■ Washington A County Hatchet K a n d IS iS M .'“ ’! CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4,1896. o r e s t |ce and s u r g e o n , jRO V E, - - O REG O N . e s . Vol. I l i , No. 8, Vol. IX , No. 1 « Made by S. Hughes during the “ Hold provided. IN S U R A N C E | Up at Salem .” h a s t h e l e a d in o at hi* residence, i m Report of Senate Committee on taxes except ou real property which s h a l l be listed and assessed a s is elsewhere Asspsameuts and Taxation. G REER THE GROCER |W. WARD, M. D. T r o v e c FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 20, 1807. ifeMiunal Card». I a N G -^ ^ G R O C E R Y STO R E ' HANKS SH A L L KKKP A CORRECT LIST C O M PA N IE S NOT O R G A N IZED U N D E R T H E LAW S OF T H IS ST A T E MUST PA Y ON GROSS E A R N IN G S . OF T H E IR STOCK H O LD ERS. Real Estate Transfer«. Frederick M ait anil wire to M ountain- d a le Lumber Co. n e >-4 aer Ji I j n r JW................................................ « 5 « « E li D Keat to May A Bryan e > , o t i < q r H c K t l i r l * ................ H M U S to Edward P K enny s ) a o f a w qr a n d n e q r o f a w q r o f a e q r aec 10 t j i t l w ...................................... yaw O & C R R C o t o S W I n i v u o a l*s j and 4 in tec 2 S t 1 a r S w ............................. » « Geo K H athorn and w ife to trasteoa o f B ethany E vangallcal church at L aurel, O regon It in aec 11 1 1 a r I w ...................................................... 80 Josep h lla r d w c ig c r a d in to Paul w eider- h old • K and n e qr o f • e qr aec 26 t Sec. 39.—Every insurance company Sec. J , t —In every bank and banking not organized under the laws o f this state office there shall be kept at all times a ! (or re»*100* ®ver3r We<lne»day. All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, full and correct list of the names and and doing business herein shall on or be residence of the stock holders, owners fore the first day of April, 1898, and on Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop c. E. GEIGER, and parties interested therein, showing or before the first day of April of each Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow } a t h ic p h y s ic ia n amount of capital stock, the par value, year thereafter report to the secretary of the number o f shares and the amount state of the gross amount of all such re Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. Also a large [ n d s u r g e o n held, owned or controlled by each party ceipts, whether in money or notes, re di-ni'*. Bowlby house, Pacific * »• ., l a r f w . . . ....................................... see« lot of all kinds of Seeds I n B u l k . tot Forest Grove hotel in interest, which statement or list shall ceived or accruing from business trans RenJ B ird .ell and w ife to A R Fanno It IS in S p n cer’a Moan eatead .................. 1 » 4 be subject to the inspectibn of the officers acted in the state of Oregon on accouut fcT GRO VE, OREGON. TEA AND COFFEE A SPECIALTY. authorized by law to assess property for of insurance premiums for the preceding Joh n F » trop e and w ife to K Q uacken- L io n paid to MwHc.l and Surgtcal 8RR b u sh 60 a cres in see I t t l t f l v . . . ■onion ami Children and e ll chroule taxation, and it shall be the duty of the calendar year the truth of which atate- H G C hild and h u sh to S n ia a l.au gliu county officer or cashier o f each bank or ment shall be verified by the oath of the pt blk 40 C lark's add to F orest banking institution' to furnish the asses- , president, secretary, managing agent, G rove............................................................ fON, sor with a duplicate copy of such list ver director, general or other agent or attor C asper Sattler to C atbering Sattler w >4 o f n e qr and a M o f n w qr aec ified by oath to the effect that the same ney, in this state, or such company. n r 5 ...................................................... The secretary of state shall file such P U 2J M t arley d e n t is t , ia ttue, which shall be filed by the asses a n d w ife to Fred V erbau- statement in his office and certify the w h ed e w ^ o l n e q r aec 2 S 1 8 n r 8 sor in the office of the county clerk and FOREST GROVE amount o f such gross receipts to the We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible preserved by him. Lelift B Sm ith a w l hueb to A gnes W irta OREGON. state treasurer. manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at BANK M A Y R E T A IN ENOUGH OF D IV I- 2S Forest G rove.................. V M M At the time of filing sach statement in Win pt H It (la 4 lv blk tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are a n i to Isaac S w ett a w qr o f DKND TO P A Y T A X OF STOCK-HOLDERS. each year such insurance company shall cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be n s qr and u e qr o f n w q r aec 25 1 } Sec. 34 —To secure the payment of pay to the state treasurer two per cen |R . o . C. H I A T T n r & w (q uit c la im )....................... .. 1 # ^ appreciated. -o D EN T IST . taxes on banks, bank stock or banking tum. on such gross receipts. Isaac Sw ett to L R iceu u w qr o f u e qr sec 25 t S u I 6 w (q u it c la im ) ............ I • capital it shall be and it is hereby made And any such insurance company fail the duty of every bank or managing of ing or refusing for more than thirty days Josep h Lenberg to W Uberga L euberg pt s e c 3 lt2 s rlw .............................. ficer or officers thereof to retain so mnch to render an accurate account of its pre W illiam F Lawffer to Joh n C W endt L k e r ’ s B ui ld in g on Main Street, up of any dividend or dividends belonging mi urn receipts as herein provided and to and w ile tract 211 in P e a c h v a lc .......... 4 66 « • ■ Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. to such stock holders or owners as shall pay the required per centum, shall be Robert M E dm onson to Mary E d m on 271 ALDER STREET son 35 a of sec 2 1 1 2 n r 2 w _.............. 4 60 • be necessary to pay any taxes levied fined $100 for each additional day such U S to H erbert C Latta n | , o f s w qr and PORTLAND, OR. upon their shares of stock or interest report or payment is delayed, and the )MAS H. TO NGUE, a o f s e qr sec 27 t 6 n r 4 w ............ P«te«M respectively, until it shall be made to secretary of state is hereby required to U 8 to Jo h n C Latta s ! , o f a w qr and s G. C. RID ER, Prop. [ KNEY- AT- LAW, Vq of s c qr aec 27 t j n r 4 w ............... p a tes* appear to such bank or its officers that cause an action to be instituted in the such taxes have beeu paid; and any of- name of the state of Oregon in any court Carl L Kasunder and w ile to Feter W ash in gto n C o u n t y , O r . P etcrsou 9 a o fU S H all d l 0 t i s r t j ficer of any such bank who shall pay of competent jurisdiction to recover such T H E O N L Y F i r s t - C l a s s a m i over or authorize the paying over of any penalty. And such company shall be Jacob T liib so u and « if e tc H ar.h M S t r i c t l y T e m p e r a n c e it e s t a u - such dividends or dividend or any por- prohibited from doing business in this ITU & BOWMAN, G reen p t lt s 5 and 6 blk ti H illsboro.. 6 SO R* r a n t In t lie c i t y . tion thereof contrary with the provisions state until such payment is made. Its T ilden B eau ch am p and w ife to Jo u N orthrop and w ife pt It 5 blk 7 lEYS-A T-LA W , of this section shall thereby become lia real property, if any, shall be listed unu H illsb o r o .................................................... ble fov such tax, and if said tar. shall not C has H U unn ell and w ife lo CI14S F assessed as other real property. t Work and Conveyancing. ! be paid the tax collector where such 1 igard 42 a o f j o liq L Hii k lin aud EXFRKSS COM PANIES MUST P A Y ON I Morgan Blk. H IL L S B O R O , O r . w ife d 1 c t 1 aud 2 4 r ) \/i................... j2 I» Of I hank Is located shall sell such snares W GROSS E A R N IN G S . I.nrkin R eynold trustees o f i interest to pay the same in like mawuvr | u a;in «i! M H c u u f r t h m w u /'t Sec. 40.—Any corporation not incoi- and with like tffect as other personal Kv. M. L A N G L E Y , 1 U f l w ................................................. .. 10« property is sold on execution and give porated under the laws of this COD* y J S arto» to E lixuJ. Hyman 5 l« a ad- l: v a n d c o u n s e l o r a t l a w the purchaser, a certificate therefor which 'eyin g to, from or through this s a te , Good Horses jo in in g tow n o f S m o ck v ille ............... 7 0»«« |v Prosecuting Attorney. i shall vest ill him all the title and in te re st ! goods, wares, merchanuise, money, puck- J C Sm ock aud w ife to A rthur Hell U S blk 8 tow n o f S in ock vllie (n ow S ber- Collections a specialty. New Rigs, i of such tax payer in or to such shares or a8cs> gold, silver plate, or other articles w o o d ............................................................. 4 00 0 # [-Up-stairs, Woods A C ap le s! 1 ¡m erest, ai d shall entitle the holder o f' by express over the line of any railroad J J lla ll and w ife m C T H all I t s blk 4 Building. Moderate such certificate to ih. transfer of said \ company, stage or steamboat company S h erw o o d .............. .................................. .. 1,00 0« a d stock to him on the books of the bank. or hy oi under any contract o. t t Lina R ech to W J R obinson m id Prices lie Iflre and Accident Insurance dow er iu t. til und ' a o f 9 945 a tract ! _ I manager, lessee, agents or receivers» .. .» < '*<-• -, in T ilo s D H um phreys d i e ............. 48 M i? “ |e Peace Loans, Collections j .. , thereof, (not including railroad conipau- Forest Grove Laundry and Dye House. W. S. BALDWIN, M anager. A JB SS JONES’ STABLE . COUNTY, P O LL A N D ROAD POLL T A X . ---------- I. KJMIGJHT |l Fire Insurance . and Loan Broker. PRO O regon II. D. S t e w a r t , Asi’t Cashier. of F orest G rove JON PFANNER, Proprietor I A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS knd telegraphic transfers sold on New pgo and San Francisco. change payable at sight in London, n. Amsterdam, Brussels, Stockholm, bn-the-Main as w ell as all other Htics and centers o f trade throughout Kingdom, Ireland and Continental |ioiis made at all accessible points. 5 hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Whoa! . . . T K M au n in s und w ife to Carl L lto-an- bkock ’ s D rug store . JOHNSON & CORNELIUS R E A L E S T / t T E A G E jN T S , lat the . . . Chance Grocery. last place to get your bplies until you reach Til- hook. I cariy a full liiie of joods and Groceries, ftent Medicines, Cigars and Tobacco. Tackle and all necessary plies for a camp outfit. pp Communication between Jst Grove and Tillamook. S a r g e n »ALES CREEK. . ies engaged in the ordinary transport.- der 20 a o f O S lla ll d 1 c sec 2 1 1 s r Will run a stage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $i.oo for the f Sec. 3 5 - I t shall be the duty of the tion of merchandise or other articles in 1 ................................................... 2 » » assessor to assess a poll tax upon every round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. this,) shall be deemed to bean express Jas A nderson and w ifu lo A n g u s) llfl»)- m ile inhabitant of his county over company, nagel1, a in see 3! 18 a r ) W .... I » Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers tweuty-one and under fifty years of age, i John H ackus e ta ls to f A Eddy It 68 or [To be Continued.] Hunters and Fishermen T u a la iiu G ardens..................... . . ® U) • • one dollar for county purposes and three 1 Not only acute lung troubles, which I'h osti and I’lezy Mem bam to W A dollars for the benefit of thp road district Take Jones’ Bus to and from all trains N tc k e ll 4) a o f sec 1 8 l j n r 3 w . 1 M «4 such nef*pfl fpsidet; which last ma^ Prove ' n a lew days, but old Baggage and freight called for and delivered in which , , 1 , , , | , , _ on cnnt/i /»/vii.rlm n tt/I (lie r..» 4 («AiiV.loa • may Also ¡'hot G and l'leitz Meat ham to W chronic coughs and throut troubles pam<3 (ft* shall l>? foUeCted as other A N il kell 40 a o f rcc 18 t j n r 3 w 1 00 M receive immediate relief and be perman W ashington co u n ty , O iég o il to David. road taxes are collected. ently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. W ilcox Its 9 and 10 blk 46 C ornelius S 7« ASSESSOR MUST COLLECT POLL TAX. J I. M artin and w ife to O ttlie M uiph y a A T THE COLLEGE. w qr o f 11 e qr sec 1 4 1 1 s r 5 w 40 a 4 0 « RR Sec. 36.—The assessor is hereby em- Miss Sims, the traveling secretary of »id n a C K an e and h u sh to A g n ette M j powered and directed to collect the poll M aehr p t 1» 3 blk HJ F orest Grove 7 « H herein provided far, and may levy the Y . W. C. A., addressed the young A güete M Starhr and hu sban d toS M n a .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. | tax upon and destrain any property belong- ladies of P. U. Wednesday afternoon, C K a n e 5 a u ea- F orest G rove.......... 1 H R ^ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by ing to any person subject to said poll tax Misses Anna Roe, Mary Clark and Mr. 8 A D urham aud w ife to A A Kurtz 26 a Toilet Articles, in Adam Shaver d 1 e t 2 a r 1 1 Rt an Experienced Pharmacist and from for its payment; provided, that in cases George Johnson attended Y . P. S. C. K. K stclla Turk and husb to Ferdinand Stationery, of persons having real estate in the convention at Kugene lekt w e e k . The Groner 410 a in 1 2 ■ r 2 w and other the Best and Freshest material. News Depot. county, the poll tax herein provided for delegates report a very entertaining and land s ......................................................... 50 00 «R LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. may be added to his property tax, and profitable convention. Washington Co. Adalph Fuegy and w ife to C hristian K erchen tract In J q A Z achary d I collected in the same manner. r was awarded the banner, having organ- c 1 1 n r 2 w ............................................ • OR JVIAIN STREET, JHILLSBOf^O. i k e s or ASSKS 3 QRS, i7.ed the largest number of societies dur- A rchie C am pbell and w ife toC arl Oscar Larsen 1 a tu see ?21 2 s r 1 w and Subscriptions Received for the W ash ington C ounty H a t c h e t , Sec. 37.—County Assessors shall re- ' nK past year. 1 he next convention o th er lauda ........................................... ® «R ceive three dollars for each day necessar- | *s 1 ° held at Roseburg. T he C ounty N E W S p a p e r . John C am pbell to Carl 11 Larsen 10 a in j ily employed in discharging their duties ' The ladiesofthe Philomathean society aec 22 t í a r 1 w........................... ........ 4 00 OR 1 under this act; and deputy assessors three will listen to the following program at C ephas K lseuhatier to A ria and Thos T E CORNELIUS MELKI JOHNSON dollars per day for the time actually and their next meeting: H o le s It 8 hlk 4 T horne'» »dd to H ills b o r o ................................................... 80 • ! necessarily empio’ ed in assessing their Piano solo by Miss Winifred Mar«h; T hom as llo lc c and w ife to C ephas Ei.4- ; respective district», to lie paid in each Book [review, Miss L. Walker; recita en h au er 20 a In aeg ¡I t ) n r 8 w * «RRR 1 case out of the county treasury. If act- tion, Miss I,. Porter; essay, Miss Lance- John A a p ln w jli aud Wife to Hans j.iiaod er tracts near A inas c h a p e l- 6 «« • ually necessary, the county court may field; vocal solo, Mi*» Venen; recitation. C (I R elsn er (by sh eriff) to Joh n P Mo- employ additional clerical aid to the ns- Mis* Wi'ma Wagner, lirm un It * In b'K J » h orw oq d ,.,,, , n 1 w W Special Bargains in Tw enty and Fort} Acre |sessor. The class of 1903 is making extensive J K M arley and w ile to 1> If M arley 4 é qr sec 7 t 2 n r 2 w am i oth er landa in s u r a n c e , teleg raph a n d o T H K fi ^reparations for Commencement. Tracts in Washington, Yam hill q u it c la im ................................................... 1 «R C O M PA N IE S.— t e l e g r a p h , ELECTRIC I ' The Gled ilttb will give an entertain- John J Turner a w ife to T h om as Cox pt and Tillamook counties. It 3 blk 28 Forest G lo v e......................... 500 R L IG H T , PLAXK r o a d , t u r n p i k e w a g o n ment at V e r t ’s H «11 June I llll. It ROAD a n d O TH E R c o m p a n i e s p a y o n w o u ld h a v e b e e n i,ei,j in Auditorium W illiam It W hitney and w if e t o Anton P fa u tu r n w vr o f 11 w t,r sec 1 1 1 2 FOREST G R O V E ...............................OREGON. g r o ss e a r n in g *. but the Faculty decided ’.bat sucii i show I u r 4 w .......................................... ........... 4 0» «R Sec. 38.—F.ach and every electric light could not be matle a success if held on J E lk an ab Walker lo B elle V WMbar pt blk 11 W alke'a add to F orest GrOVH 10 «R company or corporation and every plank the campus. Their experience in giving road, turnpike road, wagon road company entertainmenU perhaps warrants them j Itenj lllrilaell and w ife to Roman C atholic A rch iahop etc 598 2 5 a o f or corporation, and every bridge com iu the decision. J sh u E llio tt d l c l 1 * r 1 w and pany or corporation doing business in Is V. U. to have an Annual this y ear?: other lands qnrt claim GALES CREEK. this state, wherever organized or incor What lias become o f all the college I o A C R B < o to w T Willis»eqr sec23 13 n r 9 w porated, shall on the first day of April spirit? Jone M "mlth to M H Shipley 1.01 a of of every year after this act takes effect, Field day will be observed Friday, Alvin T Smith d I s t l s r 3 w quit make out and file with the secretary of this day being set apart by the college claim .............................................. 1 R state a statement verified by the presi authorities for the students to lay aside C M Keep to Anton Pjauuer It 1 blk 2 I R dent or secretary, for any such company their books and spend the day in the Forest Grove quit claim ......................... J H and Fannie B Kauous to Edward or corporation showing the gross amount fields. K a.ton It i t Spencer's hom estead.. of money or notes received by any such The Inter-State Oratorical contest will U g toSnlina Wcdklng u e q r tec 12 12a L tiw P r ic e s , P H 4 S H Í 4 T T P r im u in t m * company or corporation foror on the ac‘ occur at the TaylorSt. Methrxlist church, r2w Prom pt Delivery, Reynolds s w qr sec 27 t l t SO TSARS’ , [HE OLD WILTROUT M IL L All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. proprietor. count of reoU, fares> toUft Ucense Excellent Quality-. Bncklen’i Amie» Salve. TRA D Ì m a r k s , D ISIO N S, OOPVRICMTS Ao. ‘ »»Mlon „ .k etch and dwwrlptlon mar fre*- w hether an Inraatiou la UahM. 1 ommuntcetlona atrtctlr OM*at a een cj for accorine patenta P e hare a W aabtnctoa o S ca . Mn°ti£r M r t “ unn * C« rsoatea fllNTIFIC AMERICAN, tratad, lareeat circulation o f »1, weekly, tanna «¡ton a rear i Specimen coplea and il a j i n ■ sent free. Addreaa m u n n a C O ., • t M d a i t , N e w Y a rk . The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts „T h e Best salve ij, Rheum Bruises, ^ " ^ t t e r t chapped Hands ; F ev er Sores C hilblains, Corns, and all Skin Piles, rions, fr ^ T ^ c e n t . per box. C has. M iller. vvä ie f e r e n r e velope. The Brick for Sale! 160,000 Good Quality Cheap T l. Por sale by F . T ard 1 m ile N orthw est o f /e r e c t Grove ________ S ' S s ' ä Wanted-*n Idea S r » ater B a lld in g t Olea«# ) S d W t t i «w eüaadred I s r e sitle a a w a a C v Portland Frida veningt M 2I. The »»*•**•“ ____ Of,-a a ' __ ** ® r 4 w other wise during OU- the year the next k be F. U. ladiet ’ quartet did not accept their I' 8 to Itrlc» Wilaon n c qr see 2K t r, a r fore the said 1st day o f April, which invitation to sing. 5 w .................. U 8 to Aatru.t H T Wulf • • e qr see amount o f gross receipts the secretary of 22 t 3 a r 4 w.................................... The Y. W. C. A. will give an ice cream V H to 1 orn»lill» Nelaon ,w q r» e c state shall forthwith certify to the state 28 1 8 a r 3 w . ............................. social on tbe campus tbe 29th to raise U 8 to James O'Reilly ■ c qr aec 22 t 8 a trcacurer, and every such company or funds to defray the expenses o f a dele-1 r 5 w............................................... . corporation shall there upon pay to tbe Murray It Rice n of n e or sec gate to tbe summer school at MillsrCol- l 8 to 19 an<l ike e U of s e q r we 1st 3 n r state treasurer, three per centum on al) and other laiwle. ....................... lege. Cal. U 0 to Joseph Kenney « e q r sec :V, l :(n such gross receipts, and upon failure to ( r 5 w ant! other lahts ..............- v The jo in t d e b a te betw een th e Ph<los make such payment, the treasurer shall C roup and w hooping cough a re c forthwith proceed to collect the same by and G am m as h a s been d eclared off. destraiut and tail of tbe goods and chat N o one in o rd in a ry h e a lth need be b o o l'» teiro ra ; b u t like p n eam tels of such delinquent corporations in com e b ald or g ra y , if he will follow sen b ro n c h itis, and o th e r th ro a t a n d the same manner and like effect as pro sible tre a tm e n t. \Ve advise cie a n h n e ss tronbles, cun be q u ick ly cured by vided in section — of this act. Tbe o f tb e scalp a n d th e use of H all's Harr O ne M inute C ough C ure. J . C. C D ruggist. above p a y m e n ts sh all be in lien of all R enew er.