■ Washington A County Hatchet K a n d IS iS M .'“ ’! CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4,1896. o r e s t |ce and s u r g e o n , jRO V E, - - O REG O N . e s . Vol. I l i , No. 8, Vol. IX , No. 1 « Made by S. Hughes during the “ Hold provided. IN S U R A N C E | Up at Salem .” h a s t h e l e a d in o at hi* residence, i m Report of Senate Committee on taxes except ou real property which s h a l l be listed and assessed a s is elsewhere Asspsameuts and Taxation. G REER THE GROCER |W. WARD, M. D. T r o v e c FOREST G R O V E , O R EG O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 20, 1807. ifeMiunal Card». I a N G -^ ^ G R O C E R Y STO R E ' HANKS SH A L L KKKP A CORRECT LIST C O M PA N IE S NOT O R G A N IZED U N D E R T H E LAW S OF T H IS ST A T E MUST PA Y ON GROSS E A R N IN G S . OF T H E IR STOCK H O LD ERS. Real Estate Transfer«. Frederick M ait anil wire to M ountain- d a le Lumber Co. n e >-4 aer Ji I j n r JW................................................ « 5 « « E li D Keat to May A Bryan e > , o t i < q r H c K t l i r l * ................ H M U S to Edward P K enny s ) a o f a w qr a n d n e q r o f a w q r o f a e q r aec 10 t j i t l w ...................................... yaw O & C R R C o t o S W I n i v u o a l*s j and 4 in tec 2 S t 1 a r S w ............................. » « Geo K H athorn and w ife to trasteoa o f B ethany E vangallcal church at L aurel, O regon It in aec 11 1 1 a r I w ...................................................... 80 Josep h lla r d w c ig c r a d in to Paul w eider- h old • K and n e qr o f • e qr aec 26 t Sec. 39.—Every insurance company Sec. J , t —In every bank and banking not organized under the laws o f this state office there shall be kept at all times a ! (or re»*100* ®ver3r We4 o f n e qr and a M o f n w qr aec ified by oath to the effect that the same ney, in this state, or such company. n r 5 ...................................................... The secretary of state shall file such P U 2J M t arley d e n t is t , ia ttue, which shall be filed by the asses­ a n d w ife to Fred V erbau- statement in his office and certify the w h ed e w ^ o l n e q r aec 2 S 1 8 n r 8 sor in the office of the county clerk and FOREST GROVE amount o f such gross receipts to the We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible preserved by him. Lelift B Sm ith a w l hueb to A gnes W irta OREGON. state treasurer. manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at­ BANK M A Y R E T A IN ENOUGH OF D IV I- 2S Forest G rove.................. V M M At the time of filing sach statement in Win pt H It (la 4 lv blk tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are a n i to Isaac S w ett a w qr o f DKND TO P A Y T A X OF STOCK-HOLDERS. each year such insurance company shall cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be n s qr and u e qr o f n w q r aec 25 1 } Sec. 34 —To secure the payment of pay to the state treasurer two per cen­ |R . o . C. H I A T T n r & w (q uit c la im )....................... .. 1 # ^ appreciated. -o D EN T IST . taxes on banks, bank stock or banking tum. on such gross receipts. Isaac Sw ett to L R iceu u w qr o f u e qr sec 25 t S u I 6 w (q u it c la im ) ............ I • capital it shall be and it is hereby made And any such insurance company fail­ the duty of every bank or managing of­ ing or refusing for more than thirty days Josep h Lenberg to W Uberga L euberg pt s e c 3 lt2 s rlw .............................. ficer or officers thereof to retain so mnch to render an accurate account of its pre W illiam F Lawffer to Joh n C W endt L k e r ’ s B ui ld in g on Main Street, up of any dividend or dividends belonging mi urn receipts as herein provided and to and w ile tract 211 in P e a c h v a lc .......... 4 66 « • ■ Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. to such stock holders or owners as shall pay the required per centum, shall be Robert M E dm onson to Mary E d m on ­ 271 ALDER STREET son 35 a of sec 2 1 1 2 n r 2 w _.............. 4 60 • be necessary to pay any taxes levied fined $100 for each additional day such U S to H erbert C Latta n | , o f s w qr and PORTLAND, OR. upon their shares of stock or interest report or payment is delayed, and the )MAS H. TO NGUE, a o f s e qr sec 27 t 6 n r 4 w ............ P«te«M respectively, until it shall be made to secretary of state is hereby required to U 8 to Jo h n C Latta s ! , o f a w qr and s G. C. RID ER, Prop. [ KNEY- AT- LAW, Vq of s c qr aec 27 t j n r 4 w ............... p a tes* appear to such bank or its officers that cause an action to be instituted in the such taxes have beeu paid; and any of- name of the state of Oregon in any court Carl L Kasunder and w ile to Feter W ash in gto n C o u n t y , O r . P etcrsou 9 a o fU S H all d l 0 t i s r t j ficer of any such bank who shall pay of competent jurisdiction to recover such T H E O N L Y F i r s t - C l a s s a m i over or authorize the paying over of any penalty. And such company shall be Jacob T liib so u and « if e tc H ar.h M S t r i c t l y T e m p e r a n c e it e s t a u - such dividends or dividend or any por- prohibited from doing business in this ITU & BOWMAN, G reen p t lt s 5 and 6 blk ti H illsboro.. 6 SO R* r a n t In t lie c i t y . tion thereof contrary with the provisions state until such payment is made. Its T ilden B eau ch am p and w ife to Jo u N orthrop and w ife pt It 5 blk 7 lEYS-A T-LA W , of this section shall thereby become lia­ real property, if any, shall be listed unu H illsb o r o .................................................... ble fov such tax, and if said tar. shall not C has H U unn ell and w ife lo CI14S F assessed as other real property. t Work and Conveyancing. ! be paid the tax collector where such 1 igard 42 a o f j o liq L Hii k lin aud EXFRKSS COM PANIES MUST P A Y ON I Morgan Blk. H IL L S B O R O , O r . w ife d 1 c t 1 aud 2 4 r ) \/i................... j2 I» Of I hank Is located shall sell such snares W GROSS E A R N IN G S . I.nrkin R eynold trustees o f i interest to pay the same in like mawuvr | u a;in «i! M H c u u f r t h m w u /'t Sec. 40.—Any corporation not incoi- and with like tffect as other personal Kv. M. L A N G L E Y , 1 U f l w ................................................. .. 10« property is sold on execution and give porated under the laws of this COD* y J S arto» to E lixuJ. Hyman 5 l« a ad- l: v a n d c o u n s e l o r a t l a w the purchaser, a certificate therefor which 'eyin g to, from or through this s a te , Good Horses jo in in g tow n o f S m o ck v ille ............... 7 0»«« |v Prosecuting Attorney. i shall vest ill him all the title and in te re st ! goods, wares, merchanuise, money, puck- J C Sm ock aud w ife to A rthur Hell U S blk 8 tow n o f S in ock vllie (n ow S ber- Collections a specialty. New Rigs, i of such tax payer in or to such shares or a8cs> gold, silver plate, or other articles w o o d ............................................................. 4 00 0 # [-Up-stairs, Woods A C ap le s! 1 ¡m erest, ai d shall entitle the holder o f' by express over the line of any railroad J J lla ll and w ife m C T H all I t s blk 4 Building. Moderate such certificate to ih. transfer of said \ company, stage or steamboat company S h erw o o d .............. .................................. .. 1,00 0« a d stock to him on the books of the bank. or hy oi under any contract o. t t Lina R ech to W J R obinson m id Prices lie Iflre and Accident Insurance dow er iu t. til und ' a o f 9 945 a tract ! _ I manager, lessee, agents or receivers» .. .» < '*<-• -, in T ilo s D H um phreys d i e ............. 48 M i? “ |e Peace Loans, Collections j .. , thereof, (not including railroad conipau- Forest Grove Laundry and Dye House. W. S. BALDWIN, M anager. A JB SS JONES’ STABLE . COUNTY, P O LL A N D ROAD POLL T A X . ---------- I. KJMIGJHT |l Fire Insurance . and Loan Broker. PRO O regon II. D. S t e w a r t , Asi’t Cashier. of F orest G rove JON PFANNER, Proprietor I A GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS knd telegraphic transfers sold on New pgo and San Francisco. change payable at sight in London, n. Amsterdam, Brussels, Stockholm, bn-the-Main as w ell as all other Htics and centers o f trade throughout Kingdom, Ireland and Continental |ioiis made at all accessible points. 5 hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Whoa! . . . T K M au n in s und w ife to Carl L lto-an- bkock ’ s D rug store . JOHNSON & CORNELIUS R E A L E S T / t T E A G E jN T S , lat the . . . Chance Grocery. last place to get your bplies until you reach Til- hook. I cariy a full liiie of joods and Groceries, ftent Medicines, Cigars and Tobacco. Tackle and all necessary plies for a camp outfit. pp Communication between Jst Grove and Tillamook. S a r g e n »ALES CREEK. . ies engaged in the ordinary transport.- der 20 a o f O S lla ll d 1 c sec 2 1 1 s r Will run a stage to Portland every Tuesday and Saturday; $i.oo for the f Sec. 3 5 - I t shall be the duty of the tion of merchandise or other articles in 1 ................................................... 2 » » assessor to assess a poll tax upon every round trip, 7 hours in the city. Engage seats day before. this,) shall be deemed to bean express Jas A nderson and w ifu lo A n g u s) llfl»)- m ile inhabitant of his county over company, nagel1, a in see 3! 18 a r ) W .... I » Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers tweuty-one and under fifty years of age, i John H ackus e ta ls to f A Eddy It 68 or [To be Continued.] Hunters and Fishermen T u a la iiu G ardens..................... . . ® U) • • one dollar for county purposes and three 1 Not only acute lung troubles, which I'h osti and I’lezy Mem bam to W A dollars for the benefit of thp road district Take Jones’ Bus to and from all trains N tc k e ll 4) a o f sec 1 8 l j n r 3 w . 1 M «4 such nef*pfl fpsidet; which last ma^ Prove ' n a lew days, but old Baggage and freight called for and delivered in which , , 1 , , , | , , _ on cnnt/i /»/vii.rlm n tt/I (lie r..» 4 («AiiV.loa • may Also ¡'hot G and l'leitz Meat ham to W chronic coughs and throut troubles pam<3 (ft* shall l>? foUeCted as other A N il kell 40 a o f rcc 18 t j n r 3 w 1 00 M receive immediate relief and be perman­ W ashington co u n ty , O iég o il to David. road taxes are collected. ently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. W ilcox Its 9 and 10 blk 46 C ornelius S 7« ASSESSOR MUST COLLECT POLL TAX. J I. M artin and w ife to O ttlie M uiph y a A T THE COLLEGE. w qr o f 11 e qr sec 1 4 1 1 s r 5 w 40 a 4 0 « RR Sec. 36.—The assessor is hereby em- Miss Sims, the traveling secretary of »id n a C K an e and h u sh to A g n ette M j powered and directed to collect the poll M aehr p t 1» 3 blk HJ F orest Grove 7 « H herein provided far, and may levy the Y . W. C. A., addressed the young A güete M Starhr and hu sban d toS M n a .PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. | tax upon and destrain any property belong- ladies of P. U. Wednesday afternoon, C K a n e 5 a u ea- F orest G rove.......... 1 H R ^ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by ing to any person subject to said poll tax Misses Anna Roe, Mary Clark and Mr. 8 A D urham aud w ife to A A Kurtz 26 a Toilet Articles, in Adam Shaver d 1 e t 2 a r 1 1 Rt an Experienced Pharmacist and from for its payment; provided, that in cases George Johnson attended Y . P. S. C. K. K stclla Turk and husb to Ferdinand Stationery, of persons having real estate in the convention at Kugene lekt w e e k . The Groner 410 a in 1 2 ■ r 2 w and other the Best and Freshest material. News Depot. county, the poll tax herein provided for delegates report a very entertaining and land s ......................................................... 50 00 «R LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. may be added to his property tax, and profitable convention. Washington Co. Adalph Fuegy and w ife to C hristian K erchen tract In J q A Z achary d I collected in the same manner. r was awarded the banner, having organ- c 1 1 n r 2 w ............................................ • OR JVIAIN STREET, JHILLSBOf^O. i k e s or ASSKS 3 QRS, i7.ed the largest number of societies dur- A rchie C am pbell and w ife toC arl Oscar Larsen 1 a tu see ?21 2 s r 1 w and Subscriptions Received for the W ash ington C ounty H a t c h e t , Sec. 37.—County Assessors shall re- ' nK past year. 1 he next convention o th er lauda ........................................... ® «R ceive three dollars for each day necessar- | *s 1 ° held at Roseburg. T he C ounty N E W S p a p e r . John C am pbell to Carl 11 Larsen 10 a in j ily employed in discharging their duties ' The ladiesofthe Philomathean society aec 22 t í a r 1 w........................... ........ 4 00 OR 1 under this act; and deputy assessors three will listen to the following program at C ephas K lseuhatier to A ria and Thos T E CORNELIUS MELKI JOHNSON dollars per day for the time actually and their next meeting: H o le s It 8 hlk 4 T horne'» »dd to H ills b o r o ................................................... 80 • ! necessarily empio’ ed in assessing their Piano solo by Miss Winifred Mar«h; T hom as llo lc c and w ife to C ephas Ei.4- ; respective district», to lie paid in each Book [review, Miss L. Walker; recita en h au er 20 a In aeg ¡I t ) n r 8 w * «RRR 1 case out of the county treasury. If act- tion, Miss I,. Porter; essay, Miss Lance- John A a p ln w jli aud Wife to Hans j.iiaod er tracts near A inas c h a p e l- 6 «« • ually necessary, the county court may field; vocal solo, Mi*» Venen; recitation. C (I R elsn er (by sh eriff) to Joh n P Mo- employ additional clerical aid to the ns- Mis* Wi'ma Wagner, lirm un It * In b'K J » h orw oq d ,.,,, , n 1 w W Special Bargains in Tw enty and Fort} Acre |sessor. The class of 1903 is making extensive J K M arley and w ile to 1> If M arley 4 é qr sec 7 t 2 n r 2 w am i oth er landa in s u r a n c e , teleg raph a n d o T H K fi ^reparations for Commencement. Tracts in Washington, Yam hill q u it c la im ................................................... 1 «R C O M PA N IE S.— t e l e g r a p h , ELECTRIC I ' The Gled ilttb will give an entertain- John J Turner a w ife to T h om as Cox pt and Tillamook counties. It 3 blk 28 Forest G lo v e......................... 500 R L IG H T , PLAXK r o a d , t u r n p i k e w a g o n ment at V e r t ’s H «11 June I llll. It ROAD a n d O TH E R c o m p a n i e s p a y o n w o u ld h a v e b e e n i,ei,j in Auditorium W illiam It W hitney and w if e t o Anton P fa u tu r n w vr o f 11 w t,r sec 1 1 1 2 FOREST G R O V E ...............................OREGON. g r o ss e a r n in g *. but the Faculty decided ’.bat sucii i show I u r 4 w .......................................... ........... 4 0» «R Sec. 38.—F.ach and every electric light could not be matle a success if held on J E lk an ab Walker lo B elle V WMbar pt blk 11 W alke'a add to F orest GrOVH 10 «R company or corporation and every plank the campus. Their experience in giving road, turnpike road, wagon road company entertainmenU perhaps warrants them j Itenj lllrilaell and w ife to Roman C atholic A rch iahop etc 598 2 5 a o f or corporation, and every bridge com­ iu the decision. J sh u E llio tt d l c l 1 * r 1 w and pany or corporation doing business in Is V. U. to have an Annual this y ear?: other lands qnrt claim GALES CREEK. this state, wherever organized or incor­ What lias become o f all the college I o A C R B < o to w T Willis»eqr sec23 13 n r 9 w porated, shall on the first day of April spirit? Jone M "mlth to M H Shipley 1.01 a of of every year after this act takes effect, Field day will be observed Friday, Alvin T Smith d I s t l s r 3 w quit make out and file with the secretary of this day being set apart by the college claim .............................................. 1 R state a statement verified by the presi­ authorities for the students to lay aside C M Keep to Anton Pjauuer It 1 blk 2 I R dent or secretary, for any such company their books and spend the day in the Forest Grove quit claim ......................... J H and Fannie B Kauous to Edward or corporation showing the gross amount fields. K a.ton It i t Spencer's hom estead.. of money or notes received by any such The Inter-State Oratorical contest will U g toSnlina Wcdklng u e q r tec 12 12a L tiw P r ic e s , P H 4 S H Í 4 T T P r im u in t m * company or corporation foror on the ac‘ occur at the TaylorSt. Methrxlist church, r2w Prom pt Delivery, Reynolds s w qr sec 27 t l t SO TSARS’ , [HE OLD WILTROUT M IL L All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. proprietor. count of reoU, fares> toUft Ucense Excellent Quality-. Bncklen’i Amie» Salve. TRA D Ì m a r k s , D ISIO N S, OOPVRICMTS Ao. ‘ »»Mlon „ .k etch and dwwrlptlon mar fre*- w hether an Inraatiou la UahM. 1 ommuntcetlona atrtctlr OM*at a een cj for accorine patenta P e hare a W aabtnctoa o S ca . Mn°ti£r M r t “ unn * C« rsoatea fllNTIFIC AMERICAN, tratad, lareeat circulation o f »1, weekly, tanna «¡ton a rear i Specimen coplea and il a j i n ■ sent free. Addreaa m u n n a C O ., • t M d a i t , N e w Y a rk . The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts „T h e Best salve ij, Rheum Bruises, ^ " ^ t t e r t chapped Hands ; F ev er Sores C hilblains, Corns, and all Skin Piles, rions, fr ^ T ^ c e n t . per box. C has. M iller. vvä ie f e r e n r e velope. The Brick for Sale! 160,000 Good Quality Cheap T l. Por sale by F . T ard 1 m ile N orthw est o f /e r e c t Grove ________ S ' S s ' ä Wanted-*n Idea S r » ater B a lld in g t Olea«# ) S d W t t i «w eüaadred I s r e sitle a a w a a C v Portland Frida veningt M 2I. The »»*•**•“ ____ Of,-a a ' __ ** ® r 4 w other wise during OU- the year the next k be­ F. U. ladiet ’ quartet did not accept their I' 8 to Itrlc» Wilaon n c qr see 2K t r, a r fore the said 1st day o f April, which invitation to sing. 5 w .................. U 8 to Aatru.t H T Wulf • • e qr see amount o f gross receipts the secretary of 22 t 3 a r 4 w.................................... The Y. W. C. A. will give an ice cream V H to 1 orn»lill» Nelaon ,w q r» e c state shall forthwith certify to the state 28 1 8 a r 3 w . ............................. social on tbe campus tbe 29th to raise U 8 to James O'Reilly ■ c qr aec 22 t 8 a trcacurer, and every such company or funds to defray the expenses o f a dele-1 r 5 w............................................... . corporation shall there upon pay to tbe Murray It Rice n of n e or sec gate to tbe summer school at MillsrCol- l 8 to 19 an