rton; IVarl H. H ills b o r o friends sev ia l d a y s Will hold one session at Yerta hall, ome made dread, pies, and cakes a -. l i e ’ll it will now hold up all the .Huai . «haver, Tigardvillc; E d ith L. Rogers, Friday evening, May 21. This will be Mrs. K reiibr’s Home Bakery. It is the warehouse will h-tld. Hill-dale. Slate certificate»: Mrs. an entertainment given by the pupils of you like good bre ad, try the Cr • 1 cheaper to buy than to hake. our public school, and ns it is free every C«irie F rutcliey, Glenco e; E l l a Gordon, Ox Blood colors are the late-t i n 1 1 lir ' Hour and you w ill use no o t i e r . A fresh stock of fine confectionery at and g e n t ’s spring amt suniin r t -it iea . Forest G rove. State diploma: Anna patron of the school can afford to attend. L . Ransom spent last Sun day m | Give the children the encouragement of See G r e g g ’s Shoe Store b e f r e 111 ,kt>. I V. Luster, Forest Grove. Mr Kreidvr’s Home Bakery. Clias. Naylor has brought to the pe acquaintance o f his fam ily W hen you ask an editor to suppress an vour attendance. your purchase. Nothin * hut In vr-t cit i Ids recent purchase, the three iviliv 10 ents hair, cutting 25 cents 1 item o f news because it does not pleare : C ity Drug Store does not sell p ’ Coeur de Wood by Coeur d’Alene, Cheese. moo.. Barber Shop one d o o rw e s t o f prices arc charged, and he keep >00 j you then go and ask your grocer to ex nedicius at cost and double Uu o i l ’.- meat market. Good work and up to date in styles. J. S. Clark is making cheese and is Boxwood by Nutwood, second dam clude picki Is from Ins store because you |on some other goods t at people land Queen by Lakeland’s Abdallah ¡cm.- cous nntio n.— A. D. Allen, Prop. S. Hughes & Son o ' F Test G io ve , Ore prepared to do a large amount of work. I e o n ’: eat them, or your butcher not to It know the w orth of. of Add Alene, two year 2 : 20 , who still gon, are again on the i n a i f . *>lt a Cheese made from the same amount of Sn-rt w a i s t s and shirt waist sets, ! keep bologna because it goes against holds the record of Oregon, third Tillamook stage starts on its nrV full and complete line «•(* > W* >r i 1 milk used in making butter will bring lad- ; collars, cuff and belts, and latest I your stomach. There is just as much Prunella by Alhambra, fourth harvesting goods. W e also have on kext Sun da y m orn in g. about one forth more money. The d o., ' patterns and styles. See Woods, fairness in one as in the oilier. News is Thoroughbred. The North Pacific hand all goods required in 1 .e h n v . i . t charge for making it only two cents per |lies Ox Blood and Russett O x and Caples & Thomas’ display window. an editor's slock in trade So are p i c k Spirit says this horse is considered or hay field. W e also c a n s ¡1 linr of pound. Mr. Clark will sell the cheese , l.ern tie from $1 25 and upwards, When the spring lim e com es, 'gentle Eldorado lubericatiiig inis which have les a grocer's and bologna and nock- or the farmers can have the cheese and 1 all horseman to be the fastest l i r e g g ’s Shoe S to re before m aking A horse-flesh ever seen in Oregon, and l l i ke all other sensible persona, been thoroughly liste d for liit-ir «raring wurst a butcher’s.— Dnnarille Breeze. sell or use it. ¡purchase. now with little or no training show Last Saturday a pleasant party assem 1 *¡1] cleanse the liver and renovate the qualities. Al*o p o u t s , oil-, l.ii,»he*. Bids Wanted. ter than 2 : 2 ) gait trotter. This horse Cole is plan ting a fine cedar hedge I system with DeWitt’a Little E arly screen doors and tin n y u.n cr Ir-au.iful bled under the shade trees at the resi Bids will be received for building a will make the season in Forest Grove dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. II Rafferty to hd his beautiful home. Mr. Hollis- Risers, famous little pillr for the liver and useful things. celebrate the eleventh hirtInlay of Master school house according to plans and and is now here in Jones' stable. Mr. and stomach all the year round. (rnished the cedar from his farm. Mr. H. D. Jones will run a stage to Avery Rafferty. The afiernoo- was spent specifications now with the school board Naylor is a judge of horses and has Splendid offer - F o r our regular price ' Portland twice each wrt-k during the in playing, singing and games; lunch I of District No. 16, in Scoggins Valley. brought a beauty who is bound to plies O x Blood and Russett cloth top | shoes. Special sale- for 30 days. we will furnish you the I I a TCHET and summer. T h is will he a > rent a cco m o d a was served picnic style. Master Avery ' The bids «rill be opened Thursday, June the public, and his colts are the $2.50 former price $3 od. G r e g g ’s Chicago W eekly Inter-Ocean both for tion to m a n y o f onr p - *j>! • who enjoy a was the recipient of many and useful to | 10. The board reserve the right to re- that sell. Before making engagements, -on o f country kens of friendship. Those present were: \ ject any and all bids. one r ear. This offer is to new suhscrib- ride through the fi n r- s | Store. horse owners should at least take a : era as well as to all w ho renew for a on earth. Several load- «r already e n Misses Pearl Walker, Lennie La Chap- at this splendid animal. K. Mattison, ant Hughes began the construction gaged. S p ea k the da v la-lore lor a seat. elle, Sadie Boldrick, June and E le y Walk- R. Wilcox, i s for the service. (15 for the season. le telephone line to Hillsboro this year in advance. He will go Tuesd ay and Saturday each Bertha Leabo, Wilda Crosley; Masters T. Cowles, 1 La-ourse and Brown pay cash for week. Directors. Avery Rafferty, Raleigh Walker, Haskell RLiaac Tubules: at druggist«. eggs, poultry, wool, hides, pelts, brass, >u are troubled with Catarrh, Sore Hi pan* Tabulae cure torpid liver. According to the newspapers, an Ohio and Holman Herrin, Clifford and Gordon copper, and old rubber. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints the : or Lung Disease consult Dr. C- husband became the happy father of Brown and Wesley Patton. follow ing in regard to an old resident of 411 persons indebted to the Miller s ger. seven children not long ago. Of the that place: “ Frank McAvoy, for many Pharmacy will save cost by payin g np at Proposals For Furnishing Wood. Bowen, of the Hillsboro Argus, once, as all accounts not settled will be seven all lived but one. It ie to be j years in the employ of the L., N. A. A Sealed proposals «rill he received by jlioped he laid in abupply of Chamber s a quiet call Thursday. It is the C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Cham placed in a collector’s hands. lain’s Cough Remedy, the only sure cure the undersigned until May 31st noon, for berlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea fellow that is afflicted with worms. delivering at Pacific University the fol John Caples, of Woods. Caples & for croup, whooping coogh, cold* and Remedy for ten years or longer— am lowing supplies of wood, viz: 65 cords notne Bakery has a new kind of Thomas, wants 100 customers to call and coughs, and so insured his children never without it in my family. I consi Red Fir cut from large trees, no bids for team that is, “ way up.” They call see his >2.50 watches. They are beau against these diseases. For sale by J. der it the best remedy of the kind manu 11 » For S a l e — A small engin e and boiler .i square meal can be had at the -icru Hot 1 for 25 cents, lunches 15 in good condition. V e r y cheap for cash In q u ir e at T h e H a TCHET office. Grove year oM dam Lake dans dam- dam Raral by piece of • can- bet please kind look fTrappa.” There is no trap in it ties. lb. Try it. old burned store is coming down ek. We hear that a nice new will take its place. C. Clark, druggist. Go and see thtm surt. hoecake soap has no equal RED SEAL IS Pure Granulated Potash Contains no salt or other adulterant, under U. S. Patent it must nec- and will make more and better soap than Being -M .nly be different from all other*. either solid or crashed lye. Contain. .0 .larch, free alkali or worth- packed ia rifting top cans it ia more ts for a share of the business economical aad convenient. lew filling- I comes in his line. die Wilson has bought oat the pern House confectionary store and 1« shoe store in the room back o f it. Made / second-growth wood wanted; 60 cords Oak or Ash, four inches to seven inches in diameter. All wood to be four feet long, fairly free from knots, and to be delivered be fore Sept. 1, 1897. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. F orest G rove , May 19 1897. 8-9 W. N. P e r r in . factured. I take pleasure in recom mending it.’ ” It is a specific for all bowell disorders. For sale by J. C. Clark, druggist. SOAP POAM IS Q omb of Kitchen end Laundry Parc White, «rill not make the clothes yellow m t iajare the finest lees. Get your Horse Bills At the Hatchet Printery