ir ^ n p Supplement HATCHET. T i l l H S D A V .............................M A Y I » . INU7 CAPITAL CITY CHAT. LETTE R FR O M O U R W A S H IN G TO N C O R R E S P O N D E N T . A W h ole C a r jo o f O oo l T h in s «, E v ery One o f W h eta la W orth R ea d in g und R em em ber in s —He p u b lica n « A lw a y s O s lo W hen N ational Q u estion s A rise M e lv ille ’s M an ifest. I .'i >9 P O STO FFICE D EP A R T M EN T!^ILD IN G , WASHINGTON, ltats t b e l r chance o f success Is absolutely gone and are terrified that tbe partnership is to come to aa end. Mr. Bryan's spe cial organ, the Omaha World-Herald, sottnd»*the note o f alarm in a recent edi torial In which it urges the continuance o f the fusion between Democrats, silver Republicans and Populists, saying: “ (Jet together. That is good advice to the Pop ulists, silver Republicans and Democrats. It mean's the selection of a silver man to the United States Senate at tbe next session o f the Legislature; it means a solid phalanx o f silver followers in all campaign* from now till 19Uflk It would i be worse than folly for the Populists to refuse to fuse with the silver Republi cans and Democrats at this time and the disastrous results would extend -consid erably further than the local campaign.” G E O R G K M E L V IL L E . TH E ‘ST R U G G L E ’ ’ OF 1803. It Was a C ontest B etw een H on esty and lzialioncaty. The “ struggle” o f last year was not be tween “ the money power and the comuiou people.” It nn* between the mass o f the people and a combination of dishonest ras cals who wanted to rob millions of tbe community by means o f cheap, cheating silver dollars, to be made to apply retro actively on obligations incurred in bonest dollars and for tbe payment o f future wages of labor and—by tbe aid o f retroac tive legislation—for the payment of exist ing debts. The confidence operators whom Bryan headed, in furtherance o f this vil- luiuous scheme, wanted to establish de based silver monometallism—not bimetal lism so that all who bad loaned money, or sold property on time, or had money on deposit i□ banks might be done out o f half their dues. That was the game for which Bryan made his (100 speeches. Bryan knew (hat the silver monometal lism he advocated and mist-ailed “ bimet allism” would involve this wholesale cheating all over the Union, but he did not dare to justify or admit it publicly. He made hundreds of harangues during the campaign ¡ d all parts of the Union, and he has made still more speeches since bis overwhelming defeat, and has written a big book since then, putting them into type, hut lie has never dared to avow the purpose and effect o f bis retroactive scheme o f wholesale repudiation and vio lation of rxisting contracts and pecuniary obligations.—Chicago Tribune. Special Witalilugfon correspondence: NE o f tbe highest r e c o m m e rift a t i ou s that the Dingley bill has had thus far— and it has been high ly commended from various sections—is the fact that repre sentatives o f various foreign governments are entering protests against it. The ob .'S " > ject o f a protective tariff is to take care of American citizens, —<i—Im .™, t J----------- and when represent- o f other parts m i r ** ||jr J* o f the world begin to _ inrir ' “ Hi 111»'' complain about it it is safe to assume that the purpose of the bill is being accomplished. Twenty per cent of gain In twenty HE I’ ostoflice Department building, a view o f which is given herewith, stands jpo British invaders in weeks is a pretty good record for any po ins erected for that service when the capital city was located and occupied in tbe jea. - • ,.xnloa!on of a litical party to make ia work. This is 1814, after burning the W ar Department building, headed towards the I’ ostoflice building. 1 tornado"and vio- the gain which the Rhode Island Repub magazine at Ure»n)eaf’ s Point, which destroyed the lives of several of their companions, coup.e« ‘ , . ‘ , 0 .^. jUHV. licans made in the recent State election lent rainstorm which set in at that time, checked the progress of the vandals ami the building «as s l' t( • .iV entire over the vote for McKinley in 1896. This ever, it was destroyed by tire. It was succeeded by the handsome marble building represented a o\e. „looted is the only spring election in which na square, being bounded by Seventh, Eighth. E and F streets. From this building are issued the orders am > ' . tional politics has cut any figure, the tlie business which directs the greatest organization of the Government service. 1 here are seventy . p A elections in the cities having hinged upon an army o f themsplves: there are twelve thousand letter carriers, half as many,as the standing army o * vehicles purely local issues which had nothing to there are thousands of contractors all over the country who carry the mails on horseback or mule at ". >> * i .. do with the growth or otherwise of Re over the oountrv roads, by steamboats, hv railroads, by lightning express, and now by pneumatic tubes urn et ‘ 7 publican or Democratic sentiment from a wheels, of the busy cities. What will the next step be? Perhaps electricity, a postal telegraph, who knows, m e «oru national standpoint. o f the Postoflice Department costs in round numbers a hundred million a year. Vet its receipts a.most mee runnin. e. Tiem ncrnti T irrd o f tb e Pops. penses. nnd but for the fact that newspapers, especially country newspapers, are carried at far less than the cos o r s The Democrats nre geting tired of their E n c o u r a g e m e n t fo r F a rm ers. portation, the departmental service would mere than meet its own running expenses of a hundred million debars a year. beivhiskered allies in the late election. Tile Democrats nil along the line have The policy, however, of the Government, and it is a wise one. is to encourage the distribution of instructive literature o Not only have a large mnjority o f the par always, as they do now, insisted that the tlie people, nnd for that reason, and that only, is it* necessary for the Postoffice Department, with its hundreds of thou ty in the House o f Representatives re farming interests of the country never re sands of employes, located in every section of the country, to call upon the general government for a trifle of three or spectfully declined to follow the socklcss ceived a benefit from protection. Yet, in four million dolinrs a year to meet the slight deficit which now exists in its operations. Simpson, but leading Democratic news spite of these animadversions, and even paper* of the Populist tainted sections nre before ’Jie proposed Dingley bill bad pass money loaders are laying plans to recap For onr imports we pay the foreign mar ment and simply passed through the scrap beginning to swear off from supporting ed the House, farm products began mov ture the organization. On behalf o f the ket price pins the freight. heap and the mills into the new tonnage. Populists. The Topeka. Kan.. Democrat, ing to higher levels of price, nnd are con former William J. Bryan is on the lecture No groat fact can exist without a great No fine-spun theory of any cloistered or a representative Democratic organ which tinuing to move right along because the platform again, following up the Demo collegiate doctrinaire can wipe out these reason. supported Iirynn in IS!til, says: " Fusion Food effect of proposed protection has cratic victories, so called, in the recent facts. In recent years Germany, on a Jargc Is dead In Kansas. A united Democracy stimulated general trade and opened fac municipal elections. He is claiming them The fact that so long as the freight is scale and in a systematic way. and this and no further fusions with the selfish and tories that have long been idle, and made as free silver triumphs, and is proselyting paid to a foreign ship-owner, so long will country, on a small scale and in a spas arrogant People’ s party. The supreme o f them greater consumers of what the along that line. He is to tour Ohio, and it be a foreign profit on a foreign product, modic way, have put forth efforts in the duty of the hour for Democrats in Kan _farmers had to sell. Wool, wheat and will he in Cincinnati in due time. is fundamental nnd unanswerable. direction of sea power. sas is to cut loose from the festering corn hare each advanced in value and nre On the other hand, the Reform Club The English steamship is a foreign pro England instantly take# alarm. To her corpse of the People's party. The ranting holding their own. with n good prospect of New York, a Democratic organization, duct, nnd its earnings, which we pay, are the growth of any other sea power, even Populists with full power to act have tried o f doing still better. Stock of all kinds, is arranging fo- a two days conference a foreign profit. if its scope be comparatively small and their hands at State government.” horses, cattle and sheep, have greatly to precede the annual dinner, at which No sane man will argue that a foreign its extent comparatively feeble. Is a peril (■rent minds will differ. Mr. Bryan improved in price, anil it may confidently conference tlie future of the Democratic profit on a foreign product can be a do second only to the landing of an invading assumed in his utterances regarding the be stated that the said advance has been party is to be discussed. Grover Cleve mestic benefit army in Kent. recent elections that his cause and him the direct and good result of the proposed land. William L Wilson. John G. Car Add to this the fact, equally Important. | England is determined that she shall be self have been vindicated. On the other protection that Congress is going to give lisle. Win. D. Bynum. C. S. Fairchild and that the carrier of commerce controls its nnt 0Il!v the iliprcme sea b , hand, that sterling Democratic paper, the the country. The authority for these other gold men will be there, and they exchanges and the con, itions of oommer-; that t wjth|n limiu g„ t b hersd, Macon, (la., Telegraph, which expresses statements is derived from the standard will determine what is best to be done to c al. nnd industrial subjugation is thrro gi-t'i . „ , . c. . is our condition to-day. , u*rro no other the sentiment o f "the genuine Southern and recog « s e d commercial ngcnclcs which rescue the Democracy from the free silver complete. Such Shn sunn -vi’i oe tn!..«,,.,, ,i, sen power \ u * at a . \ Democracy, says: "The Democratic suc nre located !n the great commercial cen faction.—Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Great Britain has many outlying col- erS„ ^ e tliegrow th of any oth- cess of Monday shows unmistakably that ters. and are thus enabled to state in ex onie, and dependencies. Bryanism and Altgeldism are done for in act terms what the conditions are.—Du The greatest two are India and tbe " ,l et ,pr nava su" premacy or dispute tlie ocean monopoly this country.” buque Times. United States. of her merchant marine. Washington hid two distinguished peo She holds India by force o f arms, where W h y W e I 'h i t c c t E v e ry th in g . moment any other national aspira- ple In one day recently—Robert Fitzsim by her control of that country costs her There ia no other nation on the fare of mons and William .1. Bryan. O f the two something. She had to pay something for \[on ,0" 'arJ st'a power reaches that point IT her financial and commere Fit* attracted the far larger crowd and the earth so well equipped by nature as V IE W S TH E Q U E S T IO N erciai drainage of England must he prepared to crush it. AS She will crush it by intrigue, by cajolery, awakened more enthusiasm. He was our own to make a broad and thorough India. A F F E C T S TH E N A TIO N . greeteil at the depot by a brass band, test o f the protective principle. There is She holds the United States by the folly by treaties, if she can. She will crush it while Mr. Bryan’s only music was that of not one “ raw material" o f the first impor of its own people, whereby her control of by preponderating force if she must. his own horu which he never neglects to tance of which we nre not capable of P r o te c tio n fo r A in r r 'c in S h ip , P is- this country costs her nothing. She hns L ier since two first-class American blow. producing within onr borders tile great cussed fro m F h ip*B u ild er’ s P oin t o f to pay nothing lor her financial and com ships were put in the transatlantic trade bulk of our supply, ami sugar, tea ami under American management every device D e m o cra tic O fjlc'n ls In Trnnbte. V iew — E n g lan d S tra in in g E v e ry mercial drainage of the United Slates. Democratic statisticians whom the coffee are the only prime articles o f food But the amount o f her annual drainage o f foul play that selfish ingenuity can in- N erve to l’ erp otn a te ilc r Sea Pow er. for which we have to depend upon foreign Cleveland administration foisted upon the of gold from the United States far ex veut and every resort that unscrupulous rivalry can suggest have been exhausted Government through the civil service sys countries. ceeds that from India. With these exceptions. America is. or tem are getting themselves into bad odor. Therefore, the United States is hv far E ?slish I"?8* <">'1 the English ad- I . e t t e r t o « e n a t o C o m m i t t e e . Secretary o f Agriculture Wilson recently could easily be reudered. absolutely self- the most valuable of all dependencies of L « 0. , fa“ le and discreilit them. A meeting o f representatives o f the suppressed a “ single tax” document is sustaining. And Hawaii nnd Cuba, if Great Britain. I I Rush officials abroad, from ministers shipping interests was held in the room sued by one o f these gentry, while a cor they were both within onr possession, In the relation of England to India there 1 oonsuIs down, industriously reproduce respondent o f the Chicago Inter Ocean could lie developed to yield all the sugar of the Senate Committee on Commerce at is something pitiable because India is <Lnf'l.SpapPrs of Japan, Chili, Argon Washington. Among these present were: tine and Brazil the misstatements o f the comes to the front with figures to show required for our needs. A vast country helpless. C. A. Griscom, W . P. Clyde. T. W . Hyde. that the statements o f the chief -of the like the United Slates follows an unerring In the relation of the United States to English press about American vessels. Hie British postoflice delays the Ameri bureau of statistics of the Treasury De instinct when it endeavors to protect not A. R. Smith, C. II. Cramp. Samuel S. England there is nothing that is not con Bewail. H. P. Booth. E. Bliss. AaVon Van partment regarding exportations o f man only its manufactures, hut its raw mate temptible. because it is the willing servi can mails for days in the slower ships of derbilt. D. C. Mink, F. J. Firth. C. H. ufactures are grossly Inaccurate. Statis rials. The early tariffs o f Washington. tude o f a nation that could help herself the (. unard line, rather than send so much as one letter by the American line. tician Ford recently asserted that the ex Hamilton and .1 effarson sought to protect Keep. ex-Senator G. F. Edmunds and if she would. Senators Frye. Elkins, Hanna and .Per port* o f American manufactures for the everything which could possibly he fabri Our postoflice responds by libera! allot- England is wide awake to these condi kins. The meeting was held for the pur calendar year 181X1 amounted to $236.- cated or grow n in America. Jefferson, in tions and keenly appreciates their price nients of its European mails to all the British lines. 962.503, and were a considerable increase his tierce protectionist zeal, wished that pose o f promoting legislation looking to less value to her. over those o f the last year o f the M cKin the Atlantic might he a great lake o f fire the encouragement o f American shipping. I he result of all this is that while this The United States blinks at them, half ley law. In answer to this the Inter to cut os off utterly from Europe.—Bos There was a general exchange o f views. dazed, half asleep, insensible of their tre country has never known such industrial Senator Elkins’ bill providing for a dis Ocean correspondent assert*, and sup ton Journal. mendous damage to her. stagnation and such financial distress criminating duty on goods imported in port* his assertions with official figures, England clearly seeing that, in this age. England has never known such industrial that the exports o f American manufac S u c c e s s fu l S c r r tn r y o f A c r ic u lt u c. Ainericag vessels afforded a basis for more than ever before, ocean-empire is actm tj nnd financial prosperity as now Secretary Wilson, tlie new head o f the much of the proceedings, but there was a tures in 1896 were only $138,493.637. Fig world-empire, strains every nerve to per 0,'p,lr mpn who look the ures. it is said, won't lie, hut to make this Department o f Agriculture, is demonstrat want o f unanimity o f opinion upon all of petuate her sea power and exhausts her least b,t be.ow the surface that the war its provisions. Mr. Griscom presided and ing that he is the right man in the right statement accurate, it should be added resources to double rivet the fetters which fare for ocean-empire nnd the strife for « it fastens upon mankind. Unlike the Nebraska busybody the meeting was private. that the people who deal with them place. sea-power which England Several addresses were made during the who preceded him. he does not spend his should be truthful. upon the rest of mankind have Though in 1885 England already had a fore day by those in attendance, one of the time in writing theoretical essays on top The Union soldiers fared badly under navy superior to those of any two and reached a ata -* -;e so acute that her pros- most impartant being the following deeid- . . . . . . ics which in nowise concern his depart the Cleveland administration. More perity unaiterabiy means the misery of cdlv Interesting and important letter from P'luaI to ,hose of ,hrpp o!her powers. ment. Secretary Wilson believes that he than a thousand o f them were dismissed w.l h " hat re" ,ain» most everybody else, nnd that everybody’ s loss from the Government service in Washing was appointed to his present position to Charles 11 Cramp Esq., president of the" is inevitably her gain? * Cramp* Shipbuilding Company. It pro- promote the interests o f the tillers of the ton city alone by that administration and world and makes the sea as much British Mliat is the response of the United sonts the shipbuilders’ side o f protection soil, and he is not only devoting himself comparatively few soldiers appointed to territory as the county of Middlesex. States to this tremendous exertion of fill the vacancies thus created. One of strictly to these duties, but he is devot for American ships very forcibly: Since 1885 England has expended $517,- English energy and resource to the ng- Sir: W e bave to deal with real facts and ing himself to them in a practical and the first things done by the new adminis 8 000,000 for sew ships of war and their grand.zomeut of her sea-power’’ tration was to set about reinstating these sensible way, which promises to be of the actual conditions. Tbe interests o f ship armament. During eleven years she has V(.Tf " st"natM for the current utmost value. owning and sh^p-bulldiug are identical. dismissed soldiers Secretary Wilson of -------- ------ • built thirty-eight first-class batileshins * ar tor further increase of her nnw 'H ii ^ o no nation can successfully own I ,, , * * ... , . One o f the reforms he has inaugurated I I hk the Agricultural Department reinstated n n oauuot successfully build . them, . ‘ i throe second-class battleships, ships oamcsnips nine n:ne nr- nr is to collect new seeds from all parts of a dozen or more in his department during No , aUon can either bnild or own ships a,ored cruisers, twenty hrs,-class cruis the first week in April, and the heads of the vyorld. and to distribute them, with when'*unprotected and unencouraged, it <’« fifty-one second-class cruisers; thir- the other departments nre following the the necessary instructions, among farmers involving 1 0 8 new shins l,n(| , a ProF™m broughi in competition with other na- I 'J thTee th>rd-class cruisers; thirty gun same plan, so that it is probable that who are likely to put them to use. His tween laving down P . 8,1 5,a« (' s be- boats; twelve composite sloops, and sev most o f the dismissed soldiers will be re- object is to encourage a greater diversity tions that are protected and encouraged. enty-four torpedo destroyers, including United K , r e s o u n d * . ' L <*“ This is the existing condition o f the stored to their positions during the first of farm products Nothing could be wiser, the vessels authorized in the current >" even the eomparatirelvr f L w ddpn halt on inntter from what standpoint the mat ship-owning and ship-building interests of year's program. half year o f the new administration. fitfully pursued^since is ffi* 61* ? ro* r! ru ter is viewed. New Y'ork Commercial the United States. H em ncrntic llisa n slon «. The aggregate it "TO vessels of l.lofi.- Advertiser. The resulting fact is that the enormous Sam Randall's famous remark about 575 tons total displacement. 1,674,700 revenue represented by the freight and horse power. tbe wing* of the Democracy "(lapping to H eavy W e ig h t C lo th in g . passenger tolls on onr commerce and gether” would scarcely apply to the con j O f the navy England already had in * ip in g h n lir^ E M i’a 'n dV '*' m'>rchanf A suit of clothes weighing forty pounds Vv7.* . ■ ., . , ... dition of tbe remains o f that party to-day. wonid be a novelty. Yet it is apparently travel is constantly drained oot o f this what will b< tin, . dunn* country into British. German and French 1 ‘ h.ere "m a in available 42 armored Tear, United States? "«Ponse of the In the House o f Representatives where th cV irt of suit which Prof. Wilson con pockets, 'in the order named, but mainly I *h'P*-_34 11 •!«>!*. >» F < ’ °boats Mr. Randall was once so prominent a tig templates for the average American indi and 95 torpedo boats, which she is re-cn British: while the vast industrial incre nre in Democratic ranks, the oarty is di- vidual. He argues, in his newspaper ar- pining, rearming and otherwise modern of Conjr,'5,fUtUre ' ie! " holIy iD the hands ment represented hv the necessary ship vsdrd into a.most infinitesimal factions. | tide* at so much per column for the New | From that quarter com building inures almost wholly to Great izing as rapidly as she can. The Lai.ey ami Bryan factions are con- York Herald, that the tariff placed on In personnel afloat she hns augmented A tariff bill frame,t ” n,° *i*cn stantly at war aa to the control o f their wool by the Dingley bill will add at least Britain. her force front 52.600 in 1885 to 100,500 and at ‘ he sntre rime r proJl,(‘p revenue, For this drain there is no recompense. in the estimates for 1897. side o f that body nnd ns to the methods to 20 per cent to tbe fts t o f a suit o f clothes, j courage American in,' • Pr°wote and en- be pursued. Another factional question I Since an increase of 20 per cent in the It is sheer loss. It is the principal cause In other words. England has donblbd cd. To greaicr or I n< *' '* to l,,‘ Pa**- la as to whether the alliance with the Pop. price o f a suit of clothe* means an in- i o f our existing finsneial condition. her navy in personnel and material and ¡* calculated to nrom V * Y ,his tariff So 'ong «* this drain continues no tariff more than quadrupled it in warlike effi- . every American ¡m int ubsta shafl be continued, and in regard to , crease o f prubsbly $5 in Its cost, and the Pn<'°urage thi* there is a w ide difference ,.f op n.on \ proposed duty on wool is 12 cents' per ! and no monetary policy can restore the ciency during eleven years of the pro- i owning and shm-bnildi„7 bUt «bix»- national prosperity. and much bitterness. 1 be question o f pro- : |>oniid. Mr. Wilson must calculate that foundest peace the world ever saw. As I have already -a e Until we make some provision to keep teetlon and free trade ia making a wide j forty pounds o f wool would be used in the i Even greater exertions has England pnt ebb of gold witho.o ,* ' thi* "tseless breach In the party and the various far- I manufacture o f a suit of cksthes. This I ** p',rt.„*.t o f ,he ,hr<,r forth in tbe augmentation of her mer- tribute this coun-rv n7.n’ Pi‘n,,.ation f* *b* tions are being again rent in twain by thia | |a * fair sample o f the mislead ng and ab- an’* i>,M millions annually sucked chant marine. the calendar tear • i .p a i d 7 h £ ^ t k S t^ nRlaad--n d issue. Add * to thi, . . . the great and incurable „tint propositions upon which the free *** foreign ahjp-own-. 1896 she added 1.380.000 tons j f new The United Stateli n* r PT nP" ' division on the financial question and it tfader* bnl’d their theories and aometimts ‘ pr' " " ,l "kip-XniMerm oa other legislation steel steam shipping to her merchaip tn get any of it back except 1 7 ab!p j can bring good times back again. will be seen that the on,-e strong Demo get info office. flvet. breaking up meantime 530.000 ton, It «.1 bonds. p b°frowing It is a constant stream of gold always o f old and obsolete shipping which could cratic party has absolutely I oat it* cohe- flowing ont. afrenea* or definite pnrpo'e o f action. T h e Blvtaile I Itrn m cra cy , no longer be operam i profitably; , ñet *conom*ic f s ^ s ^ d ^ - * ' . ! 0 î hp*p great Nothing naa ao alarmed the element which j There are signa o f trouble for the Dem The foreign ship-owner who carrica our addition o f 850.000 tons to the total of ht r Is tbe United State, tT controlled tbe Poput-ralic organisation o f | ocracy again in IWXt. The frge silver fa- over-sea cotoniere re make* us pay the merchant marine by the register, but a to them and t h e i ^ T ^ W" ‘ d last fall aa thf prospective dissolution of native now ia control o f tbe party organ freight both way*. practical addition of the whole 1.380 ouu For our export* we g*t the foreign mar tons. b*cauta the 530.000 tons broken uc the partnership which then existed The isation are doing possible to aiaiBMla tbvlf grip, «thi!* tbe *ouod k*t prie* leas tk* freight (y** si!rente* «M that without lb* Pwpu had don* lU^ffark for her x «r*a ti:x a G ü d d 0 CBAM p. T rtS i CRAMP ON SHIPPING. i ; 1 tí ■ » W Ä Ä 5T nh¡ch 4 * Polt* " B r i e f Corns Brynn Is still keeping upj Cleveland wing of his |>artj., ed them viciously in his day speech. He knows thsMU uation o f this war between thl^ of his party is the life of hi,, ' toriety. and is willing to to self every time Great minds will differ. ,\|r . sumed in his utterances r.ganj,;!,. cent elections that his en u a j^ J have been vindicated. <)T, theotta," that sterling Democratic p,J[r con. Ga., Telegraph, which £ sentiment of the genuine South, ocracy. says: “ The Democratic Monday shows unmistakably ¡O j ism and Altgeldism are doueSI country." One o f the highest reeomm that the Dingley bill has had (7 and it hns been highly eotnmcmj!! various section*—is the fact thirl seutatives o f various foreign got* nre entering protests against it. ject o f u protective tariff ¡, of American citizens, and whenmL atives o f other parts of the »„71 to complain about it it is safe to, that the purpose o f the bill ¡ , 1 * compiished. Twenty per cent o f gain ¡„ weeks is a pretty good record for, litical party to make in work, i the gain which the Rhode Island R cans made in the recent State over the vote for McKinley inltt^l is the only spring election in " tional politics have cut any 6n_ elections in the cities having hiapS purely local issues which had nod do with the growth or otherwiwofM lican or Democratic sentiment frojl tional standpoint. ^ The newspapers of the eonntrj l tacking the I’ opulists because thejJ to vote for or ugainst the tariff j saying that they show political t by their course in this matter, is that the Populists recogniae ¿71 whelming sentiment of the country vor o f protection nnd yet do not ¿J go back upon their old alliance «id Democrats, to whom they still 1 some crumbs of office, should that"! ever again be successful. The Popocrats are scared. Thw rebellion in the Democratic party, further continuance of the ailiancd tween silver Democrats and P m and members df both these organa are wild with alarm. Mr. Bryan',« the Omaha World-Herald, is fra appealing to the old member* tt ( litical job lot which failed in buiimi November to still hang together. It j “ It would be worse than folly attm for the Populists to refuse to fusel the Democrats and silver Kepub'd and adds that a continued contbinat their forces “ means a solid nhalt silver forces in all campaigns from 1 till 1000.“ J E n c o u r a g e m e n t fo r the Farm The Democrats all along the linel| always, as they do now, insisted tin farming inter« sts o f the country ner, ceived a benefit from protection. TJ spite of these animadversions. Mil before the proposed Dingley bill had« ed the House, farm products beful ing to higher levels o f price, and art| tinning to move right along becaoi good effect of proposed protect»* I stimulated general trade ami opcnrfl tories that have ¡-mg been closed, piitf at work who had long been idle. *mltf of them greater consumers of whitl farmers hail to sell. Wool, whtltf corn have each advanced in value mil holding their own. with a good | of doing still better. Stock of alii horses, cattle and sheep, have grejtl) proved in price, and it may confidci stated that the said advance has I direct and good result o f the proponil tection that Cougri>ss is going to gin| country. The authority for these i ments Is derived from standard and n nized commercial agencies.—Del Times. The S u g a r B e e t in Minnen The report of tlie Senate Commit» Beet Sugar Industry lu .Minnesota f nishes the farmers of the State withil all the necessary information to i them to conduct experiments in beet^ ing successfully. The report has I compiled for the committee by P. E. S er, A. M., who has evidently given t subj«‘ct much time ami research; >n!| chairman. Henry Keller, who in fat with the operations in Germany, the4 itial home of the beet sugar industry | contributed much practical infornutioi The conclusion o f the coinmitt**kJ sugar b«-et culture and sugar beet t facturing are perfectly feasible in S6j sota. and that there is hardly any 1« the magnitude which the industry m>! tain «lien once started. They q"oitj testimony of chemist* to the effect • any .....I wheat land is suitable fork alsn I’ rnf. Shaw, of the Agricultuml j partment of the State University, effect that Minnesota conld crow i beets than would suffice to make su® the whole United States. D reary Im b e cility . “ The Democratic criticisms of the* tariff," says the Inter Ocean. irrW il.v imbecilt'.” The language i* sfrontj what else , an lie said o f crit ismir are essentially ilnliecile iu arg-,im*l8| in -t vapidly dreary in language. other phrase can s«> accurately prceetfl nature of the atta, .- -«bich “ free trade orator* und organs are 1 making upon the bill which is d e ^ ” Pfov.oe pr.Ct tinn for our ind ' :r***J an adequate revenue for our Gov* —Sau Francisco Call. No D e b a u ch , Thi*. President McKinley has just --- ■ from a short trip for recreation down Potomac. It is mentioned that in tw h « wife and two other ladies a'onij differed from the practice of Pre***- Cleveland upon such occasions, who1 rather convivial in his tastes, and * o f a Bohemian in his habits. In *»«*. and morals, ns well as in bread«] statesmanship, onr present national«* rive is an improvement upon the one1 preceded him. although as a fi«**“ and duck hunter he may not he up* standard.—Louisville Commercial. D esertin g th e S ilv e r Can*» Commencing with this week, thi* I will again champion the cause of " money. It believe* in an hone*t A dollar that is jn«rt as good a* any< ’ ° “ Sr, and that i< a gold on*’. T h e f a’ ; st learn that 62 <-ents is not s < (hey must understand the relative» at tbe two me’ als before p a *sn lj m’ ii fheir «U tility » » • circ! " tli thi* eud in new th el . V * 11 ‘ »tor until a •ntUfactorjrJ u ““••intd.—Portland. Qr*„ Ci