State Endeavor Convention. I ^ A K lH Ö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Cslebrated for Its great leavening strength and feealthfulnesa Autirea the food against alum « a d all forma of adulteration commou to the «h ea p brand. R >YAL BAKING POWDER OO , NEW YORK. BCH O LL 8 . Mr». Elm er Schmeltzer and Master Roy were in the metropolis Saturday and Sraday. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Andrews spent the latter part of last week at Hillsboro and Monntaindale. Mr*. L). B. B u m * and Claud Jat kscn -were among tin»- who participated in Portland to The the excursion I Dalles Sunday. and Miss Minnie Mrs. H. 11 » 1 O wego visiting apent last wet 1 friends. Messrs. Bro- 1 Hitchcock made a g Sunday, .flying trip to N. The church of God will hold its an nual June meeting ., 1 Uuny Chapel com mencing Sattirds* Ju e the 12th Mrs. Rowell m l Miss Inu were in Farmington last w o k v is i t i n g <• 111 o t g relatives. Mrs. I latiuuli h ■ 11 is . nti rtuimtu- .Mrs Miller and Mrs >1 > : i fr > h .Vie d i n n v i l l e this week. The annual convention met in the Cumberland Presbyterian church in the j beautiful city of Eugene, Thursday even- j ing May 13. The Endeavors were cordi ally welcomed on behalf of the city by William Kuykendall, and on behalf of the Endeavors by Rev. R. C. Brooks. The respouse was by Rev. H. A. Denton, of Salem. The address of the evening ' was by Rev. C. G Hawes, of Portland. Friday morning began with a sun rise ! prayer meeting. Reports came in the ; business meeting fiutn all the officers and the department superintendents. In the afternoon a telegram was received from President F. E . Clark, now in England, sending cordial greetings. Friday evening there we <- addresses by Rev. Ray Pelmer, of Portland, Pres. H. L. Boardman, of McMinnville college, Pres. C. H. Chapman .<1 me University j and Rev. Robt. Leslie. Saturday meetings were addressed by Miss Addie Bristow, of Corvallis, Rev. Gilman Parker, Robt. McLean, Miss | Julia Hill, Stwart B. Hama, and Dr. K elly of San Francisco, wuo urged at- lendaccc at the inter-national conven tion. Saturday evening the Oratorio Society of Eugene, furnished an enter tainment. Sunday morning the delegates attended their own churches. At 3 p. m. a meet ing lor men was held in the M. E . Church, led by W. A. Lindsay, and one for wo men in the U. P. Church, led by C. F. Clapp, Both meetings were very help ful. Sunday evening Endeavor piayer meet ing was h>-ld in all the churches, after which the the Endeavors all went to Villard Hull where they listened to an address by Rev. W. A. Lindsay. This was followed by the consecration service which was very well conducted by Pres. li. S. Gile. 1 he old officers were re-elected be- cause they had been very efficient, but not done ail they could do and so at ie given one more year in which to do letter work. M iz p a h . writing these articles. “ Jack Besant’s Boy" by C. F. Ran dolph, is a story beginning in the Janu ary number, which; in addition to being highly interesting to those "who have had experience,” as well as to those “ who have only obaerved,” has the ad ded charm of being the only one written on the subject and plan on which this story is constructed. The reader must reach the end of this story to fully appre ciate its beauty and construction. "Count Tolstoy—His Philosophy,” by Hon. E. H. Crosby, of New York, will be of value to all who are interested iu the questions tnat make for the better ment of humanity. No one is better fit ted to analyze this subject than Mr. Crosby. He has been a close student of social problems and the struggles of hu manity in rising to better conditions, and has traveled throughout the world studying the subject. Knowing Count Tolstoy familiarly, he gives us an accu- late review o f the count’s doctrines. This article is exhaustive and will tie continued throughout several numbers. Several other excellent articles are in preparation and some special features are under consideration, all o f which will be announced later. The regular depart ments o f the past will be continued, and the publisher hopes that all readers will in the near future feel like referring to Facts and Fiction in the language o f a contemporary when it called the publi cation "That sprightly western month ly ," and to endorse the sentiment o f the Chicago Daily News when it said, " A magazine that is full of interest and value is Facts and Fiction. Condensed learning is easy to take when presented in such attractive guise.” Q ft T H E R N P A C IF IC R R . . . R U N S . • OF Tilg g. HUCHE.-’. Pullm an Executor. M Sleeping * FoxtsT 0 , Ore \ i rii 27. 1M>7. 1 It should be made a matter of public knowledge that DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Elegant Salve will speedily cure piles of the long- Dining Cars j est standing. It is the household favor ite for burns, scalds, cuts, burises and Tourist sores of all kinds. Sleeping Cars NOTARY PUBLIC Express Trains U ave land Daily. ove St. Paul______ Minneapolis Duluth _____ _ Fargo Grand Fork» TO Winnipeg Helena rad KOdEBURU M.\7 l DAILY Leavc- Arrive- Portlaud 8:20 a, m Roael “barg. Koseburg..... 7:80 a. in Port! lamf L IF E AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE D IN IN G U. S. Land Business A Specialty TICKETS TO A I V I> Attached to all through train STEAMSHIP TICKETS W est S id e Division. United States, Canada Europe. B etw een and P o rtland and MAIL TSAIM D4ILT (IICITT 1 Portland 7:30 a m | Forest drove » 10 am ! Corvallis 12:18 p.m I At Albany anil Corvallis c unset ; ol the Oregon Central A Eastern rail GENERAL FINANCIAL AGENT AND New York Boston and all Points East and South BUFFET AND nraxsa Washington Philadelphia o n OGDEN SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING H. W. SCOTT. Chicago CARS PULLMAN R. R. TICKETS, T o all parts o f the Butte THROUGH PORTLAND AND HAN FRANCIA Leave— Arrive— Portland 6:00 p. m Bau Franti». San Francl»coS:00 p, m Porti and . Above train, atop at «11 llltl Portland end Harm. Turner - 1 son. Albany. Albany J u n ction ,f Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction city gene, Drains, Oakland and ell Koseburg to Ashland inclusive. F IR E INSURANCE Crook.ton tbain d a il y 4:80p.m I 6:29 p.m I 7:30 p. f REAL ESTATE BROKER. faxen Portland Forest Orove McMlnvIUe *r r, L, Direct connection at Han Francisco dental and Oriental and Fact Ac mill line» for JAPAN and CHINA. Salllti, application. Kate» and ticketa to Eastern Europe. Also Japan, China. H- Australla, eau be obtained from W. Agent, Forest Grove Office upstairs in Ingles’ Building A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. Geu. Pass. Ait Pacific East, North and SEND gan to get better from the first dose, and nal............................ ali dosen dollar bottles curvai her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar anteeri to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle* at Miller's rharmacy. FREE! The Fast W E A K M E N Fl “ f..c,h,ir H. W. SCOTT, Age Vital Restorative Tablets with a legal guarantee to permanently cure loss of Manhood, Self-abuse, 5-9 Sexual weakness. Varicocele, stops forever night emissions and all unnatural drains. Returns to former appearance s emanciated organs. Unconditional surrender, is the only No . <>. D. fraud nor recipe deception. If we terms those famous little pills known as could not cure, we would not seud our medicine DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will make Free to try, and pay when satislied. Write with constipation, sick headache and to-day, as this may n ot»; p?ur again. Address WESTERS’ MEDICINE 00., stomach troubles. J. C. Clark, Druggist. Incorporated. Kalamazoo, Mich. Forest Grove, O Sheriff of Washington Conut. Oregon. S m it h & B w m » v A tty’s for riff. TH E GREAT G old and COUNTRrES OF B R IT IS H COL AND E A S T E R N OREGO N ARE all $ 1.50 »¡a T h e REA 0 . R. i No C h an ge of C ars between PO R TLAN D and !B A K E « >SPOKA!J Shortest L in e to Spo Connecting with A L L R A IL RO U TE to T R A IL , R O SSLA M a r c u s n elso s , ¡»II K ootenay MinU Camps . . . Low Rates a n d T hroughT i For Pamphlets aud Detailed mation, write to w. h . iii r lb u r t , General Passenger We Do Not 1 . VIA The Kootenay mining district is the * ■ Oregon. Far Information, time carda, map. and ticks** Forest Grove, greatest mineral section in America and call oa or write many South Africa mining men say that the prospects are better than they ever HORACE STEW AR T, Agent, I p were in that famous region. | R. KOEHLER. Asst.0.F.4| R I'P A 'N S OR Manager To East Kootenay thousands of pros Portland, Oregon, pectors are coming from Cripple Creek, Coeur D'Alene, from the West Kootenay The modern stand O ltEG O N and all parts of the country. At present P O R T L A N D ard Family Medi Ft. Steel is the center of all operations and while other towns are starting in S H E R I F F ’S S A L E . is t h e : cine : Cures the different parts they will probably be By virtue of au execution, decree and order of SHORTEST, small until the Crow's Nest Pass Rv. sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the State common every-day comes in. This Ry. is bound to come in o f Oregon, for Washington County, in favor of FASTEST : ills of humanity. as soon as it can be bnilt and will be G. H. Baber and against Janies R. atchiner, Nira E. Catching, K. A. Bailey, Thos. H. longue and built by the Ca. Pac. It passes through C. Schulmerich, partners under the firm name SAFEST B one of the finest coal fields in America of Bailey, Tongue and Schulmerich and Meier and in the vicinity of the coal fields oil j & Frank Company, a corporation, defendants, TO THE is taken from the surface of such a high for the sum of $16.10, costs, and for the further sum of $600.00, U. S. gold coin, with interest grade that it passes for refined petroleum. ! thereon at the rute of teu per cent, per annum The future of East Kootenay look from the second day of January, 189'», and $50.00 very bright as a mining district. There are with interest thereon at the rate of eight per Pullman Palace Sleepers some very large mines now in operation cent, per nun uni, from the 1st, day of April 1897 attorneys fGes, and for »he cost and ex- and only waiting the Ry. to ship in large | peusos of sa.'e ami of said writ. Pullman Tourist Slee quantities. At present one takes the full j Now. therefore, by virtue and in persuanceof j -T O — capacity of the steamers which run on said judgment, decree and order of .-ale, I will, the Kootenay river and connect with the on Monday the ."1st day of May, 1897, at the ! south »1 or of the Court House, in Hillsboro, ' Great Northern Ry. at Jennings. This Washington County, Oregon’ at the hour of 10 mine, The North Star, could get out oh lock a. in., of said day, s * 1 at public auction twenty times as much ore if it could ship to the hiuhest bidder for asn, the fol owing it. There seems to be no reason why K. described real propt rt*, to wit P in t s c h Lig YOUNG AND OL . The North half of the Non- east quarter of ^ec Kootenay should not grow as rapidly as tion 10, in Town-hip 2 North oi Range 5 West of Union West Kootenay which a few years ago the Willamette Meridian, ami the soutb half of Rejoice w ith us in the D iscovery. The best of sanitary arran contained but a few hundred inhabitants the Southeast quarter of •>ecti n 3, in Township but now lias a dozen towns with from 2 North of Range 5 West ot the Willamette Mer When a man has suffered for years with a Through tickets to any point idian all situate in Washington County, regon, 600 to 8000 population. The town of to satisfy the hereiubefore named sums, and for weakne>s that blights his life and rob» him of United States, Canada or Eu all that really makes life worth living, if he can Rosslaud anil the great Le Roy mine are the costs and expenses of said sale. Said pro avail himself of a complete cure, why not possess obtained of kuown everywhere while many other perty will be sold subject to redemption as per the moral courage to stop his downward course. We will scud you by mail, absolutely free, in towns and mines are booming and pay statute of Oregon. Witness iny hand this28th day of April, 1897. plain package the All-Powerful Dr. Holman's ing big dividends. W. 1» BRADFORD, Thirty years is a long lime to fight so 1» nlul a trouble as piles, but Jacob Mr. Bruce \\ of 1 1 Itisi.oro, wa- Mitchell, of Unionville, I‘a., struggled seen on our sir sun li. ;i long before he tried DeWitt's Mr. Nell Gun A o n d la i id , is visit Hazel Salve, which quickly and ing relatives at ^ |>i 1 and Laurel p iiiiam-iitly cured liitn It is equally Miss Etta Ad ie recipit lit of efft C live in eczema and all s k in affections. a beautiful new 1 is week, .1 pleas- “ Facts unit F ictio n ” lo r 1111)7. ent from her gi 1 in r in low 1 m 1 ,7 iirangenieiits have been L . E. LeRui ..i n 1 . 1 ill were visiting' by which the leaders of Facts and near Sherwood Sunday ¡11 1 on are promised an overflow ofgood Chas. Koeber and Andrew Wilkes tin iic- At itli age comes experience, and transacted business in the mel’ opo e\p rience suggests improvements. Saturday. I he publication will be printed on a Misses Alice Guild anil Maud Savage 1101 quality of paper and the illus ofLuurel, weri visiiu at this place last tration will be principally half tone cop- Saturday and Si d.v 1 1 plates, the costliest process now in Mr. Crowder of California was shak. use. ing hands with h is o ld fiietids at this The set its of frontispiece portraits of place last week. - •-tern authors will be continued, and Miss Abbie Wilkes was visiting her will be followed by a series of each of artists, illustrators, publishers and edi Aunt at Sherwood last w. ok. Mrs, Harriet Hunt who has been ail tors, all of which will form a portrait ing for so many mouths, died at her gallery of great interest to the general home Friday, May the 7th. The re reader. A fashion page will Ire among the new mains were interred in the Mountainside features. This will be so edited as to be cemetery Sunday. practical and money-saving. Persons coming front a distance to Leading articles, illustrated when nec trade in Forest Grove should remember essary, on events of national and world that meals can be had at all hours at the wide interest will appear as subject mat FAItM IN O TO N . Western Hotel. A good lunch can be ter presents itself. In these the aim will Mr. and Mrs. Swope were the guests of la d for 15 cents or a regular meal for 25 be to give a more analytical survey of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jack last Sunday. «rata. the subject than is found in the daily Mr. Andrew Jack has set out four more press. H I K E S K O ItO . acres of hops this spring. "The Lincoln Page” has touched a P. A. Cerum and Frank Stewart, now- Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman were visit wielding the birch in the northwestern popular chord, and this department will ing with Mr. and Mrs. Loid Ingram last be continued in addition to much other portion of the county, visited friends matter, a series of articles on the conspir Sunday. here Sunday. acy to assassinate Mr. Lincoln, with The contract for building the addition The ladies of the Evangelical church special reference to the trial and execu to the Jack school house has been let to will dispense cake and ice cream at tion of Mrs. Suratt will be contributed Mr. Thomas Madison. the concert next Saturday evening. by Judge J . W. Clampitt who was coun The farmers are nearly all through Mra. Clarence Cornell was buried Sat sel for Mrs. Surratt in the famous trial. urday afternoon. The funeral services These articles will make some startling seeding in this section. Mrs. Rowell of Scholls was visiting rel were conducted by Rev. Cline of the M. and unexpected disclosures of perfidy on atives at this place last week. E. church. the part ot that day and will give some Mr. and Mrs. I^w is, of Portland, were The Buchanan Comedy Co. is billed information about this great national for the last three nights of this week at tragedy with which the getieral public is out to their farm last Sunday. Mr. S. I. Ogden, formerly of this place the opera hottse. unfamiliar. Judge Clampitt knows more now of St Johns, was seen in our town about this event in our history any A company of Salvation Arm people last week. gave a show at the opera house Saturday other living man and is as capable of Mr. Edgar Summers has gone to Port evening and held meeting in Grange presenting the information in attractive form as any one now occupying a position land where he will work a few days. hall Sunday night. Wallace McCatnmant, Master in in the literary field. He is a clever and «hancery for the U. S. court, district of versatile writer. He is the author of the Old People. Oregon, visited Hillsboro Saturday last popular book. "Echoes from the Rocky Old people who require medicine t o ' Mountains." of the novel, “ Cloud's and conducted a laud sale. regulate the bowels and kidneys w ill Mills,” editor of “ Lalor's Political Cyclo Mra. T. F. Brown is quite poorly ut find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. pedia” and a frequent contributor to tl.e * this writing. This medicine does not stimulate and leading magazines. When the war of R. K. Bryan, of Bryau-Laidlaw Co , the rebellion broke out he was in college contains no whiskey nor other intoxicant, left here Monday for a trip to Vancouver, where he was a classmate and intimate but acts as a tonic and alterative. I t 1 B. C., to look after his timber interests friend of Postmaster General Wilson. acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, j adding strength and giving tone iu the In that region. On the evening that the press announced E. L. McCormick now carries his hand that during the day Lincoln had called organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric in a aling because of a crushed finger. for 75,000 volunteers, Judge Clampitt be Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids H. T. Bug ley is at Heppncr this week. gan forming a company and before noon digestion. Old people find it just exactly the next day he and his company were Mrs. A. G. l.ucas, together with her what they need. Price fifty cents and sister, Miss Eva Hayes, expects to start sworn into the service c f the Union, this 11.00 per bottle at the Miller pharmacy. being the first company and Judge to Kansas in a few days for a visit with Clampitt the first officer to be sworn relatives. into the volunteer service of the Union Som ething to Depend On. Geo. T. Ledford received information to aid in putting down the Rebellion. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm o f 1 Tuesday from Congressman Tongue that He served to the close of the war, and Jones A Son, Cow den. Ill,, in »(leaking hia pension had been restored to the o d for brave and gallant services was pro of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that rate o f f iq per month. moted to the rank of colonel. After the last winter his wife was attacked with Miss Daisy Dennis, of Forest Grove, close of I he war he served his country lot Grippe, and her case grew so serious visited friends in Hillsboro two or tim e for many years in the far west in hunt that physicians at Cowden and Pans could do nothing for her. It seemed to «ays this week. ing down and prosecuting mail robbers. develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav Since then he has heid many important ing Dr. King's New Disooverv in store, When a cold is contracted, cure it at and responsible federal positions. His and selling lots of it, he took a bottle race. One Minute Cough Cure will set connection with the trial of the conspira home, and to the surprise of all she be you on the road to recovery in a minute. tors, his intimate knowledge of federal It will cure pneumonia, bronchitis, croup matters aad federal officials, his cnltnre aad all forms of lung and throat troubles. and experience and hia erudition and J. C. Clark, Druggist. general ability eminently fit him fur EAST AND SO THE SHASTA | SOUTHERN PACIFIC Executor's Notice. Notice I. hereby riven that the uader.lfued h»„ been confirmed by the County Court o the State of Oreiron lor Washington co«DO, torof the laat will and tenement of Thome. B. Bellingber, deepened. All persons having claim, a g a in « the « I d e . ' ute ere hereby notifled to present the »erne to 1 me at my office at Forest drove, together »1 h the proper vouchers, within six mouths iro - the d.te of this notice. By order ol B. P Cornelius, County Judge. O. R. A N C*. PoaTLA» Club with The Oregonian. Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner 9 2 .0 0 P E R YEAR. Wanted—An Idea W A^. r F n — s r v e r a l f a i t h Ftrt . """»en to travel for reape-rs nsaed Doom in Oregon. Belary r * n..* * rklF and expenses Position aererenee^ Enclose self addressed Tglope. The National, Star Pnildl